Frequently Asked Questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Frequently Asked Questions I got a JSONDecodeError. How do I resolve this? ################################################# A JSONDecodeError can be diagnosed in the following steps: * Check that the field entries are the same as the type that is stated in the examples and the typehints. * If the inputs are correct, message for help on the Discord chat! (Find link on README.) Does the engine run on a nearest neighbor implementation? ################################################################## The neighbor runs an Exact Nearest Neighbors implementation and when the number of documents exceeds 100k documents, the engine starts to run on ANN instead. When I insert a document with the same ID what happens to the document? ################################################################################### The document is over-written. In order to edit the document (ie – change a field or add a new field), you can use the `edit_document` function. How do I add a new field in a collection? ################################################# Currently, the only way is to run edit_document. How do I get more search results? ################################################# To get more search results, you want to change the `page_size` parameter. To view the next page of results, you want to use the cursor. Are there any limits to the API request calls? ################################################# The API requests will time out after 400 seconds. There is no limit on the size of the request or anything. Is Vector AI able to store images and videos? ################################################# We currently do not support storing images and videos but this can be fixed by using a link to the video or image instead.