{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Vector Analytics\n", "\n", "Vector analytics is useful when you are interested in determining the quality of your vectors.\n", "\n", "Once we have our multi-dimensional vectors (in 128D, 256D, 768D etc), we may want some way to visually grasp how good our encodings are and to understand if there's any anomalies in our data and if we may want to try a different model. Vi supports visualising your vectors in 2D using high-level libraries such as Plotly.\n", "\n", "Vector analytics include clustering the different vectors, reducing the dimensionality of the vectors and then visualising." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# %pip install -e .." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%load_ext autoreload\n", "%autoreload 2" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from vectorai import ViClient\n", "import os\n", "username = os.environ['VI_USERNAME']\n", "api_key = os.environ['VI_API_KEY']\n", "collection_name = 'nlp-qa'" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 53, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "collection_name = 'nlp-qa'\n", "vi_client = ViClient(username, api_key)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Clustering\n", "Quickstart using Vi client.\n", "Download Google QUEST Kaggle data from: https://www.kaggle.com/c/google-quest-challenge/data\n", "Once you download data, move train.csv into local directory." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 60, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
00What am I losing when using extension tubes in...After playing around with macro photography on...ysaphttps://photo.stackexchange.com/users/1024I just got extension tubes, so here's the skin...rfuscahttps://photo.stackexchange.com/users/1917http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/9169/...LIFE_ARTS...1.0000001.0000000.6666671.0000001.0000000.8000001.00.00.0000001.000000
11What is the distinction between a city and a s...I am trying to understand what kinds of places...russellpiercehttps://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/8774It might be helpful to look into the definitio...Erik Schmidthttps://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/1871http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/47820/w...CULTURE...0.8888890.8888890.5555560.8888890.8888890.6666670.00.00.6666670.888889
\n", "

2 rows × 41 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " qa_id question_title \\\n", "0 0 What am I losing when using extension tubes in... \n", "1 1 What is the distinction between a city and a s... \n", "\n", " question_body question_user_name \\\n", "0 After playing around with macro photography on... ysap \n", "1 I am trying to understand what kinds of places... russellpierce \n", "\n", " question_user_page \\\n", "0 https://photo.stackexchange.com/users/1024 \n", "1 https://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/8774 \n", "\n", " answer answer_user_name \\\n", "0 I just got extension tubes, so here's the skin... rfusca \n", "1 It might be helpful to look into the definitio... Erik Schmidt \n", "\n", " answer_user_page \\\n", "0 https://photo.stackexchange.com/users/1917 \n", "1 https://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/1871 \n", "\n", " url category ... \\\n", "0 http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/9169/... LIFE_ARTS ... \n", "1 http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/47820/w... CULTURE ... \n", "\n", " question_well_written answer_helpful answer_level_of_information \\\n", "0 1.000000 1.000000 0.666667 \n", "1 0.888889 0.888889 0.555556 \n", "\n", " answer_plausible answer_relevance answer_satisfaction \\\n", "0 1.000000 1.000000 0.800000 \n", "1 0.888889 0.888889 0.666667 \n", "\n", " answer_type_instructions answer_type_procedure \\\n", "0 1.0 0.0 \n", "1 0.0 0.0 \n", "\n", " answer_type_reason_explanation answer_well_written \n", "0 0.000000 1.000000 \n", "1 0.666667 0.888889 \n", "\n", "[2 rows x 41 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 60, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "data = pd.read_csv('train.csv')\n", "data.head(2)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Setup ~ Insert documents" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Some weights of the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-cased were not used when initializing TFDistilBertModel: ['vocab_transform', 'vocab_projector', 'vocab_layer_norm', 'activation_13']\n", "- This IS expected if you are initializing TFDistilBertModel from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPretraining model).\n", "- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing TFDistilBertModel from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).\n", "All the weights of TFDistilBertModel were initialized from the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-cased.\n", "If your task is similar to the task the model of the ckeckpoint was trained on, you can already use TFDistilBertModel for predictions without further training.\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Finished updating documents with additional field.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Change into document level first.\n", "documents = data.to_dict(orient='records')\n", "\n", "# Run encoding \n", "from vectorai.models.transformer_models import Transformer2Vec\n", "encoder = Transformer2Vec('distilbert')\n", "\n", "# Quick test to see if this works on 1 document\n", "# vector = encoder.encode(document=documents[0], document_fields=['question_title', 'question_body'])\n", "\n", "vectors = encoder.bulk_encode(documents,\n", " document_fields=['question_title', 'question_body'], \n", " vector_output_field='question_vector_')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "db7689e9bbef4948b414baa2d0f001fc", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=121.0), HTML(value='')))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'inserted_successfully': 6079, 'failed': 0, 'failed_document_ids': []}" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.insert_documents(collection_name=collection_name, documents=documents, chunksize=50)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Quickstart Clustering\n", "\n", "We support clustering on the client-side in order to help improve the product. On the backend-clustering, we are using KMeans. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'job_name': 'advanced_clustering',\n", " 'job_id': '19235f50-fa36-4c4f-8b7e-ba76be800a2a'}" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# Our main clustering is done via advanced_clustering_job. This allows us to easily determine IDs.\n", "vi_client.advanced_clustering_job(\n", " collection_name=collection_name, vector_field='question_vector_',\n", " alias='1st_cluster', n_clusters=50, n_init=5)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "That's it! Clustering is now running! Now, we wait till the job is complete. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'status': 'Finished'}\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'Done'" ] }, "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.wait_till_jobs_complete(collection_name=collection_name,\n", " job_id='7ed0ae66-1b44-43ce-929d-5eea1a887785', job_name='advanced_clustering')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Now, when we preview the collection, we can see that documents now belong to a cluster." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'question_vectors_': {'1st_cluster': 43},\n", " 'question_vector_': {'1st_cluster': 39}}" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.retrieve_documents(collection_name, page_size=1)['documents'][0]['_clusters_']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
03e80C3QBW7TQbeJX1K3V5899Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrixI have read that, for\\n$$I - \\alpha P$$\\nwhere...user243716https://math.stackexchange.com/users/243716As stated, the result is FALSE. Presuming P i...Mark L. Stonehttps://math.stackexchange.com/users/240387http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/130034......1.0000001.0000000.00.0000001.0000001.0000002020-08-21T05:20:49.072579{'question_vectors_': {'1st_cluster': 43}, 'qu...{'default': {'2': {'question_vectors_': [1.229...[0.15878267586231232, 0.2284708470106125, -0.0...
1dn00C3QBv-xqKfY1H0KD2660Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the mea...For example, the definition given from the OAL...kiamlalunohttps://ell.stackexchange.com/users/95Regarding general usage (in the U.S., at least...Scotthttps://ell.stackexchange.com/users/357http://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/3208/do......0.8888890.7333330.00.3333330.6666670.8888892020-08-21T05:20:49.073579{'question_vectors_': {'1st_cluster': 42}, 'qu...{'default': {'2': {'question_vectors_': [-0.19...[0.24962793290615082, 0.05536836013197899, -0....
\n", "

2 rows × 46 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " _id qa_id \\\n", "0 3e80C3QBW7TQbeJX1K3V 5899 \n", "1 dn00C3QBv-xqKfY1H0KD 2660 \n", "\n", " question_title \\\n", "0 Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix \n", "1 Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the mea... \n", "\n", " question_body question_user_name \\\n", "0 I have read that, for\\n$$I - \\alpha P$$\\nwhere... user243716 \n", "1 For example, the definition given from the OAL... kiamlaluno \n", "\n", " question_user_page \\\n", "0 https://math.stackexchange.com/users/243716 \n", "1 https://ell.stackexchange.com/users/95 \n", "\n", " answer answer_user_name \\\n", "0 As stated, the result is FALSE. Presuming P i... Mark L. Stone \n", "1 Regarding general usage (in the U.S., at least... Scott \n", "\n", " answer_user_page \\\n", "0 https://math.stackexchange.com/users/240387 \n", "1 https://ell.stackexchange.com/users/357 \n", "\n", " url ... answer_relevance \\\n", "0 http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/130034... ... 1.000000 \n", "1 http://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/3208/do... ... 0.888889 \n", "\n", " answer_satisfaction answer_type_instructions answer_type_procedure \\\n", "0 1.000000 0.0 0.000000 \n", "1 0.733333 0.0 0.333333 \n", "\n", " answer_type_reason_explanation answer_well_written \\\n", "0 1.000000 1.000000 \n", "1 0.666667 0.888889 \n", "\n", " insert_date_ \\\n", "0 2020-08-21T05:20:49.072579 \n", "1 2020-08-21T05:20:49.073579 \n", "\n", " _clusters_ \\\n", "0 {'question_vectors_': {'1st_cluster': 43}, 'qu... \n", "1 {'question_vectors_': {'1st_cluster': 42}, 'qu... \n", "\n", " _dr_ \\\n", "0 {'default': {'2': {'question_vectors_': [1.229... \n", "1 {'default': {'2': {'question_vectors_': [-0.19... \n", "\n", " question_vector_ \n", "0 [0.15878267586231232, 0.2284708470106125, -0.0... \n", "1 [0.24962793290615082, 0.05536836013197899, -0.... \n", "\n", "[2 rows x 46 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.head(collection_name, return_as_pandas_df=True, page_size=2)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Custom clustering of the vectors" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Sometimes, we may want to use our own clustering functions because KMeans doesn't do exactly what we want. Here, we show a simple implementation of clustering to view what this is like for the popular HDBSCAN package." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%%capture\n", "%pip install hdbscan" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "documents = vi_client.retrieve_all_documents(collection_name)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "array([-1, -1, -1, ..., -1, 28, 41])" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import hdbscan\n", "import numpy as np\n", "clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN()\n", "\n", "# get a numpy array of values\n", "question_vectors = np.array([x['question_vector_'] for x in documents])\n", "clusterer.fit(question_vectors)\n", "clusterer.labels_" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{None}" ] }, "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# Add the cluster labels below.\n", "{x.update({'_cluster_label': label}) for x, label in zip(documents, clusterer.labels_)}" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Dimensionality Reduction\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Quickstart Dimensionality Reduction\n", "\n", "Dimensionality reduction from client side is as simple as running the steps below. This runs Principal Component Analysis on dimensionality reduction and allows us to visualise what the end result looks like." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'job_name': 'dimensionality_reduction',\n", " 'job_id': 'b56b00a1-9fc2-4eb3-b467-260d96715ae3'}" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.dimensionality_reduction_job(\n", " collection_name=collection_name,\n", " vector_field='question_vector_',\n", " n_components=2, alias=\"default\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Custom Dimensionality Reduction\n", "Below shows how we utilised a custom implementation of IVIS Dimensionality Reduction!" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%%capture\n", "%pip install ivis" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from vectorai.analytics.dimensionality_reduction import ViDimensionalityReductionBase\n", "from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler\n", "from ivis import Ivis\n", "import numpy as np \n", "\n", "class IVISDimensionalityReduction(ViDimensionalityReductionBase):\n", " \"\"\"IVIS Dimensionality Reduction.\n", " \"\"\"\n", " def __init__(self, batch_size=120, k=15, embedding_dims=2):\n", " self.scaler = MinMaxScaler()\n", " self.model = Ivis(embedding_dims=embedding_dims, k=k, batch_size=batch_size)\n", " \n", " def fit_transform(self, documents, field_vector):\n", " \"\"\"Fit transform at an document level\n", " \"\"\"\n", " if isinstance(documents[0], dict):\n", " if 'documents' in documents[0].keys():\n", " vectors = [self.get_field(field_vector, document) for document in documents['documents']]\n", " else:\n", " vectors = [self.get_field(field_vector, document) for document in documents]\n", " \n", " X = np.stack(vectors)\n", " X_scaled = self.scaler.fit_transform(X)\n", " return self.model.fit_transform(X_scaled)\n", " \n", " def transform(self, X):\n", " if isinstance(documents[0], dict):\n", " if 'documents' in documents[0].keys():\n", " vectors = [document[field_vector] for document in documents['documents']]\n", " else:\n", " vectors = [document[field_vector] for document in documents]\n", " X_scaled = self.scaler.transform(vectors)\n", " return self.model.transform(X_scaled)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "dim_reducer = IVISDimensionalityReduction()\n", "red_output = dim_reducer.fit_transform(documents, field_vector='question_vector_')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{None}" ] }, "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "{x.update({'question_reduced_': q_red_}) for q_red_, x in zip(red_output, documents)}" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Visualisations (Advanced)\n", "\n", "Visualisation with Vector AI is much different to embedding visualisations in other libraries. Our focus is on practicality for deep learning practitioners to better understand the embeddings they want to explore and focus on what matters - the quality of their embeddings in as practical of a situation as possible. A few of our guiding principles when we are building tools: \n", "\n", "- Is it immediately obvious what the graph shows?\n", "- Is as much information captured as possible and as clear as possible?\n", "- What is the status quo in regards to the tools being used?\n", "\n", "Our focus is on ensuring that practitioners have a lot of good tools at their disposal when they are evaluating the quality of their vectors." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 27, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'_clusters_': 'dict',\n", " '_clusters_.question_vector_': 'dict',\n", " '_clusters_.question_vector_.1st_cluster': 'numeric',\n", " '_clusters_.question_vectors_': 'dict',\n", " '_clusters_.question_vectors_.1st_cluster': 'numeric',\n", " '_dr_': 'dict',\n", " '_dr_.default': 'dict',\n", " '_dr_.default.2': 'dict',\n", " '_dr_.default.2.question_vector_': 'vector',\n", " '_dr_.default.2.question_vectors_': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer': 'text',\n", " 'answer_helpful': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_level_of_information': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_plausible': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_relevance': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_satisfaction': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_type_instructions': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_type_procedure': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_type_reason_explanation': 'numeric',\n", " 'answer_user_name': 'text',\n", " 'answer_user_page': 'text',\n", " 'answer_well_written': 'numeric',\n", " 'category': 'text',\n", " 'host': 'text',\n", " 'insert_date_': 'date',\n", " 'qa_id': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_asker_intent_understanding': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_body': 'text',\n", " 'question_body_critical': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_conversational': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_expect_short_answer': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_fact_seeking': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_has_commonly_accepted_answer': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_interestingness_others': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_interestingness_self': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_multi_intent': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_not_really_a_question': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_opinion_seeking': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_title': 'text',\n", " 'question_type_choice': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_compare': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_consequence': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_definition': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_entity': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_instructions': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_procedure': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_reason_explanation': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_type_spelling': 'numeric',\n", " 'question_user_name': 'text',\n", " 'question_user_page': 'text',\n", " 'question_vector_': 'vector',\n", " 'question_well_written': 'numeric',\n", " 'url': 'text'}" ] }, "execution_count": 27, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.collection_schema(collection_name)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Plotting Dimensionality-Reduced Vectors\n", "\n", "Plotting dimensionality-reduced vectors allows you understand your clusters better. It is a common (and pretty) technique to understand if your clustering technique was reflective of groups.\n", "\n", "When you visualise the vectors, you should see clear groups where the points are separated. This means that the vectors have been trained well for their respective clusters - an example of having high quality vector representations if they learn groups on their own." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "documents = vi_client.retrieve_all_documents(collection_name)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "4a7fad15a90c4974b4ff7295e4dece90", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=5.0), HTML(value='')))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ " \n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "marker": { "color": 5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "SCIENCE", "text": [ "Riemann-Lebesgue equivalence for n-dimensional integration", "AdvRef pin setup", "Reflection across the plane", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Why is covalent bonding stronger than electrostatic attraction?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "How to do this indices example?", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Results with and without interaction", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "Analytical solution to PDE", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Force exerted on potential wall", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Capturing a light beam", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "Analytical solution to PDE", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "Find volume of cask", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Intersection points of two circles.", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "Is this function bijective?", "Capturing a light beam", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "Riemann-Lebesgue equivalence for n-dimensional integration", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "What exactly is computation?", "A helical cycloid?", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "Difference between busses", "A question on unbounded operators", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "Homework with logarithms", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "Sinks and Sources", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Probability...coin toss", "most basic laser diode driver?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Double slit experiment", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Is this function bijective?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "So gravity turns things round", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "Sinks and Sources", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "What exactly is computation?", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "A helical cycloid?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Reflection across the plane", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Do black holes have charges?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Reflection across the plane", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "Homework with logarithms", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "Reflection across the plane", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "Purification of Ethanol", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "Find volume of cask", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "What exactly is computation?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Juddering under load", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "CMOS 4066 Question", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Do black holes have charges?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Intersection points of two circles.", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "A helical cycloid?", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Significant error conversion", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "A question on unbounded operators", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Complete induction", "Difference between busses", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Reflection across the plane", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Inventor of CRT?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Results with and without interaction", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Difference between busses", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Capturing a light beam", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Complete induction", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Force exerted on potential wall", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Questions about geometric distribution", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Can water be magnetized?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Complete induction", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Two Field Problem", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What exactly is computation?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Free RF Simulation Software", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Difference between busses", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Looking for a compound", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "Functional complete and xor", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Molarity exercises", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Homework with logarithms", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Molarity exercises", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Results with and without interaction", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Probability exercise with apples", "A helical cycloid?", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "most basic laser diode driver?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Identifying sequential patterns", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Functional complete and xor", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Analytical solution to PDE", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "AdvRef pin setup", "Questions about geometric distribution", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "CMOS 4066 Question", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Capturing a light beam", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "Complete induction", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "Looking for a compound", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "TFT display write noise", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Can water be magnetized?", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "A helical cycloid?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "CMOS 4066 Question", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "CMOS 4066 Question", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Results with and without interaction", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Crosstalk vs interference", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "A question on unbounded operators", "So gravity turns things round", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Probability...coin toss", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Sinks and Sources", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Significant error conversion", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Probability...coin toss", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Earth-Moon system", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Earth-Moon system", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Character values bounded away from zero", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Mutually generics", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Can directed set be finite?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Mutually generics", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Why is covalent bonding stronger than electrostatic attraction?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Can directed set be finite?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "So gravity turns things round", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Results with and without interaction", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "most basic laser diode driver?", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Sinks and Sources", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Photons and Relativity", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Need help with a subsets problem", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Analytical solution to PDE", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "A question on unbounded operators", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Is this function bijective?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Is this function bijective?", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "IgA complement activation", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "How to do this indices example?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Finding residue of function", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Character values bounded away from zero", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "A helical cycloid?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "IgA complement activation", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Find volume of cask", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Two Field Problem", "Photons and Relativity", "Can water be magnetized?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Free RF Simulation Software", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Identifying sequential patterns", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Probability exercise with apples", "Find volume of cask", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Reflection across the plane", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Nitration of pyrrole", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Finding residue of function", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Probability...coin toss", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Need help with a subsets problem", "So gravity turns things round", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "Purification of Ethanol", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "TFT display write noise", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Photons and Relativity", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Double slit experiment", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "Homework with logarithms", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "Photons and Relativity", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Inventor of CRT?", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Juddering under load", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Nitration of pyrrole", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Results with and without interaction", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers", "Can water be magnetized?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.2100541591644287, 3.9501326084136963, 3.496802806854248, 0.16257941722869873, 3.148697853088379, 3.039599657058716, 3.148697853088379, 2.1229989528656006, 2.543139934539795, 2.0819525718688965, 1.335086464881897, -1.8136792182922363, -2.4312386512756348, -1.4937078952789307, -2.921356201171875, 0.0424877405166626, 1.7569291591644287, 0.20583808422088623, 3.1603455543518066, 2.763518810272217, 3.632927894592285, 2.7028536796569824, -1.9105894565582275, -1.1629245281219482, -2.43645977973938, -2.7702507972717285, 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3.4574785232543945, 1.2191495895385742, 3.102067470550537, 0.5133237838745117, 1.9320027828216553, 2.4611916542053223, 2.864809989929199, 2.102923631668091, 0.6380164623260498, 2.420891046524048, 1.6864945888519287, 2.5311837196350098, 1.7069180011749268, 4.2750163078308105, 3.039599657058716, 2.8175320625305176, 3.6014108657836914, 2.303436756134033, 2.096731185913086, -0.8573250770568848, -2.499342679977417, -1.0939228534698486, -2.9473321437835693, -2.7982869148254395, -2.0473382472991943, -0.4927544593811035, 3.2794981002807617, 2.766378402709961, -1.1345691680908203, 1.830960988998413, -2.396463394165039, -2.968165874481201, -2.357910633087158, -2.2033729553222656, -1.425229787826538, 0.12878203392028809, 3.381833791732788, -3.4975249767303467, -1.0265600681304932, -1.7285258769989014, -2.183950901031494, 0.28528523445129395, 0.515082836151123, 1.6483690738677979, 3.73647403717041, 1.3554801940917969, -3.284395933151245, 1.7995212078094482, 3.341958999633789, 0.9205482006072998, -2.0473382472991943, -2.5445642471313477, -1.876194715499878, -2.86236834526062, -2.239942789077759, -0.6615231037139893, -3.031311511993408, -2.9159703254699707, 3.1586384773254395, -1.8136792182922363, 2.9221508502960205, -3.054537773132324, -2.3490405082702637, -2.351529836654663, -0.01051640510559082, 1.5876126289367676, -3.0712294578552246, -1.5100922584533691, -1.903437614440918, 0.016722679138183594, 1.5816832780838013, -0.44573092460632324, -1.4027899503707886, 2.483449935913086, -1.478898048400879, -2.397566795349121, -0.7687973976135254, -1.7984219789505005, -2.5833964347839355, -1.5349838733673096, -2.161656141281128, -2.1581780910491943, -2.182779312133789, -3.1593422889709473, 1.1023569107055664, -2.258747100830078, -1.056893229484558, 2.0265419483184814, 0.08865034580230713, -2.1870315074920654, -0.4553401470184326, -1.9130358695983887, -2.2321743965148926, 3.6738052368164062, -1.6378743648529053, -2.9557979106903076, 2.680041551589966, -1.3164453506469727, -2.9473321437835693, -2.9557979106903076, -1.7493970394134521, 0.9022492170333862, -1.9543088674545288, -2.5722837448120117, 1.3476066589355469, 1.9178401231765747, 1.9623217582702637, 2.0205819606781006, 2.578427791595459, 2.435427665710449, 2.209646701812744, 0.7921779155731201, 3.6246941089630127, 2.171224355697632, 3.26405668258667, 0.441025972366333, 2.8197526931762695, 3.156972646713257, 2.4607577323913574, 2.8251774311065674, 1.9320027828216553, 2.9221508502960205, 2.7514805793762207, 1.1023569107055664, 2.4249305725097656, 2.457566738128662, 2.6386570930480957, 2.6879491806030273, 1.4484105110168457, 1.7073419094085693, 1.4620866775512695, 1.4483911991119385, 2.0819525718688965, 1.3982701301574707, 2.542890787124634, 2.072722911834717, 1.837730050086975, 2.575888156890869, 1.2139610052108765, 1.7844547033309937, 1.9291917085647583, 1.3363865613937378, 1.464400291442871, -0.20923566818237305, -2.985776901245117, 1.279069185256958, 2.1403040885925293, -3.246781349182129, -0.4628872871398926, 1.2414426803588867, 3.2794981002807617, 2.341627597808838, 2.799984931945801, 3.2219629287719727, 1.0928140878677368, 2.880017042160034, 2.628898859024048, -2.182779312133789, 3.565633535385132, 3.813323974609375, 2.047131061553955, 3.308241128921509, 2.5628178119659424, 3.632927894592285, 2.4829065799713135, 1.7404366731643677, 2.4732918739318848, 3.0356414318084717, 2.9197826385498047, 3.271176338195801, 1.92488431930542, 2.7308006286621094, 2.5628178119659424, 2.8251774311065674, 2.0031847953796387, 2.627377986907959, 2.5437302589416504, 2.9732165336608887, 2.868532657623291, 2.141547679901123, 1.948089361190796, 3.496802806854248, 3.090970993041992, 1.7069180011749268, 3.7143442630767822, 1.6615577936172485, -1.6794512271881104, -2.5270795822143555, -3.1650824546813965, -2.391352891921997, -1.310870885848999, -1.4976081848144531, -1.6902353763580322, -2.665740966796875, -2.3490405082702637, -1.6054842472076416, -2.6312239170074463, -0.5272493362426758, -2.8044493198394775, 0.9022492170333862, -1.616260290145874, -0.499727725982666, 1.212230920791626, -1.0354704856872559, -2.852534770965576, -2.8044493198394775, -2.921356201171875, -1.6056407690048218, -2.01000714302063, -1.6054842472076416, -2.3019092082977295, -2.0588338375091553, -2.391352891921997, -2.5821380615234375, -3.1536478996276855, -1.3905171155929565, -0.48592066764831543, -1.698121190071106, -0.20455241203308105, 4.2750163078308105, 1.4065725803375244, 1.7388174533843994, 1.2925996780395508, 3.491133213043213, 2.2906460762023926, 2.805079936981201, 1.1563351154327393, 2.5827698707580566, 2.106391429901123, 3.446948528289795, 1.6609365940093994, 1.9953124523162842, 1.3396350145339966, 0.5133237838745117, 0.9406719207763672, -2.258747100830078, -0.1450648307800293, -2.1964797973632812, -1.4144971370697021, -0.44573092460632324, -3.602663040161133, -2.9473321437835693, -0.5886707305908203, -2.757795572280884, -2.2033729553222656, -1.1638352870941162, -1.9130358695983887, -2.9557979106903076, -2.0863420963287354, -2.977196216583252, -0.9129757881164551, 0.08865034580230713, -3.118989944458008, -1.7961219549179077, -3.0932328701019287, -3.236957550048828, -1.7493970394134521, 0.20583808422088623, -2.114401340484619, -1.742210865020752, -2.468355178833008, -2.788635492324829, -2.349830389022827, -3.284395933151245, 0.6424077749252319, -2.17789363861084, -2.099461078643799, -0.0191500186920166, -2.58060884475708, -2.0232431888580322, -1.453826665878296, -3.012845039367676, -2.309204339981079, -2.7971324920654297, -2.809699296951294, -2.0679001808166504, -0.7484869956970215, -3.1466479301452637, -1.6863443851470947, -3.126002073287964, -2.853182315826416, 1.2609946727752686, -2.6195409297943115, -2.7356183528900146, -2.3957414627075195, -0.7820639610290527, 1.327824354171753, 1.1288797855377197, 2.3193678855895996, 1.279069185256958, 2.6806180477142334, -2.1424331665039062, 2.3991994857788086, 3.0772242546081543, 3.8566598892211914, 0.7626765966415405, 3.836636543273926, -1.1219642162322998, -3.031311511993408, 2.9422762393951416, 2.0746395587921143, 1.1152229309082031, 1.6931400299072266, 3.1527090072631836, 3.148697853088379, 1.3802295923233032, 1.4620866775512695, 1.2414426803588867, 2.366081714630127, 3.269568920135498, 2.7532362937927246, 2.0446505546569824, 1.9875905513763428, 2.130040168762207, 2.418627977371216, 1.6973810195922852, 2.336862564086914, 2.805079936981201, 1.9995484352111816, -2.357910633087158, -2.2147161960601807, -0.5372927188873291, -0.7687973976135254, -1.527815580368042, 0.12878203392028809, -2.0232431888580322, 2.4829065799713135, -2.9073326587677, 0.636949896812439, -0.7455809116363525, 1.873321294784546, -2.7154488563537598, -2.968252420425415, -0.41551709175109863, 2.849301338195801, 2.835587978363037, -2.6407675743103027, 0.744645357131958, -2.396463394165039, -1.6056407690048218, 2.9732165336608887, -2.2329673767089844, -2.357222557067871, -2.3143410682678223, -1.7470219135284424, -3.1952996253967285, -1.3314342498779297, -0.5235598087310791, -1.6863443851470947, -0.05776774883270264, -3.927272319793701, 1.5259381532669067, 4.1546549797058105, 2.129598617553711, 1.010033130645752, 3.5862526893615723, 2.047131061553955, 2.3086042404174805, 0.7626765966415405, 3.7969980239868164, 2.0023257732391357, 1.6159639358520508, 3.2794981002807617, 3.8990259170532227, 1.2570505142211914, 0.8204004764556885, 1.9495208263397217, 3.907618522644043, 3.6738052368164062, 2.295057773590088, 2.0746395587921143, 1.279069185256958, 3.0419864654541016, 1.9312753677368164, 1.6702759265899658, -2.5857725143432617, 0.768172025680542, -2.827852964401245, -3.3079936504364014, -0.01051640510559082, -2.809699296951294, -2.9073326587677, -1.6054842472076416, 2.4611916542053223, -3.2800509929656982, -1.2193613052368164, 2.162532329559326, -3.0080060958862305, 2.4611916542053223, -2.998504638671875, -2.3637874126434326, 0.21867132186889648, 0.8653759956359863, -2.5998246669769287, -2.1790084838867188, -2.6171553134918213, 1.837730050086975, 1.1691453456878662, 2.129598617553711, 2.130040168762207, 3.090970993041992, 2.143893241882324, 3.057750701904297, 2.0436041355133057, 2.6554298400878906, 1.7073419094085693, 1.2414426803588867, 1.9442296028137207, 2.755770206451416, 3.2094314098358154, 3.767742156982422, 2.457566738128662, 2.8193154335021973, 2.7514805793762207, 3.836636543273926, 3.26405668258667, 2.5942234992980957, 2.543139934539795, -3.4302752017974854, 1.6414690017700195, -3.927272319793701, -2.998504638671875, -1.5314202308654785, -2.809699296951294, -2.5980379581451416, -0.4653944969177246, -0.8116834163665771, -2.736663341522217, -0.5333812236785889, -3.5560624599456787, 1.2924269437789917, -2.7356183528900146, -2.125169277191162, 0.9406719207763672, 0.574222207069397, -1.7121295928955078, -0.48592066764831543, -2.325948476791382, -2.5663180351257324, -2.56003999710083, -0.312999963760376, -2.7154488563537598, -3.031311511993408, -2.391352891921997, -2.9124133586883545, -1.7961219549179077, 0.016722679138183594, 1.58085298538208, -1.9130358695983887, -1.4937078952789307, -2.524719476699829, 0.20305442810058594, -2.990954875946045, 1.0319924354553223, -2.13383150100708, 0.37949347496032715, -2.9557979106903076, -2.9933550357818604, -2.3137118816375732, 0.10154533386230469, -2.087153911590576, -2.669205904006958, -0.4653944969177246, 3.039599657058716, -0.008891105651855469, -2.610170841217041, 1.1691453456878662, 1.5010119676589966, 3.836636543273926, 1.768710732460022, 2.6806180477142334, 2.2261416912078857, 1.6945717334747314, 1.9495208263397217, 2.2761430740356445, -1.9453437328338623, 1.4483911991119385, 3.112338066101074, 0.27050161361694336, 3.3193769454956055, -2.215691566467285, 4.025318145751953, -2.968165874481201, 1.1691453456878662, 0.768172025680542, -1.1544251441955566, -2.125169277191162, -1.2802863121032715, -2.930307626724243, -1.7856032848358154, 1.8077219724655151, 1.940875768661499, -3.2716710567474365, 1.2414426803588867, -0.2666969299316406, -2.485860586166382, -2.185300827026367, -2.9159703254699707, -2.17789363861084, 0.16365408897399902, 1.6973810195922852, 1.731522798538208, -2.2125325202941895, -0.05276346206665039, 2.083928108215332, 0.2403888702392578, 2.02646541595459, -3.177136182785034, 2.4740123748779297, 2.0935275554656982, 2.7771224975585938, -2.9722654819488525, -1.0008924007415771, -2.5857725143432617, -1.5624372959136963, -2.3527603149414062, 0.016722679138183594, 2.6386570930480957, -2.9557979106903076, -2.7527072429656982, -1.3164453506469727, -1.4027899503707886, 3.7553305625915527, -2.9557979106903076, 2.627377986907959, 1.6159639358520508, 1.2414426803588867, 2.0829758644104004, -0.09305882453918457, -2.01505446434021, 1.6483690738677979, 1.9442296028137207, -1.5453312397003174, 2.56695294380188, 3.1462602615356445, 0.4889730215072632, 0.34701013565063477, -0.07467389106750488, 3.039599657058716, 2.5273115634918213, -1.1345691680908203, -2.500866413116455, -0.9619162082672119, -0.4553401470184326, -1.9336317777633667, -2.757795572280884, -2.669205904006958, -2.185300827026367, -0.11618959903717041, -2.6900627613067627, -2.7335643768310547, -2.7971324920654297, -2.9190163612365723, -2.8556082248687744, -1.7376208305358887, -2.334714889526367, -3.177136182785034, -1.139064073562622, -2.9722654819488525, -1.8549699783325195, -2.5734872817993164, -3.784547805786133, -3.012845039367676, -3.031311511993408, -2.6171553134918213, -3.0932328701019287, -2.17789363861084, -2.0474677085876465, -1.6056407690048218, 2.102923631668091, 2.5898046493530273, 1.4086358547210693, 2.528735876083374, 2.0023257732391357, 1.9736881256103516, 2.5503101348876953, 2.0829758644104004, 1.9736881256103516, 2.106391429901123, 2.6386570930480957, 2.774777889251709, 1.8811229467391968, -2.06496262550354, 3.8816723823547363, -3.118989944458008, 0.7764129638671875, 3.2094314098358154, 3.446948528289795, 2.2254090309143066, -0.8348846435546875, -1.3164453506469727, -1.4567053318023682, -0.48592066764831543, 1.4462957382202148, -2.1581780910491943, -2.9817862510681152, -3.0893001556396484, -1.852522850036621, 2.320984363555908, 1.7844547033309937, -3.24912166595459, -2.7702507972717285, -0.9256105422973633, -3.0932328701019287, -1.527815580368042, -3.4801886081695557, 1.6609365940093994, 3.0039844512939453, 2.6176552772521973, -1.4144971370697021, 1.4403088092803955, -0.2158905267715454, 3.271176338195801, 2.8175320625305176, 2.1808929443359375, 3.413908004760742, 2.0326128005981445, 2.457566738128662, -3.261216163635254, 1.1223235130310059, -2.2125325202941895, -1.698121190071106, 2.7141828536987305, -1.501861333847046, 0.2403888702392578, 2.8911709785461426, 3.039599657058716, 1.5740827322006226, -2.9190163612365723, 2.3073928356170654, 2.44132137298584, -3.0626370906829834, 1.009933352470398, -1.0008924007415771, -2.309204339981079, -2.17789363861084, 3.4895248413085938, -2.852534770965576, -2.893061399459839, -2.6863908767700195, 1.9291917085647583, 0.980186939239502, 1.3821340799331665, 2.296914577484131, -1.056893229484558, -2.086374521255493, -2.5270795822143555, -2.788635492324829, -2.468355178833008, -3.1534583568573, 0.27050161361694336, -2.6407675743103027, -3.0626370906829834, -2.841552257537842, -2.524858236312866, -1.7470219135284424, -1.3152451515197754, -2.665740966796875, -2.6789138317108154, -1.0939228534698486, -2.610170841217041, -2.3512558937072754, -2.1637301445007324, -1.98050856590271, -0.5982768535614014, 3.269568920135498, 1.6702759265899658, 2.0906476974487305, 1.658829927444458, 2.072722911834717, 2.801567554473877, -1.3059669733047485, 2.1884636878967285, 2.680041551589966, -0.261114239692688, 1.9875905513763428, 1.1786890029907227, -2.9557979106903076, -1.855853796005249, 2.458169460296631, 0.6904070377349854, -2.334714889526367, 1.287490725517273, 2.096731185913086, -2.6407675743103027, 2.528735876083374, 2.5534892082214355, 2.5898046493530273, 1.300586223602295, -2.583005905151367, 2.960822105407715, 2.080868721008301, 2.1808929443359375, -0.1995089054107666, 0.3325927257537842, 1.1152229309082031, 3.6246941089630127, 2.8193154335021973, 3.7143442630767822, 2.089137077331543, 3.1819005012512207, 3.907618522644043, 2.763518810272217, 4.025318145751953, 2.4611916542053223, 1.1975175142288208, 1.9026397466659546, 1.3500616550445557, 3.3400774002075195, 1.9312818050384521, 2.4021506309509277, 3.3104450702667236, 0.7626765966415405, 2.0730221271514893, 2.0436041355133057, 1.5740827322006226, -0.1995089054107666, 3.269568920135498, 3.036330461502075, 1.6945717334747314, 1.0052608251571655, -2.7152767181396484, -3.4975249767303467, -0.861846923828125, -2.7598395347595215, -0.09305882453918457, -0.7455809116363525, -1.2632596492767334, -1.9394614696502686, -1.624695062637329, -0.26323413848876953, -3.044917106628418, 1.3044670820236206, -0.8116834163665771, 3.3257408142089844, -2.5833964347839355, -1.056893229484558, -3.2227420806884766, -2.3019092082977295, 0.29274702072143555, -3.236957550048828, -2.524719476699829, -2.8418493270874023, -2.1430346965789795, -2.9817862510681152, -3.031311511993408, -2.767857551574707, -1.1638352870941162, -1.5132777690887451, -2.3904690742492676, -2.5821380615234375, -2.3998310565948486, -2.767857551574707, -1.432837963104248, -2.643721342086792, -2.998232364654541, -2.17789363861084, -0.26323413848876953, -1.7470219135284424, -2.2548515796661377, -2.9077229499816895, -0.499727725982666, -1.6886495351791382, -1.6902353763580322, -2.8556082248687744, -2.5663180351257324, -2.5998246669769287, -1.453826665878296, -2.485860586166382, -1.7495274543762207, -2.637958526611328, -3.0038459300994873, -2.809699296951294, 2.1278624534606934, -1.7470219135284424, 1.2924269437789917, -2.261026382446289, 1.1223235130310059, -1.6647777557373047, 3.8990259170532227, -3.24912166595459, -2.357222557067871, 1.940875768661499, 2.051240921020508, 2.631101608276367, 2.868532657623291, 3.102067470550537, -2.349830389022827, 0.6300547122955322, 0.8055127859115601, -2.3512558937072754, -1.6378743648529053, 3.8131370544433594, 1.4484105110168457, -2.1870315074920654, -0.861846923828125, 2.341627597808838, -2.0296382904052734, 0.7998108863830566, 3.9300284385681152, 2.05786395072937, 2.4181995391845703, -2.183950901031494, 1.3044670820236206, 2.7028536796569824, -2.0536484718322754, -1.7841618061065674, -2.7758312225341797, 2.348872661590576, -1.7934858798980713, -2.3101298809051514, 3.8990259170532227, 1.3476066589355469, -2.1071128845214844, 3.090970993041992, 1.7376775741577148, 2.4611916542053223, 3.3257408142089844, 1.2414426803588867, 2.790616750717163, 1.9623217582702637, 2.0706756114959717, 2.517643928527832, 2.42633318901062, -1.855853796005249, -2.262596607208252, 2.543139934539795, -0.16581487655639648, 3.2878689765930176, 2.0906476974487305, 1.5803157091140747, -3.244079828262329, 2.520416259765625, -2.3101298809051514, -2.319488525390625, 3.183002233505249, -2.099461078643799, 2.336862564086914, 0.37949347496032715, -2.4266772270202637, -1.3315571546554565, -1.6647777557373047, -2.9557979106903076, 2.4181995391845703, 2.4498250484466553, 1.5037224292755127, -1.9453437328338623, 2.4975650310516357, -0.7310543060302734, -3.274308204650879, 2.0446505546569824, -1.7961219549179077, 1.9152084589004517, -2.213287830352783, -3.3682799339294434, -0.1543731689453125, 2.864809989929199, 2.5129032135009766, 1.3922698497772217, 3.037809371948242, -1.538207769393921, -0.020496368408203125, -2.396463394165039, 1.1901321411132812, 1.2191495895385742, -1.6902353763580322, 1.940875768661499, 1.2467328310012817, 1.4437856674194336, 3.039599657058716, 2.0906476974487305, 3.685384750366211, 1.2414426803588867, 3.6014108657836914, 2.502263069152832, 3.4458770751953125, -2.4344139099121094, -2.161656141281128, -2.665740966796875, -2.431204319000244, -2.7152767181396484, -0.7455809116363525, -0.20923566818237305, 0.035871267318725586, -1.538207769393921, -2.6360998153686523, -2.17789363861084, -0.4553401470184326, -1.8604214191436768, -3.296553373336792, 0.29274702072143555, -0.261114239692688, -1.139064073562622, -2.545858383178711, -2.9557979106903076, -2.06496262550354, 2.502263069152832, 2.81650447845459, -1.4907368421554565, -3.2435972690582275, 2.8434901237487793, 3.8131370544433594, -2.397566795349121, -3.091308116912842, 2.0819525718688965, 1.702606439590454, 2.4836947917938232, 3.2878689765930176, -2.1115975379943848, 0.016722679138183594, 2.44132137298584, 2.2761430740356445, -2.7586748600006104, 2.0205819606781006, 1.4818859100341797, 2.1298651695251465, 1.6983795166015625, 3.0276434421539307, 2.8197526931762695, 2.622896194458008, -0.2158905267715454, 3.1527090072631836, 0.42388129234313965, 2.4568796157836914, -2.9557979106903076, -2.3374340534210205, -3.1466479301452637, -1.538207769393921, -3.031311511993408, -1.852522850036621, -0.9668989181518555, -2.099461078643799, -0.5891962051391602, -1.616260290145874, -1.742210865020752, -3.246781349182129, 0.7149968147277832, -2.757795572280884, -2.8358235359191895, 1.58085298538208, -0.27904224395751953, -1.6863443851470947, -2.5445642471313477, -2.9072072505950928, -0.0191500186920166, -2.183950901031494, -0.1543731689453125, -1.3617547750473022, -2.9159703254699707, -2.8418493270874023, -2.4821341037750244, -2.213287830352783, -2.324632167816162, -0.9715542793273926, -0.07467389106750488, -2.0872201919555664, -2.3101298809051514, -1.9749562740325928, -2.968252420425415, -0.4245784282684326, -2.852534770965576, -3.2100789546966553, -1.2193613052368164, -1.9543088674545288, -2.5327510833740234, -0.9619162082672119, 0.6490234136581421, 0.7921779155731201, 2.520416259765625, 3.5755057334899902, 2.4181995391845703, 1.009933352470398, 1.940075159072876, 2.5503101348876953, 1.768710732460022, 2.0335941314697266, -0.5298776626586914, -2.643721342086792, 3.0434625148773193, 0.29510271549224854, 3.381833791732788, 3.7969980239868164, 3.0356414318084717, 1.2924269437789917, -2.371558427810669, -2.316788911819458, 3.340587615966797, -2.8628857135772705, -1.485919713973999, -1.7934858798980713, -1.7984219789505005, -1.485919713973999, 2.841196298599243, 2.9916021823883057, -2.1424331665039062, 3.562675952911377, 3.3424060344696045, 1.7369093894958496, 2.05786395072937, 1.8150237798690796, 3.3925695419311523, 1.658829927444458, 1.702606439590454, -0.04003095626831055, 3.0276434421539307, 1.1288797855377197, 2.56695294380188, 2.051240921020508, -1.0354704856872559, 1.2414426803588867, 3.1095008850097656, 2.419658899307251, 0.04674220085144043, 3.5490927696228027, 0.980186939239502, 0.6042358875274658, 0.8466461896896362, 1.1023569107055664, 2.1385812759399414, 2.387389898300171, 1.2139610052108765, 3.057750701904297, 1.7717443704605103, 1.948089361190796, 2.848583221435547, 3.562675952911377, 3.6790432929992676, 1.8339126110076904, 2.7207303047180176, 2.2254090309143066, 3.565633535385132, 2.1278624534606934, 2.2062058448791504, 2.339510917663574, 0.4678349494934082, 2.799984931945801, 2.500187873840332, 2.9732165336608887, 2.4021506309509277, 2.0335941314697266, 2.0326128005981445, 2.339510917663574, 2.5534892082214355, -2.13383150100708, -0.499727725982666, -0.008891105651855469, -2.1071128845214844, -0.30982232093811035, -2.8032522201538086, -3.1534583568573, -2.4312386512756348, -2.4318344593048096, -0.31182312965393066, -1.310870885848999, -1.4907368421554565, -2.9468626976013184, -2.7598395347595215, -2.557961940765381, -2.2147161960601807, -3.072693109512329, -1.317396640777588, -1.425229787826538, -0.11618959903717041, -1.1489810943603516, -3.2716710567474365, -1.8952789306640625, -1.538207769393921, -1.335236668586731, -2.8358235359191895, -3.044917106628418, -3.1952996253967285, -1.1219642162322998, -2.262596607208252, -2.8556082248687744, -2.8032522201538086, -2.8778295516967773, -2.1884522438049316, 0.8827850818634033, 0.6004297733306885, 1.9953124523162842, 1.6973810195922852, 1.6864945888519287, 2.4575483798980713, 3.112338066101074, 1.9665154218673706, 3.767742156982422, 2.5534892082214355, 2.5049808025360107, 3.9300284385681152, 1.2414426803588867, 2.339510917663574, 3.2219629287719727, 2.7532362937927246, 1.658829927444458, 3.4458770751953125, 2.5049808025360107, 2.2261416912078857, 1.213832139968872, 0.8653759956359863, -0.3569374084472656, 1.1691453456878662, 1.2414426803588867, 3.228851556777954, -3.826495885848999, 2.172837972640991, 2.7532362937927246, 1.9771242141723633, 1.5965981483459473, 0.2403888702392578, -3.3902997970581055, -1.391296148300171, -2.921356201171875, 2.836554527282715, -2.841552257537842, 2.7514805793762207, 2.4611916542053223, 2.1802895069122314, -0.1450648307800293, -3.0393362045288086, 3.491133213043213, -2.9185023307800293, 3.496802806854248, -2.6787378787994385, 1.5811421871185303, -2.9557979106903076, -1.2802863121032715, -2.991917371749878, 0.06413614749908447, -2.7598395347595215, -2.1964797973632812, -2.3672478199005127, -2.9557979106903076, -2.233480453491211, -1.3528549671173096, -2.6900627613067627, -2.0863420963287354, -2.2548515796661377, 0.36869168281555176, -2.827852964401245, 0.28528523445129395, -1.6385948657989502, -2.7527072429656982, -2.0536484718322754, -1.1188669204711914, -1.1345691680908203, 0.6942682266235352, -2.7220020294189453, -2.410163402557373, -1.2632596492767334, -3.4302752017974854, 2.083928108215332, -1.7934858798980713, 0.10154533386230469, 3.148697853088379, -2.1891534328460693, 1.2924269437789917, -2.56003999710083, -0.4245784282684326, -2.985776901245117, -3.284395933151245, -0.1450648307800293, -1.7285258769989014, -0.7484869956970215, 0.24467933177947998, -2.9340672492980957, -3.2435972690582275, -1.98050856590271, -2.5769901275634766, -3.350022315979004, 2.502263069152832, -3.0446794033050537, -2.643721342086792, -2.217036485671997, 0.20583808422088623, -1.8952789306640625, -2.977196216583252, -1.3617547750473022, -1.501861333847046, -2.3512558937072754, -3.1466479301452637, -2.5734872817993164, 0.9161763191223145, 1.5290331840515137, 2.5942234992980957, -1.7121295928955078, -2.588130474090576, 2.447014808654785, -2.2375082969665527, 1.648268699645996, 2.836554527282715, 2.7771224975585938, -1.7983145713806152, -2.0679001808166504, 2.02646541595459, 3.2794981002807617, 1.9495208263397217, 2.1802895069122314, -3.091308116912842, -2.6312239170074463, -2.2438101768493652, -2.2125325202941895, -2.9185023307800293, -2.13383150100708, -2.268432855606079, -2.901921510696411, -2.1790084838867188, 3.0419864654541016, 2.435427665710449, -2.9639792442321777, 2.0706756114959717, 1.8077219724655151, -2.7527072429656982, 2.3489420413970947, -1.5624372959136963, 2.4836947917938232, 2.483449935913086, 3.836636543273926, 2.315906286239624, 0.768172025680542, 1.6609365940093994, 2.2062058448791504, 2.339871406555176, 3.413908004760742, -0.3569374084472656, 1.4802005290985107, 2.3303210735321045, 2.295057773590088, 2.419658899307251, 3.369455337524414, 2.545869827270508, 1.7240880727767944, 1.6757307052612305, 2.5936152935028076, 1.5290331840515137, 1.7899113893508911, -0.20455241203308105, 0.7920751571655273, 3.057750701904297, -2.6195409297943115, 3.052464485168457, -0.23913371562957764, -1.3059669733047485, -3.126002073287964, 2.766378402709961, 2.1740241050720215, -0.5891962051391602, 1.5816832780838013, 3.5862526893615723, -2.215691566467285, 2.4740123748779297, 1.2414426803588867, 2.502263069152832, 3.118053913116455, 3.1095008850097656, 3.0434625148773193, 2.141547679901123, 1.2674790620803833, 1.8811229467391968, 2.1220901012420654, 2.3991994857788086, 0.6001739501953125, 1.702606439590454, 1.1563351154327393, 0.7998108863830566, 0.3325927257537842, 2.3086042404174805, 2.868532657623291, 0.21831154823303223, 3.308241128921509, 1.92488431930542, 2.483449935913086, 1.0226271152496338, 3.152613878250122, 1.5010119676589966, 2.0473034381866455, 2.1740241050720215, 2.269362688064575, 2.1298651695251465, 1.335086464881897, 2.096731185913086, 0.4678349494934082, 2.171224355697632, 2.542890787124634, 1.4159495830535889, 2.1884636878967285, 2.093252182006836, 2.4498250484466553, 2.2062058448791504, 2.0446505546569824, 2.2761430740356445, 2.578427791595459, 2.4340362548828125, 3.1441826820373535, 1.988853931427002, 2.190523386001587, 1.9312753677368164, 2.172837972640991, 1.9312818050384521, 0.6728706359863281, 2.339510917663574, 1.0928140878677368, 2.4829065799713135, 1.8418233394622803, 1.9312753677368164, 2.578427791595459, 1.3396350145339966, 2.1220901012420654, 2.755770206451416, 2.9605062007904053, 1.9665154218673706, 1.1905369758605957, 3.0559542179107666, 3.118053913116455, 2.05786395072937, 2.0473034381866455, 1.7569291591644287, 2.5827698707580566, 1.9442830085754395, 1.9995484352111816, 1.2414426803588867, 1.4484105110168457, 1.7899113893508911, 2.127438545227051, -0.020496368408203125, 2.5049808025360107, 2.1740241050720215, 1.6414690017700195, 2.418627977371216, 1.5803157091140747, 2.190523386001587, 0.16257941722869873, 2.649869918823242, 0.4330577850341797, 2.8488097190856934, 2.0031847953796387, 2.44132137298584, 3.73647403717041, 2.0746395587921143, 2.5560789108276367, 2.05786395072937, 1.3821340799331665, 0.0424877405166626, 1.690891981124878, 2.9197826385498047, 2.4498250484466553, 2.6554298400878906, 0.6001739501953125, 1.6609365940093994, 1.9026397466659546, 1.7599984407424927, 3.3193769454956055, 2.6806180477142334 ], "y": [ -0.5881688594818115, -2.2509541511535645, -0.5692765116691589, -0.6406561136245728, 2.086456060409546, 2.1411678791046143, 2.086456060409546, 1.7203807830810547, 1.7546720504760742, 1.6875007152557373, 1.2747790813446045, -0.6096258163452148, 1.156639575958252, -1.5007860660552979, 0.8649512529373169, -2.2760515213012695, 1.5738873481750488, -0.8699557781219482, -1.3818261623382568, 1.2863843441009521, 2.5945560932159424, 2.1688833236694336, -0.043381333351135254, -1.056136131286621, -0.185069739818573, -0.5205629467964172, 1.7061671018600464, 1.4115926027297974, 1.1586989164352417, -0.8756946921348572, 0.42513591051101685, -1.7854667901992798, 2.112494945526123, 1.2700037956237793, 0.5334482789039612, 1.3479527235031128, -0.05253291130065918, -0.01773124933242798, 1.4984140396118164, 0.04269993305206299, -1.5547105073928833, 0.045798301696777344, 0.19349080324172974, 0.09963482618331909, -0.7341307401657104, -2.2283217906951904, 0.5847210884094238, 0.8018207550048828, -0.921556830406189, 2.5024147033691406, 1.153281331062317, -1.64897620677948, 0.5380387306213379, -1.2294833660125732, 0.21893620491027832, -0.6186490058898926, 2.480804443359375, 0.05464094877243042, -0.2999839186668396, 0.49738574028015137, 2.204639434814453, -2.547539710998535, -1.035721778869629, 0.9071199893951416, 1.174180507659912, 1.324908971786499, 1.056576132774353, 1.3069545030593872, 0.8467782735824585, 0.4874417781829834, -1.8066298961639404, 0.8233501315116882, -1.7313673496246338, -1.7405006885528564, 1.438673496246338, 2.5184013843536377, 1.069563865661621, 0.4730685353279114, -1.6368811130523682, 1.8560853004455566, -2.517083168029785, 1.5768247842788696, -2.595905303955078, 1.423832654953003, 0.9947022199630737, 2.480804443359375, 3.172896146774292, 0.644048273563385, 2.1411678791046143, 0.591568112373352, 1.2484238147735596, 1.9188859462738037, -2.545102119445801, -1.3780205249786377, 1.3069545030593872, -0.6549659967422485, -0.7733275890350342, 0.5556410551071167, 1.173506259918213, -0.911347508430481, 2.1075870990753174, 3.0543594360351562, 1.6573082208633423, 1.4810326099395752, 0.35766226053237915, 0.8217763900756836, 1.6210596561431885, 0.8541635274887085, -0.8974522352218628, -1.919013500213623, 0.6699334979057312, 0.7617635726928711, 0.4224991202354431, -2.4084062576293945, 0.34078213572502136, -1.5332999229431152, -2.1780786514282227, -0.32612234354019165, 0.8262906074523926, 2.2999117374420166, 0.559737503528595, 0.32871270179748535, 1.5853686332702637, -2.0397496223449707, 1.173506259918213, 1.0980349779129028, -0.4738754630088806, 0.8233501315116882, -0.600553035736084, -0.9257087111473083, 1.4830409288406372, 1.5418908596038818, -0.5011515617370605, -0.6096258163452148, 0.9162824153900146, 0.9071199893951416, 0.44206616282463074, 0.7299308776855469, -1.6082396507263184, -1.1458985805511475, 0.8006998896598816, -0.6617188453674316, 0.41809940338134766, -0.9072410464286804, 0.34334227442741394, 0.7965649366378784, 0.04269993305206299, 1.4187650680541992, -0.48825782537460327, 1.7639172077178955, 0.13570541143417358, 1.1266272068023682, 0.17661583423614502, 1.1940333843231201, 0.571226954460144, 1.0090192556381226, 1.8167610168457031, 0.6282573938369751, -0.6707078218460083, 1.6847208738327026, 0.09694480895996094, 1.6223299503326416, -1.545731544494629, 0.1295078992843628, 2.1256332397460938, 1.1586989164352417, 1.0866410732269287, -0.9834777116775513, -1.6847569942474365, 0.5355262756347656, -0.30836203694343567, -0.6024085283279419, -0.7733275890350342, 0.5355262756347656, 0.76451575756073, -1.6845195293426514, 1.5170561075210571, 1.2494781017303467, -2.4396560192108154, -1.786309003829956, -0.022840499877929688, 1.0858219861984253, 1.49790620803833, -0.7804683446884155, -1.402771234512329, 1.1417665481567383, 0.4850502610206604, 2.549743890762329, -0.32192954421043396, -2.4320414066314697, 0.4555712342262268, -2.3203344345092773, 0.7648857831954956, 1.3318548202514648, -1.6368811130523682, 0.9162824153900146, -0.006577342748641968, -0.6707078218460083, -1.5355942249298096, 1.8132342100143433, 0.48062413930892944, 1.3428688049316406, 1.7989678382873535, 2.72253155708313, -1.5426287651062012, -1.2555954456329346, 1.6875007152557373, -2.631674289703369, -1.1484811305999756, 3.490973472595215, 1.0741509199142456, -0.6408845782279968, 0.04785299301147461, 2.1132166385650635, -0.5890960693359375, 1.6932568550109863, -0.42587023973464966, -0.9796895980834961, 1.859248161315918, 1.193132758140564, 0.333479642868042, -0.8196669816970825, -1.5676056146621704, 0.8466147780418396, 2.1075870990753174, 1.4825751781463623, 1.3799207210540771, 1.5795705318450928, -0.29912009835243225, -0.6673890352249146, 0.5444881916046143, 1.8167610168457031, 3.1177005767822266, 1.4781228303909302, -1.6800878047943115, 2.9928715229034424, 2.0680932998657227, 2.5945560932159424, 3.1100854873657227, 0.27843165397644043, 0.10362908244132996, -1.6246116161346436, -0.01242440938949585, 2.2278330326080322, -2.0860915184020996, -0.033839285373687744, 2.0680932998657227, 1.3318548202514648, -0.8912020921707153, 1.1627224683761597, -0.7454236149787903, 1.0621495246887207, 1.3899242877960205, 1.1915032863616943, 1.4117915630340576, -0.5692765116691589, 1.3126423358917236, 3.172896146774292, 0.5138003826141357, 1.1601873636245728, 0.07590574026107788, 0.48657652735710144, 1.8223769664764404, 0.3750532865524292, -1.8245187997817993, -0.8756946921348572, -0.416062593460083, 1.5137834548950195, 0.44206616282463074, -2.0744071006774902, 0.9027630090713501, -0.7585658431053162, 1.2242724895477295, -1.6845195293426514, -1.3572497367858887, -0.5080389976501465, -2.008565664291382, -1.0154600143432617, 1.3252968788146973, 1.2242724895477295, 0.8649512529373169, 0.2125609815120697, -1.343353033065796, -2.0744071006774902, 0.9159888029098511, 0.7487587928771973, 0.3750532865524292, 0.6096408367156982, 1.056576132774353, 0.28382664918899536, -0.7463350296020508, -0.842556893825531, -1.7808703184127808, 0.644048273563385, -0.4735962748527527, -1.4642585515975952, 1.250994324684143, -0.4797672629356384, 1.7413502931594849, 0.23913457989692688, -0.8100177049636841, 0.5897427797317505, 0.27409639954566956, 1.9942606687545776, -1.7122722864151, 0.07650932669639587, -1.2525029182434082, 0.4730685353279114, -1.962005376815796, 1.6847208738327026, -1.310356616973877, -0.6384899020195007, 0.9856812953948975, 0.7965649366378784, 0.36092835664749146, -0.7733275890350342, -1.1553699970245361, 1.870673418045044, 0.8541635274887085, 0.5888018012046814, 1.1586989164352417, 0.5355262756347656, 1.174180507659912, 0.8337453007698059, -1.5294092893600464, -1.545731544494629, 1.455500602722168, -0.3398357033729553, -0.0862639844417572, 0.5982948541641235, 0.76451575756073, -0.8699557781219482, 1.3576453924179077, -1.8610563278198242, 1.0725878477096558, 1.942181944847107, -1.56529700756073, 0.559737503528595, -2.085352897644043, 1.2894765138626099, 0.9858481884002686, -1.413736343383789, 1.1938923597335815, 0.8782693147659302, 0.09963482618331909, 1.2556828260421753, 0.8903067111968994, 1.9443256855010986, 0.8450812101364136, 1.2404003143310547, 0.25684088468551636, 0.8943084478378296, -0.05253291130065918, -0.34418076276779175, 0.8030579686164856, -2.316422939300537, 1.6069276332855225, 0.8467782735824585, 0.09739029407501221, 1.1146149635314941, -1.1738340854644775, 0.7664763331413269, -0.3838147819042206, 1.193132758140564, 3.6703734397888184, 1.189377784729004, -0.3810863792896271, -0.20072990655899048, 0.49805817008018494, -3.348421573638916, 0.4128261208534241, -0.14727601408958435, 1.4830409288406372, 1.6451929807662964, 1.7228447198867798, -2.0948944091796875, 0.9320547580718994, 0.26795196533203125, 2.086456060409546, 0.2027176320552826, -1.5426287651062012, 0.8466147780418396, 2.2846767902374268, 1.932504415512085, 0.18390852212905884, 0.4480217397212982, -2.6168603897094727, 0.35543665289878845, -0.24392607808113098, -1.959014654159546, 1.679276704788208, 0.23913457989692688, -1.9310297966003418, 1.6210596561431885, 0.8900379538536072, -1.4914653301239014, 0.13570541143417358, 0.33715391159057617, -1.919013500213623, 0.8782693147659302, 3.1100854873657227, 0.29216891527175903, -1.9344700574874878, -0.10261222720146179, 0.5247995853424072, 0.1227274239063263, 0.8264231085777283, -0.2595066428184509, 0.24711990356445312, 0.23923134803771973, 1.733926773071289, -0.7569578289985657, 0.35766226053237915, 0.2125609815120697, 1.0621495246887207, 1.4984140396118164, 1.1138094663619995, -0.16699624061584473, 1.4135875701904297, 1.023537516593933, -0.3593592941761017, -0.9580181837081909, -0.05253291130065918, 0.7731730937957764, -0.012830376625061035, -1.5208276510238647, 0.33724266290664673, 2.059847593307495, 0.14140263199806213, 0.7257158756256104, -1.6800878047943115, 2.5689187049865723, -3.348421573638916, 0.8918275833129883, 2.0332634449005127, 1.0213412046432495, 2.1075870990753174, 1.0795830488204956, 0.48846250772476196, -2.102470874786377, 2.0462377071380615, -0.8591965436935425, -0.9834777116775513, 1.7929587364196777, 1.7228447198867798, 1.193132758140564, -0.7685808539390564, 1.9284499883651733, 1.2693588733673096, 0.39108696579933167, 1.3252222537994385, 1.5372415781021118, 1.3479527235031128, -1.6082396507263184, 0.8450812101364136, 0.29216891527175903, -2.0744071006774902, 1.8560853004455566, 0.14626717567443848, 0.03524911403656006, 0.2591349482536316, 1.0785026550292969, 1.8560853004455566, 0.8513462543487549, -0.06418359279632568, -2.451916456222534, -2.3536899089813232, 1.2700037956237793, 1.9746657609939575, -0.24007028341293335, 1.0741509199142456, 0.06213948130607605, 2.059847593307495, 0.35543665289878845, 1.3126423358917236, 1.6518477201461792, 1.3328380584716797, 2.5716493129730225, -0.7487055063247681, 2.72253155708313, 0.8466147780418396, -0.6714962720870972, 2.654934883117676, 1.5991768836975098, 0.8898321986198425, 1.8132342100143433, -0.18070322275161743, -0.006577342748641968, 0.4128261208534241, -0.32192954421043396, 1.4474027156829834, 1.7546720504760742, 1.062429666519165, -1.799431562423706, -0.012830376625061035, 0.8513462543487549, 0.2734408378601074, 0.8450812101364136, 0.11434179544448853, -1.7941523790359497, -1.212795615196228, 1.1668256521224976, -1.5547105073928833, -0.01773124933242798, -1.531820297241211, 0.8467782735824585, -0.8266791105270386, -1.962005376815796, -1.604004144668579, 0.13962453603744507, -0.7463350296020508, 0.26593494415283203, 1.4882490634918213, 0.847653865814209, 0.6622219085693359, 0.1227274239063263, 1.4830409288406372, 0.3750532865524292, 1.2299623489379883, -0.3398357033729553, -0.9072410464286804, -0.01095592975616455, 1.1586989164352417, -1.5007860660552979, 1.0111217498779297, -2.3198704719543457, 1.5292505025863647, -1.1702706813812256, 0.5334482789039612, -1.5071327686309814, 0.5355262756347656, 0.8267775177955627, -1.016615867614746, -1.5250449180603027, 0.7102223634719849, 0.6558552980422974, -1.7941523790359497, 2.1411678791046143, -1.8851020336151123, 0.5473532676696777, 0.06213948130607605, 1.1828309297561646, 0.4128261208534241, 2.4599316120147705, 3.6703734397888184, 1.2254799604415894, 0.03532224893569946, 2.0462377071380615, 1.28074312210083, 1.2337384223937988, -1.2555954456329346, -0.5039864182472229, -0.47149211168289185, 1.9804929494857788, 0.9004199504852295, 0.905092179775238, 0.8217763900756836, 0.06213948130607605, 1.3252222537994385, -0.2608436644077301, -0.8266791105270386, -0.49847063422203064, 0.6853784322738647, 0.2850343883037567, 2.0251827239990234, 0.5791465044021606, 1.1151835918426514, 0.8466147780418396, -0.7353673577308655, 1.7586159706115723, -0.5485533475875854, 1.5418908596038818, 1.2894765138626099, -0.921556830406189, -1.959014654159546, -2.3054733276367188, 2.3688712120056152, -3.4341881275177, 2.430515766143799, -1.0523260831832886, 1.6849651336669922, 0.13454991579055786, 1.3113532066345215, 0.8615676164627075, 1.3838545083999634, 0.7142518162727356, 0.3778077960014343, 0.39108696579933167, -0.49837663769721985, 0.9575856924057007, -0.9072410464286804, 0.48062413930892944, 0.5355262756347656, 1.396492600440979, -0.6024085283279419, 0.04269993305206299, -2.7552614212036133, 0.5355262756347656, 1.1627224683761597, 1.0213412046432495, 0.8466147780418396, 3.184918165206909, -1.7252439260482788, 0.6471144556999207, -0.32612234354019165, -0.6714962720870972, 0.5014288425445557, 1.094420075416565, 0.49738574028015137, -1.6324751377105713, -2.9940407276153564, -2.1634440422058105, 2.1411678791046143, 2.5024147033691406, 1.6573082208633423, 1.3478553295135498, -1.3166632652282715, 2.1256332397460938, -1.1964433193206787, 1.870673418045044, 0.6558552980422974, -0.5485533475875854, -1.7937242984771729, 1.7315828800201416, 1.571545958518982, 1.9443256855010986, -0.347572922706604, 1.176738977432251, -0.6205639243125916, 1.0222718715667725, 0.13454991579055786, -0.5033004283905029, 0.7142518162727356, -0.9477471113204956, 1.2798192501068115, -0.07875895500183105, 1.2556828260421753, 1.4830409288406372, -0.24007028341293335, -0.0862639844417572, 1.2894765138626099, 2.1609818935394287, 0.2125609815120697, 1.5768247842788696, 3.0693328380584717, -1.64897620677948, -0.4924089312553406, 2.0332634449005127, 1.6650526523590088, -0.37940260767936707, 3.184918165206909, 1.6650526523590088, 0.27409639954566956, 0.48062413930892944, 1.9387009143829346, 2.510845899581909, 0.5001267194747925, -0.0032061338424682617, 1.455500602722168, -1.1510130167007446, 1.5991768836975098, 1.9942606687545776, -0.7590019106864929, -0.7020745873451233, -0.6024085283279419, -1.4048116207122803, -0.7463350296020508, 0.7591091394424438, 1.0090192556381226, 0.9083572626113892, 0.22753936052322388, -0.6014889478683472, -1.6730998754501343, 2.1132166385650635, 1.1321957111358643, -0.5205629467964172, 0.7574747800827026, -0.0862639844417572, 0.33715391159057617, 0.9733573794364929, -1.7122722864151, 2.204639434814453, 1.1987735033035278, 0.9856812953948975, 0.9836570024490356, -0.7891075611114502, 2.2278330326080322, 0.591568112373352, 0.5728776454925537, -0.02999928593635559, 1.6872315406799316, 1.8132342100143433, 0.5417529940605164, -0.9648422002792358, 2.3688712120056152, -0.842556893825531, -1.4797619581222534, -0.9073811769485474, -1.0523260831832886, -0.9945253133773804, 2.1411678791046143, 0.4999620318412781, -0.347572922706604, -0.5537923574447632, -0.24176684021949768, 0.31385037302970886, -1.2255933284759521, 0.3778077960014343, 0.8903067111968994, 1.2894765138626099, 1.563732624053955, 1.3252968788146973, 1.153281331062317, 0.7676401138305664, -0.5890960693359375, 1.5741280317306519, -2.209817409515381, -0.05617409944534302, 0.09694480895996094, -0.4593832790851593, 0.48657652735710144, 1.942181944847107, 1.0725878477096558, 0.8206284046173096, -0.47149211168289185, 1.733926773071289, 0.31385037302970886, -0.3682812750339508, 1.939363718032837, 1.4135875701904297, -0.43572211265563965, 1.5137834548950195, 0.5939528346061707, -0.6549659967422485, 0.5473532676696777, 1.8737335205078125, 0.4140671491622925, 0.3456619679927826, -0.025841057300567627, 1.932504415512085, 1.2693588733673096, 2.593235731124878, -2.5841927528381348, 3.490973472595215, -0.8050481081008911, -0.5335873961448669, -0.2830808758735657, -0.30836203694343567, -1.7386395931243896, -2.6168603897094727, -0.5106175541877747, 0.5355262756347656, -0.3235943615436554, -1.7405006885528564, -2.198701858520508, 1.0222718715667725, -0.7486069202423096, -2.545102119445801, 1.733926773071289, -0.4924089312553406, 1.8262296915054321, 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0.09694480895996094, 0.8793516159057617, 0.9159888029098511, -2.015671730041504, 0.5982948541641235, 1.0111217498779297, 1.1452157497406006, -0.4899614453315735, 0.9083572626113892, 1.4830409288406372, 0.4390631318092346, 0.5888018012046814, 0.7031826972961426, -1.0628111362457275, 0.6096408367156982, -0.08511877059936523, 0.4390631318092346, 1.0620601177215576, 1.5847551822662354, 2.112494945526123, 1.2894765138626099, -0.16753840446472168, 1.4135875701904297, 1.324908971786499, 0.378770112991333, -0.5080389976501465, 0.42513591051101685, -0.416062593460083, 1.176738977432251, 1.4882490634918213, 1.2700037956237793, 0.09963482618331909, 1.7586159706115723, -0.6161861419677734, -0.4321168065071106, 0.8546655178070068, 0.8450812101364136, 1.1334177255630493, 1.4135875701904297, -1.531820297241211, -1.2946778535842896, -0.9648422002792358, -0.41846224665641785, 1.0795830488204956, 1.1321957111358643, 1.1138094663619995, 0.5791465044021606, -1.922790765762329, -1.1644322872161865, 1.3899242877960205, 1.069563865661621, -1.56529700756073, -1.2487391233444214, -0.9443566203117371, 1.8737335205078125, -1.6847569942474365, 0.8600471615791321, 1.7989678382873535, 0.1295078992843628, -0.5591312050819397, 1.4825751781463623, 0.19349080324172974, -0.6687679886817932, -0.27549511194229126, -1.1382083892822266, 1.72822904586792, 0.34078213572502136, -2.4779021739959717, 2.1688833236694336, -0.7202706336975098, -1.3740843534469604, 1.7061671018600464, -1.7233892679214478, -0.23814094066619873, 0.6157640218734741, 1.0795830488204956, -2.4396560192108154, -0.793308436870575, 1.3126423358917236, -2.1848137378692627, 1.8560853004455566, 0.9605331420898438, 0.8466147780418396, -1.4647191762924194, -0.022840499877929688, 2.095158576965332, 0.9580252170562744, -0.9662439227104187, -0.3235943615436554, 1.2671111822128296, 1.7546720504760742, -2.1880385875701904, 0.32313910126686096, 2.593235731124878, 1.4398077726364136, 0.8130671381950378, 2.9766480922698975, 0.6157640218734741, 0.6689278483390808, 0.7717252373695374, 0.9858481884002686, 1.679276704788208, -1.5071327686309814, 0.6442309021949768, 1.3382878303527832, -0.41846224665641785, 0.5355262756347656, 1.72822904586792, 1.4198205471038818, 0.7157238721847534, 1.2337384223937988, 2.5692548751831055, -0.020146489143371582, -0.050214022397994995, 0.4480217397212982, -0.3398357033729553, 1.0614581108093262, 1.0174599885940552, 0.8066366910934448, -1.9852347373962402, -2.517083168029785, -1.7073299884796143, 0.20632052421569824, -0.7560219764709473, 2.3572096824645996, -2.1330349445343018, 0.35766226053237915, 2.4869842529296875, 2.5184013843536377, -0.416062593460083, 0.5791465044021606, 2.6924378871917725, 1.5004452466964722, 2.1411678791046143, 2.593235731124878, 1.1962473392486572, 0.8466147780418396, 1.2484238147735596, -0.9685900211334229, 0.3541463613510132, 0.10441052913665771, 0.571226954460144, 1.5137834548950195, -0.5845054388046265, 1.4212806224822998, -0.10261222720146179, -0.9796895980834961, -1.7854667901992798, 2.3572096824645996, 1.8292381763458252, 1.2894765138626099, 2.1256332397460938, 0.40488946437835693, 0.5833777189254761, -2.015671730041504, -1.7386395931243896, -0.5033004283905029, 1.1852962970733643, 0.5355262756347656, 0.5001267194747925, -0.9685900211334229, 1.9217959642410278, 0.9356346130371094, 1.1248552799224854, 1.2225011587142944, 0.8600471615791321, 1.7639172077178955, 1.6605411767959595, 1.6875007152557373, 0.03659588098526001, 0.5231542587280273, 0.32313910126686096, 0.8776638507843018, -0.9072410464286804, -0.24176684021949768, 1.28074312210083, 0.5357289910316467, 1.0858219861984253, -0.08188813924789429, -1.7844264507293701, -2.3160877227783203, 0.793962299823761, 0.4555712342262268, -0.4019932150840759, -0.7891075611114502, 0.26795196533203125, -0.2539815306663513, -0.24174118041992188, 0.5355262756347656, 1.6739000082015991, 0.8943084478378296, 2.3572096824645996, 1.4830409288406372, -0.6014889478683472, -0.669387936592102, 0.9858481884002686, -2.190350294113159, -1.3572497367858887, -1.8610563278198242, -0.8196669816970825, -2.279160499572754, 1.870673418045044, 0.4273814857006073, -0.01095592975616455, 0.7863854765892029, -0.05253291130065918, 1.0980349779129028, -0.08067390322685242, -1.413736343383789, 0.34078213572502136, -1.9852347373962402, -0.5026037693023682, 1.5418908596038818, 1.1452157497406006, 0.9284690618515015, 1.0174599885940552, 1.8030991554260254, 0.048111915588378906, -2.1634440422058105, -0.36625978350639343, 0.6157640218734741, 1.5541048049926758, 0.8264231085777283, -0.7432275414466858, 1.3252968788146973, -1.2310982942581177, 0.03524911403656006, 1.5170561075210571, 0.5781147480010986, -1.3166632652282715, -2.2283217906951904, 1.1417665481567383, 2.9766480922698975, 2.0778627395629883, 1.72822904586792, -1.2255933284759521, 0.5968070030212402, -0.37940260767936707, 2.4599316120147705, -0.027268975973129272, -0.7486318945884705, 1.5847551822662354, -1.7525930404663086, -2.2274844646453857, 0.6699334979057312, 0.8918275833129883, -1.6246116161346436, -1.531820297241211, -0.9825825691223145, 1.1692867279052734, 0.16696912050247192, 0.21893620491027832, -0.25259485840797424, -0.23814094066619873, 1.1266272068023682, -0.25259485840797424, -0.11181503534317017, 1.4656376838684082, 1.189377784729004, 0.5776553750038147, -2.092280387878418, 0.7839065790176392, -1.1382083892822266, 1.5665396451950073, 2.3026206493377686, -2.5841927528381348, 0.03659588098526001, -1.7212800979614258, 0.793962299823761, 0.7664763331413269, 1.094420075416565, -1.922790765762329, -1.0154600143432617, 0.8466147780418396, 1.5016694068908691, 0.9724911451339722, -1.9975824356079102, 0.19759005308151245, 1.5741280317306519, -1.919847011566162, -3.5248970985412598, -0.6707078218460083, -0.3065990209579468, 1.0980228185653687, 0.04785299301147461, 1.3328380584716797, 0.16358345746994019, 1.4117915630340576, -1.281790018081665, 0.5776553750038147, -0.10912895202636719, 2.1137912273406982, 1.9350454807281494, -0.7590019106864929, 3.1177005767822266, 1.1334177255630493, -0.8280800580978394, 2.1408655643463135, -3.6810121536254883, 1.3799207210540771, 1.7897660732269287, 1.0621495246887207, 1.271501898765564, -0.027268975973129272, 1.6872315406799316, 2.1408655643463135, 1.8262296915054321, 0.5334482789039612, -0.5080389976501465, -1.8851020336151123, -0.793308436870575, 1.1232638359069824, 0.6590657234191895, 0.8206284046173096, 1.156639575958252, -0.4442642033100128, -0.07464081048965454, -1.8245187997817993, 0.9356346130371094, -0.4634841978549957, 0.8778825402259827, 0.534643828868866, 0.8900379538536072, 0.08462905883789062, 1.3503495454788208, -0.8974522352218628, -1.7937242984771729, 0.7984504699707031, 1.1151835918426514, 1.18574857711792, 2.3572096824645996, -0.17763042449951172, 0.4273814857006073, 1.5085885524749756, 1.023537516593933, -0.14727601408958435, 1.2671111822128296, 1.176738977432251, 0.6590657234191895, 0.05464094877243042, 0.8396852016448975, -1.175640344619751, -1.3734872341156006, 0.07650932669639587, -1.959014654159546, 0.9947022199630737, 0.45490506291389465, -0.5039864182472229, 0.029131263494491577, 0.8898321986198425, 1.8262296915054321, 1.4794635772705078, -0.27549511194229126, 0.8466147780418396, 2.1408655643463135, 1.5795705318450928, 0.18390852212905884, -2.5841927528381348, 0.3541463613510132, 1.4794635772705078, 1.2254799604415894, 1.1755861043930054, -2.3536899089813232, -2.6136631965637207, 0.06213948130607605, 0.8466147780418396, 0.8933775424957275, -0.5595303773880005, -0.642291784286499, 0.18390852212905884, -1.2294833660125732, -0.30308130383491516, -1.0523260831832886, 0.13758891820907593, -0.0674373209476471, 0.8649512529373169, 0.11443611979484558, -0.3682812750339508, -0.006577342748641968, 1.8560853004455566, 0.3378412127494812, -1.310356616973877, 0.7225604057312012, -0.4797672629356384, 1.9860246181488037, -0.5692765116691589, 1.2896082401275635, -0.10727924108505249, 0.5355262756347656, -0.49847063422203064, 0.6736321449279785, -1.0467345714569092, 0.8778825402259827, -0.6384899020195007, 0.1392344832420349, 0.5355262756347656, -1.3459138870239258, 0.25835323333740234, 1.7315828800201416, 1.174180507659912, 1.324908971786499, -1.707679033279419, 1.5372415781021118, -1.5332999229431152, -0.5884081125259399, 1.396492600440979, -0.7202706336975098, -0.116707444190979, 1.6573082208633423, -1.9493287801742554, 0.26073887944221497, 1.154792070388794, -1.0104748010635376, 1.062429666519165, 2.430515766143799, -0.23814094066619873, -1.5250449180603027, 2.086456060409546, 1.3799002170562744, -1.531820297241211, 0.847653865814209, -0.7432275414466858, 1.859248161315918, 0.559737503528595, -1.310356616973877, -2.4084062576293945, 0.25684088468551636, -0.6186490058898926, 0.9075326919555664, 1.1248552799224854, 0.3456619679927826, 2.090786933898926, 0.6171951293945312, -0.9685900211334229, 1.2909982204437256, 1.5847551822662354, 0.5018584132194519, -0.8699557781219482, 1.18574857711792, 0.8337453007698059, -0.5026037693023682, -0.9073811769485474, 1.8737335205078125, 0.8943084478378296, 1.2798192501068115, -3.1017019748687744, -1.8441181182861328, 1.4474027156829834, 0.13962453603744507, 1.3822391033172607, 0.2219322919845581, -0.09538215398788452, 1.6286405324935913, 0.11443611979484558, 1.3838545083999634, 1.633202314376831, 1.2404003143310547, 1.6849651336669922, 2.1075870990753174, 2.0462377071380615, 0.3378412127494812, 1.6605411767959595, 0.9027630090713501, 0.7912297248840332, 2.3688712120056152, 1.9860246181488037, 0.5334482789039612, 1.7822153568267822, 0.33752474188804626, 1.9746657609939575, -0.7685808539390564, -0.7804683446884155, 0.8088550567626953, 2.095158576965332, 2.0251827239990234, 1.396492600440979, 3.6172804832458496, -0.49837663769721985, 0.5231542587280273, 1.4187650680541992, 0.4128261208534241, -3.335770845413208, 1.3252222537994385, -1.7122722864151, -0.8280800580978394, 2.122816801071167, -0.02999928593635559, -2.6136631965637207, 0.7130840420722961, 2.0248188972473145, 1.7929587364196777, 0.9724911451339722, 0.8427325487136841, 2.3983943462371826, -0.8734440803527832, 1.2288180589675903, 0.5689703226089478, -1.8441181182861328, 1.4840762615203857, -1.7808703184127808, -3.2268991470336914, 1.3328380584716797, 1.6069276332855225, -0.5436530709266663, -1.8976006507873535, -0.5335873961448669, -0.34418076276779175, 3.0543594360351562, 1.7747600078582764, -2.190350294113159, 0.34334227442741394, 0.7257158756256104, 0.9004199504852295, 1.3113532066345215, 0.8466147780418396, -0.9685900211334229, 2.8058509826660156, 1.5016694068908691, -1.7525930404663086, 1.1915032863616943, -1.1533894538879395, 2.510845899581909, 0.04846242070198059, -0.3810863792896271, 0.2712114453315735, 0.03659588098526001, -0.8100177049636841, -0.6687679886817932, -2.3975043296813965, 2.5689187049865723, 1.3899242877960205, -2.9240381717681885, 2.9928715229034424, -2.0860915184020996, 1.4187650680541992, 0.8757498264312744, -3.3806872367858887, 1.1828309297561646, 1.5298726558685303, 1.7747600078582764, 1.1258536577224731, -1.7844264507293701, 1.2747790813446045, -2.545102119445801, -3.6810121536254883, 2.549743890762329, -1.1484811305999756, 0.6602970361709595, -0.2830808758735657, 0.7680755853652954, 1.4198205471038818, -0.8280800580978394, 0.4480217397212982, 1.28074312210083, 1.49790620803833, -1.4476627111434937, 0.8264074325561523, 0.03676995635032654, 2.432281732559204, 1.9284499883651733, -0.642291784286499, 0.559060275554657, 0.19589757919311523, 2.1408655643463135, -0.29912009835243225, 3.1100854873657227, -1.7313673496246338, 1.9284499883651733, 1.49790620803833, -1.2525029182434082, 0.04846242070198059, 2.654934883117676, 0.993262529373169, 0.029131263494491577, 0.9487847089767456, 1.5193347930908203, 2.8058509826660156, -1.1382083892822266, 1.5298726558685303, 1.5738873481750488, 0.5897427797317505, 2.357034921646118, -1.9310297966003418, 0.8466147780418396, 1.7989678382873535, 1.4840762615203857, -0.5022324323654175, -2.1330349445343018, 1.4794635772705078, 1.7747600078582764, -1.799431562423706, -0.24392607808113098, 1.4398077726364136, 2.432281732559204, -0.6406561136245728, 2.118995189666748, -2.8498339653015137, 2.4238386154174805, -0.8912020921707153, -0.24176684021949768, 0.8262906074523926, 1.7228447198867798, 1.9181578159332275, -1.1382083892822266, -2.209817409515381, -2.2760515213012695, 0.3177674412727356, -0.01242440938949585, 1.4198205471038818, -0.7487055063247681, 0.2712114453315735, -1.7122722864151, 1.354038953781128, -2.3406851291656494, 1.9804929494857788, 3.6703734397888184 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 6, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "LIFE_ARTS", "text": [ "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Water Supply pressure", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "CS paper rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Is copyediting good for an academic career?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Illustrator, snap to guide", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "What's the base f-stop when counting an ideal f-stop for lens?", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "How can I insulate my garage?", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "How can I cut fudge smooth and uniform?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "How was this photo taken", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "How can I do some free design work?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "What should my credit limit be?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "How to change semitransparent part", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Where is my power going?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How much is too much damage?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "How much is too much damage?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Water Supply pressure", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "Alto singing Tenor", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "Water Supply pressure", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Career advice – mathematics", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How are potions made?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "Where is my power going?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Where is my power going?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "How can I do some free design work?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "In what order are taxes applied", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Should I turn the text on my poster to outlines before I print?", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "How much is too much damage?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "How can I insulate my garage?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "In what order are taxes applied", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "CS paper rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "Captcha-like font", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Modern design - What's that?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "How was this photo taken", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "Change visa card type without changing number", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "How to measure a crooked room?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Water Supply pressure", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "High pitched noise from Shower", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Importing models from another maya project", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How are potions made?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "How are potions made?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Is copyediting good for an academic career?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "In what order are taxes applied", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "What should my credit limit be?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "How to mount a ham?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "What should my credit limit be?", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Captcha-like font", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "How to mount a ham?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "Alto singing Tenor", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "How can I cut fudge smooth and uniform?", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Repair wood floor damage", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How can I do some free design work?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "Where is my power going?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "Where is my power going?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Importing models from another maya project", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Career advice – mathematics", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How much is too much damage?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Illustrator, snap to guide", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "How to change semitransparent part", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "High pitched noise from Shower", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "How are potions made?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "What should my credit limit be?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Should I turn the text on my poster to outlines before I print?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "What's the base f-stop when counting an ideal f-stop for lens?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Repair wood floor damage", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "How to measure a crooked room?", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "How can I do some free design work?", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "In what order are taxes applied", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Where is my power going?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "Can anyone learn to sing?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.014110803604126, 0.6443402767181396, 1.565486192703247, 0.7995882034301758, 0.44860363006591797, 1.324472188949585, -0.0008292198181152344, 2.6668097972869873, 1.1751744747161865, -3.0099899768829346, 0.434285044670105, -2.1168782711029053, 1.8429930210113525, -3.3662538528442383, -3.130098342895508, -3.043501377105713, 1.480318546295166, 1.8484179973602295, -2.3724849224090576, -2.394912004470825, -2.693878173828125, -2.9439992904663086, -2.0235228538513184, -2.6026177406311035, -3.3245949745178223, -1.0560705661773682, -3.3111042976379395, -3.1177005767822266, -2.667483329772949, -2.328390121459961, -2.7088987827301025, 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-2.386477470397949, -2.759077548980713, -3.1177005767822266, -2.778775691986084, -2.8681201934814453, -3.1950063705444336, -3.3547909259796143, -2.6318860054016113, -1.5999445915222168, -3.3541455268859863, 2.005402088165283, -3.470039129257202, -3.685626983642578, -3.151870012283325, -3.238568067550659, -2.198180913925171, -3.479641914367676, -2.471059799194336, 0.6511600017547607, -3.281315565109253, 1.1581382751464844, 1.2121250629425049, -1.9553604125976562, 1.943901538848877, 0.6511600017547607, -3.545727014541626, 2.6073384284973145, 2.027825355529785, 1.747083067893982, 2.032782554626465, 0.5041059255599976, 2.041804790496826, 1.368341088294983, 1.0178165435791016, 1.2290514707565308, -3.4342381954193115, -3.2902140617370605, -1.6519536972045898, -2.9420790672302246, -1.6233775615692139, -2.7024548053741455, -2.7554574012756348, -2.4859728813171387, -3.57619309425354, -2.8565924167633057, -3.23974609375, 2.3501882553100586, -1.8974276781082153, 2.0887973308563232, -3.162224054336548, -3.5130791664123535, -3.0078535079956055, 2.081270694732666, 1.7802190780639648, -3.3634305000305176, -2.2281978130340576, -3.57283878326416, -3.579113245010376, -3.057206630706787, -2.4912986755371094, 1.7983715534210205, 2.1684224605560303, 2.1532249450683594, -3.111806631088257, -3.026556968688965, -1.5122597217559814, -3.1694483757019043, -2.9737749099731445, -3.1145150661468506, -2.7024548053741455, -2.6517155170440674, 1.6394346952438354, 2.006669521331787, -2.565915822982788, -3.151870012283325, -2.0235228538513184, -3.358167886734009, -2.6679303646087646, -3.1548142433166504, -1.536125898361206, 2.230869770050049, 1.6802525520324707, -2.78463077545166, -2.2111587524414062, -2.59324049949646, -3.270575523376465, -3.1405301094055176, -3.4034299850463867, -3.2368838787078857, -3.4034299850463867, -3.2368838787078857, -2.59324049949646, -2.59324049949646, -3.1405301094055176, -3.270575523376465, -3.1405301094055176, -3.3979310989379883, -2.2908027172088623, 0.8432228565216064, -0.7091307640075684, 1.747083067893982, 2.0326201915740967, 1.8252222537994385, 0.980532169342041, 1.5655269622802734, -0.7091307640075684, 1.8691240549087524, 2.6374704837799072, 2.5428805351257324, 2.6668097972869873, 1.7167317867279053, 1.565486192703247, 0.8861066102981567, 1.4167020320892334, 2.240354299545288, 1.4129793643951416, 1.411622405052185, 2.6812002658843994, 4.17458438873291, 1.6895232200622559, 2.652255058288574, 2.6454873085021973, 2.6668097972869873, 2.484218120574951, 3.1565299034118652, 0.980532169342041, -0.358656644821167, 1.943901538848877, 2.032782554626465, 3.250373363494873, 2.9203739166259766, 1.014024257659912, 1.6895232200622559, 1.9463114738464355, -2.3631677627563477, -3.1644105911254883, 2.487196445465088, -2.71412992477417, -2.659266471862793, 4.50401496887207, 2.189918041229248, 1.5896105766296387, 1.5739452838897705, -3.010322332382202, -3.3591134548187256, 2.0454792976379395, 1.7802190780639648, 1.827606201171875, 4.007439136505127, 1.7227518558502197, 1.2121250629425049, 2.187732219696045, 1.1581382751464844, 2.9760665893554688, 1.9552398920059204, 2.785322666168213, 1.567941427230835, 2.400245428085327, 2.1333603858947754, 2.9430437088012695, 2.041804790496826, 2.0153660774230957, 2.0887973308563232, 2.510899066925049, 3.326791524887085, 1.4167020320892334, 2.6454873085021973, 2.220797061920166, -0.20817244052886963, -1.831218957901001, -1.4307994842529297, -2.941708564758301, -2.318265438079834, -2.8886301517486572, -2.1168782711029053, 1.755692958831787, -3.1177005767822266, 2.652255058288574, 1.7948896884918213, -2.1360256671905518, -3.1347293853759766, -2.121152877807617, -3.5848333835601807, -3.206468105316162, -2.320265054702759, -3.010167360305786, -3.400099515914917, -3.412043333053589, -2.6214566230773926, -3.199197292327881, -3.6677820682525635, -3.468324899673462, -3.364794969558716, -2.515735626220703, 1.5351868867874146, 1.4843780994415283, -3.2589051723480225, 0.8861066102981567, -3.1976590156555176, 1.6492488384246826, 1.3169376850128174, 2.6379988193511963, 0.5360000133514404, -0.0008292198181152344, 3.0519204139709473, 1.5913221836090088, 2.846484661102295, 1.4418647289276123, 2.9760665893554688, 0.6511600017547607, 1.6386438608169556, -2.6790127754211426, -3.3033666610717773, -1.8457878828048706, -2.5254197120666504, -2.80151104927063, -2.484987735748291, -3.346449136734009, -2.7336997985839844, -2.536463499069214, -3.6207480430603027, -3.163053512573242, -2.8835697174072266, -2.520197868347168, -3.346449136734009, -3.23974609375, -2.311767578125, -3.1644105911254883, -2.9506959915161133, -3.010167360305786, -1.8974276781082153, -3.4342381954193115, -2.118619918823242, -1.536125898361206, -3.5639584064483643, -3.484910726547241, -3.5542526245117188, -3.1959385871887207, -2.674650192260742, -3.1644105911254883, -2.157705068588257, -3.026556968688965, -2.936678886413574, -2.9420790672302246, -2.1922457218170166, -2.7280941009521484, -2.4065370559692383, -3.200122833251953, -2.1845226287841797, -2.6026177406311035, -3.3434813022613525, -3.1252171993255615, -2.076038122177124, -2.5155348777770996, -3.23974609375, -3.9757204055786133, -2.9731698036193848, -2.220264434814453, -2.3655037879943848, -2.519350051879883, -3.097158432006836, -2.9322221279144287, -3.4147675037384033, -3.2775511741638184, -2.311767578125, -3.150055408477783, -3.308687210083008, -2.4204471111297607, -2.917386293411255, -2.381807327270508, -3.1017906665802, -2.7088987827301025, 1.419572353363037, 1.0902727842330933, -3.470039129257202, 0.5041059255599976, 1.0683175325393677, 1.5896105766296387, 2.9814205169677734, 1.9631279706954956, 1.6804684400558472, 2.0240683555603027, -3.0756187438964844, 2.3236355781555176, 1.6912815570831299, 1.9867069721221924, 3.077956199645996, 2.332156181335449, 2.484218120574951, 0.022223591804504395, 1.4395402669906616, 2.45475697517395, 1.718095302581787, 0.8506509065628052, 2.2248117923736572, 1.827606201171875, 2.3388724327087402, -1.8439934253692627, 2.3536176681518555, 0.849306583404541, 2.9814205169677734, 1.9256229400634766, 1.2672725915908813, 3.2094292640686035, -2.678499221801758, -1.9361225366592407, -3.2818257808685303, -2.3758349418640137, 4.007439136505127, 0.8717634677886963, -2.8178977966308594, -2.394912004470825, -2.1233839988708496, 2.259021759033203, -3.040128469467163, 1.230980634689331, -2.938965082168579, 2.0938022136688232, 2.0719032287597656, -3.0652763843536377, -2.413390874862671, -2.873767375946045, -3.4747138023376465, -2.3631677627563477, -2.7143478393554688, -3.038001775741577, -2.5162770748138428, 0.9636425971984863, -2.6008403301239014, -2.667483329772949, -2.5713706016540527, -3.0426993370056152, -2.076038122177124, -2.386477470397949, -3.6321966648101807, -3.223018169403076, -2.7402007579803467, 2.9062323570251465, 2.410937547683716, 1.349577784538269, 2.0719032287597656, 1.0528267621994019, 3.4914603233337402, -0.9311470985412598, 1.755692958831787, 2.5086216926574707, 1.7030574083328247, 1.8168041706085205, 3.062347412109375, 2.386681079864502, 1.5080838203430176, 1.9623262882232666, 2.3665027618408203, 1.368341088294983, 2.0240683555603027, 3.1417667865753174, 2.4792137145996094, 1.9463114738464355, 2.604151964187622, -0.5083365440368652, 2.032782554626465, 0.9705760478973389, 2.4709300994873047, 3.0048937797546387, 2.158921718597412, 2.040668487548828, 1.6057443618774414, 1.4395402669906616, 1.5345823764801025, -3.535856246948242, -2.535984754562378, 1.322780728340149, -3.085313320159912, 0.6594228744506836, 1.8168041706085205, -1.7529571056365967, 1.8482919931411743, 1.7585604190826416, -1.9425909519195557, -2.827423095703125, -1.8078854084014893, -3.176457643508911, -1.9528899192810059, -3.263606071472168, 0.5470755100250244, -3.2376389503479004, -2.9519124031066895, -2.157705068588257, -2.709846258163452, 0.8432228565216064, -2.8835697174072266, -2.9143357276916504, -2.4613115787506104, 0.6511600017547607, -3.3555078506469727, -3.6541953086853027, -2.381807327270508, 1.5913221836090088, -2.6761693954467773, 2.563959836959839, -2.945111036300659, 1.7030574083328247, -3.007816791534424, -3.0099899768829346, 1.7784807682037354, 1.8739032745361328, 3.2369720935821533, 2.6668097972869873, 1.4359440803527832, 3.0412986278533936, 1.2313857078552246, 2.2116892337799072, 1.2925835847854614, 2.0172441005706787, 2.2970495223999023, 2.0719032287597656, 1.4129793643951416, 1.9741506576538086, 1.557016372680664, 0.8506509065628052, 2.673015832901001, 1.5396509170532227, -0.6641600131988525, 2.6668097972869873, 1.7613708972930908, 3.250373363494873, 1.9957526922225952, 2.8833091259002686, 1.9463114738464355, 0.9204753637313843, 1.426292896270752, 2.006669521331787, 2.487196445465088, 0.9705760478973389, -2.442154884338379, 2.6122264862060547, 2.289365768432617, 2.0240683555603027, -2.5155348777770996, 0.7746561765670776, -2.5465152263641357, -3.7379448413848877, 2.005402088165283, -2.1360256671905518, 1.8282103538513184, -2.95371150970459, -3.3634305000305176, -2.7088987827301025, -2.873767375946045, -2.1741485595703125, -2.9834179878234863, -3.400099515914917, -3.4906153678894043, -3.0756187438964844, -2.214855194091797, -2.305302619934082, -3.180598258972168, -2.121152877807617, -2.394912004470825, -2.9106955528259277, -2.9395484924316406, -1.8084516525268555, -3.57283878326416, -2.6700942516326904, -2.1276912689208984, -3.0973079204559326, -1.7811756134033203, -1.9528899192810059, -3.176457643508911, -3.200150489807129, -2.726417064666748, -3.000453233718872, -2.827423095703125, -2.824021100997925, -3.1824240684509277, -2.873767375946045, -3.277226448059082, -3.576331615447998, -1.7529571056365967, -2.6859703063964844, -2.9519124031066895, 1.27981698513031, -1.9425909519195557, -2.1845226287841797, 3.54357647895813, 1.9276375770568848, -2.451131820678711, -2.9084410667419434, -3.995910882949829, -3.05057954788208, 1.419572353363037, -3.269256114959717, -3.176457643508911, -2.8681201934814453, 2.195981740951538, -2.3298146724700928, -3.4906153678894043, 1.6337884664535522, 2.053642511367798, 1.9250011444091797, -3.6207480430603027, -3.0004541873931885, -2.928295850753784, 1.4647133350372314, -3.1754276752471924, 2.9217233657836914, -2.945111036300659, -2.2887673377990723, -3.6784205436706543, 1.0178165435791016, -3.1754276752471924, 2.590071678161621, -2.560070514678955, -1.4307994842529297, -2.919602870941162, 1.8757171630859375, -3.01289439201355, 1.7220847606658936, -2.1233839988708496, -3.7379448413848877, -2.649308204650879, -2.471059799194336, 1.8392913341522217, -3.2656097412109375, 2.9802513122558594, -3.2072348594665527, 0.46167266368865967, 2.0577328205108643, 1.3072813749313354, 1.2925835847854614, 1.9369208812713623, 2.1597023010253906, -3.0036091804504395, -3.163053512573242, -2.8253531455993652, -3.1687655448913574, -3.0004541873931885, 3.326791524887085, -2.8356289863586426, 2.064474582672119, 1.393803358078003, -1.8078854084014893, 1.0902727842330933, 2.673015832901001, 1.411622405052185, -2.8195950984954834, -2.726417064666748, -2.9025259017944336, 1.0993869304656982, 2.9430437088012695, -3.3591134548187256, -3.020479917526245, -2.824021100997925, -3.048281669616699, -3.685626983642578, -3.7803213596343994, -1.945237636566162, -1.9553604125976562, -3.2433412075042725, -3.2072348594665527, -2.4689595699310303, -3.1145150661468506, -2.157705068588257, -3.1017906665802, -3.3858895301818848, -2.674650192260742, -3.151870012283325, -3.6781764030456543, -2.9754366874694824, -2.1768431663513184, -2.5057735443115234, -3.0023956298828125, -3.335814952850342, -3.6641345024108887, -2.546938896179199, -3.0281643867492676, -3.6545543670654297, -3.01289439201355, -2.6517155170440674, -3.579113245010376, -2.413390874862671, -2.7709460258483887, -3.1177005767822266, 3.259117841720581, -3.3224263191223145, 1.718095302581787, 0.980532169342041, 1.755692958831787, 2.009990692138672, 1.411622405052185, 3.0034401416778564, 2.0671544075012207, 1.1914846897125244, -2.7402007579803467, 1.4585206508636475, -3.23974609375, 1.8215389251708984, 3.0584444999694824, 0.9137370586395264, -1.945237636566162, -2.435516834259033, 3.5785269737243652, 0.454451322555542, 2.240354299545288, 3.886213779449463, -2.531980037689209, 3.893101692199707, -3.1617813110351562, 0.031442999839782715, -2.987851619720459, 0.8378822803497314, -3.2072348594665527, 3.0584444999694824, 4.50401496887207, -2.9420790672302246, 2.729334831237793, 2.656920909881592, -3.040128469467163, 2.690241813659668, -2.320265054702759, -2.6761693954467773, -3.0036091804504395, -3.6498589515686035, -2.3655037879943848, -3.1305341720581055, -2.1481332778930664, -3.085313320159912, -2.328390121459961, -2.859872341156006, 1.6057443618774414, 1.5944206714630127, -2.290834426879883, -0.0008292198181152344, 3.1417667865753174, 1.4503021240234375, 1.349577784538269, 2.5099403858184814, -2.239969491958618, -2.649308204650879, 1.7156896591186523, -3.1644105911254883, -2.95371150970459, 2.0719032287597656, -3.2072348594665527, 1.3614706993103027, -3.6498589515686035, -2.3876473903656006, 0.6443402767181396, -3.245879650115967, -3.263606071472168, -2.5465152263641357, 3.035015821456909, -3.2376389503479004, 1.604243516921997, -3.335814952850342, 1.5278218984603882, -3.3248000144958496, 2.063596248626709, -2.9834179878234863, 0.2582244873046875, -2.1922457218170166, -2.2908027172088623, 1.353562831878662, -2.928295850753784, -3.0036091804504395, -3.038001775741577, -3.3662538528442383, -2.2484288215637207, -3.4507458209991455, -3.3662538528442383, -2.1520063877105713, -3.468324899673462, -2.1922457218170166, -2.3839948177337646, -2.1481332778930664, 2.80122971534729, 1.6184223890304565, 1.9867069721221924, 2.510899066925049, 2.340759754180908, 2.3945274353027344, 0.9664204120635986, 1.5896105766296387, -2.149646282196045, 1.0178165435791016, -3.263606071472168, -3.5848333835601807, 2.656920909881592, -2.987851619720459, 0.5360000133514404, 0.37429797649383545, 2.1597023010253906, -3.2902140617370605, 2.0307724475860596, 2.7161669731140137, 0.9878144264221191, 3.0048937797546387, -3.6321966648101807, 2.040668487548828, 2.451573371887207, 2.7275888919830322, 1.8117872476577759, 1.845402717590332, -3.01289439201355, 2.6668097972869873, 2.081270694732666, 3.2677512168884277, 1.230980634689331, 0.34988903999328613, 2.9430437088012695, 2.725825071334839, 2.725825071334839, 1.7227518558502197, 2.690241813659668, 2.027111053466797, 2.247581720352173, 2.9814205169677734, 2.0382518768310547, 1.8678245544433594, 2.503556728363037, 2.0382518768310547, 2.3758444786071777, 1.920386791229248, -0.043561697006225586, 2.100255012512207, 2.4709300994873047, 1.6828440427780151, 1.920386791229248, 2.457551956176758, 1.78080415725708, 2.2365193367004395, -2.0235228538513184, -2.9672341346740723, -3.040128469467163, -2.7831778526306152, -3.3033666610717773, -2.755176067352295, -2.435516834259033, -3.111806631088257, -3.528700828552246, -1.7764273881912231, -2.381807327270508, -3.6044540405273438, -1.945237636566162, -2.2067928314208984, -3.063689708709717, -3.1349143981933594, -2.737055778503418, -2.919602870941162, -3.1824240684509277, 2.6057097911834717, 2.0240683555603027, 3.745060920715332, -3.3811745643615723, -3.0453717708587646, -2.4208037853240967, -2.78463077545166, -3.2393624782562256, -3.1687655448913574, -2.4912986755371094, -2.726417064666748, -2.584695339202881, -2.827423095703125, -2.8178977966308594, -1.8078854084014893, -3.000453233718872, -3.7112174034118652, -2.9754366874694824, -1.6257286071777344, -2.5574793815612793, -2.9106955528259277, -2.9106955528259277, -2.09543776512146, -3.199197292327881, -2.339933395385742, -2.515735626220703, -3.269439935684204, -3.1950063705444336, -2.5672338008880615, -3.7752323150634766, -2.5019543170928955, -2.0749480724334717, -3.528700828552246, -2.9506959915161133, -3.083893299102783, -2.649308204650879, -3.1981801986694336, -2.8701934814453125, -2.6481423377990723, -2.95371150970459, 2.7726035118103027, -3.348069906234741, -3.479641914367676, -2.844299793243408, 2.590071678161621, -2.7088987827301025, -2.0342557430267334, 1.4345958232879639, 1.838315486907959, 2.5100321769714355, -2.5574793815612793, -3.3245949745178223, 2.189918041229248, -2.484987735748291, -2.535984754562378, -3.0760462284088135, 0.434285044670105, -1.945237636566162, -2.6013121604919434, 1.78080415725708, 1.980042815208435, 1.2121250629425049, -3.010322332382202, -2.5573084354400635, -2.8924872875213623, 1.3072813749313354, -3.335814952850342, -2.339933395385742, 3.094698429107666, -3.0416274070739746, 1.353562831878662, -3.1981801986694336, -1.9528899192810059, -3.085313320159912, -2.5162770748138428, 0.6594228744506836, -2.4204471111297607, 2.9927818775177, -1.8078854084014893, -2.1741485595703125, 1.9256229400634766, 2.540682077407837, 1.7163991928100586, 2.386681079864502, 2.487196445465088, 0.8506509065628052, 1.656386375427246, 3.062347412109375, 0.9878144264221191, 3.156296491622925, -2.442154884338379, 1.2146912813186646, -3.048281669616699, -0.5083365440368652, 2.220797061920166, -2.9084410667419434, 0.864905834197998, 1.170861005783081, -0.5083365440368652, -2.827423095703125, -2.4463233947753906, -1.9553604125976562, -2.1520063877105713, -2.891432762145996, 1.8627946376800537, 2.230869770050049, -2.9025259017944336, -3.501997232437134, -2.7391719818115234, -2.4859728813171387, -2.8886301517486572, 2.5818939208984375, 1.5162931680679321, 0.9204753637313843, -3.0281643867492676, -3.3555078506469727, 1.1797254085540771, -3.1754276752471924, -2.5300111770629883, 2.402811050415039, 3.0584444999694824, -3.346449136734009, -2.944385290145874, -3.291405439376831, -2.868699789047241, -2.157705068588257, -2.567183017730713, -1.5999932289123535, -2.693878173828125, -2.2111587524414062, -2.6859703063964844, -3.0762248039245605, -1.867924451828003, -3.020479917526245, -2.778775691986084, -2.949986696243286, -2.1768431663513184, 0.9551146030426025, 1.014110803604126, 1.8392913341522217, 0.9878144264221191, -3.148371696472168, 2.221324920654297, 1.793203592300415, -2.7831778526306152, -2.7872653007507324, 1.3072813749313354, -2.71412992477417, 1.014024257659912, -2.214855194091797, -2.8195950984954834, 1.6337884664535522, 2.0454792976379395, -2.9106955528259277, -2.0749480724334717, -2.938965082168579, -3.3224263191223145, -3.2902140617370605, -3.229658603668213, -2.693878173828125, -3.1349143981933594, -2.560070514678955, -3.468324899673462, -2.706789255142212, -3.0036091804504395, -2.9919140338897705, -2.302549362182617, -3.7112174034118652, -2.6214566230773926, -3.277226448059082, -2.8681201934814453, -1.867924451828003, -2.8356289863586426, -2.0271289348602295, -2.560275077819824, -1.9361225366592407, -2.3226349353790283, -3.1824240684509277, -3.468324899673462, -2.198180913925171, -3.358167886734009, -2.2133100032806396, -2.3631677627563477, -3.2433412075042725, -2.6008403301239014, -3.145181655883789, -3.1058881282806396, -2.9754366874694824, -3.05057954788208, 0.980532169342041, -3.2775511741638184, 1.7038524150848389, -2.851033926010132, 0.031442999839782715, 3.893101692199707, 2.7275888919830322, -2.944385290145874, 1.7802190780639648, 2.058748722076416, 0.46167266368865967, -2.451131820678711, 2.7726035118103027, 2.2116892337799072, 2.0824124813079834, -2.827423095703125, -3.083893299102783, -2.4740657806396484, 0.11236393451690674, 2.4466381072998047, -3.309865951538086, -3.3979310989379883, -3.0456135272979736, -2.485244035720825, -3.238568067550659, -2.917386293411255, 2.413576126098633, -3.038001775741577, 2.9802513122558594, 3.0584444999694824, 0.6594228744506836, 1.8252222537994385, 1.5351868867874146, 3.359513759613037, 2.230869770050049, 2.2248117923736572, -2.8924872875213623, 1.1751744747161865, 1.557016372680664, 1.7784807682037354, 1.9552398920059204, -0.2598843574523926, -3.063689708709717, -2.413390874862671, 1.5739452838897705, -2.0342557430267334, 2.9062323570251465, -3.1145150661468506, 2.5099403858184814, 1.4345958232879639, 1.9512994289398193, 3.1042139530181885, -2.9084410667419434, -3.0843374729156494, -2.80151104927063, 1.9015188217163086, -3.204606294631958, 3.6019229888916016, 2.289365768432617, -1.8078854084014893, 1.9915026426315308, 2.9802513122558594, 2.0938022136688232, 2.8833091259002686, 1.791416883468628, 1.8211874961853027, 2.3681387901306152, 2.220797061920166, 1.7038524150848389, 2.8864870071411133, 2.240354299545288, 1.9638619422912598, 0.330257773399353, 1.9463114738464355, 1.3755619525909424, -3.2072348594665527, 2.230869770050049, 0.44860363006591797, 1.8215389251708984, 1.9015188217163086, 1.2290514707565308, 3.326791524887085, -1.5491257905960083, 1.7156896591186523, 1.4504899978637695, 2.187732219696045, -0.043561697006225586, 1.718095302581787, 2.0887973308563232, 1.4359440803527832, -3.3591134548187256, -2.394912004470825, -2.904317617416382, -2.844299793243408, -3.0036091804504395, -3.6210274696350098, -1.9528899192810059, -2.5595638751983643, -3.229658603668213, -3.545727014541626, -2.709846258163452, -2.6700942516326904, -3.348069906234741, -3.004371166229248, -2.567183017730713, -2.322985887527466, -2.6013121604919434, -1.8220511674880981, -3.163053512573242, -3.583463191986084, -2.844299793243408, -2.7615299224853516, -3.010355234146118, -3.5639584064483643, -2.546938896179199, -3.085763692855835, -2.949986696243286, -2.4986367225646973, -2.865260124206543, 3.0519204139709473, 0.7995882034301758, 1.8361432552337646, 1.6394346952438354, 0.34988903999328613, 2.4038994312286377, 2.4466381072998047, 2.0719032287597656, 1.656386375427246, 1.1619956493377686, 1.150209665298462, 2.100255012512207, 4.50401496887207, 1.4504899978637695, 2.3945274353027344, 1.8333790302276611, 0.9551146030426025, 3.0407583713531494, 2.366844892501831, 1.322780728340149, 4.50401496887207, 0.7782102823257446, 0.7146636247634888, 2.663268566131592, -3.138470411300659, 1.8691240549087524, 2.2272934913635254, -2.6679303646087646, 1.4911195039749146, -1.528268575668335, -3.168126106262207, -1.6519536972045898, -2.320265054702759, -2.4859728813171387, -2.3839948177337646, 1.3493812084197998, 2.9217233657836914, 2.4661474227905273, -2.9731698036193848, 2.8864870071411133, -2.322985887527466, 2.112624168395996, -2.4221105575561523, 3.2677512168884277, -2.3758349418640137, 3.4914603233337402, 1.5739452838897705, -2.6267974376678467, 1.7220847606658936, -2.859872341156006, 1.6057443618774414, -2.6013121604919434, -3.1754276752471924, -2.6114463806152344, -3.0557591915130615, -3.2393624782562256, -2.7831778526306152, -2.0749480724334717, -2.678499221801758, -2.0271289348602295, -1.8078854084014893, -3.7112174034118652, -2.8331046104431152, -2.979259490966797, -2.9681248664855957, -2.95371150970459, -3.7752323150634766, 1.2773823738098145, -2.471059799194336, 1.6134775876998901, 2.503556728363037, -2.873767375946045, -2.311767578125, -3.412043333053589, -2.7055656909942627, -2.8329498767852783, -2.290834426879883, -3.0557591915130615, -2.9519124031066895, 1.27981698513031, -3.3958394527435303, 2.0240683555603027, -3.138470411300659, -3.1644105911254883, 2.2970495223999023, -3.479641914367676, -3.0394065380096436, -2.95371150970459, -3.2099368572235107, 1.6837745904922485, -3.1694483757019043, -3.2589051723480225, -3.1754276752471924, 1.9741506576538086, -3.393540143966675, 1.78080415725708, -2.5465152263641357, 2.348949909210205, 1.4225566387176514, 1.6802525520324707, 0.6511600017547607, 2.081270694732666, -3.0341038703918457, 2.0719032287597656, -2.7280941009521484, 1.9973170757293701, 1.5396509170532227, -2.435516834259033, -2.6114463806152344, -2.6700942516326904, -3.2072348594665527, -2.565915822982788, -1.6233775615692139, -2.298664093017578, -3.0061540603637695, -2.6318860054016113, -2.154367446899414, -3.1252171993255615, 1.78080415725708, 3.077956199645996, 1.8282103538513184, 0.980532169342041, -3.6044540405273438, -3.008209705352783, -2.4613115787506104, -3.1687655448913574, 1.5690217018127441, 2.5428805351257324, 1.730327844619751, 1.3755619525909424, -2.9420790672302246, -2.9395484924316406, 1.5157991647720337, -1.8457878828048706, -0.358656644821167, -3.2636165618896484, 1.845402717590332, 1.8650587797164917, 2.0326201915740967, 2.459099531173706, 1.9369208812713623, 1.411622405052185, 1.4010792970657349, 1.2278873920440674, 2.542079210281372, 2.073701858520508, 2.7161669731140137, 0.9878144264221191, 3.253237247467041, 1.8211874961853027, 1.8678245544433594, 1.5938832759857178, 1.3072813749313354, 3.0407583713531494, 0.8378822803497314, 0.3789447546005249, 2.0240683555603027, 2.590071678161621, -3.040128469467163, -3.400099515914917, 2.3758444786071777, -1.8078854084014893, 2.5099403858184814, 0.44860363006591797, -2.7867932319641113, -3.291405439376831, -3.0973079204559326, 1.9973170757293701, -2.7872653007507324, -2.536463499069214, 2.0172441005706787, 1.9973170757293701, 1.7391724586486816, 2.45475697517395, 1.9514458179473877, 2.410937547683716, 2.413576126098633, 1.7613708972930908, 1.5176868438720703, 1.5278218984603882, 3.7808406352996826, 1.2975313663482666, 1.4647133350372314, 2.721778392791748, 3.54357647895813, 1.4167020320892334, 0.5041059255599976, 2.675429344177246, 2.3681387901306152, 0.27343571186065674, 1.5572209358215332, 2.0577328205108643, 2.149463653564453, 1.9276375770568848, 1.170861005783081, 2.8947534561157227, 2.0242762565612793, 1.3962750434875488, 2.0824124813079834, 1.7030574083328247, 1.9710087776184082, 1.964493751525879, 2.7970662117004395, 2.7208194732666016, 1.7784807682037354, 2.721778392791748, 2.073701858520508, 1.755692958831787, 0.9137370586395264, 2.540682077407837, 0.9204753637313843, 1.3755619525909424, 0.6594228744506836, 1.482823133468628, 2.1597023010253906, 2.721778392791748, 2.0671544075012207, 0.27343571186065674, 1.1914846897125244, 0.9878144264221191, 3.156296491622925, 2.2365193367004395, 1.9973170757293701, 2.4038994312286377, 0.34988903999328613, 2.112624168395996, 2.821287155151367, 2.6685616970062256, 1.9957526922225952, 2.027111053466797, 0.6511600017547607, 2.675429344177246, 2.4709300994873047, 3.537868022918701, 2.0242762565612793, 1.7945027351379395, 2.230869770050049, 2.690241813659668, 2.0153660774230957, 4.12558126449585, 3.0034401416778564, 2.6668097972869873, 2.414734363555908, 2.414734363555908, 0.9664204120635986, 2.400245428085327, 2.540682077407837, 2.666566848754883, 2.776134967803955, 1.9512994289398193, 2.2970495223999023, 1.9741506576538086, 3.0673129558563232, 3.893101692199707, 1.6134775876998901, 3.745060920715332, 1.7919270992279053, 1.7945027351379395, 3.2094292640686035, 2.6073384284973145, 3.0034401416778564, 3.1565299034118652, 1.4708892107009888, 1.0178165435791016, 2.9760665893554688, 1.9623262882232666, 3.6019229888916016, 2.081270694732666, -0.043561697006225586, 2.189918041229248, 2.0671544075012207, 2.5099403858184814, 2.9062323570251465, 1.2672725915908813, 1.8739032745361328, 0.9137370586395264, 2.0313289165496826, 2.7180070877075195, 1.0528267621994019 ], "y": [ -1.2906514406204224, -1.8783642053604126, 2.4807746410369873, 0.25991329550743103, 0.025514543056488037, 2.0265557765960693, -4.0012946128845215, 2.178250312805176, 0.4295821189880371, 0.3145357668399811, -2.505505084991455, 1.6250686645507812, 2.268367052078247, 0.504386842250824, 1.0119235515594482, 1.5503270626068115, -4.335225582122803, 2.3297691345214844, 0.03618490695953369, 0.8584452867507935, 1.407328724861145, 0.541032612323761, 1.8665363788604736, 0.9291439056396484, 1.288485050201416, 1.0932964086532593, 0.7145161032676697, 1.6188256740570068, 1.4243526458740234, 1.0818238258361816, -0.25247371196746826, 1.405490756034851, 2.0265557765960693, 0.6630396246910095, 0.8015563488006592, 0.18597739934921265, -3.1740517616271973, 2.8284850120544434, 2.0414390563964844, 1.5486699342727661, 0.8216326832771301, 0.9954577684402466, 0.7341090440750122, 1.5250599384307861, 0.1664608120918274, 0.40147772431373596, 1.2873610258102417, 2.3297691345214844, -0.6231124401092529, 0.89812171459198, 1.30226469039917, 1.5688893795013428, 0.3292276859283447, 1.523863434791565, 1.0826467275619507, 0.2656133472919464, 2.3297691345214844, 0.716483473777771, 1.163316249847412, -0.3466818928718567, 0.9990547895431519, 1.1197166442871094, 0.3187592327594757, 1.724339246749878, 1.3156235218048096, 2.9233131408691406, 0.3230978846549988, 1.6269887685775757, 0.6850899457931519, 1.6135244369506836, 1.7175588607788086, -1.6305114030838013, 0.1664608120918274, 1.0890532732009888, 0.4203106164932251, 1.1164264678955078, 1.4074517488479614, 0.5722392201423645, 1.2670091390609741, 1.648921012878418, 0.8627012968063354, 1.3303829431533813, 1.229202389717102, 1.6188256740570068, 1.1184947490692139, 1.072204828262329, 1.4074517488479614, 1.147966980934143, 1.1675219535827637, 1.0358712673187256, -0.09516853094100952, 2.2722342014312744, -0.29563000798225403, 1.1709375381469727, 0.581786572933197, 0.9404785633087158, 1.0455724000930786, 0.7472236752510071, 0.878872275352478, 1.2009403705596924, -0.20190361142158508, 2.350903034210205, 0.001236051321029663, 0.6741393804550171, 1.8625905513763428, 1.2009403705596924, -0.10054942965507507, 1.856203317642212, 2.2489771842956543, 1.6252442598342896, -1.1153323650360107, -0.4314470589160919, 1.8787915706634521, 0.6495477557182312, 2.281761407852173, 0.6867647171020508, 0.14952948689460754, 0.5383689403533936, 1.4342032670974731, 1.2419679164886475, 0.8927932381629944, 0.8631260991096497, 1.523863434791565, 1.2898826599121094, -0.09266012907028198, 0.04684436321258545, 1.0827929973602295, -0.6639801263809204, 1.1384458541870117, 2.1703667640686035, 1.4174145460128784, 0.36744534969329834, 0.23547708988189697, 1.6401374340057373, 2.274611473083496, 0.9622345566749573, 0.6799415946006775, 0.44651612639427185, 0.12075266242027283, 1.4854118824005127, 1.5572903156280518, -0.3647209703922272, 0.20781266689300537, -1.4780458211898804, 0.9262748956680298, 0.9279615879058838, 0.8989809155464172, 0.5614564418792725, 0.7442872524261475, 0.9410912394523621, 0.8631260991096497, 0.8627012968063354, 2.923255443572998, 0.12398552894592285, 1.0978896617889404, 0.581786572933197, 1.8665363788604736, 0.6939911842346191, 1.4775499105453491, 0.667118489742279, 0.5837914347648621, 2.148174524307251, 0.15786588191986084, 0.24389362335205078, 1.3390960693359375, 1.337677240371704, 1.2650812864303589, 1.379675269126892, 0.42465972900390625, 0.6172423362731934, 0.42465972900390625, 0.6172423362731934, 1.337677240371704, 1.337677240371704, 1.379675269126892, 1.2650812864303589, 1.379675269126892, 0.7927626371383667, 0.3114330768585205, -0.019684553146362305, -2.671173572540283, 1.6252442598342896, 2.635556697845459, 2.477607250213623, 1.3374825716018677, 1.461972713470459, -2.671173572540283, 0.9386824369430542, 0.11792302131652832, 2.016798496246338, 2.178250312805176, 0.28188323974609375, 2.4807746410369873, 0.59321129322052, 2.693834066390991, 1.5400012731552124, 0.937981128692627, 1.9078004360198975, 2.6196541786193848, 1.041810393333435, 0.5793458819389343, 2.684499502182007, 0.44579052925109863, 2.178250312805176, 1.0715465545654297, 2.0472517013549805, 1.3374825716018677, -3.4959802627563477, 1.8625905513763428, -1.1153323650360107, 1.4884669780731201, 2.284642219543457, 1.9965598583221436, 0.5793458819389343, 0.7930352687835693, 0.6932946443557739, 1.1223251819610596, -0.09259206056594849, 1.459768295288086, 0.40147772431373596, 2.9172511100769043, 2.3324203491210938, -1.0815033912658691, 0.3894406259059906, 1.2667064666748047, 0.6741217970848083, 1.1605168581008911, 2.274611473083496, 2.6526637077331543, 1.0299718379974365, 0.5252091884613037, 0.001236051321029663, 2.4575188159942627, 2.350903034210205, 2.1318397521972656, 0.3395935595035553, 0.18597739934921265, 2.032310962677002, 2.3034169673919678, 0.076832115650177, 0.8464241623878479, 1.8787915706634521, -2.2748782634735107, 2.1703667640686035, 2.592768907546997, 1.9190242290496826, 2.693834066390991, 0.44579052925109863, -0.8366774320602417, -0.5858078002929688, 0.2422945201396942, -1.303385615348816, 0.6965583562850952, 0.731932520866394, 1.2065831422805786, 1.6250686645507812, 2.689612865447998, 1.6188256740570068, 2.684499502182007, 2.0423364639282227, 0.592704176902771, 0.20605415105819702, 0.46289610862731934, 0.7281430959701538, 0.8850919008255005, 0.2668789029121399, 0.6379457712173462, 0.13409525156021118, 1.0963387489318848, 1.1741607189178467, 1.6320419311523438, 0.22917068004608154, 0.5656380653381348, -0.16911500692367554, 1.289615511894226, 1.7622206211090088, 0.5370890498161316, 1.1018518209457397, 0.59321129322052, 1.3636133670806885, -0.019939541816711426, 1.6922941207885742, 2.2555203437805176, -0.47966092824935913, -4.0012946128845215, 2.2323358058929443, 1.648921012878418, 2.587202310562134, 2.1757020950317383, 2.1318397521972656, 1.2009403705596924, 1.5486699342727661, 1.0404095649719238, 1.9582881927490234, 0.9868605732917786, -0.08557480573654175, 0.15392327308654785, 0.84553462266922, 0.3641144633293152, 0.06321448087692261, 0.7228102684020996, 0.08658260107040405, 1.3806631565093994, 1.0947972536087036, 1.2670091390609741, 0.3641144633293152, 1.0827929973602295, 0.8753995895385742, 1.1223251819610596, 0.7538617849349976, 0.6379457712173462, 1.1384458541870117, 0.14952948689460754, 1.0445828437805176, 0.5837914347648621, 0.5114133954048157, 0.6630396246910095, 1.2947214841842651, 1.034245252609253, 0.6767976880073547, 1.1223251819610596, 0.661192774772644, 0.9279615879058838, -0.5863232612609863, 1.2419679164886475, 1.322823405265808, 1.0937070846557617, 2.060037136077881, 1.343339443206787, 0.7816095352172852, 0.9291439056396484, -1.0377949476242065, 1.0235650539398193, 1.045071005821228, 0.06964969635009766, 1.0827929973602295, -0.3952820301055908, 1.0354361534118652, 0.8964769840240479, 1.6197983026504517, 0.35157352685928345, 0.47463756799697876, -0.23090305924415588, 0.3171420693397522, 1.1513673067092896, 0.8753995895385742, 0.20688581466674805, -0.026035845279693604, 0.021469175815582275, 0.9499914646148682, 0.3642975687980652, 0.7846539616584778, -0.25247371196746826, -0.6938877105712891, -0.20342925190925598, -0.29563000798225403, -0.4314470589160919, -1.6314979791641235, -1.0815033912658691, 2.9541406631469727, 1.405490756034851, -1.2688171863555908, 1.3864532709121704, 0.6404998302459717, 1.7670255899429321, 1.5507025718688965, 0.7528630495071411, 1.8882416486740112, 1.9455797672271729, 1.0715465545654297, 0.12932780385017395, 1.9005905389785767, 1.4968137741088867, 2.196181535720825, 0.22230452299118042, 0.778502345085144, 2.6526637077331543, 1.1604434251785278, -1.6305114030838013, 2.0414390563964844, 0.04504185914993286, 2.9541406631469727, 1.518000602722168, 1.9171295166015625, 2.311387300491333, 0.9795898199081421, -1.151486873626709, 0.43927860260009766, 1.0669031143188477, 1.0299718379974365, -0.7954274415969849, 0.9476837515830994, 0.8584452867507935, 1.361137866973877, -0.6906627416610718, 0.3897518515586853, -2.2787282466888428, 1.184693455696106, 1.795153260231018, 1.4877489805221558, -0.16491687297821045, 0.7656499147415161, 1.1621352434158325, 1.351009726524353, 0.6932946443557739, 1.7964046001434326, 1.30226469039917, 0.6128674149513245, 0.43860113620758057, 0.9001649022102356, 1.4243526458740234, 1.3944774866104126, 1.0086055994033813, 1.045071005821228, 1.3303829431533813, -0.11607509851455688, 0.9696565866470337, 0.7993768453598022, 2.5497491359710693, 2.349118947982788, 0.5696023106575012, 1.4877489805221558, 1.0359874963760376, 3.383349657058716, -1.4844187498092651, 2.689612865447998, 0.9834227561950684, 2.4762473106384277, 0.8457146883010864, 1.4523957967758179, 0.5845422148704529, -1.5593225955963135, 2.2704198360443115, 1.9444177150726318, 0.6495477557182312, 1.3864532709121704, 2.6516008377075195, -1.959465742111206, 0.7930352687835693, -0.10965099930763245, -1.7164167165756226, -1.1153323650360107, 2.1000163555145264, 2.6460657119750977, 1.705376148223877, 1.462382197380066, 2.4326586723327637, 1.5732882022857666, 1.9005905389785767, 0.8502295017242432, 1.3228466510772705, 1.1303282976150513, 1.4539744853973389, 0.25177985429763794, 1.804653286933899, 0.8457146883010864, 1.4030158519744873, 1.5026776790618896, 1.798354983329773, 0.5600823163986206, 1.5005207061767578, 1.742919683456421, 0.4580549895763397, 1.039971113204956, 1.1745970249176025, 1.6269887685775757, 0.7424256801605225, 1.6207672357559204, 0.661192774772644, 0.6383131742477417, -0.019684553146362305, 1.0947972536087036, 0.8281160593032837, 0.47289639711380005, 1.2009403705596924, 0.9577815532684326, -0.6965251564979553, 0.3642975687980652, 1.648921012878418, -0.38801634311676025, 1.7677823305130005, 0.21780627965927124, 2.4762473106384277, 0.6840462684631348, 0.3145357668399811, 1.0727300643920898, 1.064056396484375, 0.3230978846549988, 2.178250312805176, 1.3611217737197876, 1.7916171550750732, 1.1610171794891357, 2.836951494216919, -1.0219019651412964, 1.4083064794540405, 0.6850899457931519, 1.4877489805221558, 0.937981128692627, 1.1548300981521606, 1.9278043508529663, 0.22230452299118042, 1.6395542621612549, 1.328284740447998, -2.418313503265381, 2.178250312805176, -1.003819227218628, 1.4884669780731201, 1.2907686233520508, 1.8542859554290771, 0.7930352687835693, -2.831541061401367, -0.6238772869110107, 0.12398552894592285, -0.09259206056594849, 2.1000163555145264, 1.4278334379196167, 0.801371693611145, 0.5271899104118347, 1.3864532709121704, 0.06964969635009766, 1.5915449857711792, 1.0903503894805908, 0.7478100061416626, 2.2722342014312744, 0.592704176902771, 2.751497983932495, 0.15206128358840942, 0.9622345566749573, -0.25247371196746826, 1.1621352434158325, 1.132591724395752, 1.6665045022964478, 0.13409525156021118, 0.3853980004787445, 0.6404998302459717, 0.607227623462677, 1.7367175817489624, 0.40366360545158386, 0.46289610862731934, 0.8584452867507935, 1.691297173500061, 0.4818694293498993, 1.4090371131896973, 0.44651612639427185, 0.8826345205307007, 1.4321224689483643, 1.1161595582962036, 0.7098005414009094, 1.039971113204956, 0.4580549895763397, 1.0890532732009888, 0.5752860307693481, -0.09739789366722107, 1.5005207061767578, 1.3350987434387207, 1.3185663223266602, 1.1621352434158325, 0.6992387175559998, 1.1868821382522583, 1.4030158519744873, 1.1741873025894165, 1.6207672357559204, -0.09923267364501953, 0.5600823163986206, 0.7816095352172852, 2.6553993225097656, 1.4548946619033813, 0.708834707736969, 0.8395729064941406, -0.06181752681732178, 0.5803114175796509, -0.6938877105712891, 0.14164337515830994, 0.4580549895763397, 1.072204828262329, 0.7762254476547241, 1.7717156410217285, 0.3853980004787445, 0.7341090440750122, 1.0847370624542236, -1.551346778869629, 0.08658260107040405, 0.7631503343582153, 0.6944860816001892, 1.4558064937591553, 0.5722392201423645, 0.7453291416168213, 0.21780627965927124, 0.5872116088867188, 0.08455789089202881, 2.281761407852173, 0.5722392201423645, 2.117417573928833, 0.5459822416305542, -1.303385615348816, 1.416115403175354, 0.61504065990448, -0.7070339918136597, 0.6280321478843689, 1.361137866973877, 0.7478100061416626, 1.1066257953643799, 0.878872275352478, 2.1579909324645996, -0.6958416700363159, 3.207331895828247, 1.1435329914093018, 0.5460739731788635, 1.0268447399139404, 0.2535409927368164, -1.0219019651412964, 2.433431625366211, 1.517714262008667, 0.89812171459198, 1.3806631565093994, 0.9192469120025635, 0.998374342918396, 0.7631503343582153, 1.9190242290496826, 0.3935508728027344, 1.9384762048721313, 2.064542531967163, 1.742919683456421, -0.20342925190925598, 1.6395542621612549, 1.9078004360198975, 0.9660021662712097, 0.5752860307693481, 1.3092674016952515, 1.9540495872497559, 0.8464241623878479, 0.6741217970848083, 1.1451513767242432, 1.3350987434387207, -0.7561444640159607, 1.1709375381469727, 0.24500668048858643, -0.4380788207054138, 0.6741393804550171, 1.19514000415802, 1.1435329914093018, 1.0710371732711792, 0.9410912394523621, 0.661192774772644, 0.7846539616584778, 0.5315327644348145, 0.6767976880073547, 0.581786572933197, 0.39363884925842285, 0.970456600189209, 0.6933218836784363, 0.4221249222755432, 0.9344492554664612, -0.538547158241272, 0.9256769418716431, 0.914986252784729, 0.9463348984718323, 0.9231927394866943, -0.7070339918136597, 0.8627012968063354, 0.12075266242027283, 0.7656499147415161, -0.35736793279647827, 1.6188256740570068, 2.985532760620117, 0.7122021913528442, 2.196181535720825, 1.3374825716018677, 2.689612865447998, -2.0418953895568848, 1.9078004360198975, 2.619119644165039, 0.1499394178390503, 0.03050270676612854, 0.7993768453598022, 0.3292276859283447, 1.0827929973602295, 1.969908595085144, 3.178976535797119, 0.807415246963501, -0.4380788207054138, 0.8837723731994629, 0.6275893449783325, -1.238300085067749, 1.5400012731552124, -1.7088675498962402, 1.4796454906463623, 2.4318742752075195, 0.7189780473709106, -1.5536689758300781, 0.9728707075119019, -0.6104685068130493, 1.1435329914093018, 3.178976535797119, 2.9172511100769043, 1.2419679164886475, 1.8809902667999268, 1.8520265817642212, 0.3897518515586853, 0.3680063486099243, 0.2668789029121399, -0.38801634311676025, 0.89812171459198, 1.5333406925201416, 1.6197983026504517, 0.37936538457870483, 1.1986031532287598, 0.25177985429763794, 1.0818238258361816, -0.3515998423099518, 1.5732882022857666, 1.2246731519699097, 0.9098002910614014, -4.0012946128845215, 2.6516008377075195, -2.891993522644043, 0.5696023106575012, 1.7611416578292847, 1.2102532386779785, 1.1066257953643799, 2.24363374710083, 1.1223251819610596, 0.15206128358840942, 1.4877489805221558, 1.1435329914093018, -0.7965809106826782, 1.5333406925201416, -0.5728260278701782, -1.8783642053604126, 1.0473767518997192, 1.1745970249176025, 1.0903503894805908, 2.291875123977661, 0.7424256801605225, -0.3466818928718567, -0.538547158241272, 2.3404271602630615, -0.06983527541160583, 1.3927950859069824, 1.6665045022964478, -0.5731430649757385, 1.322823405265808, 0.3114330768585205, -0.06404301524162292, 0.6944860816001892, 0.89812171459198, 1.30226469039917, 0.504386842250824, 0.2720485329627991, 0.891035795211792, 0.504386842250824, 0.18375593423843384, 0.5656380653381348, 1.322823405265808, 0.48856788873672485, 1.1986031532287598, 2.766277551651001, -0.791965126991272, 0.7528630495071411, 2.592768907546997, 1.021101713180542, 1.7854371070861816, 0.7216130495071411, -1.0815033912658691, 0.3414101302623749, 2.281761407852173, 1.1745970249176025, 0.7281430959701538, 1.8520265817642212, 0.9728707075119019, -0.47966092824935913, -1.7017238140106201, 1.517714262008667, 0.5383689403533936, 0.22853583097457886, 2.8316426277160645, 0.850563645362854, 1.705376148223877, -0.11607509851455688, 2.4326586723327637, 1.0826467275619507, 3.2065491676330566, 1.8039767742156982, 0.6893923878669739, -0.7070339918136597, 2.178250312805176, 1.6401374340057373, 2.831686496734619, -2.2787282466888428, -1.873509168624878, 0.8464241623878479, 0.5676654577255249, 0.5676654577255249, 0.5252091884613037, 0.3680063486099243, -1.138651728630066, 1.604351282119751, 2.9541406631469727, 2.296492338180542, 0.44694986939430237, 2.8047120571136475, 2.296492338180542, 2.396988868713379, 0.37202852964401245, -1.9414209127426147, 1.6134748458862305, 2.6460657119750977, 1.724339246749878, 0.37202852964401245, 0.9317218065261841, -3.639235734939575, 0.7978688478469849, 1.8665363788604736, 0.010552704334259033, 0.3897518515586853, 1.2479767799377441, 1.9582881927490234, 1.1119359731674194, 0.8837723731994629, 0.9262748956680298, 0.3661939799785614, 0.5003150701522827, 0.3642975687980652, 0.5456829071044922, -0.4380788207054138, 1.0525288581848145, 1.1668559312820435, 1.1866079568862915, 0.07721906900405884, 1.416115403175354, 1.3185663223266602, 1.763740062713623, 1.3864532709121704, 2.0558621883392334, -0.0270158052444458, 1.2075680494308472, -0.31060007214546204, 0.24389362335205078, 0.9295870065689087, 0.998374342918396, 1.5572903156280518, 0.5752860307693481, 0.8925023078918457, 1.5005207061767578, 0.9476837515830994, 1.742919683456421, -0.09739789366722107, 0.7666435241699219, 0.970456600189209, 0.3906119763851166, 1.2203130722045898, 1.691297173500061, 1.691297173500061, 1.194007396697998, 1.6320419311523438, -0.3021335005760193, 1.289615511894226, 0.7627733945846558, 1.4074517488479614, -0.27824732661247253, 0.9346245527267456, 0.6628549695014954, 1.5583655834197998, 0.3661939799785614, 0.7538617849349976, 1.0379798412322998, 1.1066257953643799, 0.42201370000839233, 1.3107261657714844, 1.3368533849716187, 0.15206128358840942, 0.5431463122367859, 0.7168391346931458, 0.7472236752510071, 0.13490504026412964, 2.117417573928833, -0.25247371196746826, 0.6854905486106873, -0.10709112882614136, 0.8452454209327698, 1.7260977029800415, 1.2203130722045898, 1.288485050201416, 2.3324203491210938, 0.84553462266922, 1.1303282976150513, 0.35370010137557983, -2.505505084991455, -0.4380788207054138, 1.3517060279846191, -3.639235734939575, 1.3086791038513184, 0.001236051321029663, 1.2667064666748047, 1.417804479598999, 1.0038330554962158, 0.2535409927368164, -0.538547158241272, -0.3021335005760193, 1.4002265930175781, -0.12877914309501648, -0.06404301524162292, 0.42201370000839233, 1.039971113204956, 0.25177985429763794, 0.6128674149513245, 1.804653286933899, 0.021469175815582275, 0.9065364599227905, 1.742919683456421, 1.132591724395752, 1.518000602722168, -0.1649145781993866, 2.253718376159668, 0.5845422148704529, -0.09259206056594849, 0.22230452299118042, 1.7602901458740234, 1.4523957967758179, 0.850563645362854, 3.283633232116699, 1.4278334379196167, 1.3248895406723022, -0.7561444640159607, -1.7164167165756226, -0.8366774320602417, 0.8395729064941406, -0.6834863424301147, 0.0738874077796936, -1.7164167165756226, 1.5005207061767578, 0.3853609561920166, 0.6741393804550171, 0.18375593423843384, 0.6787691116333008, -1.3297216892242432, 2.148174524307251, 1.3092674016952515, 0.4603641927242279, 0.9088796377182007, 1.2898826599121094, 1.2065831422805786, 3.6288743019104004, 0.5641933679580688, -2.831541061401367, 0.9463348984718323, 0.9577815532684326, 2.124943971633911, 0.5722392201423645, 0.33186206221580505, 2.3338565826416016, 3.178976535797119, 0.3641144633293152, 0.8740460872650146, 1.1328262090682983, 1.2873610258102417, 0.661192774772644, 1.528287410736084, 0.3173452615737915, 1.407328724861145, 1.3390960693359375, 1.1741873025894165, 0.6254950761795044, 0.8202396631240845, 1.1451513767242432, 1.1184947490692139, 1.4570695161819458, 0.6933218836784363, -0.3876582086086273, -1.2906514406204224, 2.1579909324645996, 0.850563645362854, 0.6983177065849304, 2.1198086738586426, -0.05256873369216919, 1.2479767799377441, 0.09405863285064697, 0.2535409927368164, 1.459768295288086, 1.9965598583221436, 0.607227623462677, 0.9660021662712097, 0.7341090440750122, 1.1605168581008911, 1.691297173500061, 1.5583655834197998, 1.184693455696106, 0.7122021913528442, 0.5383689403533936, 1.3837995529174805, 1.407328724861145, 1.1866079568862915, 0.5459822416305542, 0.5656380653381348, 2.0890321731567383, 0.89812171459198, 1.0306193828582764, 0.8596853017807007, 0.7666435241699219, 1.1741607189178467, 0.6992387175559998, 1.072204828262329, 0.8202396631240845, 0.3935508728027344, -0.1452193558216095, 0.7473210096359253, -1.151486873626709, 1.1504029035568237, 1.3185663223266602, 0.5656380653381348, 1.0455724000930786, 0.6939911842346191, 1.1868740320205688, 0.6932946443557739, 1.19514000415802, 0.9001649022102356, 0.8202880620956421, 0.8460291624069214, 0.970456600189209, 0.5803114175796509, 1.3374825716018677, 1.1513673067092896, 1.5587259531021118, 1.0683783292770386, -1.5536689758300781, 2.4318742752075195, 3.2065491676330566, 0.8740460872650146, 2.274611473083496, 2.3453686237335205, 0.5460739731788635, 0.708834707736969, 0.5431463122367859, 2.836951494216919, 1.163316249847412, 1.5005207061767578, 1.0379798412322998, 0.7852232456207275, -1.5462303161621094, 2.0614166259765625, 0.4083121418952942, 0.7927626371383667, 0.7282125949859619, 0.3564899265766144, 0.9404785633087158, 0.9499914646148682, 2.048752784729004, 1.30226469039917, 3.207331895828247, 3.178976535797119, 1.804653286933899, 2.477607250213623, 1.7622206211090088, -0.5726243853569031, 2.148174524307251, 0.778502345085144, 1.0038330554962158, 0.4295821189880371, 1.9278043508529663, 1.0727300643920898, 0.3395935595035553, -1.3795478343963623, 1.1668559312820435, 0.7656499147415161, 0.3894406259059906, 0.6854905486106873, 2.5497491359710693, 0.9410912394523621, 1.7611416578292847, -0.10709112882614136, 2.0133726596832275, 0.9120990633964539, 0.8395729064941406, 0.3043758273124695, 0.15392327308654785, 1.2856310606002808, 0.4790762662887573, 2.9761455059051514, 0.5271899104118347, 1.742919683456421, -2.2673885822296143, 3.207331895828247, 1.795153260231018, 1.8542859554290771, 2.192966938018799, 1.7481932640075684, 1.8458138704299927, -0.8366774320602417, 1.5587259531021118, -1.7384672164916992, 1.5400012731552124, 0.9954577684402466, -1.6669633388519287, 0.7930352687835693, 2.5982370376586914, 1.1435329914093018, 2.148174524307251, 0.025514543056488037, 1.969908595085144, 1.2856310606002808, 0.6867647171020508, 1.9190242290496826, -3.4474596977233887, 2.24363374710083, 1.6497329473495483, 2.4575188159942627, -1.9414209127426147, 2.196181535720825, 2.1703667640686035, 1.3611217737197876, 0.6741217970848083, 0.8584452867507935, 1.0989444255828857, 0.13490504026412964, 0.89812171459198, -0.8020201325416565, 1.039971113204956, 0.5836708545684814, 1.3837995529174805, -0.10054942965507507, 0.6383131742477417, 0.8826345205307007, 0.7168391346931458, 0.36059653759002686, 1.528287410736084, -0.22509008646011353, 1.3517060279846191, 0.504577100276947, 1.3806631565093994, 0.4341144561767578, 0.13490504026412964, 0.9389370679855347, 1.3102003335952759, 0.5114133954048157, 0.914986252784729, 0.6819628477096558, 1.4570695161819458, 1.291330099105835, 1.024915099143982, 2.2323358058929443, 0.25991329550743103, -0.28342345356941223, 2.923255443572998, -1.873509168624878, 2.2220072746276855, 2.0614166259765625, 1.4877489805221558, 1.7602901458740234, 1.454196572303772, -2.983835220336914, 1.6134748458862305, 2.9172511100769043, 1.6497329473495483, 1.7854371070861816, 2.7347230911254883, -0.3876582086086273, 1.6691263914108276, 0.7992066740989685, 1.4539744853973389, 2.9172511100769043, -1.6910920143127441, -0.4749053418636322, 0.31953901052474976, -0.30399075150489807, 0.9386824369430542, 1.312800645828247, 1.4775499105453491, 0.7143245935440063, 0.329154908657074, 1.0042763948440552, 1.4342032670974731, 0.2668789029121399, 1.2898826599121094, 0.48856788873672485, 2.1619296073913574, 0.7453291416168213, 0.634942889213562, 1.0354361534118652, -1.7384672164916992, -0.22509008646011353, 0.30804866552352905, 1.8558602333068848, 2.831686496734619, 1.0669031143188477, 3.383349657058716, 0.3894406259059906, 0.551106333732605, 0.6280321478843689, -0.3515998423099518, 1.5732882022857666, 1.3517060279846191, 0.5722392201423645, 0.019663512706756592, 0.9245315790176392, 0.9295870065689087, 1.2479767799377441, 1.5583655834197998, 0.9795898199081421, -0.1452193558216095, 1.742919683456421, 0.7666435241699219, 1.2023067474365234, 0.21603935956954956, 0.11810779571533203, 0.15206128358840942, 0.9346245527267456, 1.6362974643707275, 0.878872275352478, 0.9021497964859009, 2.8047120571136475, 1.1621352434158325, 0.8753995895385742, 1.0963387489318848, 1.122493863105774, 0.6895831823348999, 0.9098002910614014, 0.9245315790176392, 1.6207672357559204, -0.09923267364501953, 0.20651501417160034, 1.3864532709121704, -0.30399075150489807, 1.1223251819610596, 0.6850899457931519, 0.7472236752510071, 0.9188231229782104, 0.15206128358840942, 1.174480676651001, 2.189448356628418, 0.5614564418792725, 1.1018518209457397, 0.5722392201423645, 1.1548300981521606, 0.10221576690673828, -3.639235734939575, 1.0903503894805908, -3.3806629180908203, -1.2926912307739258, 0.15786588191986084, 1.2009403705596924, 1.6401374340057373, 1.36103093624115, 1.4877489805221558, 1.0937070846557617, 3.174342632293701, 1.328284740447998, 0.8837723731994629, 0.019663512706756592, 0.8826345205307007, 1.1435329914093018, 1.0978896617889404, 0.8927932381629944, 1.5414316654205322, 1.1868064403533936, 1.1675219535827637, 0.8176484107971191, 1.0235650539398193, -3.639235734939575, 1.8882416486740112, 2.751497983932495, 1.3374825716018677, 0.5456829071044922, 1.960740089416504, 0.47289639711380005, 0.998374342918396, -0.6192454099655151, 2.016798496246338, 1.5603501796722412, 2.5982370376586914, 1.2419679164886475, 0.4818694293498993, 1.7175588607788086, 0.9868605732917786, -3.4959802627563477, 0.5387775301933289, 0.6893923878669739, 0.07665997743606567, 2.635556697845459, 0.8812596797943115, 2.433431625366211, 1.9078004360198975, -0.08510112762451172, 0.6415064930915833, 1.8694263696670532, 1.0337703227996826, 2.8316426277160645, 0.850563645362854, 2.9002628326416016, 1.7481932640075684, 0.44694986939430237, 0.9481232762336731, 0.2535409927368164, 1.6691263914108276, -0.6104685068130493, -3.168332099914551, 1.3864532709121704, 2.117417573928833, 0.3897518515586853, 0.13409525156021118, 2.396988868713379, 1.742919683456421, 1.7611416578292847, 0.025514543056488037, 0.897153377532959, 1.1328262090682983, 1.1161595582962036, 3.174342632293701, 0.09405863285064697, 0.7228102684020996, 1.4083064794540405, 3.174342632293701, 1.2480194568634033, 1.4968137741088867, -0.5622506737709045, 2.349118947982788, 2.048752784729004, -1.003819227218628, 0.9469980001449585, 2.3404271602630615, -0.0577545166015625, 1.4527044296264648, 1.4558064937591553, 1.0097012519836426, 2.6553993225097656, 2.693834066390991, -0.4314470589160919, 2.0226798057556152, 1.8458138704299927, -1.580830454826355, -0.8682746887207031, 1.0268447399139404, 2.0250048637390137, 1.4548946619033813, 0.0738874077796936, 1.4581905603408813, 1.833749532699585, 1.8451871871948242, 1.163316249847412, 2.4762473106384277, 1.6135244369506836, 1.972198486328125, 2.5774502754211426, 2.7084803581237793, 1.0727300643920898, 1.0097012519836426, 1.0337703227996826, 2.689612865447998, 0.807415246963501, -0.1649145781993866, -2.831541061401367, 2.5982370376586914, 1.804653286933899, 0.5284573435783386, 1.517714262008667, 1.0097012519836426, 0.1499394178390503, -1.580830454826355, 0.03050270676612854, 0.850563645362854, 3.283633232116699, 0.7978688478469849, 3.174342632293701, 2.2220072746276855, -1.873509168624878, 0.30804866552352905, 2.1261796951293945, 1.2783541679382324, 1.2907686233520508, -1.138651728630066, 1.2009403705596924, 2.0226798057556152, 2.6460657119750977, 0.0022620558738708496, 1.833749532699585, 1.2141035795211792, 2.148174524307251, 0.3680063486099243, -2.2748782634735107, 0.907597005367279, 2.619119644165039, 2.178250312805176, 2.327535390853882, 2.327535390853882, 0.7216130495071411, 2.3034169673919678, -0.1649145781993866, 2.1280100345611572, -2.7376956939697266, 2.0133726596832275, 0.6850899457931519, 1.1548300981521606, 1.6684556007385254, 2.4318742752075195, 0.9021497964859009, 2.0558621883392334, -1.7494068145751953, 1.2141035795211792, 2.311387300491333, 1.856203317642212, 2.619119644165039, 2.0472517013549805, -0.6755459904670715, 2.281761407852173, 2.1318397521972656, 2.2704198360443115, 2.9761455059051514, 1.6401374340057373, -1.9414209127426147, 2.3324203491210938, 0.1499394178390503, 1.7611416578292847, 2.5497491359710693, 1.9171295166015625, 1.064056396484375, 0.807415246963501, 2.531320095062256, 2.656978130340576, 1.0359874963760376 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 7, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "STACKOVERFLOW", "text": [ "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "image processing", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "WinJs: How to navigate to another start page programatically?", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "3D array multiplication", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "uiImageView error with SDWebImage", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Convert XML to PSObject", "Load data from specific lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "multidimensional array to database in python", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Python Condensing Code", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Stop JS-event propagation on table row click", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "android intentService concurrency", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Daydream with transparent background", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "R biglm predict searching for dependent variable", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Reading File From Network Location", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Get current Activity with Android", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "display tag and c choose tag", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "Simple way to delete users account?", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "Changing LED color for notifications", "call/cc implementation?", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "linq sql where closest to number", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Changing LED color for notifications", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "C# Test Assembly", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Command key in MacVim", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "magical record complex predicate", "M2E setting file", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Chaining deferreds", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "How to use MouseListener event", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Java read pptx file", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Login users/start session with PDO", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "finding control in winforms panel", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "php escape sequence not working", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "image processing", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "Cannot access non-static field", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Add class via command line", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Appcache for dynamic site", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "EBS volume on AWS", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Get current Activity with Android", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Java read pptx file", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Timer writes in log twice", "If statement in QML", "Why is the result not 1?", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "php escape sequence not working", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Representation of negative integers", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Load data from specific lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Java read pptx file", "EBS volume on AWS", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Reading File From Network Location", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Codeigniter login page missing", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "3D array multiplication", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "android tableLayout column color issue", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Google maps marker show only icon", "Rename table in sqlite", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "how to stop my html page resize", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "EBS volume on AWS", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "Oracle: function only returning null", "EBS volume on AWS", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "R biglm predict searching for dependent variable", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "Return value in bash script", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Get current Activity with Android", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Convert XML to PSObject", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Android- R.java file not found", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "Nested blocks and references to self", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "Return value in bash script", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Android- R.java file not found", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Counting vowels with consonants", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Interacting with openCPU", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "uiImageView error with SDWebImage", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Experience with direct data access components", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "Chaining deferreds", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "If statement in QML", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "How to divide the controller?", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "Changing LED color for notifications", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "How to combine 2 click function?", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Using VBA to change Picture", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "Informix Query Where Clause", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Daydream with transparent background", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Interacting with openCPU", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "tree view properties in web application", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "Ball structuring element representation", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Path Variable Not Working", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "gradle execute task after build", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "When to Use WCF / REST", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "Continuations in Clojure", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "When to Use WCF / REST", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "json load more items", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "Sort ListBox C#", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "finding control in winforms panel", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Changing LED color for notifications", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Java regex to validate a name", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "Android- R.java file not found", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Why is the result not 1?", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "magical record complex predicate", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Chaining deferreds", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "image processing", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Continuations in Clojure", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "C# Test Assembly", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "SASS Index in nested list", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "How to combine 2 click function?", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "Interacting with openCPU", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "How do I set serial special characters?", "display tag and c choose tag", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Cannot access non-static field", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "Update UIProgressView on UITableViewCell", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "If statement in QML", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "how to stop my html page resize", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "Help with SQL Trace", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Python Condensing Code", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Passing a string as function argument", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "android tableLayout column color issue", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "Javascript looping behaviour", "How to track malloc and free?", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Slowdown in large perl array", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Notification Trigger event", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "how to stop my html page resize", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Embedding Applet in JSP", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Combining Java with SQL?", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Why is the result not 1?", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Equal elements in SubArray", "Informix Query Where Clause", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "how to stop my html page resize", "Converting string to NSDate", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "php regular expession convert to python code", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "Help with SQL Trace", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Java read pptx file", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "Continuations in Clojure", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Counting vowels with consonants", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Chaining deferreds", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Android checktextview now working", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "json load more items", "Converting string to NSDate", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "how to stop my html page resize", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "3D array multiplication", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "Store functions in hash", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "Daydream with transparent background", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "Passing a string as function argument", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "ListView OnItemClickListener is not listening", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Cannot access non-static field", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Add class via command line", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Get current Activity with Android", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "any FAST tex to html program?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "SASS Index in nested list", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "How do I set serial special characters?", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Get current Activity with Android", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Comparing gold standard csv file and extracted values csv files in Python", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Why is the result not 1?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Changing LED color for notifications", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Notification Trigger event", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Undefined offset 1", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "Stop JS-event propagation on table row click", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "display tag and c choose tag", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "C++ queue with multiple values", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Chaining deferreds", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "Return value in bash script", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Javascript looping behaviour", "How to edit error messages in devise", "Browser automation using Applescript", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "json load more items", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "call/cc implementation?", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Convert vector to delimited string", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Changing LED color for notifications", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "tree view properties in web application", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Add class via command line", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "gradle execute task after build", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "How to edit error messages in devise", "Update UIProgressView on UITableViewCell", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "Timer writes in log twice", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Changing LED color for notifications", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Java regex to validate a name", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Undefined offset 1", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "Why is the result not 1?", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "call/cc implementation?", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Combining Java with SQL?", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "Python Condensing Code", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Converting string to NSDate", "Return value in bash script", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Experience with direct data access components", "Store functions in hash", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "any FAST tex to html program?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Convert vector to delimited string", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "3D array multiplication", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "C++ return to main", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "call/cc implementation?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Continuations in Clojure", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "SASS Index in nested list", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Why is the result not 1?", "display tag and c choose tag", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Login users/start session with PDO", "json load more items", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Python Condensing Code", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Rename table in sqlite", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Experience with direct data access components", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "image processing", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Using VBA to change Picture", "should I declare my object global or static?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Combining Java with SQL?", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Embedding Applet in JSP", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "should I declare my object global or static?", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Combining Java with SQL?", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Command key in MacVim", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Sort ListBox C#", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Add class via command line", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Android- R.java file not found", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "php escape sequence not working", "Passing a string as function argument", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "C++ return to main", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "php escape sequence not working", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Passing a string as function argument", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Cannot access non-static field", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Comparing gold standard csv file and extracted values csv files in Python", "Experience with direct data access components", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "Removal of the incoming sms", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "android intentService concurrency", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Ball structuring element representation", "Daydream with transparent background", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Path Variable Not Working", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Cron not executing PHP script", "CakePHP displayField usage", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "How to divide the controller?", "Google maps marker show only icon", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "Browser automation using Applescript", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "multidimensional array to database in python", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Get current Activity with Android", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "SASS Index in nested list", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Appcache for dynamic site", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Representation of negative integers", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "linq sql where closest to number", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "how to stop my html page resize", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "display tag and c choose tag", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Combining Java with SQL?", "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Android- R.java file not found", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "If statement in QML", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Equal elements in SubArray", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Chaining deferreds", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "ListView OnItemClickListener is not listening", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "WinJs: How to navigate to another start page programatically?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "display tag and c choose tag", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Continuations in Clojure", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "How to track malloc and free?", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Nested blocks and references to self", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Android- R.java file not found", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Counting vowels with consonants", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Android checktextview now working", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Combining Java with SQL?", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Interacting with openCPU", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Using VBA to change Picture", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Continuations in Clojure", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "How to use MouseListener event", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Converting string to NSDate", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "Command key in MacVim", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "M2E setting file", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "Command key in MacVim", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.3782635927200317, 2.553534984588623, 1.695493459701538, 3.122087001800537, 1.9495813846588135, 3.6370041370391846, 1.6614816188812256, 2.8829569816589355, 1.4524115324020386, 1.9986311197280884, 2.5366780757904053, 1.8187345266342163, 2.313694477081299, -0.4416477680206299, -2.116366147994995, -1.5862410068511963, -2.549987316131592, 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0.03089892864227295, -2.6271088123321533, -2.670534610748291, -3.167403221130371, -2.5606019496917725, -0.9658834934234619, -3.1866683959960938, -0.8608858585357666, -0.9464664459228516, 0.8110551834106445, -0.8064396381378174, -2.5221662521362305, -3.2326760292053223, -2.476447582244873, 1.9500455856323242, -1.203869104385376, -3.2273545265197754, -0.24302434921264648, -0.46741223335266113, 0.47531819343566895, -1.8601646423339844, -3.271211624145508, -3.058255434036255, -1.6758699417114258, 0.30573391914367676, 0.8819880485534668, 1.1621376276016235, -0.13995695114135742, -2.1029717922210693, 2.4551734924316406, -3.332582473754883, 2.874422311782837, 2.1885852813720703, 0.03035569190979004, -0.016392111778259277, 4.089325428009033, 4.073188304901123, 1.3142030239105225, 0.1273345947265625, 2.372201442718506, -1.0610878467559814, -0.04595208168029785, -0.9464664459228516, -1.6747875213623047, 0.6781878471374512, -1.9331598281860352, -1.087467908859253, -3.2061357498168945, 0.8103569746017456, -1.6692047119140625, -0.7105510234832764, 1.0912129878997803, -2.7192413806915283, -0.17178559303283691, 0.043792009353637695, -3.2824149131774902, -0.46071600914001465, -0.43621325492858887, -0.5117979049682617, -1.7202746868133545, 2.7937538623809814, 2.914893388748169, 3.97788667678833, -0.5217950344085693, -1.3729240894317627, 0.505051851272583, -0.46071600914001465, 0.5028308629989624, 1.071168065071106, -1.192991018295288, 2.276002883911133, 1.261780023574829, 1.4275007247924805, -1.7892735004425049, -0.5343434810638428, 0.15883445739746094, 2.92765474319458, -0.08178472518920898, 2.00950026512146, 1.8140335083007812, 2.9675416946411133, -2.0263190269470215, -0.48505520820617676, -2.968204975128174, -3.0800795555114746, -2.725503444671631, -2.1228606700897217, 1.4279013872146606, -3.117170810699463, -0.778942346572876, 2.8690152168273926, 2.7139079570770264, 0.8759231567382812, -0.9276607036590576, -3.004413604736328, -3.0142602920532227, -0.496152400970459, -0.7181189060211182, -2.666085720062256, -2.605902910232544, 0.4526238441467285, -1.8212029933929443, -0.9644119739532471, 0.12612390518188477, -2.0953149795532227, -3.399092197418213, 0.6863796710968018, -2.667788505554199, 0.6386551856994629, 3.070843458175659, -2.6261181831359863, 1.2882864475250244, -2.0049312114715576, 0.5976288318634033, 2.2917165756225586, -3.3972127437591553, -1.7137935161590576, -0.9023737907409668, 3.213538408279419, -2.16306734085083, -2.2489418983459473, -0.6213107109069824, -3.271211624145508, 0.4475085735321045, -2.568260669708252, 0.04252421855926514, 0.9310013055801392, -0.5963263511657715, -2.283644437789917, -2.41552734375, -2.5161871910095215, -1.2875630855560303, -0.24302434921264648, -2.748704195022583, -0.5356152057647705, 2.45245623588562, 1.950039267539978, 2.0077857971191406, 2.2500617504119873, 1.7397539615631104, 2.2709622383117676, 3.7521533966064453, 0.6909618377685547, 4.073188304901123, 2.1825692653656006, 2.861509084701538, 1.7087002992630005, 3.3673624992370605, 2.5511279106140137, 2.1737093925476074, 2.8240623474121094, 1.466688632965088, 1.7448997497558594, 2.71464467048645, 2.315354585647583, 2.656777858734131, 1.8984949588775635, 2.1081395149230957, 4.283256530761719, 2.073679208755493, 2.364650249481201, 3.142806053161621, 2.9651007652282715, 0.3252828121185303, 3.159010410308838, 1.7711176872253418, 2.1194305419921875, 2.383007764816284, 3.5744237899780273, 1.1494715213775635, 2.771094799041748, 1.920839548110962, 1.8939707279205322, 0.7567703723907471, 2.4551734924316406, 1.6103661060333252, 1.6782371997833252, 1.5964481830596924, 3.946155071258545, 1.992304801940918, 3.7956714630126953, 0.1161959171295166, 2.369288921356201, 1.6401787996292114, 0.8464655876159668, 2.159801483154297, 4.3417463302612305, 2.075039863586426, 2.528909206390381, 1.3070647716522217, 1.8930983543395996, 3.1313252449035645, 2.2124130725860596, 2.276221513748169, 2.5700414180755615, 0.4686923027038574, 1.8739850521087646, 1.373915433883667, 3.9322142601013184, 1.4292712211608887, 2.418656826019287, -0.8165037631988525, 0.03964734077453613, 0.018780231475830078, -1.0735695362091064, -1.5723838806152344, 3.3070878982543945, -2.968204975128174, 4.283256530761719, -0.6918718814849854, -0.76656174659729, 3.091677188873291, 2.954862117767334, 0.04395270347595215, -2.856109857559204, 2.168402671813965, 3.4208261966705322, 1.3791874647140503, 2.075039863586426, 1.0016194581985474, 3.186072826385498, 2.522064447402954, 1.081542730331421, -0.4904186725616455, 3.8621840476989746, 1.1015141010284424, -1.5455939769744873, 2.583984375, 1.1562168598175049, 1.2600603103637695, 2.5586748123168945, 2.386786460876465, 1.22550630569458, 3.2638349533081055, 1.6781597137451172, 4.717180252075195, 1.7516988515853882, 2.9521324634552, 2.097301959991455, 2.2164394855499268, 1.722821593284607, 2.948795795440674, 0.9786229133605957, 1.2600603103637695, 2.0086541175842285, 0.996218204498291, 2.4925291538238525, 0.06803297996520996, 3.0245423316955566, 2.0872855186462402, 3.9680709838867188, 2.0492167472839355, 1.9547274112701416, 2.2335023880004883, 3.166405439376831, 2.276221513748169, 3.0243401527404785, 1.6410561800003052, 1.3934221267700195, 2.003676652908325, 1.1799191236495972, 2.5897178649902344, 0.5199316740036011, 2.051785945892334, 1.9136624336242676, 1.7382992506027222, 2.8979930877685547, 2.788642406463623, 3.4573726654052734, -2.968204975128174, 0.8108876943588257, -1.3500714302062988, -2.5935301780700684, -0.32840871810913086, 0.8954606056213379, 0.9796533584594727, -1.5554630756378174, 1.1441259384155273, -2.3424766063690186, -2.3571252822875977, -3.093754768371582, -3.332582473754883, 3.9145712852478027, 1.778557300567627, 3.298799514770508, -1.6330127716064453, 1.3235588073730469, -2.3289408683776855, -0.187575101852417, -0.5963263511657715, -3.2670199871063232, -2.7391979694366455, -0.3295300006866455, 2.71464467048645, -2.737234115600586, 1.3512417078018188, -2.0953149795532227, -0.6178767681121826, -2.6065263748168945, -1.1611852645874023, -2.704648494720459, 0.6241748332977295, -0.2274932861328125, -0.6918718814849854, 1.3367037773132324, 0.14445924758911133, -0.6117899417877197, -2.7230682373046875, -2.6817259788513184, 0.768757700920105, -3.200835943222046, -1.875152587890625, -2.9058632850646973, 0.5072391033172607, -0.8620719909667969, -0.4346649646759033, -0.9793493747711182, -3.5747549533843994, -1.533277988433838, 0.552208662033081, 1.1532979011535645, -2.5606019496917725, -2.1986277103424072, -3.037928581237793, -1.6758699417114258, 0.9130735397338867, 0.1566305160522461, 2.5511279106140137, 2.881869316101074, -1.8054606914520264, 2.5872395038604736, 0.8471547365188599, 2.279046058654785, 1.9495813846588135, 3.070843458175659, 1.8984949588775635, 1.386760950088501, 2.1885852813720703, 4.758393287658691, 2.3711555004119873, 3.0296812057495117, 2.513676166534424, 2.59504771232605, 2.029728651046753, 1.950039267539978, 0.563554048538208, 2.379988193511963, 1.1757607460021973, 2.8240623474121094, 1.7228612899780273, 0.7030284404754639, 2.364650249481201, 2.5568249225616455, -0.21859097480773926, 2.563319444656372, -3.1433424949645996, -1.0251414775848389, 2.356053113937378, -1.0291112661361694, -1.8299391269683838, -1.9467809200286865, -0.21901345252990723, 1.317360758781433, -0.5742814540863037, 1.454533338546753, -0.4896810054779053, 2.85588002204895, -2.9772520065307617, -0.6785502433776855, -1.1611852645874023, -2.1106181144714355, -2.0048062801361084, -2.540534496307373, -1.6854135990142822, -0.0545421838760376, -1.8054606914520264, -1.440544605255127, -3.2806572914123535, 0.533023476600647, 0.1850508451461792, 0.19406664371490479, -3.4527533054351807, -1.6071233749389648, -1.772087812423706, -2.931603193283081, -3.037928581237793, -0.6299943923950195, -0.584141731262207, -0.17980623245239258, -2.1275320053100586, -3.0738911628723145, -0.4896810054779053, -3.1433424949645996, 0.768757700920105, -0.17548894882202148, 0.5980523824691772, -3.3112475872039795, -2.5935301780700684, -0.06941914558410645, -2.5161187648773193, 0.1285700798034668, 0.1850508451461792, -3.0800795555114746, -0.2816486358642578, -1.5437941551208496, -0.3906259536743164, -0.48505520820617676, -1.9273264408111572, -0.9080290794372559, -1.6347110271453857, -0.036093711853027344, -1.610610008239746, -3.149683952331543, -3.191401481628418, -2.1106181144714355, -0.13995695114135742, -1.1915287971496582, 0.3782755136489868, -2.568260669708252, -1.5782678127288818, 0.4127480983734131, -3.364710569381714, 2.8239924907684326, 1.5844733715057373, 1.524327039718628, 1.900270938873291, 2.8462741374969482, 1.0294781923294067, 1.7309037446975708, 1.0151467323303223, 2.568150520324707, -2.9105024337768555, 3.9058303833007812, -2.6034889221191406, -2.8671274185180664, 2.914893388748169, -2.428816318511963, 0.8555548191070557, 2.4342479705810547, 2.772213935852051, 2.843824863433838, -0.7227776050567627, 3.3093576431274414, 2.568150520324707, 2.160722017288208, 1.081542730331421, -0.4416477680206299, 1.1974133253097534, 2.2756190299987793, 3.115811824798584, 1.715102195739746, 1.7385543584823608, 2.4974286556243896, 1.3799092769622803, 3.08381986618042, 1.9947527647018433, 2.333710193634033, 2.0085785388946533, 2.333710193634033, 2.081714630126953, 2.2845547199249268, 2.844576358795166, 1.7575864791870117, -0.3281540870666504, 0.17030513286590576, 2.8979930877685547, 2.225731372833252, 2.349278688430786, 3.601080894470215, 2.5872395038604736, 2.3864493370056152, 2.18272066116333, 1.8976528644561768, 2.1885852813720703, 2.2091434001922607, 2.4713218212127686, 1.7238993644714355, 2.6350793838500977, 0.12790632247924805, 3.264211416244507, 1.427001714706421, 4.408941745758057, 0.6038354635238647, 0.5633286237716675, 2.1156833171844482, 1.8997573852539062, 0.3252828121185303, 1.739646553993225, 2.655331611633301, 2.4974286556243896, 2.810946464538574, 0.5485028028488159, 2.305440664291382, 1.880542516708374, 2.2709622383117676, 2.9729323387145996, 2.9684250354766846, 2.914252996444702, -3.0434141159057617, -0.3906259536743164, -2.2089788913726807, -2.6876447200775146, 0.25128257274627686, 1.317360758781433, 0.7641963958740234, 1.7433228492736816, -1.6031594276428223, 1.301324486732483, -1.6669161319732666, 0.043792009353637695, -3.147876501083374, 0.7292711734771729, 3.331554412841797, 1.1263349056243896, 0.17961955070495605, -2.210867404937744, 2.407672166824341, -2.4277095794677734, -0.13809895515441895, -1.2191007137298584, 1.960214614868164, 0.24704647064208984, 2.627877950668335, 0.5027872323989868, 3.242788076400757, -0.941216230392456, 3.264272689819336, -2.19651460647583, -1.9554100036621094, -1.0436952114105225, -2.6034889221191406, 0.20339536666870117, 0.754676342010498, -1.327700138092041, 0.7983155250549316, 1.8691990375518799, 1.7382992506027222, -2.507658004760742, 3.3284599781036377, 2.8166322708129883, 2.304511785507202, 1.3367037773132324, -2.71177339553833, 2.8240623474121094, 0.8824286460876465, 1.7667194604873657, 3.3602216243743896, -2.882030487060547, -2.6271088123321533, 2.080550193786621, -0.17548894882202148, 1.4644720554351807, -3.6284210681915283, -3.0738911628723145, -2.5171279907226562, -3.147486448287964, 1.3512417078018188, -0.539942741394043, -3.0618817806243896, -2.6321446895599365, -2.9105024337768555, -3.3972127437591553, -2.02172589302063, 0.92024827003479, 1.4750871658325195, 2.2924022674560547, 2.3361928462982178, 1.3135721683502197, 1.707572102546692, 2.358218193054199, 1.494347095489502, 2.080705165863037, 1.6781597137451172, 1.5619688034057617, 2.4551734924316406, 2.8601737022399902, 3.242788076400757, 3.9058303833007812, 0.8052356243133545, 2.357311725616455, 3.1583192348480225, 2.5464653968811035, 3.7956714630126953, 3.650014877319336, 2.029707193374634, 2.333710193634033, 2.062467575073242, 2.242778778076172, 1.9938125610351562, 2.5366780757904053, 3.859121322631836, 0.8690805435180664, 2.233349084854126, 1.7621710300445557, 2.6003122329711914, 1.992304801940918, 3.0192742347717285, 1.873500943183899, 2.8424081802368164, 3.0651583671569824, 3.373051643371582, 3.155576229095459, 0.8088784217834473, 4.077572822570801, 2.8503623008728027, 1.9111528396606445, 1.2454495429992676, 1.3519349098205566, 1.782697319984436, 2.988908290863037, 0.8088784217834473, 1.739646553993225, 2.1597084999084473, 1.8187345266342163, 3.122087001800537, 2.326007604598999, -0.6117899417877197, 0.6136635541915894, 0.23321223258972168, 2.786849021911621, 2.5568249225616455, -0.016392111778259277, -3.2004096508026123, -3.2061357498168945, 2.6010780334472656, 2.6744744777679443, -1.183464765548706, 0.03428149223327637, -0.3845856189727783, 0.1134413480758667, -2.89345121383667, -1.1032898426055908, 2.50508451461792, 0.30599474906921387, 2.1084957122802734, -1.8684184551239014, -0.2720067501068115, -3.0621209144592285, -1.98734712600708, -0.5066382884979248, 0.41022682189941406, 0.6225258111953735, 2.3198888301849365, 0.06312179565429688, 0.31486356258392334, 2.6350793838500977, 2.2065203189849854, 2.8926079273223877, 0.18607819080352783, 1.8651020526885986, -2.9174094200134277, -2.794578790664673, 3.997732162475586, -0.17548894882202148, -2.5151867866516113, -1.7917566299438477, -2.1249423027038574, -1.7208061218261719, -2.204935073852539, 1.8649959564208984, -3.775536298751831, 2.9651007652282715, -0.7574958801269531, -1.5782678127288818, -2.6876447200775146, -2.113159418106079, 1.8173651695251465, -0.16578352451324463, 0.6386551856994629, 1.9076980352401733, 0.9697933197021484, -2.310819149017334, 3.2638349533081055, 4.617439270019531, -2.428816318511963, 1.2600603103637695, 2.7568459510803223, 2.0759501457214355, 3.946155071258545, 1.7382992506027222, 2.988908290863037, 2.5382394790649414, 0.20831036567687988, 3.738722324371338, 3.19173002243042, 2.2335023880004883, 3.7850613594055176, 1.9955036640167236, 3.4550390243530273, 3.070843458175659, 2.000096321105957, 3.3696744441986084, 2.0441930294036865, 2.00950026512146, 2.8690152168273926, 2.563319444656372, 2.4948887825012207, 1.8214633464813232, 0.13902759552001953, 3.3602216243743896, 2.44496488571167, 2.7529964447021484, 3.213538408279419, 1.0538113117218018, 1.7042667865753174, 2.50508451461792, 1.4279013872146606, 3.3193001747131348, 2.159470796585083, 0.8921349048614502, 3.963507890701294, 2.3848371505737305, 0.5333731174468994, 2.1778481006622314, -2.6936757564544678, 1.3847681283950806, -3.042506456375122, 1.3519349098205566, 3.4208261966705322, 0.3946530818939209, -0.9385025501251221, 1.7382287979125977, 2.358218193054199, -1.0610878467559814, 0.4241384267807007, 2.688798427581787, -0.2536158561706543, 3.19173002243042, 0.3433818817138672, 2.8969101905822754, -0.6634905338287354, 0.881385326385498, -1.8854303359985352, 0.17766332626342773, -0.27144181728363037, -0.4346649646759033, -1.6755154132843018, -0.5066382884979248, -1.5782678127288818, -2.0950567722320557, -1.0491325855255127, -1.440544605255127, -3.0605556964874268, -0.7334785461425781, -2.4534690380096436, 1.778557300567627, -3.0558865070343018, 0.13933253288269043, -2.1094138622283936, 0.8600958585739136, -1.1240859031677246, -0.2850179672241211, -1.875152587890625, -0.5266294479370117, -2.58735990524292, -0.8993525505065918, -1.6450908184051514, 1.3058319091796875, -0.27144181728363037, -1.0610878467559814, -0.48969197273254395, -0.17173051834106445, -0.842644214630127, -2.204935073852539, -2.5221662521362305, -1.6758699417114258, -1.5723838806152344, 0.14445924758911133, -2.704648494720459, -0.5428617000579834, -1.860787272453308, -0.04686260223388672, -1.0251414775848389, 3.02972149848938, -3.0618371963500977, 1.1161586046218872, -1.9554100036621094, -1.824699878692627, -0.08319282531738281, -0.017967939376831055, -1.9554100036621094, -1.0273940563201904, 0.5397528409957886, -1.8524255752563477, 0.23617339134216309, -0.353604793548584, -0.23434686660766602, -2.2957184314727783, -0.0933377742767334, -0.6299219131469727, -1.195522427558899, 3.6991145610809326, 3.3696744441986084, -3.399092197418213, 0.33233213424682617, 0.07105898857116699, 3.0245423316955566, -2.1986277103424072, -3.0621209144592285, 2.6961097717285156, 2.2319223880767822, 3.3276207447052, 2.5062360763549805, 0.47719669342041016, -1.9467809200286865, 1.992304801940918, 0.754676342010498, 2.225731372833252, -1.3503034114837646, -0.25171852111816406, -3.4288856983184814, 0.7967244386672974, -3.3393449783325195, -0.4379246234893799, 1.7079215049743652, -0.7137963771820068, -2.7192413806915283, 2.6669225692749023, -1.6958832740783691, 2.967214584350586, -0.4346649646759033, 1.9982490539550781, 2.276002883911133, 0.7967244386672974, 3.2972912788391113, -0.35643839836120605, 1.2119228839874268, 0.0542445182800293, 3.1645524501800537, -2.726682186126709, 1.402139663696289, -2.091919422149658, -0.878584623336792, 2.5586748123168945, -2.405346632003784, 1.6537636518478394, 3.041959762573242, 2.948795795440674, -2.146071672439575, 3.990408182144165, 1.1099340915679932, -3.0738911628723145, 4.717180252075195, 3.8063883781433105, 2.815091609954834, -0.8257002830505371, 2.2704811096191406, 2.908031463623047, -2.7391979694366455, -0.30904364585876465, 0.9137887954711914, 0.4524390697479248, -1.8524255752563477, -2.507658004760742, 2.767482042312622, 1.3860405683517456, 1.1200615167617798, -0.5963263511657715, -1.781299114227295, 0.6556260585784912, 0.4054182767868042, -2.704648494720459, -0.8488059043884277, 0.2102118730545044, 0.23583543300628662, 0.20694637298583984, 0.505051851272583, 2.92765474319458, 1.037876844406128, -2.284600257873535, -0.36194825172424316, 2.1599178314208984, -0.21859097480773926, 0.881385326385498, -3.301517963409424, -1.8400013446807861, 0.5202820301055908, -3.0618817806243896, -2.7897720336914062, 2.554293394088745, -1.9554100036621094, 1.22550630569458, 2.7640857696533203, -2.9914135932922363, 2.3864493370056152, 1.340651512145996, 2.356053113937378, 0.18861937522888184, -2.4838340282440186, 2.1184322834014893, -3.042506456375122, 1.524327039718628, -0.7843157052993774, 0.5976288318634033, 2.8926079273223877, 3.1037540435791016, 3.155576229095459, -2.428816318511963, 1.1151385307312012, 1.524327039718628, 1.7238373756408691, 1.9329431056976318, -0.46071600914001465, 1.7805252075195312, -0.7331218719482422, 2.3397793769836426, -2.2089788913726807, -1.997197151184082, -1.687061071395874, -1.684616208076477, 2.3361928462982178, -0.30904364585876465, 0.1161959171295166, 1.1728146076202393, -0.2360823154449463, 2.1184322834014893, 3.3696744441986084, 1.7594575881958008, 2.390289068222046, -2.5151867866516113, -0.21901345252990723, 2.200131416320801, -2.1031906604766846, -0.25505948066711426, -1.8857150077819824, -1.8811743259429932, 0.25989067554473877, -2.0067806243896484, -0.9898569583892822, -1.5862410068511963, 0.35691189765930176, -2.9029605388641357, 0.6756206750869751, -1.8084797859191895, 0.7818987369537354, 0.9697933197021484, -0.9712514877319336, 0.2714935541152954, -1.5482263565063477, 0.6225258111953735, -1.6303904056549072, 1.1903750896453857, -1.3776752948760986, -3.2744057178497314, 2.85588002204895, -1.6972951889038086, -2.0056774616241455, -1.705981969833374, -0.2274932861328125, -2.969080686569214, 0.09579014778137207, 0.9731030464172363, -0.5963263511657715, 0.5512375831604004, -0.46071600914001465, -3.3668360710144043, -0.6379444599151611, -2.540534496307373, 0.24704647064208984, -1.6451773643493652, 0.8001707792282104, -3.271211624145508, 0.5397528409957886, 0.533023476600647, 0.1161959171295166, -2.161465644836426, 0.4501461982727051, -2.895293712615967, -0.38733649253845215, 0.26954030990600586, 1.4384658336639404, 2.034229040145874, 1.8976528644561768, 1.5441107749938965, 0.6519839763641357, 4.211125373840332, 1.7087002992630005, 4.5293989181518555, 0.7673512697219849, 2.2555947303771973, 2.881869316101074, 1.3758349418640137, 3.218574047088623, 2.914893388748169, 4.008929252624512, 1.427001714706421, 1.8722184896469116, 2.3843116760253906, 3.644291877746582, 0.27678608894348145, -1.2069613933563232, 1.6739628314971924, 0.9796533584594727, 0.9165512323379517, -1.311537742614746, 1.3791874647140503, 0.08458399772644043, -3.2744057178497314, 0.26358115673065186, 2.554293394088745, -2.7812066078186035, 1.9547274112701416, -0.8708815574645996, 1.2734324932098389, -2.9098033905029297, 4.313117504119873, 3.02972149848938, -3.6109414100646973, 1.301324486732483, -2.7897720336914062, 3.0642223358154297, -1.848264217376709, -1.3129856586456299, 2.9684250354766846, -1.4373536109924316, 2.5897178649902344, 2.692553997039795, 2.0635249614715576, 1.679943323135376, -0.21077632904052734, -2.952462911605835, 1.738772988319397, -2.0026793479919434, 2.7277755737304688, -1.387618064880371, 0.9851679801940918, 3.6255688667297363, -2.6228697299957275, -0.13450407981872559, 0.27450037002563477, 2.572007656097412, -1.8341000080108643, 0.4088313579559326, -1.7892735004425049, -2.784092903137207, 2.7445597648620605, 2.358218193054199, -2.0048062801361084, -1.5756680965423584, 2.583984375, -2.099428176879883, -3.136261224746704, 2.6649911403656006, -1.7137069702148438, -3.4832305908203125, 2.860112190246582, 0.38017380237579346, -0.2682006359100342, 0.5105392932891846, -1.552978277206421, -2.116366147994995, -2.1203556060791016, 1.1200615167617798, 1.5508484840393066, 2.2595300674438477, -2.428816318511963, 3.0483269691467285, -2.7192413806915283, 2.372023105621338, -2.2549190521240234, -1.5222032070159912, -0.7276515960693359, 1.5619688034057617, 0.0542445182800293, -2.073438882827759, 3.2851998805999756, -0.05758523941040039, 2.1699705123901367, 0.6516464948654175, 2.0214033126831055, 1.6345632076263428, 2.5897178649902344, 2.9651007652282715, -0.8488059043884277, 1.2276142835617065, -2.3409996032714844, 5.2283711433410645, 0.8100838661193848, 2.426753044128418, 1.7633219957351685, 0.8600958585739136, 3.7850613594055176, 1.0248746871948242, 2.002551794052124, 2.7937538623809814, 3.348928689956665, 3.7956714630126953, 3.5296218395233154, -1.4401578903198242, 0.9310013055801392, 0.664007306098938, -3.332582473754883, 2.38405179977417, 0.5633286237716675, -0.13450407981872559, -1.552978277206421, -2.428816318511963, -0.003598451614379883, 1.7448997497558594, -3.025749444961548, -0.21804118156433105, 3.4585483074188232, 0.6544497013092041, 2.516026496887207, 1.620476245880127, -0.43621325492858887, -1.5918023586273193, 0.9656232595443726, 0.03089892864227295, -1.7137935161590576, 0.2904791831970215, -2.9113235473632812, -1.8129096031188965, -0.6993012428283691, -1.5437941551208496, -2.02172589302063, -1.233795166015625, -0.46324944496154785, 0.03035569190979004, -0.13573837280273438, -3.167403221130371, -1.9649059772491455, -1.5963890552520752, 2.5366780757904053, 1.994294285774231, 2.1778481006622314, 2.9216699600219727, 2.277559518814087, 1.4572675228118896, 3.3276207447052, 2.104506492614746, 2.333710193634033, 2.12188720703125, 3.0460972785949707, 2.5700414180755615, 2.801422119140625, 2.3078861236572266, -2.5161187648773193, 3.924042224884033, -1.705981969833374, 2.472127914428711, 4.075113296508789, 4.703082084655762, 3.433764934539795, 1.6892664432525635, -1.1915287971496582, 3.5411696434020996, 2.0063869953155518, -1.159125566482544, -1.1960651874542236, 2.0703964233398438, 2.713057041168213, -1.2555344104766846, -1.210087537765503, -3.025749444961548, 3.3940067291259766, 2.1349949836730957, 2.8969101905822754, -3.0142602920532227, 4.482035160064697, 2.579495668411255, 1.2087268829345703, 2.522064447402954, 2.1194305419921875, 3.08381986618042, 2.97804594039917, 4.38847017288208, 4.703082084655762, 2.522691011428833, -1.7030127048492432, 2.5700414180755615, 1.0256078243255615, 1.0896341800689697, 0.6314609050750732, 2.529940128326416, 3.0518875122070312, 1.2454495429992676, 3.0296812057495117, 2.029707193374634, 2.086503744125366, 1.6401787996292114, 2.358218193054199, 2.5700414180755615, 0.8555548191070557, 0.6038354635238647, 0.6229252815246582, 2.25185227394104, 2.7291271686553955, 1.261780023574829, 1.2276142835617065, 0.018780231475830078, 1.211694598197937, 1.3582648038864136, 2.9385952949523926, 1.8214633464813232, 3.745020627975464, 1.121219277381897, 1.9691405296325684, 2.1597084999084473, 0.12790632247924805, 2.92765474319458, 1.7366223335266113, 1.8568406105041504, 2.255087375640869, 2.1418137550354004, 4.073188304901123, 2.417757987976074, 2.844576358795166, 2.7258615493774414, 3.2931647300720215, 1.2600603103637695, 2.389599084854126, 2.868886947631836, -0.31524205207824707, 2.2782797813415527, 1.4905056953430176, 3.1037540435791016, 3.155576229095459, 2.250602960586548, 2.5552163124084473, 2.8601737022399902, 3.3070878982543945, 0.9719686508178711, 2.343822479248047, 4.286225318908691, 4.482035160064697, 3.0296812057495117, 3.5813140869140625, 2.160722017288208, 4.098775863647461, 1.8969210386276245, 1.0817654132843018, 1.7397539615631104, -2.2793214321136475, 0.45000648498535156, -0.08071660995483398, -1.6830120086669922, -0.449054479598999, 0.1833789348602295, 0.30263662338256836, -1.5918023586273193, -3.1646230220794678, -2.895293712615967, -1.705981969833374, -3.2398922443389893, -2.888301372528076, 0.9020572900772095, -2.3833963871002197, -3.1814143657684326, -2.2032413482666016, -2.1257026195526123, -1.4717247486114502, -0.1069345474243164, 0.8819880485534668, 0.3223447799682617, 1.3860405683517456, -1.3778951168060303, -2.791980504989624, -3.4832305908203125, -1.8860533237457275, -2.598126173019409, 1.1799191236495972, 2.856145143508911, 1.5549933910369873, -2.513770818710327, -3.0621209144592285, 1.9765313863754272, 1.8908977508544922, 2.5897178649902344, -1.6747875213623047, 1.8499727249145508, 2.185969114303589, -0.7105510234832764, -2.099428176879883, -0.7032718658447266, 1.4905056953430176, 1.3142030239105225, 1.615479826927185, 2.031467914581299, -1.9554100036621094, -2.7281973361968994, -2.113159418106079, -0.03601837158203125, -2.5161871910095215, -0.06460738182067871, -1.6830120086669922, 0.25989067554473877, -1.9410834312438965, -2.85331392288208, -1.7137935161590576, 0.7382857799530029, -2.5556836128234863, -1.3682241439819336, -2.0026793479919434, -2.4668991565704346, -2.9257495403289795, 0.9001116752624512, 0.24700641632080078, -0.04595208168029785, -3.3864307403564453, -2.7723309993743896, -0.7966108322143555, -2.726682186126709, -0.6040050983428955, -3.2824149131774902, 0.0542445182800293, -0.08881354331970215, -1.6404716968536377, -1.2555344104766846, -0.2331681251525879, -2.0517020225524902, -2.795179605484009, -0.7611441612243652, -1.4180471897125244, -0.4316558837890625, -2.116126298904419, -2.6261181831359863, -2.0122716426849365, -1.1431660652160645, -1.0136715173721313, -3.8177032470703125, -2.491888999938965, -2.226497173309326, 0.6807460784912109, -1.2955653667449951, -2.6504805088043213, -2.549987316131592, -0.43477725982666016, -0.7932107448577881, -3.2234654426574707, -2.0067806243896484, 0.1926788091659546, 0.21236777305603027, 0.4750552177429199, -3.115355968475342, -2.828207015991211, -3.2004096508026123, -1.3729240894317627, -2.547510862350464, 0.08359122276306152, -0.2331681251525879, 3.5233356952667236, -0.4416477680206299, 1.8352299928665161, -0.5736947059631348, -0.46741223335266113, -2.791980504989624, -0.003598451614379883, 2.944859504699707, 3.0642223358154297, 2.719674587249756, 0.023139357566833496, 2.35498046875, 2.35498046875, -1.6972951889038086, 1.236784815788269, -2.0630924701690674, 2.1597084999084473, 2.7044081687927246, -2.58735990524292, 0.09317898750305176, 4.155637741088867, 2.7529964447021484, 3.644291877746582, -2.0067806243896484, 0.6516464948654175, 3.041959762573242, -1.8302003145217896, -1.6451773643493652, 2.97804594039917, 2.097902297973633, -0.1348271369934082, 0.8108876943588257, -1.5601906776428223, 3.433764934539795, -0.23046159744262695, 0.6519839763641357, 3.763801097869873, 1.4687304496765137, -1.233795166015625, 0.1253657341003418, 0.4526238441467285, -2.3833963871002197, -1.3178374767303467, 0.296100378036499, 3.0518875122070312, -3.208730459213257, 1.2219306230545044, 3.524775743484497, -1.598264217376709, -0.17178559303283691, 1.823425054550171, 0.9731030464172363, 3.113354444503784, -1.98734712600708, 2.630754232406616, 0.9271973371505737, 2.9727249145507812, 1.6987496614456177, -2.7230682373046875, 1.6436758041381836, 3.0159425735473633, 1.707572102546692, -3.310136079788208, -0.449054479598999, 2.898585319519043, 2.343822479248047, 2.9641709327697754, -1.6229591369628906, 5.2283711433410645, 0.6225258111953735, 1.9765313863754272, -2.2489418983459473, -2.052706480026245, 3.7724008560180664, 3.5748016834259033, 4.207243919372559, -3.191401481628418, 2.0776214599609375, -1.610610008239746, 1.7516988515853882, 2.688798427581787, -2.2659382820129395, -2.860929012298584, 2.8503623008728027, -2.71177339553833, -2.219348907470703, -2.7847836017608643, -1.875152587890625, 1.3204087018966675, 1.6572577953338623, 0.33092451095581055, -0.3402400016784668, 2.5253870487213135, 0.09937083721160889, -0.11996185779571533, 2.4182262420654297, -1.3682241439819336, 0.1285700798034668, 2.6961097717285156, 0.649806022644043, 0.6037061214447021, -3.3393449783325195, 1.695493459701538, 0.26954030990600586, 1.608407735824585, 2.417757987976074, 3.1540725231170654, -1.2563893795013428, -0.8564608097076416, -0.5736947059631348, -2.528779983520508, 1.615479826927185, 1.0604910850524902, -3.2061357498168945, 3.4573726654052734, -3.208782911300659, 2.8679680824279785, -2.8671274185180664, 2.877383232116699, -0.9540605545043945, -1.166940450668335, 3.6289947032928467, 1.032821774482727, 0.5027872323989868, 1.261780023574829, 1.9691405296325684, 1.1226146221160889, 0.1850508451461792, 0.0542445182800293, 2.6239523887634277, 0.6077245473861694, 0.30573391914367676, -1.440544605255127, 2.9675416946411133, -0.23434686660766602, 1.994294285774231, 2.680293321609497, -2.6850650310516357, -2.132361650466919, 1.1974133253097534, -1.4977569580078125, -1.533277988433838, -2.997080087661743, 2.843824863433838, -2.9098033905029297, 3.763801097869873, -2.672781229019165, 1.9324674606323242, 2.2756190299987793, 2.0328664779663086, -0.4283030033111572, 2.7245028018951416, -0.2816486358642578, 3.85489559173584, -0.5963263511657715, -2.3917033672332764, -1.1915287971496582, -2.582158088684082, 3.2647814750671387, 2.200131416320801, 1.7805252075195312, 0.3083622455596924, 0.9984066486358643, -0.23045897483825684, -0.778942346572876, 0.26954030990600586, -3.289181709289551, -1.7784404754638672, -1.7917566299438477, 0.9137887954711914, 0.5658842325210571, -0.1348271369934082, -0.7032718658447266, 0.9984066486358643, -1.0136715173721313, -3.0618817806243896, -0.0579829216003418, -0.35643839836120605, -0.07233691215515137, -3.5761640071868896, 0.012366056442260742, -0.3096146583557129, 0.1134413480758667, -0.7176392078399658, 0.24700641632080078, 0.33092451095581055, -2.0300862789154053, -0.34407520294189453, -0.5767838954925537, -2.512502670288086, -1.233795166015625, 1.7366223335266113, 0.3946530818939209, 0.8824286460876465, -2.507658004760742, 2.2914748191833496, 0.45000648498535156, 1.1621376276016235, 3.4585483074188232, 3.424018383026123, 2.688798427581787, 2.788642406463623, 2.4713218212127686, 2.364650249481201, 2.311005115509033, 2.369288921356201, 0.2688596248626709, -3.399092197418213, 0.5333731174468994, 3.803175449371338, 0.1273345947265625, 3.0329501628875732, 2.8240623474121094, -1.7208061218261719, 3.650014877319336, 0.1850508451461792, 2.5897178649902344, 2.5121703147888184, 2.168402671813965, 2.441143751144409, 3.0171821117401123, 1.3284966945648193, 1.1067392826080322, 1.9423713684082031, 3.5296218395233154, 2.948795795440674, -2.512502670288086, 1.9400852918624878, 2.5901644229888916, -0.18227136135101318, 2.680293321609497, 2.0063869953155518, -0.3402400016784668, -0.03728199005126953, 0.9719686508178711, -2.9029605388641357, -3.2061357498168945, 2.217543840408325, 2.2265846729278564, 1.150829792022705, 1.0567526817321777, 2.6563968658447266, -0.03728199005126953, 1.950039267539978, -2.2032413482666016, 2.276002883911133, 3.3950884342193604, -2.968204975128174, -2.2089788913726807, 2.564340353012085, -3.5747549533843994, -0.7181189060211182, -2.226497173309326, -2.931603193283081, 1.2717580795288086, 0.3782755136489868, 2.358218193054199, -0.25737833976745605, -0.4757685661315918, -0.7845923900604248, -0.5266294479370117, -0.9639368057250977, 0.08019757270812988, -3.3617844581604004, -2.722914218902588, -2.704648494720459, -1.806236982345581, 0.6487534046173096, -2.2540745735168457, -1.1815776824951172, -1.2955653667449951, 0.12612390518188477, -1.3014492988586426, -2.2659382820129395, -2.7847836017608643, 1.037876844406128, 0.9257359504699707, -1.1956977844238281, 1.3058319091796875, -3.302844524383545, 0.47531819343566895, -3.8177032470703125, -1.3756439685821533, -2.476447582244873, 1.320108413696289, -1.0735695362091064, 0.755744218826294, -1.3778951168060303, -0.2850179672241211, -0.449054479598999, 1.0912129878997803, -2.5287246704101562, -1.4717247486114502, -1.0252203941345215, -0.21901345252990723, -3.2004096508026123, -3.208730459213257, -2.667788505554199, -3.654433012008667, 0.9257359504699707, -0.38475942611694336, 1.7729082107543945, -0.6379444599151611, -2.0410056114196777, -0.16578352451324463, -0.3814263343811035, -1.9714832305908203, -1.5723838806152344, -1.9554100036621094, -0.1348271369934082, -0.09634160995483398, 2.6744744777679443, -1.7137935161590576, 1.758306622505188, -2.868257522583008, 2.3176894187927246, 2.59504771232605, -3.0621209144592285, 0.09317898750305176, -2.230318546295166, 3.186911106109619, -0.2536158561706543, -2.5221662521362305, 2.9727249145507812, 2.461176633834839, 2.8955435752868652, -0.17369937896728516, 1.4292712211608887, -1.3756439685821533, 3.510004997253418, 1.7594575881958008, -0.7966108322143555, -0.6993012428283691, 2.2319223880767822, 2.5062360763549805, -1.2555344104766846, 1.4279013872146606, 2.1332356929779053, -3.149683952331543, 1.211694598197937, -3.200835943222046, 2.119687557220459, -3.0142602920532227, -1.7202746868133545, -1.7100958824157715, 1.071168065071106, 0.5658842325210571, -1.087467908859253, -3.2326760292053223, -1.8129096031188965, -2.704648494720459, -2.692063331604004, -0.4095888137817383, -2.119450330734253, -1.2069613933563232, -2.9428257942199707, -0.6299219131469727, -2.528779983520508, -0.23315715789794922, -2.507658004760742, -2.670534610748291, 2.7291271686553955, 2.0120649337768555, 2.029728651046753, 2.155608654022217, 1.310497760772705, 1.4748682975769043, 1.5549933910369873, 2.6350793838500977, 1.738772988319397, 3.469882011413574, 0.32091546058654785, 0.18607819080352783, 0.7932052612304688, 1.0151467323303223, 1.7621710300445557, 1.455906629562378, 0.5386755466461182, 2.772213935852051, 3.963507890701294, 0.7572332620620728, 4.3417463302612305, 4.211125373840332, 3.0943527221679688, 2.077072858810425, -1.7892735004425049, 2.8979930877685547, -1.6229591369628906, 2.974271774291992, 1.6410561800003052, 2.0085785388946533, 2.364650249481201, -1.327700138092041, 1.7433228492736816, 2.50508451461792, -3.0916545391082764, -0.7020847797393799, 1.3799092769622803, 1.4737746715545654, 3.3093576431274414, 1.4665863513946533, 3.3070878982543945, 0.0542445182800293, -2.7905802726745605, -0.6993012428283691, 1.152402400970459, -2.3821029663085938, 1.960214614868164, 2.04670786857605, 2.0276684761047363, 4.408941745758057, 2.0120649337768555, 2.363851547241211, 0.12980997562408447, -0.9276607036590576, -0.7758486270904541, 2.967214584350586, 0.4241384267807007, -1.9643261432647705, 3.161931037902832, -2.1203556060791016, 2.1033101081848145, 1.615479826927185, 2.277559518814087, 1.310497760772705, 1.801616907119751, 2.8503623008728027, 0.17030513286590576, 4.313117504119873, 1.4767966270446777, 2.762641429901123, 4.089325428009033, 2.276002883911133, 2.762641429901123, 1.6725902557373047, 2.772213935852051, 0.01966381072998047, 2.042525053024292, 2.50508451461792, 2.435194253921509, 2.372201442718506, 2.3014824390411377, 1.678041696548462, 3.3950884342193604, 3.7391586303710938, 3.9266533851623535, -1.6165661811828613, 1.6987496614456177, 0.1833789348602295, -1.2817268371582031, -2.230318546295166, 3.9254186153411865, -0.17369937896728516, 2.1081395149230957, 1.3070647716522217, 1.8710026741027832, 3.0642223358154297, 2.7044081687927246, 3.109327793121338, 2.458153247833252, 1.0985074043273926, 2.6649911403656006, 3.5374319553375244, 1.8102898597717285, 1.2882864475250244, 0.7567703723907471, 0.387984037399292, 2.6649911403656006, 1.8454508781433105, 3.08381986618042, 2.435194253921509, 1.8739850521087646, 2.1194305419921875, 1.22550630569458, 3.0951154232025146, 1.386760950088501, -0.9639368057250977, -0.8351099491119385, -0.4896810054779053, -1.327700138092041, 0.09543168544769287, 0.41022682189941406, -0.1841716766357422, -3.287588596343994, -0.0579829216003418, -1.0610878467559814, -0.19671893119812012, 0.7983155250549316, -1.159125566482544, -2.1094138622283936, -2.6321446895599365, -2.1094138622283936, -0.5356152057647705, -0.9712514877319336, -2.0461161136627197, -1.5530424118041992, -0.4971907138824463, -1.2896013259887695, -1.9274723529815674, -1.3073863983154297, -1.8436477184295654, -3.147486448287964, -1.6450908184051514, -2.580216646194458, -2.161465644836426, -1.684616208076477, -3.775536298751831, -0.924686074256897, -3.2427022457122803, -1.210087537765503, -2.582158088684082, -1.6031594276428223, -3.2427022457122803, 0.5056452751159668, 0.002428293228149414, -2.2432591915130615, 0.08359122276306152, -2.4277095794677734, -1.1815776824951172, -3.1760241985321045, -2.7812066078186035, -1.6758699417114258, -0.7758486270904541, -1.7506957054138184, -1.728384256362915, -1.781299114227295, -1.0617986917495728, -2.386561870574951, -0.43231630325317383, 1.994294285774231, 1.783357858657837, 2.4569144248962402, 3.0243401527404785, 1.3678088188171387, 3.8964715003967285, 1.3631870746612549, 2.160722017288208, 1.5855599641799927, -0.31524205207824707, 2.7291271686553955, 3.433764934539795, 2.349278688430786, -2.0189061164855957, 1.8984949588775635, 2.4396848678588867, 2.2595300674438477, 1.7309037446975708, 1.05338454246521, 3.008619785308838, 2.390289068222046, 0.275266170501709, 1.1497162580490112, 1.1757607460021973, 3.218574047088623, 3.2283520698547363, 2.8601737022399902, 3.186911106109619, -0.6020257472991943, 1.375359058380127, 1.1263349056243896, -2.9257495403289795, 0.7747049331665039, -2.0950567722320557, 0.286105751991272, -1.552978277206421, 2.881871223449707, -2.549987316131592, -3.3668360710144043, 3.1583192348480225, -1.159125566482544, 1.5230154991149902, -0.5391762256622314, -1.1816632747650146, -2.032376766204834, 2.015531539916992, -0.3845856189727783, -0.2360823154449463, 0.296100378036499, -2.6799991130828857, 2.089493989944458, 2.4431240558624268, 1.0567526817321777, -1.7137069702148438, -2.5719852447509766, 0.9786229133605957, 1.211694598197937, 2.579495668411255, -3.313612461090088, 3.4941601753234863, 2.948795795440674, -0.5742814540863037, -0.23045897483825684, 1.959594488143921, -2.6876447200775146, 1.9955036640167236, 1.8140335083007812, -2.037890672683716, 0.5274753570556641, -0.4316558837890625, 2.2914748191833496, -2.6065263748168945, -0.11995744705200195, -1.6739622354507446, -0.5343434810638428, -2.7391979694366455, -2.1371421813964844, -2.828207015991211, 0.7377152442932129, -2.7723309993743896, -2.701821804046631, -2.784092903137207, -0.7966108322143555, -1.9088480472564697, -2.868257522583008, -3.062211275100708, -0.8261725902557373, -0.37448906898498535, 1.8649959564208984, -1.7100958824157715, -2.988961696624756, -3.8177032470703125, 2.618882179260254, 0.680720329284668, -3.208730459213257, -1.4295384883880615, 0.4475085735321045, 0.17720258235931396, -3.0434141159057617, -1.8341000080108643, 0.8103569746017456, 2.1599178314208984, 2.2500617504119873, -1.4661734104156494, 1.6103661060333252, -3.1433424949645996, -2.5372557640075684, 2.85588002204895, -0.6299943923950195, -2.2659382820129395, -1.4401578903198242, -3.200835943222046, -2.310819149017334, -3.0619757175445557, -3.0916545391082764, -2.00015926361084, -2.8096816539764404, -3.1760241985321045, -1.327700138092041, 1.417067289352417, 0.3223447799682617, -2.794578790664673, 0.32091546058654785, -0.778942346572876, -1.2817268371582031, 0.4634556770324707, 1.5549933910369873, 1.6738351583480835, 2.3864493370056152, -2.037890672683716, 1.994294285774231, 0.26723313331604004, 0.30263662338256836, -0.2816486358642578, 1.4147026538848877, -1.327700138092041, -0.7227776050567627, -2.5902435779571533, -0.6040050983428955, 1.150829792022705, -2.7897720336914062, -0.08178472518920898, -2.795179605484009, -1.8684184551239014, -0.1069345474243164, 2.038038492202759, -1.517982840538025, 2.160611629486084, -2.119450330734253, -0.46324944496154785, -1.5918023586273193, 1.9955036640167236, -0.46324944496154785, 1.301324486732483, -0.9644119739532471, 3.627711534500122, 2.4097743034362793, -1.1563081741333008, -1.2927985191345215, 2.426753044128418, 2.1418137550354004, 1.6345632076263428, 2.9651007652282715, 1.6739628314971924, -0.13995695114135742, 3.510004997253418, -0.8708815574645996, -0.8064396381378174, -0.9898569583892822, 1.081542730331421, -0.8165037631988525, 0.9680318832397461, -2.559986114501953, -0.32840871810913086, 0.3029547929763794, 0.07744204998016357, 0.1285700798034668, -1.2555344104766846, -2.549987316131592, -0.08881354331970215, 0.5274753570556641, -0.9387874603271484, 0.09543168544769287, -2.405346632003784, -3.062211275100708, -2.1228606700897217, 0.6556260585784912, -0.04223942756652832, 0.296100378036499, -2.81864070892334, 2.3644728660583496, 2.1349949836730957, 2.856145143508911, -0.6414666175842285, 0.4088313579559326, 1.6782371997833252, 3.739466428756714, -1.0273940563201904, 1.4572675228118896, 3.083070993423462, -1.6692047119140625, 2.9927144050598145, -0.26564598083496094, -0.6414666175842285, 2.2769970893859863, -2.5902435779571533, -1.7784404754638672, 0.7119481563568115, -0.9793493747711182, 3.15109920501709, -0.7331218719482422, -2.6974775791168213, -0.13573837280273438, 1.0928547382354736, -3.1646230220794678, -0.9540605545043945, 2.379988193511963, 2.0441930294036865, -1.6330127716064453, -0.46324944496154785, -2.0189061164855957, -3.0605556964874268, -0.7966108322143555, -2.7192413806915283, 2.031467914581299, 2.155608654022217, -2.5151867866516113, 1.5549933910369873, 2.441143751144409, -3.0619757175445557, 2.042525053024292, -3.5761640071868896, 3.644291877746582, 2.896167755126953, -2.2601616382598877, 3.9058303833007812, 2.1184322834014893, 2.215399742126465, 2.815645217895508, 2.7241463661193848, 2.2254483699798584, 1.7366223335266113, 1.4748682975769043, 2.9675416946411133, 3.8621840476989746, 2.50508451461792, 2.655331611633301, 2.6010780334472656, 3.1645524501800537, 1.2287991046905518, 2.9216699600219727, 3.3917994499206543, -0.5805487632751465, 1.5210158824920654, -1.046365737915039, 0.8690805435180664, 2.5724399089813232, -0.5742814540863037, 2.5382394790649414, -0.31524205207824707, -3.2851860523223877, 1.8691990375518799, 2.3318710327148438, 0.7463425397872925, 2.522691011428833, -0.17980623245239258, 3.644291877746582, 1.6410561800003052, 0.20694637298583984, -0.2274932861328125, 1.1015141010284424, 1.1067392826080322, 1.2972462177276611, -0.4122452735900879, 3.305886745452881, 0.9310013055801392, 0.18607819080352783, 5.2283711433410645, 1.3024539947509766, 3.166405439376831, 2.583984375, 0.6822314262390137, 3.0651583671569824, 1.920839548110962, 0.8464655876159668, 4.286225318908691, 2.294290542602539, 1.8745241165161133, 1.873500943183899, 0.026253700256347656, 3.7850613594055176, 2.185969114303589, 2.0276684761047363, 1.38810396194458, 2.549797534942627, 2.3711555004119873, 2.50508451461792, 1.134958267211914, 1.2079154253005981, 1.3678088188171387, 3.2250189781188965, 2.3848371505737305, 1.4275007247924805, 2.954862117767334, 1.1494715213775635, 2.908031463623047, 2.948795795440674, 2.8462741374969482, 3.109327793121338, 2.364650249481201, 1.3847681283950806, 1.2119228839874268, 2.376941204071045, 2.97804594039917, 0.6136635541915894, 2.7640857696533203, 3.373051643371582, 2.2932779788970947, 1.3582648038864136, 2.3644728660583496, 1.7621710300445557, 2.7277755737304688, 2.0759501457214355, 1.524327039718628, 0.5654675960540771, 1.870889663696289, 2.529940128326416, 2.097902297973633, 1.7482469081878662, 2.5280048847198486, 1.2726986408233643, 1.715102195739746, 3.247623920440674, 2.656777858734131, 1.4750871658325195, 2.945315361022949, 2.786849021911621, 2.3631560802459717, 3.3193001747131348, 2.8242626190185547, 3.5005416870117188, 4.286225318908691, 2.599378824234009, 3.091677188873291, 3.264272689819336, 2.3864493370056152, 3.1159191131591797, 2.4948887825012207, 3.1313252449035645, 2.4396848678588867, 2.5062360763549805, 2.12188720703125, 2.5464653968811035, 2.002551794052124, 3.21093487739563, 2.9417612552642822, 3.124995231628418, 2.012550115585327, 2.5992283821105957, 1.0016194581985474, 2.1805763244628906, 4.173530101776123, 4.743720054626465, 2.981757640838623, 1.2480783462524414, 3.5813140869140625, 1.3342313766479492, 3.142806053161621, 0.7327003479003906, 2.1216602325439453, 3.0329501628875732, 1.375359058380127, 1.8651020526885986, 2.383007764816284, 3.4941601753234863, 2.564340353012085, 1.7509219646453857, 1.3519349098205566, 1.8499727249145508, 1.870889663696289, 4.810193061828613, 2.815091609954834, 3.6255688667297363, 0.5098931789398193, 3.997732162475586, 2.713057041168213, 3.9145712852478027, 3.4838452339172363, 2.1699705123901367, 1.6059143543243408, 2.250602960586548, 1.4223695993423462, 1.739646553993225, 0.22695624828338623, 2.7291271686553955, 1.261780023574829, 1.4767966270446777, 1.643356204032898, 4.008929252624512, 2.6010780334472656, 2.3660898208618164, 3.098876714706421, 2.2416775226593018, 1.417067289352417, 0.06803297996520996, 3.0209977626800537, 2.696122407913208, 2.779055118560791, 2.3843116760253906, 1.081542730331421, 2.898585319519043, 2.2065203189849854, 0.16848599910736084, 1.1067392826080322, 3.635169506072998, 3.9058303833007812, 2.372023105621338, 1.8102898597717285, 1.9432945251464844, 2.6099324226379395, 1.692157506942749, -1.8069286346435547, 2.4925291538238525, 1.5844733715057373, 2.8242626190185547, 2.553534984588623, 2.6682605743408203, 2.860112190246582, 3.433764934539795, 3.240407943725586, 1.3519349098205566, 2.748596668243408, 2.616032361984253, 3.115811824798584, 0.7567703723907471, 2.545286178588867, 2.931004762649536, 4.743720054626465, 1.745421051979065, 0.7932052612304688, 4.270238399505615, 1.8187345266342163, 2.215399742126465, 2.458153247833252, 2.6361083984375, 2.45245623588562, 2.235243082046509, 3.3123323917388916, 1.6987496614456177, 2.159801483154297, 2.1184322834014893, 4.077572822570801, 2.7258615493774414, 3.152182102203369, 1.692157506942749, 3.1583192348480225, -0.6077632904052734, 2.9521324634552, 2.0259945392608643, 1.4456278085708618, -1.8069286346435547, 3.0159425735473633, 3.9145712852478027, 1.2480783462524414, 1.6572577953338623, 3.326538562774658, 3.2647814750671387, 3.990408182144165, 1.4223695993423462, -0.8694300651550293, 3.305886745452881 ], "y": [ -1.196709156036377, -1.9553983211517334, -1.8380215167999268, -0.7308469414710999, -0.5772886276245117, -0.06924915313720703, 0.11636906862258911, 0.6137760877609253, -0.05840480327606201, -1.8088557720184326, 1.0865898132324219, -2.33316707611084, -1.7600157260894775, -2.184907913208008, 0.611248254776001, -0.8012255430221558, -0.7807251214981079, -2.319920301437378, -2.8792333602905273, 0.2191523313522339, 0.4890833795070648, -1.9021949768066406, -0.28160160779953003, -2.6074109077453613, -0.4067234992980957, -2.5634002685546875, -0.24870258569717407, -0.9435297250747681, -1.0715875625610352, 0.5058390498161316, -1.835279941558838, 0.039289891719818115, -2.7189130783081055, -2.3576407432556152, -2.7092387676239014, -0.06924915313720703, -0.1374417543411255, -1.1900999546051025, -1.700174331665039, -0.8904903531074524, -1.096073865890503, -0.7589867115020752, -1.729310154914856, -2.368971824645996, -1.308324933052063, -2.143232822418213, -1.3329546451568604, -1.4068036079406738, -0.9668635129928589, -2.637587070465088, -0.11234819889068604, -0.18430384993553162, -0.8033755421638489, 0.28536128997802734, -1.858359694480896, -1.276849389076233, -0.38948550820350647, -2.2099099159240723, -1.2174595594406128, -0.7280705571174622, -1.0160044431686401, -2.2083497047424316, -1.729310154914856, 0.6202664375305176, -0.601660966873169, -1.3641440868377686, -0.8643425703048706, -3.0626628398895264, -1.1339441537857056, -2.0596375465393066, -1.8567105531692505, -2.8890864849090576, -1.4639554023742676, -0.7753742933273315, 0.4042133688926697, -0.1082618236541748, -0.23813501000404358, 0.36500054597854614, -1.7784361839294434, -1.400256872177124, 0.017857730388641357, 0.024927139282226562, 0.15487295389175415, -3.4335215091705322, -0.48012298345565796, -2.33316707611084, -1.4895787239074707, 0.3037584722042084, -2.0598318576812744, -1.9372378587722778, 0.10013192892074585, 1.69254469871521, -2.4283554553985596, -2.688884735107422, -0.28075847029685974, 0.599442183971405, -1.7013667821884155, -2.8813202381134033, -0.6643446683883667, -0.3767120838165283, -1.1105607748031616, -0.8935191035270691, -3.0884344577789307, -2.1138367652893066, 0.002845287322998047, 0.04746702313423157, 0.32554909586906433, -2.335684061050415, -2.3665823936462402, -1.7014062404632568, -2.955622673034668, -1.1459771394729614, -0.5068924427032471, -0.9919304847717285, -2.2374427318573, -1.3641440868377686, -2.4579391479492188, -1.106162190437317, -0.938730001449585, -0.7298843860626221, -0.15261131525039673, -1.0794225931167603, 1.3675893545150757, -1.2401204109191895, -0.13394346833229065, -2.0245559215545654, 0.3691022992134094, -0.7224199771881104, -3.6344645023345947, -2.9303853511810303, -2.727743625640869, 0.034270137548446655, -0.23532891273498535, 0.5076907873153687, -3.108858108520508, -0.14083313941955566, -0.20224612951278687, -2.372803211212158, -1.1748816967010498, -0.2981799244880676, -3.9066357612609863, -4.1924943923950195, -0.44580066204071045, -0.012694209814071655, -2.3736801147460938, -0.1082618236541748, -2.615450382232666, 1.4650065898895264, 0.5042418241500854, -0.1357267200946808, 0.3691022992134094, 0.7242940068244934, 0.2571026086807251, 0.18435311317443848, -0.06924915313720703, -1.4564481973648071, -0.12927281856536865, -1.0768948793411255, -2.173959255218506, -0.5969147682189941, -3.108858108520508, -2.4566099643707275, -1.1339441537857056, 0.22552239894866943, -2.0988001823425293, -2.2435357570648193, 0.16732504963874817, -0.2117914855480194, 0.07612103223800659, -0.09769746661186218, 0.23565447330474854, -0.15563076734542847, -1.9777272939682007, -0.7538631558418274, -3.20690655708313, -1.4982572793960571, 0.7885334491729736, -1.6530647277832031, 0.3526034355163574, -3.042325019836426, -1.1968445777893066, -0.7838723063468933, -2.567330837249756, -1.6099262237548828, -2.759824275970459, -0.1858636736869812, -1.1633708477020264, 0.47213175892829895, -0.6251640915870667, -3.721296787261963, -1.8387691974639893, -1.9088419675827026, -0.8772285580635071, -0.08909696340560913, -0.20260456204414368, 0.5070005655288696, -0.5791361927986145, 1.3676354885101318, -2.091294527053833, -3.130753993988037, -0.3656509518623352, -3.4623475074768066, 0.13943690061569214, -2.8890864849090576, -0.6764358878135681, -1.9504175186157227, -2.368971824645996, -0.7538631558418274, -0.811730146408081, -2.4388036727905273, 0.7190850377082825, -1.6597018241882324, -0.7926093339920044, -0.27113479375839233, -2.6216049194335938, -0.4373285174369812, -2.5872533321380615, 0.2125861644744873, -2.854027509689331, -2.2368249893188477, 0.17982351779937744, -1.0938220024108887, -2.440459728240967, -1.1739270687103271, -0.11504766345024109, 0.8098360896110535, 0.808821976184845, -0.7406770586967468, -2.4562182426452637, -0.7826566696166992, -2.380363941192627, -1.0938220024108887, -1.5042349100112915, -0.693374514579773, -2.5880227088928223, -0.2981799244880676, 0.31146448850631714, -0.9845924973487854, -0.42653679847717285, -3.0363409519195557, -1.2145326137542725, -1.2184803485870361, -2.407015323638916, -2.6468214988708496, -1.5032293796539307, -0.9056069850921631, -1.595232367515564, -1.0201668739318848, 0.06480422616004944, -0.35670873522758484, 1.1335062980651855, -0.6596733331680298, 0.7037402391433716, -0.7224476337432861, -2.5357699394226074, -0.19219642877578735, -1.5368751287460327, -1.841049313545227, -0.6889545917510986, -1.2104766368865967, 0.32554909586906433, -2.851010799407959, -1.1814777851104736, -1.7014062404632568, 0.23152801394462585, -2.240766763687134, -0.841839075088501, -0.9477682113647461, -1.5497777462005615, -0.9197027087211609, 1.082346796989441, -1.4905681610107422, -1.1608779430389404, -1.586116075515747, -0.0042646825313568115, -0.9083923101425171, 1.83209228515625, -1.0826027393341064, -2.3535349369049072, -0.8895942568778992, -0.1941426694393158, -1.2020407915115356, -2.7317519187927246, -2.3815383911132812, -0.5612456202507019, -0.8757236003875732, -1.475437879562378, -1.1633708477020264, -2.085254430770874, -1.1688954830169678, -3.2324719429016113, -2.3160126209259033, -0.27589094638824463, -0.938730001449585, -1.3089327812194824, 0.11206722259521484, -1.9194220304489136, -2.567330837249756, -0.05064404010772705, -3.334496021270752, 2.632917642593384, -1.0343401432037354, -0.5849913358688354, -0.8660581111907959, 0.7474109530448914, -1.7081518173217773, -0.054646074771881104, -3.7831716537475586, -3.4623475074768066, -0.3118147850036621, -1.132981538772583, -1.2180068492889404, -0.9238020777702332, -0.6802181601524353, 0.45477914810180664, 0.9053568840026855, -1.6455566883087158, -1.8662898540496826, -2.2475571632385254, -0.4712412357330322, -1.245737075805664, -1.3668498992919922, 0.37597137689590454, -1.1056833267211914, -1.2325630187988281, -3.0806174278259277, 1.0811318159103394, -1.8959684371948242, -0.4956589341163635, -0.13875693082809448, -1.969433069229126, -0.2316855788230896, 1.3689649105072021, -0.15548548102378845, -2.139080047607422, -2.5342459678649902, -2.2855658531188965, -2.3576407432556152, -2.7929086685180664, -0.20260456204414368, -1.850316047668457, -1.4183382987976074, -0.9743197560310364, -0.8737382888793945, 1.653747797012329, -1.3842374086380005, -2.651418685913086, 0.13180360198020935, -0.002585291862487793, -1.8786869049072266, -1.3627040386199951, 0.4973881244659424, 0.2191523313522339, 0.07242846488952637, -1.8756701946258545, -0.4654195308685303, -0.23694586753845215, -1.0309823751449585, -0.03820669651031494, -1.213521122932434, -2.5350871086120605, 0.39473575353622437, -3.310145854949951, -0.06486639380455017, -0.4956556558609009, -3.1755499839782715, -1.823785662651062, -3.927248477935791, -3.592111587524414, -2.1235511302948, -2.0870909690856934, 0.7187273502349854, 0.06480422616004944, -1.1056833267211914, -1.2830398082733154, -1.9088499546051025, 0.4414195418357849, 2.3981149196624756, -2.276607036590576, 0.32816043496131897, -3.3971810340881348, -0.1505512297153473, -0.11138632893562317, 0.2191523313522339, -1.3133091926574707, 1.3155664205551147, 1.6049857139587402, -0.7816066741943359, -4.078212261199951, 0.4818548262119293, -0.9188728332519531, -1.3738762140274048, -1.0942989587783813, -0.20224612951278687, -1.3075193166732788, -0.012694209814071655, -0.18857532739639282, -3.11466908454895, -0.035910218954086304, -1.206240177154541, -1.5150936841964722, -0.7674182653427124, -0.9352988600730896, -1.6776857376098633, -0.03642672300338745, -0.6949645280838013, 0.024927139282226562, -2.6274447441101074, -1.3075193166732788, -0.9592688083648682, -0.1357267200946808, -0.5939537286758423, -1.0214086771011353, 0.9829006195068359, -0.07355231046676636, 0.5830562114715576, -2.495276689529419, -0.3148529529571533, -0.3637673854827881, -0.3774009943008423, -0.03820669651031494, -1.3581335544586182, 2.2425756454467773, 0.6179662942886353, -0.5406028032302856, -1.5693610906600952, 0.7016071081161499, -1.3421071767807007, -4.541391372680664, -1.474402904510498, -0.8287801742553711, -0.9359932541847229, 2.3720836639404297, -1.3204925060272217, 0.06480422616004944, -2.3636114597320557, -0.3425440788269043, -1.372420310974121, -1.7979944944381714, -1.9983127117156982, -1.9151668548583984, -0.8904903531074524, 1.1539113521575928, 0.5701265335083008, -0.23532891273498535, -0.34315067529678345, 0.5070005655288696, -0.15436360239982605, -1.23725426197052, 1.7234153747558594, -0.29031234979629517, -1.2668068408966064, -1.519012212753296, -1.590166687965393, -0.27589094638824463, -1.2523963451385498, 0.39387714862823486, -1.241061806678772, -2.2475571632385254, -0.9649272561073303, -2.642500400543213, -0.9197027087211609, -0.38251447677612305, 0.03154170513153076, -0.40928760170936584, -0.45630818605422974, -1.346968173980713, -3.985281467437744, -1.2830398082733154, -2.14359974861145, -1.9875385761260986, -1.6846058368682861, 0.5839433670043945, 0.04746702313423157, -1.8497353792190552, 0.24080359935760498, -1.0794225931167603, -0.4901420474052429, -2.580636739730835, -2.2513208389282227, 0.080169677734375, -1.4786131381988525, 0.21502536535263062, -0.029651284217834473, -2.228605270385742, -2.3048439025878906, -0.09769746661186218, -0.037392377853393555, 0.38008055090904236, -0.6251640915870667, -2.4723899364471436, -2.955622673034668, -0.6802181601524353, -0.5010377764701843, -1.0405550003051758, 2.3102245330810547, -2.9726123809814453, 0.27787938714027405, -0.5772886276245117, -0.0042646825313568115, -1.3668498992919922, -1.9514435529708862, 1.3676354885101318, -0.13394346833229065, -0.4173073172569275, -0.48019319772720337, -3.2793564796447754, -0.21619626879692078, 1.053100347518921, -1.0343401432037354, -1.572056531906128, -0.4070900082588196, -1.281648874282837, 0.9053568840026855, -4.172356128692627, 0.3214396834373474, -3.0806174278259277, -0.19727760553359985, -1.8291715383529663, 0.6053231358528137, -0.37036383152008057, -0.8880395889282227, -1.1459771394729614, -1.5776312351226807, -0.35074618458747864, -0.7681998014450073, -3.029935598373413, -1.5868037939071655, -2.904270887374878, -2.173959255218506, -1.2297017574310303, -2.2099099159240723, 0.25212621688842773, -0.8676006197929382, -0.40928760170936584, -1.200615644454956, -2.257369041442871, 0.16298767924308777, -0.5735924243927002, -2.884833812713623, -1.0405550003051758, -1.3941385746002197, 0.12997108697891235, -1.5687205791473389, -1.4631813764572144, -1.803076982498169, -0.9625399112701416, -1.6015887260437012, -1.3774311542510986, 0.20556509494781494, 0.38008055090904236, -0.8874146938323975, -3.1058616638183594, -1.0718259811401367, -1.4895787239074707, -0.7434601783752441, -1.2297017574310303, -0.37036383152008057, -1.8497353792190552, -2.7983367443084717, -2.874215841293335, 0.25825536251068115, -1.372420310974121, -1.1939218044281006, 0.529394805431366, -3.1038687229156494, -1.4631813764572144, -0.35670873522758484, -1.1464595794677734, -0.2689126431941986, -1.363070011138916, -1.0201668739318848, -0.92763352394104, -2.116647243499756, -0.6058907508850098, -0.84742271900177, -1.3362826108932495, -0.035917818546295166, -0.3764370083808899, -1.200615644454956, -0.8772285580635071, -0.27822422981262207, -2.12117862701416, -1.1688954830169678, -0.8738411068916321, -1.4741591215133667, -0.6352742910385132, -0.23813501000404358, 0.8904040455818176, -1.2281734943389893, -2.0673794746398926, -1.2966394424438477, -0.2800960838794708, 1.8352758884429932, -1.3442838191986084, -2.676146984100342, -0.023535192012786865, -0.3667893409729004, 0.26532119512557983, 0.22552239894866943, 0.808821976184845, -1.2898591756820679, 0.25154292583465576, -0.4409351348876953, -0.9435297250747681, 0.7537840604782104, -1.5043487548828125, -1.6562775373458862, -2.676146984100342, -0.6563863754272461, -0.7816066741943359, -2.184907913208008, 1.4650065898895264, 1.2620525360107422, -0.45952969789505005, -0.9503997564315796, 1.1391147375106812, -2.238193988800049, 0.7158312797546387, -0.07779449224472046, -3.5323026180267334, -0.7588093280792236, 0.012244552373886108, -0.7588093280792236, -0.17129582166671753, 0.4876091778278351, -1.9439136981964111, -4.167627811431885, -0.31810814142227173, -0.6685283780097961, -0.9359932541847229, 0.7816390991210938, 1.0716056823730469, -0.7938442230224609, 2.3102245330810547, 1.4651267528533936, -1.9253239631652832, 1.7470767498016357, 1.3676354885101318, -0.9697887897491455, -2.849956512451172, -1.162459135055542, -0.4856579899787903, -1.1130329370498657, -0.15322145819664001, 0.4909338057041168, 0.7570508718490601, -2.6631860733032227, -1.0846374034881592, 0.3616887927055359, 0.8356962203979492, -0.4956589341163635, -2.1008410453796387, -1.1517817974090576, -2.238193988800049, -1.0187002420425415, -2.956026792526245, -1.7997045516967773, -0.06563463807106018, -1.7081518173217773, 0.10013192892074585, 0.16749370098114014, -0.5323380827903748, -0.35492005944252014, -1.363070011138916, -0.7814117670059204, -1.6095393896102905, -0.9017208218574524, -1.5868037939071655, -0.6548483371734619, 0.7694064378738403, -1.5846021175384521, -1.0475455522537231, -0.38491755723953247, -2.2368249893188477, 0.09532445669174194, -2.421236276626587, -1.525098204612732, -1.304348111152649, -0.7589867115020752, -1.2653651237487793, -0.4183378219604492, -0.928316056728363, -4.0589165687561035, -3.6998403072357178, 1.0788930654525757, -1.4068036079406738, -0.7224199771881104, -1.6186797618865967, -1.8343205451965332, -1.1677172183990479, 0.33815091848373413, -0.3621366322040558, -0.32427677512168884, -2.1125330924987793, 0.26532119512557983, -0.6452372074127197, -2.4240283966064453, 0.28536128997802734, -2.753481864929199, -0.3849482536315918, -0.8287801742553711, -0.04264196753501892, 0.003993570804595947, -1.3666561841964722, -1.2952961921691895, -2.14359974861145, -0.060916364192962646, 0.9053568840026855, -1.6007133722305298, 0.13886189460754395, 0.9692503213882446, -0.8927841186523438, 0.16732504963874817, -0.013715624809265137, -2.7983367443084717, -2.8860414028167725, -0.9227299094200134, -0.7434601783752441, -0.5668373107910156, -1.4320451021194458, -2.642500400543213, -0.7905996441841125, 0.6152259111404419, -1.0072135925292969, -0.023535192012786865, -0.1941426694393158, -0.4983908534049988, -4.091403961181641, 0.5020348429679871, -0.3835837244987488, 0.08902633190155029, 1.3012326955795288, 0.3338449001312256, 1.83046555519104, -3.320291042327881, -3.3960909843444824, -1.206240177154541, -1.0859216451644897, -0.20260456204414368, -0.47552579641342163, -1.8343205451965332, -0.3667893409729004, -1.2630653381347656, 0.33699703216552734, -0.20847570896148682, 1.3727375268936157, -1.3842374086380005, -0.781095027923584, 0.043945133686065674, -0.7588093280792236, -1.0858478546142578, -2.619413375854492, -2.2617294788360596, 1.0865898132324219, -0.16239076852798462, -1.3341515064239502, -0.05222764611244202, -1.259263038635254, -1.73783278465271, 1.653747797012329, -1.6759718656539917, -1.029977560043335, 0.005082517862319946, -0.2621089816093445, -1.522867202758789, -1.6175189018249512, -1.3554270267486572, -0.18580038845539093, 1.975871205329895, -2.7446508407592773, 0.9993940591812134, -2.2853055000305176, -2.7889208793640137, 1.1284445524215698, -1.3554270267486572, -2.1008410453796387, 0.045416176319122314, -2.33316707611084, -0.7308469414710999, 0.22223222255706787, -1.6846058368682861, -0.18680256605148315, -2.4057414531707764, 1.0803488492965698, -0.19727760553359985, -3.130753993988037, -0.1492527425289154, -0.7926093339920044, -1.8566868305206299, -1.04193913936615, -1.7742260694503784, -2.5875325202941895, -0.9894176721572876, -0.8002269268035889, -0.18718662858009338, -0.38170871138572693, 0.3003939986228943, -2.8231215476989746, 1.2420847415924072, -0.7241445183753967, -2.064990282058716, -0.0969429612159729, -1.7549264430999756, -0.6563692092895508, -1.1154381036758423, -1.7371324300765991, -0.658858597278595, -2.1834349632263184, -3.5022225379943848, -0.4856579899787903, -0.3801582455635071, 0.09130001068115234, -0.02591821551322937, -0.4206121265888214, 0.7117128968238831, 0.08444702625274658, -1.4591251611709595, -2.7983367443084717, -0.11345204710960388, -0.08865046501159668, 0.06302905082702637, -1.096073865890503, -1.3251537084579468, -2.3665823936462402, -0.9591469168663025, -1.8959684371948242, -0.3869042694568634, -0.8738411068916321, -1.6095393896102905, -2.0473074913024902, -1.1129117012023926, -1.5270931720733643, -1.586116075515747, 1.476905107498169, -1.7457555532455444, 0.09854984283447266, -0.035910218954086304, -2.5333096981048584, -1.2898591756820679, -1.3075193166732788, -1.183516502380371, 0.039289891719818115, -0.8737382888793945, -0.8287801742553711, 1.1284445524215698, -1.363069772720337, -2.089217185974121, -0.31082454323768616, 0.42760393023490906, -0.3637673854827881, -0.47080689668655396, 1.6824442148208618, -0.19062760472297668, -0.0042646825313568115, 0.43430468440055847, 1.39872145652771, -1.209797978401184, -2.6468214988708496, -0.19219642877578735, 0.6053231358528137, -1.0719506740570068, -1.8708720207214355, -1.5525007247924805, 0.9692503213882446, -0.12314680218696594, 0.6829207539558411, -2.3815383911132812, -1.6820937395095825, -2.408572196960449, 0.3003939986228943, 0.7037402391433716, 0.10804462432861328, 0.36500054597854614, -2.551193952560425, -1.949878454208374, -1.9452056884765625, -2.7165541648864746, -0.6896026134490967, -0.20780012011528015, 0.21696922183036804, -0.015292227268218994, -2.2853055000305176, -0.1505512297153473, -2.1467125415802, -1.3278772830963135, -2.4151949882507324, 1.83046555519104, -1.9504175186157227, -0.9413452744483948, -0.2918391823768616, -1.908339023590088, 0.42760393023490906, -0.9919304847717285, -0.22402405738830566, -0.675017237663269, -1.8402109146118164, -0.3767120838165283, -2.143232822418213, -1.4277054071426392, 0.080169677734375, -0.8033755421638489, -0.6563692092895508, -0.8738411068916321, -0.18680495023727417, 0.002845287322998047, -1.3941385746002197, 0.5795184969902039, -1.7353109121322632, -0.601660966873169, -1.23725426197052, 0.33123815059661865, -1.3324135541915894, -0.36845090985298157, -1.9512182474136353, 0.16608285903930664, -1.8485238552093506, -1.0794225931167603, -1.8955903053283691, 0.3105136752128601, -3.0939178466796875, -1.8003039360046387, -1.9634921550750732, -1.4277054071426392, -1.9504175186157227, -1.3329546451568604, -3.12752103805542, -0.7298843860626221, -1.3251537084579468, 0.7885334491729736, -0.6251640915870667, -2.0870909690856934, -1.9875385761260986, -0.45630818605422974, -0.32512417435646057, -0.440353125333786, -1.5519709587097168, -0.8880395889282227, 0.10636286437511444, -1.2708287239074707, -2.113290309906006, -0.32427677512168884, -1.087601661682129, -1.276849389076233, -0.2982715666294098, -0.32427677512168884, -0.6928581595420837, -2.134680986404419, -0.49216294288635254, -1.7005850076675415, -2.2083497047424316, -1.7910585403442383, 0.9678518176078796, -1.422530174255371, -0.592811107635498, -2.1901564598083496, -1.1096217632293701, 1.39872145652771, 1.082346796989441, -2.2079877853393555, -2.3977153301239014, 0.9829006195068359, -0.037392377853393555, -0.0969429612159729, 0.19185465574264526, -0.6599750518798828, -1.4644601345062256, -1.7574244737625122, -2.743337631225586, -0.7681998014450073, 1.653747797012329, -2.4240283966064453, 0.7816390991210938, -0.7180864810943604, -2.8914575576782227, -0.4506007432937622, -2.393545150756836, 0.14479941129684448, -3.0312583446502686, -0.30345040559768677, -1.0824233293533325, 0.2125861644744873, -0.2968916893005371, -0.227983295917511, -0.9443436861038208, 0.080169677734375, 0.3088344633579254, -0.2981799244880676, -2.393545150756836, 2.5140180587768555, -2.5474472045898438, 1.1769382953643799, -0.5029444098472595, 1.8760321140289307, 0.6115484237670898, -3.4335215091705322, -0.9567758440971375, -1.3641440868377686, -0.012694209814071655, -1.8837385177612305, 0.8946105241775513, 0.39926502108573914, 0.024927139282226562, -1.9559818506240845, -1.9629812240600586, -2.1868984699249268, -0.7434601783752441, -1.5150936841964722, -0.5274834632873535, 0.12735962867736816, -0.5345722436904907, 0.07287156581878662, -1.3255023956298828, 0.39387714862823486, -1.6104621887207031, -1.784820556640625, -0.734958291053772, -0.49216294288635254, -0.04264196753501892, -2.1754512786865234, -2.0331921577453613, -2.5233230590820312, -0.27589094638824463, -2.450316905975342, -1.731387734413147, -2.1190977096557617, -0.45630818605422974, -0.9640026688575745, -2.156668186187744, -2.6501169204711914, -1.3084259033203125, -2.380363941192627, -1.2184803485870361, -1.214717149734497, -3.239448308944702, -2.406829833984375, -1.1485838890075684, -1.8291715383529663, -1.8402109146118164, -0.9410351514816284, -0.7616660594940186, -1.9457957744598389, 0.6152259111404419, 0.6202664375305176, 1.65317964553833, -0.32427677512168884, -3.11466908454895, 1.2089030742645264, -0.32955873012542725, 1.4651267528533936, -1.5533068180084229, -1.1459771394729614, -2.6746816635131836, -0.38132035732269287, 0.8576174974441528, -0.015292227268218994, -1.2281734943389893, -2.694465160369873, -2.3535349369049072, 0.09130001068115234, -1.0203890800476074, -1.6175189018249512, -1.2898591756820679, -0.7683090567588806, -1.2281734943389893, -1.5008230209350586, -0.7591691613197327, -1.0938220024108887, -0.18057888746261597, -1.5683708190917969, -0.6982172727584839, -0.7814117670059204, -1.2897957563400269, -2.6696362495422363, -2.12866473197937, 0.08902633190155029, -1.6104621887207031, -2.651418685913086, -2.5280261039733887, -1.2469477653503418, 0.8576174974441528, 1.39872145652771, 0.8786320686340332, 0.12619775533676147, -0.11345204710960388, -3.029935598373413, -0.5413234829902649, -1.0773589611053467, -0.20443487167358398, 0.04630535840988159, -1.2958942651748657, -1.554227352142334, -0.9268859028816223, -1.2075105905532837, -0.8012255430221558, -2.0151329040527344, -0.11463114619255066, -0.7820663452148438, -1.3949085474014282, -3.119899272918701, -1.7457555532455444, -1.7006216049194336, -1.6761928796768188, 0.04432880878448486, -1.7371324300765991, 0.17017829418182373, -2.4612765312194824, -0.18766900897026062, 0.2969233989715576, -2.2099099159240723, -0.6299965977668762, -0.1341037154197693, 0.10952997207641602, -3.985281467437744, -0.7010052800178528, -0.989299476146698, -2.6582860946655273, -0.27589094638824463, -1.203373670578003, -1.0938220024108887, 0.13249808549880981, -1.4550615549087524, 0.16298767924308777, -1.4068036079406738, -0.9372894763946533, -2.8116557598114014, -1.1633708477020264, -2.134680986404419, -1.5687205791473389, -2.651418685913086, -1.4845702648162842, -3.2296853065490723, 0.006330311298370361, -2.2523159980773926, -1.3686351776123047, -1.6356576681137085, -0.604015588760376, 1.7470767498016357, -0.6677693128585815, 0.16996797919273376, -0.061237990856170654, -1.2180068492889404, -1.9791332483291626, -1.7832995653152466, -1.2183723449707031, -0.5010377764701843, -0.23711508512496948, -1.4639554023742676, 0.808821976184845, -1.2596044540405273, 0.4909338057041168, -1.8581883907318115, -1.2809953689575195, 1.3389060497283936, -1.0693347454071045, -1.5804017782211304, -0.9574276208877563, -1.9151668548583984, -2.037759780883789, -0.004348397254943848, -0.11138632893562317, -2.30244779586792, 0.2969233989715576, -2.5603818893432617, 1.65317964553833, -0.5708122849464417, -0.3148529529571533, -1.3091545104980469, -2.5634002685546875, -0.056704968214035034, -0.3384055197238922, 0.10636286437511444, -1.8441781997680664, -1.0475455522537231, 0.6202664375305176, -0.1337183117866516, -0.687220573425293, -0.8994165062904358, 0.16749370098114014, -0.660963773727417, 0.7016071081161499, 0.13936468958854675, -0.6573069095611572, -1.1748816967010498, -1.9476796388626099, 0.017857730388641357, -2.0141870975494385, -1.3110861778259277, 1.3416520357131958, -0.5942476391792297, -0.8151553869247437, 2.408828020095825, 0.06188243627548218, -2.1138367652893066, -1.505192756652832, -0.970427393913269, 0.013434290885925293, -2.3937411308288574, -0.42653679847717285, -0.5125346779823303, 0.2571026086807251, 1.83046555519104, -2.257369041442871, -0.6557490825653076, -1.0942989587783813, -0.9361960291862488, -4.7326087951660156e-05, -1.7822651863098145, 0.49823737144470215, -0.49238771200180054, 0.9936797618865967, -2.993420124053955, -2.054750919342041, -2.727743625640869, -2.2100229263305664, 0.611248254776001, -0.4813079237937927, -2.5233230590820312, -0.8649246692657471, -2.038947105407715, -1.2898591756820679, 0.6510003805160522, 0.2125861644744873, -1.3986629247665405, 0.0667421817779541, -0.5070728063583374, -1.4403488636016846, -1.0859216451644897, -0.5029444098472595, -1.4791224002838135, 0.5376796126365662, 0.5842717885971069, -1.1273878812789917, -2.9303853511810303, 0.38728004693984985, -1.1485705375671387, 0.7016071081161499, -1.8959684371948242, -0.9640026688575745, -1.1990704536437988, -0.5969147682189941, -2.6721558570861816, -2.7218689918518066, -0.9933421611785889, -2.106832504272461, -1.9512182474136353, -0.47080689668655396, -2.5869932174682617, -0.7739982008934021, 0.8098360896110535, -0.019050419330596924, -1.3842374086380005, 1.9936331510543823, -0.9603024125099182, -2.3160126209259033, -0.7658652067184448, 0.5070005655288696, -0.3942005932331085, -1.0846374034881592, -2.1138367652893066, -2.2100229263305664, -1.2898591756820679, -1.8931148052215576, -1.8662898540496826, 0.49332451820373535, -2.587599754333496, -1.451612949371338, -2.7509093284606934, -1.2340476512908936, -0.321630597114563, -2.440459728240967, -0.3324120044708252, -1.8958399295806885, -2.2435357570648193, -1.2020407915115356, -2.4043989181518555, 0.13852456212043762, -1.1322613954544067, -1.9402806758880615, -0.2689126431941986, -0.4983908534049988, 0.25131526589393616, -1.978062629699707, -2.091294527053833, -1.7013667821884155, 0.07612103223800659, 0.04315340518951416, 0.15553441643714905, 1.0865898132324219, 2.082409620285034, -0.6896026134490967, -2.169339418411255, 0.6210445165634155, -0.63908851146698, -1.4644601345062256, -1.7032023668289185, -0.7588093280792236, -0.7288275957107544, 1.3011064529418945, -1.213521122932434, -1.0267019271850586, -0.5831912755966187, 0.529394805431366, -0.5015066266059875, 0.10952997207641602, 0.3188134431838989, -0.7343995571136475, 0.5671601891517639, 0.47070103883743286, -0.557887613773346, -0.27822422981262207, -2.111495018005371, -1.655569076538086, -1.5793946981430054, -2.202153205871582, -0.9263103008270264, 0.5058390498161316, -2.229309558868408, -1.251840353012085, 0.49332451820373535, -1.2686643600463867, -1.4429593086242676, -0.22402405738830566, 0.32554909586906433, -0.9051864147186279, -0.1200232207775116, -2.4833245277404785, 1.6049857139587402, -0.2316855788230896, -0.07779449224472046, 0.8059313893318176, -0.5824975967407227, 0.5671601891517639, 1.04458749294281, -1.4207613468170166, -1.213521122932434, -1.175951600074768, -1.8191759586334229, -1.8220252990722656, 0.3265264630317688, -0.27517956495285034, 0.9993940591812134, -0.48019319772720337, 0.043945133686065674, -3.745830774307251, -0.002585291862487793, 1.83046555519104, -1.213521122932434, 0.25154292583465576, -2.6631860733032227, -0.2788386344909668, -1.8389146327972412, 0.2602933645248413, 0.31146448850631714, -1.1990704536437988, -3.592111587524414, -0.3592580556869507, -0.028044134378433228, -1.5088860988616943, -1.8708720207214355, -0.5286638736724854, -1.7775092124938965, -0.10515999794006348, 0.045416176319122314, -1.1130329370498657, -1.2184803485870361, 0.08637779951095581, 0.08148622512817383, 0.8890805244445801, -1.3150453567504883, -3.4623475074768066, -0.0036817193031311035, -1.9439136981964111, -3.170198440551758, -2.03946590423584, -1.3075193166732788, -0.017383486032485962, -0.6680258512496948, -2.9376220703125, -0.6281412243843079, -0.8774198889732361, -1.0203890800476074, -1.6175189018249512, -3.142711877822876, -1.0175633430480957, -0.47552579641342163, 0.7187273502349854, -1.2830665111541748, -0.7093029022216797, -0.8530923128128052, -0.9051864147186279, -0.48019319772720337, -0.5357310771942139, -0.6563863754272461, -1.1391937732696533, 0.2440285086631775, -1.5079936981201172, 0.7474109530448914, 0.3037584722042084, -3.125723361968994, -2.7092387676239014, -1.628300428390503, -1.9491158723831177, -1.0142850875854492, -2.3442115783691406, -0.3324120044708252, -0.5611969232559204, 0.006330311298370361, 0.10952997207641602, -1.4486801624298096, 0.03018048405647278, -1.5973236560821533, -0.8636185526847839, 0.599442183971405, 0.5587729811668396, -0.1594659388065338, -0.5262309312820435, -1.6989552974700928, -1.8387691974639893, -1.5717917680740356, -2.0331921577453613, -0.9989381432533264, -0.7883649468421936, -0.49238771200180054, -1.7284411191940308, 0.27487289905548096, -1.5693610906600952, 1.040358066558838, -0.4534938931465149, -1.4896576404571533, -0.0969429612159729, 0.8302322030067444, -0.42839425802230835, 0.7016071081161499, -0.811730146408081, -1.236038327217102, -1.2078616619110107, -0.4373285174369812, -0.9361960291862488, -2.624344825744629, -0.8774198889732361, 0.13943690061569214, -0.8262820839881897, -0.0766800045967102, -0.32427677512168884, 0.17370405793190002, -2.0473074913024902, -2.2591538429260254, 0.11206722259521484, -2.260802984237671, -1.628300428390503, -1.554227352142334, -2.731311321258545, -0.4199916124343872, -1.2020407915115356, -1.7846835851669312, 0.12484380602836609, 0.44702309370040894, -1.3110861778259277, -0.8880615234375, 1.0563740730285645, -1.5765721797943115, -0.8312555551528931, -2.368971824645996, 0.03468519449234009, 0.20006418228149414, -0.16268271207809448, 0.6115484237670898, -2.618166923522949, 0.17982351779937744, -0.5029444098472595, -1.5128413438796997, -0.018432796001434326, -2.229309558868408, -3.108858108520508, -1.6223554611206055, 0.2198493778705597, -3.432603597640991, -1.978440761566162, -0.7043394446372986, -0.6900040507316589, -0.9083923101425171, 0.034270137548446655, -1.3618782758712769, -2.183828115463257, -1.0794661045074463, 0.40947654843330383, -0.6086077094078064, 0.18576902151107788, -2.234032154083252, -0.7294247150421143, -0.7807251214981079, -1.23130464553833, -0.8636822700500488, 0.5164950489997864, -0.9268859028816223, -3.0626628398895264, -3.4039268493652344, -2.819138526916504, 0.9748022556304932, -0.9570260643959045, -0.1492527425289154, -0.7826566696166992, 0.07980090379714966, -1.0877903699874878, -3.108858108520508, 0.6707398295402527, -2.184907913208008, -2.399548292160034, -3.959798812866211, -1.6099262237548828, -0.7883649468421936, -1.8931148052215576, -2.0050318241119385, -0.1337183117866516, 0.20361191034317017, -2.5569872856140137, -0.1986776888370514, -0.1986776888370514, -0.6299965977668762, -2.4566099643707275, -1.0476330518722534, 0.045416176319122314, -0.17027735710144043, 0.3105136752128601, -0.6030889749526978, -2.0294570922851562, 0.6829207539558411, 1.3389060497283936, -0.9268859028816223, -2.9303853511810303, 0.39926502108573914, -1.053351640701294, -0.9372894763946533, 0.8059313893318176, 0.36404949426651, -2.570733070373535, -2.3636114597320557, -0.47245749831199646, 0.47070103883743286, -3.312368869781494, 0.16996797919273376, 1.309082269668579, -0.5274027585983276, 0.25131526589393616, -2.674992799758911, -2.240766763687134, -0.8636185526847839, -1.0675392150878906, -3.067012310028076, -0.27517956495285034, 0.6544052362442017, -3.2762341499328613, 0.2990913987159729, -0.8276529312133789, -2.854027509689331, -0.3383297026157379, -2.6582860946655273, 0.24207404255867004, -1.7549264430999756, 0.02519214153289795, -1.8567105531692505, -0.7292240858078003, 0.34866201877593994, 0.5839433670043945, -0.9358231425285339, 0.1299130916595459, 0.3338449001312256, -1.157354474067688, -1.9491158723831177, -1.8878328800201416, -0.7093029022216797, -0.4123133718967438, -0.7229009866714478, -2.6721558570861816, -1.7371324300765991, 0.8302322030067444, -0.8757236003875732, 0.4569101333618164, 0.27224570512771606, 0.61847323179245, -1.5722265243530273, -0.3764370083808899, -0.15927428007125854, -1.3362826108932495, -0.7674182653427124, -0.2918391823768616, -0.12739962339401245, -1.184248924255371, 1.975871205329895, -0.060916364192962646, -0.7364588975906372, -0.3631155788898468, -1.0794225931167603, -1.2304812669754028, -0.06615766882896423, -2.6059651374816895, -1.0026849508285522, 0.10428893566131592, -1.5232651233673096, -1.9572515487670898, -0.6231384873390198, 0.44702309370040894, -3.1038687229156494, 0.19185465574264526, -2.0596375465393066, -2.6482081413269043, 0.14479941129684448, -1.8380215167999268, -1.3686351776123047, 0.20046529173851013, -0.0036817193031311035, -1.233926773071289, -1.615574836730957, -1.941246509552002, -3.959798812866211, -1.308324933052063, -0.8262820839881897, -2.0245559215545654, -0.7926093339920044, -1.3204925060272217, 0.037350237369537354, 0.6474581956863403, 0.22552239894866943, -0.32365453243255615, -2.101494312286377, -1.6679234504699707, 0.5310863852500916, -2.9290504455566406, -1.6186797618865967, 0.31146448850631714, -0.10515999794006348, -1.0072118043899536, -1.4631813764572144, -0.5029444098472595, 0.18241453170776367, -1.890753984451294, -3.721296787261963, -1.3941385746002197, -0.9056069850921631, -1.7910585403442383, 2.082409620285034, 2.4672014713287354, -0.25279632210731506, -1.1231580972671509, 1.4650065898895264, -0.18430384993553162, -0.029651284217834473, -0.2642693519592285, 0.7537840604782104, -0.056704968214035034, 1.309082269668579, 0.22533035278320312, -0.13370412588119507, 1.2620525360107422, -0.8097807765007019, -1.472074270248413, -0.5997704267501831, -1.1464595794677734, -0.14083313941955566, -0.27589094638824463, 0.21611368656158447, -0.27822422981262207, -0.36978086829185486, -1.7579271793365479, -0.5413234829902649, -0.18057888746261597, -2.887180805206299, -2.2689714431762695, -1.8134530782699585, -2.5357699394226074, -1.3686351776123047, -0.34077250957489014, -0.651584804058075, -0.08865046501159668, -1.784820556640625, -2.005239963531494, -2.570733070373535, -2.624344825744629, -2.2689714431762695, -2.183828115463257, 0.6152259111404419, -0.8365045189857483, -2.5474472045898438, -1.5268268585205078, -2.2396812438964844, -2.6623640060424805, -1.7880299091339111, -0.8002269268035889, -1.3553416728973389, -0.8312555551528931, -2.6059651374816895, 0.3887224495410919, -2.4885499477386475, -1.6967597007751465, -1.1224286556243896, 0.25131526589393616, 0.08637779951095581, -2.1467125415802, -1.6007133722305298, -0.04264196753501892, -1.1898725032806396, -3.125723361968994, -1.9088419675827026, -1.451612949371338, -0.9226340055465698, -0.2918391823768616, 2.3720836639404297, -2.849956512451172, -3.0806174278259277, -1.147395133972168, 0.13180360198020935, -2.106168746948242, 1.082346796989441, -2.7165541648864746, -0.6541866064071655, -2.8890864849090576, 1.1764864921569824, 0.9053568840026855, -1.096073865890503, -0.781095027923584, -1.4631813764572144, 0.7016071081161499, -1.988084316253662, -3.3971810340881348, -0.8924608826637268, -0.26674285531044006, -3.881657361984253, -1.236635684967041, -1.143918514251709, 1.9936331510543823, 0.024927139282226562, -1.1224286556243896, -2.8362767696380615, -0.5883302688598633, -1.6827657222747803, 2.4672014713287354, -1.655569076538086, -1.0026849508285522, -3.3099775314331055, -1.2830665111541748, -0.11463114619255066, -0.7926093339920044, -1.1016638278961182, -0.91438889503479, -1.422408103942871, -1.8203030824661255, 0.7502424120903015, -3.3099775314331055, -1.0343401432037354, 0.5587729811668396, -0.2981799244880676, -0.5930078029632568, 0.06480422616004944, -0.7814117670059204, 0.024970263242721558, 0.21502536535263062, -1.1814777851104736, -0.6086077094078064, 0.20556509494781494, -1.9021949768066406, -2.12117862701416, 1.83046555519104, -1.1339441537857056, -0.9761667847633362, -3.885087490081787, -1.8955903053283691, -1.537154197692871, -2.7730984687805176, -0.15261131525039673, 0.27070629596710205, -0.45630818605422974, -1.5525153875350952, -2.7283411026000977, 0.8926457166671753, -1.7188489437103271, -2.234032154083252, -1.5497777462005615, -1.5821850299835205, -0.12739962339401245, -0.3631155788898468, -1.214717149734497, -1.5186567306518555, -0.7550675868988037, -1.9634921550750732, -0.7355678081512451, -2.759824275970459, -1.0794661045074463, -1.0983660221099854, 0.3526034355163574, -2.224287509918213, -2.1235511302948, -3.6037845611572266, -0.9989381432533264, -1.8485238552093506, -1.9491158723831177, -2.5872533321380615, -0.15255603194236755, -0.5262309312820435, -1.8326425552368164, -3.029935598373413, -0.1492527425289154, 0.6544052362442017, -1.1608779430389404, -1.3719606399536133, -1.5186567306518555, -1.9037938117980957, -1.6233794689178467, -1.4550615549087524, 0.0195237398147583, -1.5270931720733643, -1.0814825296401978, -0.6882460117340088, -2.0870909690856934, -0.32427677512168884, -2.570733070373535, -2.134685754776001, -1.04193913936615, -1.2020407915115356, -0.40801429748535156, 0.2977607846260071, 1.1001538038253784, -0.21619626879692078, -0.0969429612159729, -0.6030889749526978, -1.9607555866241455, -1.519620418548584, -1.908339023590088, 0.7885334491729736, -0.7292240858078003, -2.2725374698638916, -1.6837776899337769, -0.9057180881500244, -0.4956556558609009, -1.0983660221099854, -1.2093210220336914, 0.8786320686340332, -0.16268271207809448, -1.9402806758880615, -0.6599750518798828, 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-0.061237990856170654, 0.5141907334327698, 0.829212486743927, -0.42653679847717285, -0.9359932541847229, -0.7229009866714478, -1.2869346141815186, 2.2425756454467773, 0.012244552373886108, -3.0806174278259277, 0.28536128997802734, 0.7694064378738403, 0.3003939986228943, 0.3248201608657837, -1.617239236831665, 0.7158312797546387, 0.14206969738006592, -1.6562775373458862, -2.583158016204834, 0.7187273502349854, -0.5029444098472595, -1.4527891874313354, -1.9402806758880615, -3.035737991333008, 0.3058673143386841, 1.0788930654525757, -2.522599458694458, -0.07333794236183167, 0.7570508718490601, -1.524337887763977, -0.26180267333984375, -1.1081138849258423, -0.6889545917510986, -3.4220194816589355, -0.9443436861038208, -0.9413452744483948, 0.13137280941009521, -1.0045589208602905, -0.4813079237937927, -0.994804859161377, -0.8262820839881897, 0.6210445165634155, -2.097907066345215, -0.4718506932258606, 1.975871205329895, -0.6685283780097961, -0.3384055197238922, 1.4173976182937622, 0.01019960641860962, -0.3656509518623352, -0.2981799244880676, 0.01019960641860962, -2.1090164184570312, -0.9435297250747681, -3.8376617431640625, -1.0945700407028198, 0.3003939986228943, -0.6313633918762207, -0.6764358878135681, -1.3948856592178345, -1.222076654434204, -0.5930078029632568, 0.031620562076568604, 1.147707462310791, -0.7753742933273315, 0.34866201877593994, -1.0142850875854492, -1.470423936843872, -1.9607555866241455, 1.720564603805542, -0.9057180881500244, 0.37597137689590454, -1.8756701946258545, -0.8934652805328369, -0.1337183117866516, -0.17027735710144043, 1.0621240139007568, 0.06250259280204773, 0.45414966344833374, -1.7822651863098145, -0.2109280228614807, -1.6451653242111206, 1.83209228515625, -2.7929086685180664, -2.5652427673339844, -1.7822651863098145, -0.8179205656051636, -0.07779449224472046, -0.6313633918762207, 0.39473575353622437, -0.2316855788230896, -3.11466908454895, 1.1050996780395508, -1.9514435529708862, -1.537154197692871, -1.645683765411377, -1.2297017574310303, 0.28536128997802734, -0.565796434879303, -1.1154381036758423, -0.6103388071060181, -0.5361140370368958, -0.8365045189857483, -1.9504175186157227, -1.2783424854278564, -2.753481864929199, -1.5793946981430054, -0.36845090985298157, -1.0072135925292969, -0.36845090985298157, -3.334496021270752, -1.7006216049194336, -0.08070403337478638, -2.1023151874542236, -0.7142256498336792, -2.3090226650238037, -0.8961624503135681, -2.0885825157165527, -0.14747729897499084, -1.4320451021194458, -1.8003039360046387, 0.3800690472126007, -1.4845702648162842, -2.12866473197937, -0.9591469168663025, -3.9379780292510986, -0.9668635129928589, -1.251840353012085, -0.36978086829185486, -1.5846021175384521, -0.9668635129928589, -0.8935191035270691, -3.0001635551452637, 0.7098734378814697, -1.0877903699874878, -0.928316056728363, -1.7188489437103271, -0.8006711006164551, -0.5708122849464417, -0.6251640915870667, -3.4220194816589355, -2.752652645111084, -1.2569547891616821, -2.450316905975342, -0.7165790796279907, -0.4009590148925781, -0.7027952671051025, 2.082409620285034, 0.5384342670440674, -2.6931800842285156, -1.3581335544586182, 0.5014592409133911, 0.5214370489120483, -0.48187685012817383, -0.6563863754272461, -0.16722360253334045, -2.9376220703125, 0.2602933645248413, 0.47070103883743286, 1.0716056823730469, 0.1078038215637207, -1.3668498992919922, -0.3837222456932068, -2.038947105407715, 1.8352758884429932, -3.655693531036377, 0.9577322006225586, 0.12619775533676147, -2.3510851860046387, -0.7498568296432495, -1.281648874282837, -1.4639554023742676, 0.4364960491657257, -0.47552579641342163, -1.519620418548584, -3.9066357612609863, -1.2732774019241333, -1.304348111152649, 1.0563740730285645, -2.4843902587890625, -0.18680495023727417, -2.6035702228546143, -2.2100229263305664, 1.2243036031723022, -0.7807251214981079, 0.13249808549880981, -0.20847570896148682, -1.5793946981430054, -1.2982158660888672, -2.1273417472839355, -0.38948550820350647, -0.1997637152671814, 0.6759840250015259, -0.9894176721572876, -1.2469477653503418, -3.067012310028076, 0.11456957459449768, 0.25311434268951416, -2.6514291763305664, -1.8203030824661255, 0.49823737144470215, 0.13678541779518127, -2.6274447441101074, -0.3592580556869507, -0.1200232207775116, -0.08422267436981201, -2.713076114654541, 0.024927139282226562, -2.904270887374878, -1.8134530782699585, 1.5152593851089478, -1.6095393896102905, 1.6824442148208618, -1.5032293796539307, -1.4531646966934204, -2.281949281692505, -0.7043394446372986, -1.1898725032806396, 0.03154170513153076, -0.6185333728790283, -0.5435417890548706, -3.0363409519195557, 0.39387714862823486, 0.005276799201965332, -0.9570260643959045, -1.9677382707595825, 0.20006418228149414, 0.5261005163192749, -0.5125346779823303, -0.16268271207809448, -0.8531265258789062, 0.2977607846260071, -0.8495688438415527, -2.556215524673462, -2.1704397201538086, -2.3665823936462402, 0.2565426230430603, -1.106162190437317, -1.0794661045074463, -2.30867862701416, -1.5791559219360352, 0.6544052362442017, -0.6628304719924927, -2.085254430770874, -2.7664105892181396, -0.35492005944252014, 0.013434290885925293, -0.27113479375839233, -1.1485838890075684, -0.8660581111907959, -1.8428385257720947, -1.850316047668457, -0.37036383152008057, -1.2384107112884521, -2.2099099159240723, -0.8874146938323975, -0.12739962339401245, -0.9603024125099182, 0.24080359935760498, 0.09854984283447266, 0.42855334281921387, 0.3248201608657837, -0.22469201683998108, 0.8008766174316406, -0.8006711006164551, 0.28536128997802734, -0.6678390502929688, -1.5717917680740356, 0.08444702625274658, -1.5937237739562988, -2.5357699394226074, -1.470423936843872, -2.1785712242126465, -0.4534938931465149, 1.3426426649093628, 1.4651267528533936, -1.4531646966934204, 2.082409620285034, -1.487926721572876, -2.3442115783691406, -1.1464595794677734, -2.7774226665496826, 0.28536128997802734, -1.5043487548828125, -0.16933906078338623, -2.618166923522949, -1.422408103942871, 0.6202664375305176, -2.407015323638916, 0.2198493778705597, -0.7241445183753967, -1.6989552974700928, -1.8246796131134033, 1.096746563911438, 0.435968816280365, 0.1348499357700348, -1.978062629699707, -0.3324120044708252, 1.6824442148208618, -1.978062629699707, -1.0475455522537231, -0.9477682113647461, -1.039175033569336, -0.9237213134765625, -3.288424015045166, -1.0715875625610352, -0.9933421611785889, -1.3150453567504883, -1.1485705375671387, -1.8959684371948242, -0.9574276208877563, -0.8772285580635071, -1.2093210220336914, -1.3091545104980469, -1.4982572793960571, -1.2075105905532837, -0.7816066741943359, -1.823785662651062, -2.372803211212158, -0.6241315007209778, -1.7979944944381714, -2.377861976623535, -2.77366304397583, -3.1038687229156494, -2.229309558868408, -0.7807251214981079, -1.5128413438796997, -2.281949281692505, -0.6724836826324463, -0.565796434879303, -1.8837385177612305, -0.8495688438415527, -0.6596733331680298, -1.731387734413147, -2.493748188018799, -3.067012310028076, -0.8364068269729614, -0.08295753598213196, -1.4429593086242676, 1.040358066558838, -1.1448187828063965, -2.3937411308288574, -1.4183382987976074, 0.6937094926834106, -0.6928581595420837, -0.63908851146698, -1.0845823287963867, -2.6216049194335938, -2.2827744483947754, -1.0160044431686401, -1.1448187828063965, -2.615450382232666, -0.16933906078338623, -0.651584804058075, -2.833225727081299, -1.4786131381988525, -3.0884344577789307, -1.5683708190917969, -1.804927110671997, -1.7013667821884155, -1.4925954341888428, -0.5611969232559204, -2.101494312286377, -0.4070900082588196, -1.209797978401184, -0.29031234979629517, -1.978062629699707, 0.1078038215637207, 0.5795184969902039, -0.16268271207809448, 0.2125861644744873, -0.0766800045967102, -0.8848917484283447, -0.11345204710960388, -0.4534938931465149, -0.8924608826637268, 0.42855334281921387, -1.0945700407028198, -2.2396812438964844, 1.3389060497283936, -2.6307871341705322, -0.7258630990982056, -0.3667893409729004, 0.8576174974441528, -0.4773274064064026, 0.6235335469245911, -0.30978450179100037, -0.41555464267730713, 0.08637779951095581, -0.9637148976325989, -0.9056069850921631, 0.4818548262119293, 0.3003939986228943, -1.1517817974090576, -1.8566868305206299, 1.8760321140289307, -1.64429771900177, -2.169339418411255, 1.7473634481430054, -0.2724016606807709, -0.8998346924781799, -1.1950381994247437, -1.3341515064239502, 3.0298776626586914, -2.904270887374878, -1.363069772720337, -2.9376220703125, -0.16771388053894043, -0.3849482536315918, -1.754731297492981, -0.19226711988449097, 1.04458749294281, -1.0718259811401367, 1.3389060497283936, 2.2425756454467773, -1.3084259033203125, -3.985281467437744, -0.9188728332519531, -1.236635684967041, -2.910494089126587, -1.516679286956787, 1.076229453086853, -2.3160126209259033, -0.02591821551322937, -2.6721558570861816, 0.9104812145233154, -0.3774009943008423, -1.0942989587783813, -3.384702205657959, -0.2621089816093445, -2.2855658531188965, -1.8786869049072266, -0.8530923128128052, -1.1337203979492188, -0.9338724613189697, -1.029977560043335, -2.5679872035980225, -0.47080689668655396, -1.2078616619110107, -0.07333794236183167, -0.8024653196334839, 1.2013367414474487, -0.4173073172569275, 0.3003939986228943, 0.48170632123947144, -0.5860011577606201, 0.5014592409133911, -0.1029353141784668, -1.9452056884765625, -0.9845924973487854, 2.3981149196624756, -2.139080047607422, -1.3255023956298828, 0.024927139282226562, -1.2966394424438477, 1.0621240139007568, -3.0806174278259277, 0.21696922183036804, 1.1769382953643799, -1.440109133720398, 0.8059313893318176, -0.18680256605148315, 1.2089030742645264, -1.522867202758789, -4.771467208862305, -0.028044134378433228, -0.08295753598213196, -1.259263038635254, 1.3416520357131958, 0.039289891719818115, -1.2281734943389893, -2.773658275604248, -2.15053653717041, 0.3265264630317688, 0.36404949426651, -0.42606449127197266, -0.5213054418563843, -0.13317933678627014, -0.9503997564315796, -0.7258314490318298, -1.245737075805664, 0.5020348429679871, -1.6506595611572266, 1.0803488492965698, -2.816934585571289, 0.10804462432861328, 0.18899336457252502, 1.7388454675674438, -0.8530923128128052, -0.1374417543411255, 0.4414195418357849, 0.33815091848373413, 1.4651267528533936, -0.6822625398635864, -1.0719506740570068, -0.23694586753845215, -0.3837222456932068, -1.7574244737625122, -0.7288275957107544, 1.3727375268936157, -0.7739982008934021, -1.9223716259002686, 0.48836931586265564, 1.596688151359558, -3.05342698097229, -0.6906609535217285, -1.3133091926574707, -0.11925733089447021, 1.673781394958496, -2.529334545135498, 0.4828343391418457, -2.4630587100982666, -0.5357310771942139, -3.6344645023345947, 1.0811318159103394, -1.6677439212799072, 0.2045765221118927, 1.1764864921569824, -1.2732774019241333, -0.4206121265888214, 1.3689649105072021, -2.713076114654541, 0.024970263242721558, -2.2791314125061035, -2.2853055000305176, -1.236038327217102, -2.15053653717041, 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and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Do you say certificate about or certificate of?", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Flying and sorcery", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "How can I model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "What's wrong with using \"Adoshem\" for the name of G-d when singing?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "use of verb \"accord\"", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "What bulbs do I need for a Micra K11 dashboard?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "What is inspiration?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Date format in UK vs US", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "What is temptation?", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Apartment in Munich", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Jewish Leap Year", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "use of verb \"accord\"", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "What are the major differences between evangelical Christianity and Mormonism?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Eliyahu HaNavi and bris", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Apartment in Munich", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "US Customs check External hard disk", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Eliyahu HaNavi and bris", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What is inspiration?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "What does this variable mean?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "Double weapons and switching hands", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "What is temptation?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Unclean -- Consequences", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Energy vs. Power", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "Board Game Mechanics", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "System for Setting: Misfits", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "What is temptation?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "what age are you", "Good/functional but can do better", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Differences between no child vs no children", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "Apartment in Munich", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "How to find bible verses?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What are the major differences between evangelical Christianity and Mormonism?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Unclean -- Consequences", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "What does this variable mean?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Flying and sorcery", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "High ping on games while streaming", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "US Customs check External hard disk", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "Meaning of ladder points", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "When can an article be omitted?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Apartment in Munich", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "Energy vs. Power", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Making new verbs from the given words", "What is inspiration?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "What is temptation?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Meaning of ladder points", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "What is inspiration?", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Why all the dice?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "What bulbs do I need for a Micra K11 dashboard?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "High ping on games while streaming", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Differences between no child vs no children", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "How to find bible verses?", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Good/functional but can do better", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Flying and sorcery", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Energy vs. Power", "\"Take offense\" usage", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When can an article be omitted?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "Apartment in Munich", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "When can an article be omitted?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "Jewish Leap Year", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "What is temptation?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Flying and sorcery", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "How does weight affect the game?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "How does weight affect the game?", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "How can I model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "Making new verbs from the given words", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Double weapons and switching hands", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "When can an article be omitted?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Board Game Mechanics", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What is temptation?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Date format in UK vs US", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "High ping on games while streaming", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Board Game Mechanics", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Energy vs. Power", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Apartment in Munich", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Board Game Mechanics", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Good/functional but can do better", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "what age are you", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What's wrong with using \"Adoshem\" for the name of G-d when singing?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Do you say certificate about or certificate of?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Why all the dice?", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Good/functional but can do better", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "High ping on games while streaming", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.0844411849975586, 2.400974988937378, 2.1195895671844482, 2.2857892513275146, 1.5356240272521973, 1.664347767829895, 1.7757352590560913, 2.2169246673583984, 1.817446231842041, 2.0207581520080566, 1.8364150524139404, -3.051938056945801, -2.1101279258728027, -2.753103256225586, -1.7740423679351807, 2.8693864345550537, -2.2581710815429688, 2.2734227180480957, -3.3689305782318115, 1.2777667045593262, -3.011777877807617, 1.664347767829895, 2.0181050300598145, 1.7438488006591797, -3.4219789505004883, 3.125908374786377, -2.7172439098358154, 2.5155296325683594, -2.996245861053467, -3.44584584236145, -2.8605504035949707, -3.85500431060791, 2.2516396045684814, -3.104440212249756, -3.723734140396118, 1.0059059858322144, -3.9156737327575684, -3.7949793338775635, -2.6060774326324463, -1.607229471206665, -2.9310145378112793, -2.7816176414489746, -2.7762610912323, -3.3928513526916504, -3.4069712162017822, -2.8392508029937744, -3.6589176654815674, -3.6783816814422607, -1.638495922088623, -3.223376512527466, -3.1468334197998047, -3.601055145263672, -2.0775513648986816, -2.99775767326355, -3.162201166152954, 1.4109104871749878, -2.2590630054473877, -1.3024978637695312, 2.2507805824279785, 0.15626323223114014, -3.5666210651397705, 1.3732953071594238, 0.8586001396179199, -2.7387499809265137, 0.5641149282455444, 3.6491169929504395, 1.0188117027282715, 3.9229259490966797, 1.6107182502746582, -3.2210805416107178, 2.3303027153015137, -3.553441047668457, -3.23787784576416, 1.0315337181091309, 0.7740722894668579, 2.927361488342285, -3.066739559173584, -2.671461582183838, -3.1337227821350098, -1.9358279705047607, 2.011051654815674, 2.375253677368164, 3.5457887649536133, 1.5355104207992554, -3.441148281097412, -3.022129535675049, 1.23209810256958, -0.9750468730926514, 2.2138755321502686, 2.6908321380615234, 3.3383255004882812, 2.021430492401123, 2.57397723197937, 1.5729233026504517, 0.4996321201324463, 2.3594655990600586, 1.8262572288513184, 2.3255116939544678, 0.5889368057250977, 2.3566813468933105, 1.051709771156311, 2.5155296325683594, 3.729722499847412, 2.158906936645508, 3.07928466796875, 1.7478338479995728, 2.8693864345550537, 1.4086694717407227, 2.7890429496765137, 0.7509990930557251, 2.072789192199707, -2.8392508029937744, -2.1294188499450684, -2.7134978771209717, -3.051938056945801, -3.5326504707336426, -2.9083540439605713, -2.684741497039795, -2.8280727863311768, -3.3405144214630127, -2.8375813961029053, -2.9500021934509277, 1.3094151020050049, -4.07286262512207, -3.4221041202545166, -2.681473731994629, -2.359707832336426, -2.6958577632904053, -3.1171212196350098, 2.782914638519287, -2.8735432624816895, -2.8910109996795654, -3.4071907997131348, -2.6820080280303955, -3.14217209815979, -3.3484408855438232, -2.1237704753875732, -3.127922534942627, 3.2987465858459473, 1.4395537376403809, -2.130350351333618, -3.3484408855438232, 2.0758960247039795, 2.753488063812256, 2.87131929397583, 1.5150506496429443, 2.785274028778076, 0.6464829444885254, -2.9178478717803955, -3.425548553466797, -3.0099315643310547, -3.309084892272949, -2.956662654876709, -2.888385534286499, -2.204195022583008, -2.9523448944091797, -3.4232029914855957, -2.684741497039795, -3.3296430110931396, -1.5145844221115112, -3.1587791442871094, -1.1393423080444336, -3.0586421489715576, -3.475048303604126, -2.437119483947754, -2.7816176414489746, -2.627793788909912, 2.0181050300598145, 2.375253677368164, -1.6119301319122314, -2.1405153274536133, 2.9088470935821533, -2.550536632537842, -2.3384242057800293, -1.7429513931274414, -3.1037516593933105, -2.0765273571014404, -2.7603187561035156, 0.1690046787261963, 1.1774265766143799, -2.1536052227020264, -2.5477631092071533, -2.744379997253418, 3.6491169929504395, 1.3620589971542358, 1.7757352590560913, -2.8488855361938477, 0.36168479919433594, -2.442023515701294, -2.844305992126465, -3.237523317337036, 1.6031675338745117, -3.2891550064086914, -2.853492259979248, -2.5226504802703857, -2.700814962387085, -2.8015270233154297, -2.4047110080718994, 1.502794861793518, -3.682413339614868, 2.2885303497314453, 0.9107060432434082, -2.684741497039795, 1.2098252773284912, 2.64650297164917, -3.147388219833374, -2.9007580280303955, -3.037274122238159, -3.6935441493988037, 0.9703121185302734, -3.0815224647521973, -3.2728521823883057, -1.4080746173858643, -3.0138680934906006, -3.5295557975769043, -3.017676591873169, -2.41231107711792, 1.895838975906372, -3.440560817718506, 2.3408124446868896, -3.0866408348083496, 2.7313241958618164, -2.4020113945007324, -2.8671319484710693, 2.6281018257141113, 4.332612991333008, -3.392019748687744, -3.723734140396118, -2.93947172164917, -3.4022412300109863, -2.782257556915283, -2.5676236152648926, -2.5934066772460938, 2.6135568618774414, -2.9953763484954834, -2.637340545654297, -2.890751600265503, -3.285439968109131, -2.7207579612731934, -2.9579553604125977, -2.442023515701294, -3.478243112564087, -1.5136468410491943, 1.2263365983963013, 1.0971752405166626, 2.954921245574951, 0.8586001396179199, 1.7213377952575684, -0.6376514434814453, 2.1756534576416016, 2.2296552658081055, 1.9447617530822754, 0.4766279458999634, 1.1988613605499268, 2.55263614654541, 2.0758960247039795, 2.3421874046325684, -1.0527241230010986, 1.8135879039764404, 1.1511225700378418, 1.8411520719528198, 2.294419288635254, 1.6281673908233643, 3.125908374786377, 0.49434053897857666, 0.5585963726043701, 2.2682175636291504, 1.7049806118011475, 1.5084426403045654, 0.2784709930419922, 1.2117600440979004, -0.8764669895172119, 0.6181013584136963, 1.9653310775756836, 0.9402425289154053, 1.90437650680542, 2.9333746433258057, 2.258286476135254, 2.3208680152893066, 2.2610573768615723, 2.2024760246276855, 1.1988613605499268, 1.7597177028656006, 1.986122965812683, 0.23965096473693848, 2.295842409133911, 2.2169246673583984, -0.41881299018859863, 1.861499547958374, 0.2834146022796631, 1.3620589971542358, 0.8840681314468384, 1.2047691345214844, 1.9282376766204834, 2.7355618476867676, -2.3953194618225098, -2.719818115234375, 0.6199740171432495, 2.10787296295166, -3.2201287746429443, 3.079634189605713, 1.6722652912139893, 3.5548276901245117, 1.345923900604248, 2.64176082611084, -0.8764669895172119, 1.6835525035858154, 2.7405014038085938, 1.2941091060638428, 2.368070363998413, 2.735687255859375, 0.3181428909301758, 1.5384174585342407, 3.3296823501586914, -3.3662731647491455, 2.9081108570098877, 2.2169246673583984, 1.3094151020050049, 1.7049806118011475, 1.2587611675262451, 1.54425048828125, 2.2169246673583984, 1.5056607723236084, 1.9653310775756836, 1.1939973831176758, 2.361142158508301, 2.6456260681152344, 2.2610573768615723, 1.3825483322143555, 1.6847190856933594, 1.5056607723236084, 1.2751672267913818, 0.4766279458999634, 2.0182833671569824, 2.8727476596832275, 2.3421874046325684, 3.3887619972229004, 0.7712955474853516, 3.1547842025756836, 1.5354418754577637, 1.9914205074310303, 1.7994334697723389, -2.400637149810791, -3.80428409576416, -2.00732684135437, -3.4219789505004883, -3.3057751655578613, -3.3373918533325195, -2.3093338012695312, -1.6889986991882324, -3.186758518218994, -2.1377575397491455, 1.4086694717407227, 0.9152209758758545, -3.219097375869751, -2.7077198028564453, -3.2491674423217773, -3.6589176654815674, 2.4417800903320312, -2.137765884399414, -3.0169289112091064, -1.6871066093444824, 0.5423355102539062, -2.824204444885254, -2.0765273571014404, -2.5521693229675293, -2.444715976715088, -3.4232029914855957, -2.6612346172332764, -2.1321730613708496, -2.6588780879974365, -2.1101279258728027, -2.4175679683685303, -3.4219789505004883, -2.9310874938964844, -1.7429513931274414, -3.6589176654815674, -2.627793788909912, -3.3345329761505127, -3.875507116317749, -3.237523317337036, -2.671461582183838, -2.1101279258728027, 1.5356240272521973, 3.4797706604003906, 1.5373013019561768, 2.808283567428589, 1.659544825553894, 0.12736845016479492, 1.4302353858947754, 1.672730803489685, 2.3208680152893066, 3.3296823501586914, -0.24673676490783691, 1.5942001342773438, 3.2987465858459473, 3.3580079078674316, -0.6389226913452148, 2.9506430625915527, 2.51025390625, 2.2246763706207275, 1.9282376766204834, 1.9160354137420654, 2.4332163333892822, -3.3345329761505127, -2.4297125339508057, -3.4022412300109863, -2.360379934310913, -2.700814962387085, -3.3856844902038574, -3.1044976711273193, -3.262840747833252, -1.2546296119689941, -2.544417142868042, -2.4953651428222656, -2.3969714641571045, -2.7423348426818848, -2.8557651042938232, -2.905330181121826, -2.9419286251068115, -3.104440212249756, -2.2242326736450195, -2.9610326290130615, -2.544417142868042, -3.2613673210144043, -1.796209692955017, -2.316399097442627, -2.7652699947357178, -2.7387499809265137, -3.2574117183685303, -3.300915241241455, -3.2842559814453125, -2.374269723892212, -2.3953194618225098, -2.41231107711792, -2.9535231590270996, -2.5934066772460938, -3.262840747833252, -3.129704475402832, -1.9804182052612305, -2.088575839996338, -3.4022412300109863, -3.500119209289551, -2.55320405960083, -2.3037028312683105, -3.274627208709717, -2.0744378566741943, -3.0124688148498535, -2.360379934310913, -2.204195022583008, -2.5904924869537354, -3.4916043281555176, -3.3930599689483643, -3.0169289112091064, -3.029207229614258, -3.2182114124298096, -2.627371311187744, -1.7740423679351807, -3.4740183353424072, -2.7762610912323, -2.3384242057800293, -3.0169289112091064, -2.944960355758667, -3.325255870819092, -3.9156737327575684, -2.824204444885254, -2.524930715560913, -3.262840747833252, -2.8671319484710693, -2.7762610912323, -2.3969714641571045, -3.0944712162017822, -2.4020113945007324, -2.55320405960083, -3.251643657684326, -2.2321999073028564, -3.0197057723999023, -2.8488855361938477, -2.9097445011138916, -2.7818543910980225, -2.275689125061035, -3.6783816814422607, -2.8370883464813232, 2.0180864334106445, 0.03911542892456055, -0.0009043216705322266, -3.747821569442749, 1.96762216091156, 1.0059059858322144, 0.35010242462158203, -3.6783816814422607, 0.4319732189178467, -3.24509859085083, 1.099797010421753, 1.0473780632019043, 1.8423402309417725, 1.7192145586013794, 2.4161815643310547, -2.4983699321746826, -2.29156494140625, -3.137221097946167, 1.777769923210144, 2.299504041671753, 1.6940362453460693, 2.805983781814575, 1.4109104871749878, 0.5620450973510742, 0.4766279458999634, 1.817446231842041, 2.0180864334106445, 1.3968918323516846, -0.3089355230331421, 1.4109104871749878, -0.9599609375, 2.7890429496765137, 0.0031232833862304688, 0.42950499057769775, 1.3633406162261963, 3.3052003383636475, 2.835209608078003, 3.125908374786377, 2.841115713119507, 2.5325236320495605, 1.54425048828125, 2.3303027153015137, 1.5100765228271484, 2.7290048599243164, 0.7712955474853516, -3.2227230072021484, -2.8689568042755127, -2.4873363971710205, -3.162201166152954, -3.3868184089660645, 2.0660061836242676, 1.8802926540374756, 2.4417800903320312, 3.3252224922180176, -2.894113540649414, -2.7603187561035156, 1.9142287969589233, 2.6456260681152344, 2.5408172607421875, 3.3887619972229004, 2.585700750350952, 3.156508445739746, 1.5942001342773438, -2.8698208332061768, -3.542360305786133, 1.9272011518478394, -2.088575839996338, 0.9205693006515503, 2.6135568618774414, -2.9178478717803955, 2.237581491470337, 3.9458980560302734, 1.860323429107666, 2.120781898498535, -2.437119483947754, -2.374269723892212, -3.24509859085083, -2.7548208236694336, -3.4431891441345215, -1.1393423080444336, -2.637340545654297, -2.718625068664551, -2.336690664291382, -3.0200319290161133, -3.2561631202697754, -2.7207579612731934, -2.421844005584717, -0.12248778343200684, 2.4056522846221924, 2.325155735015869, 3.708071708679199, 2.075948476791382, 2.6800694465637207, 2.400974988937378, 1.3094151020050049, 1.6056253910064697, 1.7985732555389404, 3.3322529792785645, 0.5834512710571289, 0.3902205228805542, 0.9949078559875488, 1.5729233026504517, 0.5043628215789795, 1.358309030532837, 1.6317851543426514, 2.3421874046325684, 1.54425048828125, 2.7514612674713135, 1.9914205074310303, 2.294419288635254, 2.2292580604553223, 1.6095516681671143, 1.1238346099853516, 2.9333746433258057, 1.2117600440979004, 1.6107182502746582, 1.009447455406189, 1.5373013019561768, 2.041459083557129, 2.0180864334106445, 0.07957744598388672, 2.289851665496826, 1.3732953071594238, 3.055028200149536, 1.7778011560440063, -0.644108772277832, -2.29156494140625, -0.2686929702758789, 2.567065954208374, -2.6910204887390137, -3.4740183353424072, -2.794933795928955, -3.3548247814178467, -3.1197903156280518, -3.011777877807617, 2.0758960247039795, -3.490121841430664, -3.084906578063965, 0.12736845016479492, -3.162201166152954, -3.0174055099487305, 2.0142364501953125, 0.48008227348327637, -3.812002182006836, 2.242859363555908, -3.336308002471924, -3.6282265186309814, -2.412673234939575, -2.535205841064453, -3.4071907997131348, -2.7008934020996094, -3.247790575027466, 1.7487903833389282, 1.7985732555389404, -3.3062539100646973, -3.0197057723999023, -2.4657578468322754, -3.5345427989959717, -2.29156494140625, -3.066739559173584, -3.4219789505004883, -3.2547659873962402, -2.82442307472229, -3.084906578063965, -2.5676236152648926, 3.3887619972229004, 3.1866133213043213, 2.7405014038085938, -0.24673676490783691, 3.237645387649536, 3.2499260902404785, 2.0698437690734863, 2.3208680152893066, 4.332612991333008, 1.7230150699615479, 1.853090763092041, 1.5922075510025024, 1.9653310775756836, 3.4492549896240234, 0.9329946041107178, 0.9205693006515503, 1.7696826457977295, 0.4319732189178467, 1.2263365983963013, 1.3803269863128662, 2.3619091510772705, 2.2169876098632812, 4.0666823387146, 1.8985412120819092, 1.8582189083099365, 1.90437650680542, 1.1070122718811035, 1.6031675338745117, 2.400974988937378, 3.3296823501586914, 1.870812177658081, 2.311021089553833, 1.3999583721160889, 0.9313561916351318, 1.5356240272521973, 3.5457887649536133, 0.6521215438842773, -2.5287020206451416, -1.6559405326843262, -3.85500431060791, 1.360909104347229, -3.440560817718506, 1.6317851543426514, 3.112842559814453, -3.542360305786133, 3.2975213527679443, 1.2491079568862915, 2.64650297164917, -2.9418160915374756, -2.7077198028564453, -3.8829922676086426, -3.6713786125183105, -3.3868184089660645, -2.5738017559051514, -2.64243483543396, -3.605896472930908, -3.195566177368164, -3.8839783668518066, -2.427565097808838, -2.8679234981536865, -3.022876262664795, -1.805729627609253, -3.1600253582000732, -3.619110345840454, -2.587878942489624, -2.5194084644317627, -3.502864360809326, -2.986283779144287, -3.316359043121338, -2.9478859901428223, -2.576183319091797, -2.0775513648986816, -2.8875792026519775, -2.9496538639068604, -3.162201166152954, -3.03690242767334, -3.328352212905884, -2.137765884399414, -2.8557651042938232, -3.037274122238159, -2.7207579612731934, -3.7456021308898926, -3.168670654296875, -3.18619966506958, -2.4953651428222656, -2.561615228652954, -3.2728521823883057, -2.8735432624816895, -2.9007580280303955, -2.521829605102539, -3.059389114379883, -3.300915241241455, -2.417510509490967, -3.08071231842041, -3.336308002471924, 0.03614306449890137, 0.8684163093566895, 3.288337230682373, 2.2024760246276855, -3.3270137310028076, -2.9927899837493896, -0.5068666934967041, -2.437119483947754, 1.7213377952575684, 2.5102877616882324, -2.0873401165008545, -3.490121841430664, 1.6916030645370483, 1.2767304182052612, 1.0693559646606445, 2.375239372253418, -2.561615228652954, 2.782694101333618, -2.505377769470215, 2.8693864345550537, -2.4047110080718994, 1.6579540967941284, -3.3296430110931396, -3.553441047668457, -3.877589702606201, 0.7712955474853516, 1.7994334697723389, 1.6733431816101074, -2.528130054473877, 1.664347767829895, 1.3802800178527832, -2.9292240142822266, -2.7112889289855957, -2.6958577632904053, -2.4968626499176025, 1.099797010421753, -3.619110345840454, 2.1031038761138916, -2.9225592613220215, 1.322139024734497, 2.6800694465637207, -3.163569450378418, 2.1403303146362305, -2.8392508029937744, 2.361142158508301, -3.5354957580566406, 0.8586001396179199, 2.1756534576416016, -3.104440212249756, 1.93540358543396, 1.3899189233779907, 1.5056607723236084, 0.6789028644561768, 3.196711540222168, -3.0307626724243164, -3.1381545066833496, 1.4040405750274658, -2.9696011543273926, 1.7082428932189941, -2.825929641723633, 1.1581501960754395, -3.44584584236145, 2.6276824474334717, 1.217477798461914, 1.9726274013519287, 2.7845563888549805, -3.2201287746429443, -2.92954683303833, -2.505377769470215, -2.4328997135162354, -2.29156494140625, -3.0697548389434814, -3.017676591873169, -3.2402164936065674, 1.4020750522613525, -2.9137189388275146, -2.868898868560791, -3.0866408348083496, 0.5346810817718506, -2.524930715560913, 1.9550902843475342, -2.4983699321746826, 1.671008586883545, 1.8619658946990967, 2.9821863174438477, 0.9402425289154053, 1.9927995204925537, 1.5056607723236084, 2.9821863174438477, -3.422037124633789, 2.230504035949707, 1.7230150699615479, 2.375253677368164, 0.9696208238601685, -3.80428409576416, -2.8888704776763916, -3.0169289112091064, 3.237645387649536, -2.753103256225586, -3.605541944503784, -2.4297125339508057, -2.883967161178589, -3.440560817718506, 2.049757957458496, 1.4246383905410767, 0.836606502532959, 2.2516396045684814, -2.37206768989563, -2.6874053478240967, -3.0223701000213623, -4.07286262512207, -2.437119483947754, -2.4069645404815674, -3.7868080139160156, -1.8426003456115723, -2.1237704753875732, -3.2652080059051514, -3.3522839546203613, -2.888385534286499, -3.186758518218994, -3.1232666969299316, -3.316359043121338, -3.091850757598877, -2.3882038593292236, -2.29156494140625, -2.825255870819092, -2.4320034980773926, -3.168670654296875, -3.3626646995544434, -3.605541944503784, -3.654733896255493, -2.7603187561035156, -3.9156737327575684, -2.1321730613708496, -2.9292240142822266, -2.442023515701294, -2.442023515701294, -3.2613673210144043, -2.92954683303833, -3.715360403060913, -2.5226504802703857, -2.5934066772460938, -2.8372039794921875, -2.550536632537842, -2.737142562866211, -3.8839783668518066, -1.799612045288086, 1.3703489303588867, -2.825929641723633, -2.986283779144287, -3.0169289112091064, -2.8421683311462402, 0.7509990930557251, 3.9229259490966797, 1.5920515060424805, 0.8906961679458618, 0.15626323223114014, 2.312129497528076, 1.430844783782959, 2.0740413665771484, 2.63378643989563, 2.7980732917785645, 1.971251368522644, 2.55263614654541, -3.0307626724243164, 0.10688304901123047, 2.0207581520080566, -2.819922924041748, 1.5056607723236084, -2.012467384338379, -3.1790313720703125, 0.12736845016479492, -3.213994026184082, -2.206956386566162, 3.156508445739746, -3.732053756713867, -0.0009043216705322266, 0.4996321201324463, -2.524930715560913, -3.637709140777588, 1.32293701171875, -2.9496538639068604, 1.243675947189331, -3.55539870262146, -2.9737703800201416, 1.4028918743133545, -3.5345427989959717, 2.6276824474334717, -3.2491674423217773, 3.125908374786377, -2.7926692962646484, -2.9953763484954834, -2.7238733768463135, -3.3473825454711914, -2.9523448944091797, -3.2730674743652344, -2.359707832336426, -3.3255209922790527, -1.6119301319122314, 1.4333120584487915, -3.2730674743652344, -2.7603187561035156, -3.633138656616211, -3.2402164936065674, -3.850869655609131, -2.853492259979248, -2.5068345069885254, -2.819922924041748, -2.888385534286499, 2.713020086288452, 1.4395537376403809, -2.012361764907837, -1.5136468410491943, 1.1939973831176758, -2.920473098754883, 1.7438488006591797, -1.9358279705047607, -2.954111099243164, -2.502556085586548, -2.376981258392334, 2.075948476791382, -3.1151931285858154, 2.2885303497314453, 3.288337230682373, -2.41231107711792, 1.9447617530822754, 2.90216064453125, 1.7642459869384766, 1.9142287969589233, -3.4068984985351562, -2.8115031719207764, 1.322139024734497, 2.087289333343506, -2.6995577812194824, 2.493694543838501, -3.18619966506958, -3.363685131072998, 2.749854326248169, -3.231022834777832, 2.809298515319824, -2.4968626499176025, -3.0169289112091064, -2.755725622177124, -2.59604549407959, 1.8363394737243652, -2.9710941314697266, -2.8843698501586914, 0.7740722894668579, 3.288337230682373, -3.4219789505004883, -2.469935655593872, 1.655564546585083, 3.57743501663208, 2.4363510608673096, -3.3856844902038574, 2.375253677368164, 2.368070363998413, -3.037274122238159, 1.2587611675262451, -1.607229471206665, 2.4161815643310547, 2.375239372253418, 2.058495044708252, -2.6995577812194824, -2.3953194618225098, -3.8829922676086426, 1.2767304182052612, -2.8275372982025146, -2.659151077270508, -2.9737703800201416, -2.088575839996338, -2.3953194618225098, -3.1217637062072754, -3.1059134006500244, -2.4069645404815674, -3.2687747478485107, -2.3969714641571045, -2.535205841064453, -3.051748752593994, -1.3024978637695312, -3.4092226028442383, -2.6060774326324463, -3.6207945346832275, -2.9310145378112793, 1.8717024326324463, 0.09430980682373047, 1.54425048828125, 2.738156318664551, 1.2098252773284912, 2.2885303497314453, 1.0118706226348877, 2.2205851078033447, -3.2210805416107178, 3.1866133213043213, -3.7868080139160156, 0.6181013584136963, 0.6464829444885254, 0.5641149282455444, 2.312100887298584, 1.0154211521148682, -2.469935655593872, 1.9533236026763916, 1.9653310775756836, -2.7603187561035156, 2.3421874046325684, 3.851729154586792, 1.9646944999694824, 1.3802800178527832, 2.1031038761138916, -1.7429513931274414, -3.0779433250427246, -3.3522839546203613, 2.0475962162017822, 2.4833216667175293, -0.0012402534484863281, -2.524930715560913, 1.4109104871749878, 2.7272768020629883, -3.3493218421936035, -2.7794671058654785, 2.400974988937378, 2.55263614654541, 2.5325236320495605, 1.310599684715271, 0.9107060432434082, 2.867734909057617, 1.6031675338745117, 0.938887357711792, 2.4161815643310547, 2.644462823867798, 1.5100765228271484, 3.0238471031188965, 3.148529529571533, 3.948403835296631, 2.64176082611084, 1.23209810256958, 2.049757957458496, 1.976539134979248, 1.4407718181610107, 2.299504041671753, 1.3620589971542358, 2.299504041671753, 2.5215563774108887, 1.9651484489440918, 2.558725118637085, 0.9981290102005005, 3.0238471031188965, 1.9844419956207275, 0.48008227348327637, 2.5102877616882324, 2.5408172607421875, -0.04454326629638672, 1.8363394737243652, 2.131664514541626, 2.997237205505371, 1.870812177658081, 1.4407718181610107, 3.275926113128662, -3.314002513885498, -3.3369460105895996, -3.0378458499908447, -2.5477631092071533, -1.2094850540161133, -3.39259672164917, -2.427565097808838, -2.6129841804504395, -2.8875792026519775, -2.4692533016204834, -3.157356023788452, -2.161999464035034, -3.2370047569274902, -3.1151931285858154, -3.4740183353424072, -2.1536052227020264, -1.6871066093444824, -2.521829605102539, -2.8372039794921875, -3.2370047569274902, -3.619110345840454, -2.578277111053467, -2.18742299079895, -2.561615228652954, -3.1171212196350098, -1.1393423080444336, -2.8375813961029053, -3.1492741107940674, -3.9156737327575684, -3.1174988746643066, -2.5427446365356445, -0.644108772277832, -2.9419286251068115, 0.6255491971969604, -3.157356023788452, -2.733847141265869, 2.011051654815674, 1.4333120584487915, -2.6129841804504395, -3.478243112564087, 2.57397723197937, -1.86793851852417, -1.799612045288086, -2.29156494140625, -3.4068984985351562, -3.359008312225342, -2.524930715560913, -3.619110345840454, -3.619110345840454, -2.546102523803711, -3.2891550064086914, -2.485701560974121, -3.021151065826416, -2.719818115234375, -3.1059134006500244, -2.161999464035034, -2.3300621509552, -2.7794671058654785, -1.9463939666748047, -2.9671883583068848, -3.619110345840454, -3.017676591873169, -3.094291925430298, -3.0223701000213623, -3.877589702606201, -3.1924877166748047, -2.18742299079895, -2.444715976715088, -3.022129535675049, -3.0307626724243164, -2.8015270233154297, -2.61976957321167, -2.0765273571014404, -2.820824384689331, -3.039599657058716, -3.051938056945801, -2.5904924869537354, -2.4657578468322754, -2.561615228652954, -2.7172439098358154, -2.360379934310913, -3.853703022003174, -2.6630516052246094, -3.2132227420806885, -2.524930715560913, -2.7207579612731934, -1.2324719429016113, -2.836402416229248, -2.5226504802703857, -3.3522839546203613, 2.5128917694091797, 0.09430980682373047, -3.3493218421936035, -2.5427446365356445, 1.575206995010376, 1.5100765228271484, -3.096252918243408, 2.877305507659912, -3.0485856533050537, -2.4047110080718994, 0.47930848598480225, 3.3887619972229004, -1.0527241230010986, -3.1381545066833496, -3.2561631202697754, 3.106595993041992, -3.29476261138916, 0.21249699592590332, 2.877305507659912, 0.34617114067077637, -2.7238733768463135, 2.632503032684326, 2.87131929397583, 2.311849594116211, -2.421844005584717, -2.5903079509735107, 1.0473780632019043, -2.5670080184936523, -2.699697256088257, 2.308926820755005, -0.41881299018859863, -3.3405144214630127, 1.3646409511566162, 0.21249699592590332, 1.2767304182052612, 3.3978075981140137, -2.6588780879974365, 2.4659371376037598, 2.7355618476867676, 2.642681360244751, 1.6733431816101074, 1.0438857078552246, 0.999767541885376, 1.6281673908233643, 2.7845563888549805, -1.8426003456115723, 4.107359886169434, 0.9152209758758545, 1.8411520719528198, -2.7339084148406982, 2.343454360961914, -3.2227230072021484, 2.8795814514160156, -2.8115031719207764, 1.8726457357406616, -3.80428409576416, 1.6739954948425293, 2.081035614013672, 0.29258155822753906, 1.5214056968688965, 0.7818424701690674, 1.4109104871749878, 1.1070122718811035, -3.6783816814422607, 2.242859363555908, 1.7036550045013428, 1.2941091060638428, 0.7611367702484131, -1.6697006225585938, 2.2837700843811035, -2.6612346172332764, -2.7603187561035156, 1.879275918006897, -3.124000310897827, -2.4502835273742676, 1.8726457357406616, -3.017676591873169, -3.727203369140625, 1.342981219291687, 1.0059059858322144, -1.638495922088623, -2.153052806854248, -3.2561631202697754, 0.7740722894668579, -2.3598999977111816, 0.3181428909301758, -2.82442307472229, -3.3345329761505127, -3.316359043121338, 1.2491079568862915, -3.6783816814422607, 2.049757957458496, -3.237523317337036, -2.5670080184936523, -3.2182114124298096, -2.626821517944336, -3.222634792327881, -3.5326504707336426, -2.99775767326355, -3.501742362976074, -3.877589702606201, -2.9137189388275146, -2.7729220390319824, -3.461153268814087, -2.1294188499450684, -2.561615228652954, -1.7437126636505127, -3.363685131072998, -3.1790313720703125, -2.3300621509552, -3.29476261138916, -2.8124494552612305, -3.389181137084961, -3.4089534282684326, -2.873851776123047, -2.7303919792175293, -2.524930715560913, 1.659544825553894, 1.4302353858947754, -2.8722612857818604, 2.45318341255188, 1.8142720460891724, 0.7818424701690674, 1.6317851543426514, 1.367934226989746, 1.7036550045013428, -2.5676236152648926, 2.311849594116211, -2.130350351333618, 3.196711540222168, 0.5753744840621948, 1.655564546585083, 2.2507805824279785, 1.8665783405303955, 0.7509990930557251, 1.7036550045013428, 1.9864959716796875, 2.8727476596832275, 1.3703489303588867, -3.5517818927764893, -2.528130054473877, 2.7980732917785645, -2.8843698501586914, 2.8795814514160156, 0.43810880184173584, 2.3510265350341797, 2.257200241088867, -2.7652699947357178, -3.2201287746429443, 1.6218287944793701, 2.6500186920166016, 1.282341480255127, -2.9907066822052, -2.9523448944091797, -2.7008934020996094, 2.6003646850585938, -3.212254285812378, 1.2587611675262451, -3.08071231842041, 2.400578022003174, -3.329723834991455, -2.681473731994629, 1.0438857078552246, 0.5444772243499756, -3.4916043281555176, 3.2109241485595703, -3.1381545066833496, 2.6003646850585938, -2.376981258392334, -2.161999464035034, -2.4175679683685303, -2.9616966247558594, -2.504422903060913, -3.2555480003356934, -3.124000310897827, -2.0110442638397217, -3.096252918243408, -2.217961072921753, -3.314002513885498, -3.129704475402832, -3.168670654296875, -3.1538169384002686, -2.9327144622802734, -2.888385534286499, -2.8520283699035645, -2.376981258392334, -2.2982351779937744, -2.996245861053467, -1.6559405326843262, -2.2463059425354004, -2.0938949584960938, -1.3130285739898682, -2.653869390487671, -2.9710941314697266, -1.7388745546340942, -2.5521693229675293, -2.5521693229675293, -3.262840747833252, -3.0779433250427246, -3.4431891441345215, -2.4453847408294678, -3.3369460105895996, -3.5295557975769043, -2.217961072921753, -3.104628801345825, -3.3405144214630127, -1.3371672630310059, -2.8520283699035645, -2.217961072921753, -2.5426063537597656, -3.5354957580566406, -2.773777484893799, -2.2463059425354004, -3.282548666000366, -2.607541799545288, -3.4856200218200684, -2.9137189388275146, -0.41923022270202637, 2.1002116203308105, -1.6889986991882324, 3.5305094718933105, -2.61976957321167, -4.010367393493652, 2.158906936645508, -2.2982351779937744, -3.0200319290161133, 1.0760501623153687, -3.0378458499908447, -2.248976230621338, -3.228302240371704, -2.890751600265503, -2.528130054473877, -2.3093338012695312, -3.6687917709350586, 2.273179769515991, 0.2834146022796631, -2.012467384338379, -2.9927899837493896, 3.3887619972229004, -3.0762927532196045, 2.585700750350952, -2.217961072921753, 0.34891605377197266, 1.6940362453460693, 2.3360376358032227, 1.7833397388458252, 1.8262572288513184, 1.9272011518478394, -3.3057751655578613, 0.5889368057250977, 2.3273258209228516, -3.0571882724761963, -2.93947172164917, -3.501742362976074, -2.7303919792175293, -4.07286262512207, -2.485701560974121, -3.051938056945801, -2.581451654434204, -1.4080746173858643, 0.5753744840621948, 2.375253677368164, 0.48357677459716797, -3.1194050312042236, 0.9900128841400146, 2.6003646850585938, -2.589115619659424, 1.4302353858947754, -2.944960355758667, -0.24673676490783691, -2.719818115234375, 1.659544825553894, 2.0922036170959473, 2.394625186920166, 2.7980732917785645, 3.2109241485595703, -2.5738017559051514, 2.4388551712036133, -0.9750468730926514, 2.367888927459717, 4.168361186981201, 0.9494260549545288, 2.3510265350341797, 1.7192145586013794, 2.2296552658081055, 3.2499260902404785, -2.5477631092071533, 1.1312954425811768, 2.2516396045684814, 1.8364150524139404, -2.8142683506011963, -3.5586066246032715, -3.478243112564087, -3.4221041202545166, -2.581451654434204, -3.1060478687286377, 3.07928466796875, -3.364257574081421, -3.500119209289551, -2.0110442638397217, 2.5699496269226074, -3.4856200218200684, 2.168057918548584, 1.2777667045593262, 2.538057804107666, 1.0804874897003174, 2.0180864334106445, 0.7509990930557251, 1.0125713348388672, 1.2666845321655273, 0.7421237230300903, 1.777769923210144, 1.9028072357177734, 2.7138233184814453, 1.5726954936981201, -3.727203369140625, 0.04129016399383545, -3.1248552799224854, 2.2857892513275146, -3.3062448501586914, 1.6264979839324951, 0.29258155822753906, 0.9402425289154053, 1.0760501623153687, 1.820742130279541, 3.276113510131836, 1.853090763092041, 2.0844411849975586, 2.6079530715942383, 1.4395952224731445, 3.079634189605713, 2.1550309658050537, -0.10594964027404785, 1.6218287944793701, 1.777769923210144, 0.42569398880004883, 1.358309030532837, 1.5084426403045654, 1.664347767829895, 0.36168479919433594, 2.785274028778076, 0.37459564208984375, 1.615001916885376, 3.8263511657714844, 2.273179769515991, 0.6731576919555664, -2.922732353210449, -2.883967161178589, -3.2370047569274902, -2.535205841064453, -3.2531683444976807, -2.4873363971710205, -1.3556411266326904, -0.5033626556396484, -1.697160005569458, -1.5145844221115112, -2.681473731994629, -3.0624566078186035, -2.3953194618225098, -2.9097445011138916, -1.3024978637695312, -2.934875011444092, -2.719818115234375, -3.425548553466797, -3.075216293334961, -3.0523452758789062, -2.8300087451934814, -2.2179956436157227, -3.3373918533325195, -3.1217637062072754, -2.239712715148926, -2.2953948974609375, -2.400637149810791, -3.0197057723999023, -3.0138680934906006, -3.0049195289611816, -2.1377575397491455, -3.6282265186309814, -3.373833179473877, -2.1405153274536133, -3.1600253582000732, -2.2279958724975586, -3.2555480003356934, -2.8722612857818604, 2.295842409133911, 2.8693864345550537, 2.927361488342285, 1.6916030645370483, 2.7313241958618164, 2.0698437690734863, -0.0009043216705322266, 2.2148561477661133, 0.938887357711792, 2.867734909057617, 2.8693864345550537, 0.03911542892456055, -0.06096220016479492, 2.9088470935821533, 1.051709771156311, 1.659544825553894, 3.2499260902404785, 2.5076985359191895, 2.312100887298584, 2.7151217460632324, 2.9800338745117188, 2.005103826522827, 1.199042558670044, -3.1468334197998047, 2.311849594116211, 1.5384174585342407, -3.1060478687286377, -2.5738017559051514, -1.944228172302246, 1.575206995010376, -3.1492741107940674, 1.1238346099853516, -3.336308002471924, -1.9804182052612305, 3.131608009338379, 2.2292580604553223, -3.0815224647521973, -0.22021865844726562, 2.64650297164917, 2.7272768020629883, 3.1149744987487793, -3.0707459449768066, 3.5457887649536133, -2.7818543910980225, 3.5548276901245117, 3.2129650115966797, -2.248976230621338, -3.212254285812378, -2.5287020206451416, -2.206956386566162, -3.329723834991455, -2.8679234981536865, -3.163569450378418, -2.0744378566741943, -3.0200319290161133, -2.589115619659424, -3.094291925430298, -3.4069712162017822, -2.6874053478240967, -2.5638668537139893, -2.4047110080718994, 1.0188117027282715, -3.3473825454711914, 2.183684825897217, -2.8722612857818604, 2.841115713119507, 1.5056607723236084, 1.0473780632019043, -2.4047110080718994, -2.519685983657837, 1.54425048828125, -3.8839783668518066, 2.7290048599243164, -3.5001015663146973, -3.637709140777588, -2.8642473220825195, 1.3430447578430176, -3.1538169384002686, -1.3024978637695312, -3.1197903156280518, -1.944228172302246, -2.1510965824127197, -2.4367895126342773, -2.8421683311462402, -2.9927899837493896, -2.907979965209961, -3.2277731895446777, 1.7110464572906494, -2.374269723892212, 1.0154211521148682, 2.1031038761138916, -2.4657578468322754, -2.9907066822052, -1.8451193571090698, -3.501742362976074, -1.6236512660980225, -2.9225592613220215, 1.3825483322143555, -2.578277111053467, -3.2132227420806885, -3.55539870262146, 2.0844411849975586, 2.375253677368164, -2.5638668537139893, -3.0378458499908447, -3.3583290576934814, -0.9599609375, -2.7387499809265137, 2.6959829330444336, 1.3354461193084717, 1.895838975906372, 2.6500186920166016, 0.07957744598388672, 0.1690046787261963, 2.021430492401123, -2.659151077270508, 1.1511225700378418, 0.49434053897857666, 1.0473780632019043, 2.325155735015869, -2.9535231590270996, 2.041459083557129, -1.7437126636505127, -2.9710941314697266, -2.8300087451934814, -2.8280727863311768, -2.820824384689331, -3.661674737930298, -2.3761329650878906, -3.4068984985351562, -2.8015270233154297, -0.12248778343200684, -3.570465087890625, -2.2279958724975586, -3.5354957580566406, -2.607541799545288, -1.805729627609253, -3.024878978729248, -2.550536632537842, -2.4983699321746826, 2.120781898498535, -0.3569355010986328, -3.812002182006836, 1.4850740432739258, -3.104628801345825, -3.2370047569274902, 0.9107060432434082, -1.8580255508422852, 0.15626323223114014, -3.4180421829223633, -3.449854850769043, -2.6177783012390137, 2.3594655990600586, 2.2734227180480957, -0.41923022270202637, -2.412673234939575, -0.06096220016479492, -2.93947172164917, -3.3928513526916504, 1.5942001342773438, -1.7388745546340942, 1.5920515060424805, 2.6079530715942383, -3.039599657058716, 1.5150506496429443, -2.5934066772460938, 0.7570943832397461, -2.509115219116211, -3.0690999031066895, 1.7143561840057373, -3.1587791442871094, -3.1151931285858154, -3.605896472930908, 0.5423355102539062, 3.274942398071289, 2.5128917694091797, 0.09430980682373047, 1.6531509160995483, 0.47930848598480225, 2.632503032684326, 0.6242713928222656, 0.2784709930419922, 0.9900128841400146, 2.2734227180480957, 0.836606502532959, 3.3135275840759277, 1.0118706226348877, 1.664347767829895, 2.280120372772217, 0.8684163093566895, 1.3899189233779907, 2.394625186920166, 0.5444772243499756, 1.1640772819519043, 2.2837700843811035, 0.10688304901123047, 3.5305094718933105, 3.34726619720459, 1.4028918743133545, 2.3360376358032227, 3.948403835296631, 0.7420783042907715, -2.820824384689331, -0.0492933988571167, -1.697160005569458, -2.330430507659912, -3.0762927532196045, -2.717475175857544, -2.5194084644317627, 1.6835525035858154, -3.24509859085083, 1.310599684715271, 1.5932223796844482, 1.8582189083099365, 0.9313561916351318, 3.112842559814453, -0.3569355010986328, -3.2370047569274902, -2.682201862335205, 1.664347767829895, -3.397942543029785, 2.2169246673583984, 2.6959829330444336, -0.8764669895172119, 1.7778011560440063, 2.158906936645508, 1.777566909790039, 1.0998752117156982, 3.57743501663208, 0.999767541885376, 1.777769923210144, 2.738156318664551, 2.538057804107666, 2.343454360961914, 1.8665783405303955, 2.2943050861358643, 1.342981219291687, 1.7597177028656006, 1.5355104207992554, 4.107359886169434, 2.2169246673583984, 1.2587611675262451, 1.1774265766143799, 1.0055172443389893, 2.183684825897217, 2.058495044708252, 0.6521215438842773, 2.242859363555908, 2.753488063812256, 1.7301316261291504, 3.3383255004882812, 2.2734227180480957, 3.15584135055542, 2.64650297164917, 1.5318281650543213, 0.34891605377197266, 2.6908321380615234, 1.2117600440979004, 1.9239184856414795, 1.7487903833389282, 0.5856800079345703, 1.5384174585342407, 2.9821863174438477, 1.9726274013519287, 3.708071708679199, 1.2014609575271606, 2.45318341255188, 0.2834146022796631, 2.2520298957824707, 2.394625186920166, -1.0527241230010986, -0.41881299018859863, 2.9506430625915527, 2.4724998474121094, -0.6389226913452148, 2.8727476596832275, 1.5214056968688965, 2.311021089553833, 2.628910541534424, 2.375239372253418, 1.9533236026763916, 1.6095516681671143, 2.5325236320495605, 0.8028327226638794, 0.787987470626831, 0.29258155822753906, 0.8840681314468384, 1.2573504447937012, 1.6847190856933594, 2.072789192199707, 2.9800338745117188, 2.4417800903320312, 1.4407718181610107, 1.360909104347229, 2.3179898262023926, 0.8643603324890137, 2.2520415782928467, -0.9599609375, 1.820742130279541, 0.5834512710571289, 2.5325236320495605, 2.4360039234161377, -0.6389226913452148, 1.2759592533111572, 1.860323429107666, 1.7833397388458252, 1.879275918006897, 2.64176082611084, 2.049757957458496, 2.805983781814575, 2.087289333343506, 2.289851665496826, 3.3135275840759277, 1.9653310775756836, 0.6756207942962646, 1.9864959716796875, 1.199042558670044, 1.0438857078552246, 0.5753744840621948, 2.311849594116211, 2.2024760246276855, 2.877305507659912, 1.93540358543396, 1.8382011651992798, 0.7611367702484131, 3.3978075981140137, 0.47708606719970703, 1.058321237564087, 1.4109104871749878, 0.3902205228805542, 1.5056607723236084, 1.860323429107666, 2.3341612815856934, 1.659544825553894, 1.430844783782959, 2.10787296295166, 1.809009075164795, 1.671008586883545, 0.1690046787261963, 1.3790969848632812, 2.2246763706207275, 0.48357677459716797, 2.2169876098632812, 0.7509990930557251, 2.538057804107666, 2.087289333343506, 2.299504041671753, 0.5444772243499756, -0.2686929702758789, 2.4659371376037598, 0.7818424701690674 ], "y": [ 0.39694762229919434, 0.8677029609680176, 2.1579182147979736, 2.214146137237549, 1.0795742273330688, 1.2439792156219482, 1.8125520944595337, 1.230006456375122, 1.2284865379333496, 2.337517261505127, -0.7536527514457703, 1.5121601819992065, 1.3966096639633179, 1.859846591949463, 0.0866786539554596, 0.2607969045639038, 1.198857069015503, 3.0879881381988525, 1.3377680778503418, -0.5130984783172607, 0.965884804725647, 1.2439792156219482, 1.0856153964996338, -1.586540699005127, 0.02116835117340088, 1.6977877616882324, 1.3134825229644775, -0.6672672033309937, 1.4931995868682861, 0.28060010075569153, 1.1835575103759766, 0.27184194326400757, 1.5885053873062134, 1.172586441040039, 0.5581601858139038, -0.04348355531692505, -0.20430198311805725, -0.14678695797920227, 1.5263773202896118, 1.4677484035491943, 1.3967704772949219, -0.15637284517288208, 0.20996826887130737, 0.0429111123085022, 1.3213365077972412, 0.7431195378303528, 0.8578083515167236, 0.8093303442001343, 0.654026985168457, 0.22036200761795044, 1.2536542415618896, 0.796657919883728, 0.8152598738670349, 1.3770766258239746, 0.697307825088501, 1.935028076171875, 0.5512480735778809, 0.6424232721328735, 1.5768957138061523, -0.5116697549819946, 0.2235165238380432, 1.6379594802856445, 0.19440245628356934, 0.8361433744430542, -0.7827562689781189, -0.21150001883506775, 0.7084087133407593, 1.0809614658355713, 0.7445874810218811, 0.2554760277271271, 1.2139590978622437, 0.17464500665664673, 0.5270507335662842, 0.8324835896492004, 0.7963296175003052, 2.6007843017578125, 0.9590085744857788, 1.3400418758392334, 0.6069749593734741, -0.5547915697097778, 0.5854066610336304, 2.563602924346924, -0.2567337155342102, -1.2156163454055786, 0.9795385003089905, 1.3886572122573853, -0.7267336249351501, -1.4699010848999023, 1.5017105340957642, 1.8980681896209717, 0.3968496024608612, 2.2957653999328613, 2.3185415267944336, 2.238922119140625, -0.2838556468486786, 1.4113506078720093, 0.6765204668045044, 2.4388020038604736, -0.9045593738555908, 0.973461389541626, 2.270355463027954, -0.6672672033309937, 0.5713474154472351, 2.9725847244262695, 2.820561170578003, 1.4421061277389526, 0.2607969045639038, 2.886253595352173, 1.631807804107666, 1.2768999338150024, 1.1138455867767334, 0.7431195378303528, 0.29876333475112915, 0.049270689487457275, 1.5121601819992065, 0.7161311507225037, 0.30455881357192993, 0.7444612979888916, 0.8809688091278076, 0.47873061895370483, 1.138697862625122, 0.5176787972450256, 0.22759419679641724, -0.1535302698612213, 1.0988996028900146, 1.0948587656021118, -0.35501086711883545, 0.28176772594451904, 0.8639671206474304, -0.1912941038608551, 0.8819742202758789, 0.24665343761444092, 0.3280292749404907, 0.07299840450286865, 1.9962329864501953, 0.3074204921722412, 1.7578935623168945, 0.6672083139419556, 2.0135514736175537, -0.11166590452194214, 1.5514979362487793, 0.3074204921722412, -0.5921005010604858, 1.7084163427352905, 1.0315101146697998, 1.5529245138168335, 1.6297252178192139, 1.2312753200531006, 1.755424976348877, 0.15582114458084106, 1.6784000396728516, -0.12707477807998657, 0.6264725923538208, 0.7776758670806885, 1.3401808738708496, 0.8416483402252197, 0.4340708255767822, 0.7444612979888916, 0.49586570262908936, 1.2467905282974243, 1.332813024520874, 0.9914116859436035, 0.5684086084365845, 0.20306488871574402, 0.8571407198905945, -0.15637284517288208, -0.38836756348609924, 1.0856153964996338, 2.563602924346924, 0.41861212253570557, 1.2216861248016357, 3.201209545135498, 1.2242835760116577, 0.8358591794967651, -0.9766740202903748, 1.0691181421279907, 1.4729024171829224, 0.7334781885147095, -0.7129678130149841, -0.2782498002052307, 0.4845185875892639, 0.9344981908798218, -0.035408198833465576, -0.21150001883506775, -1.4960014820098877, 1.8125520944595337, 1.0975645780563354, 0.342345654964447, 1.477886438369751, 0.7329038977622986, 1.009676456451416, 2.089839458465576, 0.4579198658466339, 1.6823577880859375, 0.13204902410507202, 0.7865734696388245, 0.5529487729072571, 1.272256851196289, 0.15012767910957336, 0.8030961751937866, 2.2652106285095215, 1.7107800245285034, 0.7444612979888916, -1.1852372884750366, 2.306966543197632, 0.9577082395553589, 0.6152099370956421, 0.4950084686279297, -0.009406745433807373, 0.9423521161079407, 0.9504485130310059, 0.5447336435317993, 1.7772575616836548, 1.5425409078598022, -0.25256985425949097, 1.3439573049545288, 1.121725082397461, 2.0522098541259766, 0.976736307144165, 0.4464726150035858, 0.5587385892868042, 0.49559280276298523, 1.7806954383850098, 1.6071795225143433, 1.280918002128601, 1.813166618347168, 1.3865351676940918, 0.5581601858139038, 1.71055269241333, 1.3891137838363647, 0.2806212902069092, 0.5210727453231812, 1.5754865407943726, 2.4176135063171387, 1.330426573753357, 0.727568507194519, 0.9450771808624268, 0.30319759249687195, 0.6547950506210327, 0.5345535278320312, 1.477886438369751, 1.1725783348083496, 0.03887587785720825, -0.6571221947669983, 3.1466917991638184, 1.1860452890396118, 0.19440245628356934, 1.473731279373169, -3.106832981109619, 2.3096749782562256, 2.41178035736084, 1.0384811162948608, -0.03219711780548096, -0.0404379665851593, 0.9154300093650818, -0.5921005010604858, 0.6990354061126709, -2.13484787940979, 1.2261399030685425, 0.9754283428192139, 0.14947456121444702, 1.2833945751190186, 1.2860944271087646, 1.6977877616882324, 1.160093069076538, 1.014562726020813, 1.7407593727111816, 0.8101276159286499, -0.9321702718734741, -2.7277235984802246, 1.2577039003372192, 0.35047706961631775, 0.038912564516067505, 0.13687433302402496, 1.0570855140686035, 2.676988124847412, 3.2551028728485107, 0.21648207306861877, 1.0847195386886597, -0.4026528000831604, 0.1586151123046875, -0.0404379665851593, 1.1472148895263672, 1.870224952697754, -1.3666877746582031, 2.472989797592163, 1.230006456375122, -0.36417996883392334, -1.0358797311782837, 0.4667844772338867, -1.4960014820098877, 0.25925973057746887, -1.767829179763794, 0.8662632703781128, 2.17926287651062, 1.0018340349197388, 0.401449978351593, -2.7082691192626953, 3.0334973335266113, 1.1095826625823975, 2.467688798904419, -0.22905349731445312, 2.50895357131958, -1.9593735933303833, 1.5385212898254395, 0.35047706961631775, 1.2539170980453491, 0.22456857562065125, 1.3912310600280762, 0.6435859203338623, -1.0979180335998535, -2.340830087661743, 1.7129173278808594, 1.3743184804916382, 0.334303617477417, 2.7136073112487793, 1.230006456375122, 0.22759419679641724, 0.8101276159286499, 1.4427317380905151, 1.2480388879776, 1.230006456375122, 2.652261972427368, 0.13687433302402496, 1.785377025604248, 2.0872843265533447, 0.3010128438472748, -0.4026528000831604, 1.5672705173492432, 1.2743724584579468, 2.652261972427368, 0.22196462750434875, -0.03219711780548096, 2.3406853675842285, 1.7425410747528076, 0.6990354061126709, 3.250290870666504, -0.017552971839904785, 1.8949660062789917, 0.9187284111976624, 1.4661024808883667, -0.08216392993927002, 0.4511585235595703, 0.20649486780166626, 2.2763020992279053, 0.02116835117340088, 0.6824231147766113, 0.5005552768707275, 1.2123994827270508, 1.4254001379013062, 1.5009950399398804, -0.0250396728515625, 2.886253595352173, 0.950874924659729, 0.3144044280052185, 1.6781233549118042, 1.0988543033599854, 0.8578083515167236, 2.8507447242736816, 1.282958984375, 0.9976105093955994, 0.8981207609176636, -1.0163143873214722, 0.7858933806419373, 1.4729024171829224, 1.1082311868667603, 0.9233954548835754, 0.4340708255767822, 0.6340168714523315, 0.33055227994918823, 2.1527082920074463, 1.3966096639633179, 1.081483244895935, 0.02116835117340088, 0.24828621745109558, -0.9766740202903748, 0.8578083515167236, -0.38836756348609924, 0.2833966016769409, -0.5429176092147827, 1.009676456451416, 1.3400418758392334, 1.3966096639633179, 1.0795742273330688, 1.4539966583251953, -0.08356308937072754, -2.108499050140381, 1.0548986196517944, -2.3057117462158203, 1.0410618782043457, 1.441176176071167, 1.0847195386886597, 1.3743184804916382, -1.0009698867797852, 0.9137714505195618, 2.0135514736175537, 0.33924996852874756, -2.7775537967681885, 2.7036731243133545, 1.1326509714126587, 1.8552021980285645, 0.8662632703781128, 0.8839177489280701, 0.884824812412262, 0.2833966016769409, 1.260087490081787, 1.3891137838363647, 1.2217758893966675, 0.7865734696388245, 0.613676905632019, 0.6245173811912537, 0.8123507499694824, 1.5369441509246826, 0.8553676605224609, 1.3734427690505981, 0.3192855417728424, 0.5542469620704651, 1.4105939865112305, 0.9117658138275146, 0.5093289613723755, 1.172586441040039, 1.8418660163879395, 1.6833534240722656, 0.8553676605224609, 0.5610165596008301, 0.7835922241210938, -0.23586198687553406, 1.5890213251113892, 0.8361433744430542, 1.1440846920013428, 1.1220437288284302, 1.1963646411895752, 1.9301799535751343, 1.0018340349197388, 1.121725082397461, 0.9607751369476318, 1.5754865407943726, 0.8123507499694824, 0.006352841854095459, -0.06727024912834167, 1.2827608585357666, 1.3891137838363647, 0.4529200792312622, 0.48011183738708496, 1.208359718322754, 0.08517014980316162, 1.7201802730560303, -0.4949476718902588, 1.2217758893966675, 1.3401808738708496, 1.0382063388824463, 1.3627010583877563, 0.5362422466278076, 0.9976105093955994, 1.2614184617996216, 1.830316424369812, 1.1374404430389404, 0.0866786539554596, -0.49618127942085266, 0.20996826887130737, 0.8358591794967651, 0.9976105093955994, 0.8866322636604309, 0.6860766410827637, -0.20430198311805725, 0.7858933806419373, 0.8138761520385742, 0.8123507499694824, 1.6071795225143433, 0.20996826887130737, 0.3192855417728424, 0.868547260761261, 1.7806954383850098, 0.48011183738708496, 1.186374545097351, 1.787257432937622, 0.8910584449768066, 1.0975645780563354, 1.3297079801559448, 1.5071102380752563, 1.6508872509002686, 0.8093303442001343, 0.48405104875564575, 1.5173033475875854, -0.06952020525932312, 1.3075802326202393, -0.4495789110660553, 2.192145824432373, -0.04348355531692505, -1.2836835384368896, 0.8093303442001343, -1.4631941318511963, 0.44179773330688477, 0.7918640375137329, -0.1605691909790039, 2.108098030090332, 2.0623373985290527, 3.815551519393921, 0.6571948528289795, 1.770945429801941, 0.4034183621406555, -0.7090301513671875, 0.4072261452674866, 0.7503848075866699, 0.5795596837997437, 1.935028076171875, 0.5618717670440674, -0.03219711780548096, 1.2284865379333496, 1.5173033475875854, 0.13146227598190308, -2.9821505546569824, 1.935028076171875, -2.8415932655334473, 1.631807804107666, 0.669521152973175, 0.14279705286026, 0.752327561378479, 2.944493293762207, 2.0587668418884277, 1.6977877616882324, 0.9654392600059509, 1.6773362159729004, 1.2480388879776, 1.2139590978622437, 1.62930166721344, 1.733524203300476, -0.017552971839904785, 1.1597068309783936, -0.27985480427742004, 0.8518109321594238, 0.697307825088501, 0.004388034343719482, -1.484410047531128, 1.6914441585540771, 2.8507447242736816, 2.912904739379883, 1.0026143789291382, 0.7334781885147095, 1.5267609357833862, 0.3010128438472748, 1.3905079364776611, 3.250290870666504, -1.3333498239517212, 2.513218641281128, 0.9137714505195618, 0.7899175882339478, 1.0178741216659546, 0.6404136419296265, 1.2827608585357666, -0.8921393156051636, 2.4176135063171387, 1.755424976348877, 0.3951165974140167, 0.5218095779418945, 0.33851557970046997, 0.17355799674987793, 0.8571407198905945, 1.9301799535751343, 0.44179773330688477, 0.006866335868835449, 0.6574627161026001, 0.9914116859436035, 0.727568507194519, 0.4902970790863037, 0.5891661643981934, 0.1914445161819458, 0.43475762009620667, 0.6547950506210327, 1.0155242681503296, 0.8253804445266724, 0.15142571926116943, 0.9229340553283691, -0.5220047235488892, 1.8963173627853394, 2.047029972076416, 0.8677029609680176, 0.22759419679641724, 0.9517731070518494, -0.4098748564720154, 0.5981442332267761, 1.1985774040222168, -1.8386733531951904, -3.208205223083496, 2.238922119140625, -0.6437932252883911, 0.6140354871749878, 0.5175775289535522, 0.6990354061126709, 1.2480388879776, 0.4700443148612976, 1.4661024808883667, 1.2833945751190186, 1.9551494121551514, 1.5519537925720215, 0.4010900855064392, 3.2551028728485107, 1.2577039003372192, 0.7445874810218811, -1.1677392721176147, -0.08356308937072754, 2.235294818878174, 1.5173033475875854, -1.8690917491912842, -0.1407528519630432, 1.6379594802856445, 0.38193702697753906, 0.3993455171585083, 0.482147753238678, 1.770945429801941, -0.17613063752651215, 1.7787914276123047, 0.27286070585250854, -0.49618127942085266, 1.2149178981781006, 0.4636435806751251, 0.9723968505859375, 0.965884804725647, -0.5921005010604858, 0.15925097465515137, 0.9926365613937378, -2.3057117462158203, 0.697307825088501, 0.6105139255523682, 1.485874056816101, -0.44740110635757446, 0.31107619404792786, 2.198768138885498, 1.1271579265594482, 0.36562609672546387, -0.09283047914505005, 0.5302925109863281, 0.3280292749404907, 1.393772840499878, 1.3233643770217896, -2.405703067779541, -0.4098748564720154, 0.6023590564727783, 0.8910584449768066, 0.8563692569732666, 0.9909729957580566, 1.770945429801941, 0.9590085744857788, 0.02116835117340088, 0.4424988627433777, 0.9281976222991943, 0.9926365613937378, 0.5210727453231812, 3.250290870666504, 2.397080898284912, 0.22456857562065125, -1.0009698867797852, 1.2746623754501343, 1.5293117761611938, 2.184802293777466, 1.0847195386886597, 1.813166618347168, 0.48461076617240906, 1.565871238708496, 2.374295711517334, 0.13687433302402496, 2.6078121662139893, 0.5349234342575073, -0.8921393156051636, 1.7994135618209839, -1.4631941318511963, -0.6571221947669983, 0.36888882517814636, 0.9709973335266113, 2.1598541736602783, 2.364290237426758, 0.8724663853645325, 2.697449207305908, 2.676988124847412, 0.6457664966583252, 2.089839458465576, 0.8677029609680176, 1.3743184804916382, 1.8505879640579224, 0.31714004278182983, 2.202519655227661, 0.8973833322525024, 1.0795742273330688, -0.2567337155342102, 0.5534311532974243, 0.1948896050453186, 2.1969478130340576, 0.27184194326400757, 0.8838983774185181, 0.976736307144165, 0.5175775289535522, 0.8930233716964722, 1.0178741216659546, 3.012727737426758, 0.2209337055683136, 2.306966543197632, -0.3671451508998871, 1.6781233549118042, 0.6301194429397583, 1.0624412298202515, 0.004388034343719482, 0.4593832790851593, 1.4766048192977905, 0.5634311437606812, 0.14349597692489624, -0.23586001992225647, 0.2023909091949463, 0.8414504528045654, 1.1320866346359253, -0.45588812232017517, 0.89300936460495, 0.9674409031867981, 0.8812884092330933, 1.150804042816162, 0.8873752355575562, 1.6414611339569092, 0.9916920065879822, 0.11391007900238037, 0.4007258415222168, 0.8152598738670349, 0.7817322015762329, 0.764170229434967, 0.697307825088501, 0.7058465480804443, -0.02298945188522339, 1.282958984375, 1.4105939865112305, 0.4950084686279297, 0.6547950506210327, -0.08467477560043335, 1.6339411735534668, 0.4631018042564392, 1.3734427690505981, 1.1279191970825195, 0.5447336435317993, 0.8819742202758789, 0.6152099370956421, 1.4496533870697021, 0.08300316333770752, 1.1220437288284302, 1.1831779479980469, 0.8948987722396851, 1.1271579265594482, 1.3261176347732544, 1.0580049753189087, 2.8493282794952393, 0.1586151123046875, 0.1804686188697815, 1.1385762691497803, -3.229527473449707, 0.8571407198905945, 1.473731279373169, 2.67470121383667, 0.8953703045845032, 0.15925097465515137, 1.7985972166061401, -1.24936044216156, 0.6921282410621643, 1.0307854413986206, 1.1279191970825195, 1.414856195449829, 0.4050561487674713, 0.2607969045639038, 1.272256851196289, 1.5872013568878174, 0.49586570262908936, 0.17464500665664673, -0.49885666370391846, -0.017552971839904785, -0.08216392993927002, 1.4524402618408203, 1.0919747352600098, 1.2439792156219482, 1.0259054899215698, 0.038625508546829224, 0.5841822028160095, 0.28176772594451904, 0.6472376585006714, 0.7918640375137329, 0.9674409031867981, 0.4447898864746094, 0.5194564461708069, -0.7462711334228516, 2.047029972076416, 0.05318373441696167, 0.22766762971878052, 0.7431195378303528, 2.0872843265533447, 0.8150405287742615, 0.19440245628356934, 2.3096749782562256, 1.172586441040039, 2.7732105255126953, 0.9639861583709717, 2.652261972427368, 0.7692074775695801, 1.1083439588546753, 0.08257097005844116, 0.23665177822113037, 0.327048659324646, 0.6892370581626892, 1.067518711090088, 1.2282001972198486, 1.0581743717193604, 0.28060010075569153, 3.042280912399292, -1.1360688209533691, 0.48901283740997314, 1.5372897386550903, 1.1095826625823975, 0.3768743872642517, 0.4050561487674713, 0.836949348449707, 1.770945429801941, 0.24866992235183716, 1.3439573049545288, 0.7961969971656799, 1.2110244035720825, 0.3463284969329834, 0.032418131828308105, 0.5587385892868042, -1.8523790836334229, 0.8138761520385742, 1.2047076225280762, 0.6571948528289795, 2.7038631439208984, 1.3201813697814941, 2.4739906787872314, 1.0570855140686035, 2.376096248626709, 2.652261972427368, 2.4739906787872314, 0.5808371305465698, 2.1095871925354004, 0.48461076617240906, 2.563602924346924, 1.5688700675964355, 0.20649486780166626, 0.7261499166488647, 0.9976105093955994, 1.2746623754501343, 1.859846591949463, 0.8297005891799927, 1.260087490081787, 1.1297264099121094, 0.976736307144165, 1.521273136138916, 1.8937087059020996, 1.057125210762024, 1.5885053873062134, 0.4308357238769531, 1.1710747480392456, 0.9775388836860657, -0.1535302698612213, 0.8571407198905945, 0.9388828277587891, 0.4605725109577179, 0.7998018264770508, 1.7578935623168945, 0.688724160194397, 1.3171608448028564, 0.7776758670806885, 1.5009950399398804, 0.3470476567745209, 0.9916920065879822, 1.7624177932739258, 0.2419188916683197, 1.770945429801941, 1.337628960609436, 0.5573980808258057, 1.6339411735534668, 0.6171853542327881, 0.8297005891799927, 1.1082195043563843, 0.7334781885147095, -0.20430198311805725, 0.33055227994918823, 0.038625508546829224, 1.477886438369751, 1.477886438369751, 0.5610165596008301, 0.3768743872642517, -0.020054757595062256, 0.13204902410507202, 1.5754865407943726, 1.0264643430709839, 1.2242835760116577, 0.8866127729415894, -0.23586001992225647, 1.0897330045700073, -0.5601027607917786, 1.2282001972198486, 1.6414611339569092, 0.9976105093955994, 0.23768508434295654, 1.2768999338150024, 1.0809614658355713, 0.6868525743484497, 1.7704378366470337, -0.5116697549819946, 0.12052887678146362, 0.9771333336830139, 0.23379915952682495, 0.9238301515579224, 2.4071743488311768, 2.8943004608154297, 0.9154300093650818, 0.08257097005844116, 1.340806007385254, 2.337517261505127, 0.4949515759944916, 2.652261972427368, 0.44520094990730286, 1.3103405237197876, -2.3057117462158203, 1.1624975204467773, 1.2089712619781494, 2.513218641281128, 1.1375389099121094, 1.3075802326202393, -0.2838556468486786, 0.8138761520385742, 1.1062376499176025, 0.8736011981964111, 0.764170229434967, 1.7158358097076416, 0.6795049905776978, 0.8943672180175781, 3.3319287300109863, 0.9909729957580566, 3.042280912399292, 1.0988543033599854, 1.6977877616882324, 1.2327487468719482, 1.330426573753357, 1.4917473793029785, 1.2331843376159668, 0.8416483402252197, 0.7231687307357788, -0.35501086711883545, 1.2207493782043457, 0.41861212253570557, 1.4814462661743164, 0.7231687307357788, 0.7334781885147095, 0.43844249844551086, 0.7961969971656799, -1.0348955392837524, 1.6823577880859375, 0.9412024021148682, 0.4949515759944916, 0.7776758670806885, 2.7175559997558594, -0.11166590452194214, 1.1681767702102661, 0.03887587785720825, 1.785377025604248, -0.21017149090766907, -1.586540699005127, -0.5547915697097778, 1.2701618671417236, 0.2834983170032501, 1.129243016242981, 1.8963173627853394, -0.3266596794128418, 2.2652106285095215, 2.8493282794952393, 1.121725082397461, 1.0384811162948608, 1.0711172819137573, -0.008604466915130615, 1.5267609357833862, 0.6959855556488037, 0.6809254884719849, -0.7462711334228516, 1.6848070621490479, 1.4667787551879883, 2.4049723148345947, 0.4631018042564392, 0.7460062503814697, 0.638779878616333, 0.7248340845108032, 2.094896078109741, 0.6472376585006714, 0.9976105093955994, 0.5474544167518616, 1.375746250152588, 1.0145338773727417, 1.1321513652801514, 0.8389608263969421, 0.7963296175003052, 2.8493282794952393, 0.02116835117340088, 1.349454641342163, 2.9796454906463623, 1.124656319618225, 1.7195491790771484, 0.613676905632019, 2.563602924346924, 0.6435859203338623, 0.4950084686279297, 1.4427317380905151, 1.4677484035491943, 3.815551519393921, 1.0307854413986206, -0.06483721733093262, 1.4667787551879883, 1.0018340349197388, 0.6301194429397583, -1.24936044216156, 1.2548105716705322, 0.8793708682060242, 0.8943672180175781, 1.2827608585357666, 1.0018340349197388, 0.43498241901397705, 0.7185792326927185, 0.9388828277587891, 1.7091325521469116, 0.3192855417728424, 0.5302925109863281, 1.4726636409759521, 0.6424232721328735, 0.5700377821922302, 1.5263773202896118, 0.5637753009796143, 1.3967704772949219, -0.016066431999206543, 0.9541553258895874, 1.2480388879776, -0.17239969968795776, -1.1852372884750366, 2.2652106285095215, 0.6798539161682129, 3.009242057800293, 0.2554760277271271, 2.397080898284912, 0.4605725109577179, 0.038912564516067505, 1.2312753200531006, -0.7827562689781189, 0.7514961361885071, -0.25379833579063416, 1.349454641342163, 0.3137432932853699, 0.13687433302402496, 0.7334781885147095, 0.6990354061126709, 2.6813297271728516, 1.2962812185287476, 1.0259054899215698, 0.4447898864746094, -0.9766740202903748, 0.7287923097610474, 1.3171608448028564, 0.09604257345199585, -1.1106640100479126, -0.7717126607894897, 0.8138761520385742, 1.935028076171875, 2.0946385860443115, 1.6137107610702515, 0.5666746497154236, 0.8677029609680176, 0.9154300093650818, 1.6773362159729004, -0.7821530699729919, 1.7107800245285034, 1.7568706274032593, 2.089839458465576, 0.16736215353012085, 3.815551519393921, 0.34853851795196533, 1.62930166721344, 2.7438886165618896, 2.661266565322876, 0.3836575448513031, 1.5385212898254395, -0.7267336249351501, 1.521273136138916, 1.3518412113189697, 0.6633784770965576, 0.4072261452674866, -1.4960014820098877, 0.4072261452674866, 0.32960838079452515, 1.2486896514892578, 0.9061259627342224, -3.211289167404175, 2.7438886165618896, 0.6833536028862, -0.44740110635757446, 2.67470121383667, 1.3905079364776611, -0.45748504996299744, 1.0145338773727417, 0.8085613250732422, -0.5129489898681641, 1.8505879640579224, 0.6633784770965576, 3.1306562423706055, 1.5337144136428833, 0.2573660910129547, 1.1337441205978394, 0.9344981908798218, 0.7378522157669067, 0.8111112117767334, 0.2023909091949463, 0.4181808531284332, 0.7817322015762329, 0.9333786964416504, 1.2365248203277588, 1.3673220872879028, 0.7034742832183838, -0.3266596794128418, -0.49618127942085266, 0.4845185875892639, 0.8981207609176636, 1.4496533870697021, 1.0264643430709839, 0.7034742832183838, 0.9674409031867981, 1.9496896266937256, 0.6562212109565735, 1.1279191970825195, 0.8639671206474304, 0.9914116859436035, 1.138697862625122, 1.9494571685791016, -0.20430198311805725, 1.027888298034668, 1.2899876832962036, 0.482147753238678, 0.5093289613723755, 0.8210655450820923, 1.2365248203277588, 1.2544291019439697, 0.5854066610336304, 1.4814462661743164, 0.4181808531284332, 1.1725783348083496, 2.3185415267944336, 1.7007865905761719, 1.0897330045700073, 1.770945429801941, 0.6959855556488037, 1.2633136510849, 0.8138761520385742, 0.9674409031867981, 0.9674409031867981, 1.2700119018554688, 0.4579198658466339, 0.8930761218070984, 0.4754084348678589, 0.401449978351593, 0.7185792326927185, 1.3673220872879028, 0.9281288385391235, 0.5666746497154236, 1.3517868518829346, 0.9949259757995605, 0.9674409031867981, 1.3439573049545288, -0.5989902019500732, 0.9775388836860657, -0.49885666370391846, 0.5699453353881836, 0.6562212109565735, 0.9233954548835754, 1.3886572122573853, 0.08257097005844116, 0.5529487729072571, 0.6650420427322388, 1.4729024171829224, 1.1887874603271484, 0.2974143326282501, 1.5121601819992065, 1.0382063388824463, 0.8563692569732666, 1.1279191970825195, 1.3134825229644775, 1.2217758893966675, -0.036581069231033325, 0.8340765237808228, 0.9621409177780151, 0.8138761520385742, 0.6547950506210327, -0.05120992660522461, 1.8295706510543823, 0.13204902410507202, 1.3171608448028564, 2.890334129333496, 0.9541553258895874, 1.6137107610702515, 1.2899876832962036, -0.6762674450874329, 1.62930166721344, 0.8190087676048279, 3.496993064880371, 0.6281555891036987, 1.272256851196289, -0.3747691810131073, 3.250290870666504, -2.13484787940979, 0.23665177822113037, 0.43475762009620667, 1.388843297958374, 0.305215060710907, -1.9263641834259033, 3.496993064880371, -0.8858282566070557, 1.4917473793029785, 3.384431838989258, 1.0315101146697998, 2.0141334533691406, 1.0155242681503296, 2.0118825435638428, -0.1605691909790039, 0.7664250135421753, 1.0365829467773438, 2.2064898014068604, -0.36417996883392334, 0.47873061895370483, 1.4763469696044922, -1.9263641834259033, -1.24936044216156, 1.9204282760620117, 2.1527082920074463, 0.01238676905632019, 2.17926287651062, 3.0812113285064697, 1.4524402618408203, -0.12362778186798096, -0.08115532994270325, 1.2860944271087646, 1.5372897386550903, 0.7998018264770508, -0.6184598207473755, 0.950874924659729, 0.14947456121444702, 0.278780460357666, 0.34689387679100037, 1.1597068309783936, 2.8209261894226074, 0.6809254884719849, 0.6768415570259094, 0.20649486780166626, 1.5673906803131104, 0.4146856665611267, 1.429640531539917, 0.6398579478263855, -1.2099275588989258, 1.935028076171875, 0.6457664966583252, 0.8093303442001343, 2.198768138885498, 1.6430091857910156, 1.3912310600280762, 0.5794631838798523, 1.7802035808563232, 1.3515700101852417, 0.6340168714523315, 0.7334781885147095, 1.5606714487075806, 1.0477492809295654, 1.3089121580123901, 0.6768415570259094, 1.3439573049545288, 0.327542245388031, 0.9109876155853271, -0.04348355531692505, 0.654026985168457, 0.24085450172424316, 0.43475762009620667, 0.7963296175003052, 0.5062414407730103, -2.340830087661743, 0.9281976222991943, 0.2833966016769409, 0.9916920065879822, 0.2209337055683136, 0.8093303442001343, 1.521273136138916, 1.009676456451416, 0.7664250135421753, 1.830316424369812, 1.6444203853607178, 0.8952738642692566, 0.7161311507225037, 1.3770766258239746, 0.6835952997207642, -0.49885666370391846, 0.3463284969329834, 1.4862048625946045, 0.8237780332565308, 0.29876333475112915, 1.1279191970825195, 0.732868492603302, 0.7460062503814697, 1.3103405237197876, 0.9281288385391235, 0.305215060710907, 0.15896660089492798, 0.5182903409004211, 0.5742997527122498, 1.0975885391235352, 1.2434903383255005, 0.8138761520385742, 1.0548986196517944, 1.0410618782043457, -0.3443910777568817, 2.36873459815979, 2.014115810394287, -1.2099275588989258, 0.5175775289535522, 0.19628548622131348, 1.6430091857910156, 0.5210727453231812, 2.0141334533691406, 1.5514979362487793, 1.1083439588546753, 0.6854311227798462, 2.9796454906463623, 1.5768957138061523, 0.3901747465133667, 1.2768999338150024, 1.6430091857910156, 0.3750055134296417, 1.7425410747528076, -0.5601027607917786, -0.29090172052383423, 1.0919747352600098, 2.4071743488311768, 0.8389608263969421, 2.8209261894226074, -0.476240873336792, 3.313453197479248, 0.8286482095718384, 1.5890213251113892, 1.1095826625823975, 2.1866798400878906, 2.5213584899902344, 1.425083041191101, 0.34054481983184814, 0.8416483402252197, 1.393772840499878, 1.5471231937408447, -0.5512611865997314, 1.4427317380905151, 0.8948987722396851, 2.684499740600586, 0.7524923086166382, 1.0948587656021118, -0.12362778186798096, 0.75913405418396, 1.3627010583877563, 2.0081653594970703, 0.23665177822113037, 1.5471231937408447, 1.129243016242981, 1.3673220872879028, 1.081483244895935, 1.6806052923202515, 0.24278491735458374, 0.7677124738693237, 1.0477492809295654, 0.09796583652496338, 0.8190087676048279, 0.5875643491744995, 1.5337144136428833, 0.006352841854095459, 1.6339411735534668, 0.0664680004119873, 1.115468978881836, 0.7776758670806885, 0.7752740383148193, 1.129243016242981, 0.5805108547210693, 1.4931995868682861, 2.1969478130340576, 1.6983466148376465, 2.4112021923065186, 1.4220502376556396, 1.5771018266677856, 1.1321513652801514, 1.4072707891464233, 1.1082311868667603, 1.1082311868667603, 0.8123507499694824, 0.7287923097610474, 0.6574627161026001, -0.1788032054901123, 0.2573660910129547, -0.25256985425949097, 0.5875643491744995, 1.481451392173767, 0.47873061895370483, 0.25515225529670715, 0.7752740383148193, 0.5875643491744995, 0.3599340319633484, 0.8150405287742615, 1.4418940544128418, 1.6983466148376465, 0.40418556332588196, 0.5863990783691406, 0.718241810798645, 0.3463284969329834, 1.479574203491211, 0.5273677706718445, 1.4254001379013062, 2.8549411296844482, 0.6650420427322388, -1.0512216091156006, 2.9725847244262695, 0.5805108547210693, 0.1914445161819458, 0.33505064249038696, 1.1337441205978394, 0.6269991397857666, 0.7535640001296997, 0.9450771808624268, 1.0919747352600098, 1.2123994827270508, -0.5567501783370972, 1.90702223777771, 0.4667844772338867, 0.44520094990730286, 1.1385762691497803, 3.250290870666504, 1.105341911315918, -1.3333498239517212, 0.5875643491744995, -3.092487335205078, 0.7503848075866699, 1.1058743000030518, 0.25343742966651917, 0.6765204668045044, 0.6404136419296265, 0.6824231147766113, -0.9045593738555908, 1.1931456327438354, 0.6490287780761719, 1.71055269241333, 0.6835952997207642, 1.2434903383255005, -0.1535302698612213, 0.8930761218070984, 1.5121601819992065, 1.2463117837905884, 1.7772575616836548, 0.6854311227798462, 2.563602924346924, 0.6782515645027161, 1.4955726861953735, -0.2744092643260956, 1.5471231937408447, 1.41986882686615, 1.0410618782043457, 0.8866322636604309, -1.0009698867797852, 0.401449978351593, 1.0548986196517944, 2.521787166595459, 1.522223949432373, 2.4071743488311768, 2.0081653594970703, 0.4593832790851593, -0.12656018137931824, -1.4699010848999023, 2.556297540664673, 0.6767138242721558, -2.980015754699707, 3.313453197479248, 2.0623373985290527, 2.41178035736084, 1.5293117761611938, 0.9344981908798218, 0.10427725315093994, 1.5885053873062134, -0.7536527514457703, 0.27558934688568115, -0.4558764696121216, 1.1725783348083496, 1.0988996028900146, 1.2463117837905884, -0.1311284303665161, 2.820561170578003, 0.1500033140182495, 0.4529200792312622, 0.09796583652496338, -0.5493560433387756, 0.718241810798645, 2.422783374786377, -0.5130984783172607, 0.8629902601242065, -2.0345165729522705, 1.5173033475875854, 1.2768999338150024, -1.1330443620681763, 0.43534529209136963, 0.5643641948699951, -0.7090301513671875, 0.5329746007919312, 1.194907307624817, 0.4835982322692871, 0.327542245388031, 0.21146464347839355, 0.8703579902648926, 2.214146137237549, 1.3653476238250732, 0.4185923933982849, 1.429640531539917, 1.0570855140686035, 0.33505064249038696, 2.1449666023254395, 2.628213882446289, 1.565871238708496, 0.39694762229919434, 2.5521068572998047, 1.4869816303253174, 2.467688798904419, 2.1834468841552734, -1.4682121276855469, 2.1866798400878906, -0.7090301513671875, -1.8086990118026733, 0.6140354871749878, -0.9321702718734741, 1.2439792156219482, 0.342345654964447, 1.6297252178192139, -2.281519889831543, 1.155860424041748, 1.8658336400985718, 1.90702223777771, 1.9076025485992432, 0.3053266406059265, 1.1297264099121094, 0.7034742832183838, 0.5302925109863281, 0.9836786985397339, 0.8518109321594238, -0.07311451435089111, -0.3757583200931549, 1.7238061428070068, 1.2467905282974243, 1.0948587656021118, 1.5697542428970337, 1.0018340349197388, 1.3297079801559448, 0.6424232721328735, 0.5695168375968933, 0.401449978351593, 0.15582114458084106, 0.8589822053909302, 1.036332368850708, 0.6848270893096924, -0.4855473041534424, 0.5005552768707275, 0.43498241901397705, 1.5076968669891357, 2.5251975059509277, 0.4511585235595703, 0.8910584449768066, 1.5425409078598022, 0.33979159593582153, -0.0250396728515625, 0.36562609672546387, 0.9584470987319946, 1.2216861248016357, 0.89300936460495, -0.28564131259918213, 0.7677124738693237, -0.3443910777568817, 2.472989797592163, 0.2607969045639038, 2.6007843017578125, 1.7985972166061401, 0.49559280276298523, 2.184802293777466, 1.3075802326202393, 1.8887083530426025, 0.16736215353012085, 1.7568706274032593, 0.2607969045639038, -0.06952020525932312, -3.016160011291504, 3.201209545135498, 2.270355463027954, 1.0548986196517944, 1.5293117761611938, 0.1354990005493164, 0.7514961361885071, 1.4096319675445557, 2.606320858001709, -0.004024386405944824, 1.5158816576004028, 1.2536542415618896, 2.0141334533691406, 1.7129173278808594, -0.1311284303665161, 0.4593832790851593, 2.2842190265655518, -0.6762674450874329, 1.9494571685791016, 0.4010900855064392, 1.1271579265594482, -0.06727024912834167, 2.408399820327759, 1.9551494121551514, 0.9504485130310059, -1.557189702987671, 2.306966543197632, 2.0946385860443115, 1.8534594774246216, 1.1501400470733643, -0.2567337155342102, 1.5071102380752563, 2.50895357131958, 1.089590072631836, 0.6269991397857666, -0.5512611865997314, 0.1948896050453186, 1.2089712619781494, 0.7524923086166382, 0.8414504528045654, 0.05318373441696167, 1.7201802730560303, 0.1914445161819458, 1.41986882686615, -0.5989902019500732, 1.3213365077972412, 1.1710747480392456, 1.2917606830596924, 1.272256851196289, 0.7084087133407593, 1.2331843376159668, 1.749241590499878, -0.3443910777568817, 0.9654392600059509, 2.652261972427368, -0.1605691909790039, 1.272256851196289, 1.3528711795806885, 1.2480388879776, -0.23586001992225647, 1.733524203300476, 1.5640981197357178, 1.1062376499176025, 0.8947056531906128, -1.4046322107315063, 0.0664680004119873, 0.6424232721328735, 0.9723968505859375, 2.2842190265655518, 0.689978837966919, 0.561045229434967, 0.23768508434295654, 1.1385762691497803, 1.0673056840896606, 0.4647153615951538, 1.7803317308425903, 1.9301799535751343, -0.25379833579063416, 0.4447898864746094, 0.8563692569732666, 0.34054481983184814, 1.6133551597595215, 0.6835952997207642, 0.4140700697898865, 0.5194564461708069, 1.5672705173492432, 1.9496896266937256, 0.9621409177780151, 0.6795049905776978, 0.39694762229919434, 2.563602924346924, 1.2917606830596924, 1.1337441205978394, 0.9746197462081909, -2.8415932655334473, 0.8361433744430542, 1.7454380989074707, -0.1696288287639618, 2.0522098541259766, 2.5213584899902344, -1.8690917491912842, -0.7129678130149841, 2.2957653999328613, 0.8793708682060242, 0.9754283428192139, 1.160093069076538, -0.1605691909790039, 0.9229340553283691, 0.9607751369476318, 2.235294818878174, 0.732868492603302, 1.1321513652801514, 0.6848270893096924, 0.8809688091278076, 1.1887874603271484, 0.6757427453994751, 1.041910171508789, 0.6959855556488037, 0.5529487729072571, 0.8253804445266724, 0.5342745780944824, -0.28564131259918213, 0.8150405287742615, 0.5863990783691406, -0.45588812232017517, 0.8404293060302734, 1.2242835760116577, 0.6571948528289795, 0.17355799674987793, -2.4737658500671387, 0.31107619404792786, -1.5596085786819458, 1.481451392173767, 0.7034742832183838, 1.7107800245285034, 1.4252088069915771, -0.5116697549819946, 0.19084998965263367, 0.8155349493026733, 1.654235601425171, 1.4113506078720093, 3.0879881381988525, 1.479574203491211, -0.09283047914505005, -3.016160011291504, 1.71055269241333, 0.0429111123085022, 0.9137714505195618, 1.4072707891464233, 0.6868525743484497, 2.5521068572998047, 0.2974143326282501, 1.5529245138168335, 1.5754865407943726, 0.9123325347900391, 1.3298215866088867, 0.8136099576950073, -0.24941129982471466, 1.332813024520874, -0.3266596794128418, 0.5634311437606812, -1.0163143873214722, 2.144315004348755, 2.890334129333496, 0.9541553258895874, 1.0102866888046265, -0.3747691810131073, 3.384431838989258, 0.9164208173751831, -2.7277235984802246, -0.2744092643260956, 3.0879881381988525, 1.057125210762024, 2.487103223800659, 0.6798539161682129, 1.2439792156219482, 2.1848196983337402, 1.0580049753189087, 0.9639861583709717, 1.522223949432373, 0.75913405418396, 1.0209797620773315, 1.3515700101852417, 1.340806007385254, 2.8549411296844482, -0.019387245178222656, 3.3319287300109863, 1.1058743000030518, 0.3836575448513031, 0.6224119663238525, 1.1887874603271484, 1.1660631895065308, 1.7238061428070068, 0.8274657726287842, 1.105341911315918, 0.85080486536026, 1.150804042816162, 1.2539170980453491, 0.44179773330688477, -0.7821530699729919, -2.5436840057373047, 2.697449207305908, 0.8973833322525024, 0.8930233716964722, -2.4737658500671387, 0.7034742832183838, 1.2888460159301758, 1.2439792156219482, 0.3302992284297943, 1.230006456375122, 1.7454380989074707, 0.35047706961631775, 0.3993455171585083, 2.9725847244262695, 1.2930489778518677, -2.4144749641418457, 1.124656319618225, -0.08115532994270325, -0.7090301513671875, -0.17239969968795776, 0.8629902601242065, 0.34689387679100037, 0.3901747465133667, 1.4537099599838257, 0.9109876155853271, 1.1472148895263672, -1.2156163454055786, -0.6184598207473755, 1.230006456375122, 1.4427317380905151, -0.2782498002052307, 0.4110606014728546, 1.749241590499878, -0.06483721733093262, 0.5534311532974243, 2.198768138885498, 1.7084163427352905, 2.147080183029175, 0.3968496024608612, 3.0879881381988525, 0.47103404998779297, 2.306966543197632, 1.2289140224456787, -3.092487335205078, 1.8980681896209717, 1.2577039003372192, -2.632053852081299, -2.405703067779541, 0.6716873645782471, 1.7129173278808594, 2.4739906787872314, 0.48901283740997314, -0.5220047235488892, 1.9475736618041992, 2.36873459815979, 0.4667844772338867, 2.777256488800049, 1.522223949432373, -2.13484787940979, -0.36417996883392334, 2.7036731243133545, 2.937196969985962, -2.7775537967681885, 1.7425410747528076, 0.6398579478263855, 0.31714004278182983, 0.09250086545944214, 1.0307854413986206, 0.3137432932853699, 1.5519537925720215, 1.6773362159729004, 0.12220913171768188, -0.009682953357696533, 1.429640531539917, 0.25925973057746887, -2.4021730422973633, 1.2743724584579468, 1.1138455867767334, 2.606320858001709, 2.8507447242736816, 0.6633784770965576, 0.8838983774185181, 1.7544721364974976, -0.19009193778038025, 1.399746060371399, -2.8415932655334473, 2.1449666023254395, 1.1985774040222168, 1.6773362159729004, 0.797934889793396, -2.7775537967681885, -1.1559144258499146, 0.33851557970046997, 0.25343742966651917, 1.5606714487075806, 1.5385212898254395, 1.521273136138916, 0.5795596837997437, 1.6848070621490479, -0.1407528519630432, 2.487103223800659, 0.13687433302402496, 0.09185782074928284, 0.3750055134296417, 1.5158816576004028, -0.12362778186798096, 0.6854311227798462, 2.0141334533691406, 0.1586151123046875, 3.496993064880371, 2.7732105255126953, 1.9028297662734985, 0.5794631838798523, 1.9204282760620117, 0.5173799991607666, -1.3846495151519775, 1.935028076171875, -1.8386733531951904, 2.652261972427368, 0.33851557970046997, 0.7749713659286499, 1.0548986196517944, 0.9771333336830139, 3.0334973335266113, 1.0158367156982422, 2.7038631439208984, -0.7129678130149841, 1.1572821140289307, 1.8552021980285645, 0.6782515645027161, 2.1598541736602783, 1.2768999338150024, 0.8629902601242065, 1.6848070621490479, 0.4072261452674866, 0.75913405418396, -0.17613063752651215, 0.01238676905632019, -1.2099275588989258 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 9, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "TECHNOLOGY", "text": [ "AxesLabel broken in Version 10 for 3D plots?", "Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "Custom theorem numbering", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "How can I add a director name in line with author name in beamer?", "Tags to Post-ID mysql query. Tag Search", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to add classes to comments?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Consider Global Reputation Points", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Should I block bots from my site and why?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "General error 1651 after a mysql migration", "When suggestion is rejected in Improve/Edit, why are reviewer's stats not displayed?", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Understanding the static keyword", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "application/json Content-Type character set", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "custom email unable to send magento", "Understanding one-way hash functions construction", "Ajax HTTP error occured. HTTP Result code: 200", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "business-class fiber to the home", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Capture all queries that use hints", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Using pstool with beamer", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Electric current of inductor", "how to set up wired and wireless to be used by different applications", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Around the Clock", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "Left align equation description", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Should a call to action float in a long page?", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Bit-bang TX problem", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Controlling smoke/fire emision amount", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "How to disable bash drivers in windows 8.1?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Office 2007 problems", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "attack signatures", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Interpolated FIR filter", "How to find the files in magento directory", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Folder compare tool?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "change Domain MX", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "3 images side by side", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "How does multitasking work", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "Folder compare tool?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "ifpackageloaded question", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Around the Clock", "Password sending through network", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Problem when installing “ia32-libs”", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "interpolation of 3D data", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "How does OpenDNS work?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "Standard small header size", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "How to grep words in a file?", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Mosfet to save power", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "how to convert xml to database table", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Simple static integer stack", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "making reusable text object", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "INSERT multiple values via join", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "E_COMPILE_ERROR when enabling Magento compilation", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "Saturated Density Plots", "Find orphaned users", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "Folder compare tool?", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Offline tiled map web app", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "What largest websites are written in php?", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Numerical differentiation methods", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Right Drag on Mac", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Triac circuit confusion", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Java and JVM license", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Do delegates defy OOP", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "How many fans can I control?", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "Offline tiled map web app", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "Freeform timing out on return page", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Simple static integer stack", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "core file size with ulimit", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Simple static integer stack", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "General error 1651 after a mysql migration", "Export error with addon", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "How does multitasking work", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Controlling smoke/fire emision amount", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "How to work with large projects", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Understanding the static keyword", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "up sample and down sample", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "What is my lcd density?", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "Get raw output from web server", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Creating DotPlots", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Should I block bots from my site and why?", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Blender game engine camera", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Where to install SSL Cert", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Java and JVM license", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "6A Current Source", ".CIO section MSP430", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Run commands on a different computer", "What's the point in limiting the number of security groups per tenant In OpenStack?", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Capture all queries that use hints", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Logging layers openings?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "Simple static integer stack", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "Reading XML in C#", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "DAO recordset effiency", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", "Which color to choose for food?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "3 images side by side", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Numerical differentiation methods", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "How to extract path from object?", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Nginx rewrite rules", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "What is my lcd density?", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Custom theorem numbering", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "AxesLabel broken in Version 10 for 3D plots?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "Replacing a PERC S300", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "guake not working", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "Unable to Import Data", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Saturated Density Plots", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "good 3d model with bones?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Reading XML in C#", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "XOR Gate design problem", "Graphicsrow title", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "How to find the files in magento directory", "Document count limit under folders", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Lyx citation problem", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "UNIX semaphores", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "Different subnet for different device types", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Do Not Track header", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "How to pass alias through sudo", "Count consecutive null rows from a joined table", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Office 2007 problems", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "What is my lcd density?", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Folder compare tool?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "ExPex no longer available", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "How to enable or disable services?", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "Unable to Import Data", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "BJT switch connections", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "business-class fiber to the home", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "BJT switch connections", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Making a checkered background for a page", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "COP8 MCU information needed", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients", "How much choice should I give users?", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Adding static route through group policy", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Ajax HTTP error occured. HTTP Result code: 200", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "What largest websites are written in php?", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "Grenade throw logic", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Digital circuits", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "attack signatures", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "ifpackageloaded question", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Replace multiline string in files", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "business-class fiber to the home", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Refresh Downloads list", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Really customized themes", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Apache clustering", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Dealing with non-required user input", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Testing multiplayer android", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Understanding the static keyword", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Get raw output from web server", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "How can I add a director name in line with author name in beamer?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Creating fake (test) data", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "INSERT multiple values via join", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "ifpackageloaded question", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Java and JVM license", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "How to find the files in magento directory", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "business-class fiber to the home", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Running something in a cron environment?", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "Getting the value of a select option", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Change created order number", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "Electric current of inductor", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "interpolation of 3D data", "how to set up wired and wireless to be used by different applications", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Unable to Import Data", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "What is my lcd density?", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Saturated Density Plots", "How do you run an installer?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Reading XML in C#", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Export error with addon", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Consider Global Reputation Points", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Default header image does not display", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "How does multitasking work", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Digital circuits", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Creating DotPlots", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "How to send an email from command line?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "up sample and down sample", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Keypad to set a counter", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "Unable to Import Data", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "when two associations are equal?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Who invented pointers?", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "Is there a document class optimized for small screens (i.e. phone screens)", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "How to Magento Debug", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "how to make frequency divider?", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Missing Setup File", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Extracting useful information from free text", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Custom theorem numbering", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "problem unscheduling reports", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "Views - Custom Field Layout?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Install old version of Wine", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Refresh Downloads list", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Adding static route through group policy", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "Custom key binding/mapping", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "Timing inside a shift register", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Find orphaned users", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "Overbrace height adjustment", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Understanding one-way hash functions construction", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Align Environment and Spacing", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "How do you run an installer?", "cowsay not working?", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "Find orphaned users", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Numerical differentiation methods", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Understanding the static keyword", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Triac circuit confusion", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "ifpackageloaded question", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "How many connections reads queue", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "Folder compare tool?", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How to restore function attributes to default", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Replace multiline string in files", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "Understanding the static keyword", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "How to enable or disable services?", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "6A Current Source", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "how to change my hostname?", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "Keypad to set a counter", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Different subnet for different device types", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "find files in a folder", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "Is there a good business plan template?", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "How to send an email from command line?", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Java and JVM license", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "Removing the spaces between words", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Framing section headings", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Framing section headings", "Electric current of inductor", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", ".CIO section MSP430", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Using FORCE INDEX", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Should a call to action float in a long page?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Best way to move live site local", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "how to make frequency divider?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Unable to Import Data", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Iterator Implementation", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Really customized themes", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "Count consecutive null rows from a joined table", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "How to Magento Debug", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "IEEE two column format", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Making a checkered background for a page", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "Running something in a cron environment?", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "How do you close Skype?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Different subnet for different device types", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "IEEE two column format", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to work with large projects", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "Developing a dynamic language", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "How many connections reads queue", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "How to convert particles to mesh", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Running something in a cron environment?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "xeCJK and paragraph indentation", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "How to extract path from object?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "COP8 MCU information needed", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "interpolation of 3D data", "What to do after a scp failure?", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Tags to Post-ID mysql query. Tag Search", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Computer browsing not working", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "How to add classes to comments?", "WiFi connection history", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Converting expressions into functions", "reference a view page with entity reference", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Using FORCE INDEX", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Comment form json?", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "indicator-notifications history", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Series expansion of large expression", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "ifpackageloaded question", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Dealing with non-required user input", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Kernel compilation and free space", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Single entry with multiples pages", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Why do I have double slash here?", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Unable to Import Data", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "How to convert particles to mesh", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "Change created order number", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Getting the value of a select option", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Offline tiled map web app", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "how to change my hostname?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "Do Not Track header", "change Domain MX", "php scripts run only after renaming", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "form save progress indication", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "What largest websites are written in php?", "WKID matching EPSG", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "how to change my hostname?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "when two associations are equal?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Using pstool with beamer", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "Grenade throw logic", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "How to install jekyll?", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "xeCJK and paragraph indentation", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Creating fake (test) data", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Which color to choose for food?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Unprotect a Word Document", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "Converting expressions into functions", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "What is kvm reboot?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Get raw output from web server", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "How to disable bash drivers in windows 8.1?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "Freeform timing out on return page", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Blender game engine camera", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "How to grep words in a file?", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "Where to install SSL Cert", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "How to start working in magento?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "WiFi connection history", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "What to do after a scp failure?", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Show comments fields in two columns", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "Offline tiled map web app", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "custom email unable to send magento", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Find orphaned users", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Find router on network", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "good 3d model with bones?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "Number-to-word converter", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "business-class fiber to the home", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Refresh Downloads list", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "guake not working", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "WiFi antenna 1T1R mode", "form save progress indication", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Replace multiline string in files", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Adding static route through group policy", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "Custom theorem numbering", "get_option function", "How to change port number in vino?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "Single entry with multiples pages", "WKID matching EPSG", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "Testing multiplayer android", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "Apache clustering", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "What's the point in limiting the number of security groups per tenant In OpenStack?", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Best way to move live site local", "Who invented pointers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "Find router on network", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "How to find the files in magento directory", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Multiple orders in a single list", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Where to put video transcripts?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Find router on network", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Multiple orders in a single list", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How to pass alias through sudo", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Electric current of inductor", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "up sample and down sample", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Is this backscatter?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "users and usermeta table", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Different subnet for different device types", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "How does OpenDNS work?", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Numerical differentiation methods", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "Lyx citation problem", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "ignore lines grep", "Install old version of Wine", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "Iterator Implementation", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "BJT switch connections", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "How to grep words in a file?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "Nginx rewrite rules", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Integration", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "Send & Delete in GMail", "E_COMPILE_ERROR when enabling Magento compilation", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "How do you close Skype?", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "What is my lcd density?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "How to install jekyll?", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Install old version of Wine", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "Document count limit under folders", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Send & Delete in GMail", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Understanding the static keyword", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Triac circuit confusion", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "When suggestion is rejected in Improve/Edit, why are reviewer's stats not displayed?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Refresh Downloads list", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "How do you close Skype?", "Graphicsrow title", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "business-class fiber to the home", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "UNIX semaphores", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "core file size with ulimit", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Mosfet to save power", "How many fans can I control?", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "problem unscheduling reports", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "6A Current Source", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How does multitasking work", "Mixed number fractions class", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Logging layers openings?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "How much choice should I give users?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Integration", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "How to grep words in a file?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Around the Clock", "how to identify IC codes?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "ifpackageloaded question", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "WiFi antenna 1T1R mode", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Change image levels quickly", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Simple static integer stack", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Left align equation description", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Number-to-word converter", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Using a cell text as sheet reference", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Timing inside a shift register", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Simple static integer stack", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "interpolation of 3D data", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Framing section headings", "Problem when installing “ia32-libs”", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "How to start working in magento?", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "Using coalesce on an index column", "Right Drag on Mac", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Do Not Track header", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Who invented pointers?", "making reusable text object", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Comment form json?", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Question about trace route", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "how to identify IC codes?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "ExPex no longer available", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "How to enable or disable services?", "UNIX semaphores", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How to start working in magento?", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Using pstool with beamer", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "how to change my hostname?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Why do I have double slash here?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "cowsay not working?", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "od emulation for directories", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "reference a view page with entity reference", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Framing section headings", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "Create and open file with one command?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "od emulation for directories", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Folder compare tool?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Mixed number fractions class", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "What client for DECwindows?", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Question about trace route", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Using pstool with beamer", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "up sample and down sample", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Missing Setup File", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Autogeneration column in list", "application/json Content-Type character set", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "DAO recordset effiency", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "How does multitasking work", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "business-class fiber to the home", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "LinkedIn / OAuth question", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "How to send an email from command line?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How much choice should I give users?", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Extracting useful information from free text", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "Replacing a PERC S300", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Footnote in booktabs package", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "LinkedIn / OAuth question", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Developing a dynamic language", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Custom key binding/mapping", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Replace multiline string in files", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "get_option function", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Reading XML in C#", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Get raw output from web server", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Simple static integer stack", "Developing a dynamic language", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Computer browsing not working", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "When is a mail relay needed?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Standard small header size", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "Adding static route through group policy", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "Create and open file with one command?", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Timing inside a shift register", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Who invented pointers?", "Document count limit under folders", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "How to enable or disable services?", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Install old version of Wine", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "What client for DECwindows?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Views - Custom Field Layout?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "Running something in a cron environment?", "Password sending through network", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Is this backscatter?", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Footnote in booktabs package", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Using coalesce on an index column", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Keypad to set a counter", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Show comments fields in two columns", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "Overbrace height adjustment", "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Who invented pointers?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Left align equation description", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "How to enable or disable services?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Writing results directly to file", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Does anybody use an external battery for iPhone?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Run commands on a different computer", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Mixed number fractions class", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "Align Environment and Spacing", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "BJT switch connections", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "form save progress indication", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "Do Not Track header", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Is there a document class optimized for small screens (i.e. phone screens)", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "Saturated Density Plots", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "6A Current Source", "Bit-bang TX problem", "UNIX semaphores", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "Writing results directly to file", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "Removing the spaces between words", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "Default header image does not display", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "How do you close Skype?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "Around the Clock", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "Autogeneration column in list", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Find router on network", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "ignore lines grep", "What is my lcd density?", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "Where to put video transcripts?", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Document count limit under folders", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "What largest websites are written in php?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Change image levels quickly", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Does anybody use an external battery for iPhone?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "tombstones and beer mugs", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Triac circuit confusion", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Framing section headings", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "Timing inside a shift register", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "BJT switch connections", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "indicator-notifications history", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Left align equation description", "BJT switch connections", "users and usermeta table", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Developing a dynamic language", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "How to send an email from command line?", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Framing section headings", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Is there a good business plan template?", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "business-class fiber to the home", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Who invented pointers?", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Mixed number fractions class", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Interpolated FIR filter", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "How to start working in magento?", "How much choice should I give users?", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "Series expansion of large expression", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Kernel compilation and free space", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "XOR Gate design problem", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "form save progress indication", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "How does multitasking work", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "How to get a store email addres in php", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "find files in a folder", "When is a mail relay needed?", "how to convert xml to database table", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Using a cell text as sheet reference", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "How to enable or disable services?", "Simple static integer stack", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.9643014669418335, 2.3476078510284424, 2.548039436340332, 1.1640292406082153, 0.07326793670654297, 2.124845504760742, 3.457277774810791, 1.9386684894561768, 3.016327381134033, 1.824204683303833, 0.7544577121734619, 2.5448827743530273, 2.711068868637085, 2.337594985961914, 1.5691585540771484, 2.453479290008545, 1.6926019191741943, 1.0730555057525635, 1.8718273639678955, 4.04735803604126, 0.8567101955413818, -1.9878692626953125, 2.94510555267334, 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1.3773939609527588, 0.7593424320220947, -1.9606106281280518, 3.3957061767578125, 2.159345865249634, -1.6545506715774536, -2.935898542404175, 0.868274450302124, 1.2109967470169067, -1.9402894973754883, -3.184011697769165, -1.0829293727874756, -2.00068736076355, -0.6917970180511475, 1.1439566612243652, 3.427459239959717, 1.2336071729660034, 2.062397003173828, -1.2921042442321777, 0.5152866840362549, -3.3051295280456543, -2.609868049621582, -2.418224811553955, 2.1009864807128906, 2.2755086421966553, -3.3028688430786133, -1.1903676986694336, -1.7967801094055176, -3.4248223304748535, 2.195465326309204, 2.9225921630859375, -1.0655419826507568, -1.2263197898864746, 2.715639352798462, -3.1382970809936523, 3.2073116302490234, 2.9415535926818848, -3.12162709236145, -2.880919933319092, -2.480665922164917, 1.2235969305038452, -3.2802653312683105, 2.2909083366394043, -3.425088405609131, 1.0601065158843994, -2.109330892562866, -3.3733367919921875, -2.7619166374206543, -3.1708076000213623, 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3.5658764839172363, 1.8437241315841675, 2.465754270553589, 0.7375941276550293, 2.8802335262298584, 1.9339094161987305, 2.848902940750122, 1.9953312873840332, 0.8510861396789551, 3.9158434867858887, 3.5712451934814453, 0.5635769367218018, 1.649190902709961, 3.3957061767578125, 2.299107074737549, 2.758321762084961, 3.3401477336883545, 2.3845744132995605, 1.4517980813980103, 1.799481987953186, 1.5491293668746948, 2.978221893310547, 4.363664627075195, 2.3785247802734375, 2.4222397804260254, 2.8758273124694824, 3.1491215229034424, -2.724224090576172, 2.153935432434082, 1.8883206844329834, 1.9009932279586792, -1.4594464302062988, -3.5673251152038574, -3.4065651893615723, -2.867598295211792, 1.133756160736084, -3.7612695693969727, -1.8633654117584229, -3.1360576152801514, 0.306620717048645, -3.4022483825683594, -1.773234486579895, -3.4910519123077393, -2.463843822479248, -3.0414557456970215, -3.2054405212402344, -2.4274840354919434, -3.4652912616729736, 1.6125696897506714, -3.2357535362243652, -2.086002826690674, 0.4190213680267334, -1.1676771640777588, -2.706634044647217, 1.8718273639678955, -0.9265458583831787, 2.3565306663513184, 0.08746945858001709, 1.1205856800079346, -2.1585912704467773, -2.831782341003418, -2.819157600402832, 2.15984845161438, 0.02268195152282715, 1.6805590391159058, -2.8731186389923096, -2.799771785736084, -3.0405402183532715, -3.4022483825683594, -3.1621832847595215, -3.5927555561065674, -3.3323488235473633, -2.832686185836792, -1.398127794265747, 1.5859589576721191, -3.054483652114868, 2.383873462677002, 2.2124974727630615, -1.773234486579895, -3.2040750980377197, -3.464531421661377, 3.5882911682128906, -2.619628429412842, 2.293003797531128, -2.189427375793457, 1.6419377326965332, 0.37295103073120117, -3.2942700386047363, -0.7051210403442383, 1.1303253173828125, -2.33212947845459, -0.1999661922454834, -2.6185359954833984, -2.758647918701172, -2.3330297470092773, 1.568472146987915, 1.5760717391967773, -1.7723240852355957, 1.290207862854004, -1.0707873106002808, -2.056724786758423, -2.69415283203125, -2.085134506225586, -3.0364112854003906, -2.4768168926239014, -2.296755790710449, -2.701474189758301, -1.852050542831421, -2.776157855987549, -3.406548023223877, -1.9262585639953613, -1.7004382610321045, -2.273780584335327, 2.070056915283203, -2.6804380416870117, -2.086002826690674, 2.3792333602905273, 1.5247044563293457, -2.9220359325408936, 3.3542256355285645, 1.3039665222167969, 0.26572346687316895, -1.002002239227295, 2.2494256496429443, 3.384735584259033, -2.428757667541504, -3.152639865875244, 2.529879570007324, 2.3001537322998047, -1.8552569150924683, 2.8251543045043945, 2.033881902694702, 1.5221366882324219, 3.635160446166992, 2.234220266342163, 2.7500085830688477, 1.799481987953186, -0.8382378816604614, 3.2856404781341553, 2.396395444869995, 1.3709501028060913, -0.4700744152069092, 2.385063648223877, 1.9141781330108643, 2.840578556060791, 0.09230184555053711, -3.1923160552978516, -2.112128973007202, -2.6300673484802246, -2.2858529090881348, -1.4387199878692627, -3.2371392250061035, -2.0198326110839844, -1.8705763816833496, -1.3801777362823486, -2.4259331226348877, -2.3727164268493652, -2.6117656230926514, -2.7485477924346924, -2.591695785522461, -3.5436201095581055, -1.295166015625, -1.110729694366455, -2.9914605617523193, -0.12202167510986328, -2.938391923904419, -2.3616843223571777, -2.515394449234009, -1.4227224588394165, -2.3689990043640137, -3.100053548812866, -1.7425048351287842, -2.5942201614379883, -3.425088405609131, -3.401390552520752, -2.229240655899048, -3.189906597137451, -1.93771493434906, -3.2105746269226074, -2.278740167617798, 0.29365861415863037, 1.9778125286102295, -3.2813849449157715, -3.0071325302124023, 3.12019944190979, -3.07073974609375, -2.726837635040283, 1.5979498624801636, -1.595001220703125, 0.22930598258972168, -0.461256742477417, 0.4757211208343506, 2.495518207550049, -2.065598487854004, -3.1941425800323486, 2.6064674854278564, -3.0167551040649414, 1.2275127172470093, -1.7316975593566895, -3.701242685317993, -1.2906081676483154, 2.654548406600952, -0.8402891159057617, 2.509756088256836, 3.7068943977355957, 1.7372405529022217, 2.1824817657470703, -3.2201507091522217, -2.418224811553955, -1.418522834777832, -2.5777928829193115, -0.16900992393493652, -2.9538323879241943, -0.4705979824066162, -2.3796956539154053, 2.323540687561035, 1.7526214122772217, 1.5280810594558716, -2.2115089893341064, 2.1713709831237793, -1.964845895767212, 1.1178548336029053, -1.890916347503662, -1.9592747688293457, -0.8330302238464355, 2.838286876678467, -0.9200706481933594, 3.7068943977355957, -2.4899954795837402, -3.237976551055908, -0.16694235801696777, -1.7655904293060303, -2.3617634773254395, 1.09354829788208, -2.691340446472168, -0.010711193084716797, -2.4491899013519287, -2.776157855987549, -2.276195526123047, 2.669921636581421, -2.677499294281006, 1.577317237854004, 2.0107295513153076, 3.2452869415283203, -2.10699462890625, 1.936331868171692, -2.712230920791626, -2.115814447402954, 3.4232020378112793, 0.10552310943603516, 1.4912995100021362, 2.156193256378174, -3.4670567512512207, -1.222994327545166, 2.9684886932373047, -2.8123536109924316, -2.799771785736084, 2.4110777378082275, 2.573627471923828, -3.2234232425689697, 1.7568800449371338, 3.4822916984558105, -0.2939453125, -0.9373335838317871, -2.99786639213562, 2.8387598991394043, -0.8567807674407959, 0.33926963806152344, -2.7382562160491943, -1.3834279775619507, -2.6183087825775146, 0.5465350151062012, 2.409152030944824, -3.0820045471191406, -0.9163835048675537, -2.7563743591308594, -2.686079502105713, -2.8309879302978516, -3.1157798767089844, -3.280055522918701, -2.887416124343872, -2.3922111988067627, 1.179086685180664, -3.6086511611938477, 1.1303253173828125, 2.2837367057800293, -1.418522834777832, -4.0530009269714355, -1.3724284172058105, 2.407205104827881, -2.425044059753418, -2.6805830001831055, -2.5634653568267822, 2.173466205596924, -2.9525256156921387, -1.6811732053756714, -2.4968035221099854, -1.9789891242980957, 1.5878292322158813, 1.446915626525879, -2.5194029808044434, 2.8078975677490234, -3.139399290084839, -0.04027140140533447, -3.5582613945007324, -2.8265655040740967, -3.178147554397583, -2.906177043914795, -3.4104743003845215, -2.2979302406311035, -3.091721534729004, -3.269307851791382, -3.4248223304748535, -1.6131916046142578, -2.6449389457702637, -2.3354411125183105, -3.223283290863037, -2.305650472640991, -3.2325854301452637, -1.9188756942749023, -3.1568217277526855, -3.152639865875244, -2.7783257961273193, -1.9592747688293457, -3.616788387298584, 1.1640292406082153, 2.4596707820892334, 3.131103515625, 0.8983180522918701, 2.7855706214904785, 1.9975998401641846, 2.6812431812286377, 0.9252307415008545, 2.3721370697021484, 2.202871799468994, 0.39130568504333496, 2.517634868621826, 2.8802335262298584, 3.9433257579803467, 0.8120841979980469, 2.4028801918029785, 1.9151310920715332, 1.8789067268371582, 0.9827280044555664, 1.3224172592163086, 2.5493969917297363, 3.998523473739624, 1.0088553428649902, 3.0938591957092285, 1.9929370880126953, 0.5283987522125244, 1.623768925666809, 1.1237391233444214, 0.820134162902832, 2.539416551589966, 2.095010280609131, 1.991089105606079, 2.495518207550049, 1.4642062187194824, 3.419741630554199, 0.6452822685241699, 1.3866169452667236, 2.9398884773254395, 3.37603759765625, 1.4889187812805176, 1.82735013961792, 2.027331829071045, 2.3627376556396484, 2.252768039703369, 0.49513959884643555, 1.790121078491211, 1.3039665222167969, 2.297239065170288, 2.71858549118042, 1.6171059608459473, 1.3202590942382812, 2.766007423400879, 0.8510861396789551, 2.2124974727630615, 1.790121078491211, 1.6747660636901855, 1.4449899196624756, 2.429694890975952, 1.3400847911834717, 0.40363621711730957, 2.8643651008605957, 1.456252098083496, 2.7123818397521973, 1.9460322856903076, 1.4633817672729492, 1.638675570487976, 3.1443724632263184, 0.5094559192657471, -1.1889886856079102, 1.3712329864501953, 2.535210609436035, 1.1595500707626343, 3.1261305809020996, 1.4864928722381592, 1.527944564819336, 3.41349196434021, 2.1741082668304443, 0.46971333026885986, 1.5042297840118408, 2.34171199798584, 2.0731093883514404, 1.3202590942382812, 1.641313076019287, 3.656583309173584, 0.6226317882537842, 2.766237497329712, 1.950495958328247, 2.801939010620117, 2.4663524627685547, 1.464470624923706, 1.0849895477294922, 1.7983856201171875, 2.1999716758728027, 2.9165287017822266, 1.9778337478637695, 0.8588302135467529, 4.137417793273926, 1.8821005821228027, 1.2300595045089722, 1.3906192779541016, 0.7375941276550293, 2.8811941146850586, 2.5142672061920166, 2.3984131813049316, 1.480434775352478, 1.6954197883605957, 2.8789539337158203, 2.973407506942749, 1.6977272033691406, 2.95188045501709, 2.6956939697265625, 2.6670429706573486, 2.788928747177124, 2.4332172870635986, 3.393848419189453, 3.525798797607422, 2.9770801067352295, 3.1391348838806152, 2.8144547939300537, 1.1934691667556763, 3.3026247024536133, 1.7573795318603516, 2.8643651008605957, 2.237294912338257, 3.474743127822876, 2.9499106407165527, 1.5042297840118408, 2.610064744949341, 2.822974681854248, 1.4158670902252197, 2.3145084381103516, 1.1735382080078125, 1.2293508052825928, 2.3582746982574463, 1.0728533267974854, 2.214437484741211, 2.847626209259033, -0.38249826431274414, 0.31255292892456055, 1.830554485321045, 3.2934727668762207, 3.157135009765625, 2.9259233474731445, 4.316960334777832, 1.8600362539291382, 1.3888336420059204, 2.3331446647644043, 2.9559731483459473, 1.188966989517212, 1.696099042892456, 3.3957061767578125, 2.261420249938965, 2.7069571018218994, -3.372211456298828, 2.5674750804901123, -3.6000514030456543, 0.9270775318145752, 2.1191813945770264, 1.5081162452697754, -2.7100629806518555, 2.854252815246582, 2.156193256378174, -1.825311541557312, 1.7593107223510742, -2.618546962738037, 1.5634725093841553, 3.4562671184539795, 2.3006668090820312, 0.5152866840362549, 2.101964235305786, 2.204773426055908, -2.4593489170074463, 2.9181411266326904, 3.1955513954162598, 0.9858379364013672, 1.440504550933838, 1.5491293668746948, 2.126915693283081, 2.3928964138031006, 3.755678415298462, 2.32364821434021, -1.1762369871139526, 2.539416551589966, -2.309417247772217, 0.49863600730895996, 0.9538228511810303, 1.9717333316802979, 1.3985016345977783, 1.6885809898376465, 1.9778337478637695, 2.3520700931549072, 1.2355732917785645, 2.5571322441101074, 2.127318859100342, 1.0348197221755981, 1.9339094161987305, 1.9962022304534912, 1.8238621950149536, 1.3686001300811768, 3.1916019916534424, -2.5750033855438232, -2.4066832065582275, 2.202871799468994, 2.535210609436035, 1.9377100467681885, 1.330993890762329, 2.0689303874969482, 3.4822916984558105, 1.696099042892456, 2.7702951431274414, 1.2292581796646118, 1.456620454788208, 2.452237129211426, 0.974945068359375, 4.245452404022217, 2.3334598541259766, 1.4040395021438599, 2.001243829727173, 2.1696414947509766, 3.317755937576294, 1.3014706373214722, 1.8823068141937256, 3.0136818885803223, 1.5374515056610107, 1.1623752117156982, 1.9142205715179443, 1.2806906700134277, 2.855639934539795, 1.9789316654205322, 2.1036553382873535, 2.2916676998138428, 3.3728833198547363, 2.256758213043213, 1.792477011680603, 2.7769126892089844, 2.682994842529297, 2.747316598892212, 3.1851489543914795, 1.4636902809143066, 2.206815481185913, 3.1275339126586914, 1.6437454223632812, 2.628221273422241, 1.1237391233444214, 1.8396605253219604, 2.6929831504821777, 3.817391872406006, 1.616346836090088, 2.224802017211914, 1.1624815464019775, 2.410862922668457, 1.1237391233444214, 0.9688465595245361, 1.0463109016418457, 1.3496148586273193, 1.1624815464019775, 2.951782464981079, 0.9141331911087036, 1.1205356121063232, 3.5684337615966797, 1.8650569915771484, 0.294702410697937, 2.6738767623901367, 1.622861623764038, 2.7120673656463623, 1.9865567684173584, 1.6517179012298584, 2.740886688232422, 1.7025748491287231, 2.2298977375030518, 2.4320273399353027, 3.1361546516418457, 1.823091745376587, 2.352418899536133, 1.3985016345977783, 2.8387598991394043, 1.9976695775985718, 1.5462024211883545, 2.127318859100342, 2.703643798828125, 0.6483852863311768, -2.979262113571167, -2.7640721797943115, -3.521933078765869, 0.8252050876617432, -2.785465717315674, -3.0576376914978027, 0.4190213680267334, -2.960996389389038, -2.98299503326416, -3.037564516067505, -2.233306884765625, -3.4455225467681885, 0.4724193811416626, -3.0820045471191406, -3.7612695693969727, -1.0514545440673828, -3.443671703338623, -3.04323148727417, -3.425088405609131, 1.2336071729660034, 3.5804948806762695, -2.592090129852295, 1.7291386127471924, -2.6551051139831543, -2.348205327987671, -2.2387304306030273, -2.3828582763671875, 0.662063717842102, 0.7856744527816772, 1.6346986293792725, -2.5568714141845703, -2.4066832065582275, -2.938391923904419, -0.42432522773742676, -3.4910519123077393, -1.4472441673278809, 3.9010121822357178, -1.5322797298431396, -3.2627196311950684, -2.6300673484802246, -3.017178535461426, -3.4611406326293945, -2.6891186237335205, -2.2321813106536865, -3.3356435298919678, -0.9708700180053711, 1.8946845531463623, 2.7927305698394775, -2.9989266395568848, -3.2428722381591797, -1.4210212230682373, -3.346479654312134, 3.3035881519317627, -1.6601319313049316, -0.65090012550354, -2.7123985290527344, -0.2707865238189697, -1.7004382610321045, -3.1954023838043213, -1.231889009475708, 0.823914647102356, -1.3195486068725586, -2.2161519527435303, 0.868274450302124, 1.09354829788208, 0.5311257839202881, -2.351612091064453, -2.626521110534668, -2.5738108158111572, -2.091696262359619, -2.2346112728118896, -2.3951544761657715, -3.6241774559020996, -3.3021042346954346, -2.405369758605957, -2.5944623947143555, -1.82883882522583, -0.7990844249725342, -1.757692575454712, -2.6944961547851562, -3.7015132904052734, -0.11341691017150879, -2.8577821254730225, -0.2181262969970703, -2.7022078037261963, -2.618546962738037, -2.6986379623413086, -1.9458916187286377, -3.218078136444092, -2.7221484184265137, -2.832686185836792, -2.9246292114257812, -2.2959158420562744, -3.142301559448242, -2.386962652206421, -1.0504169464111328, -1.9782551527023315, 0.6126585006713867, -3.557260751724243, -3.321518659591675, -2.797105312347412, -3.387407064437866, -2.7308287620544434, -2.017219066619873, -1.451333999633789, -3.8786916732788086, 0.407381534576416, -3.6239988803863525, -1.8750042915344238, -2.2670836448669434, -1.825827717781067, -2.313264846801758, -2.0631232261657715, -2.22334885597229, -3.1621832847595215, -2.608682870864868, -1.0667543411254883, -2.2321813106536865, -3.1280500888824463, -0.8185704946517944, -2.9220359325408936, -2.5885002613067627, -1.6601319313049316, -2.229240655899048, -2.7661595344543457, -2.6769237518310547, -3.504239559173584, -2.0777957439422607, -2.40045166015625, -0.05376482009887695, -2.0695693492889404, 3.447726249694824, -3.2712841033935547, -3.051527976989746, 3.066459894180298, -1.9990737438201904, -3.0796451568603516, 3.286419153213501, 3.0914244651794434, 2.244931697845459, 1.0931941270828247, 2.0429248809814453, 0.5094559192657471, 2.8035192489624023, 2.1319656372070312, 4.490927219390869, 0.765539288520813, 1.9778337478637695, 1.3650057315826416, -0.5277154445648193, 2.0899972915649414, 4.239747524261475, 2.5138635635375977, 2.5571322441101074, 3.526137351989746, 2.010450839996338, 2.9382951259613037, 2.545036554336548, 1.6843454837799072, 2.802304744720459, 2.754295587539673, 1.3230094909667969, 1.6103163957595825, 2.715639352798462, 2.349900245666504, 0.9917802810668945, 2.264369487762451, 3.9158434867858887, 3.1142640113830566, 2.411315679550171, 2.8643651008605957, 2.8745737075805664, 2.7970480918884277, 2.0290231704711914, 1.985611915588379, 2.516120672225952, 2.872969627380371, 0.8603634834289551, 1.7337486743927002, 3.3419127464294434, 1.6265392303466797, 2.854252815246582, 2.791348457336426, 2.690650701522827, 0.6004101037979126, 1.8789067268371582, 1.616346836090088, 2.95317006111145, 3.0914244651794434, 3.714059829711914, 1.3304133415222168, 2.4222397804260254, 1.929210901260376, 2.550790548324585, 3.0938591957092285, 1.7115806341171265, 3.5912692546844482, 2.6989002227783203, 1.9756133556365967, -3.328688383102417, 0.9719650745391846, -1.2375543117523193, 1.1785340309143066, 2.1319656372070312, 1.6651040315628052, -3.6534972190856934, -2.7312514781951904, -3.0405402183532715, -0.33451294898986816, -2.9525816440582275, -3.3299620151519775, 0.4422743320465088, -3.332035541534424, -2.838911771774292, -1.355037808418274, -3.116692066192627, -2.4066832065582275, -2.6833250522613525, -2.784989356994629, -3.5127363204956055, -3.024508237838745, -2.047252655029297, 1.8677572011947632, -3.310537576675415, -3.3681607246398926, -1.93771493434906, -0.5743043422698975, -3.460754156112671, -1.8201310634613037, -2.7819576263427734, -2.4138989448547363, -2.267547130584717, -2.236182451248169, -2.7760777473449707, -1.9262585639953613, -2.8833794593811035, -2.1998889446258545, -3.2428722381591797, -0.2707865238189697, -1.7161743640899658, -3.0695481300354004, -3.492495536804199, -3.372182607650757, -2.4593489170074463, -2.525702953338623, -0.5839371681213379, -1.4164366722106934, -2.0768113136291504, -1.9225821495056152, -3.0695481300354004, -3.5582613945007324, 0.4832799434661865, -2.815596580505371, -2.4625349044799805, -0.09947729110717773, -3.0608184337615967, -2.9220359325408936, -1.8882768154144287, -1.2790124416351318, -2.6721692085266113, -1.5702872276306152, -1.6515495777130127, -3.378361463546753, -0.46739864349365234, -2.236182451248169, -2.7601747512817383, -3.8638477325439453, -3.042875051498413, -3.062143564224243, -1.2352335453033447, -3.0895330905914307, -2.2858529090881348, -0.011350631713867188, -3.3536298274993896, -2.100414514541626, -1.002002239227295, -2.240420341491699, -2.366753101348877, -1.943706750869751, -0.44463443756103516, -3.0435168743133545, -3.4960055351257324, -3.4892520904541016, -2.706691265106201, -2.137666940689087, -2.3957223892211914, -2.9235525131225586, -2.2068238258361816, -2.0846898555755615, -3.1379921436309814, -2.6449389457702637, -3.142301559448242, -1.2234396934509277, 0.4992058277130127, -1.9221081733703613, -2.267547130584717, -3.214834213256836, -3.1723532676696777, -3.3414382934570312, -2.2451674938201904, -3.4181714057922363, -1.1762369871139526, -3.01655912399292, -2.287437915802002, -2.393402576446533, -2.8182244300842285, -3.139523506164551, -0.17506837844848633, -3.344081401824951, -3.818180799484253, -0.14252829551696777, -2.832686185836792, 0.09687292575836182, -1.092839241027832, -1.3335199356079102, -2.591695785522461, -0.8474311828613281, -0.8567807674407959, -3.160531520843506, -1.2301363945007324, 0.44246983528137207, -2.227808952331543, -2.2514030933380127, -1.2106835842132568, -1.4015262126922607, 0.49381399154663086, -2.369302749633789, -1.439368724822998, -3.079993486404419, -0.7314023971557617, -2.00068736076355, -3.24121356010437, -3.2591140270233154, -3.517275094985962, -0.7051210403442383, -3.0672173500061035, -2.193646192550659, -3.2411952018737793, -1.8464024066925049, -3.372182607650757, 0.9200148582458496, 0.8607655763626099, -1.549600601196289, 0.4123108386993408, -1.3516082763671875, -2.66359281539917, -1.1805758476257324, -3.286240577697754, -2.2161519527435303, -0.5539112091064453, -1.4071152210235596, -2.925271987915039, -3.310537576675415, -3.689424514770508, -2.13932466506958, -3.025238513946533, -3.4892520904541016, -2.0503945350646973, -3.069547414779663, -0.39539027214050293, -3.027010917663574, -2.810729742050171, -0.6050353050231934, -1.5188930034637451, -1.806901216506958, -1.346345067024231, -2.354905128479004, -3.372182607650757, -3.3021042346954346, -0.581463098526001, -3.266648769378662, -3.009697914123535, -2.810729742050171, -3.6324234008789062, -3.127960681915283, 2.8144547939300537, 2.65343976020813, 2.7798218727111816, 2.348916530609131, 2.1696414947509766, 0.6004101037979126, 1.5898182392120361, 2.293870687484741, 2.414598226547241, 2.858473777770996, 1.280146837234497, -2.8688998222351074, 2.107545852661133, 1.6517179012298584, -2.3832802772521973, 1.5115530490875244, -2.386962652206421, 2.3780312538146973, 1.8476850986480713, 2.0316758155822754, 1.0669649839401245, 2.609483480453491, 2.3666961193084717, 1.6090285778045654, 1.1236625909805298, 2.775385856628418, 1.5462024211883545, -1.974238395690918, 1.8040196895599365, 1.5126707553863525, -2.4875378608703613, 0.7478024959564209, -1.861081600189209, 1.7268034219741821, -1.649125576019287, 1.2402408123016357, -2.6294212341308594, 1.9639537334442139, 2.3520700931549072, -2.4491899013519287, 0.06814956665039062, 2.6828722953796387, -2.0768113136291504, 3.468463659286499, 0.9095396995544434, 0.657780647277832, -3.048314094543457, 1.9151310920715332, 2.070056915283203, 2.8789539337158203, 2.2954983711242676, 2.1763200759887695, 1.446915626525879, 3.1916019916534424, 3.5912692546844482, 2.0301694869995117, 2.294567108154297, 2.952260971069336, 2.0395405292510986, 2.417637348175049, 0.23733413219451904, 2.4531192779541016, 0.9978756904602051, 2.1876301765441895, 2.978221893310547, 0.789087176322937, 1.9056270122528076, 2.715639352798462, 2.5204029083251953, 2.395940065383911, 1.652644157409668, 2.214437484741211, 3.2173869609832764, 1.839021921157837, 1.935020923614502, 3.318403720855713, 1.754899263381958, 1.188966989517212, 1.4978865385055542, 2.9681687355041504, 1.147675633430481, 4.260199546813965, 1.6131672859191895, 3.5912740230560303, 1.9970147609710693, 2.2097389698028564, 0.6461048126220703, 0.6873600482940674, 0.40363621711730957, 1.8977363109588623, 2.9392571449279785, 1.3763253688812256, 2.115964412689209, 1.823091745376587, 3.4093127250671387, -0.24022817611694336, 3.138201951980591, 2.711068868637085, 2.4222397804260254, 4.472573280334473, 2.3976376056671143, 3.4519248008728027, 1.935222864151001, 2.465754270553589, 2.904982805252075, 3.685429096221924, 3.4337222576141357, 1.9975688457489014, 3.4803919792175293, 1.3625433444976807, 2.2954983711242676, 2.099118232727051, 2.193854331970215, 1.4570589065551758, 0.9389119148254395, 1.7065627574920654, 1.4834396839141846, 3.364121437072754, 2.0170159339904785, 2.8751747608184814, 2.3490099906921387, 1.7115806341171265, 2.1412932872772217, 2.432565212249756, 1.6027520895004272, 1.1934691667556763, 2.028989315032959, 2.4663524627685547, 1.8838000297546387, 2.921485424041748, 2.3647267818450928, 0.9640223979949951, 2.1412792205810547, 1.5042614936828613, 0.85211181640625, 2.101964235305786, 2.4396328926086426, 2.3545968532562256, 2.0087029933929443, 1.614456057548523, 2.070056915283203, -3.0576376914978027, -2.205592632293701, -3.243817090988159, -3.4670567512512207, -2.842163562774658, -1.5856728553771973, 0.9915109872817993, 0.21790647506713867, -2.945526123046875, -2.5738108158111572, -3.084965229034424, -0.6317718029022217, 0.6126585006713867, -3.12162709236145, 0.6259211301803589, 3.0643444061279297, -1.8582258224487305, 2.9716837406158447, 2.255767583847046, -1.4594464302062988, -0.7658343315124512, 0.9169609546661377, -1.8762121200561523, -2.7382562160491943, 1.8868581056594849, -3.4652912616729736, -1.7318150997161865, -2.724224090576172, -2.4066832065582275, 1.5396850109100342, -2.059953451156616, -2.348205327987671, -0.9687144756317139, -2.4911253452301025, 2.505221128463745, 2.764587163925171, -0.31868410110473633, 2.5204029083251953, 2.138120651245117, 1.8052070140838623, 2.35447359085083, 3.0817856788635254, -2.236182451248169, 2.515061140060425, 0.526076078414917, 3.0694618225097656, -3.3028688430786133, -0.022548675537109375, -2.966904401779175, -2.7552006244659424, -3.255730152130127, -0.2580571174621582, 3.8038034439086914, -2.296755790710449, -1.1861817836761475, 3.1364426612854004, -1.7081258296966553, 1.6125696897506714, -3.425088405609131, -3.1360576152801514, 1.1624815464019775, 1.6602076292037964, 2.965261697769165, -1.536670446395874, -0.6001975536346436, -3.2201507091522217, -2.1051788330078125, 0.39130568504333496, -3.2054405212402344, 1.4780128002166748, -3.425088405609131, -3.7142508029937744, -2.434568405151367, -2.680872917175293, -1.8464024066925049, -2.098917007446289, -3.291131019592285, -0.29622960090637207, -3.3389999866485596, -1.334561824798584, -1.483069896697998, -3.5466341972351074, -2.6367650032043457, -1.5658438205718994, -3.2834537029266357, -1.8843783140182495, -0.5973196029663086, -2.929490089416504, -3.1568217277526855, -0.4767329692840576, -2.792433023452759, -1.9138166904449463, -2.498640298843384, -3.250863790512085, -3.098496198654175, -1.8805029392242432, -2.4726672172546387, -2.4848945140838623, -3.181149482727051, -2.7869081497192383, -3.3021042346954346, -2.6787948608398438, -2.040255069732666, 1.649190902709961, 2.624107599258423, 2.3566031455993652, 2.3001537322998047, -0.6110794544219971, 1.9679293632507324, 1.1729665994644165, 2.1999716758728027, 1.5765535831451416, 0.367154598236084, 2.6123299598693848, 3.0111289024353027, 2.9641876220703125, 2.0683019161224365, 2.7927305698394775, 3.286419153213501, 2.3012502193450928, 1.5779175758361816, 2.1741082668304443, 0.9827280044555664, 2.7219085693359375, 2.4417243003845215, 2.226973295211792, 0.7788426876068115, 2.1412792205810547, 2.5085418224334717, 0.7544577121734619, 1.6044914722442627, 2.097571849822998, 3.0111289024353027, 2.624107599258423, 1.6023156642913818, 1.5942068099975586, 1.646994948387146, 4.628941535949707, 2.3012502193450928, 2.3501956462860107, 0.43505001068115234, 0.00394129753112793, 2.0899972915649414, 1.0438424348831177, 2.3800506591796875, 3.6821627616882324, 3.4118096828460693, 2.0939245223999023, 3.5516772270202637, 1.86808180809021, 1.7065627574920654, 1.3906192779541016, 2.3993959426879883, 2.768697738647461, 2.5267348289489746, 1.6291232109069824, 2.535210609436035, 2.188486337661743, 2.932011604309082, 2.0927441120147705, 2.601534843444824, 2.694087028503418, 1.4769505262374878, 1.663874864578247, 1.1237391233444214, 2.5404648780822754, 1.8793891668319702, 3.187324285507202, 1.5221366882324219, 1.9427235126495361, 2.328577995300293, 1.6632039546966553, 1.1600847244262695, 2.3462624549865723, 0.4855525493621826, 1.5620156526565552, 2.2610974311828613, 0.29365861415863037, 2.4571118354797363, 2.822974681854248, 3.0103812217712402, 2.297239065170288, 2.3331782817840576, 1.7065627574920654, 3.457277774810791, 0.00394129753112793, 2.7928338050842285, 1.0601065158843994, 0.778170108795166, 3.94409441947937, 1.9304335117340088, 2.740886688232422, 1.3100240230560303, 2.410064935684204, 2.0868794918060303, 2.8758273124694824, 4.4239606857299805, 1.4570589065551758, 0.6797542572021484, -0.46244025230407715, 2.264369487762451, 2.1276814937591553, 2.851856231689453, 2.257805347442627, 2.8492319583892822, 3.3444414138793945, 1.5815749168395996, 2.628221273422241, 3.1491215229034424, 1.5731371641159058, 2.3949193954467773, 2.119964838027954, 2.293870687484741, -3.359499454498291, 0.9197978973388672, -1.86716890335083, -3.5183613300323486, -3.388672351837158, 2.982677936553955, 0.8524065017700195, -2.614262819290161, -2.5245895385742188, 1.5651493072509766, 2.2629072666168213, -2.443085193634033, -0.6050353050231934, -3.4824204444885254, 2.8643651008605957, 0.7494701147079468, -3.024508237838745, -2.2956910133361816, 1.0971112251281738, 2.097571849822998, -2.1585912704467773, -2.3427114486694336, -1.968254804611206, -1.3450536727905273, 3.066831588745117, -3.253181219100952, -2.017219066619873, 2.529879570007324, 0.5062230825424194, -1.6423215866088867, -0.526555061340332, 2.2926645278930664, -3.178147554397583, 0.6165177822113037, 1.9339094161987305, 3.1851489543914795, -1.5856728553771973, -2.3922111988067627, -2.9317240715026855, -2.9123311042785645, 1.280146837234497, 3.940608501434326, -2.8231215476989746, -2.8550477027893066, 2.1293020248413086, -2.2533693313598633, -3.3021042346954346, -2.2727930545806885, 1.6046315431594849, 0.7093088626861572, -1.324598789215088, 0.10552310943603516, -3.2927374839782715, 2.7713658809661865, -2.914466619491577, -0.31946563720703125, -1.9358689785003662, -2.3308820724487305, 1.9066054821014404, 2.0975255966186523, -2.694406509399414, 1.456252098083496, -3.012586832046509, -2.832686185836792, -1.3136518001556396, -2.18394136428833, -0.08245062828063965, -3.3025104999542236, -3.062143564224243, -1.5034921169281006, -2.0766289234161377, -3.112853765487671, -2.742356538772583, -2.5330939292907715, 0.14245390892028809, 1.6340678930282593, 3.102553606033325, -2.4968035221099854, -3.2176074981689453, -3.2710494995117188, -1.4625117778778076, -1.8523398637771606, 3.755678415298462, -4.0530009269714355, -2.428757667541504, -1.7381198406219482, 1.456620454788208, -2.2670836448669434, -1.7548258304595947, -2.9237518310546875, -2.3667054176330566, 3.1763718128204346, 2.2401413917541504, -2.9216532707214355, -3.3021042346954346, -1.7721388339996338, -1.6838223934173584, 3.3419127464294434, 3.412822961807251, 3.8151257038116455, 3.290098190307617, 1.7309901714324951, 1.985611915588379, 1.602642297744751, 2.8211703300476074, 1.3460333347320557, 2.347472667694092, 3.5712451934814453, 2.299842119216919, 0.46971333026885986, 2.733285665512085, 1.3496148586273193, -0.6110794544219971, 1.895137071609497, 1.6505733728408813, 3.0790762901306152, 1.812000036239624, 1.5220749378204346, 2.2471437454223633, 2.0268681049346924, 2.973407506942749, 2.411315679550171, 3.7816619873046875, 3.4116086959838867, 3.713149309158325, 1.5090667009353638, 0.36770594120025635, 2.478459358215332, 1.830554485321045, -0.1999661922454834, 2.8469791412353516, 1.2401988506317139, 1.9844303131103516, 1.5250208377838135, 2.848902940750122, 3.222905158996582, 0.42971646785736084, 1.1167595386505127, 1.7506543397903442, 3.4768590927124023, 0.7305688858032227, 1.9386684894561768, 2.8802335262298584, 1.2322297096252441, 2.6449925899505615, 1.3369172811508179, 3.207777261734009, 1.8718273639678955, 2.9641876220703125, 2.7788946628570557, 2.5801079273223877, 3.4625015258789062, 1.2235969305038452, 2.6064674854278564, 1.2210772037506104, 1.7065627574920654, 3.1275339126586914, 1.8454926013946533, 1.1729665994644165, 1.111165165901184, 1.6747660636901855, 1.6419377326965332, 3.9433257579803467, 2.3984131813049316, -3.0796451568603516, -3.4483652114868164, 1.5954201221466064, -3.1941425800323486, 0.9000372886657715, -0.5539112091064453, 2.6849145889282227, -0.3356146812438965, -2.645395278930664, 2.885664224624634, -2.8803460597991943, 1.9717333316802979, 2.6828722953796387, -0.8386623859405518, 1.3493833541870117, -2.493668794631958, 1.5782147645950317, 0.06005549430847168, 0.13081574440002441, 0.1764686107635498, -2.5539233684539795, -3.6534972190856934, -0.5984511375427246, -3.117548704147339, -2.017219066619873, -3.3646645545959473, -2.709096670150757, -1.5955560207366943, -3.1360576152801514, -0.27625203132629395, -1.8582258224487305, -0.24415171146392822, -1.5636241436004639, -3.012586832046509, -1.1640651226043701, -2.0503945350646973, -2.8766610622406006, -3.6314845085144043, -2.8241734504699707, -2.582096576690674, -1.974238395690918, -2.250478506088257, -2.047252655029297, -3.44651460647583, -1.9888873100280762, -3.250333070755005, -3.127960681915283, -3.4253058433532715, -1.1038610935211182, -3.8638477325439453, -1.7667224407196045, -0.448993444442749, -1.06472647190094, -2.560450315475464, -2.608682870864868, -2.706691265106201, -0.816178560256958, -2.651350736618042, 0.416611909866333, -3.112853765487671, -1.1345446109771729, 0.5060062408447266, -0.449141263961792, -2.9538323879241943, -0.6686201095581055, -3.339660406112671, -2.9901771545410156, -3.6697981357574463, -2.9278106689453125, -0.526555061340332, -2.360109329223633, -3.3606605529785156, -3.1940438747406006, -0.2452378273010254, -2.8231215476989746, -1.756629467010498, -1.7008469104766846, -2.599717617034912, -2.0777957439422607, 0.6238274574279785, -3.1712374687194824, -2.895108222961426, -2.815596580505371, -1.0503802299499512, -3.582218647003174, -3.0849428176879883, 1.4772772789001465, -3.164395809173584, -3.0487654209136963, -3.6239988803863525, -3.2846715450286865, 1.1346163749694824, -3.236809253692627, -3.7135367393493652, -3.2176074981689453, -2.309417247772217, -3.7135367393493652, -3.48801851272583, 0.2531036138534546, -3.266331434249878, -1.864231824874878, -1.5188930034637451, -2.203562021255493, -3.6697981357574463, -2.6810755729675293, -0.19451963901519775, -2.7601747512817383, -2.3427114486694336, -2.677511692047119, -2.3872721195220947, -3.200817108154297, -0.27625203132629395, -2.8833794593811035, 0.7554706335067749, -2.4588193893432617, -3.0675361156463623, -2.9989266395568848, -3.1565890312194824, -3.701242685317993, 0.40949106216430664, -2.6769237518310547, -2.974370002746582, -2.531341552734375, -2.6805830001831055, -2.814000129699707, -2.4925122261047363, -2.4053008556365967, -2.675652265548706, -2.9387662410736084, -3.2325854301452637, -3.124997615814209, -0.9080513715744019, -1.1762369871139526, -2.1481497287750244, -0.08764958381652832, -0.35376739501953125, 0.2613041400909424, -0.8400943279266357, -2.2346112728118896, -0.798637866973877, -3.198955774307251, -2.0777957439422607, -3.5183613300323486, -3.145381450653076, -1.3450536727905273, -2.923966884613037, -1.9488966464996338, -1.7548258304595947, 0.2613041400909424, -3.005659580230713, -2.2533693313598633, -2.9066803455352783, -2.9260640144348145, -2.3026161193847656, 0.12979459762573242, -3.4065797328948975, -1.534231424331665, 1.601701021194458, 0.5538740158081055, 1.7929844856262207, 3.172487258911133, -2.7022078037261963, 0.5301076173782349, -2.619628429412842, -0.7834701538085938, 1.913257122039795, 1.9962022304534912, -2.791454792022705, -3.145381450653076, 2.0170159339904785, 2.5613441467285156, -2.939992904663086, 3.414285182952881, 1.8757200241088867, -3.124997615814209, 1.0406326055526733, 1.8794115781784058, 0.03486824035644531, -3.181149482727051, 1.8217942714691162, -2.029792070388794, -1.2433383464813232, -2.3796956539154053, 3.7575812339782715, 1.8689658641815186, -2.538141965866089, 1.9023017883300781, 1.5471744537353516, -3.086472272872925, 2.7219085693359375, -3.37142014503479, -3.0098917484283447, 3.5689539909362793, 3.692953109741211, -1.2375543117523193, 0.7706480026245117, -3.253181219100952, 2.2535042762756348, -3.218078136444092, 2.504643678665161, 0.5884928703308105, 2.2401413917541504, 0.8983180522918701, 1.754156231880188, 1.7073445320129395, -2.8265655040740967, 0.6873629093170166, -0.09607291221618652, 2.3785247802734375, -1.5153276920318604, 1.0849895477294922, -3.1345529556274414, 0.85211181640625, -3.265538215637207, 2.6717898845672607, -3.425088405609131, 3.405705451965332, -2.17913818359375, -2.7760777473449707, 1.4661996364593506, 2.5085418224334717, -3.2140440940856934, 1.9003729820251465, -2.485015392303467, -2.7878873348236084, -2.7573535442352295, -2.2858529090881348, 0.8438694477081299, 2.5187690258026123, 1.3866169452667236, 2.4222397804260254, -2.6185359954833984, -0.2707865238189697, 1.695441484451294, -1.6895357370376587, 2.8536407947540283, 2.8626444339752197, -2.5760436058044434, 1.8065361976623535, -2.702806234359741, 2.1036553382873535, -2.6075618267059326, -3.439849376678467, -1.5185606479644775, -2.73116397857666, 2.364518165588379, 0.803398609161377, 2.3459298610687256, -2.213998794555664, 1.2170567512512207, 1.7025748491287231, -2.7598276138305664, -3.4904990196228027, -1.033205270767212, 2.733285665512085, -3.2908363342285156, 1.3100240230560303, -0.683464527130127, 0.3268594741821289, 3.7673826217651367, -1.104721188545227, -3.609555721282959, -2.1585912704467773, -2.934689998626709, -3.2159483432769775, 2.848902940750122, 3.319363832473755, -3.3119120597839355, -3.069547414779663, -3.523933172225952, 3.8177709579467773, -0.46739864349365234, -2.812675952911377, -2.128957748413086, -3.1347193717956543, 3.4448318481445312, -1.768409252166748, -3.1666805744171143, 1.4917646646499634, -0.26374101638793945, 1.3886573314666748, 2.8834729194641113, -2.0998783111572266, 3.1985931396484375, 1.9243050813674927, -2.353069305419922, -1.5920525789260864, -1.849271297454834, 2.580331325531006, -3.3028688430786133, 1.2781829833984375, -2.5664258003234863, -2.830457925796509, 1.7372405529022217, -3.124997615814209, -0.5973196029663086, 2.176257610321045, -0.5047702789306641, -2.4006261825561523, 1.6651040315628052, -2.599717617034912, -3.321518659591675, 3.1425836086273193, -0.9264857769012451, -2.7958502769470215, 3.5912692546844482, -3.0662450790405273, -1.846195936203003, 1.823091745376587, 2.244931697845459, -3.339660406112671, 0.8702027797698975, 2.1999716758728027, -1.8843783140182495, 2.7186827659606934, -1.6698939800262451, 0.0632401704788208, -1.4594464302062988, 1.4146870374679565, -2.630603313446045, -3.6067557334899902, -3.2838101387023926, -3.3021042346954346, -2.316715717315674, 1.483526349067688, -2.7878873348236084, -3.2653114795684814, -0.5285882949829102, -2.2244086265563965, -0.02783513069152832, 2.747316598892212, -2.028385639190674, -2.25319504737854, 2.279550790786743, -3.5678882598876953, -2.831782341003418, -1.216451644897461, -2.385344982147217, -3.1120338439941406, 0.8438694477081299, -1.451333999633789, 3.285747528076172, -1.827702522277832, -2.4667296409606934, 1.7739670276641846, -2.934689998626709, -2.5129926204681396, -2.540769577026367, 2.257805347442627, -3.366077184677124, -2.363917589187622, 0.2709238529205322, 2.062065839767456, 2.4209189414978027, 3.7822468280792236, 0.4428081512451172, -2.9260640144348145, 0.1764686107635498, 2.118506669998169, -3.896193504333496, -3.146167039871216, 2.848902940750122, -3.4378654956817627, 4.1026411056518555, 2.8492319583892822, 2.5187690258026123, 1.8768255710601807, 2.4626636505126953, -2.8156254291534424, -3.1360576152801514, -2.128957748413086, -3.2357535362243652, 1.8305249214172363, 3.1763718128204346, -1.6219871044158936, 3.3669686317443848, -2.7464184761047363, -1.7925419807434082, 2.9569239616394043, -2.8809382915496826, -0.9207320213317871, 4.701427459716797, -1.7967801094055176, -3.6086511611938477, -2.610342502593994, 1.6274117231369019, -3.0568957328796387, 3.033499002456665, -0.9273958206176758, 2.2629072666168213, -2.0867788791656494, -2.832179069519043, -1.768409252166748, 0.9200148582458496, -2.2321813106536865, 1.969293475151062, -3.4007344245910645, 0.9827280044555664, -1.327246069908142, 1.0645347833633423, -0.9265458583831787, -3.0905680656433105, 2.4015932083129883, -2.6865644454956055, 1.7036199569702148, 2.832836627960205, 2.788928747177124, -2.955207586288452, -2.463843822479248, -3.125498056411743, 0.21083307266235352, -2.25319504737854, 2.1537857055664062, -3.222489833831787, 0.7444601058959961, 3.182075262069702, -2.7308287620544434, 1.4642062187194824, 1.974076747894287, -0.35035085678100586, 3.468463659286499, -1.3469114303588867, 3.0644240379333496, -3.2492377758026123, -1.4187204837799072, -3.001823902130127, -2.369302749633789, -0.7061936855316162, -2.8726704120635986, -1.3469114303588867, -0.9200706481933594, -2.8311994075775146, -3.294612169265747, -2.7958502769470215, -1.7586090564727783, -3.361802339553833, -3.2235658168792725, -1.5899982452392578, -1.5658438205718994, -1.471243143081665, -2.8688998222351074, -2.6610267162323, 1.2336071729660034, -3.234527111053467, -2.203038454055786, -1.7381198406219482, -2.2834970951080322, -1.1805758476257324, 0.4832799434661865, -3.414377212524414, -2.645395278930664, -2.9220359325408936, -2.2068238258361816, -2.582578659057617, -3.2105746269226074, -0.6979689598083496, -3.387747049331665, 0.26425087451934814, 0.40949106216430664, -1.9488966464996338, -0.19451963901519775, -3.0014383792877197, -3.003230571746826, -3.243539333343506, -2.8182244300842285, -1.840609073638916, -2.709096670150757, -2.7661595344543457, -2.785465717315674, -3.523822784423828, 0.26425087451934814, -1.3335199356079102, -3.464052677154541, -3.5013985633850098, -3.0603039264678955, -2.300488233566284, 0.11601710319519043, -3.0672173500061035, 0.3176310062408447, -0.967957615852356, -2.6117656230926514, -2.3743679523468018, -2.784989356994629, 1.0690587759017944, -0.5539112091064453, -1.6601319313049316, -3.3797178268432617, -3.237976551055908, -3.1954023838043213, -2.044844150543213, -2.029792070388794, -3.2325854301452637, -2.062742233276367, -1.1640651226043701, -1.9606106281280518, -0.7639176845550537, -3.742274284362793, -2.333709478378296, -1.9352970123291016, -1.7409207820892334, -2.925271987915039, 0.22591590881347656, -3.0905680656433105, -1.116281509399414, -3.465874195098877, -2.672415256500244, -3.392085552215576, -0.17607927322387695, -3.243817090988159, -1.1283005475997925, -2.385620594024658, -2.9635465145111084, -2.7818028926849365, -2.3580117225646973, -2.1610584259033203, -1.068275809288025, -2.8644042015075684, -0.6979689598083496, -2.270324468612671, -2.733708620071411, 1.652644157409668, 2.745319128036499, 1.9685595035552979, 0.8252050876617432, 1.3982216119766235, 2.7503299713134766, 0.9640223979949951, 2.6608381271362305, 3.6074323654174805, 1.5221366882324219, 1.2300595045089722, -0.1999661922454834, 1.824204683303833, 0.49513959884643555, 0.8253774642944336, 0.49863600730895996, 2.022390127182007, 2.471149444580078, 2.94510555267334, 2.355724811553955, 1.9475154876708984, 3.187324285507202, 1.5142383575439453, 4.076888561248779, 1.3055020570755005, 2.5070173740386963, 1.4912995100021362, 2.2222652435302734, 0.7636892795562744, 1.0136058330535889, 1.437373161315918, 1.456252098083496, 2.9737744331359863, 2.4197282791137695, 3.219926357269287, -3.269307851791382, -2.18394136428833, 1.6706271171569824, 0.8963286876678467, 2.0941455364227295, -2.6787948608398438, 1.7506279945373535, 2.1412792205810547, -3.2983615398406982, 1.9304335117340088, -1.5955560207366943, 1.9789316654205322, -0.82106614112854, -2.504267930984497, -2.059953451156616, 2.2215895652770996, -1.773234486579895, 1.5620156526565552, -2.6574947834014893, -0.449141263961792, 1.8612046241760254, 1.2575106620788574, 1.120600700378418, -2.4588193893432617, 1.0669649839401245, -2.7971885204315186, 1.084181785583496, -3.4910519123077393, -2.560030460357666, -3.2253730297088623, 3.1062161922454834, -3.6311821937561035, 2.4052915573120117, -2.4022176265716553, 2.4111647605895996, 2.9413461685180664, 0.3899003267288208, -2.22334885597229, 1.5731371641159058, -2.2858529090881348, -1.3801777362823486, 1.8079290390014648, -3.4824204444885254, 3.628493547439575, -0.26374101638793945, 1.8793891668319702, 2.650528907775879, -1.3685922622680664, 0.024366259574890137, 1.6632039546966553, 2.2298977375030518, -1.4314942359924316, 1.8459022045135498, -2.801251173019409, 2.160754919052124, -3.2710494995117188, 3.1955513954162598, -1.336176872253418, 2.46799635887146, -3.6086511611938477, 2.256758213043213, 1.6265392303466797, -0.24415171146392822, 1.2480179071426392, 1.7205309867858887, 2.8834729194641113, -2.3951544761657715, 3.138201951980591, -2.3578696250915527, -2.7295875549316406, -3.2234232425689697, -2.3961284160614014, 1.9026235342025757, -3.3869988918304443, -3.1712374687194824, 3.1160197257995605, -2.994800567626953, -3.043079137802124, -2.337059497833252, -2.744093418121338, -1.8083893060684204, -2.40045166015625, 2.848902940750122, -1.4387199878692627, -2.9220359325408936, -3.1382970809936523, -2.8280282020568848, -0.9207320213317871, -2.681023597717285, -2.9885354042053223, 1.4240412712097168, 2.9086925983428955, -0.581463098526001, -2.9777374267578125, -3.24121356010437, -2.814000129699707, -2.6449389457702637, -2.761646270751953, -2.707643508911133, -1.840609073638916, -2.4726672172546387, -2.537865161895752, -2.801251173019409, -3.2648842334747314, -3.1449921131134033, -0.448993444442749, -2.815596580505371, -2.8907649517059326, -2.2364046573638916, -3.01655912399292, -1.825311541557312, 2.601285457611084, -2.7650034427642822, -1.8741412162780762, -2.2364046573638916, 2.257805347442627, -1.494752287864685, -3.4405791759490967, 1.6684272289276123, 2.587449789047241, 2.265523910522461, -3.1360576152801514, -2.3796956539154053, -2.3915507793426514, -3.0748913288116455, -1.987684726715088, -2.3251900672912598, 2.5091452598571777, -3.401390552520752, -3.0416362285614014, -2.5162529945373535, 1.9141781330108643, -2.420166254043579, 4.113125801086426, -2.955207586288452, 3.125368356704712, -1.3450536727905273, -3.184011697769165, -2.2451674938201904, 1.3424725532531738, -1.7089951038360596, -2.168944835662842, -2.420166254043579, -2.5968098640441895, 2.764810800552368, -3.218078136444092, 0.04648709297180176, -3.3051295280456543, -2.8833794593811035, 2.385728359222412, 2.8031511306762695, -0.037496209144592285, 1.5358552932739258, -2.66359281539917, -2.9700374603271484, -2.935898542404175, 2.1741082668304443, -2.7226152420043945, 2.5493969917297363, 2.3001537322998047, 1.78086256980896, -3.134955644607544, -3.3039636611938477, -3.6329023838043213, 2.0512049198150635, -3.769111156463623, -1.758232593536377, 1.9975998401641846, -2.7869081497192383, -2.1660878658294678, 3.8998537063598633, -2.2345592975616455, 1.5601840019226074, -3.191661834716797, 3.318403720855713, -3.447199821472168, 2.7069571018218994, 1.483526349067688, -0.5135271549224854, 1.6692357063293457, -2.278740167617798, -2.3832802772521973, 2.6956939697265625, -2.6833250522613525, 2.9770801067352295, 3.5065345764160156, -2.9914605617523193, -3.6417620182037354, 1.4834396839141846, -2.047807455062866, 0.778170108795166, -1.8193981647491455, -3.1016430854797363, -1.86716890335083, 2.383873462677002, 2.261136531829834, -1.9562299251556396, 1.480179786682129, -2.7819576263427734, -1.1440768241882324, -1.649261474609375, 4.897157192230225, 2.6762466430664062, 3.0978384017944336, 0.31578123569488525, 2.840578556060791, 1.243407964706421, 2.8751747608184814, -1.751856803894043, -2.4484119415283203, 1.683420181274414, -1.2167298793792725, 2.648440361022949, -3.2164416313171387, 1.9004970788955688, -2.7619166374206543, 2.5571322441101074, 2.4222397804260254, 1.440504550933838, -2.920715808868408, 2.541104793548584, -2.350557327270508, 1.9975998401641846, 1.935020923614502, 4.4239606857299805, 2.9398884773254395, -1.2370563745498657, 1.8021702766418457, -2.300488233566284, -2.6986379623413086, 2.097569704055786, 1.6274117231369019, -1.5188930034637451, -2.9260640144348145, 2.79292893409729, -3.1180083751678467, -3.557260751724243, 2.78228759765625, -2.9905331134796143, 1.0422617197036743, 1.3224172592163086, 2.8211703300476074, 1.0690587759017944, -2.4420783519744873, -3.1565890312194824, -3.339660406112671, -2.888803482055664, -1.7700958251953125, -2.8228650093078613, -2.3689990043640137, -1.317866325378418, -0.671004056930542, -2.013040781021118, -2.0096435546875, 1.0386252403259277, -2.9871065616607666, -3.5390408039093018, -1.7425048351287842, -3.1011550426483154, -2.0384137630462646, -0.031245708465576172, -2.1002845764160156, -2.526846408843994, -2.270324468612671, -2.6088852882385254, -3.4376461505889893, 1.020806074142456, -2.575767993927002, 0.7144153118133545, -3.17960262298584, -2.0998783111572266, -2.9123311042785645, -3.460754156112671, -3.5678882598876953, -2.814000129699707, -2.296755790710449, -2.11859393119812, -3.689424514770508, -3.183887243270874, 2.127318859100342, 2.2298977375030518, 3.4519248008728027, 1.2300595045089722, 2.7713658809661865, 1.737816333770752, 4.634353160858154, 1.8938052654266357, 0.9043288230895996, 1.3618237972259521, 2.9737744331359863, -1.2301363945007324, 2.296473503112793, 2.0940208435058594, 0.00394129753112793, 0.31255292892456055, 0.8736104965209961, 1.0645347833633423, 1.6340678930282593, 3.10984206199646, 2.6608381271362305, 1.2402408123016357, 1.4978865385055542, -2.591339588165283, 1.1040000915527344, -3.1060760021209717, 2.648440361022949, 2.9904422760009766, 1.0880115032196045, 2.6699891090393066, 2.033930540084839, 2.758321762084961, 2.1170947551727295, 2.074021577835083, -1.751856803894043, 5.638606548309326, 1.5862265825271606, 1.8757200241088867, 0.257429838180542, 1.858975887298584, -3.302730083465576, -2.236182451248169, 3.7781472206115723, -3.392085552215576, 2.95188045501709, 4.212818622589111, 2.70640230178833, 2.7713658809661865, 3.658567190170288, -1.9747459888458252, 4.628941535949707, -1.9162362813949585, 3.020437479019165, 2.928281307220459, 2.4626636505126953, 2.036925792694092, -1.1283005475997925, 2.383873462677002, 0.09230184555053711, 2.4740631580352783, 0.5375418663024902, 3.022893190383911, 1.3493833541870117, 1.5167955160140991, 1.9036470651626587, 0.9978756904602051, 1.9808650016784668, 2.033930540084839, -2.4022176265716553, 2.9751791954040527, 3.526137351989746, 1.7568800449371338, 0.9312493801116943, 2.280698537826538, 1.456252098083496, 2.7670249938964844, -2.0955615043640137, 2.2234222888946533, 3.4232020378112793, 2.8626444339752197, 1.5765535831451416, 2.5664825439453125, 3.2934727668762207, 3.7204933166503906, 2.5070173740386963, 0.8387598991394043, 2.3545968532562256, -2.3727164268493652, 4.081131935119629, 3.2073116302490234, 2.3780312538146973, 1.5396850109100342, -2.4899954795837402, 1.3852133750915527, 0.29365861415863037, 2.8020832538604736, 0.5609865188598633, -3.125269651412964, 2.1537857055664062, 1.8696064949035645, 1.963708519935608, 3.8998537063598633, 3.756786346435547, 1.9822789430618286, -0.42432522773742676, 1.5862265825271606, 1.119226336479187, 2.0290231704711914, 2.2124974727630615, 1.267471194267273, 2.6929831504821777, 2.802252769470215, 1.3414885997772217, 1.9003729820251465, 2.2739269733428955, 2.297609329223633, 1.0422617197036743, 0.8142929077148438, 1.9993000030517578, 4.006624698638916, 1.2293508052825928, 1.696099042892456, 2.7798218727111816, 1.0931941270828247, 2.0395405292510986, 3.4625015258789062, 2.118506669998169, 2.269439935684204, 1.898876667022705, 3.917423725128174, 0.8766162395477295, 3.0103812217712402, 1.416019320487976, 1.683420181274414, 3.5505881309509277, 1.179086685180664, 3.356327772140503, 1.8567274808883667, 1.120657205581665, 2.2144384384155273, 2.9569239616394043, 3.3302581310272217, 2.5620782375335693, 1.8437241315841675, 2.3582746982574463, 1.4040395021438599, 1.0272555351257324, -1.0271780490875244, 1.8593077659606934, 1.5081162452697754, 2.710275650024414, 1.4040395021438599, 1.7599289417266846, 3.5912740230560303, 3.794404983520508, 1.5152182579040527, 2.5571322441101074, 2.982677936553955, 2.244931697845459, 3.805340051651001, 2.3490099906921387, 2.526658058166504, -0.4743030071258545, 0.8074779510498047, 2.3246524333953857, 0.00394129753112793, 3.2100391387939453, 1.830554485321045, 2.0299196243286133, 0.5585784912109375, 1.9341486692428589, 2.453479290008545, 2.96127986907959, 3.0438966751098633, 4.193110466003418, 2.8948824405670166, 0.8673532009124756, 3.34310245513916, 2.206815481185913, 3.6057753562927246, 2.065610647201538, 1.8816893100738525, 3.6109039783477783, 1.0588808059692383, -0.5656523704528809, 2.304733991622925, 1.8554812669754028, 4.360353469848633, 1.7506543397903442, 3.0111289024353027, 2.7696242332458496, 2.768496513366699, 2.2068731784820557, 1.2018769979476929, 1.841433048248291, 2.348916530609131, -3.2908363342285156, 0.43812334537506104, -3.359499454498291, -2.8907649517059326, -3.0910491943359375, -0.5736432075500488, -2.8908867835998535, -2.790356159210205, -3.388672351837158, -2.22334885597229, -2.287437915802002, -2.686023235321045, -2.6551051139831543, 0.24381279945373535, -2.062742233276367, -2.99786639213562, -2.313264846801758, -2.832179069519043, -1.8633654117584229, -1.4779070615768433, -2.1660878658294678, -3.1222996711730957, -1.7893502712249756, -2.063868999481201, -3.0662450790405273, -2.862658739089966, -3.351536750793457, -2.5890300273895264, -2.942979574203491, -1.9402894973754883, -3.2492377758026123, -1.009291410446167, -3.4288504123687744, -2.8199689388275146, -3.413618803024292, -1.91013503074646, 1.2068448066711426, -3.06622314453125, 0.6777822971343994, -3.2653114795684814, -4.0530009269714355, -2.701474189758301, -2.688427209854126, -2.3758699893951416, -1.8859457969665527, -3.3021042346954346, -1.6131916046142578, -0.7758870124816895, 0.08236312866210938, 0.1950545310974121, -2.3885669708251953, -0.9273958206176758, -2.8816452026367188, -2.065598487854004, 0.32126951217651367, 0.48149704933166504, -0.12038207054138184, -3.1251776218414307, -3.4399452209472656, -3.425088405609131, -2.895108222961426, -2.3303613662719727, -2.8603765964508057, -2.6480166912078857, -2.9419522285461426, -2.2832984924316406, -1.3469114303588867, -2.3400487899780273, -2.278567314147949, -0.9751911163330078, -2.8303775787353516, 2.710275650024414, 1.754899263381958, -2.756542444229126, -3.4172050952911377, -1.7409207820892334, -2.476527690887451, 0.9270775318145752, -3.562255859375, 2.7114083766937256, -1.5525519847869873, 3.5349066257476807, 3.333524703979492, 2.255436897277832, -0.38571810722351074, -0.7255556583404541, -2.124889850616455, 2.7734971046447754, 1.6472034454345703, 2.4222397804260254, 0.4190213680267334, -0.264143705368042, 1.8284573554992676, -1.4754869937896729, -2.7932441234588623, -1.1440768241882324, -1.2418580055236816, -3.455824136734009, -1.6811732053756714, -3.200472831726074, -0.9769042730331421, -3.4405791759490967, -1.946049451828003, -2.6023311614990234, -1.5185606479644775, -1.8051025867462158, -2.993191719055176, -2.0908517837524414, -1.5414104461669922, -3.248063564300537, -2.3828582763671875, 1.5957260131835938, -1.4164366722106934, -3.0662450790405273, -2.044844150543213, -2.4925122261047363, -3.1181528568267822, -2.0777957439422607, -0.8517632484436035, -1.6515495777130127, -2.520401954650879, -2.634821653366089, -2.7464184761047363, -3.4844279289245605, -2.8123536109924316, -2.6538729667663574, -3.178142786026001, 0.1039191484451294, -2.0667529106140137, -2.842592477798462, 0.8669257164001465, -3.1360576152801514, -2.7802183628082275, -2.305650472640991, -2.2834970951080322, -3.3021042346954346, -2.801872491836548, -2.8303775787353516, -0.5262928009033203, -3.3025104999542236, -2.591339588165283, -2.520401954650879, -0.8442394733428955, -2.5221736431121826, -3.2253730297088623, -1.6216957569122314, -3.068552017211914, -2.5851147174835205, -2.363917589187622, -3.039541482925415, -3.003230571746826, -1.398127794265747, -1.2433383464813232, -3.3611395359039307, -1.4754869937896729, -3.0994503498077393, -0.5285882949829102, -4.0530009269714355, -2.0911617279052734, -2.815596580505371, -3.011586904525757, 0.14245390892028809, -2.6805830001831055, -3.064218521118164, -1.9221081733703613, 0.6777822971343994, -3.2040750980377197, -2.554202079772949, -0.8910496234893799, -1.1155571937561035, -2.0777957439422607, -2.351260185241699, -2.914077043533325, -3.243817090988159, -2.759406805038452, -3.1449921131134033, -2.9525256156921387, -2.1587271690368652, 3.074479818344116, 0.29636621475219727, -2.300488233566284, -2.3727164268493652, -1.9138166904449463, -2.9991507530212402, -0.24415171146392822, -3.1172029972076416, -1.771183967590332, -1.6976664066314697, -3.4528934955596924, -1.4015262126922607, 0.49162817001342773, -2.5221736431121826, -3.492495536804199, -3.1573569774627686, -3.571303367614746, 0.9915109872817993, -3.0849428176879883, -2.4779183864593506, -2.3667054176330566, -3.0955393314361572, -2.2418084144592285, -1.3962856531143188, -3.042875051498413, -1.5733569860458374, -2.710078716278076, -3.2371392250061035, -1.9888873100280762, -2.7080211639404297, -3.303317070007324, -0.8196735382080078, 0.7032232284545898, -1.1336772441864014, -3.742274284362793, -2.2858529090881348, -1.9904627799987793, 1.6190838813781738, 0.6973395347595215, -1.346345067024231, -2.575305461883545, -2.763145685195923, 1.0728533267974854, 1.6103163957595825, 2.4849095344543457, -1.2866952419281006, 3.182075262069702, -1.3195486068725586, -3.0414557456970215, 2.6233625411987305, -1.9398446083068848, 2.4849095344543457, -1.104832649230957, -1.5968761444091797, 1.3650057315826416, -1.5636241436004639, -2.601067066192627, 1.1352876424789429, 3.0095670223236084, 2.5119783878326416, -2.044844150543213, 1.6274117231369019, -0.11083579063415527, 2.4222397804260254, -3.2813849449157715, 1.7796173095703125, 0.47263383865356445, 2.2472023963928223, 0.4766726493835449, -2.3427114486694336, -0.7304844856262207, -2.7022078037261963, 1.3055020570755005, -2.531341552734375, 2.7180328369140625, -2.6367650032043457, -2.557058572769165, 2.3949193954467773, 1.96482253074646, -3.3855133056640625, 2.5324771404266357, -2.832686185836792, -2.5221736431121826, 1.4978865385055542, 0.10552310943603516, 2.085000991821289, -2.4968035221099854, 2.802252769470215, -1.0514545440673828, -2.4238264560699463, 2.226973295211792, 1.796689748764038, 2.70640230178833, -3.1345529556274414, 1.7526214122772217, 1.323936939239502, -2.9962210655212402, 0.5808327198028564, 0.19369828701019287, -0.2181262969970703, 2.3568673133850098, -2.378664970397949, -2.6491105556488037, -1.734635829925537, 2.3541135787963867, -2.268683433532715, -2.1587271690368652, 4.137818813323975, -2.0736489295959473, 1.8396605253219604, -3.2710494995117188, 1.6346986293792725, -2.276195526123047, -2.0384137630462646, 0.8588302135467529, 1.1661784648895264, 0.259657621383667, 1.1640292406082153, 2.0020859241485596, -3.3021042346954346, 2.010450839996338, 1.5862265825271606, -2.2816872596740723, -2.2959158420562744, -2.934887170791626, 3.4349007606506348, 0.7727043628692627, -2.2816872596740723, 1.7878961563110352, 2.0927441120147705, 2.3792333602905273, 1.5782147645950317, 1.5878292322158813, -2.3616843223571777, -2.4441776275634766, 2.4388742446899414, 3.3272790908813477, 2.515061140060425, 1.641313076019287, 0.6915135383605957, 2.3541135787963867, 1.5246154069900513, -2.7598276138305664, 2.1162807941436768, 4.04735803604126, 3.241286277770996, 2.3294782638549805, -2.8515238761901855, 1.456252098083496, 2.6689863204956055, 3.4093127250671387, 2.846621513366699, -2.4864487648010254, 0.09230184555053711, 2.1319656372070312, 2.3928964138031006, 1.9778125286102295, -0.7084493637084961, 1.456252098083496, 1.1178548336029053, 2.293003797531128, 2.0868794918060303, 2.4191477298736572, -3.4910519123077393, 1.2300595045089722, 0.31255292892456055, 1.1352876424789429, -0.2939453125, 1.754156231880188, 1.049137830734253, 2.1741082668304443, 2.855639934539795, 1.0720345973968506, 3.1583096981048584, 1.5396850109100342, -2.9419522285461426, 3.3487966060638428, -3.112370491027832, 4.454154968261719, 2.2669289112091064, 2.2314841747283936, 2.8766050338745117, 1.6138389110565186, -3.6847307682037354, -2.476527690887451, 3.9787533283233643, 0.8603634834289551, 0.10822367668151855, 3.677797555923462, 0.9169609546661377, -2.941175699234009, -3.0576376914978027, 4.212818622589111, -3.192758798599243, -2.6944961547851562, -1.6552066802978516, 2.4028801918029785, 0.06785917282104492, -2.5885002613067627, 2.287506103515625, 1.1463816165924072, 4.360353469848633, -3.6751532554626465, 0.8510861396789551, -2.3513481616973877, -1.9363276958465576, 2.855639934539795, -1.9223939180374146, 1.7293612957000732, -2.457571029663086, -1.840609073638916, 2.153904914855957, -1.8879828453063965, 2.4178411960601807, 2.097571849822998, -3.517212152481079, -1.1676771640777588, -0.8185704946517944, 3.067267417907715, -2.457512378692627, -3.159595251083374, 0.8199197053909302, -3.3111538887023926, 1.9929370880126953, -2.7601747512817383, 3.9433257579803467, 3.3637359142303467, -2.8683359622955322, 1.0855895280838013, -2.572768211364746, 3.3728833198547363, 1.0104637145996094, 1.3224172592163086, 1.9480232000350952, -3.214834213256836, 1.8396605253219604, -3.7015132904052734, 3.172487258911133, -2.610342502593994, -2.1716082096099854, 1.4677964448928833, 0.5060062408447266, 2.7366387844085693, -2.1481497287750244, 0.1099783182144165, 2.153904914855957, 1.8554812669754028, 2.049112319946289, -1.4227224588394165, 2.715639352798462, 4.120530128479004, -3.024508237838745, 1.456252098083496, -1.507993459701538, 0.294702410697937, -3.266648769378662, 3.004429817199707, 1.0463109016418457, -3.6847307682037354, 1.9715359210968018, -2.393205404281616, 3.5912740230560303, -1.2263197898864746, -0.16568374633789062, 2.5571322441101074, -1.317866325378418, -1.8552569150924683, -2.7894058227539062, 1.2498958110809326, -1.1744189262390137, -2.8253366947174072, 1.5220749378204346, 2.2729852199554443, -2.5901498794555664, 4.239747524261475, 1.213618278503418, 2.5586681365966797, 2.8690733909606934, 1.2803521156311035, 1.5765535831451416, -3.422409772872925, 0.9850553274154663, 1.1205856800079346, -3.0364112854003906, 1.3587424755096436, -3.3911142349243164, -3.2908363342285156, -0.5375475883483887, -2.9454426765441895, 2.403656244277954, 2.5571322441101074, 1.3625433444976807, -0.17506837844848633, 0.9688465595245361, -2.493668794631958, 1.858975887298584, -3.2176287174224854, 2.3845744132995605, 2.4551501274108887, -2.677499294281006, 3.288919448852539, 2.9209957122802734, 2.6923341751098633, -1.8033289909362793, -0.498215913772583, -2.1052699089050293, -0.9533698558807373, -3.2943029403686523, -1.7528178691864014, -3.4426708221435547, 0.306620717048645, -2.5194029808044434, -2.109330892562866, -2.540769577026367, 0.8872150182723999, -3.0006537437438965, -0.7653625011444092, -3.250333070755005, -0.4542233943939209, 0.8980627059936523, -0.6200733184814453, -1.487224817276001, -2.6610267162323, 0.7683711051940918, -3.091721534729004, -2.42262601852417, -1.5492160320281982, -1.3962856531143188, -2.001361846923828, -3.460754156112671, -2.8233184814453125, -3.4528934955596924, -2.7222402095794678, -2.6294212341308594, -2.2345592975616455, -2.5568439960479736, -3.3021042346954346, -2.5634653568267822, -0.8735439777374268, -0.14855623245239258, -3.4104743003845215, -2.710078716278076, -2.2893195152282715, 2.0650575160980225, 1.5115530490875244, 1.7055010795593262, -2.6891186237335205, 2.654548406600952, 3.1261305809020996, 2.7788946628570557, 3.526137351989746, -2.5184905529022217, 3.2186155319213867, 2.516120672225952, 2.1999716758728027, 2.848902940750122, 1.1785340309143066, -1.2881433963775635, 1.8624670505523682, 1.7599289417266846, 1.319545030593872, 2.0081379413604736, 2.703643798828125, -2.9181957244873047, -0.5135271549224854, 2.3459298610687256, -2.393402576446533, 2.133697032928467, 1.2667157649993896, 1.9840288162231445, 2.126915693283081, 2.654691219329834, 0.8113521337509155, 3.131103515625, 2.279550790786743, 1.7244465351104736, 3.580974578857422, 2.414598226547241, 2.957669973373413, 1.3625433444976807, 1.7363367080688477, 2.846621513366699, 1.6684272289276123, 0.886489987373352, -3.439849376678467, 1.1595500707626343, -2.832179069519043, 1.695441484451294, -3.446394205093384, 2.037353515625, 1.0720345973968506, -2.7295875549316406, 1.9636216163635254, 2.775385856628418, -2.554202079772949, 1.853006362915039, 1.6090285778045654, -2.5760436058044434, -2.7971885204315186, -1.3516082763671875, -2.784989356994629, 0.8736104965209961, 2.528167247772217, 0.5585784912109375, 2.197758197784424, 1.5859589576721191, 1.5280810594558716, -2.5851147174835205, 3.8133654594421387, -3.896193504333496, 2.4148879051208496, -2.5929837226867676, -2.2076263427734375, 3.125368356704712, -2.933699369430542, 1.9781521558761597, -1.10899019241333, -2.3758699893951416, 2.421170711517334, 1.5107842683792114, -2.366753101348877, -0.28216981887817383, 2.261420249938965, 1.2803521156311035, -3.043349027633667, 2.9862070083618164, 1.0278277397155762, 2.370595932006836, -3.306057929992676, -3.146167039871216, 2.264369487762451, 1.7276465892791748, 2.153935432434082, 2.978221893310547, 2.957798480987549, 2.6670429706573486, -2.700110912322998, -1.8977015018463135, 4.141723155975342, -1.9299852848052979, 2.6670429706573486, 1.8540480136871338, -0.22487664222717285, 2.2644639015197754, -1.6069080829620361, 1.601701021194458, 3.8151257038116455, -3.0796451568603516, -3.306057929992676, -3.5263030529022217, -2.776157855987549, -2.056724786758423, -2.9700374603271484, -1.5459461212158203, -2.601067066192627, -2.6798629760742188, -2.393205404281616, -3.091141700744629, -2.044844150543213, -1.068275809288025, -3.336564064025879, -3.0487773418426514, -2.6294212341308594, -2.240420341491699, -3.2153677940368652, -1.9279468059539795, -2.5777928829193115, -0.0796048641204834, -1.8688647747039795, -3.094874858856201, -0.17607927322387695, -2.9420244693756104, -3.332035541534424, -2.86493182182312, -3.098496198654175, -2.3354411125183105, 0.10552310943603516, -1.3335199356079102, -0.3143036365509033, -2.755450963973999, -3.037564516067505, -3.0672173500061035, -2.6480166912078857, -2.0777957439422607, -3.3021042346954346, -2.726837635040283, -2.832686185836792, -3.2176074981689453, 1.2336071729660034, 0.08236312866210938, -2.393205404281616, -0.4720652103424072, -2.710078716278076, -3.0608184337615967, 0.01757073402404785, -3.7363715171813965, -3.4960055351257324, 1.1303253173828125, -2.4126195907592773, -0.7132689952850342, -1.9990737438201904, -3.1117420196533203, -2.369302749633789, -1.7004382610321045, -2.554202079772949, 0.8669257164001465, -3.237976551055908, -2.9181957244873047, -2.278567314147949, -3.1954140663146973, 1.4772772789001465, -1.4226266145706177, -0.009885191917419434, -0.9708700180053711, -3.571119785308838, 0.48149704933166504, -3.178142786026001, 1.0962719917297363, -2.3400487899780273, -2.4899954795837402, -1.628095269203186, -0.010711193084716797, -3.0070533752441406, 0.259657621383667, -3.036525249481201, -1.0144107341766357, 1.0672821998596191, -0.08764958381652832, -2.928302049636841, -3.009697914123535, -0.572674036026001, -3.13179874420166, -3.571119785308838, -2.3910040855407715, -0.9769042730331421, -1.7667224407196045, -3.039541482925415, 0.5996241569519043, -0.34606170654296875, -3.146167039871216, -2.047807455062866, -0.001049041748046875, -3.2105746269226074, -3.2235658168792725, -0.7834701538085938, -2.2619245052337646, -3.289728879928589, -2.360109329223633, -3.1120784282684326, -2.3832802772521973, -3.425088405609131, -0.42059755325317383, -3.3874385356903076, -2.5162529945373535, 0.657780647277832, 3.3444414138793945, 1.0386252403259277, 3.15548038482666, -2.776481866836548, -2.401179552078247, 0.802125096321106, 1.1303253173828125, -2.393205404281616, 1.8883206844329834, 3.172292709350586, -3.4172050952911377, 1.446915626525879, 1.7402597665786743, -2.5746772289276123, -0.12038207054138184, 1.2498958110809326, -2.485015392303467, 2.255436897277832, 2.7734971046447754, 2.2916676998138428, -3.213069200515747, 2.78228759765625, -0.8897452354431152, 3.245494842529297, -3.5851683616638184, -2.799771785736084, 1.8273437023162842, 1.8838000297546387, -2.139526605606079, -0.28216981887817383, 1.8459022045135498, -1.1283005475997925, 2.0395405292510986, -2.4209084510803223, -0.6591932773590088, 2.766331195831299, -3.321518659591675, 2.7534332275390625, -1.595001220703125, -3.13179874420166, 2.1502652168273926, 1.2887318134307861, 2.369600534439087, -2.722085475921631, 2.9142677783966064, -0.6881587505340576, -0.9163835048675537, 0.26572346687316895, -3.4824204444885254, -3.291131019592285, 3.5712451934814453, -2.317065954208374, 1.4896800518035889, 2.7832138538360596, 0.9238474369049072, -2.906177043914795, 2.35223650932312, -3.17960262298584, 2.106947422027588, -1.849271297454834, 1.3800597190856934, 1.9824914932250977, -3.026665687561035, 3.7226428985595703, -2.3527979850769043, 1.309993028640747, 0.9917802810668945, 2.0179834365844727, -0.498215913772583, -3.1181528568267822, -2.832686185836792, 1.6582151651382446, -1.4792640209197998, -3.057133913040161, -2.6983258724212646, -0.2181262969970703, -4.0530009269714355, -2.9962210655212402, 2.127318859100342, 2.300869941711426, 0.8814584016799927, -3.0167551040649414, 1.6330845355987549, -1.9188756942749023, 1.646994948387146, 3.0311241149902344, -3.0662450790405273, 2.349900245666504, -1.2167298793792725, -3.7142508029937744, 2.768496513366699, 1.4485366344451904, 3.630319118499756, -1.4994193315505981, 3.370734691619873, -2.3617634773254395, -0.7990844249725342, 0.29661476612091064, -3.366077184677124, -1.911417007446289, -2.2345592975616455, -1.8242452144622803, -3.0408005714416504, -1.21942138671875, -2.2345592975616455, -2.4022176265716553, -1.9682602882385254, -2.815596580505371, -3.3127493858337402, 0.48186779022216797, -2.7295875549316406, -1.846195936203003, -1.5798068046569824, 1.8052070140838623, -2.6889772415161133, 1.4722827672958374, -3.6314845085144043, -2.8858232498168945, 3.34310245513916, 3.7338969707489014, 3.7173399925231934, 3.000094175338745, 2.966127395629883, 1.528930902481079, 2.0568008422851562, 2.705048084259033, 3.485548496246338, 1.9808650016784668, 3.6109039783477783, 2.535210609436035, 2.7640252113342285, 1.969293475151062, 0.2681499719619751, 2.5315587520599365, 1.6330845355987549, 2.8358447551727295, 2.3294782638549805, 3.2186155319213867, 2.107545852661133, 0.571359395980835, 2.766331195831299, 1.3906192779541016, 2.619257926940918, 2.2837367057800293, 2.062065839767456, 2.039760112762451, 2.252768039703369, 4.4239606857299805, 1.7363367080688477, 1.3550111055374146, 2.410862922668457, 1.6254823207855225, 1.3342097997665405, 1.581402063369751, -3.364180088043213, 2.3568673133850098, -0.8192338943481445, 0.7830238342285156, 3.066831588745117, -2.534107208251953, 1.1756763458251953, -0.5839371681213379, -3.1360576152801514, 1.1237391233444214, 0.29365861415863037, 2.4596707820892334, -2.582096576690674, 1.9026235342025757, 1.2781829833984375, -2.6538729667663574, 2.2492756843566895, 3.0384421348571777, 2.5448827743530273, -1.645338535308838, -3.001823902130127, -1.9533271789550781, 2.2515604496002197, -2.964226722717285, 2.6875643730163574, 2.832836627960205, -1.7409207820892334, 0.23733413219451904, 0.9640223979949951, 2.6608381271362305, 3.0188400745391846, -1.5457534790039062, 2.7424893379211426, 3.3089897632598877, 2.022390127182007, 2.244931697845459, 3.628493547439575, 1.4449899196624756, 2.417637348175049, 1.9004970788955688, 3.653236150741577, 3.404026985168457, -1.8193981647491455, 2.788928747177124, -1.7425048351287842, 0.001322031021118164, 1.6627042293548584, 2.3551504611968994, 1.1759169101715088, -2.4836249351501465, 2.8959271907806396, 2.1264736652374268, 2.229959487915039, -2.5568439960479736, 0.11400902271270752, -2.865938901901245, 3.3728833198547363, -2.059953451156616, 2.6428322792053223, 2.768697738647461, 1.4535387754440308, 2.097569704055786, -2.8816452026367188, 2.5125627517700195, 2.5674750804901123, -2.180856227874756, 2.059476852416992, -3.145381450653076, 3.9354376792907715, 1.5090667009353638, 1.5947651863098145, 3.5505881309509277, 0.6452822685241699, 2.848902940750122, 0.5786789655685425, 3.6833319664001465, 2.7654507160186768, 1.5331478118896484, 3.172292709350586, 2.052855968475342, 3.412822961807251, 2.3608226776123047, 1.1600847244262695, 1.9215919971466064, 2.4822683334350586, 1.6090285778045654, 1.8540480136871338, 2.269439935684204, 1.0849895477294922, 2.3185720443725586, 1.871845006942749, 2.651730537414551, 1.82735013961792, 2.2909083366394043, 2.619257926940918, 3.1955513954162598, 1.3202590942382812, 3.0817856788635254, 2.095010280609131, 4.3692545890808105, 2.888986110687256, 2.5586681365966797, 1.3380343914031982, 2.440321445465088, 2.15094256401062, 1.6698863506317139, 2.6554136276245117, 2.734867572784424, 3.132675886154175, 3.199688673019409, 1.480179786682129, 2.746417999267578, 0.9238474369049072, 1.9865567684173584, 2.509756088256836, 2.5664825439453125, -3.4378654956817627, 0.407381534576416, -3.116692066192627, 0.808432936668396, 1.799481987953186, -0.6110794544219971, 3.0093624591827393, 2.437364101409912, 1.0549638271331787, 1.1759169101715088, 0.36770594120025635, 3.6551196575164795, 3.4777824878692627, 1.616346836090088, 3.1193583011627197, 1.3587424755096436, 1.4912995100021362, 3.5821943283081055, 2.548039436340332, 2.0868794918060303, 1.9956567287445068, 3.1153063774108887, -0.4743030071258545, 2.5315587520599365, 0.674121618270874, 2.0848100185394287, 2.584113597869873, 1.9975998401641846, 1.663874864578247, 2.7114083766937256, 2.283804416656494, -0.2789764404296875, 1.9475154876708984, 2.748739242553711, 2.965261697769165, 4.316960334777832, 2.580331325531006, 2.2182352542877197, 3.1616504192352295, 2.910435199737549, 2.587449789047241, 1.6706271171569824, 1.5126707553863525, 0.6897068023681641, 2.3792333602905273, 1.2828614711761475, 1.2195172309875488, 3.998523473739624, 2.477513313293457, 3.182075262069702, 2.550790548324585, 2.2644639015197754, 3.0188400745391846, 1.1901483535766602, 1.446915626525879, 3.1391348838806152, 1.968984842300415, 2.9466123580932617, -3.0675361156463623, -3.3219857215881348, -1.6325407028198242, -2.180856227874756, -2.620774269104004, -0.5460014343261719, 0.41563546657562256, -3.1733968257904053, -3.294612169265747, -3.364180088043213, -2.013040781021118, -2.1382675170898438, -3.191661834716797, -2.434568405151367, -3.3255856037139893, -2.564593553543091, -0.975865364074707, -3.4065797328948975, -1.8882768154144287, -1.5702872276306152, -3.009697914123535, -3.1565890312194824, -1.1861817836761475, -2.3915507793426514, -2.286202907562256, -2.794989585876465, -3.389397621154785, -0.764326810836792, -3.2234232425689697, -3.3583977222442627, -0.09107732772827148, -0.17506837844848633, 0.37854695320129395, -2.497103452682495, -3.2280654907226562, 0.8702027797698975, -2.4225869178771973, -2.7760777473449707, -1.5920525789260864, -0.461256742477417, -3.6314845085144043, -2.7080211639404297, -2.945526123046875, 0.10552310943603516, -3.769111156463623, -2.5901498794555664, -2.5445621013641357, -1.5702872276306152, 0.6999773979187012, -1.869889497756958, -3.001823902130127, -2.4968035221099854, -2.3540403842926025, -0.8801672458648682, -1.649261474609375, -2.1242988109588623, -2.5199689865112305, -1.5083932876586914, -1.3961973190307617, -0.034790992736816406, -2.2858529090881348, -2.6802501678466797, 0.9197978973388672, -3.131904125213623, -2.5634653568267822, -2.733708620071411, -2.694406509399414, -1.758232593536377, -3.372182607650757, -0.2769019603729248, -1.93771493434906, -2.698331356048584, -3.4248223304748535, 0.03486824035644531, -3.222489833831787, -3.266331434249878, -3.0796451568603516, -2.9235525131225586, -2.862123966217041, -2.8123536109924316, -2.0198326110839844, -0.6591932773590088, -3.032416582107544, -2.293243408203125, -3.0487654209136963, -3.5642623901367188, -2.0984318256378174, -3.302730083465576, -2.69415283203125, 0.30896735191345215, -2.7563743591308594, 1.2511160373687744, 0.8779103755950928, -0.8897452354431152, -3.091141700744629, -1.9904627799987793, -2.4593489170074463, -2.7337450981140137, -2.219064235687256, -3.066328525543213, -3.495791435241699, -2.7818028926849365, 2.2770605087280273, 3.2118873596191406, 2.9001636505126953, 0.9252307415008545, 0.662063717842102, 2.6849145889282227, 2.9104557037353516, 0.8039815425872803, 3.5527381896972656, 1.602642297744751, 3.132675886154175, 0.8074779510498047, 3.5649166107177734, 2.693747043609619, 0.974945068359375, 1.653446912765503, 2.4396328926086426, 0.266815185546875, 1.6692357063293457, 1.5358552932739258, 1.5491293668746948, 1.5156517028808594, 1.9953500032424927, 2.5267348289489746, 2.997154712677002, 2.0064125061035156, 2.0455520153045654, 1.727902889251709, 2.8760480880737305, 1.652644157409668, 1.6980698108673096, 3.1269912719726562, 2.1319656372070312, 2.92624831199646, 1.9430768489837646, 1.8191497325897217, 2.2182352542877197, 3.066831588745117, 4.160327911376953, 2.037353515625, 3.4182591438293457, 3.155752658843994, 2.9684886932373047, 2.725972890853882, 2.32364821434021, 2.694087028503418, 2.2209367752075195, 1.8065361976623535, 1.1600847244262695, 0.31485164165496826, 1.7291386127471924, 3.10984206199646, 1.9781521558761597, 0.257429838180542, 0.9538228511810303, 1.5760717391967773, 2.4447379112243652, 0.12979459762573242, 2.2068731784820557, 0.3913912773132324, 4.89793062210083, 1.309993028640747, 0.7568024396896362, 1.6627042293548584, 1.0525290966033936, 1.5167955160140991, 1.9580199718475342, 2.2097389698028564, 2.105756998062134, -2.474417209625244, -3.336564064025879, -2.7116806507110596, 0.9252307415008545, -3.095061779022217, 1.5451109409332275, -1.91013503074646, -3.2492377758026123, -2.43636417388916, 3.0111289024353027, -1.9262585639953613, -2.706691265106201, -2.832686185836792, 1.2292581796646118, 0.23733413219451904, 1.7722512483596802, -3.0675361156463623, 0.8142929077148438, -3.5263030529022217, 0.8567101955413818, 2.3928964138031006, -2.4875378608703613, 1.1600847244262695, 2.133697032928467, 3.4822916984558105, -2.385344982147217, -0.5656523704528809, -1.691161870956421, 2.820322036743164, -1.2352335453033447, 2.6381568908691406, -3.1924686431884766, -2.8182244300842285, 2.2772793769836426, -2.1716082096099854, -2.4138989448547363, 2.535210609436035, -2.085134506225586, 1.740983009338379, -1.8583266735076904, 1.9840288162231445, 1.991089105606079, 2.410064935684204, 0.2613041400909424, 1.8938052654266357, 1.5651493072509766, 1.740983009338379, 3.5353245735168457, 0.6859498023986816, 3.940608501434326, -2.928302049636841, 2.911296844482422, -3.2943029403686523, 3.5093636512756348, -2.636690139770508, -3.0267436504364014, -3.495791435241699, -2.1242988109588623, -2.083868980407715, 1.4889187812805176, 3.4829349517822266, -2.618546962738037, 2.3252203464508057, 3.7406392097473145, -3.3127493858337402, -2.4174344539642334, -0.42059755325317383, 1.2418440580368042, 0.8872150182723999, 2.8211703300476074, -2.979262113571167, -3.2148635387420654, -2.9260640144348145, -1.8144097328186035, 2.4320273399353027, 2.3582746982574463, -3.4744396209716797, -3.3119120597839355, 1.9975688457489014, -2.9055187702178955, -0.6317718029022217, 0.3913912773132324, -0.14855623245239258, -1.5034921169281006, 3.0817065238952637, 2.006998300552368, -1.7081944942474365, -3.086472272872925, 3.3099944591522217, -2.832686185836792, 3.1985931396484375, -2.064295530319214, 2.4210948944091797, -3.3797178268432617, -3.0672173500061035, -1.9414911270141602, -2.7221484184265137, -1.829372763633728, -2.887416124343872, -3.425088405609131, -3.4399452209472656, -1.8879828453063965, -3.1666805744171143, -1.009291410446167, -2.6802501678466797, -2.700110912322998, -2.401179552078247, -1.595001220703125, 0.48186779022216797, -2.37298583984375, -1.3350894451141357, -2.047252655029297, -1.7081944942474365, -3.1723532676696777, -2.671351671218872, -2.227372169494629, -0.9807517528533936, -2.934689998626709, -1.536670446395874, -2.6480166912078857, -2.1610584259033203, 0.9200148582458496, -2.634821653366089, -2.810729742050171, -3.1940438747406006, -2.378664970397949, -2.592090129852295, -1.4071152210235596, -2.3513481616973877, -2.064295530319214, -1.3157589435577393, -3.0856850147247314, -2.4708433151245117, -1.6423215866088867, 2.489429473876953, -2.1382675170898438, -0.9889528751373291, 1.4099537134170532, -1.483069896697998, 0.85211181640625, -1.8705763816833496, 2.7180328369140625, 2.9681687355041504, 1.6357834339141846, -2.1898040771484375, -2.8241734504699707, -3.571119785308838, 3.287471294403076, -3.3027162551879883, 1.3304133415222168, 2.73525333404541, -3.280055522918701, -3.425088405609131, -3.265538215637207, 3.197138547897339, -2.77828311920166, -1.397728681564331, -2.7222402095794678, 3.4448318481445312, -1.649125576019287, -2.0198326110839844, -2.25319504737854, -2.625574827194214, 0.7038724422454834, -3.265538215637207, -0.7043323516845703, -1.964845895767212, -3.4824204444885254, -1.346345067024231, 2.107545852661133, 0.669880747795105, 0.7494701147079468, -2.904648780822754, 0.37947869300842285, 2.5355613231658936, 1.935222864151001, 0.6819872856140137, -3.139523506164551, 0.6897068023681641, 0.8983180522918701, -3.236809253692627, 0.3842787742614746, -3.535710096359253, -0.9937536716461182, 0.25878429412841797, -2.792433023452759, -2.167470932006836, 0.28530359268188477, 0.46730804443359375, -2.684462547302246, 2.2748186588287354, -3.213069200515747, 2.733285665512085, -2.709096670150757, -3.0994503498077393, 0.6799180507659912, 3.5594661235809326, -0.264143705368042, 0.3420531749725342, -1.7700958251953125, -2.914077043533325, 1.4872275590896606, -2.5792484283447266, 0.3812335729598999, 0.708092451095581, 0.024172306060791016, -1.952514886856079, 1.1780858039855957, -2.742356538772583, -1.7667224407196045, -0.8548049926757812, -2.354905128479004, -3.8161113262176514, -1.9363276958465576, -1.1336772441864014, 1.2336071729660034, -2.532611131668091, -2.2832984924316406, 1.1623752117156982, 2.0370895862579346, -2.8907649517059326, 1.3516231775283813, 2.7640252113342285, -3.152639865875244, 2.4417243003845215, 0.708092451095581, -1.6964502334594727, -1.7655904293060303, -3.007453203201294, -3.372182607650757, -3.6751532554626465, -3.1172029972076416, -2.432270050048828, 1.9049098491668701, -2.2244086265563965, 1.3300529718399048, -1.464454174041748, -3.6067557334899902, -3.0748913288116455, -2.889686346054077, -2.929490089416504, 1.2588878870010376, -1.9789891242980957, -1.1283005475997925, -2.351612091064453, 1.3304133415222168, 3.1112515926361084, 3.667729616165161, -3.4399452209472656, -1.5702872276306152, 1.8283644914627075, -1.0691142082214355, 1.7047204971313477, 0.8524065017700195, 2.9860174655914307, -3.6324234008789062, 1.416019320487976, 2.1115493774414062, -2.8231215476989746, -2.794581413269043, 3.5649166107177734, -2.914466619491577, -3.689424514770508, -0.6971824169158936, -1.7667224407196045, 4.250558376312256, -2.1002845764160156, 0.6941633224487305, -2.207404136657715, 0.7727043628692627, -2.560450315475464, -2.047252655029297, 2.748739242553711, -3.1954140663146973, 1.5178401470184326, -2.098917007446289, -1.607302188873291, 2.6790623664855957, -2.5568439960479736, 2.4417243003845215, 2.380711078643799, -3.2357535362243652, 2.0395405292510986, -3.1954140663146973, 2.411315679550171, 1.607480764389038, 0.708092451095581, -2.965893507003784, 2.858473777770996, -2.540769577026367, 1.9844303131103516, 0.2531036138534546, 0.5207240581512451, -2.4274840354919434, 3.9010121822357178, 3.692953109741211, 0.4499410390853882, -0.7526700496673584, 2.610064744949341, -0.8735439777374268, 3.37603759765625, -1.533780813217163, -3.1778759956359863, -0.14077270030975342, -2.063868999481201, -0.8517632484436035, -1.507993459701538, -3.0695481300354004, -3.5127363204956055, 1.0962719917297363, -1.8212409019470215, -1.8741412162780762, -2.4274840354919434, -2.3758699893951416, -1.8894977569580078, -2.6810755729675293, -3.064218521118164, -2.10699462890625, -2.6804380416870117, -2.4654743671417236, 0.2709238529205322, -2.681023597717285, -3.689424514770508, -2.706202268600464, -2.1586785316467285, -2.651350736618042, -1.8305481672286987, -3.4288504123687744, -2.040255069732666, 0.7554706335067749, -1.397728681564331, 0.7270302772521973, -0.7758870124816895, -3.14963698387146, -3.2159483432769775, 1.9669907093048096, 2.7129926681518555, -3.043079137802124, -1.483069896697998, -0.5845003128051758, 2.1319656372070312, -3.029627799987793, 2.0430688858032227, 2.0179834365844727, -0.8386623859405518, 0.12041544914245605, 2.033881902694702, -2.801872491836548, 2.261420249938965, -1.3685922622680664, -2.0867788791656494, 2.535210609436035, 1.020806074142456, 4.897157192230225, -3.088534116744995, 1.4411628246307373, 3.384735584259033, 2.6273980140686035, 3.1160197257995605, -3.250863790512085, -2.653474807739258, 1.6602076292037964, -3.3414382934570312, 2.3666961193084717, -3.495791435241699, 2.8211703300476074, -1.8707534074783325, 3.157135009765625, -0.06216561794281006, 0.2681499719619751, 2.5267348289489746, -3.557260751724243, -1.6798975467681885, 1.7807073593139648, 1.6747660636901855, 1.9848028421401978, 1.1729665994644165, -2.5942201614379883, 2.304344654083252, -2.645395278930664, -3.234527111053467, -3.4844279289245605, 3.10984206199646, -1.4229397773742676, -0.16568374633789062, 1.127851128578186, -2.4593489170074463, 3.650188446044922, -3.406548023223877, 2.399653911590576, 2.868962287902832, 1.1233644485473633, -0.8365800380706787, 1.4099609851837158, 1.7667560577392578, -3.464052677154541, 2.5571322441101074, -0.6448197364807129, -2.2816872596740723, 3.656583309173584, 1.280146837234497, -0.47391796112060547, 1.78086256980896, -2.620774269104004, 0.3420531749725342, -2.139526605606079, 2.754295587539673, 4.165682792663574, -2.4873476028442383, 2.9904422760009766, -2.9635465145111084, 3.069542407989502, -3.742274284362793, -0.967957615852356, -2.0777957439422607, 1.8821005821228027, -1.827702522277832, 1.5126707553863525, -2.2832984924316406, 1.3886573314666748, 1.1831679344177246, -0.7147161960601807, 2.421170711517334, -3.3733367919921875, 2.1293020248413086, -3.521172523498535, 0.367154598236084, -3.521933078765869, 2.825406789779663, 2.79292893409729, 1.8136427402496338, 2.297609329223633, 2.348916530609131, 0.35954606533050537, 1.0875556468963623, 1.5135557651519775, 1.740983009338379, 2.71858549118042, 1.9557795524597168, 2.535210609436035, 2.5620782375335693, 2.7527801990509033, 1.9636216163635254, -0.2378253936767578, 3.7204933166503906, 5.407036781311035, 2.725972890853882, 0.29365861415863037, 1.243407964706421, 3.2186155319213867, 2.6689863204956055, 2.6969544887542725, 1.2402408123016357, 3.5804948806762695, 3.594188690185547, 2.7592949867248535, 2.9116594791412354, 1.5135893821716309, 3.356327772140503, 1.4451947212219238, 1.8540480136871338, 2.9559731483459473, 2.746417999267578, 1.602642297744751, 2.164985418319702, 3.0938591957092285, -0.8099665641784668, 0.9707449674606323, 3.5658764839172363, 2.79292893409729, 1.3014706373214722, 2.1824817657470703, 2.9388794898986816, 1.9258580207824707, 2.5825417041778564, 3.630319118499756, -2.5088822841644287, 1.3100240230560303, -2.350557327270508, 0.37947869300842285, 3.1112515926361084, 3.447726249694824, 2.884958267211914, 1.4240412712097168, -2.763145685195923, 2.2874178886413574, 0.6873600482940674, 2.7145605087280273, 2.4584851264953613, 2.8144547939300537, -2.2893195152282715, 1.6843454837799072, 0.5375418663024902, -2.13932466506958, 3.5882911682128906, -1.649261474609375, 1.4615521430969238, 2.6056482791900635, -2.1586785316467285, 2.7048933506011963, -1.944204568862915, 1.330993890762329, -3.540435791015625, -1.0691142082214355, -2.7783257961273193, -2.791454792022705, 2.255436897277832, -0.845588207244873, 2.7366387844085693, 2.2610974311828613, 1.179086685180664, -3.0955393314361572, -0.82106614112854, -2.8848304748535156, 1.3073270320892334, -2.5885002613067627, -3.2201507091522217, 2.2874178886413574, 0.7905809879302979, 1.570346713066101, 2.0290231704711914, 1.7065627574920654, 2.016963005065918, 2.4222397804260254, 3.667729616165161, 2.1502652168273926, 2.92624831199646, 0.5016915798187256, 1.1993584632873535, 1.3318443298339844, 0.8983180522918701, 1.9639537334442139, 3.319363832473755, 2.9388794898986816, 2.023688793182373, 3.15548038482666, 1.5451109409332275, 2.4222397804260254, 2.888986110687256, 1.2355732917785645, 2.3560147285461426, 1.2293508052825928, 3.023423910140991, 2.9104557037353516, 2.0383377075195312, 1.4535387754440308, 4.137818813323975, 1.7953648567199707, 0.9141331911087036, 2.2576820850372314, 3.222905158996582, 2.966127395629883, 1.0520535707473755, 2.263460397720337, 1.480434775352478, 1.8191497325897217, 2.264369487762451, 0.11400902271270752, 2.3364932537078857, 2.7855706214904785, 2.395940065383911, 2.855639934539795, 3.4911792278289795, 1.3985016345977783, 2.734983444213867, 2.307835102081299, 2.6617696285247803, 1.4614076614379883, 2.052855968475342, 2.011185646057129, 2.065610647201538, 4.250558376312256, 4.137818813323975, 3.907050132751465, -0.26088500022888184, 2.8789539337158203, 1.6274117231369019, 2.515061140060425, 2.406571865081787, 2.8789539337158203, 2.888592481613159, 2.7523386478424072, 2.0753588676452637, 1.0931941270828247, 1.3516231775283813, 1.1661784648895264, 2.1040101051330566, 2.660022258758545, 2.891850471496582, 3.475703239440918, 2.3185720443725586, 3.5065345764160156, 3.3026247024536133, 3.756786346435547, 1.96482253074646, 4.160327911376953, 2.5142672061920166, 3.4182591438293457, -0.2378253936767578, 1.4780128002166748, 2.567474126815796, 3.1443724632263184, 2.73525333404541, 2.4994266033172607, 2.7527801990509033, 2.3565306663513184, 1.858230471611023, 1.9430768489837646, 3.1955513954162598, 2.8751747608184814, 0.5652685165405273, 1.9669907093048096, 2.9413461685180664, 0.8766162395477295, 2.2817745208740234, 2.768697738647461, 0.5751526355743408, 1.6926019191741943, 2.1191813945770264, 2.0316758155822754, 2.3721370697021484, 2.2158851623535156, 1.963708519935608, 1.7506279945373535, 1.1831679344177246, 2.258397102355957, 1.0601065158843994, 2.5571322441101074, 2.1502652168273926, 1.456252098083496, 1.969293475151062, 0.3159348964691162, 1.0520535707473755, 0.9279930591583252, 3.0605688095092773, 2.457115650177002, 3.8208131790161133, 2.823094367980957, 0.802125096321106, 1.3088221549987793, 3.199688673019409, 0.8241567611694336, 1.9427235126495361, 2.054933547973633, 2.7424893379211426, 2.9641876220703125, 2.7435555458068848, 2.507323980331421, 1.7021071910858154, 1.4642062187194824, 2.516120672225952, 1.622861623764038, 2.153935432434082, 3.0529322624206543, 3.2856404781341553, 3.5912740230560303, 0.04648709297180176, 2.624340534210205, 1.5220749378204346, 0.3159348964691162, 2.039760112762451, 1.8437241315841675, 2.216325044631958, 2.2097389698028564, 1.8605880737304688, 2.928163528442383, 1.4896800518035889, 2.06846022605896, 2.0757369995117188, 1.2567940950393677, 1.049137830734253, 1.422774076461792, 1.4158670902252197, 1.974076747894287, 2.1115493774414062, 2.0940208435058594, 1.2076300382614136, 2.610064744949341, 2.0020859241485596, 2.6294469833374023, 1.8868581056594849, 1.8803611993789673, 2.2739269733428955, 2.0350494384765625, 1.6190838813781738, 2.5125627517700195, 1.646994948387146, 3.080904006958008, 2.4849095344543457, 2.6969544887542725, 2.162766933441162, 1.3550111055374146, 3.0914244651794434, 2.010450839996338, 2.0568008422851562, 0.6873629093170166, 1.6631639003753662, 2.558781623840332, 1.1165426969528198, 3.3760783672332764, 1.9251148700714111, 1.8651213645935059, 2.2748186588287354, 3.666433811187744, 2.868962287902832, 2.535456657409668, 2.928163528442383, 3.6551196575164795, 1.7065627574920654, 2.5571322441101074, 3.0694618225097656, 1.9151310920715332, 2.8071274757385254, 2.3462624549865723, 1.614456057548523, 1.2806906700134277, 2.7769126892089844, 2.534832000732422, 1.9953312873840332, 1.456252098083496, 1.456252098083496, 1.9160906076431274, 2.657430648803711, 1.6254823207855225, 2.654691219329834, 2.9838900566101074, 2.0780067443847656, 2.256148338317871, 3.2533817291259766, 2.651730537414551, 1.968984842300415, 1.188486099243164, 2.5493969917297363, 2.4015932083129883, 1.6698863506317139, 2.952260971069336, 2.074021577835083, 2.037637710571289, 0.11795735359191895, 2.534832000732422, 3.6057753562927246, 2.296473503112793, 3.377504825592041, 3.241286277770996, 1.8823068141937256, 2.5202810764312744, 2.7788946628570557, 1.9685595035552979, 1.3055020570755005, 0.6226317882537842, 2.6875643730163574, 0.12979459762573242, 0.07326793670654297, 1.652644157409668, 2.229959487915039, 2.8758273124694824, 2.4626636505126953, 2.5571322441101074, 2.119964838027954, 0.657780647277832, 2.6689863204956055, 3.0515694618225098, 2.9083073139190674, 3.131103515625, 1.437373161315918, 2.445394515991211, 0.4499410390853882, 1.59735107421875, 2.843069076538086, 1.8757200241088867, 2.1009864807128906, 3.2934727668762207, 0.257429838180542, 1.5221366882324219, 2.801939010620117, 1.6027520895004272, 2.224802017211914, 2.2142746448516846, 1.3088221549987793, 1.706705927848816, 1.9545670747756958, 2.1992435455322266, 1.4149688482284546, 2.7269434928894043, 2.370595932006836, 4.363664627075195, 0.21083307266235352, 0.674121618270874, 1.5901377201080322, 1.5280810594558716, 2.2669289112091064, 0.8716516494750977, 1.3618237972259521, 2.5386312007904053, 2.661801815032959, 3.639655828475952, 1.3225200176239014, 2.296473503112793, 1.8273437023162842, 1.8537516593933105, 1.0525290966033936, 2.1770853996276855, 1.9151310920715332, 2.5992236137390137, 1.6692357063293457, 2.6273980140686035, 2.6468536853790283, 3.5065345764160156, 1.9215919971466064, 1.9147069454193115, 1.5954201221466064, 4.193110466003418, 2.910435199737549, 1.6466795206069946, 1.6843454837799072, 0.5652685165405273, 1.6862905025482178, 1.9038920402526855, 3.8038034439086914, 1.7983856201171875, 2.2494921684265137, 2.3560147285461426, 1.5942068099975586, 2.9382262229919434, 2.0299196243286133, 0.9640223979949951, 3.5392684936523438, 1.9722893238067627, 2.2772793769836426, 2.309582233428955, 3.1616504192352295, 1.464470624923706, 2.7566680908203125, 2.2515909671783447, 1.8079290390014648, 2.1713709831237793, 2.7123818397521973, 2.4210948944091797, 2.8359742164611816, 3.1062161922454834, 3.1193583011627197, 2.2644639015197754, 1.929210901260376, 2.5415592193603516, 1.969293475151062, 3.4822916984558105, 2.1741867065429688, 1.3014706373214722, 2.6559176445007324, 2.127318859100342, 0.7884707450866699, 1.4498157501220703, 1.4451947212219238, 2.274698257446289 ], "y": [ -1.2188756465911865, 1.1105272769927979, 0.14241397380828857, -3.1861987113952637, -2.163094997406006, -0.22416606545448303, -1.1189460754394531, -3.473904609680176, 0.6563966274261475, -2.0439882278442383, -0.9285260438919067, -0.1968175768852234, 1.3855853080749512, 1.7387456893920898, -2.097273588180542, 1.8888332843780518, -0.3318291902542114, 0.4491247534751892, -0.9587404727935791, -0.27249675989151, -2.7882070541381836, 0.5563610792160034, 0.5589107871055603, -0.2646139860153198, 0.6269457340240479, -1.8260056972503662, 0.8385980725288391, 1.0002347230911255, 0.03573054075241089, 0.07196453213691711, -0.914306640625, -0.0698171854019165, -2.358774185180664, -1.5753071308135986, 0.618720531463623, 0.8798055648803711, -0.9403469562530518, -0.24740326404571533, 0.14620354771614075, 0.23469758033752441, -1.338297963142395, 0.6507766246795654, 0.8049494028091431, -2.818044662475586, 1.0701507329940796, 0.4214325249195099, -0.1815038025379181, -2.0380895137786865, -0.29886123538017273, -2.668588399887085, -0.350155770778656, -0.11387524008750916, 0.15545311570167542, -0.4882887601852417, -1.586533784866333, -0.38183632493019104, -2.7492947578430176, 1.2500039339065552, -2.05279541015625, -1.451131820678711, 0.4974583685398102, 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-1.2804534435272217, 0.45625802874565125, 0.3461681604385376, 0.9002302289009094, -0.1929813027381897, 0.9369043111801147, -1.9277448654174805, 1.050169587135315, -2.3430087566375732, 0.7673540115356445, -0.03586500883102417, 0.4300079643726349, -0.9403469562530518, -1.4307310581207275, -0.45131176710128784, -0.09969812631607056, -1.3253607749938965, 0.7944680452346802, 0.912495493888855, -0.7324818968772888, -2.149672031402588, -0.0325046181678772, -0.4267807602882385, -0.5135758519172668, -0.6310728192329407, 1.050169587135315, -0.13903853297233582, 0.4965308904647827, -1.9925453662872314, -2.329346179962158, -1.658898115158081, 1.3142553567886353, 0.9114300012588501, -0.9068727493286133, -2.9395735263824463, 0.43443697690963745, -2.6545560359954834, -0.361176460981369, 0.6755203008651733, 1.7077796459197998, -0.8308483362197876, -0.6783828735351562, -1.3491778373718262, -2.214284658432007, 0.3722330629825592, -0.46990832686424255, -2.74835205078125, 0.2968418598175049, 0.10302186012268066, -0.6395518779754639, 0.5246239900588989, 1.0669411420822144, 2.17482590675354, -1.039597988128662, -0.21190956234931946, 1.5138514041900635, 0.29814818501472473, -1.3940315246582031, 1.8199299573898315, 0.7522968649864197, -2.3465943336486816, -2.1445565223693848, 1.1421680450439453, -2.1656131744384766, 2.5285451412200928, 0.7083231210708618, -0.7290714979171753, -0.17466723918914795, 0.0515328049659729, 0.9304851293563843, -2.2229714393615723, 1.677643060684204, 0.28011542558670044, -3.031055212020874, -0.9694321155548096, 0.6471346020698547, -3.8647966384887695, 1.1654448509216309, -0.07822999358177185, 1.8554158210754395, 1.2935254573822021, -0.2588716149330139, 2.5456559658050537, -0.4838380515575409, 0.38864797353744507, -0.5194724202156067, 0.6139605641365051, -0.3404627740383148, 0.2174493670463562, -0.38881781697273254, 1.2245091199874878, -1.9650237560272217, -0.21164199709892273, 1.118485450744629, 0.06717586517333984, -0.4153807759284973, -0.9410247802734375, -0.39887917041778564, -0.11601805686950684, -0.47732052206993103, -0.09169098734855652, -2.2006874084472656, 0.6890677213668823, -0.9523420929908752, -0.4559888541698456, -0.9553676843643188, -0.7011696100234985, -0.07886815071105957, 0.7787317037582397, -0.1928664743900299, -1.5735039710998535, 0.2182978391647339, 0.37967872619628906, -2.8432064056396484, -1.4374089241027832, 0.9607105851173401, -0.9587404727935791, -1.820603609085083, -1.6928808689117432, -2.956195592880249, -1.800940752029419, 0.12501290440559387, 0.34766119718551636, 0.22782719135284424, -2.761730670928955, -2.8218696117401123, 0.716396689414978, -0.1349036991596222, -0.2202809751033783, 0.05631709098815918, 0.6890677213668823, -0.5959319472312927, -0.5997289419174194, -0.3533998727798462, 1.4504648447036743, -0.25332513451576233, 0.9139609932899475, -1.23836088180542, -0.378240704536438, 0.22333192825317383, -0.9523420929908752, 0.22694838047027588, -0.13319984078407288, -0.22025251388549805, 0.9389684200286865, 0.9311813712120056, 0.18994325399398804, -0.2056826949119568, -2.028801202774048, 0.9243133664131165, -0.032939523458480835, -2.6855711936950684, -1.1095298528671265, -3.2538928985595703, -0.16388684511184692, 0.5662835836410522, -0.022050917148590088, 1.4301624298095703, -2.8429040908813477, 0.6467044353485107, 1.990535855293274, -2.1709580421447754, 0.158524751663208, -0.7139236927032471, -0.02198195457458496, -0.6453616619110107, 0.6301788687705994, 0.3955112099647522, 1.3406951427459717, -1.4141840934753418, -0.5705281496047974, 0.09601521492004395, -0.7899309396743774, 0.07930761575698853, 0.08643710613250732, -1.3406717777252197, 0.20608481764793396, 0.37967872619628906, -1.799692153930664, 0.485823392868042, 1.1154507398605347, -0.5983046293258667, -0.6075469255447388, -2.024847984313965, -1.5089486837387085, -1.0473113059997559, -1.870521903038025, 0.6106194853782654, 0.36166173219680786, 0.9009324312210083, 1.4652609825134277, -0.7857511043548584, -1.2439101934432983, -1.2429859638214111, -3.1188087463378906, -0.34280532598495483, 2.133561849594116, 0.12676063179969788, -0.2588716149330139, -3.0810420513153076, 0.4129446744918823, 1.0278728008270264, -0.26896634697914124, -3.754429817199707, -0.5659520626068115, -0.3912748098373413, 1.2037822008132935, -2.6676464080810547, -1.4675371646881104, 0.7076613306999207, 0.4077296853065491, 0.21305987238883972, -0.8927726745605469, 0.3901330232620239, -0.4085865020751953, -0.06282207369804382, -0.8965442180633545, 0.14198535680770874, 0.7715715169906616, 0.3731028735637665, -0.2084227204322815, 0.8095369935035706, -0.3302176892757416, 0.6135512590408325, -1.2598963975906372, -0.7417178153991699, -3.3155269622802734, 0.09740173816680908, 0.150031179189682, 0.11125004291534424, -0.8397435545921326, 0.6135292053222656, 0.23041462898254395, -0.625343918800354, 0.6127457618713379, 1.050169587135315, -0.15977153182029724, -0.43788760900497437, -0.27644336223602295, 0.2895267903804779, -0.23978173732757568, -0.31769922375679016, -0.6632897257804871, -0.5713906288146973, -0.25371092557907104, 0.3932350277900696, -2.015069007873535, -0.2762710452079773, 0.3515027165412903, 0.43674740195274353, -1.1015610694885254, -1.413964867591858, -0.5227180123329163, -2.294847249984741, -1.8725779056549072, -0.3565828204154968, 0.3649776577949524, 0.17951372265815735, -1.1319935321807861, -2.9190526008605957, -0.6350741386413574, -0.6175752282142639, -1.22446608543396, 2.053577184677124, 0.5040783286094666, 1.1373051404953003, 0.6431301832199097, -0.03709989786148071, -1.13921058177948, -1.0629305839538574, 1.250413417816162, -1.580180048942566, 0.5204880237579346, -0.9894201159477234, -0.5477609038352966, -2.8775997161865234, -0.2246711552143097, -0.9090144634246826, -0.5915462374687195, 2.855058431625366, -0.4331704378128052, 1.7751747369766235, 0.530228853225708, 2.0559754371643066, 0.03200855851173401, -0.7863437533378601, -0.9676605463027954, -0.5389165878295898, -1.2945022583007812, 0.6431301832199097, 0.6105177998542786, 0.7530679106712341, -0.011168807744979858, -1.38630211353302, 1.2861318588256836, -2.004157304763794, 0.8661766052246094, -2.093623399734497, -0.0989004373550415, -0.5705281496047974, 0.14216750860214233, -0.060624539852142334, -0.18378788232803345, -2.2880401611328125, -0.34187445044517517, -0.3477211594581604, 0.11092358827590942, 1.0790793895721436, 0.09333217144012451, -0.053300708532333374, -1.2899237871170044, -1.5094975233078003, 0.24387454986572266, -0.5232943296432495, -1.1397740840911865, 0.1963065266609192, 1.4837698936462402, 0.998205304145813, -0.2202809751033783, 1.2655434608459473, -1.252903699874878, 0.9412115812301636, -3.1297707557678223, -0.8521410226821899, -2.3590455055236816, -0.8236923813819885, 0.5168061852455139, 1.2522411346435547, -1.4672152996063232, -1.8644812107086182, 0.4231281280517578, -0.9742156267166138, -1.055308222770691, -2.754753351211548, 0.2763233482837677, -0.7007983922958374, -1.5970245599746704, -1.153335452079773, -0.35026815533638, -0.04396486282348633, 0.2736506164073944, -0.09701108932495117, -0.15911412239074707, 0.6425146460533142, -0.061231017112731934, -0.0453629195690155, -2.6855711936950684, -0.6240872144699097, -1.580180048942566, -0.32624998688697815, -0.8276407718658447, -0.32697010040283203, -0.622350811958313, 0.3721865117549896, 1.061538577079773, -0.6345029473304749, 0.2878062129020691, 0.20334774255752563, 0.6985995173454285, 0.052810847759246826, 1.8727138042449951, 0.14131009578704834, 0.9172695875167847, -1.5554156303405762, -0.47857555747032166, -1.8990437984466553, 0.5589606761932373, -0.6708474159240723, 0.707208514213562, 0.06966322660446167, -0.07936421036720276, 1.07260000705719, 1.1884372234344482, 1.2403994798660278, 0.6478717923164368, -2.2473785877227783, 0.40555518865585327, 0.43639662861824036, -0.0698171854019165, -0.6269129514694214, 0.5148919820785522, 0.8101387023925781, -0.9990652799606323, 0.36166173219680786, 1.0063166618347168, -0.7863437533378601, 0.10118496417999268, -3.1861987113952637, 1.8372504711151123, 2.837752103805542, -0.9820499420166016, 0.3328350782394409, 0.6484574675559998, 0.40139177441596985, 1.3225486278533936, -1.1944875717163086, -0.9656444787979126, -3.553318738937378, 1.3493660688400269, -0.7290714979171753, -0.6805758476257324, -2.358774185180664, -0.8506620526313782, 0.9298109412193298, -0.35588741302490234, -2.6735477447509766, 1.3137998580932617, -0.25883227586746216, 1.293654203414917, -2.1946377754211426, 1.3075230121612549, 2.1272451877593994, 0.0040781497955322266, 1.2642525434494019, -2.3453409671783447, -1.855236291885376, 0.9312887191772461, -0.23069405555725098, -0.8286842703819275, -1.8725779056549072, -0.39521193504333496, -0.05169817805290222, -4.088592529296875, -0.4881729781627655, -1.043188214302063, 1.3820247650146484, 0.5525157451629639, 0.9940276145935059, -0.9843588471412659, -1.181492805480957, 1.0541224479675293, -0.5474700331687927, -1.563962697982788, -0.6075469255447388, -1.5443744659423828, 1.6831374168395996, -3.5332815647125244, -0.9383241534233093, 0.29814818501472473, -2.2229714393615723, 0.22333192825317383, -1.563962697982788, 0.203019917011261, -0.9929587244987488, 1.4842054843902588, 0.6799612045288086, -3.6306562423706055, -1.8582197427749634, 0.8049494028091431, 0.6612837910652161, 0.9821016788482666, 0.6963969469070435, 1.2287070751190186, 1.1559841632843018, -3.0080795288085938, -3.7423508167266846, -0.14964938163757324, 2.3073012828826904, -0.6464121341705322, -2.261049747467041, 0.206300288438797, -0.8346340656280518, 1.9119913578033447, 1.043186068534851, -3.2998666763305664, -2.529858112335205, 0.8028726577758789, -1.476576328277588, -0.9383241534233093, 2.3291420936584473, 1.8005406856536865, -3.2870283126831055, -0.24223586916923523, -1.9356775283813477, -1.1170066595077515, 1.0080448389053345, 0.2794610261917114, -1.1604971885681152, 0.00963681936264038, 1.738885760307312, -1.0428276062011719, 1.146641731262207, -3.2214138507843018, 0.2695956230163574, 1.1004860401153564, 0.34873753786087036, -1.5949680805206299, 0.7083231210708618, -1.9648685455322266, -0.5677300095558167, -0.5015549659729004, 1.995493769645691, 0.20002952218055725, 1.4898637533187866, -0.12451756000518799, 0.8333861827850342, 1.8846869468688965, 0.38624244928359985, 0.37932026386260986, 0.7599856853485107, -0.1824028193950653, -2.4422976970672607, 0.392516553401947, 0.4319177269935608, -1.470749855041504, 0.7767829895019531, -1.806044578552246, -2.7070140838623047, 1.0747617483139038, -1.8582197427749634, -2.0287349224090576, -1.4508897066116333, -1.2105727195739746, -2.529858112335205, 1.69303560256958, -1.0178229808807373, -1.1089091300964355, 0.7161524295806885, 0.43636342883110046, 0.29882165789604187, 1.3246837854385376, -1.1613094806671143, -2.7308597564697266, -0.4248652756214142, -3.1334872245788574, -2.359008312225342, 0.6759852170944214, 3.169285297393799, -3.4809513092041016, -1.7489808797836304, 1.596719741821289, 0.37985605001449585, 0.6035207509994507, 0.8363320231437683, 3.0084166526794434, -3.2837040424346924, -0.18405160307884216, 0.6471346020698547, 0.6641877889633179, -2.1611485481262207, 0.6480426788330078, -0.9350252747535706, -0.3937489688396454, -0.11018753051757812, 1.4474114179611206, -0.40871408581733704, 0.21151643991470337, -0.081173837184906, -0.5232943296432495, 1.6978602409362793, 2.0607681274414062, 0.5040514469146729, -2.042266368865967, -1.5763061046600342, -0.6911323070526123, -2.918318271636963, 2.3526482582092285, -0.08694276213645935, 1.0655053853988647, -2.4691967964172363, -0.21340233087539673, -0.7937756776809692, -0.48899635672569275, 2.5456559658050537, 1.9472987651824951, 1.178780198097229, -1.168967366218567, 1.6710479259490967, -0.5595183372497559, 0.9312887191772461, -0.4646869897842407, -3.7713308334350586, -0.4307901859283447, 0.5894806981086731, -1.3169481754302979, -1.7453193664550781, 1.146641731262207, -0.9403148889541626, -2.8758416175842285, 3.316052198410034, 0.7680053114891052, -0.866585373878479, -0.17466723918914795, -0.9493738412857056, -0.9846986532211304, -1.334418535232544, 0.0075324177742004395, 0.26939845085144043, 0.12957575917243958, -0.9656444787979126, 2.3073012828826904, 0.3722330629825592, 0.6155520081520081, -3.0009350776672363, -0.8521410226821899, -0.18405160307884216, -0.47517311573028564, -2.1383180618286133, -0.12411916255950928, -0.7962918281555176, -1.3493380546569824, -0.7453194856643677, 1.264780044555664, -0.7146310210227966, 0.8092565536499023, 0.5024510025978088, -0.8342276811599731, -1.2094764709472656, 0.6897123456001282, 0.03576400876045227, 1.0197149515151978, -3.572598934173584, 0.015075981616973877, -2.441486358642578, 2.0500831604003906, 1.8440382480621338, 1.4414476156234741, 0.006594300270080566, -1.660481572151184, 1.3842816352844238, -1.5497996807098389, -1.9480502605438232, 1.0039026737213135, -0.45560917258262634, 0.34083837270736694, 1.4926074743270874, 0.12981566786766052, -1.0910463333129883, 1.0944600105285645, -0.26599207520484924, -2.3453409671783447, 1.355149745941162, 0.6998796463012695, 2.2914586067199707, 0.05808904767036438, -2.063669204711914, 0.15437215566635132, 1.5338819026947021, -2.3453409671783447, 0.2560957670211792, -1.3880072832107544, -2.791161298751831, 0.15437215566635132, -0.14711633324623108, -0.7737026810646057, -1.825826644897461, 1.8579078912734985, -0.270397812128067, 0.5948693752288818, -1.6273815631866455, -0.6774637699127197, 1.8729387521743774, 1.6854511499404907, -0.02246612310409546, -0.7189919352531433, 0.6229323148727417, -0.9446147680282593, 0.6124426126480103, 2.63779878616333, 1.356109619140625, 0.3771507740020752, -1.3169481754302979, 1.2522411346435547, 0.4137014150619507, 1.7732741832733154, 0.7680053114891052, 1.9601454734802246, 0.07855057716369629, 0.6658646464347839, 0.1621227264404297, 0.6607764363288879, -2.274651050567627, 0.19847682118415833, 0.6585936546325684, -2.8432064056396484, -0.6081053018569946, 0.716933012008667, -1.0956709384918213, -1.0278956890106201, -0.6395518779754639, -1.8260056972503662, -0.7007983922958374, -0.11601805686950684, -1.826488971710205, 0.23959431052207947, -0.3412522077560425, 1.050169587135315, -0.9845974445343018, -0.8833308815956116, -0.5934454798698425, -0.8084170818328857, -0.4895519018173218, -0.4081116318702698, 1.1326333284378052, -0.6801447868347168, -0.17359468340873718, -1.3774746656417847, 0.8940297961235046, 0.2774588465690613, 0.12957575917243958, 0.09740173816680908, -3.329855442047119, -0.4559888541698456, -1.8405895233154297, 0.5342387557029724, 0.40848439931869507, -0.48416265845298767, 0.4077296853065491, 0.677166759967804, -0.19681191444396973, 0.34144797921180725, 0.24614322185516357, -0.5173991322517395, -1.3416513204574585, 1.204880952835083, -0.5370495915412903, 0.11973410844802856, 0.0116671621799469, 0.07468241453170776, 0.9103916883468628, 0.7823137044906616, 0.21837478876113892, -0.6391510963439941, 0.7352168560028076, -2.409518003463745, 0.07930761575698853, 0.6138753890991211, -2.553985118865967, -0.4649538993835449, -0.7618600726127625, -0.27649953961372375, -2.6643567085266113, -2.004157304763794, -1.0869215726852417, 0.6083316802978516, -1.0778194665908813, -1.3621282577514648, 0.3899206519126892, -0.9209647178649902, -0.5756016373634338, 0.15482953190803528, 1.0858714580535889, 0.5604506731033325, 0.06729322671890259, -1.0978636741638184, -1.5336377620697021, -0.1878141462802887, -0.30638307332992554, -1.3008112907409668, -0.20484763383865356, 0.6880326271057129, -2.8461036682128906, -0.18684610724449158, 0.5040514469146729, 0.046231627464294434, 0.3206167221069336, -0.23022788763046265, 0.42904701828956604, 1.4504648447036743, -0.14718589186668396, -0.26968321204185486, 0.5428797006607056, -0.6678181886672974, -0.10339504480361938, -1.7454725503921509, -2.403531074523926, -0.7324818968772888, 0.3797077238559723, -0.42374950647354126, -1.4435920715332031, -0.6606652736663818, 0.2073574662208557, -0.9221529364585876, -0.6803187131881714, -3.0688443183898926, -0.11387524008750916, 0.6755203008651733, 0.7070726156234741, -0.38423627614974976, -1.0927585363388062, -0.4810689091682434, -0.9156853556632996, -0.5959319472312927, -1.3496198654174805, -1.4766507148742676, 0.24614322185516357, -0.6698784828186035, -2.2373785972595215, 1.1154507398605347, 0.7505530118942261, 0.21837478876113892, -0.43788760900497437, -0.40063560009002686, 0.812022864818573, -0.2947518229484558, 1.0303595066070557, -1.3106963634490967, -0.9756976962089539, -0.45131176710128784, -1.084801435470581, 0.6078614592552185, -0.8338272571563721, -2.2611467838287354, -0.010987579822540283, -0.4688713848590851, -2.6974005699157715, 1.3917583227157593, 2.028674602508545, 0.03725507855415344, 0.6337486505508423, -3.0080795288085938, -0.7545168995857239, 2.437500476837158, -1.1427628993988037, 0.79243004322052, 1.146641731262207, -0.13917675614356995, -3.0881834030151367, 0.43320006132125854, -1.4487264156341553, 1.20362389087677, 3.316052198410034, 0.9067831039428711, 0.8189364671707153, -2.3217861652374268, -1.335737943649292, 1.304993987083435, -0.4908636808395386, 2.627838134765625, -4.615661144256592, -0.09298017621040344, -0.24069291353225708, -1.4133405685424805, -3.441875457763672, 0.23804143071174622, 1.677643060684204, -1.5027496814727783, 1.3619736433029175, -1.8582197427749634, 0.10694587230682373, -1.0846126079559326, -2.063072681427002, 1.0773990154266357, 1.8667504787445068, 0.2983517050743103, 0.4005540609359741, -0.07717052102088928, 1.153009295463562, -2.0578343868255615, -0.081173837184906, -1.4480926990509033, -1.1454434394836426, -1.8857707977294922, -0.35588741302490234, 0.05808904767036438, 1.0727875232696533, 1.3917583227157593, -0.9497871994972229, 0.042118608951568604, 0.6139605641365051, 2.302079439163208, 2.1830132007598877, 1.3075230121612549, -0.8290570378303528, -1.4966217279434204, 0.7056245803833008, -1.4047644138336182, -1.3474572896957397, -3.5664753913879395, -0.19421419501304626, -1.666269302368164, 2.437500476837158, -0.1864643692970276, -0.4267807602882385, 0.3853422999382019, 0.05631709098815918, -1.4121801853179932, 1.2469675540924072, 0.04584181308746338, -0.17977741360664368, -0.11160117387771606, 0.5211213231086731, 0.2379399538040161, -0.3127429485321045, 0.12957575917243958, -1.507077693939209, -0.4213172495365143, -0.16828900575637817, 0.5668903589248657, 0.2547700107097626, 0.3144412934780121, 0.18653488159179688, 0.6304060220718384, 0.2895267903804779, -0.6938037276268005, 0.08126002550125122, 1.3209885358810425, -0.2338886857032776, 0.37132200598716736, -0.9332064390182495, -3.3765931129455566, 0.9501675367355347, -0.7899309396743774, -0.23495930433273315, 0.2264074981212616, 0.0116671621799469, -2.409518003463745, -1.2845635414123535, -0.23933041095733643, 0.8346891403198242, 0.6881150007247925, 1.0655053853988647, -1.7030494213104248, -0.2346922755241394, -0.5960742235183716, 1.100736141204834, 0.9364114999771118, -0.23933041095733643, 0.5589606761932373, -2.285313367843628, 0.7559287548065186, -1.0850136280059814, -2.9633381366729736, -0.2553303837776184, 1.1154507398605347, 1.040199875831604, 0.3508417010307312, -0.31694644689559937, -1.1247408390045166, -0.2580999732017517, -0.27248966693878174, -1.837256908416748, -3.3765931129455566, 0.27846986055374146, -0.866428017616272, 0.5075839757919312, 0.22578030824661255, -0.9890452027320862, -0.256773442029953, 0.21305987238883972, -0.6412304639816284, 0.8970271348953247, 0.4160497486591339, -1.5089486837387085, 1.4168944358825684, -0.34473276138305664, -0.885461688041687, -2.293882131576538, -0.7035751938819885, 0.8111974000930786, -1.319226622581482, 0.3840782642364502, -1.4688029289245605, 0.7143520712852478, 1.0710499286651611, -1.1166166067123413, 0.5287317037582397, -1.0321199893951416, 0.40555518865585327, 0.5428797006607056, -0.991056501865387, -0.3272153437137604, -0.6581200957298279, -0.9332064390182495, 0.33737844228744507, -0.285470187664032, 0.16936802864074707, 0.09630537033081055, -1.190537929534912, -0.5595183372497559, 0.2549254298210144, -1.3051835298538208, -0.48412469029426575, 0.9246817827224731, -0.40109771490097046, -2.1517059803009033, 0.6681509017944336, -1.0821266174316406, -1.7864675521850586, 1.4504648447036743, -2.5215654373168945, -2.007575273513794, -0.08815190196037292, 0.8095369935035706, 0.5592494010925293, -1.4672152996063232, 0.8743879795074463, -0.28801554441452026, -1.658898115158081, 0.1514187455177307, 0.7384717464447021, -1.9928463697433472, -0.5478641390800476, -1.5835886001586914, 0.7640803456306458, -1.847487449645996, -0.87990403175354, -1.0232633352279663, 0.3369390070438385, 0.45014896988868713, -1.7817249298095703, 0.7932829856872559, -0.032939523458480835, 0.7736418843269348, 0.4786779582500458, 0.45643967390060425, -0.04819592833518982, 0.6881150007247925, -2.097583055496216, -2.1921372413635254, 0.3989589512348175, -1.0275914669036865, 0.01028984785079956, 0.07989341020584106, -0.7672728300094604, -0.5774592161178589, -0.27649953961372375, -2.062258720397949, 0.28979575634002686, 0.5193809270858765, 0.18653488159179688, -0.0724588930606842, -0.29886123538017273, 0.6607592701911926, -1.319226622581482, 0.7726684212684631, 1.120535135269165, -2.116236925125122, -0.11639881134033203, -0.33132603764533997, -1.3787851333618164, -1.6141853332519531, -0.7410321831703186, -0.32270827889442444, 0.03296273946762085, 0.6881150007247925, 1.0858714580535889, -1.2234739065170288, -0.40982651710510254, -0.07021775841712952, -0.33132603764533997, 0.8240436911582947, 0.6450760364532471, 0.7767829895019531, -1.0311981439590454, 0.4682861566543579, -1.9509732723236084, 0.5024510025978088, -1.8857707977294922, 1.644796371459961, -0.8622403144836426, 2.377202272415161, 2.7077882289886475, 0.0844307541847229, 0.13302212953567505, -2.4707605838775635, -0.02246612310409546, 0.46865659952163696, 1.4113937616348267, -0.6678181886672974, 2.9436984062194824, -1.63120698928833, -1.7726106643676758, -3.01115345954895, 0.11918410658836365, 0.4063994288444519, 0.3703291118144989, -1.6925872564315796, -0.7087538242340088, 1.7732741832733154, 0.6507766246795654, 0.9209215641021729, 1.2990796566009521, -0.7225432395935059, 0.9626574516296387, -1.1224164962768555, 0.016795754432678223, -1.7579808235168457, 1.7833774089813232, -0.13903853297233582, 2.6555774211883545, -0.9403148889541626, -0.0989004373550415, -2.628556728363037, 1.093815803527832, 1.100736141204834, 1.6585644483566284, -1.0318305492401123, -2.4235081672668457, -0.12708640098571777, 0.9298109412193298, -1.3406717777252197, 1.4898637533187866, 0.45484358072280884, -1.2386817932128906, 0.14131009578704834, 0.0075324177742004395, -1.4966217279434204, -2.306375503540039, 2.7018799781799316, 0.5467960238456726, 1.1823744773864746, -0.2618480920791626, -1.7002116441726685, -1.421939730644226, 0.28257280588150024, -0.032222211360931396, -0.4838380515575409, -3.0782408714294434, 2.30869460105896, -0.24069291353225708, 0.10064175724983215, -1.1889326572418213, 0.33369240164756775, -2.7308597564697266, 2.0586273670196533, 1.1663269996643066, -0.19720900058746338, 0.7488489151000977, 0.6622164249420166, -3.2837040424346924, 1.4349309206008911, 0.5034695863723755, -2.7494759559631348, 0.36545801162719727, -2.710768461227417, 1.4444773197174072, 0.19303977489471436, 0.6639302372932434, -0.8615371584892273, -0.861652135848999, -3.6306562423706055, 0.8950116038322449, -0.2247021198272705, -1.4601824283599854, 1.0701507329940796, 1.356109619140625, 0.737119734287262, -2.497323751449585, 0.9513983726501465, 1.3855853080749512, 0.6139605641365051, 1.6033859252929688, 0.06370401382446289, 2.7676613330841064, 1.1759371757507324, 2.5285451412200928, -0.2249864935874939, 0.7448725700378418, 0.4214422106742859, 0.5290050506591797, -0.38063591718673706, -1.3883241415023804, 0.45484358072280884, -1.0704704523086548, -0.7792482972145081, -1.8622034788131714, 0.3182165324687958, 0.27426913380622864, 1.6461808681488037, 0.9006388187408447, -0.330382376909256, -1.3549243211746216, -1.0568376779556274, -0.8290570378303528, -0.7672549486160278, 0.5958335995674133, 0.763519823551178, -1.806044578552246, -3.8058035373687744, 1.0080448389053345, -0.3916289806365967, 3.1689395904541016, 0.8043940663337708, -0.07999694347381592, -2.4255285263061523, -1.858971118927002, 0.13553157448768616, 2.3526482582092285, 2.208535671234131, -0.17020642757415771, 1.1655329465866089, -1.8860914707183838, -1.3406717777252197, 0.6585936546325684, 0.30747872591018677, 0.8529903888702393, -1.1397740840911865, -0.08475831151008606, 0.6649742126464844, -2.2224740982055664, -1.5120506286621094, 0.8586139678955078, -1.3621282577514648, 0.16733545064926147, -0.8983397483825684, -2.403531074523926, 0.45625802874565125, -2.4497971534729004, 0.19398295879364014, 0.20081299543380737, 0.2858659327030182, -0.4940100908279419, 1.118485450744629, -2.939345121383667, -1.4565244913101196, -1.2368143796920776, 0.4231281280517578, 1.9592876434326172, -0.1928664743900299, 0.14434579014778137, -0.38881781697273254, 0.12957575917243958, -0.40813547372817993, -0.14050331711769104, -0.4081116318702698, -1.9303619861602783, 0.07090616226196289, 0.20178616046905518, 0.16610971093177795, -3.7187798023223877, 0.10064175724983215, -0.08036497235298157, -2.3617029190063477, 0.3754715919494629, -2.247077226638794, -3.3765931129455566, 2.3223283290863037, -2.6914308071136475, 1.3685961961746216, 0.16257387399673462, -2.2740230560302734, -0.7681132555007935, 1.6399906873703003, -0.9235102534294128, -0.3291604518890381, 0.7522968649864197, 0.3955112099647522, -0.9299914836883545, -1.2369251251220703, 0.5995225310325623, -1.5735039710998535, 1.050169587135315, -0.09169098734855652, 0.15437215566635132, -0.17579182982444763, 2.1809518337249756, -0.5468310713768005, 0.3886943459510803, -1.0629305839538574, -1.3554253578186035, -3.553318738937378, -0.07886815071105957, 1.0170819759368896, 1.050169587135315, -0.24592584371566772, -0.02254357933998108, -0.32057636976242065, -0.04819592833518982, -0.3150497376918793, -0.8676657676696777, -0.664578914642334, 0.2968418598175049, -1.1029421091079712, -1.6157058477401733, -0.5191379189491272, -0.18105101585388184, -0.0943499207496643, 0.15932393074035645, -1.8752409219741821, -0.035699307918548584, -0.2969997525215149, -0.9990652799606323, -1.4432893991470337, 0.022518932819366455, 0.7996888756752014, 0.06447160243988037, -0.6682151556015015, 0.3149944841861725, -0.7907293438911438, -0.44754546880722046, -1.2835676670074463, 0.6029847860336304, -0.15547940135002136, 1.0858714580535889, -0.8181241750717163, -0.015559554100036621, -0.9694321155548096, 0.7446479797363281, -0.4937748312950134, 1.4652609825134277, -4.127923011779785, -1.586472511291504, 0.4037119448184967, 1.738885760307312, 1.9982370138168335, -1.331125020980835, 0.8561815023422241, -1.0712803602218628, 2.4118893146514893, 1.7077796459197998, -0.5370495915412903, -2.6974005699157715, 1.449924111366272, -1.0164155960083008, 1.043186068534851, -2.6735477447509766, -0.7109396457672119, 0.8270689249038696, 1.8394031524658203, -3.9801294803619385, -2.4255285263061523, 1.821569561958313, -0.9285260438919067, 3.073326349258423, 2.3090341091156006, -1.0712803602218628, 0.7446479797363281, -3.088787078857422, 0.19678544998168945, 0.9593615531921387, -0.851109504699707, 1.449924111366272, 1.4001731872558594, -0.8827036619186401, -2.0054025650024414, 0.43320006132125854, -0.26166293025016785, 1.360219955444336, -3.14508056640625, 0.8093894124031067, -1.902540922164917, -0.8649116158485413, -1.095386028289795, 0.27426913380622864, -1.5949680805206299, 1.9837747812271118, 0.19144979119300842, -0.3588089048862457, 1.529625415802002, 2.3073012828826904, 2.2867751121520996, 0.46392521262168884, 0.9208568334579468, -1.5820093154907227, -0.9860462546348572, -0.5134165287017822, 2.585966110229492, -2.3453409671783447, -3.225177049636841, -1.3230915069580078, -1.0121171474456787, -3.1188087463378906, 1.459559440612793, -0.7245305776596069, 2.0826425552368164, -1.0398160219192505, -1.5974819660186768, -0.21564093232154846, 0.5929803848266602, 1.907299518585205, -0.6632897257804871, -0.3362462520599365, -1.0178229808807373, -1.018660306930542, -1.5443744659423828, -0.565617024898529, 0.27426913380622864, -1.1189460754394531, -2.0054025650024414, 0.6857859492301941, -2.3430087566375732, -3.324690341949463, -0.991731584072113, 0.03161695599555969, -0.7189919352531433, 0.2708393335342407, 0.2998914122581482, 1.7223007678985596, -0.3404627740383148, 1.226300835609436, -1.8622034788131714, 0.9658402800559998, -2.572371244430542, 0.23804143071174622, 0.8828781843185425, -0.554721474647522, 1.662537693977356, 1.0003455877304077, 1.0870227813720703, -2.0380895137786865, -0.26599207520484924, 0.2174493670463562, -0.9134185910224915, -0.6372130513191223, 0.7974397540092468, -0.8622403144836426, -0.29162636399269104, -1.9224157333374023, -0.31564217805862427, 0.7090528011322021, 0.6310725212097168, -1.9330954551696777, -2.0875070095062256, -1.7380480766296387, -0.2180616855621338, -0.9663269519805908, 2.0074210166931152, 0.49184370040893555, -1.3787851333618164, -0.1375364363193512, -1.8582197427749634, -2.2164881229400635, 0.5668903589248657, 1.0067702531814575, -0.826496958732605, 2.3090341091156006, 0.12501290440559387, 0.619400143623352, -1.8337385654449463, 2.168393611907959, -0.13985693454742432, 0.48971137404441833, 0.2073574662208557, 0.9009324312210083, -1.7567030191421509, -0.7100871205329895, -0.1249571442604065, 1.506927728652954, 0.707208514213562, -2.2161521911621094, -0.17466723918914795, 0.34083837270736694, 0.6649742126464844, 0.6425146460533142, 0.875861406326294, -0.24740326404571533, 0.0844307541847229, -0.1446237862110138, 0.2443855106830597, -0.5801857709884644, -0.6227104663848877, -0.6241761445999146, 1.0858714580535889, -0.2508602440357208, 0.8800636529922485, -1.9805307388305664, -0.7826654314994812, -1.5094975233078003, 0.8760414123535156, 0.8924415111541748, 0.5831277370452881, -1.0558230876922607, -0.38978174328804016, -0.08935490250587463, -1.0610016584396362, 0.6863746047019958, -0.32647567987442017, 0.8049494028091431, -0.6326139569282532, 1.4504648447036743, -1.6607670783996582, 0.2515707314014435, -1.7915520668029785, 0.6571146845817566, 0.22578030824661255, 0.4255721867084503, -0.11838263273239136, -0.5514956116676331, 1.2966361045837402, 0.6706945896148682, -2.0166101455688477, -0.9499258995056152, 0.14303633570671082, 0.6985995173454285, -0.4426852762699127, 0.13641512393951416, -1.432077407836914, 0.11574989557266235, -1.168967366218567, -0.32624998688697815, 0.6106194853782654, 0.0020502209663391113, -0.12411916255950928, 0.7070726156234741, -0.17133966088294983, -0.1879681646823883, 0.0925668478012085, 2.3194591999053955, 2.4388792514801025, 0.7771684527397156, 1.0858714580535889, -0.47635191679000854, -0.06055784225463867, 1.153009295463562, 1.47088623046875, -0.677724301815033, 1.727663516998291, -1.1685969829559326, 1.0773990154266357, -0.8551568984985352, 2.2345569133758545, 0.1725093424320221, 0.5079784393310547, 0.28011542558670044, 0.406760573387146, -3.2998666763305664, -0.5610325336456299, -2.791161298751831, -4.127923011779785, 1.5013201236724854, -0.20940324664115906, 1.794764518737793, 0.951434850692749, 0.8647434711456299, 0.9669575095176697, -1.4653151035308838, -0.12451756000518799, 1.3619736433029175, 0.3411584496498108, -0.18029052019119263, 0.4092291295528412, 0.37169110774993896, -2.3564529418945312, -2.088977098464966, 0.6759852170944214, -3.2538928985595703, 1.6400189399719238, 0.6616191267967224, 0.2031756043434143, -3.2678518295288086, 0.0515328049659729, 0.8538639545440674, -0.11089056730270386, 1.473463773727417, -0.000657498836517334, -2.0384836196899414, -2.214284658432007, -3.473904609680176, -0.7290714979171753, 1.3934569358825684, 2.285294532775879, 1.7731467485427856, 1.436410903930664, -0.9587404727935791, 2.4118893146514893, 0.5368629097938538, 0.758705198764801, -1.5575509071350098, -0.1929813027381897, 0.17951372265815735, -2.2874627113342285, 0.27426913380622864, -1.0910463333129883, 1.432803750038147, 0.4037119448184967, 1.7419490814208984, 0.203019917011261, -0.2056826949119568, -0.6805758476257324, -0.5015549659729004, -0.4688713848590851, -0.43985849618911743, -0.39427727460861206, 0.3649776577949524, -2.9872453212738037, -2.062258720397949, -0.8317280411720276, -1.495094895362854, 0.3530901372432709, 0.14400452375411987, -0.25154972076416016, 0.5894806981086731, 1.093815803527832, -1.5109663009643555, -1.0076889991760254, -0.397030234336853, 1.9583613872528076, -1.1248759031295776, -1.0099060535430908, -0.8604851961135864, 0.42160290479660034, -0.4267807602882385, -0.7172196507453918, 0.7631475925445557, 0.2073574662208557, -1.6028045415878296, -0.37348923087120056, -1.278672695159912, -0.09169098734855652, -2.809584379196167, 0.20081299543380737, -1.1055810451507568, -1.141861915588379, -0.6326139569282532, -0.9401372075080872, 0.7726684212684631, 0.2188863754272461, -1.2976555824279785, 0.7564767599105835, 0.5067725777626038, 0.6507766246795654, 0.5674401521682739, 0.2547700107097626, -0.5867437124252319, 0.10055702924728394, 0.4036959409713745, 0.6450760364532471, 0.7934562563896179, -2.697195053100586, -0.866428017616272, 0.5348474979400635, -1.166653037071228, -1.9819542169570923, 0.2967486083507538, -1.3496198654174805, 0.3840782642364502, 0.04006063938140869, -0.07647040486335754, -2.138779640197754, -0.5514956116676331, 0.14958655834197998, -1.3634312152862549, -1.8660826683044434, -0.5477609038352966, -0.9886432886123657, 0.02180922031402588, 0.32780957221984863, -0.5591338872909546, 0.3217303156852722, -0.1249571442604065, -1.3652079105377197, 0.35732561349868774, 1.3964895009994507, -1.6647744178771973, 0.2443855106830597, -0.8267555832862854, 0.4669512212276459, 0.5800977945327759, 1.0303595066070557, -1.7883538007736206, -0.3157600462436676, -0.13875970244407654, 0.7559287548065186, -0.41553813219070435, 0.01671212911605835, -1.315928339958191, -1.3879201412200928, 1.329494833946228, 0.7160100340843201, -0.11387524008750916, -1.2148946523666382, -2.339456081390381, 0.6146426200866699, -0.7891672849655151, -0.4426852762699127, -0.4646869897842407, -0.7891672849655151, -1.4165431261062622, -2.141831874847412, 0.41713055968284607, 0.6647448539733887, -1.6141853332519531, 0.32196444272994995, -0.5591338872909546, -0.30751338601112366, -0.2603457570075989, 0.27846986055374146, 0.619400143623352, -1.1346266269683838, -0.7362713813781738, -0.22812187671661377, -2.809584379196167, -0.23495930433273315, -1.459977626800537, 0.25169166922569275, 0.5776941776275635, 0.11973410844802856, 1.0112487077713013, -0.6175752282142639, -1.4801719188690186, 0.812022864818573, 0.0877150297164917, -0.03279265761375427, 0.3721865117549896, 0.15373462438583374, 0.48657041788101196, -1.7609646320343018, 0.6334046125411987, -0.9785031080245972, 0.5148919820785522, 0.3128422498703003, -0.20623376965522766, -0.5595183372497559, 0.6066868305206299, -2.7685980796813965, -1.8883860111236572, -0.6104053854942322, -1.8686598539352417, -0.9209647178649902, -1.2595744132995605, -0.816733181476593, 1.0303595066070557, 0.7090528011322021, -0.06120052933692932, 2.168393611907959, -1.0425028800964355, 1.0844060182571411, -0.17133966088294983, -0.6104053854942322, -0.8700954914093018, -0.6241761445999146, -0.339411199092865, 0.35658231377601624, -0.2552930414676666, 0.39497387409210205, -0.8565714955329895, -0.3730883002281189, 1.3440344333648682, -0.9288337230682373, -1.0511624813079834, 1.3374667167663574, -0.18684610724449158, -2.2456085681915283, 0.9389684200286865, -1.3491778373718262, 0.8399577140808105, -0.9493738412857056, 0.6851480007171631, -0.06120052933692932, -0.330382376909256, 0.42458271980285645, -0.2439573109149933, -1.3169689178466797, 1.8125735521316528, 0.3128422498703003, -3.084099769592285, -1.2029412984848022, -2.71464204788208, 0.6029847860336304, -0.6850003600120544, -0.5749080777168274, 1.3285735845565796, -0.2246711552143097, -0.6444467306137085, -1.0581620931625366, -0.17261359095573425, 0.37182313203811646, 1.4298694133758545, 0.500339686870575, -0.7109396457672119, 1.3142553567886353, 0.5569442510604858, -3.5929977893829346, -0.053616493940353394, -0.19421419501304626, -3.50722599029541, 0.48971137404441833, 1.3234058618545532, -0.23022788763046265, 1.104934811592102, -1.586533784866333, 2.4388792514801025, -0.9820499420166016, -2.660048484802246, -3.1279306411743164, -0.6708474159240723, 1.1374893188476562, -2.187669277191162, -0.5194724202156067, 0.3997349739074707, -1.1604971885681152, 0.31034910678863525, 0.13553157448768616, -0.38916802406311035, -3.3548107147216797, 1.050169587135315, 0.6792322993278503, -0.4886876940727234, 0.9501675367355347, -1.5550473928451538, 1.821569561958313, 0.9361125230789185, -1.3889379501342773, 0.811348557472229, -1.3465428352355957, -1.0180590152740479, 0.21305987238883972, -2.3624305725097656, -0.7828872799873352, -0.4881729781627655, 0.6139605641365051, -0.16388684511184692, -2.409518003463745, 1.5387730598449707, -0.7517756819725037, -1.47873055934906, -1.1260764598846436, -0.010353177785873413, 1.0035744905471802, 1.099435806274414, 1.4414476156234741, -1.5115385055541992, 0.6582062840461731, 0.3091825544834137, 0.41990339756011963, -0.11819809675216675, -1.7080450057983398, -0.9908169507980347, 0.09706023335456848, 1.4946800470352173, 0.6229323148727417, 0.5949314832687378, -0.45406073331832886, -0.005943655967712402, -0.5610325336456299, 0.4306744337081909, 0.2708393335342407, -0.15702223777770996, -3.8037033081054688, 0.9598025679588318, -1.8175569772720337, 0.44139808416366577, 0.12501290440559387, 0.4682595729827881, 0.9726701378822327, 0.0515328049659729, 0.5843930840492249, -0.34461069107055664, 1.120535135269165, 0.10851287841796875, -1.1544393301010132, -1.837256908416748, -1.3811619281768799, -0.9220391511917114, -0.12790769338607788, 0.6492023468017578, -0.7698806524276733, -0.7742732763290405, -0.17911890149116516, -1.288623571395874, 0.8575830459594727, -0.746454119682312, -0.15855899453163147, 0.026823967695236206, -2.006823778152466, 0.09832048416137695, -0.5085693597793579, -1.1505056619644165, 0.6587694883346558, 0.16257387399673462, 1.446793794631958, 1.2295863628387451, -0.1573435664176941, -0.03709989786148071, 0.3128422498703003, -0.035699307918548584, 1.2768120765686035, -1.0823893547058105, -0.43651917576789856, -0.1864643692970276, 0.5800977945327759, 0.3797077238559723, 0.582719624042511, -1.2717088460922241, -0.44955694675445557, -1.4966217279434204, 0.5156808495521545, 0.2589370012283325, 1.356109619140625, 2.028674602508545, 0.02180922031402588, -1.2696616649627686, 1.738885760307312, -1.8752409219741821, -2.350198745727539, -0.6611729860305786, -3.8942441940307617, 1.118485450744629, -1.490833044052124, -0.11619564890861511, -0.6370970606803894, 0.4100804328918457, 1.0858714580535889, 1.761855959892273, 0.24870741367340088, -1.3465428352355957, 0.14768952131271362, -0.451911598443985, -0.4958062469959259, -0.6332682371139526, -0.45560917258262634, -1.1499319076538086, 1.4013688564300537, -1.0404421091079712, -0.7287073135375977, 0.34766119718551636, -0.46103358268737793, 1.1417721509933472, -0.6164839863777161, -2.3624305725097656, -0.9221529364585876, -0.18999817967414856, 0.2463977336883545, -0.572670578956604, -0.259957879781723, 0.4682595729827881, -0.142554372549057, 0.1497068703174591, 1.662537693977356, -0.36165112257003784, -1.0810915231704712, -2.548440456390381, -1.5309560298919678, -0.07303410768508911, -0.618540346622467, -2.951270341873169, 0.35658231377601624, -0.8604851961135864, 0.21413230895996094, -0.49363887310028076, 0.20115536451339722, 0.0515328049659729, 0.586166501045227, -0.7312519550323486, 1.0003455877304077, -0.7828872799873352, -0.052908509969711304, 3.0088295936584473, 0.2713265120983124, -0.09169098734855652, -0.9220391511917114, 0.2182978391647339, 0.8961614370346069, 2.3194591999053955, -1.7106869220733643, 1.3785791397094727, 0.11378103494644165, -0.09033125638961792, 0.2859676778316498, 0.4550611078739166, -1.779127597808838, -1.879940152168274, 0.7730267643928528, -0.0453629195690155, 0.9593554735183716, -0.9578422904014587, 0.5727782845497131, -1.3229849338531494, -1.1630589962005615, 2.0074210166931152, 1.4514479637145996, -0.8893728256225586, -0.7698806524276733, -2.097583055496216, 0.24614322185516357, 1.0191785097122192, 0.06693476438522339, -2.6735477447509766, -0.33429670333862305, 0.9667724967002869, -1.820603609085083, -0.13601073622703552, -0.2578866183757782, 0.44431692361831665, 0.08880138397216797, -2.7837533950805664, 0.7599856853485107, 0.46184778213500977, -0.9553676843643188, -0.09689578413963318, -1.6492918729782104, 1.4013688564300537, -0.014679521322250366, 0.8900619745254517, -2.224548816680908, 0.1318933069705963, -0.6606652736663818, -0.39521193504333496, -0.01157844066619873, -0.00103074312210083, 1.6585644483566284, 0.39765238761901855, -0.11457329988479614, -0.018219053745269775, 0.1253185272216797, -0.4029502272605896, 0.7640803456306458, -1.4620606899261475, 0.9980064630508423, 0.39765238761901855, -1.2945022583007812, -0.008853733539581299, 0.17933380603790283, -0.44955694675445557, 1.0684630870819092, -0.31779640913009644, 1.2118093967437744, -0.6783828735351562, -0.0943499207496643, -0.9022384881973267, 0.13302212953567505, -1.950303554534912, -0.9845974445343018, -0.9068727493286133, -0.5580101013183594, 0.0020502209663391113, -0.5142244100570679, -0.7672728300094604, -2.285313367843628, -0.7340449094772339, 0.3530901372432709, 1.1154507398605347, -1.1166166067123413, -0.5280261039733887, -0.23978173732757568, -2.9525773525238037, -0.6287447214126587, -1.844562292098999, -1.4801719188690186, 1.0844060182571411, -0.2603457570075989, 0.10825031995773315, 0.35746490955352783, -0.14761441946029663, 0.9246817827224731, -0.14535868167877197, -0.37348923087120056, -0.40063560009002686, 0.19847682118415833, -0.051116883754730225, -1.844562292098999, -0.08815190196037292, -0.7120685577392578, -0.3421243727207184, 0.3610495626926422, -1.6815717220306396, -2.1358296871185303, 0.7736418843269348, -2.0491585731506348, -1.4922186136245728, 0.3731028735637665, 1.0141735076904297, -0.4213172495365143, -2.801440715789795, -2.062258720397949, 0.21837478876113892, -0.367942750453949, 0.7530679106712341, 0.6138753890991211, -0.13448256254196167, -0.5749080777168274, 0.5148919820785522, -0.4738070070743561, -0.9401372075080872, 1.456570029258728, -2.3079171180725098, -0.7714270353317261, -1.0470558404922485, -1.3942720890045166, -0.5476516485214233, 0.5193809270858765, -0.8419559001922607, -0.13601073622703552, 1.0312241315841675, 0.7809911966323853, 0.6532740592956543, 0.4208816885948181, -1.9051392078399658, 0.8529903888702393, -1.8931152820587158, 1.0482957363128662, 1.533394455909729, -0.17217570543289185, -0.5327691435813904, 0.4226835370063782, -0.6111530065536499, 1.226778268814087, -2.9525773525238037, 1.3807179927825928, -0.26798126101493835, 0.33369240164756775, -0.550926685333252, 1.471290946006775, -2.274651050567627, 0.2612569332122803, -0.1815038025379181, -0.07999694347381592, -0.7312448024749756, -1.0555659532546997, -3.1188087463378906, 0.34873753786087036, -3.2538928985595703, -2.0439882278442383, -0.5474700331687927, -2.5393564701080322, -3.7713308334350586, 0.8962415456771851, -0.44392916560173035, 0.5589107871055603, -0.8216288089752197, -1.0496649742126465, -1.0121171474456787, -0.021447718143463135, 2.1804251670837402, -2.0191853046417236, 0.8200668096542358, 0.24387454986572266, 1.7566782236099243, -3.234205722808838, -0.5118896961212158, 0.6941917538642883, 0.8049494028091431, -0.1856400966644287, -2.4591565132141113, -0.48751014471054077, 1.2403994798660278, 0.2515707314014435, -1.3004716634750366, -3.268972873687744, 1.4308042526245117, -0.8181241750717163, 1.1985106468200684, -2.4255285263061523, 0.16770046949386597, 0.03161695599555969, -1.278672695159912, 1.8440382480621338, -1.5992774963378906, -0.2970917522907257, -0.14050331711769104, -1.3731943368911743, -0.9523420929908752, 0.5929803848266602, 1.037034034729004, -1.8660826683044434, -0.24384041130542755, -0.3877134621143341, -2.3028769493103027, 0.25169166922569275, -3.01115345954895, 0.3645191490650177, -0.5982972383499146, -0.4559888541698456, 0.4175151586532593, -0.9576195478439331, 1.2872692346572876, -0.08871376514434814, 0.09899252653121948, 0.8196979761123657, -0.4017428457736969, 0.42991286516189575, -0.40091532468795776, -0.9156853556632996, -0.9134185910224915, 0.21305987238883972, -0.8965442180633545, 0.5246239900588989, -0.1375364363193512, 0.45279598236083984, -1.288623571395874, -1.3230915069580078, -1.4946547746658325, 0.07040560245513916, -1.1659592390060425, 2.0826425552368164, -0.9446147680282593, -1.47823965549469, 0.897601842880249, 0.2931560277938843, 1.1420072317123413, 0.13641512393951416, -0.21340233087539673, -1.0871230363845825, 1.3853230476379395, -0.0453629195690155, 1.3842816352844238, -2.0578343868255615, -1.1055810451507568, 0.054410457611083984, 0.31723374128341675, -0.746454119682312, -0.5756016373634338, 0.9513983726501465, 0.13777020573616028, 0.5104491114616394, 0.9412115812301636, -0.24416521191596985, 1.8430750370025635, 0.43443697690963745, -0.3157600462436676, -1.8707847595214844, -0.787190318107605, -0.830195963382721, 0.28675514459609985, -0.2677679657936096, -0.47751137614250183, -1.3106963634490967, 0.0515328049659729, -0.8927726745605469, 1.1154507398605347, -1.4329485893249512, -0.29489341378211975, -1.779127597808838, -0.03403088450431824, -0.3880111277103424, 0.765256941318512, -3.6156818866729736, -1.2234739065170288, 0.28063222765922546, 0.45014896988868713, 0.15373462438583374, 0.40555518865585327, 0.6270608901977539, 0.6847449541091919, -0.14535868167877197, -0.44754546880722046, -0.3637014329433441, 0.2931560277938843, 0.2779437303543091, 0.6801795363426208, -1.166653037071228, 0.7559287548065186, -1.2727009057998657, 0.1023969054222107, 0.2549254298210144, 1.6978602409362793, 0.4831949472427368, -0.7989493608474731, -0.265403687953949, 0.1023969054222107, 1.662537693977356, -0.33277279138565063, -0.1064554750919342, -0.0845407247543335, -0.7853193283081055, -1.8416879177093506, -0.09169098734855652, -0.2246711552143097, 1.385242223739624, 0.9438910484313965, 0.6743473410606384, 0.912495493888855, 1.0653009414672852, -0.15977153182029724, -0.914306640625, -0.3452799320220947, -0.3912748098373413, 0.672938346862793, 0.09065145254135132, 0.46184778213500977, -0.05679959058761597, 2.168393611907959, -1.543210744857788, 0.09630537033081055, -1.5764306783676147, -1.5123111009597778, 0.06640827655792236, 0.672938346862793, -0.9873099327087402, -2.393650531768799, -0.23022788763046265, -1.1088937520980835, 0.3101729452610016, -0.23495930433273315, -0.2913093566894531, 2.233769178390503, -1.005588173866272, -0.2949349284172058, 0.07989341020584106, 0.1765618622303009, 1.8175281286239624, 1.043186068534851, 0.35684460401535034, -0.25883227586746216, 1.4652609825134277, -0.3992033004760742, 0.17411652207374573, -0.30800938606262207, -0.5297538042068481, 0.7969909906387329, 0.5163542032241821, -0.8237972259521484, 0.6484574675559998, -0.15547940135002136, 0.8358304500579834, 3.020277500152588, 0.7713779211044312, 0.6981284022331238, -0.22820350527763367, 0.7488489151000977, 0.4736223518848419, -2.1611485481262207, 0.24870741367340088, -1.7374367713928223, -0.22323518991470337, -0.31769922375679016, 0.46865659952163696, 0.38624244928359985, -1.507077693939209, 0.4319177269935608, 0.8500432372093201, -0.7417178153991699, 0.5112261176109314, 1.6461808681488037, -0.32682350277900696, -3.324690341949463, -0.8550528287887573, -0.1917726695537567, -0.31564217805862427, -0.378240704536438, -0.3777337372303009, 0.8811479806900024, -0.13079208135604858, -0.2338886857032776, -1.5354543924331665, 0.5018095970153809, 1.2775652408599854, 0.5291826725006104, -0.2508373260498047, -1.947321891784668, 1.2037822008132935, -1.0486249923706055, -1.3549243211746216, 0.703460693359375, 0.7888278365135193, 0.3748847544193268, -0.08550310134887695, 0.9002360105514526, 0.382712721824646, 0.4604358971118927, 0.4300079643726349, 3.316052198410034, 0.6139605641365051, -0.48899635672569275, 0.8206846714019775, 0.8989219665527344, 0.6820265054702759, 0.6484574675559998, -0.19720900058746338, 1.226300835609436, -1.043188214302063, -0.2995651364326477, -1.4723989963531494, -1.6815717220306396, 0.046231627464294434, -0.4439370632171631, -0.9578422904014587, -1.6141853332519531, 0.35658231377601624, -1.1208281517028809, -0.5659521818161011, -0.7324818968772888, -0.30447933077812195, 0.47638776898384094, -0.2756568491458893, 1.3137998580932617, 2.2345569133758545, -2.801440715789795, -0.5370464324951172, 1.0112487077713013, 0.02180922031402588, -0.5148297548294067, 0.24917367100715637, -0.38004809617996216, 0.6135292053222656, 0.048160433769226074, -1.718416452407837, 1.349869728088379, 0.46947914361953735, -2.466012477874756, 0.5187643766403198, -0.6668351292610168, -0.625343918800354, 0.2767198383808136, -1.1306629180908203, -0.9166417121887207, -1.1397185325622559, -0.7666341662406921, 1.3807179927825928, -1.0708281993865967, -1.2780022621154785, -1.732567548751831, -0.16273754835128784, -2.4420862197875977, 0.8095308542251587, -0.15855899453163147, -0.24740326404571533, 0.08126002550125122, -0.7287073135375977, 0.15373462438583374, 0.3955112099647522, -1.1511892080307007, -0.0724588930606842, 0.6217542886734009, 0.7680053114891052, -0.9446147680282593, 2.7676613330841064, 0.34873753786087036, 0.8924415111541748, -2.7940032482147217, 1.5138514041900635, 0.8584228754043579, -0.02673518657684326, -0.08058106899261475, -0.1856400966644287, -0.28801554441452026, -0.8501671552658081, 0.21784770488739014, -2.0054025650024414, -2.359008312225342, -0.9749298691749573, 0.9667724967002869, -0.9499258995056152, -0.5303941369056702, -0.7312448024749756, 1.7833774089813232, 1.4349309206008911, 0.18583473563194275, 0.039859920740127563, 0.11516278982162476, 0.9002360105514526, 1.0669411420822144, 1.4003595113754272, -2.640845537185669, 2.15828275680542, 1.1654448509216309, -1.9316627979278564, 0.6829549074172974, 0.703460693359375, -0.8614193201065063, -1.2865002155303955, 1.8125735521316528, -1.7014554738998413, 0.5611307621002197, -0.0503309965133667, -3.3765931129455566, 1.0712530612945557, 0.4208816885948181, 1.8846869468688965, -1.273181676864624, -0.9148309230804443, 0.8924415111541748, -1.668743371963501, 0.0365869402885437, -0.851109504699707, -1.4052367210388184, 1.238699197769165, -0.02334916591644287, 3.0088295936584473, -0.156712144613266, -1.8931152820587158, -0.378240704536438, -2.6676464080810547, 2.2225654125213623, -2.5612385272979736, 0.8272500038146973, -1.0076889991760254, 0.07012197375297546, -0.776290237903595, 0.28257280588150024, -1.759997844696045, 2.15828275680542, 0.8196979761123657, 0.40811246633529663, 0.9067831039428711, -3.1297707557678223, -2.1445565223693848, 0.5501916408538818, 0.8049494028091431, -0.5448938608169556, 0.5649722218513489, 0.003300487995147705, -1.2899237871170044, -1.1260764598846436, 1.9982370138168335, -1.7769856452941895, 3.169285297393799, 2.819817066192627, 0.8200668096542358, 2.107614040374756, -0.17020642757415771, 0.7715715169906616, -0.46990832686424255, 1.5459964275360107, 2.9436984062194824, -0.40813547372817993, 0.6105177998542786, -0.5632756948471069, -0.6632897257804871, 0.7928580641746521, -2.80698299407959, 0.4082401692867279, -0.014679521322250366, -0.0929497480392456, 1.8447765111923218, 3.020277500152588, 1.288208246231079, 1.2209402322769165, -3.329855442047119, -1.2865002155303955, 1.2615172863006592, -2.063072681427002, 0.22333192825317383, 1.0128284692764282, 0.6998796463012695, 2.753005027770996, 2.0692389011383057, -1.3889379501342773, -0.3737861216068268, 1.5965462923049927, -0.2756568491458893, -1.7788201570510864, -1.2315536737442017, 0.5542161464691162, 0.29882165789604187, -0.18405160307884216, 0.4682861566543579, 0.03725507855415344, 1.1823744773864746, -1.5575509071350098, 0.21413230895996094, 0.11401382088661194, -0.18418145179748535, -1.7756505012512207, -2.799776554107666, -1.018660306930542, -1.204798936843872, 0.3748847544193268, 0.24143940210342407, -0.061231017112731934, -0.8576333522796631, 1.0915040969848633, 0.559616208076477, 1.8825234174728394, 0.2859676778316498, -0.4218698740005493, 0.568646252155304, -2.1656131744384766, 1.3246837854385376, -0.7146310210227966, -1.1260380744934082, -3.6619629859924316, -0.898184061050415, -0.40871408581733704, -1.0640819072723389, -0.7146310210227966, -0.8960621356964111, 1.4444773197174072, -0.013708412647247314, -1.2708265781402588, 3.316052198410034, -1.9330954551696777, 2.028674602508545, -1.5537935495376587, -1.0568376779556274, -1.0810636281967163, -2.586383581161499, -3.1832785606384277, -3.032968521118164, -2.0054025650024414, 1.7527461051940918, 0.6759852170944214, 1.3248655796051025, -3.7686195373535156, 0.9079397916793823, 1.8888332843780518, 0.5497819185256958, -1.885542869567871, -0.10648608207702637, 0.6429786682128906, -1.8315144777297974, -0.6910790205001831, 0.12981566786766052, 0.538601279258728, -2.9440789222717285, 0.9114300012588501, -0.8901124000549316, -1.5249881744384766, -3.832753896713257, 1.7735875844955444, -1.2635912895202637, -1.6162400245666504, -0.000657498836517334, -1.0712803602218628, 0.87549889087677, -1.2183492183685303, -1.4052391052246094, -2.8964338302612305, -2.609102487564087, -1.9509732723236084, 0.4306744337081909, -1.6777580976486206, -0.29162636399269104, -1.2727009057998657, -0.6235900521278381, -1.5247077941894531, 1.2179152965545654, 0.09418141841888428, 0.6310725212097168, -0.9156853556632996, -1.3051835298538208, 0.7427859902381897, -0.4895519018173218, -0.9212243556976318, -0.4738070070743561, 0.5168061852455139, -1.0927585363388062, -0.8893728256225586, -0.47732052206993103, -0.9435869455337524, 0.8358304500579834, -0.3318081498146057, 0.5794610977172852, -0.10717186331748962, 0.5156808495521545, 0.4161977171897888, 0.262103408575058, 0.7556055784225464, -1.5442322492599487, 0.36677131056785583, -0.018219053745269775, -1.0081796646118164, 0.09141987562179565, 0.6440759301185608, -0.07960382103919983, -0.6921868324279785, -2.4046437740325928, 0.9576636552810669, -2.4550535678863525, 0.14768952131271362, -0.32624998688697815, 1.3406951427459717, -1.306511640548706, -0.5278388857841492, -0.14936041831970215, 1.0858714580535889, -2.2473785877227783, -0.4433720111846924, -0.8015277981758118, -2.818044662475586, 0.9040777683258057, -1.1630589962005615, -0.16643014550209045, -0.3565828204154968, -1.5444636344909668, -1.9488365650177002, -0.8174152970314026, 0.19932103157043457, 1.1290180683135986, 1.050169587135315, -0.13875970244407654, -0.6389896273612976, -0.24782931804656982, 0.9472590684890747, -0.09062838554382324, 0.702067494392395, 0.39765238761901855, -0.19849351048469543, -0.8419041037559509, 0.40690547227859497, 0.23125147819519043, -1.0640819072723389, 0.6622164249420166, -0.20238298177719116, -0.9527223110198975, -0.5476516485214233, -1.9176660776138306, -0.11018753051757812, 0.4272150993347168, 0.6967121362686157, -0.41097477078437805, 0.4021674394607544, -0.3547038435935974, 0.7384030818939209, -0.032871097326278687, -2.2270100116729736, -0.18842780590057373, 0.8304270505905151, -0.03254944086074829, 0.6139605641365051, -2.8432064056396484, -2.391767978668213, 0.8798055648803711, 0.9788252115249634, -0.28513485193252563, -1.5354543924331665, -0.13519206643104553, -1.0591833591461182, 0.20334774255752563, 1.0667028427124023, 0.9015154838562012, -0.1064554750919342, -0.18838584423065186, 0.669416069984436, 0.3091825544834137, -0.5032576322555542, -0.3279218077659607, -0.2808842658996582, -1.451603889465332, 0.17222362756729126, -0.6801447868347168, -2.461027145385742, -0.5960742235183716, 0.5156808495521545, -0.13448256254196167, 0.48657041788101196, -0.49619489908218384, 1.0303595066070557, -1.4603064060211182, -0.2580999732017517, -0.33131927251815796, -0.06904345750808716, 0.11378103494644165, -0.12991371750831604, 0.998205304145813, -0.4422832727432251, -1.2920236587524414, -2.901040554046631, 0.014480113983154297, -0.4474787414073944, -1.451131820678711, -0.09169098734855652, 0.3408164978027344, -0.6269129514694214, -0.5142244100570679, 1.0858714580535889, -0.32738712430000305, 0.23125147819519043, -0.5809288024902344, 0.6571146845817566, 0.18583473563194275, -0.33131927251815796, -0.019448816776275635, 0.7635596990585327, -0.9576195478439331, -0.019002825021743774, -0.34176698327064514, -0.6162726283073425, -1.0810915231704712, 1.2504448890686035, 0.35746490955352783, -0.25332513451576233, 1.3285735845565796, -0.3001285195350647, 0.9788252115249634, 0.04611155390739441, -0.451911598443985, -0.32624998688697815, -0.028391391038894653, 0.7559287548065186, -0.2720106244087219, -2.0166101455688477, 0.3721865117549896, 0.1848088502883911, -0.6581200957298279, -2.4550535678863525, 0.22694838047027588, -1.471459150314331, -0.34469059109687805, -1.4608821868896484, 1.0303595066070557, -0.1658286452293396, 0.1392117142677307, 0.8529903888702393, -0.526274561882019, 0.6801795363426208, 0.2878062129020691, 0.8653476238250732, -0.5358324646949768, -2.4780454635620117, -1.6815717220306396, 0.7715715169906616, 0.7996888756752014, 0.8706566095352173, -1.1055810451507568, -0.42907583713531494, -0.9047239422798157, 0.6052107810974121, 0.2902439832687378, -0.5478641390800476, -2.267259120941162, 0.7635596990585327, 0.8346891403198242, 0.8184072971343994, 0.031636953353881836, -2.2224740982055664, -1.315928339958191, 0.9261087775230408, 0.0925668478012085, 1.099714994430542, -1.717935562133789, 0.09574359655380249, 0.5075839757919312, -1.336833119392395, -0.7352081537246704, 0.3901330232620239, 0.10055702924728394, -0.6394246816635132, 0.7486961483955383, -0.10052648186683655, -0.836227297782898, -0.42165955901145935, -0.7714270353317261, 0.21305987238883972, -0.2312532365322113, 0.16224873065948486, -2.352823495864868, -0.32270827889442444, 0.9180054664611816, 1.2120858430862427, -1.1613094806671143, -0.09298017621040344, 0.8323006629943848, -0.6975475549697876, 0.1318933069705963, -0.7618600726127625, -0.7011696100234985, -1.9490153789520264, -0.4507141411304474, 0.8323006629943848, -0.7651286125183105, -0.9974847435951233, -0.13917675614356995, -1.141861915588379, 0.6287707090377808, -1.6187223196029663, -0.45068275928497314, -0.9181315898895264, -0.13448256254196167, -0.9578422904014587, -1.4556041955947876, 0.6139605641365051, -0.25371092557907104, 2.1497578620910645, -2.526843547821045, -2.2854576110839844, -2.2198100090026855, 0.619400143623352, -1.6622921228408813, -0.18684610724449158, -2.0191853046417236, -0.03279265761375427, -0.3911266326904297, -0.18105101585388184, -0.7572731971740723, -0.6372130513191223, -2.9490556716918945, -0.04532459378242493, 0.8013859987258911, 1.4504648447036743, 0.7635596990585327, 1.4349309206008911, -1.5094975233078003, 2.706547260284424, 0.6985995173454285, 2.753005027770996, -1.826488971710205, 0.16686144471168518, 1.8394031524658203, 0.19581842422485352, -0.9148309230804443, 0.31034910678863525, -0.5915462374687195, -1.5406463146209717, -0.9544532299041748, -2.3042759895324707, -1.8908169269561768, -2.8461036682128906, 1.796638011932373, -0.4727940559387207, -0.8614028692245483, -0.1644318401813507, -1.2268954515457153, -0.04130864143371582, 0.8653476238250732, -2.577207088470459, 0.065938800573349, 1.355149745941162, 0.13641512393951416, 0.8940297961235046, 0.14216750860214233, -1.1306629180908203, -3.2214138507843018, 0.18291401863098145, -3.2132949829101562, -3.1861987113952637, 1.7273752689361572, 1.0858714580535889, 0.8189364671707153, -1.2865002155303955, 1.4087320566177368, -0.26968321204185486, 0.05421459674835205, 0.3678880035877228, -0.95869380235672, 1.4087320566177368, -2.6956071853637695, 0.9208568334579468, -1.799692153930664, 1.9583613872528076, 1.8727138042449951, 0.150031179189682, -0.3277643620967865, -0.6234855651855469, -0.8226518630981445, 2.3223283290863037, 2.3291420936584473, -0.8749997615814209, -1.2268954515457153, 0.006916701793670654, 0.5949314832687378, -2.1270601749420166, -0.27249675989151, 0.26330995559692383, 0.7041577696800232, 0.8096462488174438, 0.8049494028091431, -0.11591941118240356, 0.737119734287262, -0.6173180341720581, 0.1498657464981079, -2.6676464080810547, 2.437500476837158, 1.178780198097229, -0.5713906288146973, -0.33799269795417786, 0.8049494028091431, 2.0559754371643066, 0.9311813712120056, 1.7223007678985596, -1.0843368768692017, -0.4559888541698456, 0.34873753786087036, -2.359008312225342, -1.6187223196029663, -2.3590455055236816, -2.660048484802246, -1.0680328607559204, 1.043186068534851, 2.0500831604003906, -3.2185676097869873, -3.1193981170654297, -0.40813547372817993, -0.09062838554382324, -2.4994874000549316, -1.4576332569122314, -2.5978951454162598, 1.1284886598587036, 0.06278318166732788, -1.0361441373825073, -0.05793580412864685, 0.15369313955307007, -1.9176660776138306, 2.012279987335205, 0.4005540609359741, -2.889227867126465, 1.7792646884918213, -1.4565244913101196, -0.8456268906593323, 0.6585936546325684, -1.273181676864624, -0.523786187171936, -0.30638307332992554, -0.5781828761100769, -0.8506620526313782, -3.60922908782959, 0.7505530118942261, 0.6165463328361511, 0.042377471923828125, -1.6162400245666504, -1.3253607749938965, -2.2229714393615723, -1.0773760080337524, 1.362642765045166, 2.0500831604003906, 0.2645190358161926, -0.4839400351047516, 0.2535001039505005, -0.14535868167877197, 1.4946980476379395, -0.04612463712692261, 1.5283230543136597, 2.3090341091156006, -1.3690195083618164, -1.4374089241027832, -2.2373785972595215, -0.6251286268234253, -0.007361114025115967, 0.086020827293396, -3.4217162132263184, -0.06730583310127258, 2.1272451877593994, 0.27846986055374146, -0.6805758476257324, 0.8558118343353271, -0.0325046181678772, -3.307450294494629, -0.40775781869888306, -1.660481572151184, -1.1283869743347168, 1.3137998580932617, -1.5962040424346924, 0.33737844228744507, 1.355149745941162, -1.3008112907409668, 1.3374667167663574, 0.9593554735183716, 0.17595171928405762, -0.5848445892333984, -1.3634312152862549, -0.468056857585907, 0.6066868305206299, -1.1201447248458862, 1.4946980476379395, -1.2635912895202637, 0.5470892190933228, -0.8397435545921326, -0.24069291353225708, -1.6506223678588867, 0.5668903589248657, 0.8049494028091431, 0.09156465530395508, 0.5948693752288818, -0.40982651710510254, 1.3983056545257568, -1.3880072832107544, 0.15369313955307007, -1.9923571348190308, 0.3455238342285156, 1.4444773197174072, 0.2446897029876709, -1.5338072776794434, 3.316052198410034, 0.048160433769226074, -0.7857511043548584, 0.4847567677497864, 0.7804620265960693, -1.5989550352096558, 0.18398180603981018, 0.8647434711456299, 1.6806182861328125, 0.5423508882522583, -1.4487264156341553, -0.8050805926322937, 0.4989970326423645, -0.3779124915599823, 0.8384095430374146, 1.9982370138168335, -0.28504323959350586, -0.9212352633476257, -1.800940752029419, -0.6453616619110107, 1.0469768047332764, 1.2968087196350098, 0.4306744337081909, -0.5880917310714722, -0.046332597732543945, 0.16225816309452057, 3.316052198410034, -1.3883241415023804, -2.1517059803009033, 0.2560957670211792, -0.397030234336853, 0.5611307621002197, 0.032848477363586426, 1.8554158210754395, -1.6663522720336914, -0.18378788232803345, -0.36109429597854614, 1.6803587675094604, 0.41181087493896484, -2.9094245433807373, -2.0580496788024902, 0.9137235879898071, -0.5643208026885986, -0.14541083574295044, -0.27342820167541504, 0.032834798097610474, -2.2006874084472656, 0.9172695875167847, 0.7673540115356445, 0.1497068703174591, -2.252136707305908, 0.07151252031326294, -1.4597673416137695, 0.4036959409713745, -0.8243093490600586, -2.1284797191619873, -1.2864716053009033, -0.20680616796016693, -1.950303554534912, -1.0503630638122559, 1.1884372234344482, 0.22250759601593018, -0.23585310578346252, 0.09574359655380249, -0.6396811604499817, 0.08126002550125122, -1.0675541162490845, 0.2902439832687378, -0.1614765226840973, -0.13903853297233582, 0.7713779211044312, 0.22969716787338257, 1.0858714580535889, 1.061538577079773, -2.170389413833618, -1.9984033107757568, -0.07936421036720276, -0.7352081537246704, -2.553203582763672, 1.3162217140197754, 1.4113937616348267, 0.13916045427322388, 0.34144797921180725, 2.053577184677124, -2.261049747467041, 0.5368629097938538, 0.9067831039428711, -0.5599421262741089, 0.3125470280647278, 1.8667504787445068, 1.738885760307312, 0.0515328049659729, -1.666269302368164, -1.314047932624817, -0.8806537389755249, -0.8960621356964111, -2.3526439666748047, -2.1688177585601807, 1.9601454734802246, 1.0887218713760376, -1.7374367713928223, -0.9908169507980347, -0.48412469029426575, -0.21186760067939758, -1.017476201057434, 1.7167580127716064, 1.9472987651824951, 1.9889973402023315, 0.10154426097869873, 2.837752103805542, -1.0404421091079712, 1.5814564228057861, 2.5559580326080322, 2.377202272415161, -0.29482603073120117, -1.3883241415023804, -1.1894400119781494, -0.6173180341720581, -0.0845407247543335, -1.4654440879821777, 0.6582062840461731, -0.6464121341705322, -0.8893728256225586, 1.5387730598449707, 0.19812363386154175, 2.1826565265655518, -3.2185676097869873, 0.5104491114616394, 0.7039196491241455, -0.7087538242340088, -1.471459150314331, -1.169191837310791, 0.3703291118144989, -0.010353177785873413, 0.3645191490650177, 0.01028984785079956, -0.4213172495365143, -0.9749298691749573, -5.464588165283203, -3.7686195373535156, 1.1111338138580322, 0.9139609932899475, 2.855058431625366, -0.6162726283073425, -0.36191555857658386, -0.49363887310028076, -0.05265158414840698, 0.31414103507995605, 0.020551621913909912, -0.05679959058761597, 1.0002347230911255, 0.7731653451919556, -1.2413744926452637, -0.5278388857841492, -1.4869577884674072, 0.4363619089126587, -0.34473276138305664, -1.714146614074707, 0.6641877889633179, 0.8384095430374146, -0.8757617473602295, 0.2843415141105652, -0.4530254304409027, -1.055310606956482, -0.2133825123310089, 0.20115536451339722, 0.23804143071174622, 0.8085569143295288, 1.2245091199874878, -0.4838380515575409, -2.067915916442871, 0.37932026386260986, -0.2655501663684845, 0.17291539907455444, -0.11903268098831177, -0.06489691138267517, 0.37932026386260986, -0.2233555018901825, -1.5234090089797974, 0.27226001024246216, -0.5334212183952332, 1.3440344333648682, -0.677724301815033, -0.4688713848590851, -0.2133825123310089, -0.08090490102767944, -0.5705281496047974, 0.158524751663208, 0.1765618622303009, -0.5081691741943359, 0.6287707090377808, 1.244856357574463, 0.3455238342285156, -0.8438236117362976, -0.13448256254196167, -0.6111530065536499, 0.7651828527450562, 0.8613813519477844, -0.13903853297233582, 1.4168944358825684, -0.8886688947677612, -1.8104394674301147, 0.5204880237579346, -2.3502440452575684, -0.7915464639663696, 0.07196453213691711, -1.9051392078399658, -0.47197243571281433, -0.11160117387771606, 0.2517499029636383, 0.3149944841861725, 0.43639662861824036, -1.5094975233078003, -0.08815190196037292, -0.4274732172489166, -0.9480609893798828, -1.0956709384918213, 0.7736418843269348, 0.9472590684890747, 1.0303595066070557, 1.0858714580535889, 0.3515027165412903, 1.4504648447036743, -0.4426852762699127, -0.9845974445343018, -0.8015277981758118, 0.3455238342285156, -1.1756514310836792, -0.7352081537246704, -0.2553303837776184, -2.3110384941101074, -1.1994190216064453, 0.8111974000930786, -2.6855711936950684, 0.9061634540557861, -1.3482033014297485, -0.010987579822540283, -0.2476942241191864, 0.7640803456306458, 0.07930761575698853, -1.471459150314331, -1.451131820678711, 0.7530679106712341, 1.0887218713760376, -0.8419041037559509, -0.8901189565658569, -1.3879201412200928, -1.2443583011627197, -0.3688710331916809, -1.3416513204574585, -0.23707035183906555, -1.9488365650177002, -1.2920236587524414, -2.1394810676574707, -0.19849351048469543, 0.6105177998542786, -0.2941039204597473, -2.093623399734497, -0.5981776118278503, -3.2132949829101562, 0.6614847183227539, -1.0365493297576904, -1.3037588596343994, -2.7685980796813965, 0.17360660433769226, -0.07021775841712952, -0.5654031038284302, 0.6759434342384338, -0.23707035183906555, 0.1979566514492035, 0.9015154838562012, 0.5348474979400635, 1.2504448890686035, -2.1034748554229736, -2.6126935482025146, 0.20115536451339722, -0.32682350277900696, -0.8932767510414124, -0.23978173732757568, 1.2118093967437744, -1.3491778373718262, -1.2740380764007568, 0.3854053020477295, -1.3652079105377197, 0.474598228931427, 0.46865659952163696, 1.050169587135315, -1.2119184732437134, -0.7955081462860107, -0.3452799320220947, -2.4235081672668457, 1.0870227813720703, -2.466012477874756, 0.11786055564880371, -0.12620410323143005, 1.0375783443450928, -1.2713651657104492, -2.6855711936950684, 0.3455238342285156, -1.9650237560272217, 1.485769510269165, -0.9527223110198975, 0.14131009578704834, 1.1737377643585205, 0.8006981015205383, -0.8174152970314026, 0.7804620265960693, 0.811348557472229, 0.7384030818939209, 0.8304270505905151, 0.006594300270080566, 0.3228106200695038, -0.30447933077812195, -2.149672031402588, 0.18527665734291077, -0.7498551607131958, -0.2202809751033783, 0.4866616129875183, -0.3916289806365967, -0.77197265625, -1.714146614074707, 0.897601842880249, -1.8931152820587158, 1.1823744773864746, -0.4876747727394104, -1.6708345413208008, -1.31181001663208, 0.3797077238559723, 0.5384572744369507, -1.1015610694885254, 0.6759434342384338, -1.7435214519500732, -1.7263792753219604, 1.8632807731628418, -0.09239399433135986, 1.3764899969100952, -1.3487902879714966, -1.5970245599746704, -2.024847984313965, -0.1375364363193512, -0.8676657676696777, 0.28011542558670044, 0.4530029892921448, 1.9612622261047363, -1.924743413925171, -2.732365131378174, 0.06966322660446167, -0.6003105640411377, 0.8095308542251587, -0.8577772378921509, -1.1505056619644165, -4.043729782104492, 2.2865309715270996, 0.08737438917160034, -0.5687538385391235, 0.4534740746021271, 0.1309272050857544, -3.441875457763672, 0.0544373095035553, -2.0580496788024902, -0.49619489908218384, 1.4504648447036743, -1.058017373085022, 0.6161267161369324, 0.1228184700012207, -0.12838134169578552, -2.8461036682128906, -0.32624998688697815, -0.9544532299041748, 0.7680053114891052, 0.25146645307540894, 1.8585193157196045, -1.1319935321807861, 1.137305498123169, 0.8101387023925781, 0.9593615531921387, 0.4357287287712097, 0.5156808495521545, -1.4133405685424805, -0.08550310134887695, -0.24592584371566772, -1.2183492183685303, -0.49378329515457153, 0.7731947302818298, -0.6771270632743835, 1.925081729888916, 1.2861318588256836, -1.5336377620697021, -0.6299145817756653, -0.36165112257003784, -0.3396843373775482, 0.7713779211044312, -1.2322605848312378, -0.06454074382781982, -0.19827806949615479, 0.7713779211044312, 0.8196979761123657, -1.5224392414093018, 0.7559287548065186, -0.06412044167518616, -0.926753044128418, 0.5104491114616394, 0.2589370012283325, 0.040878862142562866, -2.3617029190063477, 0.05570250749588013, -0.19740226864814758, -1.2976555824279785, -1.3253283500671387, -0.6910790205001831, -1.2508268356323242, -0.22800463438034058, 0.08787801861763, -0.0011152029037475586, 1.0956069231033325, 0.3844888210296631, 1.3618011474609375, -0.9582636952400208, -1.759997844696045, -0.8901124000549316, 2.3073012828826904, 2.7934727668762207, 1.0191785097122192, -2.353677272796631, 2.41424560546875, 1.137305498123169, 1.8779528141021729, 0.7041577696800232, 0.3125470280647278, -2.4707605838775635, -1.3737852573394775, -1.31181001663208, -1.5949680805206299, -0.2229769229888916, -0.6240872144699097, -1.5309560298919678, -1.138918161392212, 1.0541224479675293, 1.226300835609436, -1.1894400119781494, -0.25922608375549316, 1.5338819026947021, 1.8311340808868408, -0.8975273966789246, -0.17435720562934875, 1.396620512008667, 1.796638011932373, -0.9385956525802612, -2.858236312866211, -0.13985693454742432, -0.9281688928604126, -1.4003479480743408, -0.2346922755241394, -0.09169098734855652, -2.3453409671783447, -0.6632897257804871, 1.8372504711151123, 0.5067725777626038, 1.8430750370025635, 1.446793794631958, -0.4422832727432251, -2.321620464324951, -1.466043472290039, -0.1968175768852234, -0.6568064093589783, -0.4029502272605896, -0.35571619868278503, -0.5048871040344238, -0.4053588807582855, -0.208764910697937, -2.7837533950805664, -0.5476516485214233, -1.7002116441726685, -0.07999694347381592, -0.7312448024749756, 1.781219244003296, -0.892096996307373, 0.47725504636764526, 0.37083518505096436, 0.8962415456771851, 2.028674602508545, 0.45279598236083984, -0.9929587244987488, -0.2618480920791626, 0.4604358971118927, -0.13756608963012695, 0.5973802804946899, -0.8550528287887573, 0.7599856853485107, -0.625343918800354, -1.702255368232727, 0.7895164489746094, 0.3317399322986603, -0.5216504335403442, -0.8657727241516113, 2.525836229324341, -0.4516945779323578, -0.8267526626586914, 0.22969716787338257, -1.0085320472717285, 0.6719566583633423, -1.660481572151184, -0.14050331711769104, 1.798943281173706, 0.19144979119300842, -1.0235481262207031, -0.4439370632171631, -0.16643014550209045, -0.38631224632263184, -0.9350252747535706, -0.28090041875839233, -2.3806097507476807, -0.06120052933692932, 1.0972321033477783, 0.37169110774993896, -1.5444291830062866, 0.24143940210342407, -4.088592529296875, 0.0515328049659729, -2.3541369438171387, 0.4180077910423279, 1.6437336206436157, 1.2302860021591187, 1.485769510269165, -1.4215842485427856, 1.47088623046875, 1.3138329982757568, -1.0398160219192505, 0.7299669981002808, -2.484431505203247, 0.3703291118144989, -0.2233555018901825, 0.11401382088661194, -1.1604971885681152, 3.073808431625366, 1.0316311120986938, -1.1455883979797363, 0.9940276145935059, -1.9277448654174805, -0.2229769229888916, -0.21340233087539673, -0.9383241534233093, -2.247077226638794, -0.23069405555725098, 1.9016375541687012, 1.1357144117355347, 0.4989970326423645, -1.700922966003418, -0.7569700479507446, 0.06448185443878174, 1.7408215999603271, -0.11931440234184265, 1.4640048742294312, -1.193436861038208, -1.9358845949172974, -0.13079208135604858, -0.5380324125289917, -2.732365131378174, 1.6854511499404907, 1.1373051404953003, -1.7769856452941895, 0.586166501045227, -3.0688443183898926, -0.3127429485321045, -1.96943998336792, -0.2588716149330139, -4.127923011779785, -0.819703221321106, -0.5282059907913208, -0.2894642949104309, -0.5216504335403442, -2.3564529418945312, -0.10039198398590088, 1.3379292488098145, 0.05808904767036438, -0.5120764970779419, 1.0469768047332764, 0.24387454986572266, 3.092604637145996, 0.14241397380828857, 1.7223007678985596, 0.7791922092437744, -0.9015039801597595, -2.586383581161499, 2.41424560546875, -1.0344476699829102, -0.05643799901008606, -0.6756530404090881, 0.6484574675559998, 2.585966110229492, 0.6967121362686157, -0.03652298450469971, -3.3800971508026123, -1.0496649742126465, 1.2310855388641357, 2.1809518337249756, 1.596719741821289, 0.6587694883346558, 0.5055427551269531, 0.4974583685398102, 0.6465737819671631, -0.7853193283081055, -1.3004716634750366, 1.2990796566009521, -3.247345447540283, -1.799692153930664, -2.758460521697998, 1.548617959022522, 1.293654203414917, 1.2561697959899902, 0.1318933069705963, 2.1830132007598877, 0.27226001024246216, 1.781219244003296, 1.0085687637329102, 0.14131009578704834, -1.470749855041504, -1.31336510181427, -1.1064761877059937, 0.5776941776275635, 1.0741291046142578, -0.37028151750564575, -0.28090041875839233, -0.3627789616584778, -0.4882887601852417, -2.4286022186279297, -0.38823261857032776, 0.17933380603790283, 1.396620512008667, 1.349869728088379, 0.233388751745224, -0.22820350527763367, -0.02254357933998108, -0.4898114502429962, 0.7150933146476746, -1.523269772529602, -0.8565714955329895, 1.040199875831604, -1.1247408390045166, -0.07021775841712952, 1.0112487077713013, -0.9299914836883545, 1.385242223739624, -0.49319326877593994, 0.4302903413772583, -0.5440821051597595, -3.1181588172912598, 0.9412115812301636, 0.343403160572052, -1.4399709701538086, -2.1517059803009033, -1.265748143196106, 0.37184765934944153, -0.8290309906005859, -1.2696616649627686, -0.040458083152770996, 0.9501675367355347, -0.5085693597793579, -0.5227180123329163, -1.2976555824279785, -0.6394246816635132, 0.8586139678955078, -1.5094975233078003, 0.5163542032241821, 0.5423508882522583, 0.21226811408996582, -1.1247408390045166, -2.910216808319092, -1.8553249835968018, -0.4029502272605896, 0.6985995173454285, -0.40536758303642273, 0.4633309543132782, 0.5018095970153809, -0.6185885667800903, -1.243434190750122, -1.2384145259857178, -0.8049590587615967, -3.3916521072387695, 0.21305987238883972, 0.41453513503074646, -1.9224157333374023, 0.07346129417419434, 1.061538577079773, -0.26798126101493835, -0.32647567987442017, -0.8237972259521484, 0.6881150007247925, -1.650556206703186, 0.2895267903804779, 0.12833893299102783, 0.6478717923164368, -2.71464204788208, 0.8900619745254517, 0.41713055968284607, -0.4688713848590851, 1.0710499286651611, -1.016780138015747, 0.998205304145813, -0.4085865020751953, -1.6708345413208008, 0.8570473194122314, -0.47317636013031006, 0.7160100340843201, 0.18770849704742432, 0.14419877529144287, -0.0503309965133667, -0.7139236927032471, -2.742236614227295, -1.153335452079773, -1.4954102039337158, -0.9334580898284912, -2.149672031402588, -0.8438236117362976, -0.2312532365322113, 1.0655053853988647, -0.7430348992347717, -0.7159096598625183, 0.3187737464904785, 0.2171802520751953, -0.17217570543289185, -0.18598181009292603, -2.469541311264038, -0.19989992678165436, 1.3225486278533936, -0.17359468340873718, -0.8317280411720276, 1.025252342224121, -0.933260440826416, -0.41348305344581604, -0.8551568984985352, -1.193436861038208, -3.1832785606384277, -0.2805355489253998, -0.5741537809371948, -1.3493380546569824, -1.2491751909255981, 2.208535671234131, -2.306518077850342, -0.22323518991470337, -0.2949349284172058, 2.5456559658050537, 0.6301917433738708, -0.7600271105766296, -0.3588089048862457, -1.4787139892578125, 1.8619121313095093, 0.13688090443611145, -0.09534570574760437, -2.559079170227051, 0.33369240164756775, 1.1112353801727295, 0.632301926612854, 2.437500476837158, -1.6327413320541382, 2.156569242477417, -0.09127697348594666, 0.5055427551269531, -0.13985693454742432, -0.7462220191955566, 2.1826565265655518, 0.11970353126525879, -2.3753037452697754, 1.4837698936462402, 2.8899385929107666, 1.6710479259490967, -0.9860462546348572, -1.8280670642852783, 1.0035744905471802, -1.0398160219192505, 0.34437766671180725, -0.8084170818328857, -0.5303941369056702, 0.7731653451919556, -1.7014554738998413, -0.4307901859283447, -2.8429040908813477, -2.368631362915039, 0.39497387409210205, -1.4052391052246094, -1.7788684368133545, -0.5218573808670044, 0.1309272050857544, -1.524930715560913, 0.7895164489746094, -0.8143995404243469, 0.07012197375297546, 0.8779917359352112, 0.6639302372932434, -0.8001108169555664, 0.38580143451690674, 0.7651828527450562, 0.6934081315994263, 1.3225486278533936, -0.2195729911327362, 0.36434733867645264, -0.6921868324279785, -0.018219053745269775, -0.8733870983123779, -1.0712803602218628, -0.7899309396743774, 0.3840782642364502, 1.4504648447036743, -2.1383180618286133, -1.7002116441726685, 0.09756627678871155, 0.5776941776275635, -1.7788201570510864, -0.08090490102767944, -2.7882070541381836, 1.178780198097229, -0.7225432395935059, -1.0398160219192505, -0.21186760067939758, -0.8521410226821899, 1.1417721509933472, -3.832753896713257, 0.6877013444900513, 1.1914000511169434, -0.9890452027320862, -0.2670673131942749, -1.068154215812683, 0.9246817827224731, 1.663187861442566, 0.17595171928405762, 0.37132200598716736, 2.3073012828826904, -0.02198195457458496, 0.43412503600120544, -0.15957584977149963, 1.7167580127716064, -0.8286842703819275, 0.2998914122581482, -0.6104053854942322, 0.8584228754043579, -0.9663269519805908, 0.43412503600120544, -1.1439287662506104, -2.1695215702056885, -0.1446237862110138, 0.17360660433769226, 2.4900970458984375, -0.14541083574295044, 0.22726279497146606, -0.4316117465496063, -0.6895819306373596, 0.2171802520751953, -0.6185885667800903, 0.4214325249195099, 0.5525157451629639, 0.04746603965759277, 0.5040514469146729, 1.0029598474502563, -2.2672905921936035, -0.06412044167518616, -0.9217010140419006, -1.2119184732437134, -0.6540922522544861, -2.252136707305908, 2.2345569133758545, 0.6658646464347839, 0.4860074520111084, 0.35658231377601624, -0.6535985469818115, 0.6124426126480103, 1.3246837854385376, -0.5120198130607605, -0.34461069107055664, 0.5290050506591797, 0.19554775953292847, -0.8983397483825684, -1.7788684368133545, -1.9984033107757568, 0.4255721867084503, -0.6287258863449097, -0.21190956234931946, -0.8715962767601013, 0.500339686870575, -0.7537282705307007, 1.4504648447036743, 0.026823967695236206, 0.5672101974487305, -2.194448709487915, -0.367942750453949, 0.7736418843269348, 0.32879284024238586, 0.42904701828956604, -0.7768380641937256, -0.15911412239074707, 1.050169587135315, 1.1290180683135986, -0.04612463712692261, -0.7742732763290405, -1.0081796646118164, 0.41453513503074646, -0.2655501663684845, 1.0375783443450928, -1.1015610694885254, -0.926753044128418, -0.7721514105796814, -0.5140820145606995, 0.2547700107097626, -0.8715962767601013, -0.285470187664032, 1.096552848815918, 1.0657316446304321, -1.5114736557006836, 0.4682595729827881, -0.5468310713768005, 0.9472590684890747, 0.4226835370063782, -2.097583055496216, -0.06904345750808716, -0.33132603764533997, 1.3964895009994507, -0.4727940559387207, -0.5934454798698425, 0.28979575634002686, -1.0773760080337524, 0.5672101974487305, -0.011514604091644287, 1.0717761516571045, -0.2927204668521881, -0.7100871205329895, 0.3057734966278076, 0.233388751745224, -1.329690933227539, 0.3461720943450928, -1.6157058477401733, 0.13553157448768616, -0.06282207369804382, -0.3911266326904297, 0.5034695863723755, 0.8272819519042969, -2.1746318340301514, 0.7564767599105835, -0.23707035183906555, -1.0474449396133423, -1.123985767364502, 0.042118608951568604, 0.9129297733306885, -0.09701108932495117, 1.050169587135315, -0.38916802406311035, -0.546663224697113, -0.435263067483902, -1.307813048362732, -0.1614765226840973, 0.6492023468017578, -1.7579808235168457, -0.4085865020751953, 1.4013688564300537, -0.5790907740592957, -0.061856210231781006, -0.38916802406311035, -0.9873241186141968, 0.530228853225708, -0.1375364363193512, -0.32270827889442444, -2.4707605838775635, -1.6838045120239258, -2.2164881229400635, -1.2371711730957031, -2.8741869926452637, -1.1538227796554565, 1.1759371757507324, -1.7733111381530762, -0.40109771490097046, -3.247345447540283, -0.9820499420166016, 0.6146426200866699, -0.8277496099472046, 0.8475627899169922, -1.009824275970459, -0.3983043432235718, 0.022518932819366455, 0.13668429851531982, -1.4399819374084473, -2.6555564403533936, -1.205703616142273, 1.7627719640731812, 0.3228106200695038, -0.5610325336456299, -0.37348923087120056, 0.04611155390739441, -2.083972215652466, 1.3369359970092773, -2.391767978668213, -1.114868402481079, 0.24917367100715637, 0.1392117142677307, -1.6885104179382324, 0.618720531463623, -3.0648980140686035, -1.9925453662872314, -2.9716689586639404, 0.5572906732559204, -1.6356749534606934, 1.2966361045837402, 0.5348474979400635, -2.724548101425171, 0.03296273946762085, 0.02462095022201538, 1.362642765045166, -0.42165955901145935, -0.9845974445343018, -1.4079203605651855, 0.702067494392395, -3.572598934173584, -2.428684711456299, -1.2727009057998657, 0.28249236941337585, 2.7934727668762207, 0.36166173219680786, 0.8270689249038696, -1.9925453662872314, -0.19947978854179382, -1.38630211353302, 0.31980687379837036, 0.6881150007247925, -1.3253607749938965, -0.42907583713531494, -0.5659366846084595, -0.9239787459373474, -0.4958062469959259, -1.6542844772338867, -0.0838530957698822, -0.6370970606803894, 0.9438910484313965, -0.8997854590415955, -0.2969997525215149, -1.6270778179168701, 0.052810847759246826, -1.8931152820587158, 0.6083316802978516, 0.042118608951568604, -2.0768330097198486, 0.7279798984527588, 1.1290180683135986, -1.1247408390045166, -1.509202480316162, -1.0067343711853027, -0.6397405862808228, -2.0875070095062256, -0.28190329670906067, 0.8240436911582947, -1.204798936843872, 2.558504819869995, 0.2443855106830597, -1.2702507972717285, -0.2805355489253998, 0.5831277370452881, -0.0724588930606842, -2.058412551879883, 0.5348474979400635, -0.8720455169677734, -1.1397185325622559, -1.111391305923462, 0.44721364974975586, -0.95869380235672, 0.2967486083507538, 0.2547700107097626, 1.2310855388641357, -0.8901189565658569, -1.543710708618164, -0.3150497376918793, -1.0354969501495361, 0.05079944431781769, 0.22969716787338257, 0.8270689249038696, -1.6690959930419922, 0.2182978391647339, 1.1823744773864746, -0.8901189565658569, 1.3619736433029175, 1.4069933891296387, -1.9925453662872314, 0.3426772654056549, 2.7077882289886475, 0.1497068703174591, 0.2031756043434143, -2.141831874847412, 0.3636380732059479, 0.7787317037582397, 0.5342387557029724, -0.053616493940353394, -2.3465943336486816, 0.6659137606620789, 1.69303560256958, -2.170389413833618, 1.3820247650146484, 0.5667006969451904, -0.8438122272491455, -1.1002839803695679, -0.10717186331748962, -1.4603064060211182, 0.09156465530395508, -0.23933041095733643, -0.16828900575637817, -2.1394810676574707, -0.7611578702926636, -0.265403687953949, 0.7787317037582397, -0.5278388857841492, -0.41267597675323486, -0.30751338601112366, 0.1848088502883911, 0.11092358827590942, 0.20608481764793396, -0.5896599292755127, -2.548440456390381, -0.03403088450431824, -0.0724588930606842, -0.09635865688323975, -0.45447081327438354, -0.07647040486335754, 0.23573416471481323, 0.09141987562179565, -0.015559554100036621, -1.459977626800537, -1.307813048362732, -1.2687673568725586, -0.4433720111846924, -0.046362876892089844, 0.9726701378822327, 0.21670138835906982, 0.15552011132240295, -0.830195963382721, -1.6157058477401733, -0.48529815673828125, 2.437500476837158, 0.08064603805541992, -0.8481863141059875, 0.0544373095035553, -1.5109663009643555, -2.929248809814453, -1.2429859638214111, -0.32738712430000305, 0.6641877889633179, 0.07040560245513916, 1.4514479637145996, 2.3073012828826904, -1.732567548751831, 1.2775652408599854, 1.3980149030685425, -0.7494504451751709, -1.870521903038025, 1.07541823387146, -1.8707847595214844, -0.6682151556015015, -0.15193495154380798, -0.17579182982444763, 0.16936802864074707, 0.4063994288444519, 0.2171802520751953, 2.2345569133758545, -1.1237068176269531, -3.4809513092041016, -2.03391695022583, -2.353677272796631, -0.3588089048862457, -0.7324818968772888, -2.2001545429229736, 0.6434631943702698, 0.203019917011261, -0.8915774822235107, 0.4037119448184967, 0.6127457618713379, 1.882437825202942, 0.3530901372432709, -0.9068727493286133, -0.12991371750831604, -0.5303941369056702, 0.6248931288719177, -1.5338072776794434, -3.1467676162719727, 1.0655053853988647, 1.7881861925125122, 0.09601521492004395, -2.907815456390381, 0.9254168272018433, 0.33182692527770996, -2.700533151626587, -1.0522340536117554, -0.9974545240402222, -0.7120685577392578, 3.316052198410034, -2.1418910026550293, 1.4087320566177368, 1.8005406856536865, 0.0844307541847229, -0.8555437922477722, -0.3992033004760742, -0.3627789616584778, -1.114868402481079, -0.77197265625, 2.627838134765625, 0.9395869374275208, -0.7050453424453735, 1.0669411420822144, 1.533394455909729, -0.841247022151947, -0.7714270353317261, -1.4922186136245728, 1.0303595066070557, 1.1004860401153564, 0.2463977336883545, 1.2990796566009521, 0.702067494392395, 0.8575830459594727, -2.7460265159606934, 0.5562567710876465, -1.4869577884674072, -0.03586500883102417, -0.6227104663848877, -0.24380278587341309, -1.331125020980835, 0.6607764363288879, -0.5855982899665833, -1.1208281517028809, -0.1951897144317627, 1.5965462923049927, -1.9509732723236084, -2.7459232807159424, -2.0285463333129883, 0.36015787720680237, 0.43412503600120544, 1.6831374168395996, 0.029024094343185425, 2.3073012828826904, 0.568646252155304, 1.1163402795791626, 0.7039196491241455, -2.6325972080230713, 2.819817066192627, 1.0760215520858765, 2.8899385929107666, -0.6632897257804871, -1.0486249923706055, 0.3125470280647278, -0.11591941118240356, -2.258094549179077, 1.7833774089813232, -0.8833308815956116, 0.3523361086845398, 1.011128306388855, -1.4444830417633057, -0.4069870114326477, -0.8576333522796631, -0.19940561056137085, -0.2233555018901825, 3.0084166526794434, -0.5380324125289917, -0.8551568984985352, -0.16626760363578796, 1.3075230121612549, -2.6528420448303223, -0.21713408827781677, 1.1421680450439453, -1.1208281517028809, -1.2094764709472656, -1.13921058177948, -1.6113547086715698, -2.3191254138946533, 1.5368049144744873, 0.7731947302818298, 0.4087711274623871, 0.2708393335342407, 0.6820265054702759, -2.8741869926452637, -2.0768330097198486, -1.084801435470581, -2.5503530502319336, 0.765256941318512, 1.2120858430862427, -0.5671278238296509, -0.861652135848999, -0.8857695460319519, 3.071528434753418, 0.7767829895019531, -2.553203582763672, 1.304993987083435, -2.5612385272979736, -0.29886123538017273, -0.22025251388549805, 0.5018095970153809, 0.49411359429359436, 1.3572049140930176, -0.45447081327438354, -0.0346754789352417, 0.2237604260444641, 0.6155520081520081, 0.7099754810333252, -1.0067343711853027, 1.0063166618347168, 0.6851480007171631, 0.7384030818939209, 0.5250009298324585, -0.468056857585907, 1.907299518585205, -0.061231017112731934, 1.099714994430542, -1.5992774963378906, 0.3640546202659607, 0.13413098454475403, 0.7505530118942261, -1.0629305839538574, -0.5671278238296509, 1.046297550201416, -0.9932141900062561, -2.063072681427002, 0.27426913380622864, -1.0836703777313232, 0.6139605641365051, 0.7279798984527588, -1.7435214519500732, -1.6327413320541382, -1.3098666667938232, -0.8077390193939209, 0.39928245544433594, -0.9820499420166016, 2.6555774211883545, 0.5843930840492249, -1.6113547086715698, 0.047525763511657715, 0.11786055564880371, 0.36434733867645264, 0.6139605641365051, 1.1357144117355347, -2.8758416175842285, 0.537611186504364, 0.29882165789604187, 2.4621176719665527, 1.025252342224121, 1.5530900955200195, -1.0235481262207031, -2.577207088470459, 0.5623641610145569, -0.7737026810646057, 0.941434383392334, 0.8538639545440674, -0.0011152029037475586, 0.59200119972229, 1.0176900625228882, 1.995493769645691, -0.09127697348594666, 0.23804143071174622, -1.0085320472717285, 0.4524753987789154, 0.3328350782394409, -1.1889326572418213, 2.0500831604003906, -2.1889052391052246, -1.3169481754302979, 0.3336699903011322, 1.8554832935333252, 0.291914165019989, 0.7183367609977722, -1.4215842485427856, -1.1460285186767578, -2.9440789222717285, -0.8720455169677734, -2.577207088470459, 1.741502046585083, -2.616319417953491, 1.4898637533187866, -0.9578422904014587, 2.3223283290863037, 0.5991865396499634, 1.4898637533187866, -0.004607677459716797, 2.172680377960205, 0.05650225281715393, 0.03725507855415344, 0.28249236941337585, 0.18291401863098145, 0.533565104007721, -0.7681953310966492, 1.019134283065796, -3.377807140350342, 3.073808431625366, 0.8500432372093201, -2.7070140838623047, 1.288208246231079, -2.9490556716918945, -0.7462220191955566, -0.5677300095558167, 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distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "How to do this indices example?", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Results with and without interaction", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "Analytical solution to PDE", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Force exerted on potential wall", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Capturing a light beam", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "Analytical solution to PDE", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "Find volume of cask", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Intersection points of two circles.", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "Is this function bijective?", "Capturing a light beam", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "Riemann-Lebesgue equivalence for n-dimensional integration", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "What exactly is computation?", "A helical cycloid?", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "Difference between busses", "A question on unbounded operators", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "Homework with logarithms", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "Sinks and Sources", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Probability...coin toss", "most basic laser diode driver?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Double slit experiment", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Is this function bijective?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "So gravity turns things round", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "Sinks and Sources", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "What exactly is computation?", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "A helical cycloid?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Reflection across the plane", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Do black holes have charges?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Reflection across the plane", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "Homework with logarithms", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "Reflection across the plane", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "Purification of Ethanol", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "Find volume of cask", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "What exactly is computation?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Juddering under load", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "CMOS 4066 Question", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Do black holes have charges?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Intersection points of two circles.", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "A helical cycloid?", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Significant error conversion", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "A question on unbounded operators", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Complete induction", "Difference between busses", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Reflection across the plane", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Inventor of CRT?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Results with and without interaction", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Difference between busses", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Capturing a light beam", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Complete induction", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Force exerted on potential wall", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Questions about geometric distribution", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Can water be magnetized?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Complete induction", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Two Field Problem", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What exactly is computation?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Free RF Simulation Software", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Difference between busses", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Looking for a compound", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "Functional complete and xor", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Molarity exercises", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Homework with logarithms", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Molarity exercises", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Results with and without interaction", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "abelian higgs vortices", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Probability exercise with apples", "A helical cycloid?", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "most basic laser diode driver?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Identifying sequential patterns", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Functional complete and xor", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Analytical solution to PDE", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "AdvRef pin setup", "Questions about geometric distribution", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "CMOS 4066 Question", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Capturing a light beam", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "Complete induction", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "Looking for a compound", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "TFT display write noise", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Can water be magnetized?", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "A helical cycloid?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "CMOS 4066 Question", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "CMOS 4066 Question", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Results with and without interaction", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Crosstalk vs interference", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "A question on unbounded operators", "So gravity turns things round", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Probability...coin toss", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Sinks and Sources", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Significant error conversion", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Probability...coin toss", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Earth-Moon system", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Earth-Moon system", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Character values bounded away from zero", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Mutually generics", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Can directed set be finite?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Mutually generics", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Why is covalent bonding stronger than electrostatic attraction?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Can directed set be finite?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "So gravity turns things round", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Results with and without interaction", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "most basic laser diode driver?", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Sinks and Sources", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Photons and Relativity", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Need help with a subsets problem", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Analytical solution to PDE", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "A question on unbounded operators", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Is this function bijective?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Is this function bijective?", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "IgA complement activation", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "How to do this indices example?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Finding residue of function", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Character values bounded away from zero", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "A helical cycloid?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "IgA complement activation", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Find volume of cask", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Two Field Problem", "Photons and Relativity", "Can water be magnetized?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Free RF Simulation Software", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Identifying sequential patterns", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Probability exercise with apples", "Find volume of cask", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Reflection across the plane", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Nitration of pyrrole", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Finding residue of function", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Probability...coin toss", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Need help with a subsets problem", "So gravity turns things round", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "Purification of Ethanol", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "TFT display write noise", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Photons and Relativity", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Double slit experiment", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "Homework with logarithms", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "Photons and Relativity", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Inventor of CRT?", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Juddering under load", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Nitration of pyrrole", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Results with and without interaction", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers", "Can water be magnetized?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -3.3260200023651123, -6.158586502075195, -5.698552131652832, 4.2920308113098145, -2.4882490634918213, -2.9472057819366455, -2.4882490634918213, -0.015860646963119507, -1.8502575159072876, -1.45276939868927, 0.1010710597038269, 2.6247670650482178, 5.2155561447143555, 2.064779043197632, 8.791194915771484, 0.2771124839782715, -1.313159704208374, 0.8534942865371704, -5.595977783203125, -2.8786098957061768, -3.2113876342773438, -2.0397369861602783, 3.790858030319214, 1.9740420579910278, 4.342240810394287, 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2.461102247238159, 1.6666510105133057, -0.7281943559646606, 1.7528738975524902, 7.578310012817383, 6.644749641418457, 8.791194915771484, 3.69377064704895, 3.311558961868286, 1.6684271097183228, 5.957258224487305, 6.2141265869140625, 4.0988664627075195, 7.8123321533203125, 8.360922813415527, 3.325338125228882, 1.7115217447280884, 3.3767855167388916, 0.8775171637535095, -5.117021560668945, -1.5321437120437622, -2.219850540161133, 0.48847147822380066, -5.660526275634766, -1.722493052482605, -4.246947288513184, -0.6240567564964294, -3.9134814739227295, -2.855451822280884, -3.7798402309417725, -1.3106573820114136, -2.7745254039764404, -2.043896436691284, 1.7253895998001099, -0.5338944792747498, 5.665677070617676, 0.9159168601036072, 3.4618079662323, 4.815173149108887, 2.7600409984588623, 9.281160354614258, 6.809708595275879, 1.5324583053588867, 6.79090690612793, 5.430974006652832, 4.747600555419922, 5.09169864654541, 8.956724166870117, 6.515953063964844, 7.981574058532715, 1.5788885354995728, 0.7656089663505554, 8.499168395996094, 3.052138328552246, 8.346094131469727, 8.959593772888184, 4.909234046936035, 0.8534941077232361, 7.673601150512695, 2.2105751037597656, 6.00447940826416, 5.981450080871582, 3.07293963432312, 9.400032043457031, -0.9044696688652039, 6.315320014953613, 5.469751834869385, 0.8741594552993774, 8.095001220703125, 6.63791561126709, 4.67825984954834, 6.214883804321289, 6.1054887771606445, 7.300665855407715, 7.652449607849121, 5.747131824493408, 2.5214149951934814, 7.730191230773926, 5.740033149719238, 8.508809089660645, 8.245058059692383, -0.9078602194786072, 6.8879618644714355, 8.761811256408691, 6.19349479675293, 3.163774251937866, -1.7168885469436646, 0.667014479637146, -3.24654221534729, 0.06185108423233032, -1.1994564533233643, 5.825952529907227, -3.850243091583252, -5.031267166137695, -4.9309163093566895, -0.2652009129524231, -5.255077362060547, 4.454850673675537, 7.915205955505371, -3.4166197776794434, -1.075558066368103, -1.2691904306411743, -0.43776842951774597, -5.083108901977539, -2.4882490634918213, 0.32947465777397156, -2.574612855911255, 1.2018061876296997, -1.3729592561721802, -2.4372177124023438, -2.5201432704925537, -2.809338331222534, -1.9759584665298462, -3.335315704345703, -1.6653456687927246, -1.6264885663986206, -1.6170868873596191, -4.246946334838867, -3.525073766708374, 7.3539509773254395, 5.971216678619385, 1.4273569583892822, 2.607964277267456, 3.9561712741851807, 0.31235915422439575, 6.63791561126709, -1.889626145362854, 8.764490127563477, -0.27069371938705444, 1.8483624458312988, -1.96945059299469, 7.063786506652832, 8.97811508178711, 2.248995542526245, -4.498750686645508, -4.584178924560547, 7.876106262207031, 0.4137187600135803, 4.661990642547607, 3.69377064704895, -2.7352681159973145, 5.129899024963379, 5.593654632568359, 4.7398457527160645, 5.562038421630859, 7.927783966064453, 4.740583896636963, 1.4568052291870117, 5.740033149719238, 2.048661231994629, 10.505804061889648, -1.078330636024475, -5.745274066925049, -1.3131684064865112, 0.36213546991348267, -5.036811351776123, -1.7598522901535034, -1.6526246070861816, -0.2652009129524231, -4.760077953338623, -1.4438313245773315, 0.7116925120353699, -2.6213250160217285, -4.585502624511719, 0.3647952079772949, -0.4381086826324463, 0.24773454666137695, -6.083704948425293, -6.394726753234863, -2.021369695663452, -1.075558066368103, 0.06185108423233032, -4.605416774749756, -1.279225468635559, -0.8324286341667175, 7.200226783752441, 1.2095760107040405, 6.963166236877441, 8.87874698638916, 0.056288957595825195, 7.652449607849121, 8.764490127563477, 1.6684271097183228, -1.6801968812942505, 8.927736282348633, 2.901775598526001, -2.977163553237915, 8.350992202758789, -1.6801968812942505, 8.895730972290039, 7.337732791900635, -0.1508658528327942, -0.7150733470916748, 5.909370422363281, 5.496579170227051, 6.222537517547607, -0.23405742645263672, -0.16661065816879272, -1.3131688833236694, -3.335315704345703, -2.6823525428771973, -1.1863248348236084, -2.850656747817993, -1.4761747121810913, -4.903809547424316, 0.19697561860084534, 1.2018061876296997, -3.7684929370880127, -2.1079530715942383, -2.9278597831726074, -4.915025234222412, -1.6719416379928589, -5.091711521148682, -4.3675856590271, -5.255077362060547, -4.8237080574035645, -3.2676093578338623, -1.8502575159072876, 9.087911605834961, -1.0704914331436157, 10.505804061889648, 8.895730972290039, 4.444332122802734, 7.652449607849121, 5.822093963623047, 0.8716265559196472, 1.6559268236160278, 8.047711372375488, 1.0900914669036865, 8.192960739135742, -0.40249910950660706, 8.761811256408691, 2.9485373497009277, -0.5338944792747498, 0.21805042028427124, 4.223365783691406, 1.7115217447280884, 5.432707786560059, 7.145171165466309, 8.403024673461914, 2.2960379123687744, 7.063786506652832, 7.915205955505371, 4.0988664627075195, 7.03002405166626, 3.052138328552246, 0.9316372275352478, -0.7234153151512146, 5.09169864654541, 2.064779043197632, 6.263036727905273, 0.06230151653289795, 8.076313972473145, -0.22618824243545532, 5.690669536590576, 0.49277669191360474, 8.956724166870117, 6.619774341583252, 4.5684895515441895, 0.8966702818870544, 6.268218040466309, 7.2122955322265625, 0.8716265559196472, -2.9472057819366455, 0.6006619334220886, 8.774721145629883, -0.16661107540130615, 0.8181219696998596, -5.255077362060547, 0.7164603471755981, -1.1994564533233643, -1.4484457969665527, -2.094106912612915, 0.24773454666137695, -2.248164415359497, 5.4166340827941895, -0.958791971206665, -4.038915157318115, 1.0594627857208252, -2.803109645843506, 5.355218410491943, -4.905600070953369, 7.194952964782715, -0.16661107540130615, 1.2095760107040405, 3.285750150680542, 2.9485373497009277, 2.407052516937256, 6.587862968444824, 8.034133911132812, -0.693019688129425, -0.6828010678291321, 9.176959991455078, 1.2018061876296997, 7.644234657287598, 6.364005088806152, 3.7828400135040283, 8.03213119506836, 6.315320014953613, 1.1232742071151733, -1.6264885663986206, -1.7714564800262451, 5.4929399490356445, -0.14240658283233643, -0.5731051564216614, 1.0074292421340942, -0.9959062337875366, 6.657279014587402, -4.087457180023193, -1.1805188655853271, -2.295093297958374, 9.165292739868164, 4.412213325500488, 7.200226783752441, 2.783540964126587, 7.935142517089844, 0.9316374659538269, -2.541891574859619, 8.956724166870117, 6.984230041503906, 3.7569849491119385, 2.6789512634277344, -5.586386680603027, 8.956724166870117, -1.644718050956726, 0.7116925120353699, 1.2018061876296997, -0.5719998478889465, 0.7800230383872986, 5.372315406799316, -0.485506147146225, -3.7684929370880127, 3.5239765644073486, -3.2080910205841064, -4.299349784851074, 0.09552627801895142, -0.7715805768966675, 0.48825982213020325, -2.9472057819366455, -1.6365028619766235, 4.702580451965332, 7.627338409423828, 1.594922661781311, 3.4431145191192627, 2.7132482528686523, 6.79090690612793, 7.2122955322265625, 3.7828400135040283, 0.9992621541023254, 8.46071720123291, 8.9281587600708, 7.300665855407715, 6.347720623016357, 8.46084976196289, 2.6152191162109375, 6.123649597167969, 6.657279014587402, 2.253441572189331, 9.165292739868164, 4.9941558837890625, 7.371322154998779, 9.662801742553711, 6.214883804321289, 7.915205955505371, 6.222537517547607, 8.346094131469727, 6.315320014953613, 6.729514122009277, 3.69377064704895, -1.4320831298828125, -1.3179322481155396, -2.2090938091278076, -4.276453018188477, -1.4438313245773315, -1.8952279090881348, -4.067318916320801, -0.5719998478889465, -1.8952279090881348, -2.855451822280884, -2.541891574859619, -1.6981151103973389, -0.28401273488998413, 5.517122745513916, -5.701773166656494, 8.499168395996094, -0.8056421875953674, -2.9278597831726074, -3.7798402309417725, -1.3576797246932983, 2.1011006832122803, 3.7569849491119385, 2.965947389602661, 1.7115217447280884, -0.11864054203033447, 5.0469818115234375, 7.826242446899414, 8.835602760314941, 2.9062294960021973, -4.157156944274902, -0.5294994115829468, 8.239730834960938, 5.717166423797607, 4.414346694946289, 8.346094131469727, 3.9561712741851807, 8.92199420928955, -1.3106573820114136, -2.9352071285247803, -2.067429780960083, 4.815173149108887, -0.27084824442863464, 1.4755609035491943, -2.270556688308716, -4.084532737731934, -1.4211680889129639, -5.52329158782959, -1.112813949584961, -1.6719416379928589, 8.075627326965332, -0.7806437611579895, 5.4929399490356445, 3.3767852783203125, -2.26299786567688, 2.706033706665039, 1.0074292421340942, -5.329964637756348, -2.9472057819366455, -0.6024253368377686, 6.347720623016357, -3.631094217300415, -3.6997272968292236, 8.331988334655762, 0.4274051785469055, 4.412213325500488, 6.1054887771606445, 6.315320014953613, -3.3481457233428955, 7.578310012817383, 8.59422779083252, 7.569557189941406, -3.3557212352752686, 1.583060622215271, -1.0240702629089355, -4.034305095672607, 3.0498387813568115, 4.453023910522461, 8.085803985595703, 5.981450080871582, 6.00447940826416, 8.739164352416992, 1.0594627857208252, 7.876106262207031, 8.331988334655762, 6.51455020904541, 7.441521644592285, 5.562038421630859, 2.4661989212036133, 7.662851333618164, 5.718855381011963, 3.6433513164520264, 8.774721145629883, 6.513238430023193, 7.465821266174316, 4.828676700592041, 2.3924026489257812, -2.4372177124023438, -0.8324286341667175, -1.6120469570159912, -3.2251760959625244, -0.9905530214309692, -4.670338153839111, 2.6699628829956055, -3.410414934158325, -4.236920356750488, 0.7346583008766174, -1.9759584665298462, -1.1456083059310913, 8.956724166870117, 3.635681390762329, -4.74399995803833, -0.46019864082336426, 6.123649597167969, -0.3019660711288452, -3.4608638286590576, 7.876106262207031, -4.276453018188477, -2.5279738903045654, -1.3179328441619873, -0.39054328203201294, 5.813553810119629, -4.7171525955200195, -1.1136351823806763, -1.4211680889129639, 0.6707047820091248, -0.7095645070075989, -1.2691904306411743, -4.245042324066162, -5.091711521148682, -4.977221488952637, -1.4840224981307983, -2.4507901668548584, -6.083704948425293, -2.8786098957061768, -4.905600070953369, -1.6801968812942505, -0.10918575525283813, -0.7299644351005554, -2.4203107357025146, -5.233447074890137, -1.7137153148651123, -2.0919482707977295, -3.1074795722961426, -0.2652009129524231, -4.305561065673828, -1.4761747121810913, -0.6024253368377686, 0.6707047820091248, -2.4372177124023438, -4.97520637512207, -2.094106912612915, 0.3898603916168213, 7.764402389526367, 8.899709701538086, 2.3375773429870605, 7.203582763671875, 0.7800230383872986, 1.848362922668457, 2.917062759399414, 5.995027542114258, 4.4695868492126465, 1.366571307182312, 7.1590752601623535, -1.7920432090759277, 1.6559268236160278, -4.304411888122559, 5.995594024658203, 3.0498390197753906, 6.24028205871582, 5.957258224487305, -0.04011482000350952, 8.959593772888184, 6.263036727905273, 6.368422985076904, 3.6750805377960205, 7.826242446899414, 7.915205955505371, 7.718347072601318, 4.747600555419922, 5.593844890594482, 3.358938455581665, 7.8123321533203125, 5.398393630981445, 7.718347072601318, 3.5446600914001465, 6.693204879760742, 7.093337059020996, 6.315320014953613, 1.366571307182312, 5.562038421630859, 5.550407409667969, 6.515534400939941, 1.6666510105133057, 5.173948287963867, 4.301927089691162, 8.46084976196289, 7.145171165466309, 5.909370422363281, 4.67825984954834, 6.364005088806152, 2.636772871017456, 7.903911113739014, 6.317502975463867, 7.652449607849121, -1.6006213426589966, 5.562038421630859, -0.40249910950660706, 3.7012760639190674, -0.7806437611579895, 3.1245365142822266, -4.585502624511719, 8.239730834960938, 5.593654632568359, -0.6828010678291321, -3.9835150241851807, -4.782115936279297, -3.2401058673858643, -4.262815475463867, 3.07293963432312, -0.032771527767181396, 0.13493657112121582, 6.513238430023193, 2.0741195678710938, -4.707507133483887, 0.7946234345436096, 7.549842834472656, 2.3375773429870605, -2.059792995452881, 6.202064037322998, 0.8286512494087219, -6.079327583312988, -3.2177209854125977, -2.2077696323394775, 5.956852912902832, -1.7920432090759277, -2.0397369861602783, 3.0500409603118896, 2.3069140911102295, 6.924981117248535, -3.448105573654175, 4.360072135925293, 6.795389175415039, -4.585502624511719, -2.298740863800049, 5.731533527374268, -2.6823525428771973, -4.116281986236572, -1.6801968812942505, -4.304411888122559, 1.2018061876296997, -4.245573997497559, -1.4431185722351074, 0.6387389898300171, -1.9643478393554688, -2.4508936405181885, 3.635681390762329, 5.683660507202148, -1.8502575159072876, 0.3704608976840973, -4.787234306335449, -1.6120469570159912, -1.1241505146026611, 8.438151359558105, -0.8025786876678467, 6.795388221740723, 5.217442512512207, -4.4815826416015625, 5.469751834869385, -1.6170868873596191, 0.49277669191360474, 5.808439254760742, 5.06691312789917, 3.1245365142822266, 8.956724166870117, -2.2077696323394775, -0.9564762115478516, 0.8355960249900818, 5.4166340827941895, -2.0318124294281006, 2.9815356731414795, 9.96989917755127, -2.809338331222534, 3.052138328552246, -1.445231556892395, 6.954250335693359, 8.803353309631348, 0.5872247219085693, -5.444132328033447, -4.692059516906738, -0.7818959951400757, -4.851341247558594, 4.793102264404297, 0.20214726030826569, 4.661990642547607, 0.6260789036750793, 1.1546952724456787, 4.301927089691162, -0.6828010678291321, 1.6079914569854736, -0.06420862674713135, -2.9472057819366455, -1.6120469570159912, -3.3032453060150146, 1.2018061876296997, -3.98634672164917, -2.202493906021118, -4.780686378479004, 7.168305397033691, 6.512259483337402, 7.662851333618164, 4.450683116912842, 7.764402389526367, 1.8483624458312988, 1.6266943216323853, 0.5093249082565308, 4.793102264404297, 6.059136390686035, 6.315320014953613, 3.4431145191192627, 5.376352787017822, 8.829768180847168, -0.04011482000350952, 0.7346583008766174, 2.253441572189331, 5.581575870513916, 8.956724166870117, 5.5171217918396, -2.202493906021118, -1.5225054025650024, 4.600053310394287, 8.829559326171875, -2.6975743770599365, -4.707507133483887, 6.333067893981934, 7.825027942657471, -1.45276939868927, -2.2779300212860107, -3.8682947158813477, -4.787234306335449, 5.149507999420166, 0.9316374659538269, -3.6997272968292236, -2.248164415359497, 8.000066757202148, -1.114153504371643, -0.4716203510761261, -3.708852529525757, -2.6337740421295166, -4.08897590637207, -4.472487926483154, -4.299564361572266, 1.4755609035491943, -5.083108901977539, 0.4624170660972595, -3.7897164821624756, 8.956724166870117, 6.915142059326172, 7.730191230773926, 4.793102264404297, 7.915205955505371, 2.9062294960021973, 1.9487377405166626, 5.469751834869385, 1.1370000839233398, 2.461102247238159, 2.2105751037597656, 5.458034992218018, -0.4535011351108551, 6.79090690612793, 6.269160747528076, -0.7234153151512146, 2.476003408432007, 5.740033149719238, 8.636547088623047, 6.322400093078613, 0.8741594552993774, 5.956852912902832, 0.5872247219085693, 2.443601608276367, 8.03213119506836, 6.368422985076904, 7.325357437133789, 6.954250335693359, 6.854287624359131, 2.6641993522644043, 0.48825982213020325, 3.862382173538208, 6.795388221740723, 5.595210075378418, 8.97811508178711, 1.316163182258606, 7.578310012817383, 7.696455478668213, 2.901775598526001, 5.8038225173950195, 6.296209812164307, 1.594922661781311, -0.5547510385513306, 1.2347381114959717, -0.8025786876678467, -2.6545302867889404, -2.2077693939208984, 0.4274051785469055, -1.9653183221817017, -4.067318916320801, 0.7164603471755981, -3.524684190750122, 1.813202977180481, 6.693203926086426, -3.372688055038452, -0.4044651687145233, -4.96781063079834, -4.760077953338623, -3.388183116912842, -0.40249910950660706, 5.075850009918213, 5.731744766235352, -5.076452255249023, 7.164166450500488, 2.9064035415649414, 4.360072135925293, 5.898738861083984, 2.9064033031463623, -4.791440010070801, -3.672177791595459, 5.825952529907227, -4.34126615524292, -5.824131011962891, -1.464902639389038, -3.2177209854125977, -0.1419680118560791, -2.6242475509643555, -3.2251760959625244, -2.2779300212860107, 0.9572100043296814, -4.08897590637207, 0.6670145392417908, -3.2080910205841064, -3.9835150241851807, 1.7528738975524902, 1.2018061876296997, -3.2763466835021973, -1.9726686477661133, 0.4361821413040161, -4.939154148101807, 1.5830609798431396, -0.5933712124824524, -1.0343481302261353, 0.9248958230018616, -1.6864631175994873, -2.2023589611053467, -0.22844523191452026, -2.850656747817993, -1.5040031671524048, -1.1385554075241089, -5.083044528961182, -4.34126615524292, -5.966296195983887, 0.991247296333313, -2.3887264728546143, -1.3576797246932983, -2.8775107860565186, -1.6006213426589966, -1.8257511854171753, -1.6436525583267212, -0.4280472993850708, -2.9286935329437256, -1.7021983861923218, -2.7352681159973145, -2.0919482707977295, -3.524684190750122, -1.112813949584961, -1.6436525583267212, -2.5279738903045654, 5.690669536590576, 1.6666510105133057, 0.6006619334220886, 5.731533527374268, 3.7264935970306396, 7.093283176422119, 8.739164352416992, 5.2155561447143555, 5.271781921386719, 1.6234253644943237, 1.8956319093704224, 4.600053310394287, 5.359911918640137, 7.203582763671875, 8.352169036865234, 5.971216678619385, 8.940654754638672, 5.443803310394287, 2.4639482498168945, 0.9992621541023254, 4.059726715087891, 9.176961898803711, 5.676638603210449, 4.793102264404297, 2.948540449142456, 6.269160747528076, 7.1590752601623535, 7.927783966064453, 4.454850673675537, 5.683660507202148, 8.46084976196289, 7.093283176422119, 6.792083263397217, 6.041134834289551, -0.8336819410324097, 0.42609620094299316, -2.7745254039764404, -1.6264885663986206, 0.277792364358902, -1.8111603260040283, -4.038914680480957, -3.1376426219940186, -4.915024757385254, -2.5279738903045654, -2.4597010612487793, -6.079327583312988, 1.2018061876296997, -1.6436525583267212, -3.1167027950286865, -2.5201432704925537, -3.2251760959625244, -4.780686378479004, -2.4597008228302, -1.4484457969665527, -0.27764594554901123, -0.7150733470916748, 0.3225218653678894, -0.16661107540130615, 1.2018061876296997, -4.598757743835449, 9.438376426696777, -1.9147841930389404, -2.520143508911133, -1.4292279481887817, -0.9743813872337341, 1.0074292421340942, 8.577386856079102, 3.1969456672668457, 8.791194915771484, -4.567530155181885, 6.51455020904541, -4.3675856590271, -1.6801968812942505, -3.754368305206299, 0.9159168601036072, 8.195197105407715, -5.660526275634766, 7.776446342468262, -5.698552131652832, 7.1004767417907715, -0.01983422040939331, 8.956724166870117, 2.407052516937256, 8.988456726074219, 0.7215474247932434, 7.203582763671875, 3.461808443069458, 6.274147033691406, 8.956724166870117, 2.761235237121582, 3.3324685096740723, 8.46071720123291, 6.515952110290527, 5.550407409667969, 0.4103611409664154, 6.963166236877441, 0.4798986315727234, 2.7123279571533203, 6.984230041503906, 3.0500409603118896, 2.5900962352752686, 4.702580451965332, -0.2351365089416504, 6.705731391906738, 6.182319164276123, 2.917062759399414, 9.087911605834961, -0.5731051564216614, 4.360072135925293, 0.8966702818870544, -2.4882495403289795, 5.790766716003418, -0.40249910950660706, 8.403024673461914, 1.316163182258606, 7.178330421447754, 9.400032043457031, 0.9159168601036072, 1.611515760421753, 2.5214149951934814, 0.8241883516311646, 7.503110408782959, 8.829559326171875, 4.828676223754883, 7.178220748901367, 8.260316848754883, -2.202493906021118, 8.312948226928711, 6.693203926086426, 6.9325737953186035, 0.8534942865371704, 5.676638603210449, 7.981574058532715, 2.443601608276367, 2.706033706665039, 6.513238430023193, 7.730191230773926, 7.3713226318359375, -1.3456873893737793, -2.4582831859588623, -3.2676093578338623, 4.223365783691406, 6.561917304992676, -2.957730770111084, 5.720088005065918, -0.5317729115486145, -4.567530155181885, -2.295093297958374, 6.379508972167969, 5.747131824493408, -0.9959062337875366, -2.6213250160217285, 0.24773454666137695, -3.754368305206299, 7.825027942657471, 7.641782283782959, 7.391076564788818, 5.4929399490356445, 7.776446342468262, 5.690669536590576, 6.114757061004639, 5.9962615966796875, 5.496579170227051, -4.605416774749756, -4.598659515380859, 7.395529747009277, 0.6387389898300171, -0.693019688129425, 6.984230041503906, -1.4912502765655518, 2.783540964126587, -3.8682947158813477, -2.2987024784088135, -5.255077362060547, -4.075393199920654, 1.2095760107040405, -1.3106573820114136, -1.8257511854171753, -1.8785456418991089, -5.5232930183410645, 0.3225218653678894, -0.04895925521850586, -2.071845293045044, -2.0213701725006104, -1.9726686477661133, -4.585140705108643, -2.2777440547943115, -1.6293270587921143, -0.2834340035915375, -3.695803642272949, -2.4582831859588623, -0.33517616987228394, 0.8775171637535095, -1.0531737804412842, -2.850656747817993, 6.8879618644714355, -3.775975465774536, 0.6569907069206238, 2.6699628829956055, 8.508809089660645, -1.7055013179779053, -0.8055389523506165, 1.1370002031326294, -2.0320284366607666, -5.036811351776123, 5.355218410491943, -4.087457180023193, 1.2018061876296997, -2.202493906021118, -2.9368789196014404, -3.2763466835021973, -3.372688055038452, -1.5712097883224487, -0.29556500911712646, -0.28401273488998413, -3.1315977573394775, -3.850243091583252, 2.300326108932495, -2.2779295444488525, -0.6240567564964294, 0.8286512494087219, -0.7095645070075989, -1.6526246070861816, -3.2401058673858643, -0.009185434319078922, -2.599226951599121, -1.5896714925765991, -2.2987024784088135, 0.7870690226554871, -5.7418060302734375, 0.8181219696998596, -1.3430808782577515, -0.8055384159088135, -1.2708252668380737, -3.708852529525757, 0.1010710597038269, -3.4608638286590576, -0.4280472993850708, -1.0248879194259644, -4.255192756652832, -0.40369343757629395, -3.410414934158325, -2.7059996128082275, -0.9564762115478516, -1.8257511854171753, -2.809338331222534, -2.248164415359497, -2.388068914413452, -5.424102783203125, -3.910121202468872, -0.6092458963394165, -1.774034857749939, -1.279225468635559, -1.9147841930389404, -1.7137153148651123, 1.8118535280227661, -1.6436525583267212, -0.43498849868774414, -1.889626383781433, -2.629591703414917, -1.279225468635559, -2.388068914413452, -2.043896436691284, -3.1315977573394775, -2.1079530715942383, -2.850740909576416, -3.1376426219940186, 0.4027611017227173, -3.2658965587615967, -2.9368789196014404, -3.2177209854125977, -1.3430808782577515, -1.3131599426269531, -3.9134814739227295, -1.1537894010543823, -3.5250730514526367, 1.2018061876296997, 0.7946229577064514, -0.33517616987228394, -3.6582517623901367, 0.20214726030826569, -2.4597010612487793, -0.8055384159088135, -1.0704914331436157, -1.6653456687927246, -1.1241505146026611, -1.774034857749939, 4.2920308113098145, -1.9173001050949097, -1.1130197048187256, -2.044626474380493, -2.5977864265441895, -3.6997272968292236, -4.710803508758545, -1.075558066368103, -1.0770145654678345, -3.2177209854125977, -1.0240702629089355, 0.2771124839782715, -2.170611619949341, -4.813319206237793, -0.9564762115478516, -4.90380859375, 2.300326108932495, -1.3106573820114136, -0.7299644351005554, -2.83510422706604, -2.803109645843506, -1.1994564533233643 ], "y": [ -1.3094547986984253, -3.568838119506836, -1.4225558042526245, 0.611231803894043, 3.318077325820923, 3.604764223098755, 3.318077325820923, 2.1017067432403564, 2.0430281162261963, 1.813583254814148, 1.4871243238449097, -2.7788350582122803, 1.4038267135620117, -3.38800311088562, 1.2513177394866943, -7.295844078063965, 1.8407179117202759, -2.551543712615967, -2.662571430206299, 1.1643736362457275, 3.5369627475738525, 2.898118257522583, -1.6054956912994385, -2.9637062549591064, -1.1485763788223267, -4.976539134979248, 3.2354090213775635, 0.9212255477905273, 1.7393182516098022, -2.802988052368164, 2.264209032058716, -3.371209144592285, 4.009533882141113, 1.0952723026275635, 0.8756475448608398, 2.736431837081909, -0.008230874314904213, 0.756510317325592, 2.596576452255249, -1.4476972818374634, -2.9684560298919678, 0.20744763314723969, 1.185524582862854, -1.6608582735061646, -1.3637903928756714, -3.389773368835449, 1.695716142654419, 1.3458300828933716, -2.098208427429199, 2.930072069168091, 0.03669832646846771, -4.246797561645508, 0.8409741520881653, -2.594527244567871, 1.4407732486724854, -2.586306571960449, 3.248539447784424, 2.4209165573120117, -1.0796371698379517, 0.5778741240501404, 2.796617269515991, -4.556984901428223, -2.459155321121216, 2.120384693145752, 1.4045292139053345, 1.9987393617630005, 1.441474199295044, 2.1514410972595215, 0.8322746753692627, 0.5402344465255737, -3.1839663982391357, 2.8755359649658203, -6.262381553649902, -3.929729700088501, 1.4926613569259644, 2.3946444988250732, 1.2933670282363892, 0.6765629053115845, -2.8135902881622314, 2.900312662124634, -4.901960372924805, 1.3698617219924927, -6.6282639503479, 1.9349770545959473, 1.4602128267288208, 3.248539447784424, 3.3129818439483643, 1.2252211570739746, 3.604764223098755, 0.5057204365730286, 2.4678499698638916, 2.6172573566436768, -6.240344524383545, -2.9247019290924072, 2.1514410972595215, -0.1932915896177292, -5.9169464111328125, 1.1425039768218994, 1.9044028520584106, -2.9750654697418213, 3.580956220626831, 3.875046730041504, 1.8064709901809692, 1.1458202600479126, -1.1246143579483032, 3.791489601135254, 3.818695545196533, 1.2035188674926758, -2.345707654953003, -3.2799508571624756, 0.4713609218597412, 1.1762243509292603, 0.35891255736351013, -3.9558098316192627, -3.7553327083587646, -2.9202258586883545, -3.301229476928711, -1.928219199180603, 0.9785997271537781, 2.6779959201812744, -0.20637811720371246, 0.13741843402385712, 2.8995015621185303, -3.004547595977783, 1.9044028520584106, 2.767906904220581, -2.153635025024414, 2.8755359649658203, -1.3498135805130005, -2.5019772052764893, 2.545280694961548, 2.945143461227417, -0.9849196076393127, -2.7788350582122803, 1.549641489982605, 2.120384693145752, 0.8213475942611694, 1.5591310262680054, -4.133243083953857, -2.329033613204956, 0.618664026260376, -0.8706459999084473, -0.5074475407600403, -2.7449724674224854, -0.7288544178009033, 0.5152817368507385, -1.4476972818374634, 2.2126972675323486, -1.89911949634552, 2.6181139945983887, -0.2549539804458618, 2.9739201068878174, 0.7609708309173584, 2.6362850666046143, -1.5384025573730469, 2.115468740463257, 3.570796489715576, 0.5971868634223938, -1.9922462701797485, 2.5760514736175537, -0.9886008501052856, 2.7757699489593506, -2.90384578704834, -0.6465269327163696, 1.7499879598617554, 1.7393182516098022, 2.391782760620117, -2.468850612640381, -3.029118776321411, 1.728933334350586, -0.49720990657806396, -3.5003890991210938, -5.9169464111328125, 1.7289336919784546, -1.1440247297286987, -2.976550340652466, 2.222311019897461, 2.704756498336792, -6.665520191192627, -3.0323517322540283, -1.950783133506775, 0.9352810978889465, 2.098637580871582, -1.9269778728485107, -3.174004316329956, 1.0522583723068237, 0.5534599423408508, 3.1292614936828613, 0.0017731054686009884, -6.152374744415283, 0.49912703037261963, -3.76900053024292, 1.7072049379348755, 1.6908904314041138, -2.8135902881622314, 1.549641489982605, -0.8318265080451965, -1.9922462701797485, -4.67950439453125, 2.8406407833099365, 0.9551924467086792, 2.008620500564575, 1.886309266090393, 3.2877018451690674, -3.8495585918426514, -5.747184753417969, 1.813583254814148, -6.8126935958862305, -4.1239013671875, 3.699493646621704, 1.3352142572402954, -1.1072869300842285, -1.3386310338974, 2.840322256088257, -1.1003849506378174, 1.9758528470993042, -1.9217746257781982, -2.4915218353271484, 3.800586462020874, 0.6999083161354065, -0.46081405878067017, -1.5968835353851318, -2.94360613822937, 1.464840054512024, 3.580956220626831, 2.089005708694458, 2.063382863998413, 2.0374033451080322, -1.66804039478302, -1.6853373050689697, 0.32606440782546997, 3.570796489715576, 3.780721426010132, 1.9820224046707153, -3.0713515281677246, 3.5721473693847656, 3.064678907394409, 3.5369632244110107, 3.3556759357452393, 0.3396475911140442, -0.37264013290405273, -2.687948226928711, -0.24811144173145294, 3.339050531387329, -3.046398401260376, -0.10450775921344757, 3.064678907394409, 1.6908907890319824, -2.8657443523406982, 2.3333685398101807, -1.797580361366272, 0.4529727101325989, 2.006718873977661, 1.3671233654022217, 2.03916335105896, -1.4225558042526245, 2.7842156887054443, 3.3129818439483643, 1.0511378049850464, 1.9995259046554565, -2.090723991394043, -1.2623590230941772, 3.838914632797241, -0.28654083609580994, -3.4866578578948975, -2.802988052368164, -0.41091442108154297, 2.1391725540161133, 0.8213475942611694, -3.5838871002197266, 0.3467685878276825, -1.9987250566482544, 1.498397707939148, -2.9765501022338867, -3.2670376300811768, -1.9691181182861328, -3.108227252960205, -2.7233810424804688, 1.8355262279510498, 1.498397707939148, 1.2513177394866943, -1.6633391380310059, -4.571474552154541, -3.5838871002197266, 2.1864631175994873, 1.3030762672424316, -0.28654083609580994, -1.1666241884231567, 1.441474199295044, -1.512023687362671, -2.0144543647766113, -1.1767637729644775, -4.662049293518066, 1.2252211570739746, -1.7455486059188843, -5.253907680511475, 1.046975016593933, -1.727115511894226, 2.2681150436401367, 0.16179607808589935, -2.7529709339141846, 0.4912671446800232, 0.10766343772411346, 3.1830666065216064, -2.8558382987976074, 0.23090045154094696, -2.639784097671509, 0.6765629053115845, -3.2650277614593506, 2.5760514736175537, -2.908681631088257, -1.2506425380706787, 0.8135441541671753, 0.5152817368507385, -1.8371134996414185, -5.9169464111328125, -2.7055299282073975, 1.6893993616104126, 1.2035188674926758, 0.1758812963962555, 1.7393182516098022, 1.7289336919784546, 1.4045294523239136, -0.633020281791687, -2.8641421794891357, -2.90384578704834, 1.5543268918991089, -1.9482605457305908, -1.2078791856765747, -2.42132306098938, -1.1440247297286987, -2.5515434741973877, 0.33154353499412537, -3.3061697483062744, 2.8665103912353516, 4.171558856964111, -3.3415794372558594, -0.20637811720371246, -3.597442865371704, 2.3219964504241943, 2.5619280338287354, -3.0936102867126465, 1.6664222478866577, -0.5794163942337036, -1.6608582735061646, 2.3301429748535156, 1.7419006824493408, 2.1672704219818115, 0.16074959933757782, 2.6845099925994873, -0.5674837827682495, -1.1325232982635498, -0.008230874314904213, -2.1275625228881836, 2.183131694793701, -3.198636293411255, 3.1976308822631836, 0.8322746753692627, -0.34827402234077454, 0.5522180199623108, -2.990689992904663, 0.9109241366386414, -0.9366329312324524, 0.6999083161354065, 4.329869270324707, 2.408630847930908, -0.5385431051254272, -0.8473663330078125, 0.5633800029754639, -8.526209831237793, 0.7413343787193298, -0.09254185855388641, 2.545280694961548, 1.9383198022842407, 1.958172082901001, -6.9914469718933105, 0.8242359161376953, -0.1566176563501358, 3.318077325820923, -1.161516785621643, -3.8495585918426514, 1.464840054512024, 2.735182762145996, 3.062786817550659, 0.3227997422218323, 0.4657595753669739, -3.252169132232666, -0.11765618622303009, -0.9057332277297974, -7.278377532958984, 2.179664373397827, 0.1617959588766098, -4.8118157386779785, 3.818695545196533, -1.179169774055481, -2.9641757011413574, -0.2549539804458618, 0.9377710223197937, -3.2799508571624756, -0.5794163942337036, 3.3556759357452393, 2.839733839035034, -3.1800312995910645, -1.522613763809204, 0.21579329669475555, -1.2635177373886108, 1.165496826171875, -1.3835803270339966, 0.18650643527507782, 0.01332692988216877, 3.702965259552002, -2.5612199306488037, -1.1246143579483032, -1.6633386611938477, 0.4529727101325989, 2.596576452255249, 1.8400260210037231, -0.7315975427627563, 2.3863372802734375, 2.079900026321411, -2.260484457015991, -2.6401162147521973, -0.008230874314904213, -0.013606024906039238, 0.4595750570297241, -3.0530025959014893, 0.24798451364040375, 2.749016046524048, -0.07723863422870636, 0.7362241148948669, -3.0713515281677246, 2.9900550842285156, -8.526209831237793, 1.2742706537246704, 2.0344748497009277, 1.611810564994812, 3.580956220626831, 1.7842118740081787, 0.3812553882598877, -7.705195426940918, 3.021911382675171, -1.8192352056503296, -2.468850612640381, 2.4421310424804688, 1.958172082901001, 0.6999083161354065, -1.9938081502914429, 1.9925936460494995, 1.0208176374435425, -3.521681070327759, 1.198081135749817, 3.421877145767212, 2.736431837081909, -4.133243083953857, 0.16074959933757782, 2.839733839035034, -3.5838871002197266, 2.900312662124634, 0.9163837432861328, -0.4869720935821533, -0.1264794021844864, 2.1910500526428223, 2.900312662124634, -0.6995540261268616, -1.3540138006210327, -3.5494296550750732, -3.5151422023773193, 1.0952723026275635, 2.2734692096710205, -4.30075740814209, 1.3352142572402954, -1.4084798097610474, 2.749016523361206, -0.11765618622303009, 2.7842156887054443, 1.6492244005203247, 1.9058363437652588, 2.9387824535369873, -1.3772149085998535, 3.2877018451690674, 1.464840054512024, -1.5303300619125366, 3.4951207637786865, 3.0145933628082275, 1.5570732355117798, 2.8406407833099365, -0.44908827543258667, -0.8318265080451965, 0.7413343787193298, 0.0017731054686009884, 1.1922621726989746, 2.0430281162261963, 1.8646742105484009, -3.0511422157287598, 0.4595750570297241, -0.699553370475769, -1.486384630203247, 0.16074959933757782, 1.2749677896499634, -3.194932699203491, -2.860802412033081, 2.513842821121216, -2.9684560298919678, 0.756510317325592, -2.9602086544036865, 0.8322746753692627, -2.8173165321350098, -3.2650277614593506, -2.9649078845977783, 0.47022804617881775, -2.0144543647766113, 0.22366128861904144, 2.9752016067504883, 0.609711229801178, 0.1292724460363388, -1.2635177373886108, 2.545280694961548, -0.28654083609580994, 2.7848598957061768, -1.9482605457305908, -2.7449727058410645, -0.6902474164962769, 1.7393182516098022, -3.38800311088562, 2.7597110271453857, -3.447817325592041, 2.1589300632476807, -2.5001676082611084, 0.8756475448608398, -3.0125839710235596, 1.7289336919784546, 3.330861806869507, -3.5604536533355713, -2.8147754669189453, -0.9628942608833313, 3.458702325820923, -3.194932699203491, 3.604764223098755, -3.0722508430480957, 1.460400938987732, -1.4084800481796265, 2.176595449447632, 0.7413343787193298, 2.9455578327178955, 4.329869270324707, 2.2896792888641357, -0.6550946235656738, 3.021911382675171, 1.1595443487167358, 2.381777286529541, -5.747184753417969, -1.0499714612960815, -1.948094367980957, 2.6237709522247314, 2.5606935024261475, 1.47444748878479, 3.791489601135254, -1.4084800481796265, 1.198081135749817, -0.5382053852081299, -2.8173165321350098, -1.8977466821670532, 1.0152121782302856, 2.187174081802368, 2.37449312210083, 0.5032341480255127, 3.0723071098327637, 1.464840054512024, 2.6486878395080566, 3.368866443634033, -1.6013283729553223, 2.945143461227417, 2.3219964504241943, -2.098208427429199, -7.278377532958984, -3.2819056510925293, 4.741782188415527, -8.691338539123535, 3.3444182872772217, -3.7623801231384277, 1.8965154886245728, 2.2449169158935547, 0.2326672524213791, 1.7626739740371704, 2.736886739730835, 0.6408329010009766, 0.8834983110427856, -3.521681070327759, -2.186981439590454, -0.7303088307380676, -2.7449724674224854, 0.9551924467086792, 1.7289336919784546, 3.984558343887329, -3.5003890991210938, -1.4476972818374634, -5.181432247161865, 1.7289336919784546, 2.3333685398101807, 1.611810564994812, 1.464840054512024, 3.7711241245269775, -3.1240551471710205, 1.3775509595870972, -1.928219199180603, -1.5303300619125366, -0.016152633354067802, 1.1419389247894287, 0.5778741240501404, -6.571576118469238, -7.122811317443848, -3.403857946395874, 3.604764223098755, 2.930072069168091, 1.8064707517623901, 3.181140661239624, -3.036604881286621, 1.7499879598617554, -2.7916834354400635, 1.6893993616104126, 3.458702325820923, -1.6013283729553223, -3.107654094696045, 2.674163341522217, 2.3541252613067627, 2.1672704219818115, -0.7974560260772705, -0.6795462369918823, -2.111632823944092, 0.339124470949173, 2.2449169158935547, -1.6701947450637817, 0.6408329010009766, -3.1938729286193848, 3.4189021587371826, 0.1075734943151474, 2.3301429748535156, 2.545280694961548, -4.30075740814209, -1.2078791856765747, 2.3219964504241943, 2.6443369388580322, -1.6633386611938477, 1.3698617219924927, 3.877700090408325, -4.246797561645508, -0.5066279172897339, 2.0344748497009277, 2.306694269180298, -1.3014880418777466, 3.7711241245269775, 2.306694269180298, 0.10766343772411346, 0.9551924467086792, 3.193371295928955, 3.056070327758789, 1.0169774293899536, -0.5828404426574707, 1.5543268918991089, -3.201610565185547, 3.0145933628082275, 3.18306565284729, -1.6934632062911987, -1.819356083869934, -3.5003890991210938, -4.756608963012695, -2.0144543647766113, -0.001196934375911951, 2.115468740463257, -0.2741836905479431, 0.3943268060684204, -1.872842788696289, -3.5754528045654297, 2.840322256088257, 1.2352148294448853, -4.976539134979248, -0.48969823122024536, -1.2078791856765747, 0.9377710223197937, -0.459053635597229, -2.8558382987976074, 2.796617269515991, 2.5449719429016113, 0.8135441541671753, 1.1507281064987183, -2.2449331283569336, 3.339050531387329, 0.5057204365730286, 0.38675737380981445, -0.8742135167121887, 2.0576727390289307, 2.8406407833099365, 0.9150292873382568, -3.0890674591064453, 4.741782188415527, -1.1767634153366089, -2.594611167907715, -2.19024658203125, -3.7623801231384277, -2.6106016635894775, 3.604764223098755, -0.2782752513885498, -0.7974560260772705, -1.0497685670852661, -0.7979450225830078, -2.460545301437378, -5.2901387214660645, 0.8834983110427856, 1.7419006824493408, 2.3219964504241943, 2.8642876148223877, 1.8355262279510498, 0.03669832646846771, 2.4446661472320557, -1.1003849506378174, 2.106058120727539, -3.344299554824829, -1.4350026845932007, -0.9886009097099304, -4.224767208099365, -1.2623590230941772, 4.171558856964111, 2.8665103912353516, 2.2197422981262207, -1.948094367980957, 3.702965259552002, -2.460545301437378, -2.043462038040161, 4.154134273529053, 2.3863372802734375, -1.8486244678497314, 2.1391725540161133, 0.5512211322784424, -0.1932915896177292, 1.460400938987732, 3.203754425048828, 2.115936040878296, 1.2354203462600708, -0.8721083402633667, 3.062786817550659, 1.0208176374435425, 3.007483720779419, -5.035033226013184, 3.699493646621704, -2.2482995986938477, -1.1154282093048096, -0.4930914640426636, -0.49720990657806396, -3.1511266231536865, -3.252169132232666, -1.6825649738311768, 1.7289336919784546, -0.31110304594039917, -3.929729700088501, -6.843472003936768, 0.339124470949173, -1.9270297288894653, -6.240344524383545, 3.702965259552002, -0.5066282153129578, 2.6435112953186035, 3.8777003288269043, -0.48352962732315063, -3.787996292114258, 0.058437809348106384, 1.521615743637085, 0.38675737380981445, -3.933894395828247, -6.822637557983398, -6.9914469718933105, 0.553459882736206, -0.44908827543258667, 1.0511378049850464, 2.4192841053009033, 2.78898024559021, -1.8192352056503296, 1.1643736362457275, 1.47444748878479, 2.900312662124634, -1.7453243732452393, 2.326659679412842, -6.285214900970459, -0.1570279747247696, 0.7603381872177124, 1.56158447265625, 3.291231870651245, -8.526209831237793, -4.189918518066406, 2.9387824535369873, -0.2782752513885498, -3.933894395828247, 3.062786817550659, -1.0978918075561523, -0.6550946235656738, -1.9847445487976074, 0.07082371413707733, 1.1762243509292603, -1.473213791847229, 3.185617208480835, -3.1240551471710205, -1.522613286972046, -3.791264295578003, 2.408906936645508, 0.40558555722236633, -1.833238959312439, 3.4118564128875732, -3.7163641452789307, -2.860802412033081, 1.1209806203842163, 0.7609710693359375, -0.9886008501052856, 2.997331380844116, 2.1864631175994873, -3.287666082382202, -2.42132306098938, 2.7597110271453857, 2.672361373901367, -1.0745744705200195, -0.2741836905479431, 2.545280694961548, -1.3829537630081177, 0.1758812963962555, 0.810033917427063, -1.5123215913772583, -1.1666241884231567, -1.611731767654419, -1.3829537630081177, 0.6199676990509033, 2.7901878356933594, 4.009533882141113, 2.3219964504241943, -1.833238959312439, 2.3863372802734375, 1.9987393617630005, -0.09695251286029816, -1.9691181182861328, 2.264209032058716, -0.41091442108154297, -0.6795462369918823, 2.9752016067504883, 1.095272183418274, -1.6608582735061646, 3.368866443634033, -2.1406757831573486, -1.5457489490509033, 2.4264681339263916, 0.16074959933757782, 1.6890714168548584, 2.3863372802734375, -2.9602086544036865, -1.7560356855392456, -3.0890674591064453, -1.1085090637207031, 1.7842118740081787, 1.2352144718170166, 1.8400260210037231, 0.5032341480255127, -4.488648414611816, -2.785231590270996, 2.006718873977661, 1.2933670282363892, -3.3415794372558594, -3.601548671722412, -3.062098741531372, 3.203754425048828, -3.029118776321411, 1.779876470565796, 1.8863093852996826, -0.6465269327163696, -1.473213791847229, 2.089005708694458, 1.185524582862854, -1.4716297388076782, -0.8968174457550049, -2.843573808670044, 2.253351926803589, -3.7553327083587646, -3.7163641452789307, 2.898118257522583, -2.6131339073181152, -3.0004940032958984, 3.2354090213775635, -4.756711006164551, 0.36539363861083984, 2.967099666595459, 1.7842118740081787, -6.665520191192627, -3.4605443477630615, 2.7842156887054443, -4.861563682556152, 2.900313138961792, 1.1209806203842163, 1.464840054512024, -2.28597092628479, -1.9507832527160645, 2.7881901264190674, 1.9061827659606934, -2.4817721843719482, -0.31110304594039917, 2.0416319370269775, 2.0430281162261963, -6.440105438232422, 0.16545836627483368, 3.007483720779419, 1.815260648727417, 2.1878581047058105, 3.8021957874298096, 2.967100143432617, 0.9480529427528381, 0.6386268138885498, 2.5619280338287354, 2.179664373397827, -3.0125839710235596, 1.924910545349121, 2.0133299827575684, -1.1085090637207031, 1.7289336919784546, 2.253351926803589, 2.2712342739105225, 1.5687885284423828, 2.381777286529541, 3.0506908893585205, -0.0902826339006424, 0.27578556537628174, 0.4657595753669739, -1.9482605457305908, 1.2868285179138184, 2.95377516746521, 3.1500351428985596, -3.2892584800720215, -4.901960372924805, -3.834399461746216, -0.5977156162261963, -1.6900743246078491, 3.6054463386535645, -7.0237627029418945, -1.1246143579483032, 2.365260124206543, 2.3946444988250732, -0.41091442108154297, 0.5032341480255127, 3.381319761276245, 1.479980230331421, 3.604764223098755, 3.007483720779419, 1.88728666305542, 1.464840054512024, 2.4678499698638916, -2.1671836376190186, 0.36511218547821045, 1.6844730377197266, -1.5384025573730469, 2.1391725540161133, -0.401744544506073, 0.07082371413707733, -1.522613763809204, -2.4915218353271484, -3.371209144592285, 3.6054463386535645, 3.374638795852661, 2.3219964504241943, 1.7499879598617554, 2.009998083114624, 1.0388652086257935, -3.287666082382202, -3.1511266231536865, -1.6701947450637817, 1.9909816980361938, 1.728933334350586, 1.0169774293899536, -2.1671836376190186, 3.144958257675171, 0.7907839417457581, 2.567512273788452, 2.2402565479278564, 1.779876470565796, 2.6181139945983887, 3.6663835048675537, 1.813583254814148, -1.2791407108306885, -0.08704157173633575, 0.16545836627483368, 0.6987073421478271, -2.7449724674224854, -0.7979450225830078, 1.1595443487167358, -0.23361803591251373, 0.9352810978889465, -1.1549181938171387, -5.204415321350098, -6.197060585021973, 1.1443198919296265, 0.49912703037261963, -1.9481619596481323, -2.2449331283569336, -0.1566176563501358, -1.963922142982483, -0.7372199892997742, 1.7289336919784546, 3.122016191482544, -1.1325232982635498, 3.6054463386535645, 2.545280694961548, -1.872842788696289, -2.244633436203003, 2.5619280338287354, -3.808912754058838, -3.2670376300811768, -3.3061697483062744, -1.5968835353851318, -3.3570592403411865, 1.6893993616104126, 2.780113458633423, -0.6902474164962769, -0.13430120050907135, -0.008231041952967644, 2.7679073810577393, 1.3354406356811523, -3.0936102867126465, -3.7553327083587646, -3.2892584800720215, -2.1414847373962402, 2.945143461227417, 2.672361373901367, 2.8453102111816406, 2.95377516746521, 2.2937703132629395, -1.4630167484283447, -3.403857946395874, -0.29224154353141785, 2.967100143432617, 0.7390857338905334, 1.165496826171875, -2.449335813522339, 1.8355262279510498, -5.826809883117676, -0.4869720935821533, 2.2223105430603027, 0.623796284198761, -3.036604881286621, -3.389773368835449, 1.0522583723068237, 3.8021957874298096, 3.605351448059082, 2.253352403640747, -5.2901387214660645, 0.040188297629356384, -1.3014880418777466, 2.9455578327178955, -0.5169175863265991, -1.876503348350525, 2.7901883125305176, -3.2090682983398438, -4.162367820739746, 0.4713609218597412, 1.2742706537246704, -2.687948226928711, -2.9602086544036865, -2.7455337047576904, 2.6252081394195557, 0.07311652600765228, 1.4407732486724854, -2.152745008468628, 0.36539363861083984, 2.9739205837249756, -2.152745008468628, -0.7573745846748352, 2.0252685546875, 2.408630847930908, 0.7619888782501221, -3.2679741382598877, 0.287386417388916, -2.843573808670044, 2.1584861278533936, 3.62225604057312, -5.035033226013184, -1.2791407108306885, -3.0443055629730225, 1.1443198919296265, 0.9109242558479309, 1.1419389247894287, -4.488648414611816, -2.7233810424804688, 1.464840054512024, 1.956655502319336, 2.370321273803711, -6.815632343292236, 0.4387391209602356, 2.10605788230896, -6.739540100097656, -7.838556289672852, -1.9922462701797485, -0.9534813165664673, 1.6104525327682495, -1.3386310338974, 1.9058363437652588, -0.21527357399463654, 2.03916335105896, -2.0249505043029785, 0.7619888782501221, -0.7194337844848633, 3.102479934692383, 2.8734350204467773, -1.6934632062911987, 3.780721426010132, 1.6890714168548584, -2.083786964416504, 2.840592384338379, -8.450915336608887, 2.063382863998413, 1.7958003282546997, 0.4529727101325989, 1.56158447265625, -0.5169175863265991, 2.0576727390289307, 2.840592384338379, 2.6435112953186035, 0.8756475448608398, -1.9691181182861328, -3.0722508430480957, -3.4605443477630615, 1.2871276140213013, -0.5237020254135132, 2.2197422981262207, 1.4038267135620117, 0.23087520897388458, -1.6387646198272705, -3.4866578578948975, 0.7907839417457581, -0.8837541341781616, 3.185617208480835, -0.3714889883995056, -1.179169774055481, 0.4190540313720703, 3.317636013031006, -2.345707654953003, -3.107654094696045, 0.4119516611099243, 3.072308301925659, 2.91247296333313, 3.6054463386535645, -1.3789137601852417, 2.780113458633423, 3.4118564128875732, 2.079900026321411, -0.09254185855388641, 2.0416319370269775, -0.6795462369918823, -0.5237020254135132, 2.4209165573120117, 3.1123294830322266, -3.7533881664276123, -3.997370958328247, 0.23090045154094696, -7.278377532958984, 1.4602128267288208, 0.9431952238082886, -1.0499714612960815, -0.5686866044998169, 1.5570731163024902, 2.6435110569000244, 1.8597164154052734, -0.8968174457550049, 1.464840054512024, 2.840592384338379, 2.0374033451080322, 0.3227997422218323, -5.035033226013184, 0.36511218547821045, 1.8597164154052734, 2.2896792888641357, 0.7363389730453491, -3.5151422023773193, -8.029340744018555, -1.4084800481796265, 1.464840054512024, 0.8149514198303223, -3.3889682292938232, -1.7799066305160522, 0.32279932498931885, -2.594527244567871, -1.024588704109192, -3.7623801231384277, -0.4670446515083313, -1.5217881202697754, 1.2513177394866943, 0.01823406107723713, -2.043462038040161, -0.8318265080451965, 2.900312662124634, 0.007084058132022619, -2.908681631088257, 0.9678688049316406, -1.727115511894226, 3.6084837913513184, -1.4225558042526245, 3.810701847076416, -0.015499962493777275, 1.7289336919784546, -1.8977466821670532, 1.6994887590408325, -2.733632802963257, 3.185617208480835, -1.2506424188613892, 2.352689743041992, 1.7289336919784546, -2.911541700363159, -0.24135656654834747, 2.674163341522217, 1.4045292139053345, 1.9987393617630005, -3.0861411094665527, 3.421877145767212, -2.9202258586883545, -2.432864189147949, 3.984558343887329, -2.6131339073181152, -1.0103787183761597, 1.8064709901809692, -3.254206657409668, 1.364871859550476, 2.910876512527466, -3.791264295578003, 1.8646742105484009, 3.3444182872772217, 0.36539363861083984, -2.8147754669189453, 3.318077325820923, 2.1289222240448, -2.9602086544036865, 0.609711229801178, -2.449335813522339, 3.800586462020874, -0.20637811720371246, -2.908681631088257, -3.955810070037842, -0.5674837827682495, -2.586306571960449, 0.11948104202747345, 2.567512273788452, 1.2354201078414917, 2.7277510166168213, 2.9637954235076904, -2.1671836376190186, 3.246095657348633, 2.7901883125305176, -2.0738046169281006, -2.551543712615967, 2.91247296333313, -0.633020281791687, -2.1414847373962402, -2.19024658203125, 3.203754425048828, -1.1325232982635498, 3.4189019203186035, -3.7404725551605225, -5.652564525604248, 1.1922621726989746, 0.47022804617881775, 2.9304919242858887, -0.31898534297943115, 0.6438947916030884, 1.907145380973816, 0.01823406107723713, 2.736886739730835, 3.1884896755218506, 2.6845099925994873, 1.8965154886245728, 3.580956220626831, 3.021911382675171, 0.007084058132022619, 3.6663835048675537, 0.3467685878276825, 1.3628485202789307, 4.741782188415527, 3.6084837913513184, 0.8756475448608398, 3.771604299545288, 1.6615931987762451, 2.2734692096710205, -1.9938081502914429, -1.9269778728485107, 3.0612077713012695, 2.7881901264190674, 2.37449312210083, 3.984558343887329, 4.092029571533203, -2.186981439590454, -0.08704157173633575, 2.212697982788086, 0.7413343787193298, -5.952479362487793, 1.198081135749817, -2.8558382987976074, -2.083786964416504, 3.2370147705078125, -0.8742144107818604, -8.029340744018555, 0.9197053909301758, 2.494109869003296, 2.4421308040618896, 2.370321273803711, 1.0492695569992065, 2.459627866744995, -2.3007845878601074, 1.7632282972335815, 0.9143255949020386, -5.652564525604248, 1.707567811012268, -4.662049293518066, -4.049339771270752, 1.9058363437652588, 3.1976308822631836, -1.1692036390304565, -3.3069212436676025, -1.1154282093048096, -2.1275625228881836, 3.875046730041504, 2.085263967514038, -3.808912515640259, -0.7288544178009033, 0.7362241148948669, 2.5606935024261475, 0.2326672524213791, 1.464840054512024, -2.1671836376190186, 3.344133138656616, 1.956655502319336, -3.209068536758423, 1.3671233654022217, -2.5984976291656494, 3.056070327758789, 0.0275792945176363, -0.5385431051254272, 1.3083970546722412, -1.2791410684585571, -2.7529709339141846, -1.4716297388076782, -6.822637557983398, 2.9900550842285156, 2.006718873977661, -8.237337112426758, 3.5721473693847656, -3.046398401260376, 2.212697982788086, 0.8478660583496094, -5.500336170196533, 2.176595449447632, 1.7938793897628784, 2.085263967514038, 1.7381473779678345, -5.204415321350098, 1.4871243238449097, -6.240344524383545, -8.450915336608887, 3.1292617321014404, -4.1239013671875, 0.3276500105857849, -0.4930914640426636, 0.5498772263526917, 2.2712342739105225, -2.083786964416504, 0.4657595753669739, 1.1595443487167358, 2.098637580871582, -2.8151986598968506, 1.1591336727142334, 0.3873627781867981, 3.2381443977355957, 1.9925936460494995, -1.7799066305160522, 0.7603381872177124, 1.2129729986190796, 2.840592384338379, -1.66804039478302, 3.3556768894195557, -6.262381553649902, 1.9925936460494995, 2.098637580871582, -2.639784097671509, 0.0275792945176363, 3.4951207637786865, 1.9446049928665161, -0.5686866044998169, 0.8286630511283875, 2.309187173843384, 3.344133138656616, -2.843573808670044, 1.7938793897628784, 1.8407185077667236, 0.4912671446800232, 2.1390788555145264, -4.811816215515137, 1.464840054512024, 1.886309266090393, 1.707567811012268, -1.5699023008346558, -7.0237627029418945, 1.8597164154052734, 2.085263967514038, -3.0511422157287598, -0.9057332277297974, 1.815260648727417, 3.2381443977355957, 0.611231803894043, 2.8614661693573, -6.91539192199707, 3.0019028186798096, -2.8657443523406982, -0.7979450225830078, 0.9785997271537781, 1.958172082901001, 2.604396104812622, -2.843573808670044, -3.344299554824829, -7.295844078063965, 0.01183764822781086, -0.24811144173145294, 2.2712342739105225, -1.3772157430648804, 1.3083970546722412, -2.8558382987976074, 2.326659679412842, -5.912487983703613, 2.6237709522247314, 4.329869270324707 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 6, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "LIFE_ARTS", "text": [ "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Water Supply pressure", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "CS paper rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Is copyediting good for an academic career?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Illustrator, snap to guide", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "What's the base f-stop when counting an ideal f-stop for lens?", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "How can I insulate my garage?", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "How can I cut fudge smooth and uniform?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "How was this photo taken", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "How can I do some free design work?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "What should my credit limit be?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "How to change semitransparent part", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Where is my power going?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How much is too much damage?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "How much is too much damage?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Water Supply pressure", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "Alto singing Tenor", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "Water Supply pressure", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Career advice – mathematics", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How are potions made?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "Where is my power going?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Where is my power going?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "How can I do some free design work?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "In what order are taxes applied", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Should I turn the text on my poster to outlines before I print?", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to bone lamb breast", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "How much is too much damage?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "How can I insulate my garage?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "In what order are taxes applied", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "CS paper rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "Captcha-like font", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Modern design - What's that?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "How was this photo taken", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "Change visa card type without changing number", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "How to measure a crooked room?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Is research a viable business model?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Water Supply pressure", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "High pitched noise from Shower", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Importing models from another maya project", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How are potions made?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "How are potions made?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Is copyediting good for an academic career?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "In what order are taxes applied", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "What should my credit limit be?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "How to mount a ham?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "What should my credit limit be?", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Captcha-like font", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "How to mount a ham?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "Alto singing Tenor", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "How can I cut fudge smooth and uniform?", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Repair wood floor damage", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How can I do some free design work?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "Where is my power going?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "Where is my power going?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Importing models from another maya project", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Career advice – mathematics", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How much is too much damage?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Illustrator, snap to guide", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "How to change semitransparent part", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "High pitched noise from Shower", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "How are potions made?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "What should my credit limit be?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Should I turn the text on my poster to outlines before I print?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "What's the base f-stop when counting an ideal f-stop for lens?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Repair wood floor damage", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "How to measure a crooked room?", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "How can I do some free design work?", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "In what order are taxes applied", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Where is my power going?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "Can anyone learn to sing?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.034079909324645996, 0.7444425225257874, 0.040042221546173096, 1.2483705282211304, 2.8901290893554688, -0.0017243034671992064, -0.8369770646095276, -2.4552266597747803, 1.3984932899475098, 9.149788856506348, -0.2654697299003601, 9.475279808044434, -0.5690299868583679, 9.939377784729004, 8.625594139099121, 7.874957084655762, -2.465406656265259, -0.9439685940742493, 6.267295837402344, 6.407652854919434, 7.014586448669434, 9.469788551330566, 6.867794990539551, 8.608515739440918, 9.56376838684082, 4.852457046508789, 9.856306076049805, 7.917177200317383, 8.733989715576172, 6.187546730041504, 8.439371109008789, 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8.488526344299316, 7.263791084289551, 7.769577980041504, 7.917177200317383, 7.699309349060059, 6.991130352020264, 9.177952766418457, 9.964488983154297, 7.896921157836914, 5.627628803253174, 9.8394136428833, -1.296438217163086, 10.369423866271973, 9.856884002685547, 8.179728507995605, 9.115215301513672, 6.869622707366943, 9.648436546325684, 8.245054244995117, 2.9707601070404053, 10.014182090759277, 1.0245448350906372, -0.8453541994094849, 6.828194618225098, -0.9940372705459595, 2.9707601070404053, 10.281716346740723, -2.0263054370880127, -0.45457834005355835, 1.2594157457351685, -4.30438232421875, 1.2787046432495117, -1.3364510536193848, 1.2278106212615967, 1.080460548400879, 1.9074349403381348, 9.890695571899414, 8.948478698730469, 5.500654220581055, 8.454166412353516, 7.281587600708008, 8.370278358459473, 8.531837463378906, 8.203283309936523, 9.189297676086426, 8.632160186767578, 9.720678329467773, -3.1190829277038574, 6.150304794311523, -1.7641328573226929, 8.425695419311523, 9.009002685546875, 9.75407600402832, -1.9320389032363892, -0.9928537011146545, 10.131354331970215, 7.333110809326172, 10.240119934082031, 10.488983154296875, 8.540667533874512, 8.092308044433594, -1.5115762948989868, -2.3363397121429443, -3.7375946044921875, 8.86831283569336, 9.447371482849121, 7.195590019226074, 8.930675506591797, 8.774566650390625, 8.570541381835938, 8.370278358459473, 8.488526344299316, -0.5481578707695007, -2.5654494762420654, 8.424031257629395, 8.179728507995605, 6.867794990539551, 9.563150405883789, 7.657039642333984, 9.003240585327148, 6.13641881942749, -2.103989839553833, -0.45765143632888794, 7.761579513549805, 9.149707794189453, 8.610677719116211, 8.542340278625488, 8.71261215209961, 9.155258178710938, 9.495840072631836, 9.155257225036621, 9.495840072631836, 8.610677719116211, 8.610677719116211, 8.71261215209961, 8.542340278625488, 8.71261215209961, 9.377208709716797, 6.581170082092285, 2.5740649700164795, 0.601168692111969, 1.2594157457351685, -1.2811204195022583, 0.00040107895620167255, 0.6286504864692688, 0.032838791608810425, 0.601168692111969, 0.19581782817840576, -4.111077785491943, -1.861497163772583, -2.4552266597747803, -1.0466309785842896, 0.040042221546173096, 1.48021399974823, 0.33580246567726135, -1.6274592876434326, -0.352191686630249, -0.006077111698687077, -1.9436753988265991, -5.085904598236084, -0.9343991875648499, -1.8028398752212524, -4.055685997009277, -2.4552266597747803, -2.1633992195129395, -3.475959062576294, 0.6286504864692688, 0.04939699172973633, -0.9940373301506042, -4.30438232421875, -3.155776023864746, -2.1979544162750244, 2.4719784259796143, -0.9343991875648499, -0.6054999232292175, 7.895233154296875, 9.961156845092773, -2.780026435852051, 7.132763862609863, 8.694446563720703, -3.9720072746276855, -1.072849988937378, -1.6329747438430786, -0.012598932720720768, 9.345680236816406, 10.090200424194336, -1.8174623250961304, -0.9928537011146545, -0.847477376461029, -5.259878635406494, -1.0027755498886108, -0.8453541994094849, -1.2126178741455078, 1.0245448350906372, -2.183528184890747, -1.8507850170135498, -4.630392551422119, -0.4532672166824341, -1.1420539617538452, -1.8065701723098755, -4.496211051940918, -1.3364510536193848, -3.0591726303100586, -1.7641328573226929, -1.9594676494598389, -3.036238193511963, 0.33580246567726135, -4.055685997009277, -2.1207144260406494, 4.887265205383301, 6.997692584991455, 3.5792734622955322, 9.406379699707031, 6.397046089172363, 8.37319564819336, 9.475279808044434, 0.056835055351257324, 7.917177200317383, -1.8028398752212524, 0.1394995152950287, 6.759264945983887, 9.917078018188477, 7.444156169891357, 9.519874572753906, 9.498822212219238, 8.070306777954102, 9.235769271850586, 10.399413108825684, 9.184562683105469, 7.828166484832764, 8.488555908203125, 10.34339714050293, 9.788390159606934, 8.745389938354492, 8.909058570861816, -0.48257356882095337, -0.1645854115486145, 8.727845191955566, 1.48021399974823, 9.28683090209961, -1.7635430097579956, -0.1815142035484314, -1.9980336427688599, 3.3007726669311523, -0.8369770646095276, -2.850986957550049, -0.38488563895225525, -2.160573720932007, 1.2984497547149658, -2.183528184890747, 2.9707601070404053, -0.631172239780426, 7.348621368408203, 8.390222549438477, 6.691766738891602, 7.756185531616211, 9.231836318969727, 7.591422080993652, 9.663230895996094, 8.671807289123535, 7.661161422729492, 10.197632789611816, 7.669641494750977, 9.423789978027344, 7.593998432159424, 9.663230895996094, 9.720678329467773, 7.406299591064453, 9.961156845092773, 7.9642744064331055, 9.235769271850586, 6.150304794311523, 9.890695571899414, 6.807966232299805, 6.13641881942749, 9.782745361328125, 9.591939926147461, 9.665361404418945, 8.495447158813477, 5.8432297706604, 9.961156845092773, 7.407462120056152, 9.447371482849121, 8.924924850463867, 8.454166412353516, 7.202167510986328, 8.475257873535156, 8.085350036621094, 9.408236503601074, 6.564878940582275, 8.608515739440918, 7.042287826538086, 8.809114456176758, 6.989965438842773, 7.726264476776123, 9.720678329467773, 10.130050659179688, 8.072179794311523, 7.670162200927734, 7.289467811584473, 8.23740005493164, 9.297204971313477, 9.928215026855469, 8.851493835449219, 9.056447982788086, 7.406299591064453, 7.643641948699951, 9.62264633178711, 8.761456489562988, 9.234182357788086, 7.366978645324707, 8.602350234985352, 8.439371109008789, -0.39500898122787476, -0.22208034992218018, 10.369423866271973, 1.2787046432495117, -0.8345737457275391, -1.6329747438430786, -2.3698041439056396, -1.5352976322174072, -1.6478698253631592, -0.9069288372993469, 8.251514434814453, -1.7850786447525024, -0.2543512284755707, -2.0552732944488525, -3.0759403705596924, -2.271744966506958, -2.1633992195129395, 4.680699348449707, 0.602058470249176, -2.2952733039855957, -0.8305566906929016, 0.8448861837387085, -3.161573648452759, -0.847477376461029, -1.6537967920303345, 5.509800910949707, -2.337785005569458, 1.5597068071365356, -2.3698036670684814, -1.0968677997589111, -0.2783571779727936, -2.6967527866363525, 7.027341842651367, 4.348416328430176, 9.636035919189453, 5.957855224609375, -5.259878635406494, 0.4922511875629425, 9.473068237304688, 6.407652854919434, 7.4420905113220215, -4.2186279296875, 9.73788070678711, -2.077371120452881, 8.707540512084961, -1.3262057304382324, -0.2586098313331604, 8.793535232543945, 7.507805824279785, 8.30798625946045, 8.744091033935547, 7.895233154296875, 8.391281127929688, 8.059595108032227, 8.721663475036621, 1.3728715181350708, 8.621278762817383, 8.733989715576172, 8.45770263671875, 9.129150390625, 6.989965438842773, 7.263791084289551, 9.143535614013672, 9.495748519897461, 8.367246627807617, -1.9758001565933228, -1.2063225507736206, 1.18474280834198, -0.2586098313331604, 0.13271725177764893, -2.708505630493164, 6.91638708114624, 0.056835055351257324, -3.7600862979888916, 0.2480318248271942, -0.6686919331550598, -4.2368035316467285, -2.3815362453460693, -1.1205906867980957, -0.2713612914085388, -2.018005609512329, 1.2278106212615967, -0.9069288372993469, -2.3572492599487305, -3.804624557495117, -0.6054999232292175, -4.1306233406066895, 1.5736292600631714, -4.30438232421875, 1.4887290000915527, -2.173286199569702, -2.8245902061462402, -2.211357355117798, -0.16298475861549377, 0.17192494869232178, 0.602058470249176, -0.27787280082702637, 9.910882949829102, 7.767753601074219, 0.8932715654373169, 8.602052688598633, 1.9552428722381592, -0.6686916947364807, 5.218642234802246, -1.3347491025924683, -0.8433665633201599, 8.07984733581543, 8.17092514038086, 6.198147773742676, 9.353677749633789, 5.860086441040039, 9.557804107666016, 1.6554019451141357, 8.749544143676758, 9.85224437713623, 7.407462120056152, 8.388128280639648, 2.5740649700164795, 9.423789978027344, 9.42106819152832, 7.231595039367676, 2.9707601070404053, 9.5250825881958, 8.970333099365234, 7.366978645324707, -0.3848860263824463, 6.892885208129883, -2.0785398483276367, 9.500717163085938, 0.2480318248271942, 7.882664680480957, 9.149788856506348, -1.0149613618850708, -0.24201425909996033, -4.7430925369262695, -2.4552266597747803, 0.2900533974170685, -3.075127124786377, -0.27711576223373413, -1.0365351438522339, -0.012114406563341618, -1.2498475313186646, -1.0262271165847778, -0.2586098313331604, -0.352191686630249, -0.17687064409255981, -0.10143128037452698, 0.8448857665061951, -2.0704920291900635, -0.8467059135437012, 0.40572285652160645, -2.4552266597747803, -1.0906637907028198, -3.1557767391204834, -1.597438097000122, -1.980672001838684, -0.6054999232292175, -2.1935508251190186, -0.11082601547241211, -2.5654494762420654, -2.780026435852051, 1.4887290000915527, 7.479305267333984, -3.451810598373413, -3.211597204208374, -0.9069288372993469, 7.726265907287598, 1.3095201253890991, 7.728795051574707, 10.508148193359375, -1.2964380979537964, 6.759264945983887, 0.60280841588974, 8.261895179748535, 10.131354331970215, 8.439371109008789, 8.30798625946045, 8.225748062133789, 8.891289710998535, 10.399413108825684, 9.991927146911621, 8.251514434814453, 7.189175605773926, 6.652863502502441, 9.83898639678955, 7.444156169891357, 6.407652854919434, 9.191263198852539, 8.722111701965332, 5.817073822021484, 10.240118980407715, 8.393781661987305, 8.459468841552734, 9.154693603515625, 6.250545501708984, 5.860086441040039, 9.353677749633789, 7.603867530822754, 8.951790809631348, 9.666309356689453, 8.17092514038086, 8.739319801330566, 9.195551872253418, 8.30798625946045, 10.108525276184082, 9.107215881347656, 5.218642234802246, 7.839278221130371, 9.85224437713623, -0.3395764231681824, 8.07984733581543, 6.564878940582275, -2.9005393981933594, -0.7399396896362305, 8.21647834777832, 7.07136344909668, 9.667123794555664, 8.192411422729492, -0.39500898122787476, 7.7262773513793945, 9.353677749633789, 6.991130352020264, -1.7435593605041504, 6.815516471862793, 9.991927146911621, -0.5542755722999573, -2.708435297012329, -3.260697603225708, 10.197633743286133, 9.517935752868652, 7.74723482131958, -1.1363306045532227, 10.125811576843262, -4.921293258666992, 9.500717163085938, 8.845083236694336, 10.078639030456543, 1.080460548400879, 10.125811576843262, -2.043754816055298, 8.581787109375, 3.5792734622955322, 8.128171920776367, -0.4136127829551697, 9.798993110656738, 0.0630984902381897, 7.4420905113220215, 10.508148193359375, 8.839693069458008, 8.2450532913208, -1.4738675355911255, 10.530679702758789, -2.224716901779175, 9.040136337280273, 3.9677770137786865, -2.3292274475097656, 1.5450226068496704, -0.012114406563341618, -1.1210651397705078, -1.9490031003952026, 8.255156517028809, 7.669641494750977, 8.312688827514648, 9.53696060180664, 9.517936706542969, -3.036238193511963, 8.45260238647461, -0.9381635189056396, 2.0330121517181396, 6.198147773742676, -0.22208034992218018, -2.0704920291900635, -0.006077111698687077, 8.28945541381836, 8.951790809631348, 9.148148536682129, 0.7729396224021912, -4.496211051940918, 10.090200424194336, 7.967058181762695, 8.739319801330566, 9.597549438476562, 9.856884002685547, 10.419288635253906, 8.037042617797852, 6.828194618225098, 8.684921264648438, 9.040136337280273, 7.897152900695801, 8.570541381835938, 7.407462120056152, 8.602350234985352, 8.810707092285156, 5.8432297706604, 8.179728507995605, 10.153029441833496, 7.545224189758301, 6.868875026702881, 8.400795936584473, 8.903509140014648, 7.7214250564575195, 9.560123443603516, 7.9434332847595215, 7.933712005615234, 10.148641586303711, 9.798993110656738, 8.488526344299316, 10.488983154296875, 7.507805824279785, 9.215161323547363, 7.917177200317383, -2.4674274921417236, 9.599518775939941, -0.8305566906929016, 0.6286504864692688, 0.056835055351257324, -2.4001047611236572, -0.006077111698687077, -2.264336347579956, -2.0909855365753174, -0.07594853639602661, 8.367246627807617, -1.0008131265640259, 9.720678329467773, -0.6730867028236389, -2.3630213737487793, 2.113912343978882, 8.037042617797852, 7.3541975021362305, -4.117955684661865, 0.6685767769813538, -1.6274592876434326, -6.260417938232422, 7.539272785186768, -3.3255069255828857, 10.025866508483887, 1.1869442462921143, 8.920693397521973, -0.5126296877861023, 9.040136337280273, -2.3630213737487793, -3.9720072746276855, 8.454166412353516, -2.382702350616455, -2.403064727783203, 9.73788070678711, -4.23338508605957, 8.070306777954102, 6.892885208129883, 8.255156517028809, 9.39292049407959, 7.289467811584473, 8.03685474395752, 6.429497241973877, 8.602052688598633, 6.187546730041504, 9.449897766113281, 0.17192494869232178, -1.360775351524353, 7.095564842224121, -0.8369770646095276, -2.3572492599487305, -2.3233802318573, 1.18474280834198, -2.256709098815918, 7.286721706390381, 8.839693069458008, 0.8196016550064087, 9.961156845092773, 8.261895179748535, -0.2586098313331604, 9.040136337280273, -1.39750337600708, 9.392921447753906, 5.642904281616211, 0.7444425225257874, 9.524717330932617, 9.557804107666016, 7.728795051574707, -2.4718403816223145, 8.749544143676758, -0.06278866529464722, 7.7214250564575195, -0.29752445220947266, 9.752674102783203, -1.4305894374847412, 8.891289710998535, 3.9549930095672607, 7.202167510986328, 6.581170082092285, 0.8007543683052063, 7.74723482131958, 8.255156517028809, 8.059595108032227, 9.939377784729004, 7.459458351135254, 9.20319652557373, 9.939377784729004, 7.489295482635498, 9.788390159606934, 7.202167510986328, 6.437816143035889, 6.429497241973877, -2.518059015274048, -2.762084722518921, -2.0552732944488525, -1.9594676494598389, -0.8017030358314514, -1.9349089860916138, 0.5186575651168823, -1.6329747438430786, 7.501048564910889, 1.080460548400879, 9.557804107666016, 9.519874572753906, -2.403064250946045, 8.920693397521973, 3.3007726669311523, 0.3392164707183838, -1.9490031003952026, 8.948478698730469, -3.4224188327789307, -2.3334786891937256, 2.0171058177948, -2.8245902061462402, 9.143535614013672, -0.16298475861549377, -3.2746474742889404, -1.973812460899353, -0.6473180651664734, -1.171173095703125, 9.798993110656738, -2.4552266597747803, -1.9320389032363892, -2.338632822036743, -2.077371120452881, -0.7538253664970398, -4.496211051940918, -1.890396237373352, -1.890396237373352, -1.002774953842163, -4.23338508605957, -3.8207151889801025, -1.9589601755142212, -2.3698041439056396, -0.7079340219497681, -1.89350426197052, -1.968500018119812, -0.7079340219497681, -1.9030665159225464, -2.534468412399292, 0.986419677734375, -2.210723638534546, -2.173286199569702, -0.017679572105407715, -2.534468412399292, -1.4350520372390747, -3.2170708179473877, -0.5510695576667786, 6.867794990539551, 9.18564224243164, 9.73788070678711, 8.436759948730469, 8.390222549438477, 8.6861572265625, 7.3541975021362305, 8.86831283569336, 10.05410385131836, 5.756916522979736, 7.366978645324707, 9.375526428222656, 8.037042617797852, 8.195815086364746, 9.038451194763184, 7.798560619354248, 9.48488998413086, 8.128171920776367, 9.195551872253418, -2.0734779834747314, -0.9069288372993469, -3.5404396057128906, 9.803250312805176, 8.606339454650879, 6.729755401611328, 7.761579513549805, 10.016433715820312, 9.536961555480957, 8.092308044433594, 8.951790809631348, 8.258991241455078, 8.17092514038086, 9.473069190979004, 6.198147773742676, 9.666309356689453, 9.937956809997559, 7.545224189758301, 5.979285717010498, 8.171326637268066, 9.191263198852539, 9.191263198852539, 6.58165168762207, 8.488555908203125, 6.4227294921875, 8.909058570861816, 9.275471687316895, 9.177952766418457, 7.487114906311035, 10.157488822937012, 8.155054092407227, 6.948276519775391, 10.05410385131836, 7.9642744064331055, 8.46220874786377, 8.839693069458008, 8.896434783935547, 8.956531524658203, 8.407831192016602, 8.261895179748535, -3.2558999061584473, 9.644765853881836, 9.648436546325684, 7.581548690795898, -2.043754816055298, 8.439371109008789, 7.89064884185791, -0.9454002976417542, -1.299102544784546, -2.4386110305786133, 8.171326637268066, 9.56376838684082, -1.072849988937378, 7.591422080993652, 7.767753601074219, 8.773207664489746, -0.2654697299003601, 8.037042617797852, 7.84459924697876, -3.2170708179473877, -1.0106052160263062, -0.8453541994094849, 9.345680236816406, 6.907370090484619, 8.11027717590332, 1.5450226068496704, 7.7214250564575195, 6.4227294921875, -3.9409000873565674, 8.843950271606445, 0.8007543683052063, 8.896434783935547, 5.860086441040039, 8.602052688598633, 8.721663475036621, 1.9552428722381592, 8.761456489562988, -2.7076539993286133, 6.198147773742676, 8.225748062133789, -1.0968677997589111, -2.876194477081299, -0.35095614194869995, -2.3815362453460693, -2.780026435852051, 0.8448857665061951, 0.09875783324241638, -4.2368035316467285, 2.0171058177948, -2.4715001583099365, 7.479305267333984, 0.10099458694458008, 9.597549438476562, 1.5736292600631714, -2.1207144260406494, 7.07136344909668, 0.16159790754318237, -0.27111998200416565, 1.5736292600631714, 8.17092514038086, 7.825277328491211, 6.828194618225098, 7.489295482635498, 8.450111389160156, -3.4525485038757324, -2.103989839553833, 9.148148536682129, 10.09610366821289, 7.256521701812744, 8.203282356262207, 8.37319564819336, -1.4029510021209717, -0.08193585276603699, -2.1935508251190186, 7.933712005615234, 9.5250825881958, 1.4606372117996216, 10.125811576843262, 8.484025955200195, -2.2858898639678955, -2.3630213737487793, 9.663230895996094, 7.783487796783447, 9.167756080627441, 9.329816818237305, 7.407462120056152, 7.49798059463501, 6.2288312911987305, 7.014585971832275, 9.149707794189453, 7.839278221130371, 9.303945541381836, 7.591366767883301, 7.967058181762695, 7.699309349060059, 8.398676872253418, 6.868875026702881, 0.8942869901657104, 0.034079909324645996, -1.4738675355911255, 2.0171058177948, 9.336792945861816, -1.308008074760437, -0.49451518058776855, 8.436759948730469, 8.388067245483398, 1.5450226068496704, 7.132763862609863, 2.4719784259796143, 7.189176559448242, 8.28945541381836, -0.5542755722999573, -1.8174623250961304, 9.191263198852539, 6.948276996612549, 8.707540512084961, 9.599517822265625, 8.948478698730469, 8.63766860961914, 7.014585971832275, 7.798561096191406, 8.581787109375, 9.788390159606934, 7.477884292602539, 8.255156517028809, 8.74046802520752, 8.882814407348633, 9.937956809997559, 7.828166484832764, 10.108525276184082, 6.991130352020264, 7.591366767883301, 8.45260238647461, 6.25266170501709, 9.645444869995117, 4.348416328430176, 7.562931060791016, 9.195551872253418, 9.788390159606934, 6.869622707366943, 9.563150405883789, 6.563030242919922, 7.895232677459717, 8.684921264648438, 8.621278762817383, 9.524773597717285, 9.390005111694336, 7.545224189758301, 8.192411422729492, 0.6286504864692688, 9.056447982788086, -0.11078310012817383, 8.379226684570312, 1.1869442462921143, -3.3255069255828857, -1.973812222480774, 7.783487796783447, -0.9928537011146545, -1.1932238340377808, 3.9677770137786865, 8.21647834777832, -3.2558999061584473, -1.0365351438522339, -2.064859628677368, 8.17092514038086, 8.46220874786377, 6.717347145080566, 2.6732661724090576, -2.088770627975464, 9.627680778503418, 9.377208709716797, 9.42148494720459, 5.5898237228393555, 9.115215301513672, 9.234182357788086, -1.828076720237732, 8.059595108032227, -2.224716901779175, -2.3630213737487793, 1.9552428722381592, 0.00040107895620167255, -0.4825734496116638, -4.824650764465332, -2.103989839553833, -3.161573648452759, 8.11027717590332, 1.3984932899475098, -0.10143128037452698, -1.0149613618850708, -1.8507850170135498, 2.867809534072876, 9.038451194763184, 7.507805824279785, -0.012598932720720768, 7.89064884185791, -1.9758001565933228, 8.570541381835938, -2.256709098815918, -0.9454002976417542, -1.1344224214553833, -3.4563791751861572, 7.07136344909668, 8.593620300292969, 9.231836318969727, -1.0555232763290405, 9.2371826171875, -2.9873478412628174, -3.211597204208374, 6.198147773742676, -3.0805046558380127, -2.224716901779175, -1.3262057304382324, -1.980672001838684, 0.84645676612854, 1.0071823596954346, -1.966213345527649, -2.1207144260406494, -0.11078310012817383, -3.63327956199646, -1.6274592876434326, 0.5623373985290527, 0.04177510738372803, -0.6054999232292175, 0.766835629940033, 9.040136337280273, -2.103989839553833, 2.8901288509368896, -0.6730867028236389, -1.0555232763290405, 1.9074349403381348, -3.036238193511963, 1.8148504495620728, 0.8196016550064087, 0.357916921377182, -1.2126178741455078, 0.986419677734375, -0.8305566906929016, -1.7641328573226929, 0.2900533974170685, 10.090200424194336, 6.407652854919434, 7.964107513427734, 7.581548690795898, 8.255156517028809, 10.709248542785645, 5.860086441040039, 8.512323379516602, 8.63766860961914, 10.281716346740723, 8.388128280639648, 8.393781661987305, 9.644765853881836, 8.688608169555664, 7.49798059463501, 8.353730201721191, 7.84459924697876, 7.061121463775635, 7.669641494750977, 9.925622940063477, 7.581548690795898, 8.66242790222168, 8.438591003417969, 9.782745361328125, 7.9434332847595215, 8.363447189331055, 8.398676872253418, 8.306591033935547, 8.989551544189453, -2.850986957550049, 1.2483705282211304, -2.305565595626831, -0.5481578707695007, -0.7538253664970398, -1.9304924011230469, -2.088770627975464, -0.2586098313331604, 0.09875783324241638, 1.2436370849609375, -1.8426764011383057, -2.210723638534546, -3.9720072746276855, 0.357916921377182, -1.9349089860916138, -1.1792733669281006, 0.8942870497703552, -3.8140411376953125, -1.9472533464431763, 0.8932715654373169, -3.9720072746276855, -1.2875652313232422, 4.562735080718994, -4.281497955322266, 9.890091896057129, 0.19581782817840576, -1.7334853410720825, 7.657039642333984, -0.5682792663574219, 6.327496528625488, 8.73745059967041, 5.500654220581055, 8.070306777954102, 8.203282356262207, 6.437816143035889, 0.7951074838638306, -4.921293258666992, -2.3645756244659424, 8.072179794311523, -3.63327956199646, 8.353730201721191, -0.7037727236747742, 7.014852523803711, -2.338632822036743, 5.957855224609375, -2.708505392074585, -0.012598932720720768, 8.289910316467285, 0.0630984902381897, 9.449897766113281, 0.17192494869232178, 7.84459924697876, 10.125811576843262, 8.680566787719727, 9.323034286499023, 10.016433715820312, 8.436759948730469, 6.948276519775391, 7.027341842651367, 6.25266170501709, 6.198147773742676, 9.937956809997559, 8.913578033447266, 9.648850440979004, 7.72831392288208, 8.261895179748535, 10.157488822937012, 0.5553662180900574, 8.2450532913208, -0.5826541781425476, -1.968500018119812, 8.30798625946045, 7.406299591064453, 9.184562683105469, 8.476850509643555, 8.616012573242188, 7.095564842224121, 9.323034286499023, 9.85224437713623, -0.33957648277282715, 10.261066436767578, -0.9069288372993469, 9.890091896057129, 9.961156845092773, -1.0262271165847778, 9.648436546325684, 9.3740234375, 8.261895179748535, 8.38864803314209, -0.779943585395813, 8.930675506591797, 8.727845191955566, 10.125811576843262, -0.17687064409255981, 9.325149536132812, -3.2170708179473877, 7.728795051574707, -3.6375322341918945, -1.7790778875350952, -0.45765143632888794, 2.9707601070404053, -1.9320389032363892, 9.24201774597168, -0.2586098313331604, 8.475257873535156, -1.1639190912246704, -0.8467059135437012, 7.3541975021362305, 8.680566787719727, 8.393781661987305, 9.040136337280273, 8.424031257629395, 7.281587600708008, 6.702877521514893, 8.80003547668457, 7.896921157836914, 4.7854790687561035, 8.809114456176758, -3.2170708179473877, -3.0759403705596924, 0.6028085350990295, 0.6286504864692688, 9.375526428222656, 8.0601806640625, 7.231595039367676, 9.53696060180664, -0.6430482268333435, -1.861497163772583, -0.38598841428756714, 0.766835629940033, 8.454166412353516, 8.722110748291016, -0.5876069664955139, 6.691766738891602, 0.04939699172973633, 9.248852729797363, -1.171173095703125, -0.4032790958881378, -1.2811204195022583, -2.3798134326934814, -1.1210651397705078, -0.006077111698687077, 0.9769582748413086, 1.2411600351333618, -1.398817539215088, -1.339537262916565, -2.3334786891937256, 2.0171058177948, -2.6383872032165527, 1.0071823596954346, -1.89350426197052, -0.31999653577804565, 1.5450228452682495, -3.8140411376953125, -0.5126296877861023, -0.3959575295448303, -0.9069288372993469, -2.043754816055298, 9.73788070678711, 10.399415016174316, -1.9030665159225464, 6.198147773742676, -2.256709098815918, 2.8901288509368896, 8.882135391235352, 9.167756080627441, 9.154693603515625, -1.1639190912246704, 8.388067245483398, 7.661161422729492, -1.2498475313186646, -1.1639190912246704, 1.2680004835128784, -2.295274019241333, -2.627448320388794, -1.2063225507736206, -1.828076720237732, -1.0906637907028198, 0.16657644510269165, -0.29752445220947266, -5.960818290710449, -0.14855492115020752, -1.1363306045532227, -2.8601982593536377, -2.9005393981933594, 0.33580246567726135, 1.278704285621643, -2.017303228378296, -1.966213345527649, 0.4957033395767212, -1.4744904041290283, -2.3292274475097656, -1.7171746492385864, -0.7399396896362305, -0.27111998200416565, -3.294473648071289, -1.84184992313385, 0.2945824861526489, -2.064859390258789, 0.2480318248271942, -1.2512303590774536, -1.4099186658859253, -2.3247756958007812, -2.353783130645752, -1.0149613618850708, -2.8601982593536377, -1.339537262916565, 0.056835055351257324, 2.113912343978882, -2.876194477081299, -2.1935508251190186, 0.766835629940033, 1.9552427530288696, -1.0416439771652222, -1.9490031003952026, -2.8601982593536377, -2.0909855365753174, 0.4957033395767212, -0.07594859600067139, 2.0171058177948, -2.4715001583099365, -0.5510695576667786, -1.1639190912246704, -1.9304924011230469, -0.7538253664970398, -0.7037727236747742, -2.19362473487854, -2.3285725116729736, -1.597438097000122, -3.8207151889801025, 2.9707601070404053, -2.017303228378296, -2.173286199569702, -4.8977837562561035, -1.84184992313385, -1.6094619035720825, -2.103989839553833, -4.23338508605957, -3.0591726303100586, -5.217668533325195, -2.264336347579956, -2.4552266597747803, -1.9703084230422974, -1.9703084230422974, 0.5186575651168823, -1.1420539617538452, -2.876194477081299, -2.404299020767212, -4.232118606567383, -1.1344224214553833, -1.0262271165847778, -0.17687064409255981, -2.817467451095581, -3.3255069255828857, -0.5826541781425476, -3.5404396057128906, -3.2423696517944336, -1.6094619035720825, -2.6967527866363525, -2.0263054370880127, -2.264336347579956, -3.475959062576294, -0.9532920122146606, 1.080460548400879, -2.183528184890747, -0.2713612914085388, -2.9873478412628174, -1.9320389032363892, 0.986419677734375, -1.072849988937378, -2.0909855365753174, -2.256709098815918, -1.9758001565933228, -0.2783571779727936, -0.24201425909996033, 2.113912343978882, -2.064199924468994, -2.480562448501587, 0.13271725177764893 ], "y": [ -4.652750015258789, -6.373126983642578, 2.4340765476226807, 0.8677998781204224, 0.21093414723873138, 2.5107014179229736, -7.804408073425293, 3.179053783416748, 1.451485276222229, 1.0329136848449707, -7.2248992919921875, 1.954660177230835, 2.6201465129852295, -0.06001414358615875, 2.16251802444458, 3.012350559234619, -7.75783634185791, 2.9067273139953613, -1.8320313692092896, 2.995995044708252, 3.484079360961914, 2.605306386947632, 0.6682324409484863, 2.3554036617279053, 2.0545461177825928, 0.186648428440094, 1.4749164581298828, 3.1545584201812744, -0.35177820920944214, 1.7359734773635864, 2.0846481323242188, 1.2997053861618042, 2.5107014179229736, 0.6910279989242554, 0.7625885605812073, 0.1639414280653, -7.719225883483887, 3.840456485748291, 2.996518135070801, 1.5435705184936523, 1.484192132949829, 2.2033772468566895, 0.5858709216117859, 2.2731173038482666, -1.655907154083252, 0.5608420968055725, 1.839627742767334, 2.9067270755767822, -2.608596086502075, 3.4969308376312256, 1.4412821531295776, 2.0747501850128174, -0.4395408630371094, 0.8146026134490967, 1.1410281658172607, 0.8179762959480286, 2.9067273139953613, 1.044377326965332, 1.0252891778945923, -0.8677656650543213, 2.5257437229156494, 0.2139115184545517, 1.8807228803634644, 2.0925886631011963, 2.20465350151062, 3.4147140979766846, -0.14200307428836823, 1.247879147529602, 1.787882685661316, 1.6005171537399292, 1.6298061609268188, -4.39430046081543, -1.6559072732925415, 3.5281612873077393, 1.2369812726974487, -1.170590877532959, 1.1599482297897339, 0.16615258157253265, 1.1072285175323486, 1.3691072463989258, 1.14060378074646, 1.6854543685913086, 1.894823431968689, 3.1545581817626953, 2.909055709838867, 4.154136657714844, 1.1599482297897339, 1.8660484552383423, 0.9904635548591614, 1.5176072120666504, 2.493058204650879, 3.0833399295806885, 2.3510582447052, 0.46583735942840576, -1.0028507709503174, 1.1341900825500488, 0.498970091342926, -0.19002725183963776, -1.1154714822769165, 2.24845290184021, 1.3967862129211426, 2.627842664718628, -1.0411638021469116, -0.0910315066576004, 1.8562052249908447, 2.24845290184021, 1.0625953674316406, 2.9725754261016846, 3.2435247898101807, 3.0299484729766846, -2.947542428970337, -0.8682913184165955, 2.0810248851776123, 1.393014907836914, 1.609940528869629, 2.0907318592071533, 0.3617607355117798, -1.3637316226959229, 2.4887588024139404, 1.510111689567566, 0.6636515259742737, 1.6318084001541138, 0.8146026134490967, 0.8220807909965515, -1.1948049068450928, -0.992975652217865, 1.8365379571914673, -1.4006978273391724, 1.1458989381790161, 3.040461540222168, 1.193562626838684, 3.1968257427215576, 0.9039386510848999, 2.3721511363983154, 2.839919090270996, 1.3862946033477783, -1.0373636484146118, 3.222308397293091, 2.1869232654571533, 1.033860445022583, 2.606693983078003, -1.270705223083496, -0.7000129222869873, -4.865569114685059, -0.30221205949783325, 1.1208277940750122, -1.053963303565979, -0.8414098620414734, 1.3341683149337769, 0.5752579569816589, 1.6318084001541138, 1.14060378074646, 3.4743425846099854, -0.08620144426822662, 1.166394591331482, -1.0028507709503174, 0.6682324409484863, 2.2414112091064453, 2.0531699657440186, -0.5590696334838867, 1.4363924264907837, 2.5887954235076904, -0.1180514246225357, -2.0836071968078613, 1.5358144044876099, 1.466248631477356, 2.1908302307128906, 3.0530951023101807, -0.4045136570930481, 0.25497591495513916, -0.4045138955116272, 0.2549760341644287, 1.466248631477356, 1.466248631477356, 3.0530951023101807, 2.1908302307128906, 3.0530951023101807, -0.5111174583435059, -2.214979887008667, 1.9875997304916382, -7.742603302001953, 3.0299484729766846, 2.9786088466644287, 3.111677885055542, -0.10060925781726837, 2.3443379402160645, -7.742603302001953, 1.985321283340454, -0.058696404099464417, 3.234917402267456, 3.179053783416748, 0.1369941085577011, 2.4340765476226807, -0.21683074533939362, 2.937230348587036, 2.385242462158203, 0.8266526460647583, 1.9608970880508423, 3.013925313949585, 1.3572392463684082, 0.7724943161010742, 3.413034677505493, 0.6563351154327393, 3.179053783416748, 1.2190070152282715, 2.9285542964935303, -0.10060925781726837, -7.825816631317139, 1.8562049865722656, -2.947542428970337, 2.398933172225952, 3.4228744506835938, 2.960050344467163, 0.7724943161010742, 0.42865103483200073, -0.553608775138855, 1.1934711933135986, -0.2870226502418518, 1.1188254356384277, 0.5608420968055725, 4.4137163162231445, 3.206972360610962, -2.853893280029297, 0.566994309425354, 1.1674604415893555, 1.066557765007019, 1.0451550483703613, 2.839919090270996, 2.8343379497528076, 1.1667159795761108, 1.211547613143921, -1.0411638021469116, 3.671208620071411, 2.627842664718628, 3.437648057937622, -0.4189811944961548, 0.1639414280653, 1.8100627660751343, 2.51542067527771, 0.7401228547096252, 0.9687120914459229, 2.0810248851776123, -6.438180446624756, 3.040461540222168, 3.383284568786621, 2.8959271907806396, 2.937230348587036, 0.6563351154327393, -2.6470749378204346, -0.08342164754867554, -0.5252962112426758, -4.732935905456543, 0.9098546504974365, 1.475556492805481, 0.9867483973503113, 1.954660177230835, 3.0039710998535156, 3.1545584201812744, 3.413034677505493, 3.119953155517578, 0.03582145273685455, 2.0204899311065674, 0.30202391743659973, 0.48180532455444336, 1.2631161212921143, -0.914369523525238, 0.8655587434768677, 1.2644710540771484, 1.6436530351638794, 1.311449408531189, 1.4690731763839722, 1.3262287378311157, 0.7281343936920166, -0.4807279407978058, 1.787564992904663, 1.7913085222244263, 0.6588454246520996, 2.144038677215576, -0.21683074533939362, 2.583881378173828, -1.2176523208618164, 0.9270416498184204, 2.9671990871429443, 0.783999502658844, -7.804408073425293, 3.0732598304748535, 1.3691072463989258, 3.2838516235351562, 3.075299024581909, 3.437648057937622, 2.24845290184021, 1.5435705184936523, 2.946408987045288, 2.5031466484069824, -0.20955242216587067, -3.952695846557617, -0.3513396382331848, -1.2089974880218506, 1.144640326499939, -0.4724769592285156, 0.047093018889427185, 2.196370840072632, 3.3131051063537598, 0.5030580759048462, 1.10722815990448, 1.144640326499939, 1.8365379571914673, -0.570162296295166, 1.1934711933135986, 1.3667858839035034, 0.8655587434768677, 1.1458989381790161, 0.3617607355117798, 0.2472643107175827, 1.4363924264907837, -0.17222119867801666, 0.6910279989242554, 0.8177882432937622, 2.241840124130249, -2.7834835052490234, 1.1934711933135986, 0.13802920281887054, 1.1208277940750122, -1.9598393440246582, 1.510111689567566, -0.14595864713191986, 2.696038007736206, 2.833961009979248, 1.758198618888855, -0.7469674944877625, 2.3554036617279053, -5.472433567047119, -0.12987615168094635, 3.42354679107666, 3.2422235012054443, 1.8365379571914673, 2.7717134952545166, 1.3716133832931519, 0.4511867165565491, 2.1649625301361084, -0.6603939533233643, 3.4063098430633545, 2.762495517730713, 0.19597558677196503, 0.7171542644500732, -0.570162296295166, -2.164759397506714, 2.3083317279815674, 1.0989128351211548, 2.2392642498016357, -2.493781566619873, -0.6043426394462585, 2.0846481323242188, -2.864617347717285, -1.8363491296768188, 2.3510582447052, -0.8682913184165955, -5.759533882141113, -2.853893280029297, 3.739337682723999, 1.2997053861618042, -3.830394983291626, 2.145965337753296, 2.2142751216888428, 2.494614362716675, 1.822642207145691, 0.7861160039901733, 2.7243707180023193, 2.60722279548645, 1.2190070152282715, 2.0220372676849365, 1.876060128211975, 2.398244857788086, 2.262140989303589, 0.0726964920759201, 0.4769481420516968, 2.8343379497528076, 1.8220475912094116, -4.39430046081543, 2.996518135070801, 0.11434827744960785, 3.7393367290496826, 1.2593352794647217, 1.5523262023925781, 3.4605047702789307, -2.4892122745513916, -4.457627296447754, 2.0020411014556885, 2.6596455574035645, 1.1667159795761108, -2.737494945526123, -0.4864615201950073, 2.995995044708252, 0.37037572264671326, -1.7865735292434692, 2.218554735183716, -6.485802173614502, 3.456533193588257, 2.303450345993042, 2.4039080142974854, -2.1473968029022217, -0.40997767448425293, 0.5172539353370667, -0.8789181113243103, -0.553608775138855, 1.240187168121338, 1.4412821531295776, -0.6174536347389221, -0.24881865084171295, 0.03697793185710907, -0.35177820920944214, 2.157141923904419, 0.28639376163482666, 3.42354679107666, 1.6854543685913086, -0.1821577101945877, 1.0340086221694946, 0.2009478658437729, 3.52463698387146, 3.398179769515991, 1.3671364784240723, 2.4039080142974854, 0.6748389005661011, 3.9335930347442627, -1.9196974039077759, 3.0039710998535156, 0.5164650678634644, 2.661876678466797, 0.7043029069900513, 0.9016307592391968, 0.8029060363769531, -5.7521233558654785, 2.162590742111206, 2.481027364730835, 1.393014907836914, 2.145965337753296, 3.7216084003448486, -5.984071731567383, 0.42865103483200073, 0.1900738924741745, -5.601003646850586, -2.947542428970337, 2.2752974033355713, 3.260023832321167, 2.874614953994751, 1.7551472187042236, 2.907714605331421, 2.3947267532348633, 1.876060128211975, 1.118766188621521, 2.846486806869507, -0.23606260120868683, 1.9238346815109253, -0.946576714515686, 2.0267956256866455, 0.7043025493621826, 1.6142839193344116, 2.035675287246704, 2.0073788166046143, 2.8769755363464355, 1.2248625755310059, 1.1357325315475464, -0.12988783419132233, 1.5165939331054688, 1.7405112981796265, 1.247879147529602, 2.806173801422119, 1.6683686971664429, 0.13802920281887054, -0.09292145073413849, 1.9875997304916382, 0.5030580759048462, 2.0484824180603027, -2.0208311080932617, 2.24845290184021, 0.8894320726394653, -4.413352966308594, -2.493781566619873, 1.3691072463989258, -5.148787975311279, 2.8313674926757812, 0.06343995034694672, 2.661876678466797, 0.39578282833099365, 1.0329136848449707, 1.4456087350845337, 2.0614848136901855, -0.14200307428836823, 3.179053783416748, 1.26273775100708, 2.9697978496551514, 0.13058529794216156, 3.743403673171997, -3.8248612880706787, 1.6141904592514038, 1.787882685661316, 2.4039080142974854, 0.8266526460647583, 1.8676782846450806, 1.9751248359680176, 0.0726967304944992, 2.3465025424957275, 1.5802217721939087, -6.8949737548828125, 3.179053783416748, -3.3571360111236572, 2.3989334106445312, 1.2056498527526855, 2.8831136226654053, 0.42865103483200073, -6.480059623718262, -2.3307182788848877, -0.08620144426822662, -0.2870226502418518, 2.2752974033355713, 2.0703165531158447, 1.3369457721710205, 0.7440646886825562, 2.145965337753296, 3.2422237396240234, 0.6062203049659729, 1.611677646636963, 1.9000760316848755, 3.0833399295806885, 0.03582145273685455, 3.6729962825775146, -0.5079768896102905, 1.3862946033477783, 2.0846481323242188, 0.5172539353370667, 0.7208135724067688, 2.4037511348724365, 1.2644710540771484, 2.8133552074432373, 2.2142751216888428, 0.06307755410671234, 2.847651958465576, 2.601325035095215, 0.30202391743659973, 2.995995044708252, 1.8542609214782715, 1.519376277923584, 1.0801682472229004, 3.222308397293091, 0.020564602687954903, 0.5718924403190613, 1.095965027809143, 1.7495862245559692, 1.5165939331054688, -0.12988783419132233, 3.5281612873077393, -0.012314094230532646, 1.243106722831726, 1.2248625755310059, 1.1743744611740112, 1.7530845403671265, 0.5172539353370667, 1.5454192161560059, -0.5946403741836548, 1.6142839193344116, 1.3964409828186035, 1.6683686971664429, -0.8946459293365479, 2.8769755363464355, -0.7469674944877625, 3.4563148021698, 2.059506416320801, 2.778010606765747, -1.7835654020309448, 2.7224724292755127, -0.7125616073608398, -2.864617347717285, -3.4181642532348633, -0.12988783419132233, 4.154136657714844, 1.438198447227478, 2.2733027935028076, 2.8133552074432373, 0.5858709216117859, 1.3433390855789185, -3.4435110092163086, 2.196370840072632, 2.311894655227661, -0.6621249914169312, 0.4584583044052124, 0.16615258157253265, 0.2639644742012024, 0.06343995034694672, 0.4708401560783386, 1.329713225364685, 1.609940528869629, 0.16615258157253265, 3.2259881496429443, -0.9815523028373718, -4.732935905456543, 1.8118842840194702, 1.5926055908203125, 0.7893975973129272, 0.5891779661178589, 0.37037572264671326, 1.9000760316848755, 1.2059646844863892, -1.1154714822769165, 2.6535534858703613, 1.6570672988891602, 3.9012813568115234, 1.7052505016326904, 2.288299322128296, 0.5837717056274414, 0.945934534072876, -3.8248612880706787, 2.641470193862915, 1.7447646856307983, 3.4969308376312256, 3.3131051063537598, 0.22440235316753387, 2.2746481895446777, 2.311894416809082, 2.8959271907806396, -1.4746758937835693, 2.856106758117676, 2.991323232650757, 1.1357325315475464, -1.8363491296768188, 2.3465025424957275, 1.9608970880508423, -0.19228030741214752, -0.012314094230532646, 1.3513106107711792, 1.6769191026687622, 0.9687120914459229, 1.0665578842163086, 1.6180826425552368, 1.1743744611740112, 1.4297642707824707, 0.46583735942840576, 1.4844980239868164, -1.6571158170700073, -0.0910315066576004, 1.0644468069076538, 1.7052505016326904, 2.927074670791626, 0.5752573609352112, 0.13802920281887054, -0.6043426394462585, -2.407454252243042, -2.7834835052490234, -1.0028507709503174, 2.63256573677063, 2.717388868331909, -1.3578948974609375, 0.2953568696975708, 0.12912319600582123, -4.840852737426758, 0.267367959022522, 0.5957019925117493, 2.1343884468078613, 1.578940987586975, 0.7893975973129272, 1.14060378074646, 2.1869232654571533, -0.40997767448425293, 0.5473909378051758, 3.1545584201812744, 3.463002920150757, 2.20412540435791, 2.262140989303589, -0.10060925781726837, 3.0039710998535156, -6.039013385772705, 1.9608970880508423, 3.3224198818206787, -0.4857725501060486, -1.6078485250473022, 0.2009478658437729, -0.4395408630371094, 1.8365379571914673, 2.020556926727295, 3.9280948638916016, 0.42638441920280457, -1.6571158170700073, 3.43847918510437, 1.5072654485702515, -4.920093059539795, 2.385242462158203, -3.441765069961548, 0.8475565314292908, 3.495620012283325, 1.9885705709457397, -5.389006614685059, 3.82070255279541, -2.4350433349609375, 1.7052505016326904, 3.9280948638916016, 4.4137163162231445, 1.510111689567566, 2.8880581855773926, 2.8901100158691406, 2.218554735183716, -0.18548549711704254, -0.914369523525238, -5.148787975311279, 3.4969308376312256, 2.0905277729034424, 2.1649625301361084, -1.172184705734253, 1.7024545669555664, -0.946576714515686, 1.7359734773635864, 3.3855223655700684, 2.3947267532348633, 1.156179428100586, 0.3394455313682556, -7.804408073425293, 3.7216084003448486, -6.860315799713135, 1.3671364784240723, 2.94659686088562, 1.0586503744125366, 1.2059646844863892, 3.2333261966705322, 1.1934711933135986, -0.5079768896102905, 2.4039080142974854, 1.7052505016326904, -3.5340094566345215, 2.0905277729034424, -4.307528972625732, -6.373126983642578, 0.7561023235321045, 1.7405112981796265, 1.611677646636963, 3.478940486907959, 2.806173801422119, -0.8677656650543213, -4.840852737426758, 2.3154895305633545, 0.400124192237854, 1.4578849077224731, 2.4037506580352783, -1.7030481100082397, -0.14595864713191986, -2.214979887008667, 0.9192463159561157, -0.6621249914169312, 3.4969308376312256, 1.4412821531295776, -0.06001414358615875, -1.0989829301834106, 0.5357661247253418, -0.06001414358615875, -1.8324545621871948, 0.7281343936920166, -0.14595864713191986, 2.143080711364746, 1.7024545669555664, 3.26385235786438, -3.008044481277466, 0.7861160039901733, 3.383284568786621, 2.284424304962158, 2.508073568344116, 0.5724902153015137, -2.853893280029297, 0.42094704508781433, 1.609940528869629, 1.7405112981796265, 0.48180532455444336, 2.8901097774505615, 3.82070255279541, 0.783999502658844, -7.165634632110596, 1.7447644472122192, -1.3637316226959229, -0.16627611219882965, 3.568816900253296, 0.8245334029197693, 2.874614953994751, -0.1821577101945877, 2.907714605331421, 1.1410281658172607, 3.666594982147217, 2.265455961227417, 0.30015790462493896, 0.7893975973129272, 3.179053783416748, 2.3721511363983154, 3.585700273513794, -6.485802173614502, -6.050716876983643, 0.9687120914459229, 1.698603630065918, 1.698603630065918, 1.2115472555160522, -0.18548549711704254, -4.248536109924316, 2.8970961570739746, 3.739337682723999, 3.3617942333221436, 0.40126460790634155, 3.299060106277466, 3.3617942333221436, 2.9087839126586914, 0.2156415432691574, -6.469487190246582, 1.6733955144882202, 3.260023832321167, 2.0925886631011963, 0.2156415432691574, 1.807175636291504, -7.052616119384766, 2.053980588912964, 0.6682324409484863, -0.9508242011070251, 2.218554735183716, 1.4680728912353516, 2.5031466484069824, 2.0782008171081543, 3.438479423522949, -0.30221205949783325, 2.692809820175171, -0.2367343306541443, -2.493781566619873, 2.036210298538208, -1.6571158170700073, 1.6279419660568237, 2.0990097522735596, 2.356609582901001, 2.0416266918182373, 1.8118842840194702, 1.7530845403671265, 2.7420060634613037, 2.145965337753296, 3.4458649158477783, 2.000577688217163, -0.36733537912368774, -1.7759226560592651, -2.0836071968078613, 1.9101417064666748, 2.274648427963257, 2.606693983078003, -0.012314094230532646, -0.7653794884681702, 1.2248625755310059, -0.4864616394042969, 1.1357325315475464, 1.243106722831726, 2.794321298599243, 2.7173891067504883, -2.023942708969116, 1.3416309356689453, 1.8542609214782715, 1.8542609214782715, 1.5872255563735962, 1.4690731763839722, -0.20058421790599823, 1.787564992904663, 0.7901427745819092, 1.1599482297897339, -1.4239095449447632, 0.7303869724273682, -0.48842984437942505, 2.0547401905059814, 2.692809820175171, 1.3667858839035034, 2.088792324066162, 1.2059646844863892, -1.887911319732666, 0.5442253351211548, 3.333496332168579, -0.5079768896102905, 0.9914510250091553, 2.421860933303833, -0.19002725183963776, -2.966127872467041, 3.2259881496429443, 2.0846481323242188, 2.6858291625976562, -1.5300602912902832, 0.07760392129421234, 2.68536114692688, 1.3416309356689453, 2.0545461177825928, 3.206972360610962, -1.2089974880218506, -0.23606260120868683, -2.411541700363159, -7.2248992919921875, -1.6571158170700073, 1.1008327007293701, -7.052616119384766, 2.143550395965576, -1.0411638021469116, 1.1674604415893555, 1.940224289894104, 2.3703391551971436, 0.945934534072876, -4.840852737426758, -0.20058421790599823, 1.8451333045959473, -1.5149656534194946, 0.9192463159561157, -1.887911319732666, 1.5165939331054688, -0.9465771913528442, -0.6174536347389221, 2.0267956256866455, 1.0989128351211548, 2.182926893234253, 1.1357325315475464, 0.7208135724067688, 1.2593352794647217, 0.057310447096824646, 1.948931097984314, 0.8029060363769531, -0.2870226502418518, 0.0726967304944992, 2.0698399543762207, 0.9016307592391968, 0.8245334029197693, 3.8272225856781006, 2.0703165531158447, 1.1075962781906128, 1.4297642707824707, -5.601003646850586, -2.6470749378204346, -1.7835654020309448, -2.34314227104187, -1.2662423849105835, -5.601003646850586, 1.2248625755310059, -1.1476223468780518, -0.0910315066576004, -1.8324545621871948, -0.5091520547866821, -4.3631672859191895, 2.5887954235076904, 1.3513106107711792, 0.9346346855163574, -1.341641902923584, 0.8220808506011963, 0.9867483973503113, 4.040643215179443, 0.6822843551635742, -6.480059623718262, 2.1343884468078613, 0.8894320726394653, 1.9807542562484741, 0.16615258157253265, -0.05337657034397125, 2.97856068611145, 3.9280948638916016, 1.144640326499939, -0.262585312128067, 2.7376997470855713, 1.839627742767334, 0.13802920281887054, 0.7842153310775757, 0.3247777223587036, 3.484079122543335, 1.5358144044876099, 1.3964412212371826, 0.4400705099105835, 2.6220667362213135, 1.6180826425552368, 2.909055709838867, 2.132913112640381, -1.3578948974609375, -1.3551133871078491, -4.652750015258789, 2.6535534858703613, 0.8245334029197693, 0.03765211999416351, 2.792541265487671, 0.4530351161956787, 1.4680724143981934, -0.46658703684806824, 0.945934534072876, 1.1188254356384277, 2.960050344467163, 0.06307779252529144, -0.19228030741214752, 0.5858709216117859, 1.0451550483703613, 1.8542609214782715, 2.0547401905059814, 3.456533193588257, 2.20412540435791, -1.3637316226959229, 2.3418493270874023, 3.484079122543335, 2.3566105365753174, -0.9815523028373718, 0.7281343936920166, 2.634273052215576, 3.4969308376312256, 1.615950345993042, 0.9456319212913513, 2.794321298599243, 1.311449408531189, 1.5454192161560059, 4.154136657714844, 2.6220667362213135, -1.4746758937835693, -1.8938285112380981, 2.0435574054718018, -4.457627296447754, 2.3772470951080322, 1.7530845403671265, 0.7281343936920166, 0.498970091342926, 2.2414112091064453, 1.567559838294983, -0.5536084175109863, 1.0644468069076538, 0.03697793185710907, -0.710608959197998, 0.6675028800964355, 2.717388868331909, -0.7125616073608398, -0.10060925781726837, 0.7171542644500732, 2.002128839492798, -1.0706979036331177, -5.389006614685059, 3.495620012283325, 3.666594982147217, -0.262585312128067, 2.839919090270996, 3.1725285053253174, 2.288299322128296, 2.778010606765747, 0.9914510250091553, 3.743403673171997, 1.0252889394760132, 1.2248625755310059, 2.088792324066162, -1.7017754316329956, -3.3459441661834717, 2.784990072250366, 0.13442085683345795, -0.5111172199249268, 1.4348032474517822, -3.718383550643921, 1.1341900825500488, 2.2392642498016357, 2.68074631690979, 1.4412821531295776, 3.9012813568115234, 3.9280948638916016, 2.0267956256866455, 3.111677885055542, 1.7913086414337158, -1.1767586469650269, 2.5887954235076904, 0.4769481420516968, 2.3703391551971436, 1.451485276222229, 1.9751248359680176, 1.4456087350845337, -0.4189811944961548, -4.499436378479004, 2.0990097522735596, -0.40997767448425293, 0.566994309425354, 2.6858291625976562, 3.52463698387146, 0.5752579569816589, 2.94659686088562, -1.5300602912902832, 2.313737630844116, 1.7898725271224976, -1.7835654020309448, -2.124047040939331, -0.3513396382331848, 1.726701259613037, -0.9194837808609009, 3.6806933879852295, 0.7440646886825562, 1.1357325315475464, -3.8934106826782227, 3.9012813568115234, 2.303450345993042, 2.8831136226654053, 3.1831917762756348, 2.755182981491089, 2.1712472438812256, -2.6470749378204346, 2.002128839492798, -3.173332452774048, 2.385242462158203, 2.2033772468566895, -5.230090618133545, 0.42865103483200073, 3.072145462036133, 1.7052505016326904, 2.5887954235076904, 0.2109340876340866, 2.020556926727295, 1.726701259613037, 2.0907318592071533, 2.8959271907806396, -8.29300308227539, 3.2333261966705322, 1.868179202079773, 3.671208620071411, -6.469487190246582, 2.262140989303589, 3.040461540222168, 1.26273775100708, 1.0665578842163086, 2.995995044708252, 3.0508697032928467, -2.966127872467041, 3.4969308376312256, 0.10907946527004242, 1.5165939331054688, 1.0533374547958374, 2.3418493270874023, 1.0625953674316406, -0.09292145073413849, 0.020564602687954903, 2.421860933303833, 1.4479024410247803, 0.7842153310775757, -1.960261344909668, 1.1008327007293701, -0.9887125492095947, 3.3131051063537598, 0.8762236833572388, -2.966127872467041, 0.3021470904350281, 3.5224199295043945, -0.17222119867801666, 0.5957019925117493, -0.7323583364486694, 2.132913112640381, 1.7279223203659058, 0.8605623245239258, 3.0732598304748535, 0.8677998781204224, -0.9901330471038818, 3.4743425846099854, -6.050716876983643, 2.9701716899871826, 2.784990072250366, 2.4039080142974854, 2.0698399543762207, 1.5146334171295166, -6.782496452331543, 1.6733955144882202, 4.4137163162231445, 1.868179202079773, 2.508073568344116, 3.247464895248413, -1.3551133871078491, 2.276487112045288, 0.7845079898834229, 1.9238346815109253, 4.4137163162231445, -4.710396766662598, 1.0343281030654907, 0.16232918202877045, 2.4456818103790283, 1.985321283340454, 1.5942295789718628, 2.0531699657440186, 1.4401205778121948, -2.144545316696167, 1.3582826852798462, 2.4887588024139404, -0.914369523525238, 0.8220808506011963, 2.143080711364746, 2.2891499996185303, 0.2639644742012024, 0.9266171455383301, 1.3716133832931519, -3.173332452774048, -1.9602617025375366, 0.1120983213186264, 2.750643491744995, 3.585700273513794, 2.6596457958221436, 3.9335925579071045, 0.566994309425354, 0.33130377531051636, 0.5891779661178589, 3.3855223655700684, 2.3947267532348633, 1.1008327007293701, 0.16615258157253265, -1.030335545539856, 0.34421730041503906, 1.9101417064666748, 1.4680724143981934, 2.0547401905059814, -2.4892122745513916, -1.8938285112380981, 1.1357325315475464, 2.794321298599243, 2.6303727626800537, 3.058056116104126, -0.5318747758865356, -0.5079768896102905, 0.7303869724273682, 1.1669377088546753, -1.1154714822769165, 1.2575069665908813, 3.299060106277466, 0.5172539353370667, -0.570162296295166, 1.6436530351638794, -0.029349399730563164, -1.935200572013855, 0.3394455313682556, 0.34421730041503906, 1.6683686971664429, -0.8946458697319031, 2.3164703845977783, 2.145965337753296, 2.4456818103790283, 1.1934711933135986, 1.787882685661316, -0.19002725183963776, 0.5553162097930908, -0.5079768896102905, 1.9360255002975464, 2.4689981937408447, -0.8414098620414734, 2.144038677215576, 0.16615258157253265, 1.8676782846450806, 0.477003812789917, -7.052616119384766, 1.611677646636963, -6.645357131958008, -3.1774799823760986, -0.1180514246225357, 2.24845290184021, 2.3721511363983154, 1.081685185432434, 2.4039080142974854, 2.696038007736206, 3.613430976867676, 1.5802217721939087, 3.438479423522949, -1.030335545539856, 0.020564602687954903, 1.7052505016326904, 1.166394591331482, 0.6636515259742737, 2.1372673511505127, 3.1574623584747314, 0.9904641509056091, -0.13785530626773834, -0.12987615168094635, -7.052616119384766, 2.7243707180023193, 3.6729960441589355, -0.10060925781726837, 2.036210298538208, 2.6057627201080322, -2.0208311080932617, 2.2746481895446777, -1.3321400880813599, 3.234917402267456, 1.912479043006897, 3.072145462036133, 1.510111689567566, 1.5193766355514526, 1.6298061609268188, -0.20955242216587067, -7.825816631317139, -0.4753054976463318, 0.30015790462493896, 0.8197777271270752, 2.9786088466644287, 0.9110430479049683, 2.641470193862915, 1.9608970880508423, 0.1384618729352951, 1.2502375841140747, 3.049497127532959, 2.100832223892212, 3.568816900253296, 0.8245334029197693, 3.6830761432647705, 2.755182981491089, 0.40126460790634155, 0.5967062711715698, 0.945934534072876, 2.276487112045288, -2.4350433349609375, -8.4011812210083, 2.145965337753296, 3.2259881496429443, 2.218554735183716, 1.2644704580307007, 2.9087839126586914, 1.1357325315475464, 2.94659686088562, 0.2109340876340866, 1.791272521018982, 2.7376997470855713, 1.095965027809143, 3.613430976867676, -0.46658703684806824, 0.047093018889427185, 1.6141904592514038, 3.613430976867676, 2.7323689460754395, 2.398244857788086, -2.0319790840148926, 3.398179769515991, 2.68074631690979, -3.3571360111236572, 0.5816704630851746, 2.3154895305633545, -0.685463547706604, 1.086144208908081, 0.4584583044052124, 1.4306645393371582, 3.4563148021698, 2.937230348587036, -0.8682916164398193, 2.8344855308532715, 2.1712472438812256, -5.140510082244873, -2.489779233932495, 0.5837717056274414, 2.5636203289031982, 2.059506416320801, -1.2662423849105835, 1.9512449502944946, 2.5730297565460205, 1.9712177515029907, 1.0252891778945923, 2.661876678466797, 1.6005171537399292, 2.4261977672576904, 3.1830666065216064, 3.3082191944122314, 1.4456087350845337, 1.4306645393371582, 2.100832223892212, 3.0039710998535156, 0.42638441920280457, 0.057310447096824646, -6.480059623718262, 3.072145462036133, 2.0267956256866455, -0.955551266670227, 1.7447646856307983, 1.4306645393371582, -0.4857725501060486, -5.140510082244873, -1.6078484058380127, 0.8245334029197693, 3.8272225856781006, 2.053980588912964, 3.613430976867676, 2.9701716899871826, -6.050716876983643, 0.1120983213186264, 3.2643160820007324, 2.0559966564178467, 1.2056498527526855, -4.248536109924316, 2.24845290184021, 2.8344855308532715, 3.260023832321167, 0.19929789006710052, 2.5730297565460205, 1.143513560295105, 2.5887954235076904, -0.18548549711704254, -6.438180446624756, 1.9252897500991821, 3.3224198818206787, 3.179053783416748, 3.3409430980682373, 3.3409430980682373, 0.5724902153015137, 2.51542067527771, 0.057310447096824646, 3.2719743251800537, -6.000129699707031, 2.313737630844116, 1.787882685661316, 1.8676782846450806, 2.7896745204925537, 3.495620012283325, 1.2575069665908813, 3.4458649158477783, -5.499028205871582, 1.143513560295105, 3.4605047702789307, 2.9725754261016846, 3.3224198818206787, 2.9285542964935303, -2.5188605785369873, 1.609940528869629, 3.437648057937622, 2.162590742111206, 3.6806933879852295, 2.3721511363983154, -6.469487190246582, 3.206972360610962, -0.4857725501060486, 2.94659686088562, 3.52463698387146, 1.5523262023925781, 2.0614848136901855, 0.42638441920280457, 2.964163064956665, 3.364102602005005, 0.6748389005661011 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 7, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "STACKOVERFLOW", "text": [ "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "image processing", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "WinJs: How to navigate to another start page programatically?", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "3D array multiplication", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "uiImageView error with SDWebImage", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Convert XML to PSObject", "Load data from specific lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "multidimensional array to database in python", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Python Condensing Code", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Stop JS-event propagation on table row click", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "android intentService concurrency", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Daydream with transparent background", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "R biglm predict searching for dependent variable", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Reading File From Network Location", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Get current Activity with Android", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "display tag and c choose tag", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "Simple way to delete users account?", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "Changing LED color for notifications", "call/cc implementation?", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "linq sql where closest to number", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Changing LED color for notifications", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "C# Test Assembly", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Command key in MacVim", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "magical record complex predicate", "M2E setting file", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Chaining deferreds", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "How to use MouseListener event", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Java read pptx file", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Login users/start session with PDO", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "finding control in winforms panel", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "php escape sequence not working", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "image processing", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "Cannot access non-static field", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Add class via command line", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Appcache for dynamic site", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "EBS volume on AWS", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Get current Activity with Android", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Java read pptx file", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Timer writes in log twice", "If statement in QML", "Why is the result not 1?", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "php escape sequence not working", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Representation of negative integers", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Load data from specific lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Java read pptx file", "EBS volume on AWS", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Reading File From Network Location", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Codeigniter login page missing", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "3D array multiplication", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "android tableLayout column color issue", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Google maps marker show only icon", "Rename table in sqlite", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "how to stop my html page resize", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "EBS volume on AWS", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "Oracle: function only returning null", "EBS volume on AWS", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "R biglm predict searching for dependent variable", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "Return value in bash script", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Get current Activity with Android", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Convert XML to PSObject", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Android- R.java file not found", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "Nested blocks and references to self", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "Return value in bash script", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Android- R.java file not found", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Counting vowels with consonants", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Interacting with openCPU", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "uiImageView error with SDWebImage", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Experience with direct data access components", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "Chaining deferreds", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "If statement in QML", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "How to divide the controller?", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "Changing LED color for notifications", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "How to combine 2 click function?", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Using VBA to change Picture", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "Informix Query Where Clause", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Daydream with transparent background", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Interacting with openCPU", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "tree view properties in web application", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "Ball structuring element representation", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Path Variable Not Working", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "gradle execute task after build", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "When to Use WCF / REST", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "Continuations in Clojure", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "When to Use WCF / REST", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "json load more items", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "Sort ListBox C#", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "finding control in winforms panel", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Changing LED color for notifications", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Java regex to validate a name", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "Android- R.java file not found", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Why is the result not 1?", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "magical record complex predicate", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Chaining deferreds", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "image processing", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Continuations in Clojure", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "C# Test Assembly", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "SASS Index in nested list", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "How to combine 2 click function?", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "Interacting with openCPU", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "How do I set serial special characters?", "display tag and c choose tag", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Cannot access non-static field", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "Update UIProgressView on UITableViewCell", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "If statement in QML", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "how to stop my html page resize", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "Help with SQL Trace", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Python Condensing Code", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Passing a string as function argument", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "android tableLayout column color issue", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "Javascript looping behaviour", "How to track malloc and free?", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Slowdown in large perl array", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Notification Trigger event", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "how to stop my html page resize", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Embedding Applet in JSP", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Combining Java with SQL?", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Why is the result not 1?", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Equal elements in SubArray", "Informix Query Where Clause", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "how to stop my html page resize", "Converting string to NSDate", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "php regular expession convert to python code", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "Help with SQL Trace", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Java read pptx file", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "Continuations in Clojure", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Counting vowels with consonants", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Chaining deferreds", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Android checktextview now working", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "json load more items", "Converting string to NSDate", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "how to stop my html page resize", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "3D array multiplication", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "Store functions in hash", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "Daydream with transparent background", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "Passing a string as function argument", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "ListView OnItemClickListener is not listening", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Cannot access non-static field", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Add class via command line", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Get current Activity with Android", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "any FAST tex to html program?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "SASS Index in nested list", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "How do I set serial special characters?", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Get current Activity with Android", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Comparing gold standard csv file and extracted values csv files in Python", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Why is the result not 1?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Changing LED color for notifications", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Notification Trigger event", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Undefined offset 1", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "Stop JS-event propagation on table row click", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "display tag and c choose tag", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "C++ queue with multiple values", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Chaining deferreds", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "Return value in bash script", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Javascript looping behaviour", "How to edit error messages in devise", "Browser automation using Applescript", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "json load more items", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "call/cc implementation?", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Convert vector to delimited string", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Changing LED color for notifications", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "tree view properties in web application", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Add class via command line", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "gradle execute task after build", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "How to edit error messages in devise", "Update UIProgressView on UITableViewCell", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "Timer writes in log twice", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Changing LED color for notifications", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Java regex to validate a name", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Undefined offset 1", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "Why is the result not 1?", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "call/cc implementation?", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Combining Java with SQL?", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "Python Condensing Code", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Converting string to NSDate", "Return value in bash script", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Experience with direct data access components", "Store functions in hash", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "any FAST tex to html program?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Convert vector to delimited string", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "3D array multiplication", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "C++ return to main", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "call/cc implementation?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Continuations in Clojure", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "SASS Index in nested list", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Why is the result not 1?", "display tag and c choose tag", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Login users/start session with PDO", "json load more items", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Python Condensing Code", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Rename table in sqlite", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Experience with direct data access components", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "image processing", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Using VBA to change Picture", "should I declare my object global or static?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Combining Java with SQL?", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Embedding Applet in JSP", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "should I declare my object global or static?", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Combining Java with SQL?", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Command key in MacVim", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Sort ListBox C#", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Add class via command line", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Android- R.java file not found", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "php escape sequence not working", "Passing a string as function argument", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "C++ return to main", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "php escape sequence not working", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Passing a string as function argument", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Cannot access non-static field", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Comparing gold standard csv file and extracted values csv files in Python", "Experience with direct data access components", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "Removal of the incoming sms", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "android intentService concurrency", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Ball structuring element representation", "Daydream with transparent background", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Path Variable Not Working", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Cron not executing PHP script", "CakePHP displayField usage", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "How to divide the controller?", "Google maps marker show only icon", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "Browser automation using Applescript", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "multidimensional array to database in python", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Get current Activity with Android", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "SASS Index in nested list", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Appcache for dynamic site", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Representation of negative integers", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "linq sql where closest to number", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "how to stop my html page resize", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "display tag and c choose tag", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Combining Java with SQL?", "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Android- R.java file not found", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "If statement in QML", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Equal elements in SubArray", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Chaining deferreds", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "ListView OnItemClickListener is not listening", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "WinJs: How to navigate to another start page programatically?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "display tag and c choose tag", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Continuations in Clojure", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "How to track malloc and free?", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Nested blocks and references to self", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Android- R.java file not found", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Counting vowels with consonants", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Android checktextview now working", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Combining Java with SQL?", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Interacting with openCPU", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Using VBA to change Picture", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Continuations in Clojure", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "How to use MouseListener event", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Converting string to NSDate", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "Command key in MacVim", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "M2E setting file", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "Command key in MacVim", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.3644486665725708, -4.59393835067749, -3.006399154663086, -5.786403656005859, -2.66733717918396, -5.472088813781738, -1.5099490880966187, -3.0372304916381836, -1.0191067457199097, -3.6436891555786133, -2.940678358078003, -2.8857007026672363, -4.378208637237549, 0.4362858831882477, 5.200319290161133, 2.5503990650177, 6.402009963989258, 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-1.1082754135131836, 5.670912742614746, 4.23773193359375, 2.6365785598754883, 7.09700870513916, 3.358158588409424, -3.1904404163360596, -4.765920639038086, -5.910968780517578, -1.2682156562805176, -1.4258822202682495, -4.598204612731934, -2.546434164047241, -1.0192747116088867, -1.0522899627685547, 4.656952381134033, 4.013287544250488, -2.5876681804656982, -0.7667099833488464, -3.6662652492523193, -1.1583359241485596, -0.7384017109870911, -2.100609540939331, -3.2379820346832275, 0.07368099689483643, -2.208853006362915, -2.0057919025421143, -3.504178762435913, -0.107566237449646, -1.447749376296997, -3.4588963985443115, -0.19855007529258728, -3.0438179969787598, -0.027431488037109375, -1.4258822202682495, -3.506709098815918, -3.152143716812134, -2.5448925495147705, -5.472088813781738, 0.2537117600440979, 8.897833824157715, 4.29960823059082, -1.4638181924819946, 5.234397888183594, -0.7667099833488464, -2.6194074153900146, 0.7075937986373901, 7.177023887634277, 1.558896780014038, -0.21534466743469238, 5.958510398864746, 5.988799571990967, 6.667121887207031, 6.411327362060547, 3.402259588241577, 7.953469753265381, 1.0122846364974976, 1.9213215112686157, -1.2413159608840942, 1.3198274374008179, 6.828579902648926, 5.66163444519043, 5.569975852966309, -3.793936014175415, 2.3892648220062256, 7.054011344909668, -0.19325608015060425, 1.2478941679000854, -0.7468551993370056, 4.642976760864258, 6.253342628479004, 8.088167190551758, 3.080571174621582, -1.204171061515808, -0.6530453562736511, -1.1860144138336182, 0.9737370610237122, 5.110011100769043, -4.008692264556885, 8.399673461914062, -4.91500186920166, -2.1331374645233154, -0.1551305055618286, -0.4952499568462372, -6.060687065124512, -6.223386764526367, -1.6530110836029053, -0.669571578502655, -4.143504619598389, 1.3634363412857056, -0.38952046632766724, 1.9213216304779053, 3.3098628520965576, -1.220870018005371, 5.771816253662109, 1.495928168296814, 6.687716484069824, 0.408231645822525, 0.9688773155212402, 2.3862950801849365, -1.8990299701690674, 5.805826187133789, -0.21287083625793457, -0.2844882011413574, 7.579527378082275, 1.1219704151153564, 0.14955109357833862, 0.9588051438331604, 3.9020068645477295, -2.9985501766204834, -2.94282865524292, -6.005002498626709, 0.29316264390945435, 2.3716583251953125, -0.9466702342033386, 1.1219700574874878, -0.15788650512695312, -0.09611964225769043, 0.8155085444450378, -3.2379820346832275, -0.07413166761398315, -1.6642497777938843, 4.151973247528076, -0.3552073836326599, 0.2996886074542999, -4.695417404174805, -0.1327676773071289, -3.996394395828247, -3.05562162399292, -4.186809539794922, 2.226641893386841, 1.2751625776290894, 6.013749599456787, 6.640848159790039, 7.775794982910156, 4.077303409576416, -0.4966226816177368, 6.008968353271484, 0.475404292345047, -4.552590847015381, -4.410139083862305, -0.7026364803314209, 1.8518221378326416, 6.631856918334961, 7.435758113861084, -0.15785986185073853, 1.4859623908996582, 3.361992120742798, 5.925806045532227, -0.8165913224220276, 3.8030035495758057, 2.025710105895996, -0.04812866449356079, 2.8598477840423584, 9.057928085327148, -0.018521130084991455, 4.980693817138672, -0.3245200514793396, -4.691308498382568, 4.987156391143799, -0.22963225841522217, 3.628049373626709, -1.3009889125823975, -3.417386293411255, 7.286890029907227, 2.3402082920074463, 0.4628068506717682, -4.926072120666504, 4.6329827308654785, 4.658051490783691, 1.422292709350586, 6.253342628479004, -0.44017958641052246, 4.132995128631592, -0.8981662392616272, -1.6624537706375122, 2.2689242362976074, 4.23773193359375, 3.2264773845672607, 6.1994218826293945, 1.6090606451034546, -0.19325608015060425, 7.909341812133789, -0.2116234302520752, -2.2768824100494385, -2.3527400493621826, -2.563225507736206, -3.4251816272735596, -1.412541389465332, -2.8481552600860596, -5.170831680297852, -1.3480819463729858, -6.223386764526367, -3.178379774093628, -4.355362892150879, -1.6166765689849854, -5.621423721313477, -4.814718246459961, -2.491024971008301, -4.321286678314209, -2.161560297012329, -3.059079170227051, -5.286871433258057, -2.4869863986968994, -5.23336124420166, -2.637986421585083, -3.1218132972717285, -5.966794013977051, -3.757892370223999, -4.2248311042785645, -4.369970798492432, -4.159034252166748, 1.3776710033416748, -4.651858329772949, -2.472578287124634, -1.6237677335739136, -1.3961676359176636, -5.299110412597656, -2.3615317344665527, -5.3476104736328125, -3.263129711151123, -2.8513331413269043, -1.1807702779769897, -4.008692264556885, -2.9778683185577393, -2.7208101749420166, -2.5116562843322754, -5.972561359405518, -0.5999597311019897, -6.618404865264893, -0.06361153721809387, -1.8499929904937744, -1.1395518779754639, -1.11356782913208, -2.826373338699341, -5.748305320739746, -2.723923444747925, -3.5828444957733154, -0.7698583006858826, -2.3642289638519287, -4.562053203582764, -3.685086488723755, -3.9518771171569824, -4.395613670349121, -1.6587697267532349, -2.3971800804138184, -2.5423202514648438, -5.995856285095215, -1.9303315877914429, -4.245192050933838, 1.1447163820266724, -0.057730793952941895, -1.1060409545898438, 1.2616119384765625, 1.90398371219635, -4.181431770324707, 6.013750076293945, -5.966794013977051, 2.080012798309326, 0.949007511138916, -3.934645414352417, -3.086667060852051, -0.37943676114082336, 7.139325141906738, -3.175152540206909, -5.673408508300781, -1.4246106147766113, -2.723923444747925, -0.6943779587745667, -3.3623344898223877, -3.388939142227173, -1.4009311199188232, 0.46255114674568176, -5.1906633377075195, -0.38260510563850403, 2.5198068618774414, -3.4928770065307617, -1.1583359241485596, -2.274578094482422, -3.504178762435913, -2.618823766708374, -1.7833106517791748, -4.325627326965332, -2.5763678550720215, -6.801063537597656, -1.7635475397109985, -3.3057005405426025, -3.4201204776763916, -3.6313319206237793, -2.374316692352295, -2.369439125061035, -2.2982394695281982, -2.2745778560638428, -2.3192849159240723, -0.027431488037109375, -3.56108021736145, 1.4984415769577026, -3.8343279361724854, -3.1961147785186768, -5.2513556480407715, -3.8786840438842773, -3.013404607772827, -3.1785919666290283, -4.548384189605713, -3.9518771171569824, -4.850118637084961, -0.8498889207839966, -0.7455592751502991, -1.9424464702606201, -1.682242512702942, -3.6245977878570557, 0.6489401459693909, -3.8793420791625977, -2.974109411239624, -2.206080675125122, -4.857788562774658, -2.5872044563293457, -5.86607027053833, 6.013750076293945, -1.6634366512298584, 3.421725034713745, 5.15136194229126, 0.6015177369117737, -0.964128851890564, -1.0956110954284668, 3.2435357570648193, -0.18714821338653564, 6.182740211486816, 4.013287544250488, 8.1215238571167, 8.399673461914062, -4.872928142547607, -2.334275960922241, -4.123683929443359, 3.731491804122925, -2.3416521549224854, 3.0206639766693115, 0.4933251142501831, 2.2689242362976074, 5.082282066345215, 6.9676127433776855, 0.767959713935852, -5.286871433258057, 5.440710067749023, -2.1844675540924072, 2.8598477840423584, 3.1962015628814697, 5.250994682312012, 2.9015049934387207, 5.676294326782227, -0.10277444124221802, -0.6877948641777039, 2.080012798309326, -2.2873101234436035, -0.18792080879211426, 0.7249795198440552, 8.132331848144531, 7.331508636474609, -0.836884081363678, 8.233527183532715, 3.358158588409424, 5.873044013977051, -1.1445318460464478, 0.7532747387886047, 1.8232423067092896, 1.654974102973938, 9.214279174804688, 3.440368890762329, -0.8722913861274719, -1.9274166822433472, 6.411327362060547, 4.220103740692139, 7.982532501220703, 3.080571174621582, -1.1162129640579224, -1.2340943813323975, -4.814718246459961, -4.375208377838135, 2.489320755004883, -2.2358434200286865, -1.076075792312622, -2.145807981491089, -2.66733717918396, -4.691308498382568, -2.637986421585083, -2.244713544845581, -2.1331377029418945, -5.910968780517578, -3.1996638774871826, -3.621356725692749, -4.995225429534912, -3.5723204612731934, -2.2664172649383545, -2.3527400493621826, -0.30808934569358826, -3.4695451259613037, -1.5627161264419556, -4.321286678314209, -3.3654062747955322, 0.6579263806343079, -4.2248311042785645, -3.4811549186706543, 0.8170878887176514, -3.5456182956695557, 6.538249969482422, 1.8761932849884033, -2.7024171352386475, 1.0929640531539917, 3.2291269302368164, 4.133945941925049, -0.7050859332084656, -1.6888540983200073, -0.12742984294891357, -1.4638181924819946, 1.2544338703155518, -3.0730578899383545, 7.145108222961426, 1.3886739015579224, 2.9015049934387207, 4.148063659667969, 2.263777017593384, 6.42819881439209, 3.546823263168335, -0.43148472905158997, 2.489320755004883, 2.3632631301879883, 7.604608535766602, -0.2633419632911682, 0.35537511110305786, 0.027375102043151855, 7.314787864685059, 2.034986972808838, 2.9769234657287598, 6.4467058181762695, 7.982532501220703, 1.6436651945114136, -0.2889571189880371, 0.845054030418396, 2.9041662216186523, 7.840150833129883, 1.2544338703155518, 6.538249969482422, -0.836884081363678, -0.3333616256713867, -1.2274543046951294, 8.69787311553955, 5.15136194229126, 0.7173671722412109, 5.095985412597656, -1.234204888343811, 0.35537511110305786, 6.640848159790039, 0.9159086346626282, 2.8970909118652344, 0.7932711243629456, 1.2751625776290894, 4.121020317077637, 0.99723881483078, 3.570969581604004, 0.859464704990387, 2.8551011085510254, 8.431069374084473, 7.624189376831055, 4.148063659667969, 0.9737370610237122, 2.433135509490967, -0.6182001233100891, 4.132995128631592, 2.4066731929779053, -0.10520720481872559, 7.00827169418335, -3.0328195095062256, -2.0968377590179443, -3.03719162940979, -3.333454132080078, -4.779331207275391, 0.22578710317611694, -1.41682767868042, -0.6100100874900818, -5.257142066955566, 7.687409400939941, -5.725249290466309, 5.879883766174316, 7.177023887634277, -2.94282865524292, 4.551448345184326, 0.8520174622535706, -3.5215790271759033, -4.897871971130371, -4.253612518310547, 1.078955888748169, -5.778780460357666, -5.257142066955566, -3.1801598072052, -1.4009311199188232, 0.4362858831882477, -0.1985497772693634, -2.32271146774292, -5.34445858001709, -1.5975364446640015, -1.252937912940979, -4.458471298217773, -1.1291484832763672, -2.685929775238037, -3.2158684730529785, -4.489156723022461, -2.4090850353240967, -4.489156723022461, -2.901076316833496, -2.046543836593628, -4.815299034118652, -3.758718729019165, 3.6447153091430664, 1.3376911878585815, -4.857788562774658, -2.014768123626709, -2.6383163928985596, -5.7771196365356445, -2.2358434200286865, -2.5606191158294678, -3.452972173690796, -1.134496808052063, -2.1331377029418945, -2.1614813804626465, -4.0423126220703125, -1.7972265481948853, -4.326157569885254, 0.9326282143592834, -4.823761463165283, -2.0481321811676025, -6.054009437561035, -0.9915676116943359, -0.31554609537124634, -2.603421449661255, -1.6861666440963745, 1.3776710033416748, -3.460449695587158, -4.789319038391113, -4.458471298217773, -4.243852615356445, -0.5539289116859436, -3.956192970275879, -1.672222375869751, -2.8481552600860596, -4.827509880065918, -4.846441268920898, -4.990761756896973, 7.42103385925293, 0.7932711243629456, 3.6563215255737305, 3.6382577419281006, 0.7104136347770691, -1.6888542175292969, -1.4769686460494995, -0.6817397475242615, 2.1931815147399902, -0.8570426106452942, 3.8670873641967773, -0.2844882011413574, 8.493315696716309, -1.190906286239624, -5.542232513427734, -1.21304452419281, 0.6744639277458191, 4.580018043518066, -4.168036937713623, 4.609479904174805, 0.058088719844818115, 0.21696984767913818, -1.273776650428772, 0.05993854999542236, -4.598204612731934, -0.7858676314353943, -5.2472734451293945, 1.8144510984420776, -5.243041038513184, 3.492501735687256, 4.650283336639404, 1.1529819965362549, 5.879883766174316, 0.7042908072471619, -1.1968531608581543, 2.720113515853882, -1.590030312538147, -2.755729913711548, -2.206080675125122, 5.7004570960998535, -5.464835166931152, -4.778303146362305, -3.392268657684326, -2.2873101234436035, 6.126775741577148, -4.321286678314209, -1.614657998085022, -1.5523253679275513, -3.549992799758911, 5.841529846191406, 5.958510398864746, -2.3396167755126953, -0.3333616256713867, -1.7510299682617188, 8.265799522399902, 7.840150833129883, 4.869132995605469, 5.988698959350586, -2.1844675540924072, 1.2892532348632812, 7.989835739135742, 6.342777252197266, 7.687409400939941, 7.286890029907227, 4.186424732208252, -1.6375036239624023, -0.3817862272262573, -2.801793098449707, -4.017839431762695, -0.01311487052589655, -0.8420685529708862, -2.7016665935516357, -2.753801107406616, -3.5990636348724365, -2.5763678550720215, -1.708683729171753, -4.008692264556885, -3.7904927730560303, -5.2472734451293945, -5.725249290466309, -0.22433340549468994, -4.330201148986816, -4.873442649841309, -3.002068281173706, -6.618404865264893, -5.823629856109619, -1.6629458665847778, -4.489156723022461, -3.87005352973938, -4.556158065795898, -3.210444927215576, -2.940678358078003, -5.512974739074707, -0.4968194365501404, -2.670182943344116, -2.595688581466675, -5.080515384674072, -0.5999597311019897, -5.370398044586182, -2.3995232582092285, -4.79865837097168, -4.843842029571533, -5.6896209716796875, -5.8448896408081055, -1.0098668336868286, -5.696188449859619, -3.3103785514831543, -3.7452218532562256, -0.45523369312286377, -2.4396684169769287, -3.9861695766448975, -2.4027013778686523, -1.0098668336868286, -3.460449695587158, -2.2781982421875, -2.8857007026672363, -5.786403656005859, -3.95478892326355, 0.7249795198440552, 0.02901703119277954, -0.5580403208732605, -3.386181116104126, -3.4811549186706543, -0.4952499568462372, 7.184547424316406, 6.687716484069824, -4.926790237426758, -3.9376060962677, 2.3523473739624023, -0.46859031915664673, 1.2113652229309082, 0.9073230028152466, 6.591806411743164, 2.1643154621124268, -2.824235677719116, -0.9757342338562012, -1.9668558835983276, 3.511918783187866, 0.16859570145606995, 6.6527323722839355, 2.5466384887695312, 1.6263190507888794, 0.19724363088607788, -0.17977845668792725, -3.151339054107666, -0.4142833948135376, -0.7443148493766785, -4.326157569885254, -2.1953556537628174, -2.7299015522003174, 1.2713419198989868, -1.5911245346069336, 8.495800971984863, 6.587965488433838, -6.787268161773682, -0.3333616256713867, 6.025450229644775, 3.8751165866851807, 4.886310577392578, 3.6695220470428467, 3.874664068222046, -2.173757553100586, 8.106470108032227, -4.159034252166748, 2.6481449604034424, 2.4066731929779053, 3.6382577419281006, 2.862511157989502, -2.7903647422790527, 0.8157534599304199, -0.32452020049095154, -1.2761805057525635, -1.0464842319488525, 5.134018898010254, -4.325627326965332, -6.989786148071289, 4.551448345184326, -2.274578094482422, -4.961563587188721, -3.194861650466919, -5.972561359405518, -2.206080675125122, -2.402700424194336, -3.8738527297973633, -0.5306313037872314, -5.615414142608643, -4.890452861785889, -3.1785919666290283, -5.438549995422363, -1.2235922813415527, -5.071619033813477, -4.691308498382568, -2.7551796436309814, -4.53012752532959, -2.525550365447998, -3.996394395828247, -4.552590847015381, -3.5456182956695557, -4.769704818725586, -2.552983045578003, 0.3284381330013275, -3.549992799758911, -3.815126657485962, -3.6096503734588623, -4.926072120666504, -1.0493395328521729, -3.415426254272461, -2.8242361545562744, -0.4966226816177368, -5.223536968231201, -2.814743757247925, -1.19479238986969, -6.059385776519775, -3.6187584400177, -0.3340063989162445, -2.9023282527923584, 6.621685028076172, -0.781317412853241, 6.268585205078125, -2.4396679401397705, -5.673408508300781, -0.5032007098197937, 1.3515880107879639, -3.0018205642700195, -2.7016665935516357, 1.3634363412857056, 0.4553097188472748, -3.0711567401885986, 0.40670493245124817, -4.890452861785889, 0.28143519163131714, -4.232923984527588, 2.035498857498169, -1.2705966234207153, 4.173882484436035, -0.3701445460319519, 0.8736400604248047, 1.8232423067092896, 3.637709856033325, 1.6263190507888794, 2.4066731929779053, 5.67985725402832, 3.7219231128692627, 2.3632631301879883, 7.668889999389648, 1.345845103263855, 4.201420783996582, -2.334275960922241, 7.511042594909668, 0.18445008993148804, 4.693092346191406, -0.9925472140312195, 4.204056262969971, 0.3321273922920227, 3.358158588409424, 0.8546344637870789, 6.6171770095825195, -0.0686810314655304, 2.396350145339966, -1.1316810846328735, 0.8736400604248047, 1.3634363412857056, 0.9364535212516785, -0.5891922116279602, 2.6365771293640137, 3.874664068222046, 6.828579902648926, 3.080571174621582, 1.90398371219635, -0.18792080879211426, 5.676294326782227, 2.526568651199341, 3.1477978229522705, 0.4159057140350342, 1.8761932849884033, -2.8715999126434326, 7.055514335632324, -2.3178348541259766, 4.650283336639404, 3.340527296066284, 0.603287398815155, 1.0039054155349731, 4.650283336639404, 2.442019462585449, -1.080675721168518, 3.5792460441589355, 0.2282511591911316, 0.24116218090057373, 0.591542661190033, 7.559915065765381, 0.5228885412216187, 1.955359935760498, 1.1486338376998901, -6.015970230102539, -4.53012752532959, 9.057928085327148, -0.22121256589889526, -0.2418684959411621, -3.8343279361724854, 4.220103740692139, 6.6527323722839355, -4.210840225219727, -2.4795830249786377, -5.700325965881348, -3.8272433280944824, -0.7600886821746826, 4.133945941925049, -0.5999597311019897, -1.1968531608581543, -2.014768123626709, 2.478497266769409, -0.5035468935966492, 8.940813064575195, -1.7821801900863647, 9.340187072753906, 0.2178611159324646, -2.456968307495117, 1.3390496969223022, 5.805826187133789, -4.854429721832275, 4.672818183898926, -4.752012729644775, 1.8232423067092896, -1.9213653802871704, -3.2379820346832275, -1.7821801900863647, -2.722813367843628, -0.07646727561950684, 0.5878886580467224, 1.2378442287445068, -2.993208169937134, 7.26214599609375, -1.8879928588867188, 3.7034265995025635, 1.3186005353927612, -3.504178762435913, 4.739587783813477, -0.15039381384849548, -4.982751846313477, -2.369439125061035, 3.7954142093658447, -6.422687530517578, -1.0769141912460327, 7.840150833129883, -6.801063537597656, -6.235569477081299, -3.6176812648773193, 2.7837116718292236, -4.034316062927246, -4.189342975616455, 6.9676127433776855, 0.7838996052742004, -1.0350548028945923, 0.34333592653274536, 3.5792460441589355, 5.7004570960998535, -3.3024420738220215, -1.3865556716918945, -1.5394562482833862, 2.2689242362976074, 1.6293617486953735, -0.5327476859092712, -0.4738239347934723, 5.676294326782227, 1.398708701133728, -0.34909775853157043, -0.6105629801750183, 0.5285969376564026, -0.9466705322265625, -4.695417404174805, -0.25484752655029297, 1.1797455549240112, 0.203857421875, -3.438859701156616, 0.8170878887176514, -1.2705966234207153, 6.90781831741333, 3.574200391769409, -0.593075692653656, 7.989835739135742, 8.470268249511719, -1.887634038925171, 4.650283336639404, -1.7833106517791748, -2.406479597091675, 6.255254745483398, -2.5606191158294678, -1.5814250707626343, -2.7024171352386475, -0.8657137751579285, 7.505417823791504, -2.8443944454193115, 6.268585205078125, -3.03719162940979, 0.7784937024116516, -1.3009889125823975, -2.7299015522003174, -5.005484580993652, -5.8448896408081055, 4.551448345184326, -0.721640408039093, -3.03719162940979, -1.9490028619766235, -3.159982204437256, 1.1219704151153564, -1.102938175201416, 1.069435954093933, -3.5937416553497314, 3.6563215255737305, 2.719456195831299, 1.384244680404663, 2.585527181625366, -4.017839431762695, 0.7838996052742004, -0.06361153721809387, -2.297018527984619, 0.7423587441444397, -2.8443944454193115, -4.53012752532959, -0.5388866662979126, -2.317920207977295, 6.025450229644775, -0.7050859332084656, -3.3321382999420166, 3.130464792251587, 1.8503955602645874, 5.040460586547852, 3.312415361404419, -0.20461899042129517, 3.4403908252716064, 2.367065191268921, 2.5503990650177, -0.6243972182273865, 6.649449348449707, -0.05501115322113037, 2.4110915660858154, -1.079632043838501, -1.0464839935302734, 1.7901828289031982, -0.15396028757095337, 3.0123956203460693, -0.17977845668792725, 4.464118957519531, -2.1508476734161377, 3.83945631980896, 9.019493103027344, -3.0730578899383545, 4.544227600097656, 4.232949256896973, 3.56054949760437, -0.6877948641777039, 5.804781913757324, 0.4846043288707733, -1.781692385673523, 2.2689242362976074, 0.08943670988082886, 1.1219704151153564, 8.398345947265625, 1.485483169555664, 6.42819881439209, 0.05993854999542236, 3.1628940105438232, -2.2784829139709473, 6.253342628479004, -1.080675721168518, -0.26334214210510254, -0.06361237168312073, 3.287447214126587, -1.623396635055542, 5.800235748291016, 0.23641839623451233, -0.013778151012957096, -1.0716304779052734, -2.704752206802368, -1.134496808052063, -2.445957899093628, -0.18017083406448364, -5.394636154174805, -1.6166765689849854, -6.911590576171875, -0.4165150821208954, -3.4839859008789062, -4.375208377838135, -1.0358867645263672, -4.5281476974487305, -2.94282865524292, -5.850760459899902, -2.0481321811676025, -2.4794890880584717, -2.329069137573242, -4.667303085327148, 0.23030084371566772, 1.5790609121322632, -1.850871205329895, -1.0956110954284668, -1.7785271406173706, 3.192621946334839, -1.4246106147766113, -0.10810357332229614, 9.019493103027344, -0.4226188659667969, -1.887634038925171, 5.864066123962402, -3.013404607772827, 2.0557401180267334, -2.899230718612671, 8.920448303222656, -6.091471195220947, -2.8715999126434326, 6.423992156982422, -0.8570426106452942, 8.470268249511719, -3.8971657752990723, 3.8025710582733154, 2.1378750801086426, -4.846441268920898, 3.460097551345825, -3.6245977878570557, -3.887565851211548, -2.7034029960632324, -2.100609540939331, 0.604633629322052, 7.049765110015869, -2.640373945236206, 4.167708396911621, -3.250305414199829, 2.7769558429718018, 0.12854593992233276, -3.223374128341675, 7.690727233886719, 0.015834808349609375, 0.13367295265197754, -4.533845901489258, 4.32979154586792, -0.5841948986053467, 4.151973724365234, 6.049997329711914, -3.152143716812134, -2.7016665935516357, 2.263777017593384, 4.137171268463135, -3.4928770065307617, 3.2961161136627197, 6.223178863525391, -4.299520969390869, 5.139391899108887, 6.910511016845703, -2.9259774684906006, -1.2601410150527954, 0.13925600051879883, -1.0522899627685547, 1.5766295194625854, 5.200319290161133, 4.051932334899902, -1.5394562482833862, -2.3029658794403076, -4.202207565307617, 4.551448345184326, -4.269390106201172, 5.805826187133789, -3.859818458557129, 6.0122880935668945, 2.738516092300415, 1.424005150794983, -1.708683729171753, 1.2378442287445068, 3.0814478397369385, -3.591442108154297, 1.2043150663375854, -3.1433351039886475, -1.0192747116088867, -1.7305197715759277, -2.2122299671173096, -3.6245977878570557, -4.159034252166748, 1.398708701133728, -1.4854472875595093, 5.234397888183594, -7.62045955657959, -1.4302726984024048, -3.3292806148529053, -1.6836349964141846, -0.9925467371940613, -5.438549995422363, -2.3628714084625244, -3.6817777156829834, -2.9985501766204834, -4.795705795288086, -6.618404865264893, -3.065678834915161, 2.671959161758423, -1.6624537706375122, 0.7576600313186646, 8.399673461914062, -2.576659679412842, -0.31554633378982544, 0.015834808349609375, 1.5766295194625854, 4.551448345184326, -0.03236299753189087, -3.059079170227051, 8.087200164794922, -0.28902652859687805, -6.037383556365967, -1.5740083456039429, -4.471997261047363, -1.654269814491272, 0.14955109357833862, 2.9112985134124756, -1.282467007637024, -0.21534466743469238, 2.3402082920074463, -0.21465802192687988, 7.2608795166015625, 2.6749184131622314, 0.799087405204773, 2.8970909118652344, 4.186424732208252, 2.4818968772888184, 0.37648749351501465, -0.1551305055618286, 0.3956199884414673, 6.667121887207031, 4.510568618774414, 4.873387813568115, -2.940678358078003, -1.1810857057571411, -2.9023282527923584, -4.845135688781738, -2.5283658504486084, -0.4342081546783447, -5.700325965881348, -3.8571765422821045, -4.489156723022461, -2.8000731468200684, -2.65975284576416, -4.395613670349121, -3.9981653690338135, -3.958706855773926, 5.0959858894348145, -6.099153518676758, 3.56054949760437, -3.0290775299072266, -6.518678665161133, -6.020414352416992, -4.235350131988525, -2.7171332836151123, 2.433135509490967, -6.112750053405762, -3.805931329727173, 2.043264150619507, 0.8387637734413147, -3.4197113513946533, -4.371676921844482, 1.094740867614746, 2.6890974044799805, 8.087200164794922, -5.125129699707031, -3.586193799972534, -4.232923984527588, 7.435758113861084, -6.854071140289307, -2.5439558029174805, -2.3960258960723877, -3.388939142227173, -1.6237677335739136, -2.685929775238037, -4.061680793762207, -6.473143100738525, -6.020414352416992, -3.946812391281128, 2.590017557144165, -4.395613670349121, -1.0967525243759155, -1.5154021978378296, -0.48884648084640503, -4.2360405921936035, -4.421938896179199, -0.45523369312286377, -3.621356725692749, -1.6629456281661987, -3.023794174194336, -1.1395518779754639, -2.7016665935516357, -4.395613670349121, 0.8520174622535706, -0.9915676116943359, 0.5817187428474426, -4.044678688049316, -3.7312257289886475, -0.07413166761398315, -1.4854472875595093, -1.1060409545898438, -1.0706151723861694, -1.7048848867416382, -4.828416347503662, -2.552983045578003, -6.2887678146362305, -2.3794851303100586, -1.7559525966644287, -2.2781982421875, 0.9326282143592834, -4.695417404174805, -2.282773733139038, -2.8734662532806396, -3.0704805850982666, -3.0661652088165283, -6.223386764526367, -3.126072406768799, -4.815299034118652, -4.410030364990234, -5.89292049407959, -2.274578094482422, -2.855078935623169, -3.3417327404022217, 0.0452999472618103, -3.7427163124084473, -1.6225719451904297, -5.005484580993652, -5.8448896408081055, -4.652578353881836, -4.118912696838379, -3.7904927730560303, -4.181431770324707, -1.623078465461731, -3.8545708656311035, -6.890824317932129, -6.854071140289307, -3.621356725692749, -5.683774471282959, -3.1801598072052, -6.407768249511719, -2.8814733028411865, -1.6063823699951172, -1.412541389465332, 6.058077335357666, -1.4181513786315918, -0.5147790312767029, 2.3820080757141113, 0.6021892428398132, 0.6777591109275818, -0.6499786972999573, 2.9112980365753174, 7.166691780090332, 5.800235748291016, 3.56054949760437, 6.455733299255371, 7.51516056060791, -0.8136587142944336, 4.087279796600342, 6.880528926849365, 6.342645645141602, 5.319304943084717, 3.855865716934204, 0.5026775002479553, -0.6530453562736511, -0.055270612239837646, -1.3865556716918945, 2.532219886779785, 5.291328430175781, 6.910511016845703, 1.897387981414795, 6.3352813720703125, -1.682242512702942, -3.4297854900360107, -1.8982661962509155, 4.988653659820557, 6.6527323722839355, -1.5201209783554077, -2.629420042037964, -3.6245977878570557, 3.3098628520965576, -2.977100372314453, -2.1561756134033203, 2.3862950801849365, 3.2961161136627197, 0.3439958691596985, -1.6225719451904297, -1.6530110836029053, -2.1443588733673096, -1.9274765253067017, 4.650283336639404, 6.723125457763672, 2.862511157989502, -0.3603117763996124, 6.1994218826293945, -0.1545923948287964, 2.3820080757141113, -0.20461899042129517, 1.1515477895736694, 7.330319404602051, 2.3402082920074463, -0.8056468367576599, 7.140386581420898, 3.8593688011169434, 4.167708396911621, 4.690495491027832, 8.50047492980957, -0.4718434512615204, 0.4589819312095642, -0.38952046632766724, 8.262377738952637, 6.864556789398193, 2.0378329753875732, 7.26214599609375, 0.35323023796081543, 7.579527378082275, 1.2378442287445068, 0.3796270489692688, 5.468844413757324, 1.094740867614746, -0.7667099833488464, 2.6666259765625, 6.499677658081055, -0.33357423543930054, 1.5646709203720093, 1.5017859935760498, 4.679680824279785, 4.987156391143799, 4.656952381134033, 1.783984899520874, 0.8559297323226929, 7.1962890625, 6.43735408782959, 5.436716079711914, 0.7353007793426514, 1.0185309648513794, 5.708968162536621, 6.402009963989258, 1.100448727607727, 1.963261365890503, 7.5525712966918945, 3.4403908252716064, -1.463320016860962, -1.2678977251052856, -1.1769860982894897, 8.230671882629395, 5.0216145515441895, 7.184547424316406, 2.3716583251953125, 5.67095947265625, 0.7661370038986206, -0.7667096853256226, -5.226083755493164, 0.4362858831882477, -3.73465895652771, -0.18253403902053833, 1.247894048690796, 5.291328430175781, -0.03236299753189087, -4.943846225738525, -3.8971657752990723, -4.3583574295043945, -0.5283690094947815, -3.6218583583831787, -3.621859073638916, 4.544227600097656, -2.6194074153900146, 2.7160861492156982, -2.2781982421875, -3.4130895137786865, 6.6171770095825195, 1.0965768098831177, -6.498821258544922, -3.6096503734588623, -4.667303085327148, 3.4403908252716064, -1.0192747116088867, -4.982751846313477, 2.5270659923553467, 3.1628940105438232, -4.061680793762207, -3.5205743312835693, -0.17947712540626526, -1.6634366512298584, 3.7117791175842285, -4.235350131988525, -0.6098633408546448, -0.18017083406448364, -4.650046348571777, -1.694711446762085, 2.4818968772888184, -0.4745711386203766, -0.8165913224220276, 4.087279796600342, 2.8672995567321777, -0.9281185865402222, -4.421938896179199, 8.828014373779297, -3.1722662448883057, -5.104254722595215, 3.21718168258667, -0.21287083625793457, -1.635986566543579, -1.781692385673523, -4.232203483581543, 2.5466384887695312, -3.4083480834960938, -1.6333482265472412, -5.0464067459106445, -1.815451741218567, 8.132331848144531, -1.322625756263733, -4.600274085998535, -0.8420685529708862, 7.400080680847168, 0.6021892428398132, -5.170211315155029, -3.8545708656311035, -4.206371784210205, 3.7608482837677, -7.62045955657959, -0.17977845668792725, -1.5201209783554077, 4.658051490783691, 5.616044044494629, -4.973423957824707, -4.186257362365723, -5.958158493041992, 7.624189376831055, -3.321808099746704, 2.8551008701324463, -1.7635480165481567, -3.0711567401885986, 3.8212788105010986, 6.57480525970459, -3.3103785514831543, 6.126775741577148, 5.177915573120117, 5.816232681274414, 3.358159303665161, -2.3770511150360107, -2.44329571723938, -0.7206324934959412, 0.9754430055618286, -3.560941696166992, 1.1582971811294556, 0.11411398649215698, -3.9353702068328857, 3.8593688011169434, -1.234204888343811, -4.210840225219727, -0.6851368546485901, -1.3710521459579468, 9.340187072753906, -3.006399154663086, -0.013778151012957096, -0.7966046929359436, -3.126072406768799, -4.208866596221924, 2.0664868354797363, 1.2037413120269775, -0.18253403902053833, 3.7165346145629883, -2.1443588733673096, -1.2682157754898071, 6.687716484069824, -5.86607027053833, 7.8519768714904785, -3.9279589653015137, 7.177023887634277, -4.278848648071289, 1.0762131214141846, 1.4870917797088623, -4.947726726531982, -1.6997482776641846, -0.7858676314353943, -0.07413166761398315, -1.7559525966644287, 0.14367622137069702, 0.35537511110305786, 1.2378442287445068, -4.115219593048096, -0.463054895401001, -1.2041702270507812, 2.3632631301879883, -4.186809539794922, 0.591542661190033, -1.1810857057571411, -2.3812530040740967, 5.492079734802246, 4.024269104003906, -0.19855007529258728, 3.166067123413086, 3.440368890762329, 8.03976058959961, -4.253612518310547, 8.920448303222656, -4.650046348571777, 6.823357105255127, -2.954454183578491, -2.32271146774292, -1.6613342761993408, 0.6725964546203613, -4.673501014709473, 0.9159079790115356, -3.6662652492523193, 2.2689242362976074, 7.3101325035095215, 2.433135509490967, 5.795082092285156, -4.2757487297058105, -3.3321382999420166, -1.102938175201416, -0.9549184441566467, -1.1884649991989136, 0.7112287878990173, 0.475404292345047, -0.013778151012957096, 5.042064666748047, 3.4623539447784424, 3.8751165866851807, -1.0350546836853027, -0.9401889443397522, -0.17947712540626526, 0.3439958691596985, -1.1884649991989136, 0.8559293746948242, 7.989835739135742, 0.7522974014282227, -0.07646727561950684, 0.3911445736885071, 6.020951271057129, -0.2920013964176178, 0.33883658051490784, 0.9073230028152466, 1.4824703931808472, 0.4589819312095642, -0.7206324934959412, 4.247802257537842, 0.012461661361157894, 1.605462908744812, 5.249286651611328, 2.4818968772888184, -2.282773733139038, -0.5032007098197937, -1.614657998085022, 5.7004570960998535, -3.643404245376587, -1.4181513786315918, -1.1860144138336182, -6.037383556365967, -5.337690830230713, -3.0711567401885986, -2.5872044563293457, -4.0423126220703125, -4.2248311042785645, -3.536497116088867, -1.8499929904937744, -0.12532693147659302, 9.057928085327148, -0.3340063989162445, -5.462091445922852, -0.669571578502655, -4.016380310058594, -4.321286678314209, 3.6695220470428467, -5.823629379272461, 0.35537511110305786, -3.6245977878570557, -4.845103740692139, -3.175152540206909, -3.0171096324920654, -5.013952732086182, -3.8586745262145996, -0.6050277948379517, -4.089188575744629, -3.065678834915161, -2.369439125061035, 5.249286651611328, -3.683574676513672, -4.3914947509765625, 0.3721093237400055, -2.3812530040740967, -3.805931329727173, 0.975443422794342, -0.8795207142829895, -1.623078465461731, 6.649449348449707, 6.687716484069824, -3.697774648666382, -3.407578229904175, -1.615164875984192, -0.7274875044822693, -3.8554060459136963, -0.8795207142829895, -2.3527400493621826, 6.342645645141602, -3.2379820346832275, -5.782639503479004, 6.013750076293945, 3.6563215255737305, -4.32805061340332, 9.214279174804688, 1.4859623908996582, 5.436716079711914, 6.4467058181762695, -2.171912908554077, -0.6182001233100891, -2.7016665935516357, 0.7075937986373901, 1.6662898063659668, -0.6654266715049744, 0.8546344637870789, 1.6073079109191895, -0.45574867725372314, 7.09700870513916, 7.057154178619385, 5.676294326782227, 2.1355772018432617, -2.0771772861480713, 6.482117652893066, 1.3650091886520386, 1.0185309648513794, -0.04812866449356079, 1.497057557106018, 3.8212788105010986, 5.816232681274414, -0.25484752655029297, -0.3484036922454834, 1.871639370918274, -1.1316810846328735, 7.511092185974121, -0.7468551993370056, 7.1962890625, 2.178598165512085, 5.569975852966309, -1.6825824975967407, 1.2616119384765625, -1.9117658138275146, 2.532219171524048, 0.3321273922920227, 0.6021892428398132, -1.8990299701690674, 6.967693328857422, 3.855865716934204, 1.676401972770691, -0.7050859332084656, 7.184547424316406, 8.828014373779297, 4.980693817138672, 7.108707427978516, -0.3484036922454834, 0.4256850481033325, -2.2395570278167725, 1.485483169555664, 4.795380592346191, 0.8157538175582886, 1.192008137702942, 4.181539058685303, 1.90398371219635, 4.650283336639404, -0.17947712540626526, 0.18098032474517822, -3.9376060962677, 2.3402082920074463, -2.500091552734375, 7.096729278564453, -2.6656546592712402, -3.5723206996917725, 6.6527323722839355, 1.0965768098831177, 3.016629457473755, -4.425099849700928, 0.40670493245124817, 6.828579902648926, -5.0464067459106445, -4.501432418823242, -4.083820343017578, 1.7208778858184814, -1.9303315877914429, 2.178598165512085, -5.941781997680664, -0.5388866662979126, 2.0378329753875732, 0.799087405204773, -2.4795830249786377, -3.8272433280944824, 1.094740867614746, -0.4966226816177368, -2.480189085006714, 8.431069374084473, -1.0706151723861694, 8.233528137207031, -1.9272948503494263, 7.435758113861084, 3.9020068645477295, 5.248965263366699, -0.09611964225769043, -0.9401889443397522, 1.495928168296814, 5.66163444519043, 2.6749184131622314, 5.676294326782227, 6.310760498046875, 0.21366065740585327, 5.01835823059082, 1.5790609121322632, 6.194962501525879, 1.955359935760498, 3.7165346145629883, 0.2523389458656311, 5.7004570960998535, 5.988799571990967, -3.7312257289886475, -1.5906163454055786, -2.2664172649383545, -2.6783454418182373, -1.6741515398025513, -1.7030843496322632, -1.8982661962509155, -4.326157569885254, -2.640373945236206, -2.9745235443115234, 0.08081865310668945, 1.2713419198989868, 1.0449906587600708, -0.6100100874900818, -2.595688581466675, -2.6805012226104736, -1.0579298734664917, -4.8978729248046875, -6.059385776519775, 0.10099351406097412, -5.748305320739746, -5.394635200500488, -4.1482696533203125, -2.321981906890869, 4.151973247528076, -4.857788562774658, 3.7608482837677, -5.136343002319336, -0.8498883247375488, -2.409085273742676, -4.2248311042785645, 2.720113515853882, -0.6817397475242615, -2.8242361545562744, 7.83881950378418, 0.8704089522361755, -1.1291484832763672, -1.3557358980178833, -5.778781890869141, -2.6931567192077637, -4.181431770324707, 1.2378442287445068, 4.271479606628418, 0.799087405204773, -3.0270590782165527, 6.932603359222412, -1.273776888847351, -3.3603456020355225, -3.2479560375213623, -6.054009437561035, -1.5906163454055786, -2.64347767829895, 0.6069230437278748, 1.8518221378326416, -0.2951352000236511, -4.752012729644775, 0.4553097188472748, 3.857325792312622, -5.22181510925293, 4.051932334899902, -3.6010186672210693, -2.1443588733673096, -2.5283658504486084, -1.6741515398025513, -1.161932110786438, -3.3103785514831543, 1.3376911878585815, -6.091471195220947, -0.09662899374961853, -3.8599541187286377, -6.060687065124512, -3.2379820346832275, -3.8599541187286377, -3.035083532333374, -4.897871971130371, -0.8784180283546448, -2.7217328548431396, -2.8242361545562744, -3.347156286239624, -4.143504619598389, -3.9909608364105225, -2.6951448917388916, -5.782639503479004, -5.260481357574463, -3.8389971256256104, 3.763583183288574, -1.815451741218567, 0.6777591109275818, 2.3738701343536377, 3.016629457473755, -4.260947227478027, 1.720878005027771, -3.1218132972717285, -0.7698583006858826, -3.506091833114624, -3.8971657752990723, -3.4130895137786865, -2.9497885704040527, -2.6177053451538086, -0.08561837673187256, -4.299520969390869, -5.0247039794921875, -3.0363450050354004, -0.22963225841522217, -1.180769681930542, -1.057857871055603, -4.299520969390869, -2.4006807804107666, -2.685929775238037, -3.347156286239624, -2.3971800804138184, -1.6237677335739136, -1.7833106517791748, -3.201575994491577, -2.244713544845581, 1.6073079109191895, 1.544326901435852, 1.2544338703155518, 2.720113515853882, 0.9443216323852539, 0.19724363088607788, 1.1850031614303589, 8.90359878540039, 0.7522974014282227, 1.3634363412857056, 1.1548428535461426, -1.590030312538147, 2.043264150619507, 4.693092346191406, 6.342777252197266, 4.693092346191406, -0.2116234302520752, 1.7901828289031982, 4.867932319641113, 2.1830074787139893, 1.6741392612457275, 1.279909610748291, 3.875939130783081, 1.4470669031143188, 3.507268190383911, 5.988698959350586, 2.396350145339966, 5.421817779541016, 3.287447214126587, 2.585527181625366, 8.106470108032227, -0.031286418437957764, 6.820436477661133, 2.6890974044799805, 5.795082092285156, 2.1931815147399902, 6.820436477661133, 0.2059767246246338, -0.7746374607086182, 6.4751996994018555, 0.7661370038986206, 4.609479904174805, 1.3650091886520386, 6.354884624481201, 5.864066123962402, 3.080571174621582, -0.2951352000236511, 1.0101617574691772, 2.7595160007476807, 1.6293617486953735, 1.7727845907211304, 4.900265216827393, 1.4380828142166138, -1.1810857057571411, -1.6036375761032104, -3.962637424468994, -4.850118637084961, -0.9138150811195374, -5.54908561706543, -0.5223058462142944, -3.1801598072052, -1.2252520322799683, 0.0452999472618103, -3.7312257289886475, -4.235350131988525, -2.6383163928985596, 4.569944381713867, -2.637986421585083, -3.51820969581604, -4.202207565307617, -1.41682767868042, -1.9782252311706543, -2.8036293983459473, -2.317920207977295, -0.6284497380256653, -1.6526399850845337, -1.5627161264419556, -4.5281476974487305, -4.7570719718933105, -3.7904927730560303, -4.425099849700928, 0.07368099689483643, -1.3914198875427246, -1.21304452419281, 8.50047492980957, -1.3935972452163696, 5.67985725402832, -0.9782408475875854, 1.5766295194625854, -2.5671989917755127, 6.402009963989258, 8.398345947265625, -4.873442649841309, 2.043264150619507, -2.8951666355133057, 0.5566875338554382, 2.5325608253479004, 4.766096115112305, -2.1751508712768555, 1.2113652229309082, 0.7423587441444397, -0.9281185865402222, 7.039405822753906, -2.3745412826538086, -5.112676620483398, -0.7274875044822693, 5.139391899108887, 7.71437931060791, -2.2982394695281982, -1.0706151723861694, -2.5439558029174805, 7.227860927581787, -5.82614803314209, -2.369439125061035, -0.12742984294891357, 0.7112287878990173, -2.1465256214141846, 3.6382577419281006, -1.2235922813415527, -3.05562162399292, 2.6984002590179443, -1.1975717544555664, 1.5017859935760498, -3.643404245376587, 5.250994682312012, 1.3413785696029663, 3.042145252227783, -0.3552074134349823, 6.9676127433776855, 3.851616144180298, 5.0216145515441895, -0.46540382504463196, 6.864557266235352, 7.647220611572266, 6.049997329711914, 2.0378329753875732, 4.576153755187988, 7.096729278564453, 6.895423889160156, 0.4788370132446289, 0.19575130939483643, -2.173757553100586, 5.248965263366699, 5.670912742614746, 7.1962890625, -4.30333948135376, -0.5679125189781189, 8.828014373779297, 2.441107988357544, -0.44017958641052246, -0.7040606737136841, 7.42103385925293, 4.32979154586792, 0.408231645822525, -3.438859701156616, -3.4251816272735596, 1.9185476303100586, -2.977867841720581, 6.538249969482422, 4.6252288818359375, -3.0730578899383545, 1.6436651945114136, 3.8212788105010986, 2.671959161758423, 8.233528137207031, 5.134018898010254, 7.749934196472168, 7.83881950378418, 3.646843671798706, 6.557796478271484, 6.354884624481201, 2.720113515853882, -0.6183945536613464, -0.055270612239837646, 6.587965488433838, 0.08081865310668945, 0.475404292345047, 2.3738701343536377, -1.243099331855774, -1.8982661962509155, -1.0131688117980957, -2.5606191158294678, 2.6984002590179443, -1.1810857057571411, 0.0866345763206482, -0.6499786972999573, 0.9159079790115356, -3.4779462814331055, 2.720113515853882, 1.0789562463760376, 6.371011734008789, 0.35323023796081543, -1.615164875984192, 8.470268249511719, -0.1327676773071289, 6.499677658081055, 3.511918783187866, 0.5026775002479553, -4.0399699211120605, 5.866021156311035, -2.894155263900757, 5.01835823059082, 0.37648749351501465, 2.9112985134124756, -1.2235922813415527, 0.37648749351501465, -0.8570426106452942, 2.025710105895996, -5.282205581665039, -2.935102701187134, 0.35629045963287354, 2.5683631896972656, -3.3292806148529053, -3.0661652088165283, -2.2122299671173096, -4.159034252166748, -1.850871205329895, 0.9737370610237122, -5.941781997680664, 2.0557401180267334, 1.3198274374008179, 2.367065191268921, -1.4009311199188232, 1.1447163820266724, -0.7384017109870911, 4.1695942878723145, 0.6015177369117737, -0.6221100687980652, -0.39498841762542725, -1.234204649925232, 1.094740867614746, 6.402009963989258, 0.3796270489692688, -1.1975717544555664, 2.253164052963257, 0.9443216323852539, 4.739587783813477, 6.895423889160156, 4.077303409576416, -0.5327476859092712, -0.389060914516449, -0.9281185865402222, 5.9214677810668945, -4.057650566101074, -3.586193799972534, -3.4297854900360107, 1.8162692785263062, -0.5841948986053467, -2.7208101749420166, -4.984560489654541, 2.442019462585449, -0.4342081546783447, -4.86460542678833, 0.9688773155212402, -4.300457000732422, 1.2766549587249756, 1.8162692785263062, -3.4588959217071533, 6.371011734008789, 3.4623539447784424, -1.8279649019241333, 1.654974102973938, -5.9013824462890625, 1.069435954093933, 3.4629409313201904, 0.3956199884414673, -0.6817377209663391, 7.166691303253174, 1.0762131214141846, -3.4695451259613037, -2.525550365447998, 3.731491804122925, 0.37648749351501465, 4.569944381713867, 7.668889999389648, 2.0378329753875732, 5.805826187133789, -1.9274765253067017, -2.6783454418182373, 6.025450229644775, -1.8982661962509155, -3.0171096324920654, 7.749934196472168, -2.7217328548431396, 6.0209503173828125, -4.667303085327148, -4.587873458862305, 4.295172214508057, -5.725249290466309, -2.8443944454193115, -4.112440586090088, -3.134568214416504, -4.5270185470581055, -3.4320430755615234, -2.282773733139038, -1.7030843496322632, -4.186809539794922, -5.1906633377075195, -2.8242361545562744, -4.789319038391113, -4.926789283752441, -2.993208169937134, -2.318786859512329, -4.845135688781738, -3.701706647872925, 2.5037147998809814, -2.4766685962677, 2.060417652130127, -0.4968194365501404, -2.136831521987915, -0.12742984294891357, -3.8738527297973633, 0.0452999472618103, 7.643232345581055, -2.755729913711548, -4.148913860321045, -0.1703864336013794, -3.946812391281128, 0.845054030418396, -4.667303085327148, -0.8498883247375488, 0.5285969376564026, -0.6877948641777039, -0.38260510563850403, -0.6050277948379517, -1.5589779615402222, 1.3372019529342651, -4.059084892272949, -1.6624537706375122, 1.2713419198989868, -7.62045955657959, -0.8535149097442627, -4.548384189605713, -3.4928770065307617, -0.3891822099685669, -4.843842029571533, -3.263129711151123, -1.11356782913208, -6.890824317932129, -4.375994682312012, -3.0476255416870117, -2.3995232582092285, -0.20366767048835754, -5.438549518585205, -2.1561756134033203, -3.2479560375213623, -1.7944806814193726, -1.9562426805496216, -3.1996638774871826, -2.8242361545562744, -0.42188209295272827, -1.1084462404251099, -0.9138148427009583, -4.8824896812438965, -3.6187584400177, -1.6642497777938843, -3.086667060852051, -2.361531972885132, -4.189342975616455, -2.369439125061035, -4.779331207275391, -2.9497885704040527, -4.2248311042785645, -0.781317412853241, 0.5878886580467224, -4.465209007263184, -4.061680793762207, 0.02901703119277954, -2.406479597091675, -5.6896209716796875, -4.198511123657227, -1.7048848867416382, -4.057650566101074, -2.595688581466675, -3.250305414199829, -3.194861650466919, -3.03719162940979, -1.0606821775436401, -3.148160696029663, -4.2360405921936035, -3.520573854446411, -2.1672027111053467, -2.751439332962036, -0.9228094220161438, -1.5975364446640015, -5.568471908569336, -5.233362197875977, -0.3817862272262573, -4.823418617248535, -3.386181116104126, -4.403022289276123, -5.223537445068359, -3.289594888687134, -3.188586711883545, -6.890824317932129, -3.5084874629974365, -3.934645414352417, -5.243041038513184, -2.5606191158294678, -5.591582298278809, -4.769704818725586, -4.562053203582764, -3.51820969581604, -3.8272433280944824, -2.8000731468200684, -3.002068281173706, -3.6817777156829834, -5.752650737762451, -2.702855110168457, -2.7109594345092773, -3.7621777057647705, -4.635928630828857, -0.6943779587745667, -2.5739457607269287, -4.536413192749023, -6.787461757659912, -3.426043748855591, -1.7373418807983398, -5.683774471282959, -2.546434164047241, -4.369970798492432, -0.4682637155056, -2.9582862854003906, -4.016380310058594, -1.3914198875427246, -1.5911245346069336, -1.3961676359176636, -5.82614803314209, -4.32805061340332, -3.8146560192108154, -2.4396684169769287, -2.977100372314453, -3.148160696029663, -7.162885665893555, -3.6176812648773193, -3.223374128341675, -0.7377800941467285, -6.787268161773682, -4.371676921844482, -4.872928142547607, -3.284264087677002, -3.1433346271514893, -3.314767837524414, -4.652578353881836, -2.5582783222198486, -3.460449695587158, -0.626405656337738, -3.7312257289886475, -0.07413172721862793, -0.09662893414497375, -2.9540915489196777, -5.850760459899902, -4.926790237426758, -4.032406330108643, -3.1580872535705566, -3.220735549926758, -0.6183945536613464, 1.4984413385391235, -3.195939064025879, -5.254810333251953, -3.498018741607666, -2.329069137573242, -1.4009311199188232, -5.170211315155029, -2.1953556537628174, -0.7100447416305542, -0.6050272583961487, -5.147783279418945, -5.725249290466309, -3.859818458557129, -3.0363450050354004, -4.096696376800537, -4.48704195022583, -3.2823541164398193, 2.8750360012054443, -3.56108021736145, -2.0968377590179443, -3.289594888687134, -4.59393835067749, -2.5116169452667236, -2.9259774684906006, -4.235350131988525, -3.6766750812530518, -2.4396684169769287, -3.0438179969787598, -4.14567232131958, -5.34445858001709, -1.1807702779769897, -3.8698151111602783, -4.171731472015381, -6.787461757659912, -2.0057919025421143, 1.0449906587600708, -3.312856435775757, -2.8857004642486572, -4.112440586090088, -2.6177053451538086, -4.685825347900391, -2.2768824100494385, -2.3120949268341064, -5.528151035308838, -1.815451741218567, -2.826373338699341, -2.8443944454193115, -5.696188449859619, -4.410030364990234, -4.806240081787109, -3.2823541164398193, -4.873442649841309, 0.6097504496574402, -3.3057005405426025, -3.630955457687378, -1.3162651062011719, 2.8750360012054443, -4.600274085998535, -4.872928619384766, -1.7373418807983398, -2.44329571723938, -3.4022533893585205, -4.2757487297058105, -6.422686576843262, -2.5582783222198486, 0.6381383538246155, -4.059084892272949 ], "y": [ -3.226771354675293, -4.0079779624938965, -4.839702606201172, -1.728854775428772, -2.5068416595458984, -1.034166932106018, -0.8685997128486633, 0.8806361556053162, -1.241288661956787, -4.839800834655762, 1.0929975509643555, -5.905595779418945, -4.380892276763916, -4.62454891204834, -2.69120192527771, -2.770686149597168, -5.764595031738281, -5.31131649017334, -5.242353439331055, -0.9080581665039062, 0.6261985898017883, -4.247392177581787, -5.47940731048584, -4.461960792541504, -2.7369308471679688, -5.756741046905518, -4.911086559295654, -2.1138627529144287, -4.423451900482178, -0.6193421483039856, -4.461671829223633, -1.0457942485809326, -6.203990936279297, -4.0118088722229, -4.524759769439697, -1.0341675281524658, -0.6957876682281494, -3.2937378883361816, -3.4545323848724365, -4.313675880432129, -5.103689670562744, -2.8020575046539307, -6.5059051513671875, -4.0979719161987305, -5.111921310424805, -4.1058197021484375, -3.540247678756714, -3.3795063495635986, -6.312670707702637, -4.569720268249512, -3.6609909534454346, -3.5116384029388428, -4.276851654052734, -1.8848767280578613, -3.9187521934509277, -3.271411180496216, -2.770737409591675, -3.5036768913269043, -3.795170545578003, -4.96012020111084, -3.610057830810547, -4.487804412841797, -6.5059051513671875, -2.438521146774292, -3.9269773960113525, -3.8378031253814697, -5.097078323364258, -5.219747543334961, -3.309225082397461, -3.7493178844451904, -3.4770429134368896, -6.61685848236084, -3.023702383041382, -5.113754749298096, 0.3705410361289978, -1.47638738155365, -0.9311419725418091, 0.03557007014751434, -3.495697498321533, -4.429008483886719, -3.30243182182312, -1.0867351293563843, -2.820990800857544, -7.8414506912231445, -4.445067405700684, -5.905595779418945, -5.68182373046875, -3.349212408065796, -4.616611480712891, -4.373941421508789, -0.13184191286563873, 1.1344472169876099, -6.1405029296875, -4.745514869689941, -0.746864914894104, -4.471159934997559, -4.057121276855469, -5.811563968658447, -5.366670608520508, -4.771813869476318, -4.115112781524658, -3.0651233196258545, -4.833142280578613, -4.603643417358398, -2.4708964824676514, -4.58023738861084, -1.8270500898361206, -4.776074409484863, -3.499899387359619, -6.266584396362305, -4.874839782714844, -2.8734359741210938, -3.3820245265960693, -3.2983124256134033, -4.720317840576172, -3.8378031253814697, -3.8866658210754395, -5.591457366943359, -4.534054756164551, -3.8523905277252197, -4.613585948944092, -4.665141582489014, 1.1310343742370605, -2.393120050430298, -0.940305233001709, -3.7381091117858887, -0.8697479963302612, -2.1354920864105225, -6.109635353088379, -4.855130195617676, -4.062983989715576, -4.050978183746338, -2.7234034538269043, -0.33579128980636597, -5.676454067230225, -0.8176984190940857, -1.8202141523361206, -7.285118103027344, -3.2698066234588623, -1.3220995664596558, -8.12350082397461, -7.819930076599121, -1.851600170135498, -0.5499085187911987, -6.5860137939453125, -1.47638738155365, -3.9582324028015137, 1.1284759044647217, 0.6711586713790894, -1.8353253602981567, -0.8697479963302612, 0.23362849652767181, 0.6300442218780518, -1.2351170778274536, -1.0341675281524658, -3.6870248317718506, -2.6508896350860596, -5.439775466918945, -3.6602847576141357, -6.162891387939453, -5.676454067230225, -4.541139602661133, -3.309225082397461, -2.010850429534912, -5.2293548583984375, -4.120945930480957, -2.4991073608398438, -5.505204200744629, -5.277708053588867, -5.590723037719727, -2.802699565887451, -4.616786003112793, -4.734401702880859, -3.477358341217041, -7.024932861328125, -4.411563396453857, -2.2677958011627197, -7.353497505187988, -3.4205808639526367, -6.075459957122803, -3.8562450408935547, -6.46466588973999, -4.030422687530518, -5.356507301330566, -4.492413520812988, -4.081407070159912, -6.063116073608398, -2.0698835849761963, -3.629460573196411, -5.9439802169799805, -3.7111871242523193, -3.695408344268799, -2.9892852306365967, -4.543242454528809, -0.7269807457923889, -2.2559139728546143, -1.6642976999282837, 1.163802981376648, -3.73339581489563, -7.269613742828369, -0.6620746850967407, -4.974299430847168, -1.3356802463531494, -6.61685848236084, -1.8028813600540161, -4.990059852600098, -4.0979719161987305, -3.477358818054199, -4.971264839172363, -4.2001471519470215, -2.379687786102295, -4.807168006896973, -5.920263767242432, -2.982268810272217, -5.329225063323975, -4.058382034301758, -3.868273973464966, -2.860687017440796, -5.418145179748535, -4.5693769454956055, -4.78662109375, -3.9602715969085693, -4.647809028625488, -3.371530294418335, -3.703819513320923, 1.3928061723709106, 1.233363151550293, -1.9112164974212646, -4.870240211486816, -4.254164695739746, -3.9837703704833984, -3.9602715969085693, -3.5816762447357178, -2.8823583126068115, -5.803406715393066, -1.3220995664596558, -0.8260919451713562, -3.2471671104431152, -3.771104574203491, -5.6258649826049805, -3.7124226093292236, -2.7378737926483154, -4.531689167022705, -4.975310325622559, -3.7978203296661377, -1.0209956169128418, -3.9167611598968506, -4.182894229888916, -3.8251516819000244, -5.330870628356934, -2.731741189956665, -3.1105942726135254, -0.356279194355011, -5.569725036621094, -4.976067543029785, -0.2539178729057312, -3.5740532875061035, -3.5882253646850586, -3.4810738563537598, -5.802197456359863, -1.8270500898361206, -5.520787239074707, -3.621709108352661, -6.266584396362305, -3.011150598526001, -3.8483285903930664, -4.8266825675964355, -4.491966247558594, -3.5657413005828857, -3.9371798038482666, -2.7501373291015625, -3.6754138469696045, -5.162332534790039, -3.66992449760437, -0.07396496832370758, -6.013149261474609, 1.5856478214263916, -5.092268943786621, -4.487408638000488, -2.2587954998016357, -5.2885026931762695, -3.8761370182037354, -6.505274772644043, -4.69637393951416, -3.6856586933135986, -5.529091835021973, -4.857633590698242, -6.063116073608398, -3.931968927383423, -5.704286575317383, -5.520184516906738, -4.099143981933594, -2.4832639694213867, -4.534054756164551, -5.5794596672058105, -3.527468681335449, -5.4451398849487305, -4.030422687530518, -3.8650972843170166, -5.538497447967529, 2.7884345054626465, -2.694375991821289, -2.2913341522216797, -2.2576792240142822, 0.49067795276641846, -3.564305305480957, -0.44936442375183105, -7.192723274230957, -4.974299430847168, -1.6744130849838257, -2.263969659805298, -3.041196346282959, -2.4375088214874268, -1.5825828313827515, 0.28750598430633545, 0.34060031175613403, -4.449714660644531, -4.9360551834106445, -4.974635601043701, -1.832551121711731, -2.75803542137146, -5.142328262329102, -0.31285369396209717, -2.1027910709381104, -2.825333595275879, -5.657229423522949, 0.7366217970848083, -3.242821216583252, -3.135042428970337, -1.2590595483779907, -3.61918568611145, -0.48639029264450073, 1.5635062456130981, -0.3795909881591797, -4.5631208419799805, -4.741263389587402, -6.419041633605957, -4.0118088722229, -7.367515563964844, -0.7269807457923889, -4.296224594116211, -3.57645845413208, -2.930121898651123, -1.7638328075408936, 2.790292501449585, -2.7477543354034424, -7.982767105102539, 0.23483715951442719, -1.6561158895492554, -4.794069766998291, -2.9031341075897217, 0.1339167207479477, -0.9080581665039062, -0.27254045009613037, -4.988780975341797, -1.9771955013275146, -0.7551658749580383, -1.9675018787384033, -1.0984574556350708, -2.636892080307007, -6.090843677520752, 0.4246622920036316, -6.814822673797607, -0.8232748508453369, -2.3297252655029297, -6.071009635925293, -4.5627055168151855, -8.379199028015137, -6.887929439544678, -4.749216079711914, -5.764170169830322, 0.7667335271835327, -3.8251521587371826, -2.1027910709381104, -4.355382919311523, -4.342950820922852, 0.47843992710113525, 3.014948606491089, -4.300744533538818, -2.077435255050659, -6.502315044403076, -1.17208993434906, -1.8595812320709229, -0.9080581665039062, -3.5164453983306885, 1.291689157485962, 1.4477643966674805, -3.1155505180358887, -8.594650268554688, -0.027116073295474052, -3.5923712253570557, -4.468461990356445, -2.305471658706665, -1.8202141523361206, -3.987438201904297, -0.5499085187911987, -0.8786817789077759, -5.910966396331787, -0.5741437077522278, -3.337186813354492, -2.9662859439849854, -2.3412938117980957, -2.4509072303771973, -3.6029460430145264, -0.8995487093925476, -2.33394455909729, -1.0867351293563843, -5.723648548126221, -3.987438201904297, -2.454462766647339, -1.8353253602981567, -1.6779961585998535, -4.962651252746582, 1.06403386592865, -1.3178762197494507, 0.38161224126815796, -5.496629238128662, -1.2791436910629272, -1.3691790103912354, -0.8646152019500732, -1.0984574556350708, -2.871337652206421, 2.263319730758667, 0.09985266625881195, -1.466783881187439, -3.923044204711914, 0.40320634841918945, -4.774345397949219, -6.467527389526367, -3.4908721446990967, -2.669259548187256, -1.994274377822876, 3.247760534286499, -2.2271549701690674, -3.8251521587371826, -3.9535892009735107, -3.7049288749694824, -5.994868755340576, -4.410764217376709, -3.7532455921173096, -3.706695795059204, -4.313675880432129, 0.3342078924179077, -2.489112615585327, -2.7234034538269043, -2.4528799057006836, -2.2559139728546143, -1.0613642930984497, -2.8281469345092773, 2.2265286445617676, -4.37373685836792, -3.1354501247406006, -5.829097747802734, -3.998316526412964, -2.4832639694213867, -5.66927433013916, -3.8734452724456787, -3.7788660526275635, -4.974635601043701, -6.079647064208984, -4.065366744995117, -3.9371798038482666, -3.9124906063079834, -4.194087982177734, -3.0550544261932373, -4.746528148651123, -3.5164902210235596, -7.981030464172363, -4.355382919311523, -3.906951427459717, -3.7876360416412354, -3.7519619464874268, -2.593900203704834, -4.58023738861084, -3.543397903442383, -2.2506768703460693, -4.665141582489014, -6.0046257972717285, -3.8942182064056396, -4.559778213500977, -2.668886661529541, -4.4231672286987305, -1.5704987049102783, -2.6153202056884766, -3.8824193477630615, -3.8160934448242188, -5.590723037719727, -3.264881134033203, -3.4602911472320557, -3.629460573196411, -3.869633436203003, -4.874839782714844, -1.5825828313827515, -1.602540373802185, -4.428395748138428, 2.923769474029541, -7.740324020385742, 0.47787535190582275, -2.5068416595458984, -0.07396496832370758, -5.142328262329102, -4.862763404846191, 1.1638034582138062, -0.940305233001709, -0.6228540539741516, -0.9943759441375732, -5.0953826904296875, -1.7542668581008911, 0.5091884136199951, -2.694375991821289, -5.588439464569092, -1.572310209274292, -3.9492225646972656, 0.34060031175613403, -6.296325206756592, -2.087571620941162, -5.657229423522949, -1.456236481666565, -4.970460414886475, 0.4908422827720642, -4.712409019470215, -3.5060458183288574, -2.8734359741210938, -3.9583470821380615, -2.8521511554718018, -4.153207302093506, -5.099143028259277, -3.4816431999206543, -4.992177486419678, -3.6602847576141357, -3.8810596466064453, -3.5036768913269043, -3.8966786861419678, -3.0682308673858643, -3.0550544261932373, -5.749248027801514, -6.1911396980285645, -3.4335343837738037, -3.168809413909912, -4.789122104644775, -4.428395748138428, -4.6321916580200195, -3.351595640182495, -3.7737584114074707, -3.2912886142730713, -3.6829800605773926, -6.221716403961182, -5.047354221343994, -4.05085563659668, -2.176010847091675, -3.4602911472320557, -3.2689123153686523, -5.411820411682129, -3.636775255203247, -5.68182373046875, -4.061959743499756, -3.8810596466064453, -4.712409019470215, -3.543397903442383, -4.983956336975098, -4.089340686798096, -2.503267765045166, -5.994868755340576, -3.6116888523101807, -2.7861368656158447, -6.515653133392334, -3.2912886142730713, -5.330870628356934, -3.6057353019714355, -3.5435667037963867, -3.8457767963409424, -4.182893753051758, -5.146688938140869, -5.405896186828613, -4.55174446105957, -2.908552408218384, -5.308355808258057, -3.8285200595855713, -5.4301981925964355, -5.749248027801514, -2.9892852306365967, -2.807837724685669, -4.581125736236572, -5.704286575317383, -4.937783718109131, -3.4532759189605713, -5.907331466674805, -0.9311419725418091, -1.2194985151290894, -3.0610764026641846, -4.641552925109863, -3.0784361362457275, -1.4501172304153442, 0.7216845750808716, -3.696115493774414, -4.932882785797119, -3.571455240249634, -0.8189314603805542, -4.461124420166016, -2.010850429534912, 1.233363151550293, -5.204361915588379, -1.2909871339797974, -1.57394540309906, -2.1138627529144287, 0.5475813150405884, -4.03346061706543, -3.1066184043884277, -4.932882785797119, -1.9534164667129517, -3.1155505180358887, -4.62454891204834, 1.1284759044647217, 0.857519268989563, -1.7280269861221313, -2.8970820903778076, 1.333154559135437, -4.984692573547363, -0.2546149492263794, -0.8339051604270935, -6.52131462097168, -1.3873579502105713, 0.1681368201971054, -1.3873579502105713, -1.264914870262146, -0.14311642944812775, -5.044148921966553, -6.494538307189941, -2.1503493785858154, -3.517089605331421, -1.994274377822876, 0.833835244178772, 1.3470163345336914, -2.060288190841675, 2.923769474029541, 2.1374197006225586, -4.927890777587891, 2.093651533126831, 1.1638034582138062, -2.269012451171875, -5.209539413452148, -3.8512978553771973, -1.1714507341384888, -4.33484411239624, -1.2269872426986694, -0.8635402917861938, 0.20991526544094086, -6.566772937774658, -3.440176486968994, -0.6937093734741211, 0.46561098098754883, -3.135042428970337, -5.25758171081543, -3.0347139835357666, -4.984692573547363, -2.1389806270599365, -7.744644641876221, -3.722184896469116, -0.5215489864349365, -3.564305067062378, -0.13184191286563873, -0.3148074746131897, -1.6657344102859497, -2.4249627590179443, -3.8457767963409424, -4.187681674957275, -6.27903938293457, -3.022327423095703, -3.481642961502075, -2.711449384689331, 0.6277700662612915, -4.860387802124023, -2.91827654838562, -4.363063812255859, -4.5693769454956055, -2.210294485092163, -3.8988325595855713, -2.2652785778045654, -3.246316432952881, -2.8020575046539307, -5.563101768493652, -1.4137078523635864, -6.246594429016113, -8.614526748657227, -7.755491256713867, 0.37776613235473633, -3.3795063495635986, -2.1354925632476807, -5.186445713043213, -3.8720009326934814, -4.69811487197876, -0.19916392862796783, -3.7664616107940674, -5.433055400848389, -4.895210266113281, -4.461124420166016, -3.6630518436431885, -3.8459877967834473, -1.8848767280578613, -3.9542248249053955, -1.3026319742202759, -2.669259548187256, -4.426939487457275, -0.7582908868789673, -2.6899428367614746, -2.6355626583099365, -3.906951427459717, -4.305564880371094, 0.34060031175613403, -5.874075412750244, -0.8010529279708862, 1.6361228227615356, -5.760851860046387, -2.4991073608398438, -1.5851370096206665, -4.983956336975098, -6.833174705505371, -4.928988933563232, -4.061959743499756, -5.396687030792236, -6.826989650726318, -4.065366744995117, -3.0550777912139893, 1.8019137382507324, -5.4694647789001465, -3.571455240249634, -5.2885026931762695, -3.2193753719329834, -7.709059238433838, 0.3766159415245056, -1.7924069166183472, -0.8412466645240784, 1.5483756065368652, -0.3622969388961792, 1.8961182832717896, -6.119709014892578, -5.552590370178223, -3.337186813354492, -3.0411736965179443, -0.7269807457923889, -0.8649792671203613, -3.8720009326934814, -0.8189314603805542, -3.1927802562713623, -0.31994158029556274, -1.3779255151748657, 1.4223623275756836, -2.7477543354034424, -2.1129376888275146, -0.6452925801277161, -1.3873579502105713, -2.350050449371338, -4.803444862365723, -4.899245738983154, 1.0929975509643555, -0.6390634775161743, -3.8631441593170166, -0.7563417553901672, -3.2855656147003174, -3.491481304168701, 2.790292501449585, -3.242871046066284, -2.491828441619873, -0.5458090305328369, -1.1558836698532104, -3.012413501739502, -3.899531602859497, -3.7115752696990967, -0.5691574811935425, 2.1740167140960693, -5.417866230010986, -0.3473179340362549, -6.1389570236206055, -5.609425067901611, 2.085688352584839, -3.7115752696990967, -5.25758171081543, -0.7107123136520386, -5.905595779418945, -1.728854775428772, -1.0460667610168457, -3.7519619464874268, -2.622695207595825, -4.30231237411499, 0.7407965660095215, -1.456236481666565, -7.269613742828369, -4.408561706542969, -5.920263767242432, -4.033369541168213, -2.1746201515197754, -5.707223415374756, -4.659341812133789, -3.351792097091675, -2.8978939056396484, -4.657078742980957, -2.682347297668457, -1.1016842126846313, -4.357470512390137, 0.501000702381134, -4.7242889404296875, -4.418247222900391, -3.748258113861084, -5.7918195724487305, -3.673940420150757, -3.216876745223999, -3.8094422817230225, -2.0866663455963135, -4.230864524841309, -6.989765167236328, -1.1714507341384888, -0.8331199884414673, 0.05914418399333954, -2.036072015762329, -1.5834068059921265, -2.6366875171661377, -1.7213908433914185, -3.224200963973999, -4.983956336975098, -4.54417610168457, -3.6413192749023438, -3.8079917430877686, -5.103689670562744, -4.774196624755859, -3.499899387359619, -6.00661039352417, -3.242821216583252, -3.3286502361297607, -4.937783718109131, -6.27903938293457, -6.259822845458984, -2.8473079204559326, -4.1133198738098145, -3.6699249744415283, 1.6826950311660767, -3.3228580951690674, -3.5242655277252197, -0.5741437077522278, -4.144141674041748, -5.204361915588379, -3.987438201904297, -2.585381269454956, -1.0457942485809326, -1.7638328075408936, -2.669259548187256, 2.085688829421997, -3.1180806159973145, -4.471661567687988, -1.3010711669921875, 0.16498468816280365, -1.3691790103912354, -1.2481191158294678, 2.2902774810791016, -0.2908658981323242, -0.07396496832370758, -0.4999900460243225, 1.1563835144042969, -2.777484178543091, -4.975310325622559, -0.2539178729057312, 0.4908422827720642, -2.209989309310913, -3.812985897064209, -4.62873649597168, 1.6361228227615356, -0.7451837658882141, 0.6744668483734131, -4.69637393951416, -3.533658027648926, -5.6457319259643555, -1.1016840934753418, -0.356279194355011, -0.17967380583286285, 0.03557007014751434, -7.156801700592041, -3.925727367401123, -4.022930145263672, -7.729509353637695, -2.455247163772583, -3.7711470127105713, -1.126785397529602, -4.205752372741699, -6.1389570236206055, -1.17208993434906, -5.079942226409912, -3.631011962890625, -5.745146751403809, 1.8961182832717896, -4.990059852600098, -2.850511312484741, -0.8661876916885376, -4.235912322998047, 0.16498468816280365, -3.2983124256134033, -1.0841249227523804, -2.8492653369903564, -3.7415175437927246, -4.771813869476318, -4.105819225311279, -3.8980910778045654, -2.668886661529541, -4.276851654052734, -3.673940420150757, -4.937783718109131, -4.350642204284668, -2.4708964824676514, -4.6321916580200195, -2.7016983032226562, -4.357996940612793, -3.9269773960113525, -2.8281469345092773, -2.899904727935791, -3.452507495880127, -4.389100551605225, -3.6113741397857666, -4.019999980926514, -4.166871070861816, -4.665141582489014, -5.045103549957275, -2.7788074016571045, -7.1075873374938965, -5.374925136566162, -3.574080467224121, -3.8980910778045654, -4.990059852600098, -3.540247678756714, -4.479335308074951, -3.8523900508880615, -4.774196624755859, -2.2677958011627197, -3.629460573196411, -5.764170169830322, -3.7876360416412354, -4.746528148651123, -2.7831456661224365, -2.4246373176574707, -3.696017026901245, -3.5060458183288574, -1.0226770639419556, -6.624507904052734, -4.377566337585449, -5.433055400848389, -4.805385112762451, -3.271411180496216, -2.6011016368865967, -5.433055400848389, -3.916332244873047, -4.207947254180908, -3.743952989578247, -3.644191026687622, -4.487804412841797, -4.334177017211914, -2.440000295639038, -3.720843553543091, -3.3376004695892334, -4.813446998596191, -2.610706090927124, 1.1563835144042969, -2.7501373291015625, -4.237950801849365, -3.7139828205108643, 1.06403386592865, -3.264881134033203, -3.748258113861084, -0.42795830965042114, -1.7609766721725464, -2.9933032989501953, -3.9725911617279053, -4.337644577026367, -4.153207302093506, 2.790292501449585, -3.8459877967834473, 0.833835244178772, -2.9821791648864746, -6.321235179901123, -2.938171863555908, -5.6390581130981445, -2.278777837753296, -7.783243179321289, -1.712316632270813, -3.408949375152588, -2.860687494277954, -1.4663739204406738, -3.971689462661743, -2.0836870670318604, -2.668886661529541, -0.21937860548496246, -1.3220995664596558, -5.6390581130981445, 3.2826926708221436, -4.800358295440674, 1.3271418809890747, -3.282874822616577, 2.8328187465667725, -2.921117067337036, -7.8414506912231445, -5.2722368240356445, -3.8378031253814697, -0.5499085187911987, -6.498236656188965, 0.858065128326416, -0.5262216925621033, -1.0867351293563843, -6.71285343170166, -3.2756502628326416, -3.721430540084839, -4.061959743499756, -2.9662859439849854, -1.4431380033493042, -0.6128671765327454, -4.5174031257629395, -0.9676466584205627, -3.1140716075897217, -3.8734452724456787, -4.661792755126953, -3.5376076698303223, -2.9903292655944824, -3.743952989578247, -4.426939487457275, -3.2572574615478516, -3.5946857929229736, -3.763690948486328, -2.4832639694213867, -6.08351469039917, -4.333922386169434, -3.89048171043396, -4.746528148651123, -3.3717710971832275, -4.376038551330566, -4.438816070556641, -3.4113030433654785, -3.9837701320648193, -2.7378737926483154, -3.2067630290985107, -7.058274269104004, -5.2128376960754395, -2.776437997817993, -4.970460414886475, -3.7415175437927246, -4.177487373352051, -4.493317604064941, -3.9187445640563965, 1.8019137382507324, -2.438521146774292, 2.4220829010009766, -5.433055400848389, -5.910966396331787, 2.7496438026428223, -5.146895408630371, 2.1374197006225586, -3.3258705139160156, -2.8734359741210938, -4.769258975982666, -3.6361048221588135, -0.4245898723602295, -4.205752372741699, -3.0610764026641846, -5.705459117889404, -4.487408638000488, 0.05914418399333954, -2.6843323707580566, -3.899531602859497, -5.204361915588379, -3.382413148880005, -3.0610764026641846, -3.15433931350708, -2.94309139251709, -3.9602715969085693, -0.3600695729255676, -4.288658142089844, -1.611614465713501, -4.187681674957275, -4.673618793487549, -5.985608100891113, -6.154855251312256, -0.8412466645240784, -4.661792755126953, -7.982767105102539, -6.382082939147949, -3.804593324661255, -0.4245898127555847, 1.1563835144042969, 0.14964096248149872, -0.0077555314637720585, -4.54417610168457, -5.099143028259277, -1.4018064737319946, -5.134690284729004, -2.2614336013793945, -3.8719727993011475, -6.072152137756348, -3.5051088333129883, -4.985487461090088, -3.901324510574341, -2.770686149597168, -3.8754022121429443, -3.75311541557312, -3.1754114627838135, -4.225824356079102, -4.388591766357422, -3.3228583335876465, -5.190624237060547, -3.980794668197632, -2.8762435913085938, -3.8094422817230225, -3.8777577877044678, -4.399872303009033, -3.2127907276153564, -0.7608968019485474, -3.5036768913269043, -3.1721322536468506, -3.8246350288391113, -2.0937435626983643, -7.981030464172363, -5.504960536956787, -3.053392171859741, -4.231036186218262, -2.4832639694213867, -3.334263563156128, -3.9602715969085693, -3.164144277572632, -4.704815864562988, -3.4335343837738037, -3.3795063495635986, -4.832869052886963, -4.934205055236816, -6.063116073608398, -4.207947254180908, -3.7737584114074707, -7.982767105102539, -5.737589359283447, -4.840053558349609, -3.192094564437866, -4.867783546447754, -3.313112735748291, -3.366791248321533, -2.499037027359009, 2.093651533126831, -2.5833210945129395, -2.8780579566955566, 0.3311920762062073, -3.041196346282959, -3.5637381076812744, -6.757364273071289, -2.9737274646759033, -1.602540373802185, -1.700992465019226, -3.023702383041382, 1.233363151550293, -2.4946320056915283, -0.8635402917861938, -3.497015953063965, -3.0809221267700195, 1.020537257194519, -3.8867499828338623, -3.1636908054351807, -3.0331571102142334, -3.706695795059204, -4.566652297973633, -3.608410596847534, -1.8595812320709229, -4.203991413116455, -0.7608968019485474, -4.460183143615723, 2.4220829010009766, -4.945127487182617, -1.2791436910629272, -5.017035007476807, -5.756741046905518, -0.6984694004058838, -1.0600104331970215, -1.0226770639419556, -6.905463218688965, -2.91827654838562, -2.438521146774292, -0.1549474149942398, -4.103819847106934, -3.405668020248413, -0.3148074746131897, -3.819309711456299, 0.40320634841918945, -0.40956026315689087, -1.9949382543563843, -3.2698066234588623, -4.885800361633301, -3.30243182182312, -3.771089553833008, -5.849435329437256, 1.6450427770614624, -3.784910202026367, -2.507760524749756, 3.2473087310791016, -3.0421955585479736, -4.603643417358398, -3.433518409729004, -2.5661890506744385, -3.0800206661224365, -3.8875815868377686, -3.771104097366333, -4.260834217071533, 0.6300442218780518, 1.8961182832717896, -6.1911396980285645, -4.123313903808594, -2.305471658706665, -4.213737964630127, -3.0208404064178467, -4.5718183517456055, -1.8002679347991943, -5.340842247009277, 2.2371137142181396, -4.816374778747559, -4.097846984863281, -4.062983989715576, -5.770320892333984, -2.69120192527771, -4.635542392730713, -3.763690948486328, -2.5628092288970947, -4.444937705993652, -5.204361915588379, 0.4199308753013611, -2.860687017440796, -2.660249710083008, -3.028378486633301, -2.0540144443511963, -4.3723978996276855, -3.0411736965179443, -3.282874822616577, -5.72285270690918, 1.455167293548584, -1.794476866722107, -2.324397563934326, -4.855130195617676, -0.6546840071678162, -3.3699777126312256, 0.40320634841918945, -3.242821216583252, -3.3717710971832275, -3.616576671600342, -6.162891387939453, -4.240087509155273, -3.868570327758789, -2.4268507957458496, -3.497351884841919, -3.611374616622925, -1.2481191158294678, -4.412474632263184, -2.3525307178497314, 1.3928061723709106, -1.2889636754989624, -2.7477543354034424, 3.0685501098632812, -3.741352081298828, -4.099143981933594, -3.392925977706909, -2.2559139728546143, -1.8796159029006958, -3.440176486968994, -4.603643417358398, -5.770320892333984, -5.204361915588379, -4.211104869842529, -4.9360551834106445, -1.6857795715332031, -5.066496849060059, -2.7735912799835205, -4.367513656616211, -2.5629146099090576, -2.087941884994507, -4.647809028625488, -4.652899742126465, -3.659183979034424, -4.120945930480957, -3.8761370182037354, -4.235222816467285, -3.802691698074341, -5.150356292724609, -4.737010478973389, -3.5435667037963867, -3.2193756103515625, -1.8669581413269043, -4.513861179351807, -3.73339581489563, -4.057121276855469, -5.277708053588867, -3.1090571880340576, -2.203533172607422, 1.0929975509643555, 2.246086359024048, -2.455247163772583, -4.553637504577637, -0.34976476430892944, -1.985418677330017, -2.9933032989501953, -4.09895133972168, -1.3873579502105713, -2.3477871417999268, 2.604329824447632, -2.636892080307007, -2.11391282081604, -1.8336366415023804, -2.7861363887786865, -1.193393588066101, -2.0937435626983643, -0.27803969383239746, -1.7737118005752563, 0.8708040714263916, 1.416208028793335, -2.356670618057251, -2.807837724685669, -3.7360317707061768, -3.8668415546417236, -5.490202903747559, -4.87443733215332, -3.108522415161133, -0.6193421483039856, -5.140589237213135, -5.124763011932373, -1.6857795715332031, -2.6944217681884766, -3.2625303268432617, -1.0841249227523804, -1.8270500898361206, -2.015852689743042, -0.8019531965255737, -4.569223403930664, 1.4477643966674805, -0.48639029264450073, -0.8339051604270935, 0.8875792026519775, -1.5984108448028564, 0.8708040714263916, 0.5856321454048157, -5.061933517456055, -2.636892080307007, -3.2525722980499268, -6.689335823059082, -3.6683998107910156, -0.3728102445602417, -1.388258457183838, -0.3473179340362549, -0.9943759441375732, -0.6452924609184265, -7.022933483123779, -1.6561158895492554, 1.8961182832717896, -2.636892080307007, -1.2909871339797974, -6.566772937774658, -2.4522109031677246, -4.480818748474121, 0.13352011144161224, -0.8260919451713562, -3.616576671600342, -6.887929439544678, -1.8272250890731812, -2.3341753482818604, -3.0059354305267334, -3.812985897064209, -1.7505120038986206, -4.811763286590576, -0.9800781011581421, -0.7107123136520386, -4.33484411239624, -2.7378737926483154, -1.5047224760055542, -1.353888750076294, -0.23492075502872467, -2.787783622741699, -4.974299430847168, -0.45870715379714966, -5.044148921966553, -4.977962493896484, -3.764525890350342, -3.987438201904297, -0.11220420897006989, -2.46504807472229, -7.5342183113098145, -1.886549472808838, -2.649749279022217, -2.6843323707580566, -3.899531602859497, -5.610568523406982, -2.839904308319092, -0.8649792671203613, 0.7667335271835327, -3.705268144607544, -2.0435738563537598, -2.343953847885132, -2.015852689743042, -0.9943759441375732, -1.6440399885177612, -1.9534164667129517, -2.2296926975250244, -0.504636287689209, -4.953893184661865, 0.49067795276641846, -3.3492114543914795, -4.4975996017456055, -4.524759769439697, -5.652798175811768, -4.080836772918701, -3.8084092140197754, -4.011006832122803, -4.652898788452148, -4.962092399597168, -3.192094564437866, -2.0937435626983643, -7.1477813720703125, -3.234563112258911, -3.633829116821289, -4.14022970199585, -4.471159934997559, -2.0946152210235596, -5.383334159851074, -4.406105995178223, -3.6324503421783447, -3.7111871242523193, -3.6096835136413574, -3.5946857929229736, -4.5149688720703125, -5.470508098602295, -5.340842247009277, -4.473867893218994, -2.9687464237213135, -3.923044204711914, 1.4252877235412598, -2.368678331375122, -5.889275550842285, -3.748258113861084, 0.8745686411857605, -2.346580743789673, 0.40320634841918945, -4.971264839172363, -3.3634817600250244, -2.7939229011535645, -4.058382034301758, -4.213737487792969, -5.677665710449219, -2.649749279022217, -1.3356802463531494, -2.572066068649292, -0.39329564571380615, -5.433055400848389, -3.273059129714966, -6.259822845458984, -4.238759994506836, -3.527468681335449, -4.211507797241211, -5.652798175811768, -3.5051088333129883, -6.438811302185059, -4.2311930656433105, -3.8761370182037354, -3.7011513710021973, -3.539430856704712, -3.7427518367767334, -5.849435329437256, -5.080604076385498, -2.234848737716675, -3.1975693702697754, -2.9446399211883545, -4.0979719161987305, -3.83668851852417, -3.5871737003326416, -2.4716758728027344, -2.921117067337036, -5.046294212341309, -4.78662109375, -3.282874822616577, -3.6638026237487793, -2.8006792068481445, -5.140589237213135, -5.676454067230225, -5.2469024658203125, -3.359715700149536, -6.63343620300293, -5.471376895904541, -3.2219560146331787, -5.106423377990723, -6.013149261474609, -4.050978183746338, -4.765664577484131, -5.748632431030273, -6.293857097625732, -3.1567623615264893, -5.912718772888184, -1.441032886505127, -5.743416786193848, -4.569933891296387, -5.764595031738281, -3.973480224609375, -3.9105849266052246, -2.6268374919891357, -4.985487461090088, -5.219747543334961, -5.605350017547607, -4.441965579986572, -2.289419651031494, -5.465983867645264, -4.408561706542969, -4.254164695739746, -4.7063798904418945, -3.405818223953247, -5.676454544067383, 0.18988631665706635, -4.62454891204834, -5.194774627685547, -7.589933395385742, -5.356507301330566, -5.470508098602295, -4.211104869842529, -3.956737756729126, -0.1549474149942398, -0.6369847655296326, -4.207998752593994, -1.1262726783752441, -1.1262723207473755, -3.1721322536468506, -4.541139602661133, -3.8451077938079834, -0.7107123136520386, -0.19190247356891632, -2.7788074016571045, -3.782844066619873, -3.4372682571411133, 0.6744668483734131, 1.020537257194519, -4.985487461090088, -4.855130195617676, -0.5262216925621033, -3.727309465408325, -4.832869052886963, 0.8875792026519775, -0.4713907241821289, -4.87298059463501, -3.9535892009735107, -4.321384429931641, 1.416208028793335, -5.3543572425842285, -2.8780579566955566, 1.9994839429855347, -2.477612257003784, -1.8669581413269043, -6.0551862716674805, -3.8483285903930664, -4.14022970199585, -4.731013298034668, -5.091527938842773, -1.388258457183838, -0.6927449107170105, -6.208407878875732, 0.5023337006568909, -4.294224262237549, -5.418145179748535, -0.9043974280357361, -4.231036186218262, -0.14505071938037872, -5.7918195724487305, -0.4403424859046936, -3.4770421981811523, -1.367314338684082, -0.44428712129592896, -2.593900203704834, -3.405895471572876, -0.3029863238334656, -0.3622969388961792, -6.257139205932617, -4.080836772918701, -3.692197799682617, -2.0435738563537598, -1.026593804359436, -4.207757949829102, -4.240087509155273, -3.8094422817230225, 0.8745686411857605, -5.529091835021973, -1.9292888641357422, 0.3728490471839905, 0.5989933013916016, -2.954458713531494, -5.4301981925964355, -0.7483223676681519, -5.308356285095215, -2.341294288635254, -0.8661876916885376, -3.6046841144561768, -5.813751220703125, 2.1740167140960693, -4.305564880371094, -5.9202094078063965, -5.013754844665527, -4.665142059326172, -3.2324371337890625, -1.36068594455719, -4.997119903564453, -3.4110329151153564, 0.3413282632827759, -5.935495376586914, -3.7864253520965576, -1.5129740238189697, -3.7427518367767334, -6.515653133392334, -0.42795830965042114, -3.7493178844451904, -4.285061359405518, -2.278777837753296, -4.839702606201172, -3.313112735748291, -0.3839934468269348, -0.45870715379714966, -2.1371419429779053, -5.276222229003906, -5.139866828918457, -7.589933395385742, -5.111921310424805, -2.572066068649292, -3.7381091117858887, -5.920263767242432, -2.2271549701690674, -5.10714054107666, 0.3611295223236084, -2.010850429534912, -1.3493098020553589, -5.0821003913879395, -4.521655559539795, -0.12173916399478912, -4.034735679626465, -5.186445713043213, -0.8260919451713562, -0.9800781011581421, -2.6760876178741455, -3.2912886142730713, -3.282874822616577, -0.4984579086303711, -4.250154495239258, -5.943979740142822, -4.6321916580200195, -1.0209956169128418, -4.334177017211914, 2.246086359024048, 3.208521604537964, -5.062472343444824, -5.998506546020508, 1.1284759044647217, -3.5116384029388428, -2.6153202056884766, -3.046799421310425, 0.5475813150405884, -0.6984694004058838, 1.9994839429855347, -3.04970645904541, -1.2997714281082153, 0.857519268989563, -2.161770820617676, -4.268026828765869, -1.6889961957931519, -3.6057355403900146, -0.8176984190940857, -2.4832639694213867, -4.157107353210449, -2.807837724685669, -4.897407531738281, -2.9522159099578857, -1.4018064737319946, -0.3600695729255676, -4.050678253173828, -3.760314702987671, -4.281280517578125, -4.976067543029785, -3.313112735748291, -4.094296932220459, -3.9342308044433594, -3.6413192749023438, -3.5376076698303223, -3.7722482681274414, -4.87298059463501, -5.677665710449219, -3.760314702987671, -5.748632907867432, 1.8019137382507324, -3.089139938354492, -4.800358295440674, -3.6670453548431396, -8.077898025512695, -4.312297821044922, -3.9245123863220215, -2.8978939056396484, -4.293593406677246, -2.9446399211883545, -4.997119903564453, -1.5575826168060303, -4.87984037399292, -4.54085111618042, -6.207526206970215, -1.8669581413269043, -1.5047224760055542, -5.079942226409912, -5.874075412750244, -4.426939487457275, -3.2266759872436523, -4.4975996017456055, -3.695408344268799, -2.7735912799835205, -1.899515151977539, -0.8661876916885376, 3.247760534286499, -5.209539413452148, -5.657229423522949, -2.953998565673828, 0.23483715951442719, -3.8595070838928223, -2.7501373291015625, -7.729510307312012, -1.758405327796936, -6.61685848236084, 0.739456057548523, 0.34060031175613403, -5.103689670562744, -2.1129372119903564, -3.2912886142730713, 0.40320634841918945, -4.302302837371826, -6.502315044403076, -2.4361989498138428, -0.8924542665481567, -5.736204147338867, -4.340590000152588, -2.8509204387664795, 3.0685501098632812, -1.0867351293563843, -6.207526206970215, -5.38308572769165, -1.589699387550354, -3.859269142150879, 3.208521604537964, -3.8668415546417236, -3.4110333919525146, -5.768032550811768, -3.705268144607544, -3.75311541557312, -5.920263767242432, -2.281240701675415, -2.3095407485961914, -3.2418601512908936, -3.6438937187194824, 0.09364233911037445, -5.768032550811768, -2.694375991821289, -2.0946152210235596, -1.3220995664596558, -1.4779294729232788, -3.8251521587371826, -4.187681674957275, -0.5496472120285034, -1.5704987049102783, -3.621709108352661, -5.912718772888184, -2.176010847091675, -4.247392177581787, -4.581125736236572, 1.8961182832717896, -3.309225082397461, -3.7606940269470215, -7.258012771606445, -5.045103549957275, -4.952052593231201, -4.440915107727051, -4.613585948944092, -3.9673023223876953, -4.746528148651123, -5.398073673248291, -4.607978820800781, -1.9332138299942017, -4.444032669067383, -5.743416786193848, -3.5657413005828857, -4.764949798583984, -3.6046841144561768, -5.013754844665527, -3.2067630290985107, -3.4644711017608643, -2.9900519847869873, -3.574080467224121, -4.477610111236572, -4.492413520812988, -6.293857097625732, -3.937901496887207, -3.4205808639526367, -3.714627981185913, -4.749216079711914, -5.593007564544678, -4.514968395233154, -4.166871070861816, -4.080836772918701, -3.868273973464966, -4.100272178649902, -4.406105995178223, -3.2381627559661865, -5.099143028259277, -4.408561706542969, -0.6927449107170105, -5.162332534790039, -7.04865026473999, -3.4644711017608643, -3.9963624477386475, -3.2557878494262695, -4.704815864562988, -4.722886085510254, -4.113319396972656, -3.443132162094116, -5.495193004608154, -5.764170169830322, -5.433055400848389, -4.87298059463501, -5.464969635009766, -2.1746201515197754, -3.8761370182037354, -1.7252728939056396, -2.7022993564605713, 1.0576173067092896, -1.7542668581008911, -3.748258113861084, -3.782844066619873, -6.0896711349487305, -2.519930601119995, -4.235912322998047, -2.2677958011627197, -1.367314338684082, -4.888063430786133, -2.906046152114868, -3.481367826461792, -2.3297252655029297, -3.937901496887207, -2.4192745685577393, 0.14964096248149872, -2.4716758728027344, -4.737010478973389, -1.7609766721725464, -3.9725911617279053, -5.140589237213135, -0.356279194355011, 0.3435990810394287, -3.8285200595855713, -1.8272250890731812, -2.2506773471832275, -1.8958157300949097, -1.8270500898361206, -3.703819513320923, -2.962041139602661, -2.8823583126068115, -3.7722482681274414, -4.807168006896973, -7.353497505187988, -5.150356292724609, -4.746528148651123, -2.820990800857544, -4.776074409484863, -1.5820246934890747, -3.1636908054351807, -4.18932580947876, -3.3376004695892334, -5.111921310424805, -4.373941421508789, -4.426939487457275, -5.505204200744629, 0.13352011144161224, -3.1725990772247314, 0.5091884136199951, -2.3003158569335938, -4.438189506530762, -3.229156970977783, -2.368678331375122, -1.1714507341384888, -3.771089553833008, 3.613419771194458, -3.404198169708252, -2.036072015762329, -2.0708868503570557, -3.696115493774414, -3.2855656147003174, -4.695982456207275, -6.782802104949951, -2.1138627529144287, -3.925727367401123, -3.314570665359497, 0.1339167207479477, 0.3311918377876282, 0.30780690908432007, -0.00820477120578289, -3.771104574203491, -1.994274377822876, -4.207757949829102, -3.1015844345092773, 2.263319730758667, 0.16813676059246063, -5.657229423522949, -1.8848767280578613, 0.6277700662612915, -1.1016840934753418, -2.3067944049835205, -4.069543361663818, -0.2546149492263794, -1.213157296180725, -3.1066172122955322, -3.8328981399536133, 0.7667335271835327, -3.282874822616577, -6.183435440063477, -4.737010478973389, -6.057926654815674, -2.943525791168213, 0.377765953540802, -4.213837146759033, -0.5011993646621704, 0.20991526544094086, -3.1725990772247314, -1.5733983516693115, -3.184802770614624, -3.4810738563537598, -5.944848537445068, -2.0836870670318604, -2.850511312484741, -1.5382466316223145, -2.3229215145111084, -4.635542392730713, -2.6327733993530273, -2.572066068649292, -0.34976476430892944, -4.438189506530762, -0.861237108707428, 2.1740167140960693, -3.517089605331421, -1.0600104331970215, 1.288526177406311, 0.663461446762085, -0.6620746850967407, -1.3220995664596558, 0.663461446762085, -4.356051445007324, -2.1138627529144287, -6.8369622230529785, -3.0569324493408203, -1.1016840934753418, -1.6417587995529175, -1.8028813600540161, -2.3488833904266357, -2.8767104148864746, -1.4779294729232788, -0.5635511875152588, 2.3847761154174805, -5.113754749298096, -0.44428712129592896, -3.8084092140197754, -4.536916255950928, -6.0896711349487305, 2.320924758911133, -3.48136830329895, -0.31285369396209717, -4.988780975341797, -3.217327356338501, -0.1549474149942398, -0.19190247356891632, 2.028296709060669, -1.135183572769165, -1.2977293729782104, -4.5718183517456055, -0.6503944993019104, -4.177476406097412, 1.5856478214263916, -7.36751651763916, -6.270862579345703, -4.5718183517456055, -2.4550342559814453, -0.8339051604270935, -1.6417587995529175, 0.4246622920036316, -0.48639029264450073, -5.910966396331787, 1.5024605989456177, -4.862763404846191, -4.952052593231201, -4.980574131011963, -3.8810596466064453, -1.8848767280578613, -2.970456123352051, -3.216876745223999, -3.605954170227051, -3.461158275604248, -3.089139938354492, -4.990059852600098, -4.689119338989258, -3.9542248249053955, -5.490202903747559, -4.389100551605225, -5.4694647789001465, -4.389100551605225, -5.538497447967529, -5.190624237060547, -2.8224685192108154, -6.2036662101745605, -3.5871517658233643, -5.870530128479004, -4.837647914886475, -5.5550947189331055, -2.9957492351531982, -6.826989650726318, -5.374925136566162, -1.3987218141555786, -5.737589359283447, -6.154855251312256, -6.00661039352417, -6.496659755706787, -6.312670707702637, -5.124763011932373, -4.897407531738281, -4.860387802124023, -6.312670707702637, -3.0651233196258545, -4.656146049499512, -2.6721580028533936, -3.405818223953247, -6.246594429016113, -4.444032669067383, -5.679680824279785, -4.945127487182617, -3.629460573196411, -5.944848537445068, -5.62452507019043, -5.234776496887207, -6.08351469039917, -2.983189582824707, -2.891101837158203, -3.61759614944458, 2.246086359024048, -1.2500027418136597, -3.9204812049865723, -2.871337652206421, -0.7434189319610596, -0.22600878775119781, -2.8378052711486816, -1.9534164667129517, -1.6052120923995972, -7.5342183113098145, 0.13352011144161224, 1.416208028793335, 1.3470163345336914, -1.0493147373199463, -5.142328262329102, -1.3958181142807007, -4.444937705993652, 0.7216845750808716, -7.180380344390869, 1.688895344734192, -0.0077555314637720585, -6.194222450256348, -3.0809266567230225, -3.9492225646972656, -3.023702383041382, 0.3346092700958252, -0.8649792671203613, -2.519930601119995, -8.12350082397461, -3.917062997817993, -3.246316432952881, -2.234848737716675, -4.043653964996338, -4.350642204284668, -4.151042461395264, -5.770320892333984, 2.3734047412872314, -5.764595031738281, -3.164144277572632, -1.3779255151748657, -5.490202903747559, -4.347220420837402, -4.629937648773193, -2.770737409591675, -4.130675792694092, 0.389693021774292, -3.351792097091675, -3.804593324661255, -5.091527938842773, -2.07893443107605, -0.8828078508377075, -5.123899936676025, -3.6438937187194824, -1.8002679347991943, -2.2526192665100098, -5.723648548126221, -1.8272250890731812, -0.8019531965255737, -0.6909166574478149, -4.884471893310547, -1.0867351293563843, -4.992177486419678, -4.281280517578125, 1.18959379196167, -6.27903938293457, 2.2902774810791016, -3.7978203296661377, -5.088311672210693, -4.482199668884277, -3.2219560146331787, -3.2266759872436523, -4.194087982177734, -3.529400587081909, -3.4196057319641113, -5.6258649826049805, -3.8734452724456787, -2.8476312160491943, -5.465983867645264, -3.8118672370910645, -3.5871732234954834, -1.2095822095870972, -4.260834217071533, -2.4716758728027344, -4.949381351470947, -2.7022993564605713, -6.243462562561035, -5.318791389465332, -4.593538761138916, -3.499899387359619, -2.962041139602661, -5.591457366943359, -6.293857097625732, -5.603439807891846, -3.4377784729003906, -0.6927449107170105, -3.593945264816284, -3.931968927383423, -5.15761137008667, -2.4249627590179443, -3.0800206661224365, -2.982268810272217, -2.776437997817993, -2.2576792240142822, -5.322524070739746, -4.296224594116211, -4.712409019470215, -6.281712532043457, -3.5036768913269043, -3.2689123153686523, -3.6046841144561768, -3.741352081298828, -2.2506773471832275, -3.5242655277252197, -2.4807732105255127, -2.3067944049835205, -0.8949762582778931, -2.1639444828033447, -5.679680824279785, -1.8848767280578613, -1.9252301454544067, -3.6096835136413574, -1.7213908433914185, -3.404198169708252, -4.976067543029785, -4.536916255950928, -4.249938011169434, -2.368678331375122, 0.7799302339553833, 2.1374197006225586, -5.088311672210693, 2.246086359024048, -3.4573397636413574, -4.011006832122803, -3.6057355403900146, -5.083207607269287, -1.8848767280578613, -4.033461093902588, -4.32181978225708, -5.046294212341309, -3.2418601512908936, -2.438521146774292, -4.531689167022705, -3.359715700149536, -4.7242889404296875, -3.6324503421783447, -4.733170509338379, -3.6300933361053467, -0.8907438516616821, -1.5820246934890747, -4.513861179351807, -4.652899742126465, 2.2902774810791016, -4.513861179351807, -2.91827654838562, -4.491966247558594, -1.5018504858016968, -2.1612813472747803, -7.317328453063965, -4.423451900482178, -2.4268507957458496, -2.787783622741699, -3.3699777126312256, -3.242821216583252, -3.0331571102142334, -2.9892852306365967, -2.4192745685577393, -5.017035007476807, -4.411563396453857, -3.901324510574341, -3.1155505180358887, -4.5627055168151855, -7.285118103027344, -3.34698748588562, -4.410764217376709, -4.178908348083496, -7.662544250488281, -6.515653610229492, -5.140589237213135, -5.764595031738281, -3.6638026237487793, -4.482199668884277, -3.796959638595581, -2.970456123352051, -6.498236656188965, -6.243462085723877, -3.1105942726135254, -4.333922386169434, -4.218550205230713, -5.091527938842773, -6.261789321899414, -0.7354946732521057, -3.2625303268432617, 1.4252877235412598, -4.298849105834961, -3.8875815868377686, -3.57645845413208, 0.8097769618034363, -3.916332244873047, -1.985418677330017, -2.0769197940826416, -5.329225063323975, -4.27431583404541, -3.610057830810547, -4.298849105834961, -3.9582319259643555, -4.32181978225708, -3.9342308044433594, -4.728893756866455, -4.4231672286987305, -4.833142280578613, -4.288658142089844, -6.41396427154541, -4.057121276855469, -3.617527723312378, -4.96209192276001, -5.0821003913879395, -1.572310209274292, -2.777484178543091, -4.373737335205078, -4.513861179351807, -1.0493147373199463, -2.7016983032226562, -2.4716758728027344, -2.860687017440796, -0.39329564571380615, -2.3003158569335938, -4.54417610168457, -2.368678331375122, -2.4361989498138428, -2.4807732105255127, -3.0569324493408203, -8.077898025512695, 1.020537257194519, -4.489500045776367, -3.3165135383605957, -0.8189314603805542, -0.4245898127555847, -1.5479859113693237, 0.9168029427528381, -1.3139468431472778, -1.0080268383026123, -1.5047224760055542, -3.229156970977783, -1.0209956169128418, -0.027116073295474052, -1.1016840934753418, -3.0347139835357666, -4.033370018005371, 2.8328187465667725, -3.8373985290527344, -4.553637504577637, 2.1917247772216797, -3.530026912689209, -2.8544278144836426, -4.1457743644714355, -3.8631441593170166, 3.3779447078704834, -4.992177486419678, -3.1180806159973145, -7.5342183113098145, -4.8270111083984375, -1.3026319742202759, -3.4620895385742188, -2.9712283611297607, 0.5856321454048157, -3.636775255203247, 1.020537257194519, 2.263319730758667, -3.4113030433654785, -7.981030464172363, -3.5923712253570557, -4.340590000152588, -7.428391456604004, -4.7577385902404785, 1.4839977025985718, -4.099143981933594, -2.036072015762329, -4.240087509155273, -0.7084899544715881, -0.8646152019500732, -2.305471658706665, -8.187403678894043, -1.1558836698532104, -6.419041633605957, -4.794069766998291, -2.343953847885132, -2.59838604927063, -2.7259840965270996, -2.491828441619873, -7.574987411499023, -1.2481187582015991, -2.7939229011535645, -0.5011993646621704, -2.1120452880859375, 1.6654092073440552, -0.6228540539741516, -1.1016840934753418, -0.40601879358291626, -2.6045680046081543, -0.74341881275177, -0.5597609877586365, -4.022930145263672, -3.2471671104431152, 3.014948606491089, -4.5631208419799805, -3.1140716075897217, -1.0867351293563843, -3.0784361362457275, 2.028296709060669, -5.657229423522949, -1.126785397529602, 1.3271418809890747, -2.879638433456421, 0.8875792026519775, -2.622695207595825, 2.7496438026428223, -3.012413501739502, -6.389110565185547, -2.3341753482818604, -0.7354946732521057, -3.2855656147003174, 1.6450427770614624, -1.0457942485809326, -3.0610764026641846, -7.249112129211426, -5.0360283851623535, -0.3728102445602417, -0.47139060497283936, -1.4581795930862427, -1.76987624168396, -1.9950610399246216, -2.8970820903778076, -1.8759690523147583, -2.758035659790039, 0.3766159415245056, -4.153707027435303, 0.7407965660095215, -5.699766159057617, -0.17967380583286285, 0.28973424434661865, 2.895648717880249, -2.343953847885132, -0.6957876682281494, 0.4784396290779114, -0.19916392862796783, 2.1374197006225586, -1.9855798482894897, -2.209989309310913, -0.7551658749580383, -1.3958181142807007, -3.9725911617279053, -2.3477871417999268, 1.4223623275756836, -2.3525307178497314, -3.610868215560913, -0.10479284822940826, 2.741821527481079, -5.258139133453369, -1.266386866569519, -3.5164453983306885, -1.4152674674987793, 3.203176259994507, -4.655269145965576, 0.9590271711349487, -6.593969345092773, -1.6440399885177612, -6.109635353088379, 0.7366217970848083, -5.681410789489746, -0.16260601580142975, 0.739456057548523, -3.917062997817993, -1.5834068059921265, 1.5635062456130981, -4.884471893310547, -0.5496472120285034, -5.571337699890137, -6.1389570236206055, -3.3634817600250244, -5.0360283851623535, -4.543177127838135, -0.6128671765327454, 3.2473087310791016, -3.9462692737579346, -3.224200963973999, -0.6193421483039856, -1.0613642930984497, 3.2427334785461426, -2.3243978023529053, -5.788152694702148, -5.610568523406982, -3.939483880996704, -5.25758171081543, -6.203990936279297, 0.13352011144161224, -0.8260923624038696, 1.2885260581970215, -6.306598663330078, -2.4946320056915283, -4.033369541168213, -5.163940906524658, 0.6261985898017883, -0.9433305859565735, -1.9252301454544067, -4.962650299072266, -1.011907935142517, -3.1999666690826416, -1.1141223907470703, -3.0809221267700195, -3.1155505180358887, -3.692197799682617, -0.8331199884414673, -7.383942604064941, -4.3405890464782715, -2.831758499145508, -0.8189314603805542, -2.660249710083008, -4.177476406097412, -5.048647403717041, 0.040502116084098816, -4.428191184997559, -6.179643630981445, -1.6779961585998535, -1.2194985151290894, 0.28973424434661865, -4.0079779624938965, 2.8037521839141846, 2.2371137142181396, 1.416208028793335, 0.4684109687805176, -6.1389570236206055, 0.6711586713790894, 1.1344472169876099, -1.7280269861221313, -7.367515563964844, -3.927541494369507, 0.22427968680858612, -4.655269145965576, -1.851600170135498, -2.0708868503570557, 3.7068021297454834, -5.9055962562561035, -1.5479859113693237, -1.135183572769165, -4.073021411895752, 2.7884345054626465, 0.054829880595207214, -3.2661476135253906, -0.44428712129592896, -2.9031341075897217, -0.4245898127555847, -0.5691574811935425, -4.977962493896484, -0.5203256011009216, -4.428191184997559, -1.3779255151748657, -8.956011772155762, -2.4509072303771973, -6.485179424285889, -2.067826986312866, -6.179643630981445, -0.3029863238334656, -1.0613645315170288, -6.593969345092773, -1.36068594455719, 2.0864174365997314, -2.9522159099578857, -3.2756500244140625, -3.939483880996704, -8.278093338012695, 1.4839977025985718 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 8, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "CULTURE", "text": [ "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Do you say certificate about or certificate of?", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Flying and sorcery", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "How can I model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "What's wrong with using \"Adoshem\" for the name of G-d when singing?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "use of verb \"accord\"", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "What bulbs do I need for a Micra K11 dashboard?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "What is inspiration?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Date format in UK vs US", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "What is temptation?", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Apartment in Munich", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Jewish Leap Year", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "use of verb \"accord\"", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "What are the major differences between evangelical Christianity and Mormonism?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Eliyahu HaNavi and bris", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Apartment in Munich", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "US Customs check External hard disk", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Eliyahu HaNavi and bris", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What is inspiration?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "What does this variable mean?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "Double weapons and switching hands", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "What is temptation?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Unclean -- Consequences", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Energy vs. Power", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "Board Game Mechanics", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "System for Setting: Misfits", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "What is temptation?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "what age are you", "Good/functional but can do better", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Differences between no child vs no children", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "Apartment in Munich", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "How to find bible verses?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What are the major differences between evangelical Christianity and Mormonism?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Unclean -- Consequences", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "What does this variable mean?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Flying and sorcery", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "High ping on games while streaming", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "US Customs check External hard disk", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "Meaning of ladder points", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "When can an article be omitted?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Apartment in Munich", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "Energy vs. Power", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Making new verbs from the given words", "What is inspiration?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "What is temptation?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Meaning of ladder points", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "What is inspiration?", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Why all the dice?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "What bulbs do I need for a Micra K11 dashboard?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "High ping on games while streaming", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Differences between no child vs no children", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "How to find bible verses?", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Good/functional but can do better", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Flying and sorcery", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Energy vs. Power", "\"Take offense\" usage", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When can an article be omitted?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "Apartment in Munich", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "When can an article be omitted?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "Jewish Leap Year", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "What is temptation?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Flying and sorcery", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "How does weight affect the game?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "How does weight affect the game?", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "How can I model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "Making new verbs from the given words", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Double weapons and switching hands", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "When can an article be omitted?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Board Game Mechanics", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What is temptation?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Date format in UK vs US", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "High ping on games while streaming", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Board Game Mechanics", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Energy vs. Power", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Apartment in Munich", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Board Game Mechanics", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Good/functional but can do better", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "what age are you", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What's wrong with using \"Adoshem\" for the name of G-d when singing?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Do you say certificate about or certificate of?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "English equivalent for 'امریه'", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Why all the dice?", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Good/functional but can do better", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "High ping on games while streaming", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.0542972087860107, 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-3.518195390701294, -4.736116409301758, -1.6529453992843628, -2.0919322967529297, -1.2958728075027466, -3.1161203384399414, 1.4630157947540283, -1.224771499633789, 1.280988335609436, -1.5871220827102661, 7.789363861083984, 6.523200988769531, 8.742719650268555, 8.143775939941406, 8.81673526763916, 9.290542602539062, 5.666604995727539, 7.994072914123535, 9.31713581085205, 8.682394027709961, 8.538021087646484, 0.8791552782058716, 10.484285354614258, 8.131744384765625, 7.2178850173950195, 8.397031784057617, 6.221525192260742, 9.406678199768066, -4.685293674468994, 8.195301055908203, 9.585673332214355, 9.914146423339844, 9.409265518188477, 7.401969909667969, 9.607585906982422, 5.481374740600586, 9.304044723510742, -3.141284227371216, 0.338432252407074, 7.75064754486084, 9.607585906982422, -1.6754971742630005, -2.632528066635132, -2.4366343021392822, -0.24126791954040527, -2.6743264198303223, 2.1096155643463135, 6.930075645446777, 10.23001480102539, 7.619333267211914, 9.827102661132812, 8.857189178466797, 9.179410934448242, 7.8476762771606445, 7.749988555908203, 9.937281608581543, 5.666604995727539, 9.722020149230957, 6.3830766677856445, 8.642461776733398, 5.16874361038208, 8.506629943847656, 9.388994216918945, 6.095832347869873, 9.675008773803711, 8.440862655639648, -1.3047488927841187, -1.8147196769714355, 5.524772644042969, 4.914491176605225, -1.8668311834335327, 7.358120918273926, 8.274735450744629, 4.250528335571289, 8.369609832763672, 5.553562164306641, 8.377525329589844, 1.354956865310669, 1.2102473974227905, 6.101980209350586, 7.337961196899414, 9.793651580810547, -5.878054618835449, -2.2923660278320312, -1.3043638467788696, 9.62718391418457, 1.884612798690796, 7.099912643432617, 8.850797653198242, 7.439441680908203, 0.2218412160873413, 7.518543243408203, 6.8037590980529785, 7.977604866027832, 7.472269058227539, 8.744367599487305, 5.8435869216918945, -1.5623530149459839, 10.475645065307617, -0.8917094469070435, 1.4360004663467407, 5.666604995727539, -1.5679281949996948, -2.1714236736297607, 9.246650695800781, 8.716927528381348, 9.540750503540039, 9.167316436767578, 0.9250245690345764, 8.941487312316895, 9.506293296813965, 4.5640716552734375, 7.985655784606934, 10.398290634155273, 9.765157699584961, 6.419106960296631, -0.16717585921287537, 8.823287963867188, -1.4182980060577393, 7.736964225769043, -3.9869234561920166, 7.353696823120117, 6.714268684387207, -3.925856828689575, -3.6530120372772217, 8.040541648864746, 10.643502235412598, 7.121192932128906, 8.502429962158203, 7.203732013702393, 7.9991655349731445, 7.865809440612793, -1.7723559141159058, 8.696229934692383, 7.541818618774414, 8.952340126037598, 8.942413330078125, 6.744541645050049, 7.365634918212891, 7.099912643432617, 8.478572845458984, 5.6031813621521, -0.6756686568260193, 1.2555242776870728, -1.3811111450195312, 1.153818964958191, -1.1946392059326172, 1.2516592741012573, -1.2668910026550293, -1.4321295022964478, -1.6025060415267944, 2.9385392665863037, 0.1765354871749878, -2.1317403316497803, -1.6754971742630005, -2.071528911590576, 2.185152292251587, -0.1449737250804901, 1.3993525505065918, 0.3574742376804352, -1.484212875366211, -0.02760225534439087, -3.153775215148926, 1.8411502838134766, 1.2305798530578613, -0.92662113904953, -0.09415405988693237, -0.7308768630027771, -0.2643091082572937, 0.031224310398101807, 7.3180646896362305, 3.3060033321380615, -0.20493394136428833, 1.804065227508545, -0.3670746386051178, -1.6684339046478271, -1.7146226167678833, -1.0461275577545166, -3.612232208251953, -4.03939151763916, 0.1765354871749878, 0.14546793699264526, -1.0246782302856445, 1.4546167850494385, -1.522563099861145, -1.2391561269760132, 2.531708002090454, -2.8559985160827637, 3.7147414684295654, -2.2923660278320312, 0.778154194355011, -1.6217635869979858, -1.6954264640808105, -2.0880138874053955, 7.12697696685791, 8.638776779174805, -1.0824986696243286, -1.0197960138320923, 8.577783584594727, -2.011577844619751, -1.9958616495132446, -2.7737181186676025, -2.04145884513855, -2.5810303688049316, 7.3180646896362305, -0.7867240905761719, -4.28010892868042, 1.0265921354293823, -2.6990010738372803, -5.205068588256836, 0.1914607584476471, -0.8033717274665833, -3.396216630935669, 9.898626327514648, -2.095452070236206, -1.2391561269760132, 0.8791552782058716, -0.09415405988693237, 2.015641927719116, -0.0073068151250481606, -1.2391561269760132, 1.0479063987731934, -0.20493394136428833, 0.645662248134613, -2.0053625106811523, -2.331472158432007, -3.612232208251953, 0.2171289622783661, -1.818353295326233, 1.0479063987731934, 2.041088104248047, 2.9385392665863037, -1.7401524782180786, -1.7334234714508057, -2.071528911590576, -2.4444899559020996, 0.5113530158996582, -2.141707420349121, -0.7924849390983582, -0.9988887906074524, -1.7700533866882324, 9.044957160949707, 10.447657585144043, 5.8789143562316895, 9.893068313598633, 9.44178295135498, 9.816309928894043, 7.146206855773926, 6.0524396896362305, 9.420905113220215, 7.431853294372559, 1.4630157947540283, 0.6162189841270447, 9.369365692138672, 7.344944953918457, 9.942182540893555, 9.955156326293945, -0.8417826890945435, 6.539810657501221, 8.865378379821777, 6.193840503692627, 1.8474253416061401, 6.862627029418945, 5.553562164306641, 6.65264892578125, 6.726865768432617, 9.937281608581543, 8.855342864990234, 7.767758369445801, 7.1583967208862305, 6.130049705505371, 6.286730766296387, 9.893068313598633, 8.922808647155762, 4.250528335571289, 9.955156326293945, 8.440862655639648, 8.432778358459473, 10.473499298095703, 7.439441680908203, 6.456315994262695, 6.130049705505371, -0.1554216742515564, -4.019822120666504, -0.33273598551750183, -4.321965217590332, -0.4713565707206726, 0.07860496640205383, 1.034559965133667, 0.1517539918422699, -1.0461275577545166, -3.396216630935669, 4.50602912902832, -0.3395347595214844, -3.141284227371216, -4.183606147766113, 0.8365063071250916, -1.8610916137695312, -1.7060518264770508, -1.5875812768936157, -1.6954264640808105, 0.06703001260757446, -0.8632656931877136, 8.432778358459473, 7.245445251464844, 8.502429962158203, 6.322778701782227, 7.472269058227539, 7.6681413650512695, 9.077272415161133, 8.999698638916016, 5.552264213562012, 8.447949409484863, 7.2243194580078125, 6.015558242797852, 9.189878463745117, 9.101279258728027, 8.887361526489258, 8.606678009033203, 8.581668853759766, 5.411109924316406, 8.603602409362793, 8.447949409484863, 9.089021682739258, 5.981223106384277, 8.378585815429688, 5.6941070556640625, 7.369962692260742, 8.559151649475098, 9.156574249267578, 9.680892944335938, 6.744973659515381, 7.12697696685791, 6.419106960296631, 9.175758361816406, 7.865809440612793, 8.999698638916016, 7.018606185913086, 7.607743263244629, 5.0206098556518555, 8.502429962158203, 9.940468788146973, 8.67850399017334, 6.875850677490234, 10.149497032165527, 6.307039260864258, 9.617730140686035, 6.322778701782227, 7.8476762771606445, 6.370063304901123, 8.40414810180664, 10.07040786743164, 8.865378379821777, 9.757598876953125, 8.593847274780273, 5.815672397613525, 5.8716654777526855, 8.45474910736084, 7.653654098510742, 8.274735450744629, 8.865378379821777, 7.135420799255371, 9.079508781433105, 10.453445434570312, 6.862627029418945, 8.398886680603027, 8.999698638916016, 6.714268684387207, 7.653654098510742, 6.015558242797852, 7.505775451660156, 7.353696823120117, 8.67850399017334, 9.509561538696289, 6.109030723571777, 9.014530181884766, 9.62718391418457, 7.756392955780029, 8.313982009887695, 6.546875, 8.938365936279297, 8.640327453613281, -0.7307067513465881, 4.691073417663574, 3.6923158168792725, 10.357587814331055, -0.17570534348487854, 0.6541298031806946, 1.0331683158874512, 8.938365936279297, 0.3672420084476471, 9.122333526611328, 0.32485997676849365, 3.7766387462615967, 0.9423602223396301, 0.25171399116516113, -1.5851658582687378, 6.47243070602417, 6.350813865661621, 9.355876922607422, -2.2068984508514404, -3.9654886722564697, 0.02985936403274536, -4.521561622619629, 0.2755710184574127, 3.968024969100952, 2.9385392665863037, 0.4456416964530945, -0.7307067513465881, 0.39646440744400024, 1.4570132493972778, 0.2755710184574127, 1.0407087802886963, -1.224771499633789, 2.8513143062591553, 1.2320901155471802, 0.2676819860935211, -2.023956775665283, -1.5725276470184326, -3.153775215148926, -2.6714706420898438, -1.2996474504470825, -0.0073068151250481606, -1.5991331338882446, 0.8729813694953918, -1.5129995346069336, 0.5113530158996582, 8.52120304107666, 9.616175651550293, 8.402772903442383, 9.253841400146484, 9.591886520385742, -3.966670513153076, -1.088339924812317, -0.8417826890945435, -2.408015489578247, 8.988755226135254, 8.377525329589844, -0.2673836946487427, -2.331472158432007, -1.855347752571106, -2.4444899559020996, -4.023102760314941, -2.09832763671875, -0.3395347595214844, 9.226455688476562, 9.648381233215332, -0.5305861830711365, 5.0206098556518555, -0.016275763511657715, -1.7723559141159058, 6.930075645446777, -3.0055124759674072, -5.57215690612793, -1.4686076641082764, -1.9435986280441284, 6.095832347869873, 6.744973659515381, 9.122333526611328, 8.791119575500488, 9.385781288146973, 5.16874361038208, 7.541818618774414, 9.772148132324219, 7.588737964630127, 7.953934669494629, 9.518583297729492, 6.744541645050049, 7.59958553314209, 5.517969131469727, -2.6631667613983154, -0.43021106719970703, -5.751984596252441, -1.515060305595398, -2.236205816268921, -2.119662284851074, 0.8791552782058716, -0.141105055809021, -0.944698691368103, -2.969883680343628, 1.2919381856918335, 0.03878018260002136, -1.2024377584457397, -0.29266244173049927, 4.382188320159912, -0.18999794125556946, -0.49987900257110596, -2.071528911590576, -0.0073068151250481606, -2.714099884033203, -0.9988887906074524, -1.484212875366211, -1.0102415084838867, 0.7949820756912231, 0.5318713784217834, -1.6684339046478271, 0.031224310398101807, -0.4192170202732086, -0.24352240562438965, -0.33273598551750183, 0.06479460000991821, -0.7307067513465881, 1.0579638481140137, -1.0143630504608154, 1.1917599439620972, -4.221355438232422, -0.4929242730140686, 4.909961700439453, 6.350813865661621, 1.8847206830978394, -2.0062813758850098, 9.585495948791504, 8.45474910736084, 6.729737758636475, 7.980424880981445, 9.275725364685059, 8.792190551757812, -1.6754971742630005, 10.124685287475586, 9.156967163085938, 0.07860496640205383, 9.253841400146484, 8.695756912231445, -0.7747238278388977, 1.8962653875350952, 10.404786109924316, -0.713149905204773, 9.607831954956055, 9.840547561645508, 7.815632343292236, 7.640000343322754, 9.914146423339844, 6.60746955871582, 7.500723361968994, -2.8519842624664307, -0.944698691368103, 9.971611022949219, 9.014531135559082, 7.671810150146484, 8.2000093460083, 6.350813865661621, 8.010066032409668, 9.893068313598633, 9.311687469482422, 8.589767456054688, 9.156967163085938, 7.9991655349731445, -2.4444899559020996, -2.430502414703369, -4.28010892868042, 4.50602912902832, -2.365201473236084, -1.6741526126861572, -0.8555264472961426, -1.0461275577545166, -3.6530120372772217, -1.2014179229736328, -0.44283968210220337, -0.44904282689094543, -0.20493394136428833, -2.707650899887085, 0.45134538412094116, -0.016275763511657715, -1.3226734399795532, 0.3672420084476471, -0.6756686568260193, -0.10594946146011353, -1.4218188524246216, -0.2610989212989807, -3.045257329940796, -0.9149070382118225, -0.9198899269104004, -0.3670746386051178, 0.5400518774986267, 0.2218412160873413, -2.119662284851074, -3.396216630935669, 0.29193031787872314, -0.9746719002723694, 1.8053672313690186, 0.14314311742782593, -0.1554221510887146, -5.477646827697754, 2.637169599533081, 7.1090168952941895, 5.3856353759765625, 10.080986022949219, 1.891611099243164, 8.823287963867188, -0.49987900257110596, -4.862987041473389, 9.648381233215332, -2.728987693786621, 0.5739510655403137, -2.171424150466919, 7.1331377029418945, 7.344944953918457, 9.889277458190918, 9.690217971801758, 9.591886520385742, 7.336206436157227, 6.046833038330078, 9.07052993774414, 8.686894416809082, 10.599174499511719, 8.781355857849121, 7.399197101593018, 7.347329139709473, 7.0505828857421875, 9.730108261108398, 9.297635078430176, 7.888031482696533, 8.991223335266113, 9.901198387145996, 9.049230575561523, 7.524328231811523, 9.195703506469727, 7.969753265380859, 5.964505672454834, 9.161555290222168, 8.098014831542969, 9.253841400146484, 7.388670921325684, 9.300915718078613, 6.539810657501221, 9.101279258728027, 9.540750503540039, 6.744541645050049, 10.157720565795898, 7.250108242034912, 9.213462829589844, 7.2243194580078125, 8.263952255249023, 9.506293296813965, 8.195301055908203, 8.716927528381348, 9.093460083007812, 9.29417610168457, 9.156574249267578, 8.05576229095459, 9.358935356140137, 9.607831954956055, 3.5683515071868896, 1.2507548332214355, -3.2212612628936768, -4.03939151763916, 10.305567741394043, 9.153331756591797, 0.18298807740211487, 6.095832347869873, -1.1946392059326172, -2.019951105117798, 6.5730133056640625, 10.124685287475586, 0.17447417974472046, -0.7172482013702393, 1.449526309967041, -2.429128885269165, 8.26395320892334, -2.6830875873565674, 7.801120758056641, -3.1161203384399414, 5.8435869216918945, -0.33894839882850647, 9.722020149230957, 10.364330291748047, 10.708638191223145, 0.5113530158996582, -1.7700532674789429, -1.1408947706222534, 7.216631889343262, -0.4323578476905823, 0.7724961638450623, 9.21934700012207, 8.975993156433105, 6.221525192260742, 8.041769981384277, 0.32485997676849365, 9.297635078430176, -1.485131025314331, 9.030984878540039, -1.1770367622375488, -2.236205816268921, 9.627455711364746, -3.5263893604278564, 7.789363861083984, -2.0053625106811523, 10.098382949829102, 1.153818964958191, -1.2668910026550293, 8.581668853759766, -0.703641951084137, 2.530102014541626, 1.0479063987731934, 1.320849061012268, -3.600919008255005, 8.878990173339844, 9.65092658996582, -0.5598556399345398, 9.554510116577148, -0.02170628309249878, 8.962509155273438, 0.21496927738189697, 9.606550216674805, -2.2253592014312744, -0.05629599094390869, -1.6298980712890625, -3.1293883323669434, 8.577783584594727, 9.035301208496094, 7.801120758056641, 8.165847778320312, 6.350813865661621, 9.644826889038086, 9.765157699584961, 8.077983856201172, 1.1063371896743774, 7.322169303894043, 8.710814476013184, 7.736964225769043, 0.22262227535247803, 8.398886680603027, -0.8749393820762634, 6.47243070602417, -0.5146089792251587, -1.0549520254135132, -1.3768476247787476, 1.804065227508545, 0.2730695307254791, 1.0479063987731934, -1.3768476247787476, 8.643021583557129, -1.4902535676956177, -1.2014179229736328, -1.8147196769714355, 1.199642300605774, 10.447657585144043, 7.04943323135376, 8.865378379821777, -2.365201473236084, 6.737798690795898, 10.164786338806152, 7.245445251464844, 8.728560447692871, 8.823287963867188, -1.126888394355774, 0.577636182308197, 0.5881350636482239, -1.404977560043335, 8.04975700378418, 6.653556823730469, 8.046429634094238, 10.484285354614258, 6.095832347869873, 6.794098854064941, 9.532511711120605, 6.1730194091796875, 5.481374740600586, 7.729641914367676, 7.623128414154053, 9.179410934448242, 9.420905113220215, 7.173584938049316, 7.524328231811523, 8.850520133972168, 5.142722129821777, 6.350813865661621, 7.439523696899414, 8.178634643554688, 7.250108242034912, 8.96327018737793, 10.164786338806152, 9.685890197753906, 8.377525329589844, 10.453445434570312, 7.767758369445801, 9.21934700012207, 7.099912643432617, 7.099912643432617, 9.089021682739258, 9.035301208496094, 10.67884635925293, 7.977604866027832, 7.865809440612793, 6.801887512207031, 7.358120918273926, 9.317140579223633, 10.599174499511719, 6.108036518096924, -1.4805630445480347, 8.962509155273438, 9.049230575561523, 8.865378379821777, 9.025741577148438, 1.280988335609436, -4.100642204284668, 0.7894553542137146, 1.263390302658081, 3.061464309692383, -2.320641040802002, -0.33232712745666504, -3.3879313468933105, -2.361802577972412, -2.617380142211914, -0.2672691345214844, -2.1317403316497803, 8.878990173339844, 3.7905161380767822, -0.15344640612602234, 7.364520072937012, 1.0479063987731934, 6.863417625427246, 10.007461547851562, 0.07860496640205383, 8.406214714050293, 5.645331382751465, -2.09832763671875, 10.240828514099121, 3.6923158168792725, 0.8077813982963562, 8.398886680603027, 8.922306060791016, 0.5586134791374207, 8.098014831542969, 1.9454768896102905, 9.808422088623047, 8.887741088867188, 0.3432435989379883, 8.2000093460083, -2.2253592014312744, 9.942182540893555, -3.153775215148926, 8.819701194763184, 8.696229934692383, 6.8104329109191895, 9.386723518371582, 7.749988555908203, 7.302840709686279, 8.397031784057617, 8.105822563171387, 5.524772644042969, 2.051439046859741, 7.302840709686279, 8.377525329589844, 9.062908172607422, 8.077983856201172, 10.535650253295898, 6.8037590980529785, 7.871762752532959, 7.364520072937012, 9.179409980773926, -1.8140345811843872, 0.338432252407074, 6.793305397033691, 5.6031813621521, 0.645662248134613, 9.851141929626465, -0.8901543617248535, 7.303062438964844, 7.927873134613037, 7.71403694152832, 6.208808898925781, -1.515060305595398, 9.22150993347168, -0.8917094469070435, -3.221261501312256, 6.419106960296631, -1.6025060415267944, -3.6253879070281982, -1.1554367542266846, -0.2673836946487427, 9.598993301391602, 7.311695098876953, -1.1770367622375488, -0.2491135597229004, 7.528896808624268, -1.9001014232635498, 9.213462829589844, 9.728570938110352, -3.87326979637146, 6.854615211486816, -2.200547218322754, 8.041769981384277, 8.865378379821777, 7.649953842163086, 6.184444427490234, -1.2810040712356567, 8.797980308532715, 7.535865783691406, 1.2023699283599854, -3.221261501312256, 9.893068313598633, 7.308958053588867, -0.8703468441963196, -4.496026515960693, -0.8937587738037109, 7.668140411376953, -1.8147196769714355, -2.699000835418701, 9.540750503540039, 2.015641927719116, 5.449065685272217, -1.5851658582687378, -2.429128885269165, -3.619861364364624, 7.528896808624268, 7.12697696685791, 9.889277458190918, -0.7172482013702393, 9.003683090209961, 8.516389846801758, 8.887741088867188, 5.0206098556518555, 7.12697696685791, 9.44807243347168, 9.349151611328125, 6.794098854064941, 7.762791633605957, 6.015558242797852, 7.640000820159912, 9.204991340637207, 5.87662410736084, 9.643198013305664, 7.01909875869751, 10.139982223510742, 6.921260356903076, -1.705143690109253, 2.3148651123046875, -0.0073068151250481606, -4.5073466300964355, -1.5679281949996948, -0.8917094469070435, 1.8427205085754395, -0.9152666926383972, 9.755003929138184, -2.430502414703369, 9.532511711120605, 3.3060038089752197, 2.1096155643463135, 1.3710484504699707, -1.7954567670822144, 0.04648011922836304, 7.308958053588867, 0.9468781352043152, -0.20493394136428833, 8.377525329589844, -2.071528911590576, -3.211886405944824, -1.159674048423767, 0.7724961638450623, -1.485131025314331, 4.250528335571289, 8.39383602142334, 7.623128414154053, -1.2752765417099, -5.082244396209717, 2.5191962718963623, 8.398886680603027, 0.2755710184574127, -1.742116093635559, 8.411417007446289, 8.815335273742676, -2.119662284851074, -2.1317403316497803, -1.2996474504470825, -0.1833648681640625, 1.4359999895095825, -1.9004515409469604, 0.2218412160873413, 1.5413000583648682, -1.5851655006408691, -4.272636413574219, 0.8729813694953918, -2.3709192276000977, -2.5190823078155518, -5.656863212585449, -2.5810303688049316, -0.208878755569458, -1.126888394355774, -0.5005571246147156, -0.27106162905693054, -3.9654886722564697, -2.2923660278320312, -3.9654886722564697, -3.16367506980896, -1.0282915830612183, -2.154744863510132, -0.9458371996879578, -2.3709192276000977, -1.2300983667373657, 1.8962653875350952, -2.019951105117798, -1.855347752571106, 4.067624568939209, -1.2810040712356567, -0.5789012312889099, -5.184218406677246, 0.29193031787872314, -0.27106162905693054, -2.3252007961273193, 7.663053035736084, 8.991878509521484, 8.524477005004883, 7.337961196899414, 5.490851402282715, 8.153828620910645, 8.781355857849121, 7.759635925292969, 9.161555290222168, 6.361555099487305, 9.060430526733398, 5.920504570007324, 9.290961265563965, 9.22150993347168, 8.45474910736084, 6.101980209350586, 6.193840503692627, 9.093460083007812, 6.801887512207031, 9.290961265563965, 9.297635078430176, 6.480865001678467, 6.56319522857666, 8.26395320892334, 9.406678199768066, 5.16874361038208, 8.682394027709961, 8.736448287963867, 10.453445434570312, 8.340808868408203, 7.730645656585693, 4.909961700439453, 8.60667896270752, 2.137481451034546, 9.060430526733398, 7.669922828674316, -1.1821333169937134, 2.051439046859741, 7.759636402130127, 8.478572845458984, -2.10406494140625, 5.8650221824646, 6.108036518096924, 6.350813865661621, 9.598993301391602, 8.330881118774414, 8.398886680603027, 9.297635078430176, 9.297635078430176, 6.904888153076172, 7.518543243408203, 8.06468391418457, 9.320005416870117, 8.638776779174805, 9.349151611328125, 5.920504570007324, 5.657809257507324, 8.815335273742676, 5.203706741333008, 9.174429893493652, 9.297635078430176, 9.765157699584961, 7.837028503417969, 8.046429634094238, 10.708638191223145, 9.205137252807617, 6.56319522857666, 6.726865768432617, 7.787551403045654, 8.878990173339844, 8.744367599487305, 6.987452507019043, 5.553562164306641, 7.259134292602539, 10.085725784301758, 8.143775939941406, 6.370063304901123, 7.671811580657959, 8.26395320892334, 6.776125431060791, 6.322778701782227, 10.159455299377441, 8.275733947753906, 9.458443641662598, 8.398886680603027, 6.744541645050049, 5.891263484954834, 7.6602067947387695, 7.977604866027832, 7.623128414154053, -1.8400784730911255, 2.3148651123046875, 8.411417007446289, 7.730645656585693, -1.5834585428237915, 0.8729813694953918, 9.444375991821289, -1.693725824356079, 9.548606872558594, 5.8435869216918945, 1.0267695188522339, -2.4444899559020996, 2.185152292251587, 9.65092658996582, 9.518583297729492, -2.6824328899383545, 10.042205810546875, 0.047238290309906006, -1.693725347518921, 3.4133553504943848, 6.8104329109191895, -1.5776914358139038, -2.4366343021392822, -1.7558592557907104, 7.59958553314209, 8.781938552856445, 3.7766387462615967, 7.942620277404785, 6.713240146636963, -1.693947672843933, 2.531708002090454, 9.31713581085205, 0.26579543948173523, 0.047238290309906006, -0.7172482013702393, -3.287260055541992, 7.1583967208862305, -3.017371416091919, -2.0880138874053955, -1.4336274862289429, -1.1408947706222534, -0.22861969470977783, 2.2723960876464844, -0.02760225534439087, -3.1293883323669434, 6.1730194091796875, -6.483773231506348, 0.6162189841270447, 0.3574742376804352, 7.785623550415039, -1.8628901243209839, 8.52120304107666, -2.121755599975586, 7.311695098876953, 0.13709145784378052, 10.447657585144043, -0.4893716275691986, -1.6327438354492188, 3.1361544132232666, 2.1964545249938965, 0.034514009952545166, 0.2755710184574127, 0.5400515794754028, 8.938365936279297, -0.713149905204773, 0.49129560589790344, 1.0265918970108032, 1.8437899351119995, 5.256961822509766, -2.3984861373901367, 8.855342864990234, 8.377525329589844, -1.1824215650558472, 9.297281265258789, 7.99435567855835, 0.13709133863449097, 9.765157699584961, 10.413223266601562, 2.1650452613830566, 0.6541300415992737, 6.477744102478027, 7.344272136688232, 9.518583297729492, 1.2023699283599854, 6.208281993865967, 0.1914607584476471, 8.589767456054688, 8.432778358459473, 7.524328231811523, 0.5739510655403137, 8.938365936279297, -1.126888394355774, 7.439441680908203, 7.942620277404785, 8.593847274780273, 8.063858032226562, 8.77315616607666, 8.81673526763916, 8.434441566467285, 9.699838638305664, 10.708638191223145, 7.322169303894043, 8.371923446655273, 10.002890586853027, 6.523200988769531, 8.26395320892334, 5.5906453132629395, 9.728570938110352, 10.007461547851562, 5.657809257507324, 10.042205810546875, 8.976207733154297, 9.384336471557617, 9.953689575195312, 8.59293270111084, 7.4915008544921875, 8.398885726928711, -0.4713565707206726, 1.034559965133667, 9.68069839477539, -1.0454416275024414, 0.1862519383430481, 0.034514009952545166, -0.49987900257110596, 0.1356666088104248, 0.49129560589790344, 7.9991655349731445, -1.7558592557907104, 7.75064754486084, -3.600919246673584, 2.282637596130371, -0.8703468441963196, -1.6158498525619507, -2.179569959640503, 1.280988335609436, 0.49129560589790344, -1.4817256927490234, -1.7334234714508057, -1.4805630445480347, 9.992328643798828, 7.216631889343262, -2.617380142211914, 7.535865783691406, -2.121755599975586, 1.205177664756775, -1.2295621633529663, -1.511065125465393, 5.6941070556640625, 8.577783584594727, -0.5345130562782288, -1.1302024126052856, 0.34584033489227295, 9.343128204345703, 7.749988555908203, 6.60746955871582, -2.6007978916168213, 9.887504577636719, 2.015641927719116, 9.358935356140137, -0.5765031576156616, 9.351179122924805, 7.217885971069336, -0.2286195158958435, 2.059680461883545, 8.404147148132324, -2.9382002353668213, 9.65092658996582, -2.6007978916168213, 6.208808898925781, 5.920504570007324, 6.286730766296387, 7.509225845336914, 5.854218482971191, 9.294130325317383, 9.297281265258789, 7.395035266876221, 9.444375038146973, 6.531513214111328, 7.663053035736084, 7.018606185913086, 7.250108242034912, 9.113489151000977, 6.773536205291748, 9.179410934448242, 8.851447105407715, 6.208808898925781, 5.539867401123047, 7.8335418701171875, 5.385636329650879, 5.633184432983398, 6.707533836364746, 4.53561544418335, 5.6337690353393555, 8.797980308532715, 5.679564952850342, 6.65264892578125, 6.65264892578125, 8.999698638916016, 8.39383602142334, 9.385781288146973, 7.761130332946777, 8.991878509521484, 10.398290634155273, 6.531513214111328, 8.644526481628418, 9.31713581085205, 4.617703437805176, 8.851447105407715, 6.531513214111328, 8.507817268371582, 10.098382949829102, 8.990752220153809, 5.633184432983398, 8.20979118347168, 7.895301342010498, 9.731740951538086, 7.322169303894043, 4.769082546234131, -1.0640548467636108, 6.0524396896362305, -3.750486135482788, 6.987452507019043, 8.263664245605469, -1.6529453992843628, 5.539868354797363, 7.953934669494629, 1.4340038299560547, 8.524477005004883, 7.610825061798096, 7.269635200500488, 8.952340126037598, 7.216631889343262, 7.146206855773926, 10.44892406463623, -0.10395368933677673, 3.7147414684295654, 6.863417625427246, 9.153331756591797, -2.4444899559020996, 9.026100158691406, -4.023102760314941, 6.531513214111328, -1.200358510017395, 0.02985936403274536, -2.1607770919799805, -2.3034589290618896, -1.545798420906067, -0.5305862426757812, 9.44178295135498, 0.6764984726905823, -1.3770453929901123, 9.567535400390625, 7.121192932128906, 9.699838638305664, 7.491499423980713, 10.484285354614258, 8.06468391418457, 8.143775939941406, 8.538898468017578, 4.564072132110596, 2.282637596130371, -1.8147196769714355, 4.708495616912842, 8.072830200195312, 0.9706520438194275, -2.6007978916168213, 6.540143013000488, 1.034559965133667, 7.135420799255371, 4.50602912902832, 8.638776779174805, -0.4713565707206726, -0.8502764701843262, -1.8366814851760864, -2.617380142211914, -2.9382004737854004, 7.336206436157227, -3.0039618015289307, 6.185268878936768, -0.25025251507759094, -5.41898250579834, -1.0968060493469238, -1.2295621633529663, 0.25171399116516113, -1.4321295022964478, -1.6741526126861572, 7.337961196899414, 0.19694137573242188, -1.404977560043335, -2.9954192638397217, 9.100550651550293, 10.171957015991211, 8.478572845458984, 8.131744384765625, 8.538898468017578, 5.773184776306152, -2.0919322967529297, 9.906759262084961, 9.940468788146973, 7.395035266876221, -3.7119386196136475, 9.731740951538086, -1.3532466888427734, -1.4913480281829834, -2.8058488368988037, -0.489010751247406, -0.7307067513465881, 1.280988335609436, 0.26650238037109375, -0.06619948148727417, 4.165920734405518, -2.2068984508514404, -0.4741728901863098, -2.7040555477142334, 0.2630278170108795, 10.413223266601562, 2.159681558609009, 6.98330020904541, -1.0493205785751343, 9.362881660461426, 0.25272995233535767, 3.1361544132232666, 1.804065227508545, 1.4340038299560547, 0.3978850543498993, -2.925549268722534, -0.44283968210220337, -1.0542972087860107, -1.213257908821106, -0.6136173605918884, -2.011577844619751, -1.7944070100784302, 1.7174817323684692, -0.5345130562782288, -2.2068984508514404, 0.24138964712619781, -0.1899987757205963, -0.7308768630027771, -0.4323578476905823, 1.884612798690796, -2.6743264198303223, -0.035141170024871826, -0.2601933181285858, -4.244534492492676, -0.10395368933677673, 1.6850308179855347, 9.731194496154785, 8.728560447692871, 9.290961265563965, 7.640000820159912, 7.527684688568115, 8.402772903442383, 4.892271518707275, 4.239698886871338, 4.949382781982422, 6.3830766677856445, 7.217885971069336, 7.7218217849731445, 7.12697696685791, 7.756392955780029, 5.87662410736084, 8.908609390258789, 8.638776779174805, 10.23001480102539, 7.088839530944824, 7.537092685699463, 9.076565742492676, 6.370370864868164, 9.816309928894043, 9.44807243347168, 8.327940940856934, 7.268220901489258, 9.044957160949707, 9.014531135559082, 7.985655784606934, 8.927427291870117, 7.431853294372559, 9.840547561645508, 9.934610366821289, 4.914491176605225, 9.730108261108398, 7.80377197265625, 9.294130325317383, 9.680699348449707, -1.522563099861145, -3.1161203384399414, -1.143987774848938, 0.17447417974472046, -3.9869234561920166, -0.8555264472961426, 3.6923158168792725, -1.8835463523864746, 1.5413000583648682, -1.9004515409469604, -3.1161203384399414, 4.691073417663574, 0.5211120247840881, -1.8668311834335327, 0.21085599064826965, -0.4713565707206726, -1.6741526126861572, -1.9237202405929565, -1.7954567670822144, -2.604893207550049, -1.8680081367492676, -1.3428926467895508, -0.2900494635105133, 7.811805248260498, -1.7558592557907104, -0.8033717274665833, 5.773184776306152, 7.336206436157227, 7.487736701965332, -1.5834585428237915, 8.736448287963867, 0.5318713784217834, 9.607831954956055, 7.607743263244629, -2.6321959495544434, -1.0102415084838867, 8.941487312316895, 0.872816264629364, -2.171424150466919, -1.742116093635559, -2.152357816696167, 9.540068626403809, -5.477646827697754, 8.313981056213379, -2.7737181186676025, -3.7947909832000732, 7.610825061798096, 9.887504577636719, 7.1090168952941895, 5.645331382751465, 9.351179122924805, 7.399197101593018, 9.627455711364746, 6.307039260864258, 7.953934669494629, 6.540143013000488, 7.837028503417969, 9.038345336914062, 6.653556823730469, 6.92674446105957, 5.8435869216918945, 0.6907317042350769, 9.386723518371582, -1.9204124212265015, 9.68069839477539, -2.6714701652526855, 1.0479063987731934, 3.7766387462615967, 5.843585968017578, 8.70074462890625, -0.0073068151250481606, 10.599174499511719, -1.5129995346069336, 7.868390083312988, 8.922306060791016, 7.237784385681152, -1.7503942251205444, 9.113489151000977, 5.876624584197998, 9.275725364685059, 7.487736701965332, 6.291852951049805, 7.726003170013428, 9.025741577148438, 9.153331756591797, 8.190694808959961, 10.137059211730957, -1.346516728401184, 6.744973659515381, 0.04648011922836304, -1.485131025314331, 7.671811580657959, 9.343128204345703, 6.019620895385742, 9.699838638305664, 7.98869514465332, 9.030984878540039, 0.2171289622783661, 6.480865001678467, 9.458443641662598, 9.808422088623047, -1.0542972087860107, -1.8147196769714355, 6.926743984222412, 8.524477005004883, 9.813533782958984, 1.0407087802886963, 7.369962692260742, -2.491438627243042, 0.23170888423919678, -0.16717585921287537, -1.1302024126052856, 1.0579638481140137, 1.354956865310669, -0.6035140752792358, 8.516389846801758, 1.3993525505065918, 1.8411502838134766, 3.7766387462615967, -0.43021106719970703, 9.175758361816406, 0.06479460000991821, 5.5906453132629395, 8.797980308532715, 9.076565742492676, 7.994072914123535, 7.259134292602539, 9.781211853027344, 8.160846710205078, 9.598993301391602, 8.744367599487305, 5.517969131469727, 8.342796325683594, 7.80377197265625, 10.098382949829102, 7.895301342010498, 7.0505828857421875, 9.15911865234375, 7.358120918273926, 6.47243070602417, -1.9435986280441284, 0.579871416091919, 10.404786109924316, -1.6891456842422485, 8.644526481628418, 9.290961265563965, 1.4360004663467407, 5.866204738616943, 3.061464309692383, 9.82273006439209, 9.847801208496094, 6.862939834594727, -1.4482667446136475, -1.6567471027374268, 4.769082069396973, 7.815632343292236, 0.5211120247840881, 7.121192932128906, 10.113191604614258, -0.3395347595214844, 5.679564952850342, 0.7894553542137146, -1.213257908821106, 10.085725784301758, -0.24126791954040527, 7.865809440612793, 3.964012861251831, 7.122064590454102, 7.659167289733887, -1.7959288358688354, 8.642461776733398, 9.22150993347168, 9.07052993774414, 1.8474253416061401, -3.0953757762908936, -1.8400784730911255, 2.3148651123046875, -0.4285511076450348, 1.0267695188522339, -1.5776914358139038, 1.9247597455978394, -0.2643091082572937, 0.9706520438194275, -1.6567471027374268, 0.5881350636482239, -3.6773624420166016, 1.8427205085754395, -0.4323578476905823, -1.7355499267578125, 1.2507548332214355, 2.5301015377044678, -1.8366814851760864, 2.059680461883545, 1.0439280271530151, -2.3984861373901367, 3.7905161380767822, -3.750486135482788, -4.492654323577881, 0.3432435393333435, -2.1607770919799805, -5.656863212585449, 1.7972995042800903, 7.259134292602539, 3.6175248622894287, 4.949383735656738, 6.3540167808532715, 9.026100158691406, 8.219398498535156, 8.991223335266113, -0.7867240905761719, 9.122333526611328, -0.1833648681640625, -1.0949180126190186, -0.9198899269104004, 0.14314311742782593, -4.862987041473389, 0.579871416091919, 9.290961265563965, 8.53929328918457, -0.4323578476905823, 8.868621826171875, -1.2391561269760132, -2.491438627243042, 7.3180646896362305, -0.4929242730140686, -1.6529451608657837, 0.31028836965560913, -1.148791790008545, -4.496026515960693, 2.2723960876464844, -2.2068984508514404, -4.5073466300964355, -2.8058488368988037, -1.8628901243209839, -2.179569959640503, -1.4065009355545044, 2.1650452613830566, 0.14546793699264526, -1.5176334381103516, -6.483773231506348, -1.2391561269760132, 2.015641927719116, 1.2102473974227905, 0.663965106010437, -1.9204124212265015, -3.619861364364624, 2.637169599533081, -0.713149905204773, -2.632528066635132, -0.6102911233901978, -4.114356517791748, -1.6567471027374268, -3.632337808609009, -2.1714236736297607, -0.6679025888442993, -1.200358510017395, -3.091975212097168, 0.031224310398101807, -3.505565881729126, -2.8519842624664307, 3.4492876529693604, -0.8033717274665833, -1.3768476247787476, -1.6298980712890625, -5.751984596252441, 1.4785641431808472, -1.0454416275024414, 3.7147414684295654, 0.0787249207496643, -1.8366814851760864, 2.185152292251587, 2.531708002090454, -1.8610916137695312, -1.8940494060516357, 0.8365063071250916, -1.7334229946136475, 2.1964545249938965, -0.9746719002723694, -3.6169331073760986, -2.429128885269165, 0.9468781352043152, 0.7949820756912231, -1.2996474504470825, 0.7252458930015564, 0.5494321584701538, 3.1361544132232666, 0.778154194355011, -1.707006812095642, -1.818353295326233, -1.5871220827102661, -1.8680081367492676, -0.8417826890945435, -0.27106162905693054, 1.891611099243164, -1.6185249090194702, 3.8525660037994385, -2.2033822536468506, 1.0407087802886963, 0.3978850543498993, 1.291938066482544, -1.2996474504470825, -3.7327282428741455, 0.8365063071250916, -0.14583340287208557, -1.4686076641082764, -2.3034589290618896, -1.1824215650558472, -2.5810303688049316, -1.126888394355774, -4.521561622619629, -0.2491135597229004, -1.0143630504608154, -3.6773624420166016, -0.20493394136428833, 2.588179349899292, -1.4817256927490234, -0.2900494635105133, -0.2286195158958435, 2.282636880874634, -1.7558592557907104, -4.03939151763916, -1.693725347518921, -0.703641951084137, -0.7926809191703796, 1.8437899351119995, -3.287260055541992, 1.4675266742706299, -1.4628502130508423, 0.2755707800388336, 0.03878018260002136, 1.0479063987731934, -1.4686076641082764, -1.6821826696395874, -0.4713565707206726, -0.3323272466659546, -1.0197960138320923, -1.486867904663086, -0.5146089792251587, 1.354956865310669, 0.7452208399772644, -1.5875812768936157, 4.708495616912842, -0.2610989212989807, 1.280988335609436, -2.8058488368988037, -0.2491135597229004, -3.9654886722564697, 2.059680700302124, 1.8847206830978394, -3.017371416091919, 0.034514009952545166 ], "y": [ 1.1814614534378052, 0.9686095714569092, 2.7215802669525146, 3.1817920207977295, 0.40216928720474243, 1.6275323629379272, 2.2287161350250244, 1.6232255697250366, 1.858515977859497, 3.6033384799957275, -3.352475166320801, 3.7503867149353027, 4.151662826538086, 3.8121840953826904, 0.7730852961540222, 0.8754273056983948, 2.0388503074645996, 3.6816232204437256, 2.497476577758789, -2.1985862255096436, 2.517648935317993, 1.6275323629379272, 1.9048230648040771, -6.3707780838012695, -0.5124111175537109, 2.6237411499023438, 3.7721407413482666, -2.48091459274292, 3.025604248046875, 1.4588472843170166, 4.176650047302246, 0.770362377166748, 2.0820910930633545, 3.316311836242676, 0.6514269113540649, -0.24989725649356842, 1.5428647994995117, 1.3673523664474487, 4.428730487823486, 2.116542339324951, 4.422811508178711, 1.5419079065322876, 2.0370090007781982, 0.7666887044906616, 2.6588973999023438, 1.8345927000045776, 0.739435076713562, 3.6400089263916016, 0.5055031776428223, 0.21491973102092743, 4.1676025390625, -0.792823076248169, 2.34653902053833, 2.5035223960876465, 1.4298940896987915, 1.3398436307907104, 2.450049638748169, 4.451681137084961, 1.8758544921875, -0.7048740386962891, -1.677718162536621, 2.678201198577881, 0.6708308458328247, 4.280307292938232, -3.4300668239593506, -1.2587541341781616, -0.2390298992395401, 2.508378744125366, 0.8140872120857239, -2.1078710556030273, 1.7829430103302002, -0.21851958334445953, 0.5564049482345581, 1.6823731660842896, 0.987677276134491, 4.067493438720703, 3.223324775695801, 3.04905104637146, 1.5245743989944458, 4.157433986663818, 0.9793794751167297, 3.2589337825775146, -0.8753207325935364, -3.9546055793762207, 1.0991305112838745, 3.65171480178833, -1.9502246379852295, -2.041783094406128, 2.5500361919403076, 2.4100229740142822, 0.7916878461837769, 3.4572365283966064, 3.1322872638702393, 2.56640887260437, -2.1918537616729736, 2.5740139484405518, 1.8898277282714844, 3.4993536472320557, -2.9981746673583984, 1.5113540887832642, 2.2068488597869873, -2.48091459274292, 0.7467002272605896, 3.4356906414031982, 3.9324843883514404, 1.7655099630355835, 0.8754273056983948, 2.684654712677002, 3.2990667819976807, 1.0674335956573486, 1.3725175857543945, 1.8345927000045776, 4.5301995277404785, 1.2402664422988892, 3.7503867149353027, 4.443029403686523, 0.6669888496398926, 1.0468113422393799, 2.2929956912994385, 0.08317647874355316, 3.306865930557251, 1.8615926504135132, -0.11267079412937164, -2.930643320083618, 3.566390037536621, 3.126042604446411, -1.2324647903442383, 2.9568564891815186, 0.06445704400539398, -0.5306283831596375, -2.810467481613159, 2.116511821746826, -0.14333344995975494, 0.3409900665283203, 4.19600772857666, 0.5529237985610962, 3.460444450378418, 1.746019721031189, 3.0868756771087646, -0.6474069952964783, 1.9649783372879028, 0.5529237985610962, -2.558192491531372, 2.912691831588745, 1.8909251689910889, 1.7417113780975342, 2.5123696327209473, 0.8718164563179016, 3.446310043334961, 0.9807931184768677, 3.327413558959961, 1.0061259269714355, 2.4534547328948975, 0.8373849391937256, 0.38981759548187256, 4.450753688812256, 0.152128204703331, 1.0468113422393799, 0.5317261219024658, 2.676384687423706, 1.5633553266525269, 3.605098009109497, 2.493910312652588, -3.4159626960754395, 3.3100850582122803, 1.5419079065322876, 0.24723826348781586, 1.9048230648040771, 3.2589337825775146, -2.4124066829681396, 2.2751643657684326, 3.8794326782226562, 1.017511248588562, 1.3695882558822632, -3.8733932971954346, 1.7798669338226318, 2.768656015396118, 0.33206820487976074, -1.5042985677719116, -0.7407109141349792, -0.4926287531852722, 4.573054790496826, 2.233474016189575, -1.2587541341781616, -4.506842136383057, 2.2287161350250244, 0.9883073568344116, -1.6960986852645874, 3.19390606880188, 0.7699626684188843, 3.536857843399048, 3.201848268508911, 2.7827608585357666, 4.467789173126221, 0.6738077998161316, 2.8813164234161377, 3.469869613647461, 3.2235281467437744, -0.1254885345697403, -0.25582826137542725, 3.5715792179107666, 2.200469970703125, 1.0468113422393799, -2.943052053451538, 3.298111915588379, 0.24709175527095795, -0.08156450092792511, 2.2291386127471924, 2.5329883098602295, 1.291205644607544, 2.4624311923980713, 1.3809876441955566, 2.2974865436553955, 3.1098546981811523, 1.7925831079483032, 1.2313671112060547, 4.985201835632324, 2.432136297225952, 2.5941922664642334, 1.235836148262024, 3.8819580078125, 0.7071410417556763, 2.355963706970215, 4.31431770324707, 1.168300986289978, 3.4151837825775146, 4.044531345367432, 0.6514269113540649, 3.76375675201416, 3.2477757930755615, 3.1700785160064697, 1.5255273580551147, 3.043440341949463, 3.368560552597046, 1.7248400449752808, 2.7850732803344727, 1.2760145664215088, 3.7247815132141113, 4.92759895324707, 3.111633777618408, 3.19390606880188, 3.5880115032196045, 0.5805426836013794, -2.1632080078125, 3.025858163833618, 2.8165624141693115, 0.6708308458328247, 1.411157250404358, -8.432165145874023, 3.169417142868042, 3.1972696781158447, 1.420558214187622, 1.1797757148742676, -1.0867036581039429, 1.1225684881210327, -2.558192491531372, 0.8017678260803223, -6.963545322418213, 2.1969268321990967, 1.8194056749343872, 0.8647266626358032, 2.3163182735443115, 1.6707271337509155, 2.6237411499023438, 1.048771619796753, 1.5006393194198608, 2.969620943069458, 0.47381478548049927, -1.0501656532287598, -7.441012382507324, 1.034543514251709, 2.4293854236602783, -0.20098663866519928, 0.7989104986190796, 1.4042553901672363, 3.1447594165802, 4.301790237426758, 0.25237613916397095, 2.165512800216675, -1.327394962310791, -0.24836958944797516, -1.0867036581039429, 2.2931134700775146, 2.828869581222534, -5.244241714477539, 3.018007278442383, 1.6232255697250366, -0.9678727388381958, -3.4016871452331543, 0.9550861120223999, -4.506842136383057, -0.6299299597740173, -5.407450199127197, 0.9250295162200928, 2.8437612056732178, 0.036004647612571716, 0.4993865489959717, -7.124897003173828, 3.6416237354278564, 2.2167775630950928, 3.5487477779388428, -1.2241519689559937, 4.098789215087891, -6.121883869171143, 2.3693079948425293, 2.4293854236602783, 1.3098052740097046, -0.06489028036594391, 2.279998540878296, 1.6673312187194824, -2.4767580032348633, -7.8607330322265625, 1.557369351387024, 2.412318468093872, -0.6716780662536621, 3.6037323474884033, 1.6232255697250366, -0.11267079412937164, 0.47381478548049927, 3.6379587650299072, 1.2679798603057861, 1.6232255697250366, 3.1237759590148926, 0.7989104986190796, 1.627927541732788, 3.0930700302124023, 0.8599509000778198, -1.327394962310791, 2.122785806655884, 0.7937906980514526, 3.1237759590148926, 2.3420350551605225, 1.1797757148742676, 3.087329149246216, 3.863694667816162, 0.8017678260803223, 4.091267108917236, -0.6070573925971985, 3.0412991046905518, 1.2018768787384033, 2.381330728530884, -0.64873868227005, -0.2622259855270386, 0.579430103302002, 3.739543914794922, -0.5124107599258423, 0.9453957080841064, -0.6129034757614136, 2.4804584980010986, 1.1714388132095337, 0.833511471748352, -0.26357486844062805, 2.684654712677002, -0.06447358429431915, 1.31633460521698, 3.345017194747925, 0.1867673248052597, 0.739435076713562, 4.132354736328125, 2.08799147605896, 1.9210783243179321, 4.097078800201416, -2.445436954498291, 2.714390277862549, 2.768656015396118, 3.7460696697235107, 4.1174774169921875, 0.152128204703331, 0.26876890659332275, -0.05288596451282501, 3.694443464279175, 4.151662826538086, 4.486429214477539, -0.5124107599258423, 2.998060464859009, -3.8733932971954346, 0.739435076713562, 0.24723826348781586, 3.9372684955596924, -0.5823067426681519, 3.536857843399048, 3.04905104637146, 4.151662826538086, 0.40216928720474243, 1.9511710405349731, -0.0995333343744278, -5.035516262054443, 1.4078577756881714, -7.048697471618652, 1.520966649055481, 1.5443601608276367, 2.165512800216675, 2.412318468093872, -3.344315767288208, 0.7142494916915894, 3.0868756771087646, 1.2481801509857178, -7.9579668045043945, 3.9768855571746826, 2.705857992172241, 2.504554510116577, 0.9250295162200928, 2.0013821125030518, 2.523329019546509, 3.9372684955596924, 3.75947642326355, 3.2477757930755615, 4.014444351196289, 2.8813164234161377, 2.92777419090271, 0.5438214540481567, 0.9576690196990967, 1.5729495286941528, -1.1007468700408936, 2.4602866172790527, 2.1507582664489746, 0.25628113746643066, 1.3130398988723755, 1.6528197526931763, 1.3298659324645996, 3.316311836242676, 3.1881630420684814, 3.386237382888794, -1.1007468700408936, 2.864774227142334, 1.950279951095581, -0.5431292057037354, 4.304965972900391, 4.280307292938232, 2.829819440841675, 2.451367139816284, 1.6037119626998901, 4.13151216506958, 0.036004647612571716, 4.985201835632324, 2.991628885269165, 3.043440341949463, 0.9576690196990967, 3.25024676322937, -0.2689860761165619, 2.628849983215332, 3.2477757930755615, 1.7017484903335571, -0.6446700096130371, 1.4176090955734253, 1.1678050756454468, 3.243875741958618, 0.7665053606033325, 4.014444351196289, 0.38981759548187256, 5.686487197875977, 3.214980125427246, 0.33135974407196045, 1.9210788011550903, 2.147392988204956, 2.6387040615081787, 4.059617519378662, 0.7730852961540222, -4.832249164581299, 2.0370090007781982, 1.3695882558822632, 1.9210788011550903, 2.0592668056488037, 2.92352557182312, 1.5428647994995117, 2.714390277862549, -0.1963636428117752, 0.9576690196990967, 4.31431770324707, 2.0370090007781982, 2.1507582664489746, 3.593480348587036, 2.355963706970215, -0.6446700096130371, -0.3522531986236572, 4.164876937866211, 2.0902798175811768, 0.9883073568344116, 3.801509380340576, 3.103681802749634, 3.4268929958343506, 3.6400089263916016, -0.11109693348407745, 2.4571919441223145, -0.7883924245834351, 1.8015803098678589, 0.2937178611755371, 3.147631883621216, -0.24989725649356842, -5.499208450317383, 3.6400089263916016, -5.3217034339904785, 2.826784372329712, 0.612372875213623, 1.3272360563278198, 3.2025444507598877, 2.6664788722991943, 4.130770683288574, 4.230027198791504, 3.7441141605377197, 0.9824662208557129, -1.4256912469863892, 0.26134783029556274, 1.372989535331726, 0.6503669023513794, 1.3398436307907104, 2.837935447692871, 1.1797757148742676, 1.858515977859497, 2.4571919441223145, 0.3391851782798767, -8.759222030639648, 1.3398436307907104, -7.809835433959961, 3.2990667819976807, 0.4217571020126343, -0.29907411336898804, 0.1479252427816391, 3.700122594833374, 3.478480577468872, 2.6237411499023438, 2.3073480129241943, 2.435023069381714, 1.2679798603057861, 1.7829430103302002, 2.728398561477661, 3.042705774307251, -0.6070573925971985, 1.8531724214553833, 0.6270760297775269, -2.045823097229004, 1.4298940896987915, 2.00481915473938, -3.2584683895111084, 2.1174814701080322, 4.132354736328125, 3.8800644874572754, -0.45324504375457764, 0.33206820487976074, 3.2997124195098877, 0.8599509000778198, 2.3203132152557373, 4.091267108917236, -4.434604167938232, 3.7312400341033936, 0.7142494916915894, 0.98226398229599, 0.34796571731567383, 1.4797407388687134, 2.628849983215332, -3.2630789279937744, 3.368560552597046, 3.446310043334961, 0.30066341161727905, 0.477591872215271, 0.08272473514080048, -0.24546082317829132, 3.3100850582122803, 4.13151216506958, 2.826784372329712, 2.6604387760162354, 0.7744100093841553, 3.605098009109497, 2.7850732803344727, 1.698420524597168, 1.485039472579956, 4.105999946594238, -0.30719995498657227, 4.92759895324707, 3.54256272315979, 4.430342197418213, 0.1772325485944748, 2.5150668621063232, -1.5792032480239868, 2.4876577854156494, 3.287571668624878, 0.9686095714569092, -0.11267079412937164, 1.541563630104065, -1.5108176469802856, 2.0759730339050293, 0.012955175712704659, -5.474265098571777, -7.677523612976074, 2.56640887260437, 1.7369071245193481, 0.15346108376979828, 0.306215763092041, 0.8017678260803223, 1.2679798603057861, 0.8252382278442383, 2.381330728530884, 2.3163182735443115, 3.4889590740203857, 1.9621750116348267, 0.4608408212661743, 4.301790237426758, 1.034543514251709, 0.8140872120857239, -4.2232208251953125, -0.0995333343744278, 3.552819013595581, 2.4571919441223145, -6.655106544494629, 1.561867356300354, 2.678201198577881, 0.36473315954208374, 0.8420993685722351, 0.9977483749389648, 3.7441141605377197, -1.8540960550308228, 2.702559232711792, 0.93276047706604, -4.832249164581299, 4.071323394775391, 4.851310729980469, 1.0330079793930054, 2.517648935317993, -2.558192491531372, 1.1730642318725586, 0.28956031799316406, -7.048697471618652, 1.4298940896987915, 1.0371956825256348, 2.0887744426727295, -2.8392372131347656, 1.4316864013671875, 3.1701853275299072, 1.521111011505127, 0.7336969375610352, 3.609487295150757, -0.3638192117214203, -0.14333344995975494, 4.537961006164551, 4.386981010437012, -6.654730796813965, -1.5108176469802856, -0.6147581338882446, 2.0902788639068604, 0.42406943440437317, 4.660239219665527, 3.7441141605377197, 3.223324775695801, -0.5124107599258423, 0.6241960525512695, 2.656566619873047, 0.28956031799316406, 1.5255273580551147, 4.091267108917236, 3.4740192890167236, -0.06489028036594391, -3.344315767288208, 2.5394132137298584, 3.240046262741089, 3.3501250743865967, 2.165512800216675, 3.4151837825775146, 0.6831724643707275, 1.9842652082443237, 2.2575671672821045, 0.7989104986190796, 3.4447388648986816, 0.7479341626167297, -3.2630789279937744, 1.5141925811767578, -5.3217034339904785, -2.1632080078125, -0.0033510462380945683, 1.80686616897583, 3.7787296772003174, 3.6454250812530518, 2.002650737762451, 2.829775094985962, 3.1447594165802, 0.8620442152023315, 3.201848268508911, 0.9686095714569092, 2.412318468093872, 2.8046817779541016, 1.118509292602539, 2.525048017501831, -0.5877688527107239, 0.40216952562332153, -0.8753207325935364, 0.7134636044502258, 2.828735589981079, 4.887629508972168, 0.770362377166748, 1.4376821517944336, 2.5941922664642334, 0.306215763092041, 1.023661732673645, 0.34796571731567383, 3.775120973587036, -0.18841053545475006, 3.2981116771698, 0.577083170413971, 3.345017194747925, -0.8205314874649048, 1.9536200761795044, 2.00481915473938, 0.13570831716060638, 4.261177062988281, 2.3831398487091064, 3.774489641189575, 0.3537178039550781, -0.4492141008377075, 2.980860710144043, 4.599647521972656, -0.009333593770861626, 1.569291353225708, 2.4692752361297607, 4.263928413391113, -3.133807420730591, 1.6499582529067993, 2.783572196960449, 4.123059272766113, 0.6469123363494873, 2.9428961277008057, 2.34653902053833, 0.3860185146331787, 2.0716075897216797, 1.4298940896987915, 2.205064535140991, 3.3519225120544434, 2.08799147605896, 1.3130398988723755, 2.2291386127471924, 4.92759895324707, -0.9252880811691284, 4.008082866668701, 2.4252991676330566, 2.4602866172790527, 2.022272825241089, 1.3809876441955566, -2.810467481613159, -0.08156450092792511, 0.4757276773452759, 0.6834844350814819, 2.451367139816284, 2.1316657066345215, 0.7489356994628906, 1.521111011505127, 2.7507879734039307, 1.6237446069717407, 3.4673898220062256, -0.24836958944797516, 1.0102934837341309, 0.8556914329528809, -7.915092468261719, 3.3100850582122803, 1.411157250404358, 3.378282070159912, 4.100820064544678, 1.1730642318725586, 3.1618189811706543, -5.300254821777344, 1.5695620775222778, 1.9113327264785767, 2.0222725868225098, 2.3172295093536377, 0.2892557978630066, 0.8754273056983948, 3.2235281467437744, 2.127134323120117, 0.5317261219024658, -0.21851958334445953, -1.3426519632339478, -0.6070573925971985, -0.6487386226654053, 2.0317928791046143, 3.6737396717071533, 1.6275323629379272, 1.5710140466690063, 0.055929526686668396, 1.2735825777053833, 2.9568564891815186, 2.327122211456299, 0.612372875213623, 2.4692749977111816, 0.09627185761928558, -0.3347102999687195, -2.2493865489959717, 3.287571668624878, 0.8322221040725708, -0.27599239349365234, 1.8345927000045776, 3.0930700302124023, 0.8116607666015625, 0.6708308458328247, 3.169417142868042, 3.316311836242676, 3.231630563735962, 3.1305747032165527, 3.1237759590148926, 0.23975299298763275, 1.7465332746505737, -0.02160174958407879, 0.8918092250823975, 0.4850808382034302, 0.14923284947872162, 2.1853389739990234, 0.4221959114074707, 0.9823546409606934, 1.4588472843170166, 3.61010479927063, -5.8909173011779785, 0.06063602864742279, 2.7955434322357178, 2.2167775630950928, 0.9356864094734192, 0.2892557978630066, 1.126994013786316, 3.7441141605377197, 2.3916380405426025, 1.2313671112060547, 2.5090103149414062, 1.5601516962051392, 3.4021782875061035, 2.143986940383911, 3.8819580078125, -6.583423614501953, -0.1963636428117752, 1.2813994884490967, 4.230027198791504, 3.0346226692199707, 1.5231959819793701, 4.087206840515137, 1.4042553901672363, 3.161090612411499, 3.1237759590148926, 4.087206840515137, 3.386390447616577, 2.4453372955322266, 0.6831724643707275, 3.2589337825775146, 1.7214751243591309, 0.579430103302002, 4.963383197784424, 1.9210788011550903, 2.5394132137298584, 3.8121840953826904, 1.7443228960037231, 3.75947642326355, -0.04248346388339996, 2.5941922664642334, 2.5182788372039795, 2.608161687850952, 0.6595183610916138, 2.0820910930633545, -0.6923768520355225, 3.107790231704712, 1.7796813249588013, -2.930643320083618, 3.3100850582122803, 4.444514274597168, 2.629359006881714, -0.7929056882858276, 3.460444450378418, 0.5861183404922485, 4.316808223724365, 0.8373849391937256, 0.833511471748352, -0.07440774142742157, 4.123059272766113, 2.296213150024414, 1.4153082370758057, 3.7441141605377197, 3.441941022872925, 2.932356119155884, 4.008082866668701, 2.7952327728271484, 1.7443228960037231, 2.805572509765625, 0.33206820487976074, 1.5428647994995117, -0.05288596451282501, 0.055929526686668396, 3.19390606880188, 3.19390606880188, 2.864774227142334, 0.9356864094734192, 0.17769895493984222, 0.6738077998161316, 3.043440341949463, 1.8758041858673096, 1.017511248588562, 0.4910191297531128, 0.3537178039550781, 0.8868474960327148, -2.3223605155944824, 0.4221959114074707, 2.783572196960449, 1.9210788011550903, 2.2650034427642822, 1.0674335956573486, 2.508378744125366, 0.8220095634460449, 1.958184838294983, -0.7048740386962891, -0.7292526960372925, 0.46118074655532837, -0.0008682147599756718, 1.2028275728225708, 3.19968581199646, 3.8081181049346924, 1.1225684881210327, -0.02160174958407879, 2.3420000076293945, 3.6033384799957275, 3.5512139797210693, 3.1237759590148926, 4.849742889404297, 1.5747029781341553, -7.048697471618652, 0.8703468441963196, 2.2532365322113037, 3.7312400341033936, 1.6856045722961426, 1.8015803098678589, -2.1918537616729736, -0.1963636428117752, 2.8020761013031006, 0.7939181923866272, 2.0716075897216797, 2.724937915802002, 1.1111088991165161, -0.06503500044345856, 3.3285305500030518, 4.660239219665527, 3.61010479927063, 0.1867673248052597, 2.6237411499023438, 0.5043638944625854, 1.7248400449752808, 4.1639838218688965, -0.04128409922122955, 4.450753688812256, 2.4300153255462646, -1.2324649095535278, 3.9052369594573975, -2.4124066829681396, 2.86626935005188, 2.4300153255462646, 0.33206820487976074, 2.757310628890991, 2.5090103149414062, 1.4183136224746704, 4.467789173126221, 0.41989755630493164, 3.5512139797210693, 0.837384819984436, 3.3880813121795654, -0.6474069952964783, 4.321686744689941, 0.5805426836013794, 1.627927541732788, 1.4194200038909912, -6.3707780838012695, 4.157433986663818, 4.0269083976745605, 2.3799803256988525, 2.288159132003784, 2.4876577854156494, -1.7001900672912598, 3.5715792179107666, 3.4673893451690674, 4.985201835632324, 1.420558214187622, 1.700567364692688, -0.5643554329872131, 3.2997124195098877, 0.207511767745018, 4.358182907104492, -2.2493865489959717, 2.3517935276031494, 4.097810745239258, 3.1773550510406494, 2.4252991676330566, 0.5968809127807617, 1.0268498659133911, 0.9127810001373291, 3.379850387573242, 2.327122211456299, 1.9210788011550903, 4.214634418487549, 4.624388694763184, 0.9039431214332581, 0.8741579651832581, 4.794081687927246, 0.987677276134491, 3.4673893451690674, -0.5124107599258423, 4.0291619300842285, 2.656574249267578, 1.3627628087997437, 2.855790853500366, 2.927774429321289, 3.2589337825775146, 1.6673312187194824, 2.2291386127471924, 3.6379587650299072, 2.116542339324951, 4.130770683288574, 1.9113327264785767, -0.9363227486610413, 4.097810745239258, 0.036004647612571716, -0.8205314874649048, -5.300254821777344, -1.017858862876892, -0.10522563755512238, -0.06503500044345856, 2.628849983215332, 0.03600449860095978, 1.4224497079849243, -0.26591336727142334, 4.444514274597168, 4.450502395629883, 2.1507582664489746, -0.3638196587562561, 1.3296395540237427, 4.451681137084961, 1.2353187799453735, 4.428730487823486, -1.0247657299041748, 4.422811508178711, -0.13277144730091095, 0.6820084452629089, 1.2679798603057861, 0.26203566789627075, -2.943052053451538, 3.5715792179107666, 1.9774471521377563, 4.026869297027588, -2.1078710556030273, 3.4740192890167236, 2.629359006881714, -0.20098645985126495, 0.8718164563179016, -3.4300668239593506, 1.1879024505615234, -2.1962811946868896, 4.0291619300842285, 1.6893223524093628, 0.7989104986190796, 0.33206820487976074, 0.8017678260803223, 3.617779016494751, 1.684144377708435, 1.5710140466690063, 0.09627185761928558, -3.8733932971954346, 1.4382516145706177, 4.316808223724365, 0.7738420963287354, -2.3539183139801025, -3.885680913925171, -0.1963636428117752, 1.3398436307907104, 2.9673707485198975, 2.8774502277374268, 0.29065537452697754, 0.9686095714569092, 1.1225684881210327, 2.435023069381714, -3.067349910736084, 2.2004692554473877, 2.9082579612731934, 3.201848268508911, 0.5418612957000732, 4.130770683288574, -0.17580260336399078, 2.728398561477661, 3.5654137134552, 3.4572527408599854, 0.05409584939479828, 2.3693079948425293, -1.9502253532409668, 2.5182788372039795, 2.348220109939575, 1.0100224018096924, 0.26134783029556274, -4.506842136383057, 0.26134783029556274, 0.32086634635925293, 2.3133835792541504, 1.8251208066940308, -8.02583122253418, 3.5654137134552, 0.6585401296615601, -2.8392372131347656, 3.378282070159912, 2.3203132152557373, 0.25686758756637573, 0.9039431214332581, 1.853265404701233, -1.3665083646774292, 2.8046817779541016, 1.0100224018096924, 4.090580463409424, 2.9916317462921143, -1.1508337259292603, 1.9443415403366089, 4.573054790496826, 3.379303455352783, 3.5670833587646484, -0.4492141008377075, 0.7975116968154907, 0.3860185146331787, 2.5212090015411377, 2.4306631088256836, 2.173797130584717, 0.8508939743041992, -1.7001900672912598, -4.832249164581299, -0.4926287531852722, 4.097078800201416, 0.4757276773452759, 1.8758041858673096, 0.8508939743041992, 2.4692749977111816, 3.900470495223999, 5.102351665496826, 2.0222725868225098, 0.06445704400539398, 3.605098009109497, 3.3068647384643555, 2.4436872005462646, 1.5428647994995117, 2.477221965789795, 2.3691940307617188, 0.9977483749389648, 1.32986581325531, 1.6388458013534546, 2.4306631088256836, 4.592830181121826, 0.9793794751167297, 2.86626935005188, 0.7975121736526489, 3.5880115032196045, 3.1322872638702393, 1.62254798412323, 0.8868474960327148, 3.7441141605377197, 0.207511767745018, 4.680001258850098, -0.1963636428117752, 2.4692749977111816, 2.4692749977111816, 3.3351917266845703, 2.7827608585357666, -1.0832715034484863, -0.7969632744789124, 0.4993865489959717, -0.26591336727142334, 2.173797130584717, 3.1228690147399902, 0.29065537452697754, 3.492657423019409, 1.0294967889785767, 2.4692749977111816, 1.2313671112060547, -4.981350898742676, 1.7796813249588013, -1.3426519632339478, -0.11178018152713776, 5.102351665496826, 4.1174774169921875, 3.65171480178833, -0.02160174958407879, 3.469869613647461, 3.167783737182617, 2.768656015396118, 3.9357199668884277, 2.3094875812530518, 3.7503867149353027, 5.686487197875977, 0.42406970262527466, 2.0222725868225098, 3.7721407413482666, 4.014444351196289, -0.4988466501235962, -0.003304614219814539, 2.4989287853240967, -0.1963636428117752, 4.92759895324707, 0.6001867651939392, 4.165348052978516, 0.6738077998161316, 4.316808223724365, 3.2369048595428467, 0.6820084452629089, 2.8774502277374268, 2.3691940307617188, -1.7700754404067993, 2.728398561477661, -0.3752559423446655, 4.277665138244629, -0.7975664734840393, 3.2235281467437744, -1.3862512111663818, 4.091267108917236, -6.963545322418213, 0.8918092250823975, -0.30719995498657227, 1.9780527353286743, 0.8033024072647095, -6.471269607543945, 4.277665138244629, -2.4451310634613037, 4.1639838218688965, 3.949924945831299, 1.8909251689910889, 3.0499563217163086, 3.54256272315979, 2.4340851306915283, 1.3272360563278198, 1.2560924291610718, 3.9194223880767822, 3.2162115573883057, -0.9678727388381958, 0.08317647874355316, 2.2789647579193115, -6.471269607543945, -5.300254821777344, 3.0817744731903076, 3.694443464279175, -0.24278582632541656, 2.8437612056732178, 4.260119438171387, 2.0317928791046143, -0.9308069348335266, 0.4087297022342682, 1.6707271337509155, 2.7955434322357178, -0.7929056882858276, -1.82620108127594, -0.06447352468967438, 0.8647266626358032, 4.392124176025391, 0.7908474802970886, 1.8531728982925415, 3.6091787815093994, 4.358182907104492, 2.1392061710357666, 0.579430103302002, 2.2880823612213135, 1.2026056051254272, 2.5167531967163086, 3.395592451095581, -4.225162506103516, 1.3398436307907104, 0.862044095993042, 3.6400089263916016, 3.1701853275299072, 2.9035942554473877, 2.279998540878296, 0.9018983840942383, 2.373307466506958, 1.2755181789398193, 0.26876890659332275, 0.33206820487976074, 2.175187826156616, 1.57113778591156, 1.8475769758224487, 2.1392059326171875, 1.2313671112060547, 0.7757581472396851, 2.6377618312835693, -0.24989773333072662, 0.5055031776428223, 4.646060943603516, -0.30719995498657227, 0.987677276134491, 3.035217761993408, -7.8607330322265625, 2.656566619873047, 3.9372684955596924, 4.123059272766113, -0.18841053545475006, 3.6400089263916016, 2.5182788372039795, 3.536857843399048, 1.2560924291610718, 2.6387040615081787, 0.9442024827003479, 2.3725409507751465, 4.443029403686523, 2.5035223960876465, 0.5700395107269287, -1.3426519632339478, 3.4021785259246826, 2.6738204956054688, 1.277991533279419, 4.5301995277404785, 2.0222725868225098, 2.0983293056488037, 0.5968809127807617, 1.5747029781341553, 3.1228690147399902, 0.8033024072647095, 1.0057092905044556, 2.0281012058258057, 0.23481808602809906, 1.651266098022461, 2.8382928371429443, -0.19636334478855133, 1.4078577756881714, 1.520966649055481, -0.06344939768314362, 3.76017689704895, 3.2198541164398193, -4.225162506103516, 0.306215763092041, -0.7348067164421082, 2.9035942554473877, 1.5255273580551147, 3.0499563217163086, 1.9649783372879028, 1.746532917022705, 1.2731592655181885, 2.656574249267578, 1.8758544921875, -0.5551540851593018, 1.0674335956573486, 2.9035942554473877, 0.7004213333129883, 3.863694667816162, -2.3223605155944824, -0.20560981333255768, 3.6737396717071533, 3.199685573577881, 4.794081687927246, 3.6091787815093994, -2.5495080947875977, 4.162694931030273, 1.7026292085647583, 4.304965972900391, 2.2167775630950928, 2.8561909198760986, 3.6566123962402344, 2.3508119583129883, -0.14527322351932526, 4.450753688812256, 4.537961006164551, 2.862955331802368, 1.5478090047836304, 3.6379587650299072, 0.7489356994628906, 4.052085876464844, 0.9753820896148682, 3.126042604446411, -0.9308069944381714, 0.31712815165519714, 3.214980125427246, 2.8344974517822266, 0.8918092250823975, 2.862955331802368, 2.288159132003784, 2.173797130584717, 4.486429214477539, 4.409965515136719, 1.694559931755066, 0.22535870969295502, 1.5711385011672974, 2.6055424213409424, -0.3752557039260864, 3.2519946098327637, 2.9916317462921143, 3.25024676322937, 4.008082866668701, -1.181355595588684, 4.428919792175293, 0.8373849391937256, 1.6603789329528809, 2.288159132003784, 1.0275830030441284, 3.025604009628296, 4.887629508972168, 3.237018346786499, 4.743497848510742, 2.2643485069274902, 2.9016273021698, 0.8741579651832581, 3.2153022289276123, 3.7460696697235107, 3.7460696697235107, 0.9576690196990967, 1.4382516145706177, 0.7744100093841553, 4.408624649047852, -1.1508337259292603, 1.7925831079483032, 3.2519946098327637, 3.2038800716400146, 0.08317647874355316, -1.8537932634353638, 1.6603789329528809, 3.2519946098327637, -0.07264210283756256, 0.8116607666015625, 1.1082090139389038, 3.237018346786499, 3.4354360103607178, 1.3231841325759888, 2.149022102355957, 3.4021782875061035, 2.4554011821746826, 1.2235831022262573, 1.1714388132095337, 3.9730517864227295, 3.167783737182617, -6.315869331359863, 3.4356906414031982, 1.0275830030441284, 4.105999946594238, 0.29258084297180176, 1.9443415403366089, -1.4865525960922241, 4.081203937530518, 1.2760145664215088, 3.6737396717071533, 2.4804587364196777, 0.7789605855941772, 2.808753252029419, 0.9550861120223999, 4.849742889404297, 0.8556914329528809, 4.091267108917236, 1.574839472770691, -4.434604167938232, 3.2519946098327637, -6.882255554199219, 1.372989535331726, 1.4127241373062134, -0.6580111980438232, 1.8898277282714844, 1.4797405004501343, 0.9453957080841064, -2.9981746673583984, 2.5329928398132324, 1.0109831094741821, 3.76375675201416, 0.5700395107269287, 2.8382928371429443, -2.930643320083618, -1.0832715034484863, 3.7503867149353027, 1.3216919898986816, 2.2974865436553955, 1.2731592655181885, 3.2589337825775146, 1.4442211389541626, 2.2203640937805176, -0.5179606676101685, 2.862955331802368, 3.2301275730133057, 1.520966649055481, 2.0592668056488037, -3.344315767288208, 0.4993865489959717, 1.4078577756881714, 2.6599528789520264, 2.180318593978882, 3.199685573577881, 2.8344976902008057, 0.13570831716060638, 0.2238970249891281, -2.041783094406128, 3.64140248298645, 0.6564391851425171, -7.970196723937988, 4.162694931030273, 2.6664788722991943, 3.1972696781158447, 3.240046262741089, 4.573054790496826, -0.8444508910179138, 2.0820910930633545, -3.352475643157959, -0.7882938981056213, -0.6308079957962036, 3.5880115032196045, 3.566390037536621, 1.3216919898986816, 1.5386606454849243, 3.9324843883514404, 1.452992558479309, 1.7017484903335571, 2.6055424213409424, -1.3026994466781616, 2.149022102355957, 3.1803078651428223, -2.1985862255096436, 0.8693541288375854, -7.8254594802856445, 2.4571919441223145, 1.0674335956573486, -3.751096725463867, 0.1314324587583542, 1.9636791944503784, -1.4256912469863892, 0.9737177491188049, 1.933310866355896, 0.9112908840179443, 0.7757581472396851, -0.14531709253787994, 4.744894981384277, 3.1817920207977295, 1.6528823375701904, 1.7970556020736694, 2.5167531967163086, 1.4042553901672363, 0.29258084297180176, 2.8785998821258545, 3.5450291633605957, 1.9842652082443237, 1.1814614534378052, 3.969528913497925, 0.7934460639953613, 3.5487477779388428, 2.879673719406128, -5.552791595458984, 2.8561909198760986, -1.4256912469863892, -6.564013481140137, 0.15346096456050873, -1.0501656532287598, 1.6275323629379272, -1.6960986852645874, 2.5123696327209473, -7.434692859649658, 1.9133471250534058, 2.819579839706421, 2.808753252029419, 2.4209067821502686, 1.9814404249191284, -0.04248346388339996, 0.8508939743041992, -0.3638196587562561, 4.9878644943237305, -2.045823097229004, 0.367834210395813, -1.5880173444747925, 3.240001916885376, 2.676384687423706, 3.126042604446411, 3.3752338886260986, 0.036004647612571716, 3.801509380340576, 4.451681137084961, -1.8685511350631714, 0.4993865489959717, 0.9807931184768677, 4.088132858276367, 3.15967059135437, 0.3934354782104492, -2.969303846359253, -0.6129034757614136, 1.4224497079849243, 1.4131954908370972, 4.148381233215332, -0.2622259855270386, 2.0902788639068604, 3.1098546981811523, 1.1245205402374268, -0.26357486844062805, 0.7336969375610352, 1.7291346788406372, 2.2751643657684326, 1.569291353225708, 0.3367173671722412, 0.22535870969295502, -0.06344975531101227, 3.018007278442383, 0.8754273056983948, 4.067493438720703, 3.1618189811706543, 0.7071410417556763, 3.3501250743865967, 1.8015803098678589, 2.8583436012268066, 0.5418612957000732, 2.9082579612731934, 0.8754273056983948, -0.7883924245834351, -8.446821212768555, 3.8794326782226562, 2.2068488597869873, 1.4078577756881714, 3.240046262741089, 0.28178709745407104, 1.1879024505615234, 1.671492338180542, 3.6002655029296875, -1.403306484222412, 1.6207636594772339, 4.1676025390625, 3.0499563217163086, 1.557369351387024, 1.5386605262756348, 0.13570831716060638, 2.737252950668335, -1.7700754404067993, 2.4436872005462646, 0.4608408212661743, 1.521111011505127, -0.2689860761165619, 3.0317795276641846, 3.4889590740203857, 2.4624311923980713, -5.232776641845703, 3.2981116771698, 2.9673707485198975, 3.1554460525512695, 2.7808265686035156, -0.8753207325935364, 3.10368275642395, 4.098789215087891, 2.1132686138153076, -1.4865525960922241, 1.5478090047836304, 2.828735589981079, 2.2532365322113037, 0.9753820896148682, 2.980860710144043, 0.8322221040725708, 3.243875741958618, 4.105999946594238, 3.2301275730133057, -4.981350898742676, 2.6588973999023438, 3.107790231704712, 3.564533233642578, 3.2235281467437744, -0.2390298992395401, -0.04128409922122955, 2.0476231575012207, -0.06344939768314362, 2.307347536087036, 3.1237759590148926, 1.3272360563278198, 3.223527431488037, 0.6589515209197998, 1.2679798603057861, 0.3537178039550781, 3.042705774307251, 5.160776615142822, 2.8020761013031006, 4.698108673095703, -5.232944965362549, -1.181355595588684, 4.451681613922119, 1.0330079793930054, 2.737252950668335, 3.698232412338257, -0.5068983435630798, 2.2650034427642822, 0.8556914329528809, 4.561830997467041, 2.301837205886841, 1.8905750513076782, 4.13151216506958, -2.1962811946868896, 0.09627185761928558, 0.42406970262527466, -0.14527322351932526, 3.656039237976074, 0.5700395107269287, -0.37517815828323364, -0.3347102999687195, 2.122785806655884, 3.900470495223999, 2.4989287853240967, 1.1111088991165161, 1.1814614534378052, 3.2589337825775146, 3.5645337104797363, 1.9443415403366089, 1.4455233812332153, -7.809835433959961, 4.280307292938232, 2.4893739223480225, -0.3392564654350281, 2.432136297225952, 3.6566123962402344, -6.655106544494629, -1.5042985677719116, 3.4572365283966064, -0.10522563755512238, 1.8194056749343872, 1.048771619796753, 1.3272360563278198, 2.5150668621063232, 2.991628885269165, 3.5528197288513184, 2.0983293056488037, 0.8741579651832581, 0.3934354782104492, 2.2929956912994385, 3.9357211589813232, 1.2643930912017822, 3.7193915843963623, 0.207511767745018, 3.469869613647461, 4.430342197418213, 0.8522763848304749, 0.3367173671722412, 0.8116607666015625, 1.3231841325759888, -0.009333593770861626, -0.2341320663690567, 1.017511248588562, 4.230027198791504, -0.24546082317829132, -7.179181098937988, 1.4316864013671875, -3.6182053089141846, 3.2038800716400146, 0.8508939743041992, 2.200469970703125, 3.3210418224334717, -0.7048740386962891, 0.1772221177816391, 1.0568430423736572, 2.1076104640960693, 2.5740134716033936, 3.6816232204437256, 2.4554007053375244, 3.609487295150757, -8.446821212768555, 3.76375675201416, 0.7666887044906616, 0.7142494916915894, 3.2153022289276123, 0.8220095634460449, 3.969528913497925, 2.3094875812530518, 1.7417113780975342, 3.043440341949463, 2.6060268878936768, 3.2232563495635986, 4.822319030761719, -1.3398336172103882, 1.5633553266525269, -1.7001900672912598, 2.3831398487091064, -2.445436954498291, 3.585859775543213, 3.2369048595428467, 0.6820084452629089, 1.326887607574463, -1.3862512111663818, 3.949924945831299, -0.21443964540958405, -7.441012382507324, -0.5179606676101685, 3.6816232204437256, 0.6595183610916138, 2.490091323852539, 1.9774471521377563, 1.6275323629379272, 2.633610963821411, 1.6237446069717407, 3.130574941635132, 2.180318593978882, 0.31712815165519714, 1.3763877153396606, 1.2755181789398193, 2.3420000076293945, 3.9730517864227295, 0.2697746157646179, 3.32853102684021, 1.4127241373062134, 0.05409584939479828, 0.32692599296569824, 3.9357199668884277, 1.4181159734725952, 3.240002393722534, 2.1007425785064697, 1.574839472770691, 1.7711141109466553, -3.133807420730591, 1.3098052740097046, 2.826784372329712, -3.067349910736084, -7.887805461883545, 2.829775094985962, -0.5877688527107239, 1.023661732673645, -7.179181098937988, 0.8508939743041992, 0.4707520008087158, 1.6275323629379272, 2.838472843170166, 1.6232255697250366, 2.4893739223480225, 2.4293854236602783, 0.8420993685722351, 3.4356911182403564, 2.0553529262542725, -6.979886054992676, 1.3627628087997437, 0.4087297022342682, -1.4256912469863892, 0.26203566789627075, 0.8693541288375854, 0.7908474802970886, -0.5551540851593018, 1.8562029600143433, 2.6377618312835693, 2.2931134700775146, -3.9546055793762207, -1.82620108127594, 1.6232255697250366, 3.6379587650299072, -0.7407109141349792, 0.1411704272031784, 2.0476231575012207, -0.9363227486610413, 0.7134636044502258, 3.1701853275299072, 2.912691831588745, 3.013883352279663, 0.7916878461837769, 3.6816232204437256, 0.8028791546821594, 3.298111915588379, 1.9254909753799438, -6.882255554199219, 2.4100229740142822, 1.034543514251709, -5.6390461921691895, -6.654730796813965, 2.6982879638671875, 1.557369351387024, 4.087206840515137, 0.06063602864742279, -1.5792032480239868, 2.4388277530670166, 3.76017689704895, 0.9550861120223999, 4.071962356567383, 2.180318593978882, -6.963545322418213, -0.9678727388381958, 3.9768855571746826, 3.49739146232605, -7.9579668045043945, 3.863694429397583, 3.395592451095581, 1.118509292602539, 0.5949235558509827, 1.9113327264785767, 1.6893223524093628, 1.9621750116348267, 2.435023069381714, 0.3921659588813782, -1.3683477640151978, 2.5167531967163086, -0.6299299597740173, -6.733952522277832, 0.7937906980514526, 1.3725175857543945, 3.6002655029296875, 4.132354736328125, 1.0100224018096924, 1.4376821517944336, 2.6186463832855225, 1.4716333150863647, 2.2141871452331543, -7.809835433959961, 2.8785998821258545, 0.012954877689480782, 2.435023069381714, 0.6580650806427002, -7.9579668045043945, -4.970348358154297, 0.08272473514080048, -0.6580111980438232, 2.175187826156616, 2.3693079948425293, 2.5182788372039795, 0.6503669023513794, 2.3517935276031494, 1.561867356300354, 2.490091323852539, 0.7989104986190796, 1.0499745607376099, 0.7004213333129883, 1.6207636594772339, -0.9308069944381714, 1.273159146308899, 3.0499563217163086, -0.24836958944797516, 4.277665138244629, 3.231630563735962, 2.4601755142211914, 0.9018983840942383, 3.0817744731903076, -0.3768081068992615, -5.1348347663879395, 1.3398436307907104, -5.474265098571777, 3.1237759590148926, 0.08272473514080048, 1.3898289203643799, 1.4078577756881714, 0.46118104457855225, 3.6416237354278564, 1.9523853063583374, 3.0346226692199707, -1.5042985677719116, 1.3574782609939575, 2.504554510116577, 1.4442211389541626, 3.7787296772003174, 1.0674335956573486, 0.8693541288375854, 2.3517935276031494, 0.26134783029556274, 0.31712809205055237, -1.8540960550308228, -0.24278570711612701, -4.225162506103516 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 9, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "TECHNOLOGY", "text": [ "AxesLabel broken in Version 10 for 3D plots?", "Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "Custom theorem numbering", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "How can I add a director name in line with author name in beamer?", "Tags to Post-ID mysql query. Tag Search", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to add classes to comments?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Consider Global Reputation Points", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Should I block bots from my site and why?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "General error 1651 after a mysql migration", "When suggestion is rejected in Improve/Edit, why are reviewer's stats not displayed?", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Understanding the static keyword", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "application/json Content-Type character set", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "custom email unable to send magento", "Understanding one-way hash functions construction", "Ajax HTTP error occured. HTTP Result code: 200", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "business-class fiber to the home", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Capture all queries that use hints", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Using pstool with beamer", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Electric current of inductor", "how to set up wired and wireless to be used by different applications", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Around the Clock", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "Left align equation description", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Should a call to action float in a long page?", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Bit-bang TX problem", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Controlling smoke/fire emision amount", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "How to disable bash drivers in windows 8.1?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Office 2007 problems", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "attack signatures", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Interpolated FIR filter", "How to find the files in magento directory", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Folder compare tool?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "change Domain MX", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "3 images side by side", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "How does multitasking work", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "Folder compare tool?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "ifpackageloaded question", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Around the Clock", "Password sending through network", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Problem when installing “ia32-libs”", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "interpolation of 3D data", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "How does OpenDNS work?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "Standard small header size", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "How to grep words in a file?", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Mosfet to save power", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "how to convert xml to database table", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Simple static integer stack", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "making reusable text object", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "INSERT multiple values via join", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "E_COMPILE_ERROR when enabling Magento compilation", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "Saturated Density Plots", "Find orphaned users", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "Folder compare tool?", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Offline tiled map web app", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "What largest websites are written in php?", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Numerical differentiation methods", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Right Drag on Mac", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Triac circuit confusion", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Java and JVM license", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Do delegates defy OOP", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "How many fans can I control?", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "Offline tiled map web app", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "Freeform timing out on return page", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Simple static integer stack", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "core file size with ulimit", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Simple static integer stack", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "General error 1651 after a mysql migration", "Export error with addon", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "How does multitasking work", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Controlling smoke/fire emision amount", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "How to work with large projects", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Understanding the static keyword", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "up sample and down sample", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "What is my lcd density?", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "Get raw output from web server", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Creating DotPlots", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Should I block bots from my site and why?", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Blender game engine camera", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Where to install SSL Cert", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Java and JVM license", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "6A Current Source", ".CIO section MSP430", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Run commands on a different computer", "What's the point in limiting the number of security groups per tenant In OpenStack?", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Capture all queries that use hints", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Logging layers openings?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "Simple static integer stack", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "Reading XML in C#", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "DAO recordset effiency", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", "Which color to choose for food?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "3 images side by side", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Numerical differentiation methods", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "How to extract path from object?", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Nginx rewrite rules", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "What is my lcd density?", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Custom theorem numbering", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "AxesLabel broken in Version 10 for 3D plots?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "Replacing a PERC S300", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "guake not working", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "Unable to Import Data", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Saturated Density Plots", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "good 3d model with bones?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Reading XML in C#", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "XOR Gate design problem", "Graphicsrow title", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "How to find the files in magento directory", "Document count limit under folders", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Lyx citation problem", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "UNIX semaphores", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "Different subnet for different device types", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Do Not Track header", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "How to pass alias through sudo", "Count consecutive null rows from a joined table", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Office 2007 problems", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "What is my lcd density?", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Folder compare tool?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "ExPex no longer available", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "How to enable or disable services?", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "Unable to Import Data", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "BJT switch connections", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "business-class fiber to the home", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "BJT switch connections", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Making a checkered background for a page", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "COP8 MCU information needed", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients", "How much choice should I give users?", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Adding static route through group policy", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Ajax HTTP error occured. HTTP Result code: 200", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "What largest websites are written in php?", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "Grenade throw logic", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Digital circuits", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "attack signatures", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "ifpackageloaded question", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Replace multiline string in files", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "business-class fiber to the home", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Refresh Downloads list", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Really customized themes", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Apache clustering", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Dealing with non-required user input", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Testing multiplayer android", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Understanding the static keyword", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Get raw output from web server", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "How can I add a director name in line with author name in beamer?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Creating fake (test) data", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "INSERT multiple values via join", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "ifpackageloaded question", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Java and JVM license", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "How to find the files in magento directory", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "business-class fiber to the home", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Running something in a cron environment?", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "Getting the value of a select option", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Change created order number", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "Electric current of inductor", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "interpolation of 3D data", "how to set up wired and wireless to be used by different applications", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Unable to Import Data", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "What is my lcd density?", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Saturated Density Plots", "How do you run an installer?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Reading XML in C#", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Export error with addon", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Consider Global Reputation Points", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Default header image does not display", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "How does multitasking work", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Digital circuits", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Creating DotPlots", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "How to send an email from command line?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "up sample and down sample", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Keypad to set a counter", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "Unable to Import Data", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "when two associations are equal?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Who invented pointers?", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "Is there a document class optimized for small screens (i.e. phone screens)", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "How to Magento Debug", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "how to make frequency divider?", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Missing Setup File", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Extracting useful information from free text", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Custom theorem numbering", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "problem unscheduling reports", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "Views - Custom Field Layout?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Install old version of Wine", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Refresh Downloads list", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Adding static route through group policy", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "Custom key binding/mapping", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "Timing inside a shift register", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Find orphaned users", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "Overbrace height adjustment", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Understanding one-way hash functions construction", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Align Environment and Spacing", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "How do you run an installer?", "cowsay not working?", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "Find orphaned users", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Numerical differentiation methods", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Understanding the static keyword", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Triac circuit confusion", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "ifpackageloaded question", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "How many connections reads queue", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "Folder compare tool?", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How to restore function attributes to default", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Replace multiline string in files", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "Understanding the static keyword", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "How to enable or disable services?", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "6A Current Source", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "how to change my hostname?", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "Keypad to set a counter", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Different subnet for different device types", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "find files in a folder", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "Is there a good business plan template?", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "How to send an email from command line?", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Java and JVM license", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "Removing the spaces between words", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Framing section headings", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Framing section headings", "Electric current of inductor", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", ".CIO section MSP430", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Using FORCE INDEX", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Should a call to action float in a long page?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Best way to move live site local", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "how to make frequency divider?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Unable to Import Data", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Iterator Implementation", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Really customized themes", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "Count consecutive null rows from a joined table", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "How to Magento Debug", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "IEEE two column format", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Making a checkered background for a page", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "Running something in a cron environment?", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "How do you close Skype?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Different subnet for different device types", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "IEEE two column format", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to work with large projects", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "Developing a dynamic language", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "How many connections reads queue", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "How to convert particles to mesh", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Running something in a cron environment?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "xeCJK and paragraph indentation", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "How to extract path from object?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "COP8 MCU information needed", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "interpolation of 3D data", "What to do after a scp failure?", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Tags to Post-ID mysql query. Tag Search", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Computer browsing not working", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "How to add classes to comments?", "WiFi connection history", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Converting expressions into functions", "reference a view page with entity reference", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Using FORCE INDEX", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Comment form json?", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "indicator-notifications history", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Series expansion of large expression", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "ifpackageloaded question", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Dealing with non-required user input", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Kernel compilation and free space", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Single entry with multiples pages", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Why do I have double slash here?", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Unable to Import Data", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "How to convert particles to mesh", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "Change created order number", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Getting the value of a select option", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Offline tiled map web app", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "how to change my hostname?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "Do Not Track header", "change Domain MX", "php scripts run only after renaming", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "form save progress indication", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "What largest websites are written in php?", "WKID matching EPSG", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "how to change my hostname?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "when two associations are equal?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Using pstool with beamer", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "Grenade throw logic", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "How to install jekyll?", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "xeCJK and paragraph indentation", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Creating fake (test) data", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Which color to choose for food?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Unprotect a Word Document", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "Converting expressions into functions", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "What is kvm reboot?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Get raw output from web server", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "How to disable bash drivers in windows 8.1?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "Freeform timing out on return page", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Blender game engine camera", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "How to grep words in a file?", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "Where to install SSL Cert", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "How to start working in magento?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "WiFi connection history", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "What to do after a scp failure?", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Show comments fields in two columns", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "Offline tiled map web app", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "custom email unable to send magento", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Find orphaned users", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Find router on network", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "good 3d model with bones?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "Number-to-word converter", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "business-class fiber to the home", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Refresh Downloads list", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "guake not working", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "WiFi antenna 1T1R mode", "form save progress indication", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Replace multiline string in files", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Adding static route through group policy", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "Custom theorem numbering", "get_option function", "How to change port number in vino?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "Single entry with multiples pages", "WKID matching EPSG", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "Testing multiplayer android", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "Apache clustering", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "What's the point in limiting the number of security groups per tenant In OpenStack?", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Best way to move live site local", "Who invented pointers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "Find router on network", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "How to find the files in magento directory", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Multiple orders in a single list", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Where to put video transcripts?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Find router on network", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Multiple orders in a single list", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How to pass alias through sudo", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Electric current of inductor", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "up sample and down sample", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Is this backscatter?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "users and usermeta table", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Different subnet for different device types", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "How does OpenDNS work?", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Numerical differentiation methods", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "Lyx citation problem", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "ignore lines grep", "Install old version of Wine", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "Iterator Implementation", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "BJT switch connections", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "How to grep words in a file?", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "Nginx rewrite rules", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Integration", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "Send & Delete in GMail", "E_COMPILE_ERROR when enabling Magento compilation", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "How do you close Skype?", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "What is my lcd density?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "How to install jekyll?", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Install old version of Wine", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "Document count limit under folders", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Send & Delete in GMail", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Understanding the static keyword", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Triac circuit confusion", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "When suggestion is rejected in Improve/Edit, why are reviewer's stats not displayed?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Refresh Downloads list", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "How do you close Skype?", "Graphicsrow title", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "business-class fiber to the home", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "UNIX semaphores", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "core file size with ulimit", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Mosfet to save power", "How many fans can I control?", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "problem unscheduling reports", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "6A Current Source", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How does multitasking work", "Mixed number fractions class", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Logging layers openings?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "How much choice should I give users?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Integration", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "How to grep words in a file?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Around the Clock", "how to identify IC codes?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "ifpackageloaded question", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "WiFi antenna 1T1R mode", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Change image levels quickly", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Simple static integer stack", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Left align equation description", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Number-to-word converter", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Using a cell text as sheet reference", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Timing inside a shift register", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Simple static integer stack", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "interpolation of 3D data", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Framing section headings", "Problem when installing “ia32-libs”", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "How to start working in magento?", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "Using coalesce on an index column", "Right Drag on Mac", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Do Not Track header", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Who invented pointers?", "making reusable text object", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Comment form json?", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Question about trace route", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "how to identify IC codes?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "ExPex no longer available", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "How to enable or disable services?", "UNIX semaphores", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How to start working in magento?", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Using pstool with beamer", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "how to change my hostname?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Why do I have double slash here?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "cowsay not working?", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "od emulation for directories", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "reference a view page with entity reference", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Framing section headings", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "Create and open file with one command?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "od emulation for directories", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Folder compare tool?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Mixed number fractions class", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "What client for DECwindows?", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Question about trace route", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Using pstool with beamer", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "up sample and down sample", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Missing Setup File", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Autogeneration column in list", "application/json Content-Type character set", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "DAO recordset effiency", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "How does multitasking work", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "business-class fiber to the home", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "LinkedIn / OAuth question", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "How to send an email from command line?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How much choice should I give users?", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Extracting useful information from free text", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "Replacing a PERC S300", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Footnote in booktabs package", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "LinkedIn / OAuth question", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Developing a dynamic language", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Custom key binding/mapping", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Replace multiline string in files", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "get_option function", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Reading XML in C#", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Get raw output from web server", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Simple static integer stack", "Developing a dynamic language", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Computer browsing not working", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "When is a mail relay needed?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Standard small header size", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "Adding static route through group policy", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "Create and open file with one command?", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Timing inside a shift register", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Who invented pointers?", "Document count limit under folders", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "How to enable or disable services?", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Install old version of Wine", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "What client for DECwindows?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Views - Custom Field Layout?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "Running something in a cron environment?", "Password sending through network", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Is this backscatter?", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Footnote in booktabs package", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Using coalesce on an index column", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Keypad to set a counter", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Show comments fields in two columns", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "Overbrace height adjustment", "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Who invented pointers?", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Left align equation description", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "How to enable or disable services?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Writing results directly to file", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Keypad to set a counter", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Does anybody use an external battery for iPhone?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Run commands on a different computer", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Mixed number fractions class", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "Align Environment and Spacing", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "BJT switch connections", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "form save progress indication", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "Do Not Track header", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Is there a document class optimized for small screens (i.e. phone screens)", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "Saturated Density Plots", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "6A Current Source", "Bit-bang TX problem", "UNIX semaphores", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "Writing results directly to file", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "Removing the spaces between words", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "Default header image does not display", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "How do you close Skype?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "Around the Clock", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "Autogeneration column in list", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Find router on network", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "ignore lines grep", "What is my lcd density?", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "Where to put video transcripts?", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Document count limit under folders", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "What largest websites are written in php?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Change image levels quickly", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Does anybody use an external battery for iPhone?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "tombstones and beer mugs", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Triac circuit confusion", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Framing section headings", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "Timing inside a shift register", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "BJT switch connections", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "indicator-notifications history", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "Left align equation description", "BJT switch connections", "users and usermeta table", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Developing a dynamic language", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "How to send an email from command line?", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Framing section headings", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Is there a good business plan template?", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "business-class fiber to the home", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Who invented pointers?", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Mixed number fractions class", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Interpolated FIR filter", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "How to start working in magento?", "How much choice should I give users?", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "Series expansion of large expression", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Kernel compilation and free space", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "How can I edit symlinks?", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "XOR Gate design problem", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "form save progress indication", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "How does multitasking work", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "How to get a store email addres in php", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "find files in a folder", "When is a mail relay needed?", "how to convert xml to database table", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Using a cell text as sheet reference", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "How to enable or disable services?", "Simple static integer stack", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.0309032201766968, -2.9977781772613525, -3.8602521419525146, -1.2834962606430054, 0.19333866238594055, -2.5955710411071777, -6.189611434936523, -3.410818338394165, -3.656665086746216, -3.4528048038482666, 0.7717033624649048, -3.502887010574341, -2.4159693717956543, -2.4364099502563477, -1.851854681968689, -3.4209773540496826, -1.6838080883026123, -0.1457691788673401, -3.7607641220092773, -6.194944858551025, -0.7443826198577881, 6.433920860290527, 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6.021044731140137, 8.023706436157227, 1.94951331615448, 0.20604676008224487, -0.25673478841781616, 0.393007755279541, 5.215794563293457, 6.541773796081543, 9.03718376159668, 8.079343795776367, 4.675222396850586, 8.012886047363281, 8.460185050964355, 7.507753372192383, -2.019958257675171, 1.8872102499008179, 2.8248157501220703, 1.1901271343231201, 8.263145446777344, 9.00297737121582, 4.194243431091309, 8.331747055053711, 0.33339548110961914, 8.882568359375, 8.142906188964844, 1.824365258216858, 0.967329204082489, -0.6861041188240051, -1.956320881843567, 2.618710994720459, 5.365292549133301, 6.744684219360352, 4.892727851867676, 7.2296319007873535, 7.850864887237549, 4.5722761154174805, 1.1901271343231201, 8.764493942260742, 5.830727577209473, -0.38430333137512207, 5.304851531982422, 5.163781642913818, 6.3217549324035645, -0.38430333137512207, 6.707352161407471, 6.729658126831055, -0.38430333137512207, 8.469459533691406, 8.271401405334473, 6.362185478210449, 7.933658599853516, 5.909096717834473, -0.5248644948005676, -0.2379106879234314, -1.3636538982391357, 5.552548408508301, -0.5351735949516296, 6.566337585449219, -2.679220199584961, 8.186681747436523, 8.740974426269531, 6.21193265914917, -3.697594165802002, 6.977987766265869, -4.790118217468262, -1.5868983268737793, 5.060515403747559, -2.7183141708374023, -2.4833781719207764, -2.6349995136260986, -4.373643398284912, 4.432992935180664, 0.26730698347091675, -3.6242430210113525, 0.7411558032035828, -1.6930129528045654, 5.109862327575684, 2.287334442138672, -6.171445369720459, 3.615248441696167, -2.3054826259613037, -0.8777646422386169, 8.06689453125, 7.4084577560424805, -1.9595280885696411, 7.483792781829834, -3.0357680320739746, -4.075115203857422, -4.953492641448975, -4.640348434448242, 7.965933322906494, 0.48354828357696533, 7.789338111877441, -0.8251511454582214, 6.49766731262207, -0.0377274751663208, -4.932066917419434, -0.7741738557815552, 0.5533456206321716, 6.089110374450684, -4.497692584991455, -3.70025372505188, 3.559095621109009, 6.606511116027832, -1.368532657623291, -0.7116139531135559, 6.339221000671387, 7.209140777587891, 0.5311355590820312, 3.7578670978546143, 1.5464237928390503, -1.0544134378433228, -5.487157344818115, -0.9554468393325806, -3.108673095703125, 4.070549011230469, -1.1351368427276611, 8.390008926391602, 6.0004987716674805, 6.096952438354492, -1.6295117139816284, -2.986635446548462, 7.768548965454102, 2.8430511951446533, 5.40134859085083, 9.019671440124512, -4.621246814727783, -2.053809881210327, 3.002197027206421, 4.006242752075195, -4.476796627044678, 6.3058905601501465, -3.1755731105804443, -5.7012128829956055, 8.379888534545898, 7.156154632568359, 7.671339988708496, -0.5307950377464294, 8.786111831665039, -3.333312749862671, 9.346034049987793, -1.2579174041748047, 6.185199737548828, 9.824954986572266, 7.557010650634766, 6.622775077819824, 0.5466179847717285, 3.767498254776001, 9.239784240722656, 7.630361080169678, 8.164421081542969, 6.131800174713135, 7.699285507202148, 1.2583332061767578, 7.382963180541992, 7.163933753967285, 4.0587053298950195, 9.255377769470215, 9.346034049987793, 5.91625452041626, 5.393982887268066, -1.3799229860305786, -1.0120599269866943, -0.5779494643211365, 9.033878326416016, -1.4590612649917603, 7.134346961975098, -4.89902400970459, 9.613191604614258, -2.458592176437378, 5.175094127655029, 5.990182399749756, -1.682727575302124, -0.5237696766853333, 2.8965790271759033, 1.5184130668640137, -1.1477278470993042, -2.9076178073883057, -5.995482444763184, -1.0859869718551636, 7.9707841873168945, 8.52884578704834, 7.459216594696045, -1.457252860069275, -2.9183619022369385, -2.420551061630249, -4.975831031799316, -3.204927921295166, -5.113819599151611, -3.6624538898468018, -4.304393291473389, -2.053809642791748, -5.312199115753174, -0.768142580986023, -1.1318058967590332, -4.35815954208374, -3.1851842403411865, -2.0098938941955566, 0.5168845057487488, -4.198883533477783, -2.614539861679077, -3.671621799468994, -2.0117764472961426, -1.6548258066177368, -3.372894048690796, -5.115180015563965, -0.6388025283813477, -2.013916015625, -4.497692584991455, -3.772808313369751, -2.286067485809326, -4.646396160125732, -1.61073637008667, 0.4200095534324646, -1.502771258354187, 0.3163739740848541, -5.252370357513428, -5.307400703430176, -3.540604829788208, -2.877953290939331, -3.957620859146118, -4.220412731170654, 10.279374122619629, -1.731814980506897, -3.5752546787261963, -1.8631430864334106, 5.695741653442383, 9.00297737121582, 7.012294292449951, 7.580019950866699, -0.46981149911880493, 8.764493942260742, 3.865586757659912, 8.172953605651855, 0.1511155366897583, 8.469810485839844, 2.876673460006714, 7.663186073303223, 3.4049015045166016, 7.5911970138549805, 7.407623291015625, 7.071109294891357, 8.483935356140137, -1.8897817134857178, 8.855661392211914, 4.612443447113037, -1.1414769887924194, 1.8833277225494385, 6.195639610290527, -3.7607641220092773, 1.3725577592849731, -3.787705659866333, -0.9415373802185059, -2.199500799179077, 5.982366561889648, 7.541769027709961, 7.496305465698242, -4.112325668334961, -0.28565356135368347, -1.220408320426941, 6.523141384124756, 6.959745407104492, 7.713716506958008, 8.469810485839844, 7.880688190460205, 7.435783386230469, 8.272712707519531, 8.387453079223633, 2.9751358032226562, -1.035126805305481, 6.780989646911621, -1.9305572509765625, -1.5281569957733154, 2.876673460006714, 8.14616584777832, 8.455343246459961, -5.641430854797363, 6.82208251953125, -2.532521963119507, 6.391423225402832, -2.460397481918335, 0.08643031120300293, 8.469459533691406, 3.1105356216430664, -1.6414858102798462, 4.064617156982422, 0.15181779861450195, 6.490360260009766, 6.245357513427734, 6.9136810302734375, -0.7258710861206055, -3.151994466781616, 5.120400428771973, -0.5280734896659851, 1.0370361804962158, 5.332231044769287, 6.7170209884643555, 6.76841402053833, 6.647283554077148, 7.374485015869141, 6.394413948059082, 7.311738014221191, 2.677333116531372, 6.303012847900391, 7.937049865722656, 4.490853309631348, 5.008960247039795, 5.441925048828125, -3.1212046146392822, 6.459702491760254, 4.612443447113037, -3.7353627681732178, -1.2256287336349487, 8.368371963500977, -4.9408135414123535, -1.908920168876648, -0.8113130927085876, 1.559624433517456, -3.6134603023529053, -5.934566020965576, 6.774960517883301, 7.253605842590332, -2.648271322250366, -1.9439029693603516, 2.8312580585479736, -4.173027038574219, -2.406667709350586, -1.8343642950057983, -4.67403507232666, -1.6230796575546265, -3.2714040279388428, -1.502771258354187, 0.6464244723320007, -4.84763240814209, -2.392897367477417, -1.6340311765670776, 0.3543228209018707, -3.944643020629883, -2.7772343158721924, -3.198634624481201, -0.11700180172920227, 6.880460739135742, 6.21193265914917, 7.54351806640625, 5.820146560668945, 3.6660592555999756, 9.022814750671387, 5.068672180175781, 5.302542686462402, 3.467038631439209, 5.590132713317871, 7.602522850036621, 7.594854354858398, 8.626991271972656, 7.4741129875183105, 8.109840393066406, 4.9635772705078125, 1.947141408920288, 5.90333366394043, -1.0571174621582031, 6.924953460693359, 7.877314567565918, 7.911597728729248, 2.606325387954712, 7.059434413909912, 8.138726234436035, 3.998396635055542, 6.792197227478027, 9.346034049987793, 7.947546005249023, 4.754911422729492, 6.954466819763184, 5.757439613342285, 8.588582992553711, 4.505760192871094, 1.4368518590927124, -3.1428873538970947, 6.96441650390625, 8.213674545288086, -5.085562705993652, 7.402737140655518, 7.7223615646362305, -1.2244491577148438, 3.2609331607818604, 0.5612691044807434, 1.9943739175796509, -0.6524947285652161, -3.4707095623016357, 6.528652191162109, 7.927720069885254, -2.593763589859009, 5.088070392608643, -1.722051978111267, 3.7865102291107178, 8.404763221740723, 1.9601737260818481, -2.4768412113189697, 3.37549090385437, -1.5033718347549438, -4.931696891784668, -1.167540431022644, -3.692744493484497, 7.361505508422852, 6.096952438354492, 2.4438703060150146, 7.025960445404053, 1.1282871961593628, 7.890802383422852, 0.29329776763916016, 5.917175769805908, -3.440730571746826, -2.249966859817505, 0.3133067190647125, 4.643707275390625, -2.4591948986053467, 5.50743293762207, 0.93865567445755, 5.293550491333008, 4.320908546447754, 2.247851610183716, -5.262111186981201, 1.9986423254013062, -4.931696891784668, 6.353583335876465, 9.404208183288574, 2.080887794494629, 2.975242853164673, 6.59269905090332, -1.1694152355194092, 8.224979400634766, -0.12294590473175049, 6.091706275939941, 6.303012847900391, 6.220579624176025, -4.664201259613037, 6.929603099822998, -2.8602123260498047, -2.176905393600464, -5.279552936553955, 5.265262603759766, -0.5956768989562988, 8.708081245422363, 4.780588150024414, -5.741549968719482, 0.09812206029891968, 0.04535883665084839, -2.0151889324188232, 8.935145378112793, 4.418787956237793, -2.6561532020568848, 8.143651008605957, 6.959745407104492, -2.193298578262329, -4.913715839385986, 9.600773811340332, -3.056297540664673, -5.488789081573486, 0.03800994157791138, 2.287334442138672, 8.283554077148438, -3.6867353916168213, 1.544208288192749, -0.4995339810848236, 7.360529899597168, 2.4590089321136475, 5.896444320678711, -1.7312239408493042, -4.28671407699585, 6.445965766906738, 1.3952049016952515, 3.652031660079956, 5.372217178344727, 7.3014936447143555, 7.982297420501709, 8.39401626586914, 7.193875312805176, 6.859949111938477, -0.1599549651145935, 9.229802131652832, -1.6414858102798462, -3.2500932216644287, 2.4438703060150146, 9.984260559082031, 2.95695424079895, -4.424818992614746, 7.328956127166748, 7.291590213775635, 6.990139007568359, -4.5264201164245605, 8.256251335144043, 4.901148796081543, 6.451358318328857, 5.435113906860352, -0.25812196731567383, -0.992596447467804, 7.815922737121582, -4.993885040283203, 6.720939636230469, 0.5441421866416931, 9.096508979797363, 5.96919059753418, 9.02902603149414, 6.944768905639648, 8.13631820678711, 5.8095703125, 8.688855171203613, 8.810885429382324, 9.019671440124512, 1.62953782081604, 6.521855354309082, 5.950830459594727, 8.280928611755371, 5.083095550537109, 8.674349784851074, 6.2271270751953125, 6.021044731140137, 7.253605842590332, 8.290355682373047, 4.320908546447754, 9.461540222167969, -1.2834962606430054, -1.6316475868225098, -2.83894419670105, 0.012323438189923763, -3.1615512371063232, -1.4873888492584229, -4.117939472198486, 0.6331763863563538, -3.986788511276245, -3.429246664047241, -0.584263801574707, -3.7689578533172607, -4.198883533477783, -5.857108116149902, -1.2088477611541748, -3.04559326171875, -1.528134822845459, -1.475458025932312, -1.6594643592834473, -0.7899643778800964, -3.4311411380767822, -5.330683708190918, -1.8597320318222046, -2.2167630195617676, -1.5736470222473145, 1.9626296758651733, -1.1765178442001343, -2.1780662536621094, -0.7628592252731323, -2.2593958377838135, -2.810760736465454, -3.058755397796631, -3.4707095623016357, -1.6272214651107788, -4.331624507904053, 0.021503090858459473, -1.2759054899215698, -4.681418418884277, -3.4246933460235596, 0.4111219346523285, -1.060268759727478, -2.506316900253296, -3.2010295391082764, -2.9928300380706787, 1.3561264276504517, -1.883674144744873, -1.908920168876648, -3.220953941345215, -2.2662007808685303, -3.15572190284729, -0.69266277551651, -3.6624538898468018, -1.6548258066177368, -1.5281569957733154, -1.883674144744873, -0.6914780735969543, -1.9956856966018677, -1.8185250759124756, -0.9845486879348755, -0.8657557368278503, -5.299709320068359, -0.6552408337593079, -2.4232146739959717, -1.9018367528915405, -0.7589095234870911, -0.9876977801322937, -3.142103433609009, -0.4254826009273529, 0.3932344615459442, -0.1153717041015625, -2.1399343013763428, -0.8364382386207581, -4.445779323577881, -2.578084707260132, -2.5296709537506104, -3.7683746814727783, -1.6561318635940552, -0.28138723969459534, -1.4816912412643433, -1.769412636756897, -3.39528751373291, -0.69266277551651, -0.12090906500816345, -3.7898032665252686, -0.8160447478294373, -3.531412363052368, -3.606475353240967, -3.5146830081939697, -2.381251096725464, -1.2574610710144043, -0.3067564070224762, -1.5957881212234497, -1.8438365459442139, -5.177000522613525, -1.9213383197784424, -1.7652114629745483, -5.6670942306518555, -0.8970351815223694, 0.38725703954696655, -2.0624234676361084, 0.5168845057487488, -3.856823682785034, -4.209157466888428, -3.871518135070801, -0.24755746126174927, -0.6189641952514648, -2.3316171169281006, -4.498049259185791, -0.5689347386360168, -3.0807058811187744, -3.762693405151367, -3.0684680938720703, -4.096451759338379, -3.7180652618408203, -5.927443981170654, -4.719301223754883, -4.224563121795654, -4.724608898162842, -4.482445240020752, -0.8486976027488708, -5.654929161071777, -1.3635097742080688, -5.299709320068359, -3.8259360790252686, -5.948158264160156, -4.629938125610352, -1.4816912412643433, -2.2384092807769775, -5.21172571182251, -0.7972208857536316, -2.4833781719207764, 0.008239447139203548, -0.33728569746017456, -2.2602856159210205, -0.07169961929321289, -4.445650577545166, -4.813543796539307, 0.12666243314743042, -0.05912086367607117, -2.999061346054077, -2.653700113296509, -4.382577896118164, -4.1988396644592285, -5.67379093170166, -2.494164228439331, 0.04235285520553589, -1.3684583902359009, -2.2361466884613037, -1.9795743227005005, -1.233762502670288, -4.497692584991455, -2.015270471572876, -4.365084648132324, 8.69765567779541, -4.064180374145508, 7.776206016540527, 0.18286734819412231, -2.0780394077301025, -1.6609259843826294, 6.536227226257324, -3.186147928237915, -2.0151889324188232, 5.763103485107422, -0.7080128788948059, 5.485010147094727, -3.0413546562194824, -5.895752429962158, -3.4680910110473633, -1.1351368427276611, -1.3043937683105469, -3.333195209503174, 8.982736587524414, -5.031329154968262, -4.576715469360352, 0.05583125352859497, -1.482540249824524, 0.3163739740848541, -1.3033472299575806, -2.157310962677002, -5.613892555236816, -2.2036430835723877, 2.7713890075683594, -2.2593958377838135, 5.685443878173828, -1.0769879817962646, -0.8187374472618103, -2.8975203037261963, -2.6385936737060547, -1.6742299795150757, -1.9213382005691528, -3.6376307010650635, -3.2390830516815186, -1.6930129528045654, -2.1813411712646484, 0.31365281343460083, -2.614539861679077, -3.2196297645568848, -2.714263916015625, -2.335768222808838, -4.936432838439941, 6.3711838722229, 6.707352161407471, -3.429246664047241, -2.1399335861206055, -2.9076178073883057, -0.2521190047264099, -2.3697359561920166, -5.488789081573486, -1.233762502670288, -4.972229957580566, -1.890825629234314, -0.8450687527656555, -3.690999746322632, 0.20921355485916138, -6.421378135681152, -2.2284605503082275, -1.7360934019088745, -1.8397067785263062, -2.104527473449707, -5.239269733428955, -1.9109843969345093, -2.1115283966064453, -3.6634013652801514, -0.41020116209983826, -1.549778938293457, -3.0244884490966797, -2.6232497692108154, -2.514430284500122, -1.9570237398147583, -1.9488178491592407, -2.24759578704834, -5.687694549560547, -2.952057123184204, -2.333017110824585, -4.943731784820557, -3.0566229820251465, -4.545919418334961, -5.033351898193359, -1.129349708557129, -2.472684621810913, -5.425142288208008, -0.0377274751663208, -3.9157464504241943, -2.1780662536621094, -1.7245608568191528, -2.470290422439575, -3.8122446537017822, -1.6310991048812866, -3.2664499282836914, -0.25000253319740295, -2.1916956901550293, -2.1780662536621094, 0.23215991258621216, -0.4762679636478424, -2.4009668827056885, -0.2500028908252716, -4.5724639892578125, 0.17414361238479614, -1.7528176307678223, -4.179681301116943, -2.0150091648101807, 2.5884859561920166, -5.024460792541504, -2.506279468536377, -2.13895845413208, -1.5096290111541748, -1.7823814153671265, -4.200333118438721, -1.3459324836730957, -1.1605199575424194, -1.960956335067749, -2.3607285022735596, -1.6860662698745728, -2.2971389293670654, -2.6385936737060547, -3.6867353916168213, -2.194812059402466, -1.221114993095398, -2.1813411712646484, -2.1839678287506104, 0.5481714606285095, 8.528585433959961, 6.827738285064697, 9.478748321533203, -1.956320881843567, 6.862504959106445, 8.500269889831543, -1.1414769887924194, 6.6820855140686035, 9.641973495483398, 5.63041353225708, 3.238668918609619, 7.459216594696045, -0.38430333137512207, 6.445965766906738, 8.764493942260742, 1.1104720830917358, 8.459939956665039, 7.726434707641602, 9.346034049987793, -0.9554468393325806, -5.566159248352051, 4.883887767791748, -2.0261011123657227, 5.013805389404297, 3.9793624877929688, 6.901971817016602, 6.393860816955566, 0.9033823013305664, -0.7462798953056335, 0.18342015147209167, 6.22457218170166, 6.707352161407471, 6.924953460693359, -0.01632404327392578, 7.663186073303223, 1.9770668745040894, -5.6786651611328125, 4.06505012512207, 8.27798080444336, 7.54351806640625, 8.663241386413574, 10.28034782409668, 7.689570426940918, 6.2233567237854, 7.49672794342041, 2.090245008468628, -1.0230889320373535, -4.784127235412598, 7.890755653381348, 8.115829467773438, 3.8198421001434326, 6.960657119750977, -4.640291213989258, 4.818075656890869, 1.751035213470459, 8.598138809204102, 0.0041862716898322105, 5.008960247039795, 8.787012100219727, 0.6832374930381775, 0.08999830484390259, 2.6068685054779053, 5.084616661071777, -1.368532657623291, -1.1694152355194092, 0.3304123282432556, 6.774065017700195, 6.353135585784912, 4.631674289703369, 5.163781642913818, 4.000293254852295, 6.361634254455566, 9.501398086547852, 8.91897964477539, 5.85331916809082, 7.483405590057373, 3.2844603061676025, 1.3126935958862305, 4.461586952209473, 6.679605484008789, 6.616257667541504, 1.327467679977417, 7.716921329498291, -0.2906647324562073, 7.066568374633789, 5.485010147094727, 6.422860145568848, 6.021625995635986, 8.05645751953125, 8.942227363586426, 8.387453079223633, 6.990542411804199, 5.9911394119262695, 8.894393920898438, 5.167963027954102, 3.9779398441314697, 2.2453503608703613, -1.0796945095062256, 7.699285507202148, 8.523588180541992, 6.841682434082031, 5.757059574127197, 5.176799774169922, 5.232487678527832, 3.6388819217681885, 8.98458480834961, -1.416375756263733, 9.850763320922852, 5.990182399749756, 6.022871971130371, 4.169205665588379, 3.737898111343384, 4.13374137878418, 4.792655944824219, 7.880688190460205, 3.2424063682556152, 1.752882719039917, 6.2233567237854, 6.416750907897949, 0.802690327167511, 8.368371963500977, 7.143257141113281, 4.818075656890869, 4.75491189956665, 6.669323921203613, 8.128372192382812, 7.6776814460754395, 6.0921831130981445, 4.128228187561035, 0.998851478099823, 3.767498254776001, -5.860106468200684, 8.634446144104004, 7.360622406005859, -4.86171293258667, 5.388104438781738, 7.8568878173828125, -5.416560649871826, -2.8947744369506836, -1.9982986450195312, -0.34925153851509094, -1.5706353187561035, -0.4254826009273529, -3.593247413635254, -1.9606159925460815, -6.650484085083008, 0.7494993805885315, -1.9213382005691528, -0.19748860597610474, 0.26730698347091675, -1.418841004371643, -6.289393424987793, -2.6378819942474365, -1.6930129528045654, -4.556308746337891, -2.50797963142395, -5.252686023712158, -4.203044414520264, -0.591360867023468, -2.7738606929779053, -2.14216947555542, -1.9976445436477661, -2.5718460083007812, -4.476796627044678, -4.32876443862915, -1.3131422996520996, -2.608640670776367, -3.372894048690796, -5.110037326812744, -1.653579831123352, -5.299709320068359, -4.269388675689697, -4.794644355773926, -2.9437074661254883, -1.365240216255188, -2.5748894214630127, -3.951246976852417, 0.46208077669143677, -2.0210483074188232, -4.293910503387451, -3.150611639022827, -3.186147928237915, -4.566176891326904, -3.105957269668579, -0.508161723613739, -1.475458025932312, -1.6310991048812866, -3.7465627193450928, -2.8947744369506836, -5.860324382781982, -0.364704966545105, -2.877953290939331, -0.845614492893219, -2.117361307144165, -2.2167630195617676, -3.1758997440338135, -5.6956329345703125, -3.6395480632781982, -2.8995795249938965, 5.52901029586792, -1.2274774312973022, 3.1789844036102295, -2.019958257675171, -1.9606159925460815, -2.0507190227508545, 7.163933753967285, 6.989829063415527, 7.713716506958008, 1.0200446844100952, 8.450902938842773, 8.663982391357422, 1.379601001739502, 7.612398147583008, 7.316944122314453, 5.365292549133301, 8.205856323242188, 6.707352161407471, 4.059851169586182, 6.671477317810059, 7.53131103515625, 8.238945007324219, 5.44260311126709, -1.1996879577636719, 9.493902206420898, 8.654224395751953, 5.757439136505127, 1.6350513696670532, 9.114801406860352, 5.7919535636901855, 6.975325107574463, 7.368422508239746, 4.879842758178711, 0.6464858651161194, 8.843631744384766, 4.490853309631348, 7.145139694213867, 5.963190078735352, 8.115828514099121, 0.0041862716898322105, 2.877916097640991, 6.749142646789551, 9.83713436126709, 9.769196510314941, 8.982736587524414, 4.470510482788086, 2.321350574493408, 4.036768913269043, 6.491945266723633, 5.852197170257568, 6.749142646789551, 9.09650993347168, -0.4658639132976532, 7.343918800354004, 7.229918956756592, -0.5248644948005676, 6.931715965270996, 8.368371963500977, 6.0249857902526855, 4.642116546630859, 6.3217549324035645, 2.562875986099243, 4.36954402923584, 8.801308631896973, 0.8110346794128418, 0.6464858651161194, 6.345646858215332, 8.125423431396484, 8.369097709655762, 7.796994686126709, 2.4673526287078857, 7.933658599853516, 5.820146560668945, 1.391424536705017, 9.476157188415527, 7.1446733474731445, 1.5596245527267456, 6.704904556274414, 5.564052581787109, 3.136927366256714, 0.27787691354751587, 7.631731986999512, 8.836962699890137, 7.585153579711914, 7.576537132263184, 4.195645809173584, 6.392844200134277, 8.340936660766602, 6.52442741394043, 5.155086994171143, 7.7471208572387695, 6.521855354309082, 8.894393920898438, 2.577852964401245, 0.9589431285858154, 4.952912330627441, 4.879842758178711, 8.575628280639648, 9.275344848632812, 9.218714714050293, 5.693103790283203, 7.754695892333984, 2.7713890075683594, 8.860639572143555, 3.597114086151123, 6.036825180053711, 8.363338470458984, 7.686347961425781, 0.42399856448173523, 8.882568359375, 8.847322463989258, 0.5648360252380371, 8.387453079223633, -0.5615865588188171, 1.1901236772537231, 3.9326822757720947, 7.4741129875183105, 3.452805757522583, 1.544208288192749, 9.10191535949707, 3.6447837352752686, -0.5779494643211365, 5.544234275817871, 7.281742572784424, 1.5752252340316772, 2.5555810928344727, -0.2769981026649475, 6.708098411560059, 2.384258985519409, 6.928706645965576, 1.4656639099121094, 3.7578670978546143, 8.893343925476074, 5.5298919677734375, 9.094953536987305, 3.1105356216430664, 8.833744049072266, 5.576238632202148, 8.128145217895508, 4.816680908203125, 9.769196510314941, -0.8249764442443848, -0.9671573638916016, 4.517182350158691, -0.018487513065338135, 4.13592529296875, 7.774150848388672, 2.7852323055267334, 8.023706436157227, 5.084616661071777, 0.5873845815658569, 4.303183555603027, 8.132966041564941, 9.493902206420898, 10.222457885742188, 5.017841339111328, 8.331747055053711, 7.585153579711914, 4.978993892669678, 7.530490875244141, 0.49317824840545654, 6.829746246337891, 5.855040073394775, 1.2296923398971558, 2.5631797313690186, 3.932295560836792, 3.4827802181243896, 5.17097806930542, 9.769196510314941, 8.91897964477539, 1.9348398447036743, 7.743485450744629, 7.053274154663086, 5.855040073394775, 8.881681442260742, 8.877355575561523, -4.482445240020752, -5.2094011306762695, -3.0673253536224365, -4.0543212890625, -2.104527473449707, -0.508161723613739, -1.4254587888717651, -4.5926337242126465, -1.753224492073059, -2.3869454860687256, -0.1828693151473999, 7.598534107208252, -4.037096977233887, -1.782381296157837, 5.192319869995117, -1.0290104150772095, 5.167963027954102, -1.8831586837768555, -4.168019771575928, -3.80407452583313, -2.293358087539673, -4.2671074867248535, -2.612408399581909, -1.6240819692611694, -2.396618366241455, -4.577626705169678, -1.2211151123046875, 4.993141174316406, -1.525803804397583, -0.35809868574142456, 4.564504623413086, 2.8116559982299805, 2.9084184169769287, -1.0021129846572876, 2.3026351928710938, 0.26531633734703064, 5.91625452041626, -1.2697221040725708, -3.6376307010650635, 6.091706275939941, -0.6861043572425842, -2.1683082580566406, 6.491945266723633, -3.5879733562469482, -0.9739492535591125, -0.6969138979911804, 9.141277313232422, -1.528134822845459, -3.1212046146392822, -2.3316171169281006, -2.4089248180389404, -3.5800883769989014, -0.992596447467804, -4.936432838439941, -5.695633888244629, -4.128860950469971, -1.7900657653808594, -3.1085710525512695, -1.5868983268737793, -4.003607749938965, 0.08630597591400146, -4.788721084594727, 0.8224868178367615, -2.623985767364502, -5.252370357513428, -0.4942362606525421, -0.8488023281097412, -4.476796627044678, -4.079622745513916, -2.2128069400787354, -1.1947219371795654, -4.445650577545166, -3.052701234817505, -0.8505138158798218, -2.8297736644744873, -4.38900089263916, -2.3693864345550537, -1.979574203491211, -0.1185983419418335, -4.373223781585693, -1.3525965213775635, -5.713662147521973, -2.8362226486206055, -3.9651331901550293, -3.528394937515259, -2.3706743717193604, 0.34719082713127136, 0.4494386613368988, -0.8657557368278503, -1.2323819398880005, -4.429489612579346, -1.9139800071716309, -2.043165445327759, -1.6860662698745728, -4.546056747436523, 0.3539039194583893, -4.111239910125732, -2.4159693717956543, -2.877953290939331, -4.812887191772461, -2.900221109390259, -2.506068706512451, -1.2560852766036987, -2.0098938941955566, -3.870476484298706, -4.858796119689941, -4.200648784637451, -2.214740514755249, -5.388422012329102, -1.2074449062347412, -2.4089248180389404, -2.5249645709991455, -3.3727574348449707, -3.085876226425171, 0.3617536723613739, -0.35883477330207825, -0.224684476852417, -4.625707626342773, -2.786309003829956, -4.555806636810303, -4.470927715301514, -3.1758997440338135, -2.582911729812622, -2.9802606105804443, -1.0602701902389526, -0.8486981391906738, -2.8150503635406494, -2.381251096725464, -3.6916749477386475, -3.303349256515503, -3.3697688579559326, 0.15433824062347412, -3.6164867877960205, -1.9261976480484009, 0.7021743655204773, -1.3043937683105469, -2.273406744003296, -3.6069962978363037, -2.0606584548950195, -2.935166835784912, -3.1212046146392822, 8.500269889831543, 6.195391654968262, 8.640985488891602, 8.935145378112793, 7.011744499206543, 5.270778656005859, -1.0048965215682983, 0.36382365226745605, 7.631651878356934, 4.631674289703369, 7.277181148529053, 1.7477184534072876, -1.0796945095062256, 8.379888534545898, -0.9966503381729126, -4.8562211990356445, 3.575549364089966, -2.678255319595337, -2.861227035522461, 5.695741653442383, 0.09805208444595337, -0.4745445251464844, 2.9205119609832764, 7.360529899597168, -0.2963867783546448, 8.483935356140137, 5.62464714050293, 10.279374122619629, 6.7073516845703125, -1.5283347368240356, 6.486642837524414, 3.9793624877929688, 1.2071831226348877, 7.379344940185547, -2.25937819480896, -4.041877746582031, 0.01923280954360962, -4.079622745513916, -4.216475963592529, -3.4108598232269287, -3.5808145999908447, -5.212636947631836, 0.6464858651161194, -2.1384685039520264, -0.8324495553970337, -4.241769313812256, 7.768548965454102, -0.24841392040252686, 6.055037021636963, 8.667166709899902, 6.721259117126465, 1.4950716495513916, -5.312199115753174, 6.394413948059082, 1.888425350189209, -5.641049861907959, 5.764640808105469, -1.8897818326950073, 9.346034049987793, 8.172953605651855, -0.2500028908252716, -2.424837112426758, -2.5674140453338623, 5.527335166931152, 4.526981353759766, 7.361505508422852, 2.983832597732544, -0.584263801574707, 7.407623291015625, -1.2465393543243408, 9.346034049987793, 8.61009693145752, 7.0369672775268555, 5.384382724761963, 4.816680908203125, 4.85036039352417, 8.237634658813477, 1.2550764083862305, 7.9707841873168945, 2.1143798828125, 2.375556468963623, 8.150922775268555, 7.503512382507324, 5.4673919677734375, 8.059779167175293, 2.81288743019104, 2.688372850418091, 7.249201774597168, 6.021044731140137, 1.2007032632827759, 6.463033676147461, 5.175262451171875, 7.29798698425293, 7.0278730392456055, 8.643133163452148, 4.628278732299805, 6.833940505981445, 5.952642440795898, 8.001521110534668, 7.331666946411133, 8.91897964477539, 5.463950157165527, 5.1814775466918945, -2.013916015625, -3.0186431407928467, -2.690399408340454, -1.9439029693603516, 0.23626786470413208, -2.5819292068481445, 0.21925222873687744, -1.8438365459442139, -1.3279670476913452, 0.3630457818508148, -2.5795323848724365, -5.435442924499512, -2.0468573570251465, -1.682727575302124, -4.784127235412598, -5.416560649871826, -1.3664073944091797, -1.8442484140396118, -1.6561318635940552, -1.6594643592834473, -4.640348434448242, -3.855919599533081, -1.3131040334701538, -1.6786996126174927, -3.6164867877960205, -1.3294912576675415, 0.7717033624649048, 0.5507014393806458, -1.1869447231292725, -5.435442924499512, -3.0186431407928467, -3.0357680320739746, -2.185835838317871, 0.07966524362564087, -6.239451885223389, -1.3664073944091797, -2.1103413105010986, 0.809323251247406, 0.48613259196281433, -1.418841004371643, -0.3937142491340637, -2.1008214950561523, -6.067736625671387, -4.150881767272949, -3.746005058288574, -5.899731159210205, -1.765767216682434, -0.35883477330207825, -2.0624234676361084, -2.311347246170044, -4.318312168121338, -4.217299938201904, -1.2027603387832642, -2.1399335861206055, -1.3757737874984741, -3.4426887035369873, -2.164984703063965, -4.007274627685547, -2.392657995223999, -0.7135220170021057, -1.0453240871429443, -2.1780662536621094, -3.9380459785461426, -2.103039026260376, -4.967474460601807, -1.8343650102615356, -0.38747063279151917, -3.903536558151245, -0.9962217807769775, -0.561942458152771, -3.798398733139038, 1.1427706480026245, -1.2549372911453247, -2.211188554763794, 1.4368518590927124, -4.598696708679199, -5.21172571182251, -4.0211405754089355, -3.220953941345215, -4.184881210327148, -0.35883477330207825, -6.189611434936523, 0.48613259196281433, -3.8773257732391357, -1.2579174041748047, -1.150386929512024, -5.897521018981934, -3.202496290206909, -4.200333118438721, -0.5644581913948059, -2.302121162414551, -1.5910123586654663, -3.957620859146118, -4.948035717010498, -3.085876226425171, 1.1694231033325195, 0.5917861461639404, -2.608640670776367, -1.6434859037399292, -4.290625095367432, -1.9991604089736938, -2.15240478515625, -4.063164710998535, -2.6757051944732666, -3.9157464504241943, -4.220412731170654, -2.190376043319702, -3.667104959487915, -2.0747060775756836, -4.5926337242126465, 8.868574142456055, -0.670890748500824, 5.756819725036621, 9.03718376159668, 9.274578094482422, -5.345795154571533, -1.0840092897415161, 3.745938539505005, 6.000500202178955, -1.9181480407714844, -2.0628244876861572, 6.977987766265869, 1.2296923398971558, 9.266854286193848, -5.299709320068359, -1.0554697513580322, 8.238945007324219, 7.414808750152588, 0.0527876615524292, -1.1869453191757202, 5.982366561889648, 5.888681411743164, 2.7249438762664795, 6.180632591247559, -4.352579593658447, 9.071219444274902, 5.232487678527832, -2.648271322250366, -0.48792654275894165, 3.2105062007904053, 2.4289450645446777, -2.506253957748413, 9.02902603149414, -0.9569087624549866, -2.614539861679077, -5.033351898193359, 5.270778656005859, 6.859949111938477, 8.073267936706543, 6.833946228027344, -0.1828693151473999, -6.020782470703125, 8.096782684326172, 7.161625385284424, -2.978749990463257, 5.383491516113281, 8.91897964477539, 5.464120388031006, -1.245998501777649, -0.5173032879829407, 2.1036880016326904, 0.09812206029891968, 8.740974426269531, -2.8393614292144775, 7.879010200500488, 1.411560297012329, 4.455282688140869, 6.287911415100098, -3.4193155765533447, -1.5755254030227661, 5.590705871582031, -0.6552408337593079, 7.718049049377441, 8.387453079223633, 1.9581340551376343, 5.672894477844238, 0.3633953928947449, 8.622172355651855, 7.796994686126709, 5.130630016326904, 5.249267578125, 7.637212753295898, 7.218077182769775, 7.944082260131836, 0.426538348197937, -2.517340660095215, -5.145498275756836, 6.451358318328857, 6.140155792236328, 8.361568450927734, 2.591855049133301, 4.1629252433776855, -5.613892555236816, 9.984260559082031, 6.774960517883301, 4.776394844055176, -0.8450687527656555, 6.022872447967529, 5.6329755783081055, 7.024857997894287, 5.291073799133301, -2.6490061283111572, -1.816616177558899, 6.9259748458862305, 8.91897964477539, 4.362801551818848, 5.588457107543945, -4.293910503387451, -4.060938835144043, -5.846569061279297, -3.8565404415130615, -1.9091988801956177, -1.365240216255188, -0.7199398875236511, -2.6349995136260986, -1.0747795104980469, -2.481982469558716, -5.115180015563965, -2.5549471378326416, -0.28138723969459534, -4.182014465332031, -2.4009668827056885, 0.23626786470413208, -0.9044960737228394, -1.4630118608474731, -3.509319543838501, -1.3801904916763306, -1.1229426860809326, -2.339386224746704, -4.107211589813232, -4.498049259185791, -1.653579831123352, -5.131205081939697, -4.3076171875, -5.011220932006836, -0.41205164790153503, -0.5374289155006409, -4.932066917419434, -2.999061346054077, 0.15181779861450195, -2.59122896194458, -0.3432001769542694, -1.0186289548873901, -1.436623215675354, -3.671621799468994, -4.547735691070557, 0.7411558032035828, 0.16600805521011353, -1.1245352029800415, -6.276354789733887, -1.1477278470993042, -3.410818338394165, -4.198883533477783, -0.2367599606513977, -2.3470778465270996, 0.14847135543823242, -3.937587261199951, -3.7607641220092773, -2.0468573570251465, -2.9364209175109863, -2.715999126434326, -5.904582500457764, -0.5307950377464294, -2.593763589859009, -2.33774995803833, -0.35883477330207825, -5.425142288208008, -1.5259037017822266, 0.21925216913223267, -0.6848759651184082, -0.6914780735969543, -2.460397481918335, -5.857108116149902, -3.871518135070801, 7.8568878173828125, 8.016029357910156, -0.9531064629554749, 7.927720069885254, -1.8588978052139282, 0.5873845815658569, -4.642935276031494, 0.6136412024497986, 6.479532241821289, -4.847784519195557, 6.1979756355285645, -2.8975203037261963, -2.1683082580566406, 1.4358471632003784, -0.7020834684371948, 6.526091575622559, -1.0977672338485718, 1.1912310123443604, 0.8763304948806763, 0.7644912600517273, 6.249647617340088, 7.163933753967285, 1.6568115949630737, 8.841198921203613, 5.232487678527832, 4.668068885803223, 8.150895118713379, 2.631060838699341, 8.172953605651855, 0.19849705696105957, 3.575549364089966, 1.0072728395462036, 2.5160768032073975, 7.718049049377441, 2.3340091705322266, 4.978993892669678, 6.85948371887207, 7.240331172943115, 6.463224411010742, 8.126660346984863, 4.993141174316406, 6.369632720947266, 5.44260311126709, 6.989912986755371, 5.806750297546387, 8.93950080871582, 8.877355575561523, 9.437889099121094, 0.5417898893356323, 8.125422477722168, 5.778720855712891, 1.2214901447296143, 1.1805765628814697, 6.5236382484436035, 3.2424063682556152, 7.576537132263184, 2.2095000743865967, 7.489570617675781, -0.49225592613220215, 7.637212753295898, 3.4115149974823, -0.328248530626297, 0.5502098798751831, 7.890802383422852, 1.605993390083313, 8.264100074768066, 7.823256492614746, 8.535564422607422, 5.600218296051025, 2.4289450645446777, 4.011801242828369, 8.649922370910645, 8.955116271972656, 0.41588687896728516, 8.096783638000488, 3.0271642208099365, 5.060514450073242, 7.206366539001465, 6.0921831130981445, -0.6983368992805481, 7.618251800537109, 8.296496391296387, 7.343918800354004, 3.5265426635742188, 9.862845420837402, 6.69384765625, -1.0312635898590088, 8.529790878295898, 8.100109100341797, 9.850763320922852, 6.3803253173828125, -2.0091943740844727, 9.273528099060059, 8.723831176757812, 6.140155792236328, 5.685443878173828, 8.723831176757812, 6.444563388824463, -0.49648624658584595, 7.601186752319336, 5.439816474914551, 2.5631797313690186, 6.568624496459961, 8.535564422607422, 7.448695659637451, 1.4530445337295532, 6.345646858215332, 5.888680934906006, 4.915740013122559, 6.586136817932129, 8.583131790161133, 0.19849705696105957, 7.145139694213867, -0.2906762957572937, 7.479331970214844, 8.600659370422363, 7.890755653381348, 8.392980575561523, 8.404763221740723, -0.3102343678474426, 8.128372192382812, 8.146010398864746, 6.548325538635254, 7.291589736938477, 7.529250144958496, 6.1418609619140625, 4.2329182624816895, 7.015996932983398, 5.899713516235352, 8.674349784851074, 8.195036888122559, 3.225234270095825, 2.7713890075683594, 5.372157573699951, -0.44230765104293823, 0.5508121848106384, 0.6910545825958252, 1.219149112701416, 4.000293254852295, 1.765709638595581, 5.443542003631592, 6.0921831130981445, 9.03718376159668, 6.941418647766113, 6.180632591247559, 8.119991302490234, 5.845279693603516, 5.6329755783081055, 0.6910545825958252, 7.5931525230407715, 5.383491516113281, 6.06248664855957, 7.46909236907959, 4.727874755859375, 2.6770503520965576, 7.555367946624756, 3.061089515686035, -0.2310279905796051, 0.11548244953155518, -2.1782801151275635, -2.7559516429901123, 7.066568374633789, -1.460290551185608, 6.82208251953125, 1.5184130668640137, -1.484563946723938, -3.2196297645568848, 8.733428955078125, 6.941418647766113, -2.786309003829956, -2.1793196201324463, 6.603716850280762, -4.638753890991211, -0.7115859389305115, 8.195036888122559, -1.6414178609848022, -3.3570334911346436, -0.6408042311668396, 8.001521110534668, -2.334498167037964, 4.933751583099365, 4.362422943115234, 5.917175769805908, -5.113134384155273, -2.713000535964966, 6.282780170440674, -1.1007872819900513, -0.3274088501930237, 8.982236862182617, -4.640348434448242, 9.033878326416016, 8.06689453125, -5.5122785568237305, -5.275693416595459, 3.1789844036102295, -0.8251511454582214, 9.071219444274902, -1.9819852113723755, 8.05645751953125, -2.1678805351257324, 0.19745823740959167, -1.816616177558899, 0.012323140166699886, -3.7850558757781982, -2.299443483352661, 5.96919059753418, 1.6793394088745117, -0.023012638092041016, -3.540604829788208, 4.579380035400391, -0.3067564070224762, 8.497492790222168, 0.7021743655204773, 7.918325424194336, -4.494539260864258, 9.346034049987793, -4.886378288269043, 5.475345611572266, 8.843631744384766, -2.43302059173584, -1.3294912576675415, 8.931180000305176, -3.789184808731079, 8.240283966064453, 5.76646614074707, 5.233185291290283, 5.820146560668945, -1.1035805940628052, -4.014377593994141, -1.2759054899215698, -2.877953290939331, 6.490360260009766, 0.0041862716898322105, -1.062490701675415, 3.618513345718384, -5.756902694702148, -4.375532150268555, 6.5679826736450195, -1.119010329246521, 8.553544998168945, -1.9488178491592407, 4.278993606567383, 9.462915420532227, 4.761899471282959, 7.674594402313232, -3.760857105255127, 0.3743537664413452, -4.452212333679199, 6.571270942687988, 0.17812460660934448, -1.3459324836730957, 6.984182834625244, 7.300600051879883, 3.080533504486084, -4.182014465332031, 8.515839576721191, -0.5644581913948059, 2.007418155670166, -0.252541184425354, -5.466644763946533, 1.5108702182769775, 9.76800537109375, 5.982366561889648, 7.566092014312744, 9.431447982788086, -3.671621799468994, -4.124362468719482, 7.771110534667969, 7.530490875244141, 9.025154113769531, -5.765027046203613, 0.8110343813896179, 6.5633368492126465, 3.922020673751831, 8.29605484008789, -4.628393173217773, 4.687501907348633, 5.492928504943848, -1.8574496507644653, 1.357799768447876, -0.0730401873588562, -5.078868865966797, 5.7576165199279785, -5.623541831970215, -3.032851457595825, 6.917934417724609, 3.046741247177124, 5.686563491821289, -1.5997467041015625, 7.768548965454102, -0.47705528140068054, 7.201154708862305, 6.978529930114746, -1.167540431022644, 8.195036888122559, 2.688372850418091, -2.3953464031219482, 1.4461404085159302, 5.092557907104492, -2.0507190227508545, 7.206366539001465, 8.523588180541992, -4.437115669250488, 1.9804399013519287, 7.453397750854492, -5.695633888244629, 8.81782341003418, 5.488853931427002, -1.6860662698745728, -1.9982986450195312, 8.26409912109375, -1.0158137083053589, -1.8438365459442139, 2.81288743019104, -4.105258464813232, 3.6951634883880615, -0.21033447980880737, 5.695741653442383, -2.449591875076294, 7.506216049194336, 6.983267307281494, 8.486101150512695, 8.91897964477539, 7.027984142303467, -2.13666033744812, 5.7664666175842285, 8.277963638305664, 2.0989022254943848, 4.6459760665893555, 0.983700156211853, -4.545919418334961, 3.300910234451294, 6.609979629516602, -2.266948938369751, 6.952968120574951, 7.541769027709961, 3.242135763168335, 7.2732648849487305, 7.958399772644043, -1.1035805940628052, 3.6388819217681885, -4.996272563934326, 5.552548408508301, 3.9877827167510986, -2.4151883125305176, 7.566091537475586, 5.254061698913574, 6.398049354553223, -1.9991604089736938, 6.729658126831055, 3.997321367263794, -0.8549651503562927, -3.0526700019836426, -3.505635976791382, -5.622709274291992, -0.4975934624671936, 7.46909236907959, 0.7644912600517273, -3.1110212802886963, 8.743027687072754, 8.762842178344727, -3.671621799468994, 8.989039421081543, -5.920176029205322, -2.15240478515625, -4.014377593994141, -2.585395336151123, -1.9150806665420532, 8.510893821716309, 8.172953605651855, 3.922020673751831, 8.855661392211914, -1.8158721923828125, -2.6490061283111572, 2.0756475925445557, -4.338311672210693, 6.874536037445068, 3.6875879764556885, -4.005058765411377, 6.009369850158691, 1.341787338256836, -6.876233100891113, 5.40134859085083, 9.229802131652832, 8.272590637207031, -1.2981733083724976, 8.064144134521484, -4.7118425369262695, 3.01304292678833, -2.0628254413604736, 7.528125762939453, 7.055617332458496, 4.687501907348633, -0.8249764442443848, 6.2233567237854, -1.2215819358825684, 8.846466064453125, -1.6594643592834473, 4.476236820220947, -0.12107628583908081, 1.3725577592849731, 7.988171577453613, -3.269788980484009, 8.037628173828125, -1.480263590812683, -4.857540130615234, -4.096451759338379, 6.217285633087158, 3.4049015045166016, 8.21196174621582, 0.879118025302887, 6.609979629516602, -3.3191325664520264, 8.972888946533203, -0.967761754989624, -4.0706939697265625, 5.176799774169922, -1.627221703529358, -2.4708940982818604, 1.7380567789077759, -3.5879733562469482, 4.148836135864258, -4.921403884887695, 8.280543327331543, 4.225020408630371, 7.500113010406494, 6.708098411560059, 0.8779281377792358, 9.00896167755127, 4.148836135864258, 1.9986423254013062, 6.44315767288208, 7.877664566040039, 7.453397750854492, 4.190431594848633, 6.941495895385742, 7.91690731048584, 2.8965790271759033, 5.4673919677734375, 2.731004238128662, 7.59853458404541, 3.413604974746704, -0.9554468393325806, 7.134346961975098, 4.655609130859375, 4.776394844055176, 4.290051460266113, 2.7852323055267334, -0.4658639132976532, 8.375786781311035, 6.479532241821289, 8.368371963500977, 6.52442741394043, 5.660740852355957, 8.588582992553711, 0.04484766721725464, 6.934149742126465, 0.075991690158844, -0.3102343678474426, 5.845279693603516, 1.4530445337295532, 6.438202381134033, 8.039979934692383, 9.090545654296875, 8.363338470458984, 4.296230316162109, 8.150895118713379, 6.669323921203613, 6.862504959106445, 9.356163024902344, 0.075991690158844, 3.9326822757720947, 8.37428092956543, 7.8451008796691895, 7.493486404418945, 3.6167657375335693, -0.18301469087600708, 8.833744049072266, -0.42233964800834656, 1.4129124879837036, 7.594854354858398, 7.208683967590332, 6.671477317810059, -1.516634225845337, 0.5873845815658569, 4.818075656890869, 7.5263752937316895, 9.404208183288574, 8.787012100219727, 5.76795768737793, 4.933751106262207, 8.674349784851074, 5.483526706695557, 2.3340091705322266, 6.089110374450684, 0.5144440531730652, 8.176697731018066, 4.757595062255859, 4.0436272621154785, 5.073474884033203, 8.132966041564941, 0.6607932448387146, 7.988171577453613, 5.122546195983887, 9.44099235534668, 7.897587776184082, 9.43591594696045, 0.10877686738967896, 8.640985488891602, 1.7454534769058228, 7.4556732177734375, 9.836734771728516, 6.818321228027344, 5.765578269958496, 5.365724563598633, 2.6085052490234375, 8.263145446777344, 0.04484766721725464, 7.217015266418457, 7.279853343963623, -1.1947219371795654, -4.991939544677734, -2.0073792934417725, -1.956320881843567, -0.20896029472351074, -4.756163597106934, 0.15433824062347412, -4.65434455871582, -5.5407209396362305, -1.8343642950057983, 0.38725703954696655, 0.15181779861450195, -3.4528048038482666, 1.3561264276504517, -2.106752395629883, -1.0769884586334229, -1.9122360944747925, -4.373643398284912, -3.5312716960906982, -4.315110683441162, -2.6039843559265137, -4.967474460601807, -1.6035670042037964, -4.812620162963867, -2.2915117740631104, -2.777437210083008, 0.04535883665084839, -1.5395381450653076, -1.8864872455596924, -1.0025631189346313, -0.21551284193992615, -0.6552408337593079, -4.586321830749512, -3.904683828353882, -5.08061408996582, 8.810885429382324, 5.672894477844238, -2.5448122024536133, -2.2851076126098633, -1.6259318590164185, 5.463950157165527, -1.2157819271087646, -3.6164867877960205, 7.600522518157959, -3.202496290206909, 2.631060838699341, -1.9570237398147583, 1.8676385879516602, 4.956376075744629, 6.486642837524414, -3.4696028232574463, 2.876673460006714, -1.2549372911453247, 7.470674514770508, 0.5502098798751831, -1.8487954139709473, -0.13693523406982422, -1.060945749282837, 7.479331970214844, -2.293358087539673, 7.085324764251709, -1.6976298093795776, 7.663186073303223, 8.025742530822754, 7.2296319007873535, -2.863816499710083, 8.991050720214844, -3.000349998474121, 7.376945972442627, -3.533240556716919, -3.7147369384765625, 0.7979300618171692, 4.792655944824219, -2.190376043319702, 5.820146560668945, 3.467039108276367, -1.457252860069275, 9.266854286193848, -5.243542671203613, 1.357800006866455, -2.103039026260376, -4.987907409667969, 4.083558559417725, 0.5893518328666687, -0.9962217807769775, -1.1605199575424194, 2.0671894550323486, -1.5093374252319336, 8.422540664672852, -1.6221476793289185, 8.361568450927734, -4.576715469360352, 2.221177101135254, -2.1582207679748535, 9.229802131652832, -2.952057123184204, -3.150611639022827, 1.0072728395462036, -1.2659271955490112, -1.7826589345932007, -5.078868865966797, 6.36163330078125, -4.111240386962891, 4.794033050537109, 6.9734086990356445, 9.600773811340332, 6.210487365722656, -1.738502860069275, 9.613191604614258, 7.618251800537109, -5.280540943145752, 8.030176162719727, 5.160412311553955, 5.670013904571533, 5.109862327575684, 5.304851531982422, 4.128228187561035, -3.671621799468994, 3.6660592555999756, 8.368371963500977, 6.3058905601501465, 7.606200218200684, 1.341787338256836, 5.763995170593262, 8.15471076965332, -0.4538745582103729, -5.299002647399902, 1.9348398447036743, 6.945872783660889, 8.893343925476074, 7.5292510986328125, 6.521855354309082, 6.470442771911621, 5.995515823364258, 4.296230316162109, 6.833939552307129, 5.630542755126953, 8.422540664672852, 9.148228645324707, 8.777748107910156, 1.2214901447296143, 7.343918800354004, 4.342101573944092, 6.351865291595459, 8.860639572143555, 5.763103485107422, -2.359818935394287, 5.713996887207031, 4.3144145011901855, 6.351864814758301, -1.9991604089736938, 3.0640902519226074, 9.381338119506836, -1.6346421241760254, -5.231086730957031, -4.186740398406982, 8.172953605651855, 5.917175769805908, 6.723170280456543, 7.0217790603637695, 5.854480743408203, 6.131800174713135, -2.8273766040802, 7.947546005249023, 5.773069858551025, 5.448724746704102, -2.7772343158721924, 7.5461015701293945, -5.443255424499512, 6.217286109924316, -4.806173324584961, 6.180632591247559, 7.209140777587891, 5.693103790283203, -1.8079148530960083, 2.2216689586639404, 5.105588912963867, 7.5461015701293945, 6.974937915802002, -5.346341133117676, 8.05645751953125, 0.6325613856315613, 8.390009880065918, 7.145139694213867, -2.7056610584259033, -2.4333088397979736, 1.1620066165924072, -1.1675885915756226, 7.774150848388672, 8.34068775177002, 6.606511116027832, -1.6561318635940552, 5.779176712036133, -3.4311411380767822, -1.9439029693603516, -2.46819806098938, 8.394023895263672, 8.506794929504395, 7.6661224365234375, -1.4562543630599976, 9.281146049499512, 3.736780881881714, -1.4873888492584229, 7.331666946411133, 5.636017322540283, -2.990206003189087, 6.719923973083496, -2.1585428714752197, 7.4084577560424805, -4.388999938964844, 9.72143840789795, -4.365084648132324, -2.13666033744812, 0.6528095602989197, -0.6799034476280212, 4.505760192871094, 5.192319869995117, -3.762693405151367, 4.059851169586182, -4.224563121795654, -4.51723575592041, 5.90333366394043, 8.782315254211426, -0.224684476852417, 4.3792853355407715, -1.150386929512024, 2.786191701889038, 7.277658462524414, 5.756819725036621, -1.9305572509765625, -3.946927785873413, 6.817117691040039, -1.8907490968704224, 6.975325107574463, 1.5517222881317139, 4.587911605834961, -5.265477180480957, -3.6824915409088135, -4.809149742126465, -0.2138221263885498, -3.198634624481201, -1.0934091806411743, -4.555806636810303, 6.196922302246094, 7.0974955558776855, -1.4137564897537231, 3.313878297805786, -3.095703363418579, 8.2249755859375, -1.125465989112854, 7.557010650634766, -1.6930129528045654, -2.877953290939331, -1.482540249824524, 8.107922554016113, -3.1865246295928955, 8.282302856445312, -1.4873888492584229, -2.8297736644744873, -4.948035717010498, -4.681419372558594, 3.9438507556915283, -3.0518221855163574, 3.6167657375335693, 6.4228596687316895, -3.6741416454315186, -1.2981733083724976, 2.5631797313690186, 7.46909236907959, -4.380931854248047, 7.497017860412598, 7.699285507202148, -4.353616237640381, 6.431845664978027, 0.06387591361999512, -0.7899643778800964, -2.6349995136260986, -1.516634225845337, 5.638988494873047, 8.392980575561523, 8.264100074768066, 7.417455673217773, 4.811478137969971, 5.9928741455078125, 7.059434413909912, 3.6870150566101074, 1.319729208946228, 7.179863929748535, 6.557489395141602, -1.4362479448318481, 8.240311622619629, 7.162870407104492, 3.998396635055542, 8.463802337646484, 2.857574224472046, 0.8539444208145142, 4.726772308349609, 6.824092864990234, 7.217015266418457, 6.550858974456787, 7.875236511230469, -0.7079566121101379, 5.02807092666626, -1.3109785318374634, 8.95495891571045, 5.7576165199279785, 6.833946228027344, 9.114801406860352, 6.952968120574951, 7.529250144958496, 6.39441442489624, 5.043628692626953, 10.222457885742188, 8.012886047363281, -2.1813411712646484, -1.1605199575424194, -2.506068706512451, 0.38725703954696655, -2.8393614292144775, -3.667454481124878, -5.113819599151611, -2.0165107250213623, 0.9642360210418701, -1.850003719329834, -4.586321830749512, 3.6447837352752686, -2.659294366836548, -2.2268569469451904, 0.48613259196281433, -0.05912086367607117, -0.70766282081604, -0.12107628583908081, -2.517340660095215, -3.1993348598480225, -4.65434455871582, 0.26531633734703064, -0.1185983419418335, 6.758025169372559, 0.07920992374420166, 9.15559196472168, -3.095703363418579, -2.9183619022369385, -0.16107821464538574, -4.685574531555176, -0.4117389917373657, -2.286067485809326, -3.9867522716522217, -1.4546926021575928, 6.196922302246094, -7.343701362609863, -2.5762507915496826, -0.7115859389305115, 0.31368160247802734, -0.5733552575111389, 8.457061767578125, 0.646486222743988, -4.426621437072754, 9.43591594696045, -3.0807058811187744, -6.43504524230957, -4.426447868347168, -2.8393614292144775, -5.991511344909668, 4.609949588775635, -6.239451885223389, 2.590430736541748, -3.036328077316284, -3.8108556270599365, -1.9150806665420532, -3.214113712310791, 1.7454534769058228, -1.930557370185852, -0.11700215935707092, -2.418745279312134, -1.1163949966430664, -4.522598743438721, -0.7020834684371948, -0.9474964737892151, -2.9677157402038574, 0.8224868178367615, -3.333329677581787, -0.4117389917373657, 7.376945972442627, -4.299684524536133, -4.556308746337891, -3.056297540664673, -1.1318060159683228, -3.6957898139953613, -0.6552408337593079, -3.7703402042388916, 5.515677452087402, -3.490823984146118, -5.741549968719482, -4.375532150268555, -1.3279670476913452, -4.509185314178467, -2.653700113296509, -2.928309679031372, -2.777437210083008, 0.8130038976669312, -3.6069962978363037, 7.602522850036621, -5.995482444763184, -3.1755731105804443, -1.8831586837768555, -1.5283347368240356, 6.353583335876465, -0.9471105933189392, 1.4368518590927124, -2.735220193862915, -1.6284441947937012, 8.189045906066895, -3.3191325664520264, -1.7759652137756348, -1.4275096654891968, -2.990206003189087, -4.7571916580200195, -1.3685814142227173, -0.01632404327392578, -2.5762507915496826, -0.10839936137199402, -2.9437074661254883, -1.5281569957733154, -0.5505034327507019, -2.470290422439575, -2.353076934814453, 0.4583735167980194, -3.7891852855682373, -3.5565478801727295, -2.0274455547332764, 0.06387591361999512, 0.07738387584686279, -3.2780404090881348, -5.424680233001709, -0.33728569746017456, -1.233762502670288, -3.0673258304595947, -0.34925153851509094, -1.5868984460830688, -5.904582500457764, -3.1110212802886963, -2.0244271755218506, -2.2063605785369873, -6.382194519042969, -1.8241007328033447, -4.0211405754089355, -2.2293996810913086, -1.4137564897537231, -5.094874382019043, -0.15995484590530396, -5.679170608520508, -1.757551670074463, 0.22685092687606812, -2.152662754058838, -4.005058765411377, -4.976205348968506, -2.714858293533325, -3.1851842403411865, -2.2602856159210205, -1.7360934019088745, -1.3397657871246338, 0.760447084903717, -2.5487048625946045, -1.6609259843826294, -4.484569072723389, -1.7360934019088745, -3.248441457748413, -3.9651331901550293, -4.702621936798096, -2.1459717750549316, -1.6930129528045654, -5.345795154571533, -1.9982986450195312, -6.286339282989502, -4.470927715301514, -4.810773849487305, 0.41448843479156494, -0.8585487008094788, -3.9001080989837646, 0.48613259196281433, -4.018388748168945, -2.999061346054077, -1.4778474569320679, -0.3577924370765686, -1.5624908208847046, -3.4209773540496826, -4.069154262542725, -5.1286468505859375, -6.199069976806641, -3.341871738433838, -1.6306865215301514, -5.692436695098877, -2.472684621810913, -4.690990924835205, -4.050620079040527, -1.4590612649917603, -5.648825168609619, -0.34644967317581177, 0.06138277053833008, -1.8440110683441162, -2.0313403606414795, -6.008940696716309, -1.1245352029800415, -5.435442924499512, -3.6063458919525146, -4.755558013916016, -3.5161993503570557, -0.7282500863075256, -2.099522113800049, -4.0543212890625, 8.515839576721191, 0.29877787828445435, 8.868574142456055, 4.342101573944092, 7.437983512878418, 1.2465006113052368, 8.478029251098633, 6.902534484863281, 9.274578094482422, 4.792655944824219, 3.597114086151123, 7.213150978088379, 5.013805389404297, 0.5808144807815552, 5.483526706695557, 8.283554077148438, 3.737898111343384, 7.055617332458496, 3.865586757659912, 2.263057231903076, 5.636017322540283, 6.888594627380371, 6.832171440124512, 4.837671756744385, 8.81782341003418, 6.840445518493652, 9.274240493774414, 6.1981611251831055, 6.01094913482666, 6.339221000671387, 8.280543327331543, 1.6846981048583984, 8.459785461425781, 8.069449424743652, 8.814435005187988, 3.139223337173462, -1.370156168937683, 8.174440383911133, -1.1334314346313477, 8.277963638305664, 9.984260559082031, 7.311738014221191, 6.363398551940918, 4.941254615783691, 4.678013801574707, 8.91897964477539, 1.62953782081604, 2.407945156097412, 1.4260812997817993, -0.7868491411209106, 7.267976760864258, 3.013042688369751, 5.978395462036133, 6.528652191162109, 0.5152481198310852, -0.4130929708480835, 1.1188805103302002, 8.017213821411133, 8.69098949432373, 9.346034049987793, 8.296497344970703, 4.751485824584961, 7.206916809082031, 8.411645889282227, 7.518711090087891, 6.099698543548584, 4.148836135864258, 4.543342590332031, 3.871267795562744, 3.064249277114868, 7.475281715393066, -4.484569072723389, -2.369386672973633, 6.916543006896973, 6.651185035705566, 5.073474884033203, 3.8990561962127686, 0.18286734819412231, 9.275465965270996, -3.8075788021087646, 3.7789628505706787, -3.6040449142456055, -5.270319938659668, -3.284520149230957, 1.7984577417373657, 0.7195385098457336, 5.319944381713867, -2.645113229751587, -2.44242787361145, -2.877953290939331, -1.1414769887924194, 0.3108607828617096, -1.1046679019927979, 4.727422714233398, 5.62278938293457, 1.5517224073410034, 4.599498748779297, 7.340996742248535, 4.901148796081543, 9.155254364013672, 2.9085066318511963, 9.381338119506836, 5.119624137878418, 6.052691459655762, 4.761899471282959, 4.3139238357543945, 6.9394450187683105, 5.59072208404541, 2.783900499343872, 8.940120697021484, 6.393860816955566, -1.8597582578659058, 4.036769390106201, 8.81782341003418, 5.76795768737793, 6.1418609619140625, 6.734657287597656, 6.0921831130981445, 1.7212650775909424, 4.36954402923584, 5.415584564208984, 5.781034469604492, 6.874536037445068, 8.770638465881348, 8.143651008605957, 5.161370277404785, 7.214350700378418, -0.6255518794059753, 5.120001316070557, 6.060247421264648, -1.1679632663726807, 8.172953605651855, 6.24252986907959, 5.083095550537109, 4.290051460266113, 8.918980598449707, 6.40211296081543, 7.475281715393066, 2.8248157501220703, 8.622172355651855, 6.758025169372559, 5.415584564208984, 2.5109026432037354, 7.796227931976318, 7.2296319007873535, 4.454600811004639, 5.896254539489746, 6.317942142486572, 3.9973208904266357, 9.430013656616211, 8.039979934692383, 2.9751358032226562, 4.362422943115234, 7.965933322906494, 4.727422714233398, 7.8874006271362305, 2.0989022254943848, 9.984260559082031, 6.257533073425293, 7.343918800354004, 7.919445037841797, 0.426538348197937, 7.291589736938477, 7.29819393157959, 4.952912330627441, -1.1334314346313477, 8.14616584777832, 4.305144309997559, 2.333063840866089, 2.000894784927368, 6.0921831130981445, 6.558188438415527, 8.0809965133667, 8.640985488891602, 5.215794563293457, 8.777748107910156, 8.256251335144043, 6.661981582641602, -3.5415937900543213, -0.5554124116897583, 3.6167657375335693, 7.602522850036621, 5.175262451171875, 7.738597869873047, 1.0072728395462036, 6.335012912750244, 2.6512742042541504, 5.105951309204102, 8.949217796325684, 2.5555810928344727, -1.248521089553833, 7.796227931976318, 9.83713436126709, 8.734743118286133, 8.051488876342773, -1.0048965215682983, 6.69384765625, 6.9353742599487305, 5.291073799133301, 8.358732223510742, 2.812570571899414, 2.9848618507385254, 8.369097709655762, 3.844987630844116, 6.25745964050293, 9.022814750671387, 5.806750297546387, 6.765939712524414, 8.9816255569458, 2.925144910812378, 0.393007755279541, 2.418158769607544, 8.176697731018066, 5.820146560668945, 5.333228588104248, -0.7696983218193054, -1.1516467332839966, 3.4827802181243896, 8.660416603088379, 6.776682376861572, -0.07169961929321289, -2.5718460083007812, -1.6524875164031982, 2.723701000213623, -4.0706939697265625, 2.6068685054779053, 7.5911970138549805, -4.040411949157715, 3.477924108505249, -1.6524875164031982, 2.470318555831909, 2.5818612575531006, -0.19748860597610474, 2.5160768032073975, 6.621405601501465, -2.019373893737793, -3.1939146518707275, -4.232268810272217, 5.76795768737793, -1.2981733083724976, 0.8173784613609314, -2.877953290939331, 6.96441650390625, -1.5316991806030273, -0.8886072635650635, -3.532417058944702, -0.4924108684062958, 5.888681411743164, 0.9273961186408997, 7.066568374633789, -2.2915117740631104, 6.548325538635254, -4.045309066772461, 7.503512382507324, 4.493293762207031, -3.667104959487915, -3.3847861289978027, 8.390939712524414, -2.599709987640381, 8.387453079223633, 7.796227931976318, -0.1185983419418335, 0.09812206029891968, -1.6994049549102783, 6.451358318328857, -2.353076934814453, 1.1104720830917358, 7.231317520141602, -1.3131040334701538, -1.9836896657943726, -4.426447868347168, 8.497492790222168, -2.249966859817505, -1.7821322679519653, 6.13541841506958, -0.5837960839271545, -0.19003665447235107, -0.2906647324562073, -2.0262110233306885, 6.197235107421875, 5.356457710266113, 4.610291957855225, -3.4598567485809326, 6.3010358810424805, 6.661981582641602, -6.671353340148926, 5.32694149017334, -1.7245608568191528, 8.361568450927734, 0.18342015147209167, 6.220579624176025, 2.857574224472046, -1.7652114629745483, -0.3724530339241028, -1.3647170066833496, -1.2834962606430054, -1.313714861869812, 8.91897964477539, -2.50797963142395, -2.5762507915496826, 6.986989974975586, 5.9911394119262695, 8.934693336486816, -3.7934839725494385, -0.7608185410499573, 6.986989974975586, -2.958341360092163, -2.1649842262268066, -3.7353627681732178, -1.0977672338485718, -0.2581224739551544, 7.877314567565918, 6.277836799621582, -4.235228061676025, -5.397388458251953, -2.1384685039520264, -0.12090906500816345, 0.6608189940452576, -3.4598567485809326, -1.1217514276504517, 6.984182834625244, -4.011200904846191, -6.194944858551025, -4.671109199523926, -2.6627707481384277, 8.941067695617676, -0.6552408337593079, -4.653074264526367, -4.546056747436523, -4.678508758544922, 6.071923732757568, -0.11700180172920227, -1.9606159925460815, -2.157310962677002, -3.1428873538970947, 1.9273563623428345, -0.6552408337593079, 0.93865567445755, -2.532521963119507, -1.5910123586654663, -3.405618906021118, 7.663186073303223, 0.38725703954696655, -0.05912086367607117, -2.019373893737793, 0.03800994157791138, -3.78505539894104, -1.2109181880950928, -1.6561315059661865, -2.514430284500122, -0.8785538077354431, -5.266986846923828, -1.5283347368240356, 7.518711090087891, -5.443592548370361, 5.973905563354492, -6.794939994812012, -1.9937325716018677, -3.0696630477905273, -4.873991966247559, -1.9995578527450562, 8.681380271911621, 3.8990561962127686, -4.459708213806152, 0.46208077669143677, -0.8780279755592346, -3.4722442626953125, -0.4745445251464844, 6.102542400360107, 8.500269889831543, -6.43504524230957, 8.569236755371094, 6.679605484008789, 4.432992935180664, -3.04559326171875, 0.12870299816131592, 7.143257141113281, -2.469292402267456, -0.27474480867385864, -6.008940696716309, 7.630361080169678, -1.6548258066177368, 5.071547985076904, 5.699296474456787, -2.514430284500122, 6.886031150817871, -1.8410756587982178, 6.151327133178711, 4.296230316162109, -2.511619806289673, 4.547983169555664, -2.2867190837860107, -1.1869447231292725, 7.152576446533203, 1.8833277225494385, 0.802690327167511, -4.4773969650268555, 4.906914710998535, 7.595028400421143, -1.838502049446106, 8.122944831848145, -1.5736470222473145, 6.345646858215332, -5.857108116149902, -4.065777778625488, 7.382963180541992, -1.474656343460083, 5.046944618225098, -5.687694549560547, -1.283436894416809, -0.7899643778800964, -2.2271759510040283, 8.575628280639648, -1.7245608568191528, 6.616257667541504, -2.7559516429901123, 8.272590637207031, 5.800381660461426, -1.0518033504486084, -0.32824885845184326, -4.418588638305664, 5.372157573699951, 0.5677886009216309, -2.511619806289673, -2.0313401222229004, -0.9559696316719055, 2.606325387954712, -4.476796627044678, -6.937078475952148, 8.238945007324219, -0.6552408337593079, 3.4764726161956787, 2.5884859561920166, 7.743485450744629, -3.977656841278076, -0.4762679636478424, 8.681380271911621, -4.454869270324707, 7.349216461181641, -3.9651331901550293, 4.006242752075195, 0.45969730615615845, -1.6930129528045654, 3.6870148181915283, 2.8312580585479736, 7.0464186668396, -0.42303556203842163, 1.9212740659713745, 6.427608966827393, -1.1229426860809326, -1.6282509565353394, 6.752752304077148, -6.289393424987793, -1.3661705255508423, -2.4044532775878906, -4.92539644241333, -0.219946950674057, -1.3279670476913452, 8.687938690185547, -0.9103304743766785, -2.199500799179077, 6.647283554077148, -0.5905053019523621, 9.3997163772583, 8.515839576721191, 1.744760274887085, 8.032325744628906, -2.7604291439056396, -1.6930129528045654, -1.2074449062347412, 0.42399856448173523, 0.23215991258621216, 6.526091575622559, -0.5733552575111389, 7.283699989318848, -1.6107361316680908, -3.09183406829834, 6.929603099822998, -4.632058620452881, -2.7420060634613037, -3.039454698562622, 0.9667022824287415, 0.875693678855896, 6.716156959533691, 2.3304860591888428, 7.496260643005371, 3.744140863418579, 8.859850883483887, 0.1511155366897583, 7.815922737121582, 6.185199737548828, 6.398048400878906, -1.0099869966506958, 7.287600517272949, 1.7176240682601929, 8.93950080871582, 1.9654209613800049, -0.8731922507286072, 1.2599393129348755, 4.976228713989258, 3.413604974746704, 0.023145973682403564, 8.688855171203613, 6.139551162719727, 4.675222396850586, 2.9848618507385254, 3.893280029296875, 9.114801406860352, 6.776732444763184, 8.949217796325684, 7.348549842834473, 5.91625452041626, 6.719923973083496, 6.565252304077148, 8.91897964477539, 6.990139007568359, 0.872485339641571, 0.31134873628616333, 8.13631820678711, 6.25745964050293, 2.2290217876434326, -1.8792190551757812, -1.0290104150772095, -2.384871482849121, 7.689570426940918, -2.4768412113189697, -4.445779323577881, -2.9364209175109863, -4.556307792663574, 4.990797996520996, -2.849863290786743, -2.5748894214630127, -1.8438365459442139, -3.671621799468994, -2.019958257675171, 2.4519667625427246, -1.1420961618423462, -3.248441457748413, -2.1307601928710938, -2.8871729373931885, -2.1839678287506104, 8.734905242919922, 0.6528095602989197, -4.452212333679199, 6.036825180053711, -2.381054639816284, -1.27694571018219, -0.6200627684593201, -1.3033472299575806, -2.2555880546569824, 0.1274505853652954, -2.83894419670105, -2.266948938369751, -1.2548526525497437, -3.020220994949341, -1.7532237768173218, -3.829225540161133, -1.2074449062347412, -2.1570918560028076, -4.678508758544922, -1.6346421241760254, -1.162324070930481, 9.462915420532227, -0.8364382386207581, 7.055617332458496, -1.0624903440475464, 9.362009048461914, -1.1163872480392456, -0.8785538077354431, 6.9734086990356445, -1.6436101198196411, -4.577626705169678, 4.305144309997559, -1.2310326099395752, -1.624082326889038, 6.5679826736450195, 7.085324764251709, 4.13592529296875, 6.671477317810059, -0.70766282081604, -3.995148181915283, -0.3577924370765686, -2.007122039794922, -1.035126805305481, 0.3133067190647125, 6.317942142486572, -5.315805435180664, 8.743026733398438, -3.712520122528076, 6.3857526779174805, 5.720556259155273, -4.806173324584961, 8.97004508972168, -1.1625107526779175, 2.65145206451416, 4.941254615783691, -2.9013092517852783, -0.6005589365959167, 5.564052581787109, 0.4883171319961548, -2.015270471572876, -0.2199474275112152, 7.348515510559082, -4.282138824462891, 0.22307908535003662, -3.8715994358062744, 6.424327850341797, 8.762842178344727, -2.608640670776367, -1.0771092176437378, -1.731814980506897, -5.252370357513428, -5.477422714233398, -3.0684680938720703, 5.675216197967529, 5.168603897094727, -5.4525556564331055, 4.260849952697754, -3.0684680938720703, -1.1488456726074219, 1.5788835287094116, -2.7639667987823486, 4.288309574127197, -0.2310279905796051, -5.846569061279297, 7.8568878173828125, 6.424327850341797, 7.6239118576049805, 6.303012847900391, 5.332231044769287, 8.34068775177002, 3.02790904045105, 6.621405601501465, 8.082761764526367, 7.349216461181641, 7.473432540893555, 5.76795768737793, 2.6085052490234375, 9.255075454711914, 8.348928451538086, 5.91625452041626, 6.704904556274414, 7.880043029785156, 2.7145018577575684, 7.025960445404053, 0.2148304581642151, 2.7777535915374756, 8.001701354980469, 0.10877692699432373, 8.748377799987793, 7.612398147583008, 6.21437931060791, 8.643133163452148, 5.950830459594727, 0.09812206029891968, 3.9326822757720947, 2.117924690246582, 5.630234718322754, 5.630413055419922, 8.833744049072266, 8.411645889282227, 6.0921831130981445, 8.91897964477539, 7.7223615646362305, 8.387453079223633, 6.140155792236328, -0.9554468393325806, 1.4260812997817993, 7.349216461181641, 1.17005455493927, 6.25745964050293, 6.931715965270996, -0.39016860723495483, 7.98496675491333, 8.836962699890137, -1.6414858102798462, 7.680570602416992, 1.1826878786087036, 5.388104438781738, 7.667868614196777, 6.708098411560059, 5.008960247039795, 4.305144309997559, -1.1679632663726807, 9.404208183288574, 8.734905242919922, 3.871267795562744, 6.9563140869140625, -1.0312635898590088, 2.286869764328003, 1.7534302473068237, 2.090245008468628, 8.739337921142578, -0.4130929708480835, 7.214350700378418, -1.6463311910629272, 4.543342590332031, 6.353583335876465, 3.9781086444854736, -0.12294590473175049, 7.146946907043457, -1.3647171258926392, 8.079344749450684, 1.824365258216858, -0.5937697291374207, -0.44230765104293823, 8.587580680847168, 7.053274154663086, 1.6520335674285889, 8.063372611999512, 8.739337921142578, 6.366442680358887, 2.9085066318511963, 5.778720855712891, 9.430013656616211, -0.29718726873397827, -0.22021827101707458, 8.762842178344727, 4.3792853355407715, 0.9926969408988953, 8.588582992553711, 7.91690731048584, 1.5184130668640137, 4.499481201171875, 7.573570251464844, 4.011801242828369, 8.879541397094727, 5.192319869995117, 9.346034049987793, 1.0084599256515503, 7.064748764038086, 5.448724746704102, -0.6969138979911804, -4.063164710998535, -1.4362479448318481, -4.873706817626953, 5.378871440887451, 7.772771835327148, -1.1213434934616089, -1.6414858102798462, 7.349216461181641, -3.5752546787261963, -3.6688501834869385, 6.651185035705566, -0.992596447467804, -0.9077441096305847, 7.384974479675293, 1.1188805103302002, -0.42303556203842163, 8.240283966064453, -3.284520149230957, -2.645113229751587, -2.24759578704834, 8.249063491821289, -4.353616237640381, 1.2583332061767578, -4.742369651794434, 6.985279560089111, 6.959745407104492, -2.725330114364624, -3.6916749477386475, 6.110374450683594, 0.4883171319961548, -1.5093374252319336, 1.7454534769058228, -1.5868983268737793, 5.033671855926514, 0.903680682182312, -3.9883573055267334, 8.523588180541992, -2.9810969829559326, 3.2609331607818604, 8.063372611999512, -4.726560592651367, -1.5635069608688354, -1.9486209154129028, 5.150251388549805, -3.841942548751831, 1.3191196918487549, 1.3952049016952515, -0.8113130927085876, 9.266854286193848, 8.237634658813477, -5.115178108215332, 7.0654191970825195, 0.17776474356651306, -5.044845104217529, -2.4850516319274902, 6.944768905639648, -4.019942283630371, 8.95495891571045, -2.2749452590942383, 5.686563491821289, -2.563016414642334, -1.7716093063354492, 8.43200969696045, -5.6274003982543945, 6.575606822967529, -0.5071985125541687, -1.3131422996520996, -2.929534673690796, 0.875693678855896, 6.734658241271973, 8.387453079223633, -2.1579015254974365, 5.783894062042236, 6.608049392700195, 6.991625785827637, -0.2906647324562073, 9.984260559082031, 6.135417938232422, -2.1813411712646484, -2.6894781589508057, 0.48354828357696533, 5.088070392608643, -1.03545081615448, 6.2271270751953125, 0.07966524362564087, -4.665569305419922, 8.81782341003418, -4.32876443862915, 3.313878297805786, 8.61009693145752, -4.755558013916016, -0.6967911124229431, -4.603817462921143, 2.5394668579101562, -3.1818835735321045, 6.59269905090332, 1.3126935958862305, 0.8503449559211731, 6.729658126831055, 4.294206619262695, 6.719923973083496, 4.369802474975586, 5.911469459533691, 3.4842114448547363, 6.719923973083496, 7.376945972442627, 5.641231536865234, 7.343918800354004, 8.384063720703125, 0.6111275553703308, 6.9734086990356445, 5.488853931427002, 4.194243431091309, -3.4108598232269287, 6.214366436004639, -1.369057059288025, 7.240331172943115, 6.54836368560791, -5.692436695098877, -6.207039833068848, -5.656515121459961, -4.540394306182861, -3.875434637069702, -0.8058428168296814, -2.9191553592681885, -2.767638921737671, -5.823552131652832, -3.333329677581787, -5.648825168609619, -2.1399335861206055, -2.1824512481689453, -1.2215819358825684, -0.4098130464553833, -2.0212459564208984, -1.03545081615448, -2.4228553771972656, -2.6627707481384277, -2.849863290786743, -4.037096977233887, 0.6290349960327148, -3.9883573055267334, -2.0624234676361084, -3.6947591304779053, -3.250093460083008, -3.052670478820801, -3.221997022628784, -2.9928300380706787, -4.948035717010498, -2.1570918560028076, -1.1786082983016968, -2.1916959285736084, -0.5957865118980408, -1.5687881708145142, -1.5909218788146973, 9.503761291503906, -2.0262110233306885, 1.94951331615448, -1.2260547876358032, -4.352579593658447, 6.407646179199219, -1.793101191520691, 2.321350574493408, 8.172953605651855, -2.1780662536621094, 1.4368518590927124, -1.6316475868225098, 8.126660346984863, -1.738502860069275, -0.47705528140068054, 5.161370277404785, -3.9548158645629883, -5.13126277923584, -3.502887010574341, 2.909878730773926, 7.500113487243652, 4.991829872131348, -2.9168784618377686, 6.921167373657227, -4.626491546630859, -4.857540130615234, 5.073474884033203, 0.08630597591400146, 0.15433824062347412, -4.65434455871582, -2.9112069606781006, 3.425272226333618, -3.8865315914154053, -5.002721309661865, -1.9122360944747925, -1.9982986450195312, -5.243542671203613, -1.9956856966018677, -4.003607749938965, -1.1254658699035645, -5.596837997436523, -5.049550533294678, 2.786191701889038, -4.096451759338379, 3.998396635055542, 1.0070096254348755, -0.9147566556930542, -3.968858003616333, -0.9640771150588989, 5.66691780090332, -2.2287745475769043, -3.4344022274017334, -3.4958789348602295, 6.565252304077148, 0.6062867641448975, 7.690060615539551, -5.6876959800720215, 6.486642360687256, -2.1597511768341064, -4.318312168121338, -1.4512503147125244, -3.6741416454315186, 5.978395462036133, -2.2665369510650635, -4.064180374145508, 5.9372076988220215, -3.178356647491455, 6.941418647766113, -4.96077299118042, -0.41205164790153503, -2.4799885749816895, -5.094874382019043, 0.021503090858459473, -3.671621799468994, -1.1758579015731812, -5.216292381286621, -3.654170274734497, -0.19363081455230713, -3.6688501834869385, -2.1292357444763184, -4.060938835144043, -2.046480417251587, -0.5619425177574158, -2.0819854736328125, -3.821364402770996, -1.6240819692611694, -1.1488456726074219, -2.0244271755218506, -0.3067564070224762, -1.0432993173599243, -1.7520567178726196, -4.657485008239746, -1.060268759727478, -3.333312749862671, -3.6947591304779053, -4.576715469360352, -0.6926628947257996, -5.212636947631836, -2.810760736465454, -4.876773834228516, -2.832317590713501, -2.4044532775878906, -2.5691511631011963, -2.60762619972229, -3.77158260345459, -1.1998536586761475, -3.432516098022461, -2.989454984664917, -4.973792552947998, -5.283270835876465, -1.8907490968704224, -5.409490585327148, -2.4850516319274902, -1.5096290111541748, -1.5033718347549438, -4.509185314178467, 8.989039421081543, -1.416375756263733, 8.205856323242188, -0.9510159492492676, -1.502771258354187, 0.23626786470413208, -4.062882423400879, -4.31308650970459, -0.9241493344306946, -0.9640771150588989, -0.5374289155006409, -5.27484130859375, -4.399194717407227, -1.6310991048812866, -5.268045425415039, -0.5905053019523621, 0.04535883665084839, -2.566934823989868, -3.8602521419525146, -1.5910121202468872, -2.2932801246643066, -4.809823513031006, 0.41448843479156494, -2.0212464332580566, -0.4810270667076111, -2.124346971511841, -5.0044145584106445, -1.4873888492584229, -1.0453240871429443, -3.8075788021087646, -3.7546985149383545, -0.3690904676914215, -2.6039843559265137, -2.8500475883483887, -2.5674140453338623, -5.67379093170166, -1.5997467041015625, -2.242567777633667, -4.580378532409668, -3.4490621089935303, -5.231086730957031, -2.5448122024536133, -0.35809868574142456, -1.184995412826538, -3.7353622913360596, -2.9188146591186523, 0.03518158197402954, -5.330683708190918, -3.14623761177063, -4.0706939697265625, -2.117361307144165, -2.7639667987823486, -2.9112069606781006, -0.42530733346939087, -0.992596447467804, -4.724608898162842, -3.128038167953491, -4.772909164428711, 8.600659370422363, 8.844491004943848, 3.7037317752838135, 5.9372076988220215, 5.792976379394531, 1.6862938404083252, -0.4181477427482605, 7.6132330894470215, 7.877664566040039, 9.503761291503906, 7.179864883422852, 6.882729530334473, 7.4084577560424805, 7.0369672775268555, 8.817140579223633, 6.854844570159912, 3.4849929809570312, 7.555367946624756, 6.0249857902526855, 2.562875986099243, 7.053274154663086, 8.392980575561523, 1.8884247541427612, 6.723170280456543, 4.5224928855896, 8.336759567260742, 8.014816284179688, -0.06784975528717041, 9.600773811340332, 7.711735725402832, 0.631478488445282, 0.42399856448173523, 0.08210450410842896, 7.449388027191162, 7.68568229675293, -1.0158137083053589, 5.063333034515381, 8.843631744384766, 3.046741247177124, 1.9943739175796509, 7.240331172943115, 6.765939712524414, 7.631651878356934, 0.09812206029891968, 9.281146049499512, 6.752752304077148, 6.188429355621338, 2.562875986099243, -1.1044999361038208, 2.9423553943634033, 7.500113487243652, 6.451358318328857, 4.423065185546875, 4.565784454345703, 4.587911605834961, 5.206768989562988, 3.9432647228240967, 3.2417852878570557, 2.5627708435058594, -0.9620549082756042, 5.820146560668945, 6.664180755615234, -0.670890748500824, 8.565528869628906, 6.990139007568359, 7.279853343963623, 5.590705871582031, 3.736780881881714, 9.769196510314941, 0.700626790523529, 5.757439613342285, 6.8929243087768555, 9.019672393798828, -0.6408044695854187, 8.972888946533203, 7.601186752319336, 7.8568878173828125, 8.340936660766602, 5.4762091636657715, 8.143651008605957, 5.068672180175781, 0.903680682182312, 8.66409969329834, 5.318943023681641, 8.100109100341797, 9.26828384399414, 4.288419723510742, 8.457061767578125, 6.7170209884643555, -1.2555714845657349, 3.652031660079956, -1.6223294734954834, -0.02990734577178955, 1.2583332061767578, 7.473432540893555, 5.333229064941406, 8.982736587524414, 6.885672569274902, 4.751898765563965, 7.575223922729492, 9.614994049072266, 6.818321228027344, -3.5987985134124756, -5.363204002380371, -4.443277835845947, 0.6331763863563538, 0.9033823013305664, -4.642935276031494, -3.6585028171539307, -0.9537795186042786, -5.221950531005859, -0.7199398875236511, -4.973792552947998, -0.8585487008094788, -5.49110221862793, -4.402643203735352, 0.20921355485916138, -1.674679160118103, -2.273406744003296, -0.5811099410057068, -0.6799034476280212, -1.1675885915756226, 0.3163739740848541, -0.8112708330154419, -3.139549970626831, -4.217299938201904, -5.356733322143555, -0.9731364846229553, -2.232866048812866, -2.204075336456299, -4.711540222167969, -1.1947219371795654, -0.4711044430732727, -3.359344244003296, -1.9606159925460815, -5.1170148849487305, -1.551784634590149, -2.462221384048462, -2.242567777633667, -4.352579593658447, -6.596159934997559, -1.1163872480392456, -4.5691399574279785, -5.260092258453369, -2.6561532020568848, -2.367870807647705, -2.2036430835723877, -2.392657995223999, -3.995715379714966, -1.119010329246521, -0.561942458152771, 0.9872404336929321, -2.0261013507843018, -3.199333906173706, -1.1625107526779175, 0.31368160247802734, -0.8187374472618103, -3.151994466781616, -4.798405647277832, 2.6770503520965576, -3.5161993503570557, 0.3107132613658905, -5.827959060668945, -0.5071985125541687, -0.7608009576797485, -0.9147566556930542, 0.23049569129943848, -0.9474964737892151, -0.8416674137115479, -2.3706743717193604, -2.564816951751709, 5.958953380584717, 9.255075454711914, 8.597444534301758, 0.6331763863563538, 7.21406364440918, -2.19694185256958, 3.139223337173462, 8.280543327331543, 4.534752368927002, -5.435441493988037, 4.490853309631348, 7.576537132263184, 8.387453079223633, -1.890825629234314, 0.08630597591400146, -2.235947370529175, 8.600659370422363, 0.07738387584686279, 7.6239118576049805, -0.7443826198577881, -2.157310962677002, 4.564504623413086, -0.561942458152771, -2.381054639816284, -5.488789081573486, 7.2732648849487305, 0.06138277053833008, 4.700652122497559, -2.6930322647094727, 2.4673526287078857, -3.2153146266937256, 6.404901504516602, 8.363338470458984, -1.3005287647247314, 5.800381660461426, 7.368422508239746, -2.1399335861206055, 6.768414497375488, -1.7848236560821533, 4.991912841796875, -0.6200627684593201, -3.058755397796631, -2.302121162414551, 0.6910545825958252, -2.0165107250213623, -1.9181480407714844, -1.7848236560821533, -5.607444763183594, -1.1787081956863403, -6.020781993865967, 8.587580680847168, -2.4508960247039795, 7.496260643005371, -2.923718214035034, 7.886136054992676, 7.850864887237549, 9.614994049072266, 5.206768989562988, 4.216458797454834, 0.4111219346523285, -5.504799842834473, 5.485010147094727, -2.3331563472747803, -6.596783638000488, 8.384063720703125, 6.216477394104004, 1.0084599256515503, -1.0803145170211792, -1.0099869966506958, -2.6349995136260986, 8.528585433959961, 7.943915367126465, 7.46909236907959, 3.9055068492889404, -1.960956335067749, -2.2602856159210205, 9.540857315063477, 7.771110534667969, -2.214740514755249, 6.793780326843262, 1.7477184534072876, 0.3107132613658905, 0.31134873628616333, 5.130630016326904, -5.0150909423828125, -3.204927921295166, 4.1118574142456055, 8.982236862182617, -5.481442451477051, 8.387453079223633, -5.623541831970215, 6.936253547668457, -3.9544076919555664, 7.5263752937316895, 8.833744049072266, 5.788088321685791, 8.942227363586426, 4.187926769256592, 7.193875312805176, 9.346034049987793, 8.69098949432373, 4.547983169555664, 5.492928504943848, 1.6846981048583984, 6.664180755615234, 5.675216197967529, 7.772771835327148, 3.2609331607818604, 0.6111275553703308, 3.615248441696167, 2.735260009765625, 5.44260311126709, 4.1118574142456055, 9.275344848632812, 6.601343154907227, 7.666339874267578, 1.4266722202301025, 7.566092014312744, 5.527335166931152, 8.411645889282227, 5.365724563598633, -0.8249764442443848, 5.781034469604492, 5.855040073394775, 8.955116271972656, 6.197235107421875, 4.883887767791748, 4.303183555603027, 5.071547985076904, 6.936253547668457, 3.272372007369995, 8.163100242614746, 5.650704383850098, 3.2105062007904053, -3.697594165802002, 6.882729530334473, 1.7545231580734253, -1.2445944547653198, 2.375556468963623, 0.7021743655204773, 5.302542686462402, -4.045309066772461, -4.373223781585693, -1.4882503747940063, 3.6669976711273193, 6.463224411010742, 8.739337921142578, -5.880030632019043, 7.399728775024414, -0.364704966545105, -2.8326237201690674, 8.39401626586914, 9.346034049987793, 7.918325424194336, -5.429028511047363, 7.483792781829834, 2.4415650367736816, 7.348549842834473, -4.628393173217773, 2.3026351928710938, 5.068672180175781, 6.609979629516602, 6.223535537719727, 0.759763777256012, 7.918325424194336, 3.2380166053771973, 5.50743293762207, 9.266854286193848, 3.4827802181243896, -4.037096977233887, -0.46467310190200806, -1.0554697513580322, 4.796710968017578, -0.7402878999710083, -3.6365745067596436, -1.25608491897583, -1.6537009477615356, 7.686347961425781, -1.184995412826538, 0.012323140166699886, 9.273528099060059, 0.14712518453598022, 8.84817123413086, 2.661311388015747, 0.9502237439155579, 6.463033676147461, 5.167595386505127, 0.4616805613040924, -0.15292108058929443, 6.890672206878662, -1.1420141458511353, 8.249063491821289, -4.182014465332031, 8.150895118713379, 7.8874006271362305, -1.0002148151397705, -2.964404821395874, 0.3108607828617096, 0.49819403886795044, 4.811478137969971, 8.0809965133667, -1.5106083154678345, 6.348414421081543, -0.9955012202262878, -1.379922866821289, -0.4499771296977997, 6.064079761505127, -1.751316785812378, 7.218077182769775, 5.778720855712891, 0.2629372775554657, 5.17097806930542, 9.129766464233398, 5.699296474456787, 2.4181582927703857, -0.955446720123291, 3.6872398853302, 6.099698543548584, -1.549778938293457, -3.601933479309082, 4.342101573944092, -0.7241191267967224, -2.1824512481689453, 7.253605842590332, -3.855919599533081, -1.3799229860305786, 4.484870910644531, 2.975242853164673, 8.760029792785645, 9.769196510314941, 7.630361080169678, 6.335012912750244, 4.138733863830566, -2.501713514328003, 4.6459760665893555, -0.5474110245704651, 4.631476879119873, 6.983267307281494, 7.0217790603637695, 7.884257793426514, 7.249201774597168, -1.4926384687423706, 5.435113906860352, 1.7454534769058228, 6.774065017700195, -0.364704966545105, -5.573302268981934, -4.922040939331055, 8.69098949432373, 2.562875986099243, -2.810211420059204, 2.591742992401123, -2.5338828563690186, -1.084009051322937, -4.788572311401367, 8.881681442260742, -2.2293996810913086, -2.013928174972534, 8.096783638000488, 5.058414936065674, -5.491103172302246, 7.879010200500488, 10.222457885742188, 0.7617896199226379, 5.778720855712891, -6.053215980529785, 4.726772308349609, 0.2098395824432373, 7.517587184906006, -0.7608181834220886, 6.5236382484436035, 5.44260311126709, -2.8500475883483887, 6.9563140869140625, -2.691879987716675, 4.85036039352417, 2.7923152446746826, -3.0667223930358887, 6.565252304077148, -3.855919599533081, -4.039104461669922, 8.855661392211914, -1.5868984460830688, 6.9563140869140625, -1.653579831123352, -0.9948726892471313, -1.3799229860305786, 6.924624443054199, -2.3869454860687256, 6.398048400878906, -1.0186289548873901, -0.49648624658584595, 0.971478283405304, 7.071109294891357, -5.6786651611328125, -5.275693416595459, -0.768142580986023, 3.800224542617798, -2.2384092807769775, 0.872485339641571, -3.4246933460235596, 4.3425798416137695, 7.588775157928467, 1.06082284450531, 4.837671756744385, 1.7212650775909424, 3.4764726161956787, 6.749142646789551, 7.53131103515625, -1.6463311910629272, 6.196542739868164, 4.3144145011901855, 7.071109294891357, 4.941254615783691, 4.872711658477783, 7.448695659637451, 7.29819393157959, 5.265262603759766, 6.459702491760254, 6.189929962158203, -0.8549651503562927, 5.763995170593262, 10.222457885742188, 7.058035850524902, 4.5015974044799805, 7.489570617675781, 5.4884748458862305, 8.459785461425781, 5.1814775466918945, -0.2906762957572937, 2.4415650367736816, 0.37962424755096436, 2.407945156097412, 9.189595222473145, 9.431447982788086, -2.3011133670806885, -4.134196758270264, 5.160412311553955, 2.375556468963623, 1.8375900983810425, -1.9606159925460815, 7.195247173309326, -2.71379017829895, -2.929534673690796, 1.4358468055725098, -0.7750856280326843, -2.406667709350586, 6.40211296081543, -2.015270471572876, 4.083558559417725, 7.528125762939453, -2.1399335861206055, -0.7079566121101379, -5.265477180480957, 8.654180526733398, -1.272015929222107, -5.934566020965576, -2.508230209350586, -5.280540943145752, 7.0278730392456055, 6.49479341506958, -2.4248368740081787, 9.218714714050293, -2.612408399581909, 9.614994049072266, -2.6349995136260986, 3.0114920139312744, -4.382577896118164, -0.00919425580650568, -0.4098130464553833, -4.217299938201904, 7.699285507202148, 2.4485089778900146, -1.3522311449050903, -0.6914780735969543, -3.32397198677063, 0.21925216913223267, 6.792197227478027, -2.389662981033325, 6.479532241821289, 7.134346961975098, 8.770638465881348, -3.199333906173706, 5.095900535583496, 0.45969730615615845, -1.8480936288833618, 8.982736587524414, -3.2751429080963135, 7.937049865722656, -3.316842794418335, -4.209266662597656, 0.3988775908946991, 0.22789618372917175, -2.169656276702881, -3.3578736782073975, 8.37428092956543, -1.693011999130249, 0.907416045665741, 6.986989974975586, -3.7898032665252686, -0.1828693151473999, 1.4610604047775269, -2.46819806098938, 5.792976379394531, 0.49819403886795044, 6.110374450683594, -2.14216947555542, -4.988846778869629, 6.842881202697754, -2.9183619022369385, 9.836735725402832, -5.187698841094971, 8.176697731018066, 1.4129124879837036, 6.0921831130981445, -0.8970351815223694, 5.552548408508301, -0.35809868574142456, 6.099698543548584, -0.07303977012634277, -3.005303144454956, 3.568809986114502, -2.9013092517852783, 9.824954986572266, -2.978749990463257, 8.306148529052734, 0.3630457818508148, 9.478748321533203, -4.872675895690918, -4.380931854248047, -1.3619197607040405, -2.0274455547332764, -4.0543212890625, -0.420562744140625, -2.252680540084839, -1.4193998575210571, -1.7848236560821533, -2.2662007808685303, -2.201084852218628, -2.1399335861206055, -2.714858293533325, -2.6144192218780518, -1.6436101198196411, 0.1174786388874054, -2.928309679031372, -6.254976272583008, -2.3678712844848633, 1.4368518590927124, -1.0934091806411743, -2.849863290786743, -4.653074264526367, -4.5990376472473145, 0.26531633734703064, -5.566159248352051, -5.267866611480713, -4.259726524353027, -4.960000038146973, -1.0387190580368042, -5.679170608520508, -0.6494727730751038, -1.1488456726074219, -2.2361466884613037, -5.409490585327148, -0.7199398875236511, -3.0813584327697754, -2.2167630195617676, 0.4626271724700928, -0.19671744108200073, -4.35815954208374, -4.380931854248047, -1.9109843969345093, -3.692744493484497, -4.620085716247559, -3.2546160221099854, -2.005284547805786, -4.603817462921143, 5.26908016204834, -0.5644581913948059, 8.282302856445312, -0.7402878999710083, -5.573302268981934, -5.860106468200684, -5.203801155090332, -0.4538745582103729, 6.776682376861572, -3.880429267883301, 0.4494386613368988, -5.175951957702637, -1.3178505897521973, -4.482445240020752, 2.2290217876434326, -0.5913610458374023, -1.1163949966430664, 5.017841339111328, -5.641430854797363, 4.587911605834961, -0.3231735825538635, -2.2636680603027344, 4.5015974044799805, -3.917619466781616, 3.9343788623809814, -0.2521190047264099, 9.60768985748291, 2.591742992401123, 8.290355682373047, 8.733428955078125, -3.284520149230957, 3.570542097091675, -4.418588638305664, -2.211188554763794, -0.1599549651145935, 8.358732223510742, 1.8676385879516602, 8.298140525817871, -0.36442452669143677, 7.143257141113281, 7.361505508422852, -3.880429267883301, 0.6428288817405701, -3.1421468257904053, -2.9437074661254883, -0.35883477330207825, -3.633540630340576, -2.877953290939331, -4.922040939331055, -4.726560592651367, -5.1170148849487305, 0.07770407199859619, -1.9130100011825562, 1.8057397603988647, 0.012323140166699886, -1.2697221040725708, -4.124362468719482, -4.620085716247559, -2.8019092082977295, -4.873706817626953, -2.19694185256958, -2.877953290939331, -2.832317590713501, -3.2390830516815186, -3.3565666675567627, -0.33728569746017456, -1.9869482517242432, -3.6585028171539307, -1.3128687143325806, -1.4512503147125244, -6.671353340148926, -0.9808130264282227, 0.17414361238479614, -2.4064605236053467, -4.547735691070557, -3.875434637069702, 0.4152645468711853, -1.9728740453720093, -0.24755746126174927, -2.462221384048462, -2.608640670776367, 0.6062867641448975, -3.0629184246063232, -3.1615512371063232, -2.2128069400787354, -2.5144295692443848, -4.948503494262695, -2.6385936737060547, -4.426185607910156, -1.874515175819397, -4.207319259643555, -0.0859869122505188, -2.1292357444763184, -3.130580186843872, -4.050620079040527, -6.053215503692627, -6.671353340148926, -5.010709285736084, 0.07557883858680725, -2.3316171169281006, -1.2981733083724976, -2.1384685039520264, -3.7259740829467773, -2.3316171169281006, -4.147945404052734, -2.270296812057495, -2.4908392429351807, -0.34925153851509094, -0.7241191267967224, -0.3724530339241028, -1.1781792640686035, -4.411492824554443, -2.87286639213562, -5.7521867752075195, -1.0432993173599243, -4.51723575592041, -5.654929161071777, -4.7571916580200195, -3.3847861289978027, -6.596159934997559, -4.209157466888428, -4.5691399574279785, 0.1174786388874054, -1.2465393543243408, -2.792553186416626, -3.142103433609009, -2.8326237201690674, -4.741476058959961, -2.6144187450408936, -3.787705659866333, -1.3565105199813843, -1.551784634590149, -4.576715469360352, -4.555806636810303, -0.2379106879234314, -2.3011133670806885, -3.7147369384765625, -1.8241007328033447, -3.788778066635132, -4.318312168121338, 1.4763718843460083, -1.6838080883026123, -2.0780394077301025, -3.80407452583313, -3.986788511276245, -0.9367949962615967, -1.4275096654891968, -1.2157819271087646, -3.005303144454956, -3.1949899196624756, -1.2579174041748047, -1.6930129528045654, -4.726560592651367, -0.6552408337593079, -1.2215819358825684, -0.845095157623291, 0.4152645468711853, -1.763505458831787, -4.103248596191406, -4.142903804779053, -6.343107223510742, -2.742558717727661, -1.1213434934616089, -0.7765222191810608, -5.283270835876465, -1.6169487237930298, -0.38747119903564453, -3.3133299350738525, -3.8865315914154053, -2.0468573570251465, -2.1593210697174072, -1.745519757270813, -1.3478397130966187, -1.6272214651107788, -2.5748894214630127, -2.506279468536377, -1.731814980506897, -4.159711837768555, -4.847632884979248, -3.9651331901550293, 0.6325613856315613, -4.967646598815918, -1.1229426860809326, -0.845095157623291, -3.221997022628784, -3.1851842403411865, -1.665144920349121, -2.3706743717193604, -3.8822104930877686, -5.565744400024414, 0.17776474356651306, -3.3504889011383057, -1.899011254310608, -0.20367753505706787, -1.2109181880950928, 0.41924530267715454, -0.7972208857536316, -2.4708940982818604, -2.013928174972534, -2.2268569469451904, -1.7418960332870483, -2.2384092807769775, -1.313714861869812, -2.3605997562408447, -0.2963867783546448, -3.276332139968872, -3.5565478801727295, -2.560511589050293, -0.7696983218193054, -2.2665369510650635, 0.07966524362564087, -3.7666475772857666, -1.6524875164031982, -4.5990376472473145, -2.3254361152648926, -1.1786082983016968, -2.8947744369506836, -2.50797963142395, -2.9191553592681885, 1.6793394088745117, -0.4878493845462799, -3.67659592628479, 0.26731741428375244, -5.532371997833252, -1.2622898817062378, -1.224568486213684, -1.1420141458511353, -5.6353983879089355, -4.209266662597656, -3.6917319297790527, -5.565744400024414, -5.27484130859375, -0.35883477330207825, -1.6930129528045654, -4.241769313812256, -1.5281344652175903, -2.6538679599761963, -3.798398733139038, -2.935166835784912, -2.6232497692108154, -4.943731784820557, -4.714855670928955, -2.0117764472961426, -0.6552408337593079, -0.6552408337593079, -3.8117451667785645, -3.7131717205047607, -0.5957865118980408, -2.2555880546569824, -2.948537588119507, -3.4086530208587646, -3.102663516998291, -4.1590447425842285, -4.657485008239746, -3.128038167953491, -1.065749168395996, -3.4311411380767822, -3.269789695739746, -1.1998536586761475, -3.1085710525512695, -1.4546926021575928, -3.4409019947052, -0.9901913404464722, -4.714855670928955, -4.690990924835205, -2.659294366836548, -5.170722007751465, -4.671109199523926, -2.1115283966064453, -4.345734119415283, -2.9364209175109863, -2.0073792934417725, -2.2915117740631104, -0.8160443902015686, -4.626491546630859, 2.6770503520965576, 0.19333866238594055, -1.1947219371795654, -3.4958789348602295, -3.957620859146118, -1.9150806665420532, -1.6930129528045654, -2.0747060775756836, -0.6969138979911804, -4.653074264526367, -4.975831031799316, -4.417744159698486, -2.83894419670105, -0.2155120074748993, -4.790933609008789, -0.768142580986023, -0.09533730149269104, -3.921074390411377, -0.7115859389305115, -1.6295117139816284, -2.653700113296509, 0.31368160247802734, -1.8343642950057983, -3.5146830081939697, -1.0602701902389526, -3.2664499282836914, -1.2925785779953003, -0.7765222191810608, -1.0148506164550781, -3.6589386463165283, -3.42525315284729, -0.9658945202827454, -3.201639413833618, -3.8715994358062744, -5.307400703430176, 0.879118025302887, -0.4810270667076111, -1.6039196252822876, 0.3133067190647125, -1.9937325716018677, -0.4067750871181488, -1.850003719329834, -2.817066192626953, -3.1717188358306885, -3.769541025161743, -3.1674182415008545, -2.659294366836548, -2.725330114364624, -1.3226149082183838, 0.23049569129943848, -3.0178065299987793, -1.528134822845459, -4.625402927398682, -0.6799034476280212, -2.508230686187744, -4.09358024597168, -4.51723575592041, -2.0819854736328125, -2.94071888923645, -0.9531064629554749, -6.199069976806641, -3.4490621089935303, -2.5964834690093994, -0.591360867023468, -0.23791056871414185, -0.5479103922843933, -1.2960313558578491, -5.312199115753174, -1.5957881212234497, -3.841078758239746, -3.3565666675567627, -2.185835838317871, -4.790118217468262, -1.4778474569320679, 0.15433824062347412, -5.806626796722412, -3.530761480331421, -1.3005287647247314, -3.044250011444092, -4.580378532409668, -1.2574610710144043, -3.6242430210113525, -2.31683611869812, -1.4572526216506958, -2.4591948986053467, -2.4232146739959717, -3.954408884048462, -4.710147857666016, -2.863816499710083, -5.268045425415039, -2.7639667987823486, -0.845614492893219, -4.8068132400512695, -1.2215819358825684, -5.488789081573486, -2.1937055587768555, -1.9109843969345093, -4.673649787902832, -2.1813411712646484, -0.6286831498146057, -0.6621106266975403, -0.6494727730751038, -2.78130841255188 ], "y": [ -3.7725188732147217, 1.0069292783737183, -0.3503025770187378, -7.830600738525391, -7.20194149017334, -1.6492061614990234, -1.939221978187561, -6.562983989715576, 0.25196391344070435, -5.133953094482422, -4.517749309539795, -0.9202881455421448, 1.9351744651794434, 1.9778746366500854, -5.0944623947143555, 1.9182367324829102, -1.257470965385437, -0.6251540780067444, -2.5922203063964844, -1.1891694068908691, -7.726696014404297, -0.6802327036857605, 0.7154941558837891, -3.182514190673828, 1.4988902807235718, -4.279858112335205, 0.8485532999038696, 0.7338603734970093, -0.6828437447547913, -4.269711017608643, -5.635932445526123, -1.0452401638031006, -6.846564769744873, -3.0938119888305664, -2.0666308403015137, 0.5388451218605042, -5.007876396179199, -4.764323711395264, -0.09423227608203888, -1.7504254579544067, -4.861318111419678, -2.7143874168395996, 0.2675231695175171, -4.266898155212402, 0.6548190712928772, -0.8419421911239624, -0.5995175838470459, -4.721881866455078, -3.2423126697540283, -6.119198322296143, -4.898873805999756, -0.8058668971061707, -0.4412892460823059, -2.4083337783813477, -5.967429161071777, -4.145342826843262, -4.257832050323486, 1.4378615617752075, -4.604979515075684, -3.388423442840576, -0.04372777044773102, -3.252209424972534, 1.5204626321792603, 1.0533792972564697, 0.5100405216217041, 1.260905146598816, -1.8838495016098022, -4.908520698547363, 0.936017632484436, -4.324009418487549, -5.415676593780518, -1.8585535287857056, -6.421358108520508, -5.086537837982178, -3.1458327770233154, -3.7807376384735107, -4.67368745803833, -3.16935658454895, -0.9697147011756897, -4.045807838439941, -1.0187437534332275, -1.2217644453048706, -4.257579803466797, -0.6966873407363892, -4.949109077453613, -5.632838249206543, -3.40583872795105, -5.00113582611084, -4.763459205627441, -3.761504888534546, -0.19544453918933868, -0.34430229663848877, -1.3653583526611328, -0.4328225255012512, -3.3324103355407715, -1.850663423538208, -1.316907286643982, -3.068387746810913, -3.5328145027160645, -4.317783832550049, -4.54155969619751, -4.32295560836792, -2.955986976623535, -0.287450909614563, -4.190176963806152, -6.969272613525391, -5.0175700187683105, -6.1763811111450195, -3.761504888534546, -4.491898059844971, -5.947757720947266, -4.279858112335205, -3.849731922149658, -2.5903584957122803, -4.572429180145264, -4.279858112335205, -0.4856918752193451, -5.412802219390869, -4.279858112335205, -3.111755132675171, -0.6126065254211426, -5.591180324554443, -3.5367493629455566, -4.336045265197754, -4.548287391662598, -4.042308330535889, 2.1491076946258545, -1.2279189825057983, -3.859589099884033, -2.69814133644104, -6.597988128662109, -4.005431175231934, -2.1228508949279785, -3.0138049125671387, -0.12390907108783722, -0.3605348467826843, -1.99869966506958, 1.6301381587982178, -4.86906623840332, 3.3554999828338623, 0.4664558172225952, 3.0426201820373535, -1.636993646621704, -4.4251604080200195, -7.400735855102539, 0.48581814765930176, -1.844766616821289, 3.842539072036743, -5.8961334228515625, -2.5282366275787354, -0.951323390007019, -4.846549987792969, 0.8166725039482117, -2.4989044666290283, -2.951512098312378, -5.52459192276001, -6.214938163757324, -4.295444011688232, -6.350801467895508, -0.807292103767395, 1.997137188911438, -1.1515185832977295, -4.31884765625, 1.571968913078308, -3.3893039226531982, -8.007546424865723, -4.444355010986328, 1.7043229341506958, -3.9732022285461426, -0.6650411486625671, -3.0300352573394775, 0.6077879667282104, 0.4789624810218811, -1.7454895973205566, -4.130527496337891, 3.9052844047546387, -3.891819715499878, -1.4546948671340942, -3.339852809906006, -6.141984939575195, -6.336147785186768, -0.443220317363739, -4.83384895324707, -2.8062164783477783, -2.0673601627349854, -2.937666177749634, -6.42348051071167, -2.1008613109588623, -4.257441997528076, -1.98647940158844, -5.3131232261657715, 1.6140614748001099, -0.2451077252626419, -0.15099109709262848, -4.114080429077148, -4.58758544921875, -2.5483853816986084, -2.2189276218414307, -1.9191455841064453, 2.745046854019165, -3.9427812099456787, -3.7976572513580322, -0.4549766778945923, -7.275696754455566, 2.586822032928467, -2.4979240894317627, -3.595470666885376, -3.6605241298675537, -0.008711827918887138, -2.3866794109344482, -0.9549583196640015, -5.769711017608643, 1.5321744680404663, -6.515196323394775, -2.214979410171509, -1.432968258857727, -3.2978675365448, -5.007876396179199, -3.1314358711242676, -3.90264892578125, -1.198226809501648, -6.658267974853516, -1.7484769821166992, -0.18517997860908508, -4.934634685516357, -4.553615570068359, -5.750482082366943, -5.670514106750488, -4.021371364593506, -2.922009229660034, 1.5321744680404663, -4.7402191162109375, -1.5696409940719604, -3.8671655654907227, -4.032709121704102, -3.8524391651153564, 1.1900113821029663, 0.1856813281774521, -6.248064041137695, -5.233943462371826, -0.3823237419128418, -6.7168684005737305, -4.901210784912109, 0.566591739654541, 1.8711825609207153, -2.555901527404785, -3.714360475540161, -4.176098823547363, -6.854288101196289, -0.9250791668891907, -1.398565411567688, -3.803088903427124, -2.2642791271209717, -1.1686245203018188, -5.139782905578613, 0.3869306445121765, 2.190772533416748, 2.8781096935272217, -1.6302388906478882, -1.2122042179107666, 1.8844484090805054, 0.45522117614746094, -2.814840078353882, 2.745046854019165, 0.8341203331947327, -6.777817726135254, -6.514467239379883, 1.3407286405563354, -4.327208042144775, 2.9791715145111084, -0.9003185629844666, -1.5278609991073608, -1.8490891456604004, -0.4893120527267456, 0.9276723861694336, -6.030450344085693, 3.2195770740509033, 0.48992830514907837, -7.8955464363098145, -2.9263498783111572, 0.4789624810218811, -5.754175186157227, 2.122129201889038, -0.5360597372055054, 2.646164894104004, 0.8886748552322388, -1.9264413118362427, 2.5281789302825928, -1.6250962018966675, 1.0408128499984741, -1.4964622259140015, 1.3618886470794678, -0.5076608657836914, -0.5758230090141296, -0.15101589262485504, 1.1492948532104492, -5.013272762298584, -1.9251652956008911, -0.6197303533554077, -0.34430259466171265, -4.179230690002441, -5.457890510559082, -2.764915704727173, -4.491898059844971, -2.620716094970703, -3.5129406452178955, -3.834951162338257, -1.901405692100525, -3.992886781692505, -6.199433326721191, -2.68426775932312, -5.4837799072265625, -4.446235656738281, 1.7918846607208252, -3.5364954471588135, -3.613435983657837, -1.9301917552947998, -3.1623423099517822, -4.014636516571045, -3.741729259490967, -2.7182819843292236, -2.5922203063964844, -4.5343427658081055, -3.5050106048583984, -4.1722235679626465, -5.53297233581543, -3.5453975200653076, -3.663447380065918, -2.3780264854431152, -5.347708225250244, -3.8487987518310547, 0.4476974606513977, -4.865203857421875, -5.0674519538879395, -2.866785764694214, -1.901405692100525, -5.420065879821777, -5.565417289733887, -2.63606333732605, 2.137727737426758, -3.290137529373169, 0.024336503818631172, -6.865523338317871, -0.26716935634613037, 0.4171757698059082, -3.992886781692505, -2.91170072555542, -3.624462366104126, -1.2617892026901245, -1.6476598978042603, 0.20120762288570404, -1.8618240356445312, -1.6319239139556885, -3.9376165866851807, -3.111755132675171, -2.852632761001587, -3.9656169414520264, -5.263790130615234, -8.3826322555542, -4.505563735961914, -2.5932114124298096, -4.19741153717041, 1.8956477642059326, -6.215434551239014, -3.2708144187927246, 1.888940691947937, -5.912970542907715, -4.2869367599487305, -5.931399822235107, -3.3225204944610596, -4.892796516418457, -4.1644768714904785, -3.3057973384857178, 1.8827990293502808, -5.161869049072266, -5.089003562927246, -3.438913583755493, -3.3535289764404297, -3.036627769470215, -3.3002326488494873, -2.912061929702759, -2.8768985271453857, -3.1623423099517822, -5.7598137855529785, 0.0018870695494115353, 1.4055441617965698, -1.7848879098892212, -2.8510093688964844, -4.029432773590088, -4.235286712646484, -2.2770087718963623, -3.9610776901245117, -3.4438536167144775, -3.0243875980377197, 1.2713571786880493, 1.620938777923584, -2.378549575805664, -2.4796314239501953, -3.311906099319458, -7.682101249694824, -1.0527821779251099, 2.737348794937134, -0.8189651966094971, -1.9264413118362427, -8.002564430236816, 0.3406580090522766, 1.378363013267517, -2.137998342514038, -8.470050811767578, -2.127955436706543, -1.5751893520355225, 1.937909722328186, -7.274988174438477, -6.736570358276367, -3.0138049125671387, -0.16033346951007843, 0.023203348740935326, -4.779780387878418, -2.6159253120422363, -4.503328323364258, -3.8185036182403564, -4.834048271179199, -3.2366373538970947, -0.2976730763912201, -1.2428367137908936, -1.6934617757797241, -2.8242623805999756, -2.899893045425415, -1.3323215246200562, -3.8860974311828613, -5.455477714538574, -6.36062479019165, -3.892970085144043, -0.9189053177833557, -2.5343000888824463, -4.22899866104126, -5.005331993103027, -2.820197343826294, -3.860379695892334, -2.7482707500457764, 1.5321744680404663, -4.303187370300293, -5.194130897521973, -3.804225206375122, -2.9315929412841797, -3.157097101211548, -3.5758447647094727, -3.0137765407562256, -2.0943145751953125, -1.9388407468795776, -4.347427845001221, -4.045114517211914, -4.340206146240234, -4.065755844116211, -0.08966846764087677, -4.716701030731201, -6.233104705810547, -3.265636682510376, -3.9130232334136963, -3.430231809616089, -3.7241222858428955, -0.4920506775379181, -0.4835090637207031, -5.742761611938477, -7.391579627990723, -4.221344947814941, -4.928500652313232, -4.229007244110107, 2.814953565597534, -2.0345888137817383, 2.032362222671509, 1.0324393510818481, -0.36863911151885986, -2.787503719329834, -6.080348014831543, 1.6140614748001099, -5.467844009399414, -2.1612045764923096, -3.7242867946624756, -2.505101442337036, -7.693524360656738, -3.377631425857544, -2.4727983474731445, -2.187795639038086, 2.5714757442474365, -4.816354274749756, 2.1436421871185303, -1.2678695917129517, 1.6609547138214111, -3.5213329792022705, -4.644020080566406, -3.1938979625701904, -1.688759207725525, -4.677573204040527, 1.0324393510818481, 0.11281374096870422, -1.077845811843872, -2.900731086730957, -5.3872528076171875, 1.3554245233535767, -3.5943777561187744, 0.710248589515686, -3.6230719089508057, -3.291553497314453, -5.089003562927246, -2.361520528793335, -0.8084502816200256, -5.614317893981934, -5.209741115570068, -0.9302436113357544, -1.1669560670852661, -4.555692672729492, 1.4792282581329346, -2.216926097869873, -4.132611274719238, -2.57759952545166, -3.7254936695098877, -0.001662625465542078, -2.140580892562866, -3.5590994358062744, -4.275623321533203, 2.6566712856292725, -1.0260664224624634, -5.067452907562256, 2.129383087158203, -2.6503376960754395, -1.183188557624817, -6.166135311126709, -1.9080947637557983, -4.811169147491455, -2.5282366275787354, -2.6094906330108643, 0.6599611043930054, -3.1112420558929443, -4.085456848144531, -2.8232386112213135, -4.501908302307129, -4.937238693237305, -5.7579345703125, -0.9730389714241028, -5.306378364562988, -4.481015682220459, -2.3434274196624756, -3.0969674587249756, -3.796830892562866, -3.3816871643066406, -1.667651653289795, -4.348541736602783, -1.8585535287857056, -0.3282446265220642, -3.758741617202759, -3.9656169414520264, -1.850540041923523, -5.467844009399414, -3.5853638648986816, -4.752503395080566, -1.570029377937317, -3.2436153888702393, -0.9185671210289001, -0.6358745694160461, -1.7308334112167358, -2.820396900177002, -0.7381075620651245, -0.27150437235832214, -3.8648712635040283, 1.6313244104385376, -0.7380902171134949, -1.309978723526001, -3.2519938945770264, -4.983484268188477, -3.428210735321045, -2.8432607650756836, -6.503405570983887, -2.0637006759643555, -3.596940279006958, -3.0875442028045654, 0.7006820440292358, -1.6787915229797363, -1.9453420639038086, -2.2189276218414307, -5.766095161437988, -3.6938676834106445, -2.5893685817718506, -1.0452401638031006, -6.135910987854004, -2.6187074184417725, -1.2834349870681763, -6.421359062194824, -3.0243875980377197, -2.3093297481536865, -4.644020080566406, -0.14371313154697418, -7.830600738525391, 1.9706650972366333, 3.3531360626220703, -3.2744622230529785, -0.47492700815200806, 0.936017632484436, -0.14991624653339386, 0.4324480891227722, -2.9259800910949707, -2.7778961658477783, -7.68858528137207, 1.4046396017074585, -1.5278609991073608, -1.8026437759399414, -6.846564769744873, -2.504884958267212, 0.7559922933578491, -1.6181472539901733, -7.205597877502441, 1.253653645515442, -0.8403707146644592, 0.12438176572322845, -5.8112568855285645, 2.056420087814331, 2.4506676197052, -1.0733156204223633, 0.7929455637931824, -4.888878345489502, -5.267566680908203, 1.0771708488464355, -1.553653597831726, -2.4650073051452637, -3.430231809616089, -2.0197229385375977, -0.7276555895805359, -9.214964866638184, -2.6244475841522217, -2.20918607711792, 1.6687687635421753, 1.1001452207565308, 0.7604202032089233, -2.6524455547332764, -2.920060634613037, 0.4707649350166321, -2.804003953933716, -3.734576463699341, -2.8510093688964844, -4.007997989654541, 2.653304100036621, -6.451982498168945, -3.6477701663970947, 0.45522117614746094, -6.030450344085693, 0.4171757698059082, -3.734576463699341, -1.7761812210083008, -2.9462504386901855, 1.9105709791183472, -0.18629206717014313, -7.175771236419678, -4.125345230102539, 0.2675231695175171, 1.0699256658554077, 1.300033688545227, 0.41620904207229614, 0.21986882388591766, 1.8754959106445312, -7.796152114868164, -7.921148300170898, -1.6987680196762085, 3.3844099044799805, -3.0317864418029785, -4.442193984985352, -1.1454459428787231, -2.4873523712158203, 2.8693933486938477, 1.4478102922439575, -8.487710952758789, -7.494857311248779, 1.1504783630371094, -4.129261493682861, -3.6477701663970947, 2.722834348678589, 2.7415380477905273, -8.20556640625, -0.9598896503448486, -3.9341723918914795, -2.6457669734954834, 2.358680486679077, -1.232171893119812, -3.9423630237579346, -0.2702903151512146, 2.3037142753601074, -2.3330066204071045, 0.9476581811904907, -6.959604263305664, -0.7023302316665649, 1.3166459798812866, 0.1308114379644394, -4.064980506896973, -0.9003185629844666, -3.1227192878723145, -1.1142910718917847, -1.3981987237930298, 1.8503996133804321, -0.3424014449119568, 2.155928373336792, -0.2097044140100479, 0.4284968972206116, 2.7131717205047607, 0.5463767051696777, -0.27303826808929443, -0.3506033420562744, -1.1415784358978271, -4.318148612976074, -0.03093935362994671, 0.11972711980342865, -2.9806454181671143, 0.6350084543228149, -6.661107063293457, -5.140998363494873, 0.3322463631629944, -4.125345230102539, -4.129639148712158, -2.757723808288574, -2.5381290912628174, -7.494857311248779, 2.3871395587921143, -1.9295496940612793, -3.6173458099365234, 0.4664558172225952, -0.8583327531814575, -0.7285943627357483, 1.8273378610610962, -4.630671977996826, -4.845440864562988, -1.592030644416809, -7.246579170227051, -6.945343971252441, 0.6041688919067383, 3.7525522708892822, -6.040581703186035, -3.2231812477111816, 1.8184847831726074, -0.10323293507099152, 0.5006808042526245, -0.5114153027534485, 3.691560983657837, -7.099849700927734, -1.226582407951355, 0.4789624810218811, 1.2861219644546509, -4.552377700805664, -2.6912567615509033, -2.3633110523223877, -4.8907151222229, -2.035323143005371, 1.4160552024841309, -2.44602108001709, -3.1439156532287598, -0.2586209774017334, -2.140580892562866, 0.5087058544158936, 2.0100014209747314, -4.348583221435547, -4.29886531829834, -3.063908338546753, -2.058303117752075, -4.257441997528076, 2.583106279373169, -1.213271975517273, -0.8341270089149475, -5.1210527420043945, -0.15936161577701569, -2.90449595451355, -2.693387508392334, 2.5281789302825928, 2.044733762741089, 1.2894423007965088, -2.562903642654419, 2.41001296043396, -2.0646913051605225, 1.0771708488464355, -4.39325475692749, -7.937375068664551, -2.731354236602783, -0.15211404860019684, -3.5826077461242676, -3.5586798191070557, 0.9476581811904907, -2.527357816696167, -5.728450775146484, 3.842539072036743, 0.043777868151664734, -2.892045021057129, -1.8490891456604004, -2.483055353164673, -3.0465614795684814, -3.966850757598877, -0.3219398260116577, -2.5159456729888916, -0.4856918752193451, -2.7778961658477783, 3.3844094276428223, -0.9250791668891907, -0.0539066344499588, -4.975174427032471, -1.9080947637557983, -1.226582407951355, -1.3214622735977173, -4.192437171936035, -1.3999346494674683, -1.7244971990585327, -4.766928195953369, -2.6332504749298096, 1.4629729986190796, -2.386092185974121, 0.9093053340911865, 0.17865251004695892, -1.8720918893814087, -4.285708427429199, 0.26213395595550537, -0.5031504034996033, 1.5745172500610352, -7.668733596801758, -1.6001540422439575, -5.143612861633301, 3.133526563644409, 1.7331852912902832, 1.665421724319458, 0.17572306096553802, -4.129498481750488, 1.65928053855896, -3.88531231880188, -3.816514730453491, 0.9900789856910706, -1.2870315313339233, -0.15073849260807037, 1.1602632999420166, -0.12120254337787628, -1.9338490962982178, 1.7043229341506958, -0.4728386402130127, -4.888878345489502, 1.1134592294692993, 0.6846656203269958, 2.9729483127593994, -1.263658881187439, -3.794569492340088, -0.7812994718551636, 1.7882294654846191, -4.888878345489502, -0.519101619720459, -5.071294784545898, -5.878535747528076, -0.7812999486923218, -0.17312492430210114, -3.0111148357391357, -4.740151405334473, 2.1940507888793945, -1.9413305521011353, -0.7658137083053589, -3.1992015838623047, -2.8139326572418213, 3.0751490592956543, 1.6584275960922241, -0.480713427066803, -1.9078189134597778, -0.5867689251899719, -1.5514781475067139, 0.9964244365692139, 3.3393070697784424, 1.0590656995773315, -0.031915560364723206, -3.5826077461242676, 0.6599611043930054, 0.10825984179973602, 1.992183804512024, 0.043777868151664734, 2.8584136962890625, -2.97115421295166, -1.526367425918579, -1.8652268648147583, -0.9516646265983582, -4.54155969619751, -1.574813961982727, -2.728109121322632, -4.014636516571045, -4.866265296936035, -0.9634169340133667, -5.659404754638672, -4.848559856414795, -5.139782428741455, -4.279858112335205, -5.306378364562988, -4.491898059844971, -4.39683723449707, -2.8680970668792725, -5.421831130981445, 1.5321744680404663, -2.937666177749634, -1.5826109647750854, -4.26699161529541, -2.247551679611206, -3.353776216506958, -4.1944050788879395, -0.31211206316947937, -4.865534782409668, -2.8864212036132812, -3.242234706878662, 0.7953839302062988, -2.8274617195129395, -0.4856918752193451, -3.892970085144043, -7.689436435699463, -6.199432849884033, -4.518575668334961, 0.035378798842430115, -1.9033386707305908, -4.527180194854736, -0.16033346951007843, 0.04208092391490936, -1.5987859964370728, -0.3507236838340759, -3.108468770980835, -5.432156562805176, -3.7007977962493896, 0.9120345115661621, -1.5627342462539673, -1.834661841392517, -3.3170278072357178, -3.3548097610473633, 1.9723105430603027, 1.2576173543930054, -1.8169631958007812, -3.954953670501709, -1.9667046070098877, -5.108484745025635, -3.036627769470215, -1.1309643983840942, -6.282834529876709, -2.52897047996521, -3.6782147884368896, -4.915134429931641, -3.891819715499878, -3.5943777561187744, -2.870720863342285, -1.6013840436935425, -5.697634220123291, -3.901700496673584, -2.5903584957122803, -5.548861026763916, -5.898624897003174, -1.8181921243667603, 1.1730209589004517, -1.7565674781799316, -3.2709286212921143, -5.044806480407715, -3.9720406532287598, -3.422393560409546, -4.368873596191406, -6.224800109863281, -2.859529733657837, -1.748389482498169, -4.73031759262085, -2.995272636413574, -4.348583221435547, -4.022360801696777, -0.6122887134552002, -4.016238689422607, -1.1156445741653442, 2.137727737426758, -2.5478971004486084, -5.25106143951416, -1.4509261846542358, -5.049647808074951, -3.4166529178619385, -5.07667875289917, -4.384052753448486, -4.934634685516357, -3.0601534843444824, -2.326841115951538, -6.048892498016357, -5.761691570281982, -2.8334004878997803, -4.651114463806152, -5.196151256561279, -5.018684387207031, -0.8058668971061707, 0.566591739654541, -0.4286862313747406, -4.188915252685547, -4.95229959487915, -4.875519752502441, -6.016084671020508, -5.420065879821777, -5.5022382736206055, -3.575897216796875, -3.108468770980835, -5.217016220092773, -5.296003341674805, 1.4055441617965698, -0.9046369791030884, -1.8169631958007812, -5.1941304206848145, -4.00376558303833, -2.0811660289764404, -4.528794288635254, -1.8439944982528687, -5.796260833740234, -3.5295820236206055, -3.90264892578125, -2.341860771179199, -4.324009418487549, -5.791417121887207, -4.290212631225586, -3.0218892097473145, -5.076677322387695, -4.908528804779053, 2.482128381729126, 2.604128122329712, -2.012921094894409, -0.18642647564411163, -7.796152114868164, -2.18727707862854, 2.9575774669647217, -2.141345739364624, -1.0054680109024048, 0.9476581811904907, -1.5334910154342651, -7.400735855102539, 1.0969537496566772, -3.6435229778289795, 1.3407161235809326, 3.842539072036743, 1.4910329580307007, 0.499312162399292, -4.763067245483398, -2.8810880184173584, 1.3386234045028687, -1.7178606986999512, 3.3897767066955566, -7.271040916442871, -1.4702188968658447, -0.4549766778945923, -2.827503204345703, -7.839223861694336, -0.7375593185424805, 3.2195770740509033, -2.727315664291382, 1.8635817766189575, -4.125345230102539, -0.136396124958992, -1.9503120183944702, -6.031158447265625, 1.399928331375122, 2.861466646194458, 0.5681157112121582, -1.5070937871932983, -1.4125183820724487, 1.3172317743301392, -4.999336242675781, -0.2586209774017334, -2.8090131282806396, -2.5957720279693604, -5.615172386169434, -1.6181472539901733, -1.263658881187439, 1.5082268714904785, 2.482128381729126, -2.272008180618286, -1.6349117755889893, 1.3618886470794678, 2.6064364910125732, 2.9546897411346436, 2.056420087814331, -2.528233528137207, -2.940436840057373, 0.09992532432079315, -3.70793080329895, -6.177042007446289, -8.040529251098633, -3.8881423473358154, -3.40583872795105, 2.9575774669647217, -1.0422226190567017, -5.670514106750488, -3.7513091564178467, -2.866785764694214, -3.3310744762420654, -2.755624294281006, -3.6700644493103027, -2.5675151348114014, -4.989487648010254, -3.981541395187378, -2.955986976623535, -3.7612268924713135, -0.4856918752193451, -6.144312858581543, -4.679184913635254, -4.6508469581604, -2.459101438522339, -4.151676177978516, -1.4656955003738403, -0.7375805974006653, -1.4061518907546997, -2.931593179702759, -3.2852110862731934, -2.9160451889038086, -2.2697129249572754, -3.76525616645813, -2.029398202896118, -6.502326965332031, -7.442221641540527, 0.2766243815422058, -3.3535289764404297, -3.69425368309021, -2.6455037593841553, -3.3170273303985596, -5.108484745025635, -3.9435956478118896, -2.9703609943389893, 1.4579949378967285, -0.04440261423587799, -0.8341270089149475, -6.899836540222168, -3.816533327102661, -4.006975173950195, -0.003893046174198389, -1.8143590688705444, -2.9703609943389893, -2.8432610034942627, -3.876500129699707, -0.47701194882392883, -3.0970239639282227, -4.548287391662598, -5.439302444458008, 1.4055441617965698, 1.0451351404190063, -1.028862476348877, -4.572429180145264, -3.982830286026001, -3.2522945404052734, -4.6861042976379395, -3.500438928604126, -7.442221641540527, -4.5165605545043945, -5.979599475860596, -2.8209340572357178, -1.6475363969802856, -4.858119964599609, -3.5367493629455566, 0.023203348740935326, -2.6427667140960693, 0.7259118556976318, -1.8688513040542603, -4.235286712646484, 1.9340420961380005, -5.146329402923584, -4.63875675201416, -4.0038838386535645, -4.852358341217041, -0.7838807106018066, -4.9457597732543945, -4.23155403137207, -5.968959331512451, -3.689366102218628, -1.391741156578064, -2.9916164875030518, -2.1372578144073486, -5.3478193283081055, -3.6938676834106445, -1.4509261846542358, -4.667092323303223, -1.7908223867416382, -3.347346544265747, -6.502326965332031, -2.7337486743927, -2.235013246536255, -1.0510519742965698, -2.200592279434204, -5.869939804077148, -2.0646913051605225, -1.5246706008911133, -5.7117133140563965, -3.930058240890503, 1.26018226146698, -5.1066131591796875, -3.4878571033477783, -1.850663423538208, -4.270343780517578, -3.4820609092712402, 2.137727737426758, -4.275032043457031, -4.7319183349609375, -4.738216876983643, -2.8242623805999756, -3.0383431911468506, -3.1112420558929443, -0.3474382758140564, -3.8090059757232666, -3.8524391651153564, -3.534665822982788, -0.028868122026324272, -5.557269096374512, -2.3236162662506104, -3.2408602237701416, -0.47452038526535034, -5.345597743988037, -6.228496551513672, -3.349806070327759, -0.443220317363739, -1.803654432296753, -7.649399757385254, -1.1243526935577393, -2.852632761001587, -1.1466847658157349, -1.1174015998840332, -3.4272892475128174, -3.7476303577423096, -0.04440261423587799, -3.3870675563812256, -3.7464165687561035, -2.9988009929656982, -3.278960704803467, -4.477666854858398, -1.9285906553268433, -4.044651031494141, -5.086537837982178, -4.915134429931641, -3.9389071464538574, -1.6810431480407715, -3.9337942600250244, -0.7375805974006653, -0.367783784866333, -3.2423126697540283, -0.4328225255012512, -4.9457597732543945, -2.358952522277832, -1.7575420141220093, -4.574665069580078, -5.245569705963135, -4.610719680786133, -4.179352760314941, -5.291088581085205, -5.0331854820251465, -2.9197726249694824, -3.2868294715881348, -0.04440261423587799, 1.1730209589004517, -4.252699851989746, -5.620779991149902, -3.9029548168182373, -4.610719680786133, -1.793106198310852, -1.466435194015503, 0.6350084543228149, -2.4855427742004395, -0.33430808782577515, -4.026947021484375, 0.17865251004695892, -5.615172386169434, 1.7791498899459839, -1.8703643083572388, 3.5053763389587402, 3.451697587966919, -1.2964504957199097, -3.5637948513031006, -4.783726692199707, -0.48071348667144775, -2.1960747241973877, 1.3834844827651978, -5.049647808074951, 3.2139389514923096, -3.5808119773864746, -3.607355833053589, -6.130128383636475, -0.5683508515357971, 0.3387411832809448, -0.6607613563537598, -4.375101089477539, -1.730089545249939, 1.992183804512024, -2.7143874168395996, 1.2598923444747925, 0.9225234389305115, -5.127392768859863, 0.8930584788322449, -4.078806400299072, -0.8747882843017578, -5.904664039611816, 1.783245325088501, -4.7402191162109375, 2.6125986576080322, -2.527357816696167, -3.291553497314453, -4.317784309387207, 1.8863846063613892, -0.003893046174198389, 1.9858999252319336, -3.5231616497039795, -6.620481967926025, -2.622951030731201, 0.7559922933578491, -2.912061929702759, 2.155928373336792, 0.8571491241455078, -3.388134002685547, -0.7380902171134949, -0.3219398260116577, -2.940436601638794, -5.08244514465332, 3.0398547649383545, 1.2110704183578491, 1.6301381587982178, -0.8591287136077881, -5.328791618347168, -4.031027317047119, -2.3087565898895264, -0.1929854303598404, -1.6250962018966675, -7.90164852142334, 2.299152374267578, -0.4549766778945923, -0.46575093269348145, -2.6651546955108643, 0.3356441259384155, -4.845440864562988, 2.9939725399017334, 1.4593571424484253, -1.5502567291259766, 1.26642644405365, -0.38553446531295776, -7.099848747253418, 1.1003285646438599, 0.07923047244548798, -7.605062961578369, -0.3810398578643799, -5.7076311111450195, 1.5204626321792603, -0.8899642825126648, 0.3634604215621948, -2.788247585296631, -3.4600181579589844, -7.175771236419678, 1.4345372915267944, -0.9380469918251038, -4.064031600952148, 0.6548190712928772, 1.0590656995773315, 1.0258315801620483, -6.648764610290527, 0.7972358465194702, 1.9351744651794434, 1.3618886470794678, 2.197866916656494, -1.0489999055862427, 3.639113426208496, 1.2981059551239014, 2.9791715145111084, -0.6274601221084595, 0.7403768301010132, 0.841594934463501, -0.18681533634662628, -0.624106764793396, -3.854950428009033, 0.8571491241455078, -3.0189011096954346, -2.0228703022003174, -4.665652275085449, -1.6111758947372437, 0.3907815217971802, 1.2330217361450195, 0.6111499667167664, -1.1009740829467773, -2.9855310916900635, -2.1094906330108643, -2.528233528137207, -2.6848554611206055, 0.5141996145248413, 0.3262568712234497, -6.661107063293457, -7.378509998321533, 2.358680486679077, -1.3792163133621216, 3.2201616764068604, 0.17212866246700287, -0.9264818429946899, -5.610983371734619, -5.765373229980469, -1.2982579469680786, 2.583106279373169, 2.919660806655884, -0.6767866015434265, 1.4418171644210815, -4.515661239624023, -2.912061929702759, -2.7281086444854736, -2.7401278018951416, 0.9529449939727783, -3.5590994358062744, -4.929759502410889, -3.100299596786499, -3.6958389282226562, -3.9509356021881104, -2.687858819961548, -3.901700496673584, -4.394270896911621, -3.472952365875244, -4.384052753448486, -3.595470666885376, -4.101726055145264, -0.7463281154632568, -2.2989823818206787, 0.05297522246837616, -1.9230471849441528, -0.6197303533554077, -7.362619400024414, -4.018734931945801, -4.647140026092529, -2.8232386112213135, 2.5125491619110107, -3.5364954471588135, -3.1240451335906982, -0.15101589262485504, -0.48569217324256897, -1.8508185148239136, -1.5054384469985962, -4.1944050788879395, -3.9497392177581787, -4.516997337341309, 0.6662752032279968, -0.6037313938140869, -8.209616661071777, -0.46575093269348145, -0.11096175014972687, -4.889019966125488, 0.05790369212627411, -3.489745616912842, -7.442221641540527, 2.9987432956695557, -4.053394317626953, 1.7951856851577759, -4.114080429077148, -4.09721565246582, -4.852480888366699, -1.962873101234436, -6.1232452392578125, -3.5703978538513184, 0.8341203331947327, -3.3057973384857178, -4.229004859924316, -2.261406183242798, -3.751793622970581, -3.613435745239258, 1.5321744680404663, -3.5129406452178955, -0.7812999486923218, -1.7658799886703491, 3.0322887897491455, -2.906195878982544, -2.369882106781006, -6.080348014831543, -3.119767904281616, -7.68858528137207, -4.446235656738281, 0.6954379677772522, 1.5321744680404663, -4.8754072189331055, -1.918329119682312, -4.6025896072387695, -3.7476298809051514, -3.7719264030456543, -5.497751235961914, -3.0814950466156006, -2.2642791271209717, -3.0810654163360596, -5.300891399383545, -4.69406795501709, -3.394629716873169, -3.1540310382843018, -2.5603878498077393, -6.286496162414551, -3.5045652389526367, -3.132439136505127, -6.421359062194824, -3.802008867263794, -2.1057140827178955, 0.38329312205314636, -0.029491586610674858, -6.873296737670898, -3.4810221195220947, -4.741135597229004, -5.814318656921387, -5.984938621520996, -4.072865009307861, -4.0882415771484375, 1.1730209589004517, -5.757224082946777, -3.1865203380584717, -2.9263498783111572, 0.7356702089309692, -1.5567232370376587, 1.620938777923584, -8.345097541809082, -4.261691093444824, -1.2825403213500977, 2.3037142753601074, 1.5862618684768677, -3.735962152481079, 0.5945084691047668, -2.4707908630371094, 3.5793988704681396, 1.8711825609207153, -1.5627342462539673, -4.908528804779053, 1.710494041442871, -2.7528765201568604, 1.4478102922439575, -7.205597877502441, -1.15151846408844, 0.7346683740615845, 1.969236135482788, -7.155941009521484, -5.610983371734619, 2.921518087387085, -4.517749309539795, 3.3037335872650146, 2.451990842819214, -2.4707908630371094, 0.7356702089309692, -6.350801467895508, -1.2453186511993408, 1.4006361961364746, -2.090006113052368, 1.710494041442871, 0.8660917282104492, -3.679283857345581, -5.672785758972168, 1.0969537496566772, -2.299888849258423, 0.9268360137939453, -5.203591346740723, 1.6504243612289429, -4.998874664306641, -2.0029754638671875, -2.9374120235443115, 0.3907815217971802, -4.064980506896973, 2.8926572799682617, -0.15247078239917755, -1.15507972240448, 1.3587135076522827, 3.3844094276428223, 2.2986910343170166, 0.8364813923835754, 0.6340689659118652, -3.1205904483795166, -2.396794557571411, -2.691274404525757, 2.4453349113464355, -4.888878345489502, -5.944125175476074, -3.5805776119232178, -2.364914894104004, -7.682100296020508, 2.2536847591400146, -2.18076491355896, 2.2654201984405518, -2.9904308319091797, -3.477062463760376, -1.685205340385437, 0.2912876009941101, 2.9808189868927, -3.0137765407562256, -1.2003060579299927, -1.9295496940612793, -2.8914124965667725, -4.007997989654541, -1.3492876291275024, 0.3907815217971802, -1.939221978187561, -5.672785758972168, 0.6691867113113403, -6.515196323394775, -7.8523077964782715, -2.3623499870300293, -0.4283900856971741, -1.9078189134597778, -0.1531536728143692, 1.0385935306549072, 2.527122974395752, -0.5076608657836914, 2.3568789958953857, -4.665652275085449, 0.7341122627258301, -7.830163955688477, -0.7375593185424805, 1.0955474376678467, -1.5485304594039917, 2.0334277153015137, 1.109347939491272, 1.443441390991211, -4.721881866455078, -0.4728386402130127, -0.5758230090141296, -2.732234239578247, -2.3993752002716064, 0.5866163372993469, -1.8703643083572388, -4.141358852386475, -3.6143503189086914, -1.8662391901016235, -1.0187435150146484, -0.8257753849029541, -4.098441123962402, -3.713167667388916, -5.631878852844238, -4.519121170043945, -3.0435268878936768, 2.519272565841675, -0.3605348467826843, -4.179352760314941, -1.8841310739517212, -4.125345230102539, -3.899135112762451, -2.459101438522339, -3.6710758209228516, -3.912010431289673, 2.451990842819214, -3.5453975200653076, -2.304044485092163, -5.775259971618652, 0.09508015215396881, -0.29397737979888916, -0.12207533419132233, -2.8334004878997803, 1.2713571786880493, -4.0886969566345215, -4.366979598999023, -1.3570870161056519, 1.3503450155258179, -2.0637006759643555, -3.838703155517578, -1.8490891456604004, -0.15073849260807037, -3.100299596786499, -1.8585535287857056, 1.1784132719039917, -4.764323711395264, -1.2964504957199097, -0.9626176357269287, -3.792731523513794, -5.354918003082275, -1.9192370176315308, -5.367295742034912, 1.1730209589004517, -4.160777568817139, 0.6484540700912476, -3.7280664443969727, -2.5418615341186523, -3.7254936695098877, -2.1228508949279785, 1.174250841140747, -1.0573303699493408, -3.8922171592712402, -2.1383631229400635, -2.4251351356506348, -2.7519257068634033, 1.4385713338851929, -3.045959234237671, 0.2675231695175171, -4.96463680267334, 2.137727737426758, -4.131938457489014, -3.1520583629608154, -3.7094786167144775, -2.4819223880767822, -1.6475363969802856, -1.600056529045105, -4.560227394104004, -4.795859336853027, 1.2983213663101196, -0.6363823413848877, -4.141852855682373, -3.282029628753662, -0.3047952651977539, -0.27150437235832214, -4.129926681518555, -3.8090531826019287, -5.233104228973389, -2.786809206008911, -2.562903642654419, -3.5853638648986816, -3.4438536167144775, -3.9581539630889893, -1.3999346494674683, -0.42868661880493164, -3.225160837173462, -3.823770761489868, -2.688319206237793, 3.516606330871582, 3.0440800189971924, -2.1675074100494385, 1.1730209589004517, -4.582378387451172, -3.388176441192627, 1.3172317743301392, 2.113399028778076, -1.8890049457550049, 2.1363649368286133, -2.631061553955078, 1.399928331375122, -2.964890480041504, 3.0426201820373535, -0.38848501443862915, 0.6031932234764099, 0.48992830514907837, -0.15634192526340485, -8.487710952758789, -1.819598913192749, -5.878535747528076, -8.345097541809082, 1.6006525754928589, -1.9102389812469482, 2.3163321018218994, 0.7998229265213013, -0.26629847288131714, 0.9188369512557983, -3.923358678817749, -0.2097044140100479, 1.8635817766189575, 0.3843388557434082, 0.19408772885799408, 0.01076875813305378, 0.6381239891052246, -7.042057037353516, -3.9732022285461426, 0.6041688919067383, -8.3826322555542, 2.809286117553711, 0.27467095851898193, -0.8444911241531372, -8.130681037902832, -0.4893120527267456, 1.0942049026489258, -1.844766616821289, 1.129359483718872, -0.7854559421539307, -3.6979732513427734, -6.854288101196289, -6.562983989715576, -1.5278609991073608, 0.4304257035255432, 3.1403324604034424, 1.8874374628067017, 2.320664644241333, -2.5922203063964844, 3.5793988704681396, 0.8765506744384766, 0.9121459722518921, -2.8755910396575928, -2.3866794109344482, -0.4835090637207031, -6.172911643981934, 0.3907815217971802, -1.9338490962982178, 1.6465702056884766, -1.2825400829315186, 1.4785213470458984, -1.7761812210083008, -1.6319239139556885, -1.8026437759399414, -1.3981987237930298, -5.076677322387695, -4.572216987609863, -2.1934428215026855, -0.4920506775379181, -4.261719703674316, -3.9389071464538574, -1.9902647733688354, -3.963998556137085, -2.2388572692871094, -0.3476483225822449, -5.282258033752441, -0.15211404860019684, 1.8863846063613892, -3.6549794673919678, -3.4847071170806885, -4.515524387359619, 1.493290662765503, -4.329190254211426, -2.8667373657226562, -2.8741443157196045, -0.2830529510974884, -5.670514106750488, -2.853642702102661, -0.9610492587089539, -2.8334004878997803, -6.135785102844238, -3.7577335834503174, -5.060538291931152, -3.5129406452178955, -4.18181037902832, -2.2989823818206787, -2.95941162109375, -4.457874298095703, -4.96463680267334, -2.9210996627807617, -2.358952522277832, -2.5461032390594482, -6.00910758972168, -2.4648399353027344, -1.8122073411941528, -2.7143874168395996, -0.3703584671020508, -4.151676177978516, -5.358711242675781, -4.957042694091797, -1.5247935056686401, -1.466435194015503, 0.6979807615280151, -6.477270126342773, -5.979598522186279, -1.932242512702942, -4.375982284545898, -5.316279888153076, -2.521601438522339, -5.5022382736206055, -4.23155403137207, -1.556160569190979, -3.6484220027923584, -3.872278928756714, -4.795859336853027, -2.7237818241119385, -3.663440465927124, -4.459877014160156, -2.505101442337036, -2.3087317943573, -4.025086402893066, -2.7285234928131104, -4.78889274597168, -2.9396090507507324, -1.3570870161056519, -6.331655502319336, 2.4552876949310303, 1.6038278341293335, -3.677013874053955, -3.7927310466766357, -4.1547017097473145, -4.869065284729004, -2.6484005451202393, -1.8439944982528687, -3.4610683917999268, -5.269814491271973, -4.198124885559082, -0.47701194882392883, -4.21222448348999, -0.6779699325561523, -7.249411582946777, -2.811398983001709, 2.934309720993042, -1.4037206172943115, -0.8058668971061707, -6.915536880493164, -3.808926582336426, -1.2089753150939941, -3.649078607559204, -4.1299262046813965, -4.39325475692749, -3.649078607559204, -7.206582069396973, -3.7778613567352295, -4.04378080368042, -1.8992456197738647, -5.291089057922363, -3.1566383838653564, -4.78889274597168, -5.505853652954102, -1.8339186906814575, -4.5165605545043945, -2.3040449619293213, -6.059765815734863, -4.733956336975098, -2.5126571655273438, -4.18181037902832, -3.69425368309021, -3.0716845989227295, -2.3098154067993164, -1.6001285314559937, -1.834661841392517, -0.20789070427417755, -4.928500652313232, -3.7055842876434326, -2.0811660289764404, -3.4240529537200928, -3.7205073833465576, -0.9185668230056763, -3.269768238067627, -2.850123643875122, -6.604052543640137, -2.1496381759643555, -6.307839393615723, -2.6187074184417725, -1.114276647567749, -3.985252618789673, -2.0646913051605225, -3.5412814617156982, -4.366415500640869, -3.3648622035980225, -2.7886319160461426, -4.987576484680176, -5.548861026763916, -4.172096252441406, -3.322322368621826, -1.8439944982528687, -1.0187437534332275, -3.933851957321167, 0.09508015215396881, -3.7782249450683594, 0.28292179107666016, -3.225160837173462, -2.7886319160461426, -5.680202484130859, -5.367295742034912, -3.5702626705169678, -2.54125714302063, -3.443770170211792, -2.6290979385375977, -5.9573588371276855, -2.6053216457366943, 1.7444826364517212, -3.2020986080169678, -2.7977302074432373, 2.236677885055542, -2.995272636413574, -5.001608848571777, -1.6476598978042603, -4.176098823547363, 1.0383342504501343, -2.483055353164673, 0.2718885540962219, -3.933851957321167, -1.1009740829467773, 0.17607443034648895, -5.463122367858887, -2.8151915073394775, 1.8928650617599487, -1.114276647567749, -4.2956037521362305, -3.1092045307159424, -4.822559356689453, -4.072865009307861, -2.576735258102417, -5.084052562713623, -1.14957857131958, -3.377631425857544, -1.1925476789474487, -2.80354380607605, -3.1124372482299805, 0.19922982156276703, 0.8364211320877075, 0.05345617234706879, -1.1515185832977295, 1.1900113821029663, -2.951512098312378, -5.633114814758301, -0.09363867342472076, -3.8881423473358154, -8.007546424865723, -0.12207533419132233, 1.5591691732406616, -4.016238689422607, 1.55936598777771, -5.967429161071777, 3.0440800189971924, -3.2744619846343994, -5.161911964416504, -7.161968231201172, -6.503405570983887, 0.11396293342113495, -4.083924770355225, -1.4964622259140015, -3.4511022567749023, -3.9423630237579346, -3.1570732593536377, -1.2982579469680786, -4.46614933013916, -5.88494348526001, 1.5321744680404663, 0.17105434834957123, -5.129598617553711, 0.2766243815422058, -3.8994693756103516, 2.921518087387085, -0.55898118019104, -3.67629075050354, -1.1582982540130615, -4.993285179138184, -6.18851375579834, 0.023203348740935326, -6.55658483505249, -1.7512251138687134, -2.6244475841522217, 1.3618886470794678, -4.505563735961914, -5.108484745025635, 1.098803997039795, -5.136230945587158, -2.536024808883667, -2.7365636825561523, -5.047033309936523, 1.1599552631378174, -0.6985205411911011, 1.665421724319458, -5.925029277801514, 1.038394808769226, -1.63382089138031, -2.0341265201568604, -0.4600403308868408, -3.9362845420837402, -2.7562501430511475, -1.9912489652633667, 1.0504094362258911, -0.5867689251899719, -3.070892095565796, -5.877359390258789, -2.0304181575775146, -1.819598913192749, -1.5332430601119995, -0.1531536728143692, -3.1846923828125, -8.500081062316895, -0.020045293495059013, -4.781816482543945, -0.8194156289100647, -3.5453975200653076, -0.7714247703552246, 0.5714155435562134, -0.4893120527267456, 0.9685107469558716, -4.552910327911377, -1.7575420141220093, -1.6152263879776, -2.1633989810943604, -3.500438690185547, -6.338340759277344, -4.811100959777832, -3.451294183731079, 0.9181020259857178, -4.399482250213623, -5.405867099761963, -2.214916467666626, -4.579686641693115, 0.935886025428772, -1.8890835046768188, -5.138888359069824, -0.873765230178833, -4.153970718383789, -5.381102561950684, -3.909330129623413, -5.458478927612305, 1.1781005859375, -4.114080429077148, 0.9782832860946655, -0.7082709670066833, -5.071468830108643, -0.36863911151885986, -1.114276647567749, -3.5045652389526367, 1.2388622760772705, -3.4932212829589844, -4.383898735046387, -1.0422219038009644, -2.6484005451202393, -3.0601534843444824, 0.34125709533691406, -4.482176780700684, -5.40925931930542, -2.940436601638794, -0.8935896158218384, -2.0485358238220215, 1.0590656995773315, 2.604128122329712, -4.025086879730225, -3.3723433017730713, 2.3037142753601074, -6.286496162414551, -4.194518566131592, -5.255418300628662, -8.443330764770508, -0.6197303533554077, -3.433349132537842, -2.6894261837005615, -6.407588005065918, -3.491619348526001, 1.1730209589004517, 1.2758665084838867, -0.7127051949501038, -4.993285179138184, -2.936599016189575, -2.166857957839966, -4.077688694000244, -3.064856767654419, -1.2870315313339233, -5.105480194091797, 1.1360808610916138, -2.7573482990264893, -6.182538986206055, -3.663447380065918, -4.530389785766602, -0.7769551277160645, -4.472482681274414, -6.55658483505249, -4.651114463806152, 0.0384812206029892, -1.2279189825057983, -4.291130542755127, -1.307247519493103, -0.7714246511459351, -4.703021049499512, -4.187100410461426, 2.0334279537200928, -5.412802219390869, -3.985816240310669, -4.558037281036377, -4.026973724365234, -0.7863539457321167, -1.6677969694137573, -8.092220306396484, -2.54125714302063, -2.8741443157196045, -0.9764715433120728, -3.393296003341675, -1.8858355283737183, -0.4893120527267456, -3.053755044937134, -1.6188684701919556, 1.109347939491272, -1.7512251138687134, -1.5440870523452759, 3.4449074268341064, -2.6138415336608887, -3.5129406452178955, -4.811100959777832, -1.9301917552947998, 0.43641775846481323, 3.516606330871582, -4.711329460144043, 1.0008273124694824, -4.762903213500977, -3.10032057762146, -0.001644148025661707, 0.15263494849205017, -5.110678195953369, -3.449453830718994, -2.5483853816986084, -3.758741617202759, -1.5428236722946167, -2.8371047973632812, -2.042532205581665, -2.761817216873169, -4.936312198638916, 2.519272565841675, -1.562670111656189, -5.402711868286133, -4.399482250213623, -3.3870675563812256, -3.108468770980835, 1.266502022743225, -2.5937111377716064, -7.205597877502441, -4.098406791687012, -0.23765213787555695, -4.5343427658081055, -3.769160032272339, -1.4726694822311401, -1.9006317853927612, -0.5799617171287537, -4.7676849365234375, -0.3506033420562744, -3.562196969985962, -2.68426775932312, -3.501329183578491, -4.953716278076172, 1.1360808610916138, -0.80385422706604, -1.8237156867980957, -3.982506513595581, -0.5989165306091309, -5.761691570281982, -2.0197231769561768, -0.6833534240722656, -2.174233913421631, 1.9858999252319336, -2.4865622520446777, -0.7924448847770691, -3.0977861881256104, -0.6559258699417114, -5.0767436027526855, -0.47452038526535034, -3.6331443786621094, -2.213277816772461, -2.4865622520446777, -4.677573204040527, 0.429789662361145, -4.03987455368042, -5.40925931930542, -0.58619225025177, -5.165042877197266, 1.5078996419906616, -3.714360475540161, -3.1540310382843018, -4.850318431854248, -3.5637943744659424, -6.400932312011719, -2.937666177749634, -6.248064041137695, -5.100593566894531, -3.9581539630889893, -5.03892707824707, -4.044651031494141, -3.876500129699707, -3.525350332260132, -2.2388572692871094, 1.4055441617965698, -2.9916164875030518, -4.435060501098633, -3.157097101211548, -5.343224048614502, -3.9434750080108643, -3.7629494667053223, -3.7055842876434326, 0.28292161226272583, -1.8339186906814575, -3.9715003967285156, -2.6783924102783203, -1.006354808807373, 1.26018226146698, -3.117215871810913, -3.7577335834503174, -4.00376558303833, -1.574813961982727, -1.5805302858352661, -3.762948751449585, -4.738216876983643, -5.283961772918701, -4.742634296417236, -3.761702060699463, -6.022790908813477, -3.821974515914917, -1.1466847658157349, -3.9044673442840576, -3.2110769748687744, -1.2428367137908936, -1.598284125328064, -4.679184913635254, -4.028503894805908, -3.9389071464538574, -1.8169631958007812, -5.091615676879883, -1.077845811843872, -1.1309643983840942, -4.18261194229126, -5.084052562713623, -2.6187074184417725, -6.495863437652588, -2.9210996627807617, 0.6077879667282104, -5.245929718017578, -5.451043128967285, -6.555088996887207, -6.5040283203125, -5.666183948516846, -3.933793783187866, -3.2457544803619385, -3.769160032272339, -0.8120242953300476, -0.887843132019043, -1.7941497564315796, -0.9523507952690125, -4.468849182128906, 0.9529449939727783, -5.393198490142822, -1.3228460550308228, 0.5357158184051514, -4.124573230743408, -3.7068676948547363, -3.8513505458831787, -4.044166564941406, -0.19544453918933868, -5.343224048614502, -0.6744884252548218, -5.528220176696777, 0.3356441259384155, -1.7375305891036987, 1.8599728345870972, -4.54155969619751, -0.21792663633823395, -0.5995175838470459, -0.9264818429946899, -1.9256080389022827, -2.244051456451416, -7.682101249694824, 0.1308114379644394, -8.3826322555542, -5.133953094482422, -2.804003953933716, -6.2223029136657715, -7.937375068664551, 0.9188683032989502, -1.636993646621704, 0.7154941558837891, -1.621541976928711, -2.6265370845794678, -2.364914894104004, -1.6418575048446655, 2.4686644077301025, -4.996489524841309, 0.9827994108200073, -0.001662625465542078, 2.3914973735809326, -5.859748363494873, -2.5242693424224854, 0.970012366771698, 0.2675231695175171, -0.09220899641513824, -4.5541276931762695, -1.4976242780685425, -1.9453420639038086, -3.1520583629608154, -2.9326043128967285, -4.767929553985596, 2.3301663398742676, -5.757224082946777, 0.5697911381721497, -5.610983371734619, -3.8065760135650635, -0.4283900856971741, -5.060538291931152, 1.7331852912902832, -4.861789703369141, -4.378440856933594, -1.5054384469985962, -3.196408987045288, -3.992886781692505, 0.2912876009941101, -2.577913999557495, -4.459877014160156, -1.3900816440582275, -2.4990499019622803, -6.921964645385742, -2.3098154067993164, -6.130128383636475, -1.027997374534607, -2.6750693321228027, -6.199433326721191, -2.5892930030822754, -6.969272613525391, 2.265408515930176, -2.6627771854400635, -0.21158315241336823, -2.581679105758667, -1.819946527481079, 0.41253501176834106, -2.6936581134796143, -6.016084671020508, -2.732234239578247, 0.023203348740935326, -4.834048748016357, 0.3869306445121765, -1.8841310739517212, 0.11317740380764008, -4.579687118530273, -3.5805776119232178, -2.9079980850219727, -3.1560256481170654, -3.364046335220337, 2.2654201984405518, -1.5514781475067139, -3.3540570735931396, 0.4152444005012512, -3.9318349361419678, 1.225787878036499, -3.8090531826019287, -0.15936161577701569, -3.6980769634246826, 2.057873249053955, -3.758741617202759, 1.65928053855896, -4.999336242675781, -2.95941162109375, -1.930669903755188, -0.6242514848709106, -1.8890835046768188, -5.898625373840332, 0.7972359657287598, -3.640566349029541, -3.4720585346221924, -1.183188557624817, -3.7610890865325928, 2.219276189804077, -0.3823237419128418, -5.269814491271973, -3.5704264640808105, -3.3082473278045654, -5.524502277374268, -4.346236705780029, -5.8961334228515625, -3.849731922149658, -5.796260833740234, -0.4893120527267456, -4.779780387878418, 1.4055441617965698, -7.275696754455566, -3.752688407897949, -5.110678195953369, -4.120452404022217, -5.097085952758789, -0.49579960107803345, -5.379037857055664, -4.252699851989746, -3.8434629440307617, -1.803654432296753, -3.269768476486206, -3.6938676834106445, -2.4649672508239746, -0.7569849491119385, -3.117215871810913, -5.8143181800842285, -5.963842391967773, -3.9318349361419678, -2.7066941261291504, -0.1644458919763565, -4.375982284545898, -0.47701194882392883, -3.68404221534729, -2.8990142345428467, -1.5246706008911133, 0.5087058544158936, 0.22446481883525848, -5.664308547973633, -4.908520698547363, -2.8990142345428467, 2.0334277153015137, -1.3786603212356567, -3.522336721420288, -1.0660640001296997, -2.248927116394043, -3.3507988452911377, -3.5129406452178955, -3.377631425857544, 1.6337497234344482, -1.7499641180038452, -0.40714237093925476, -0.18517997860908508, 1.1879619359970093, -4.303187370300293, -5.635932445526123, -4.257567405700684, -1.5751893520355225, -1.1305158138275146, -0.34506726264953613, -3.56219744682312, -0.3825839161872864, 0.09508015215396881, -6.141984939575195, -2.200592279434204, -3.4515533447265625, -3.884989023208618, -4.473628044128418, -1.1305158138275146, -5.874390602111816, -4.082602500915527, -4.016238689422607, -3.8780272006988525, -1.986479640007019, -3.69425368309021, -1.0639888048171997, 2.9824984073638916, -2.860806703567505, -2.714379072189331, -1.9285906553268433, -3.6328718662261963, 3.9052844047546387, 1.4478102922439575, 0.8316786289215088, -0.8403707146644592, 1.620938777923584, -1.7810155153274536, -2.8310916423797607, -2.293280601501465, -3.7738726139068604, 1.2818330526351929, -3.2666068077087402, -4.532098770141602, 0.936017632484436, -4.0882415771484375, 0.5313154458999634, 3.7064154148101807, -1.0255483388900757, -0.7813525795936584, -5.52459192276001, 1.2664262056350708, -1.248832106590271, -4.552377700805664, -0.7127051949501038, -4.108701705932617, -1.7427191734313965, -3.5758447647094727, -2.196074962615967, 0.5463767051696777, -6.144312858581543, 0.11972711980342865, 1.3966195583343506, -5.455477714538574, -1.6229854822158813, 1.2330217361450195, -4.114195346832275, -7.8523077964782715, -4.506408214569092, -3.711381196975708, -1.8662391901016235, -0.26716935634613037, -0.9150967001914978, -0.20896093547344208, -1.1964970827102661, -3.76525616645813, -3.404216766357422, -3.405996799468994, 2.216663122177124, 0.6315370798110962, -0.5298086404800415, -3.7750041484832764, 1.937909722328186, -3.7944021224975586, -2.9855310916900635, -2.239166259765625, -3.671133279800415, -0.5267653465270996, -3.564239740371704, 1.3589165210723877, -2.3186328411102295, -0.36791831254959106, -3.2978675365448, 3.842539072036743, 1.3618886470794678, -2.693387508392334, -1.4519959688186646, 1.0774019956588745, -2.254019260406494, 0.936017632484436, -1.5502567291259766, 2.3568789958953857, -2.209186315536499, -2.8228678703308105, -4.238279819488525, -6.022790908813477, -4.022360801696777, -1.5765708684921265, -2.8371047973632812, -5.291089057922363, -2.54125714302063, -3.1897342205047607, -5.513216972351074, -4.934634685516357, -0.8062081336975098, -3.033834218978882, -2.2777438163757324, 1.253653645515442, 3.0426201820373535, -4.028503894805908, -5.559188365936279, -0.20789070427417755, -4.025086402893066, -5.267513275146484, -3.811713695526123, -4.600907325744629, -5.005331993103027, -2.6499156951904297, -4.3327507972717285, -0.4862193763256073, -1.849820852279663, -4.004514694213867, -2.4045889377593994, -6.272787094116211, -3.860379695892334, -3.0709850788116455, -4.872053623199463, -3.028364419937134, -5.550534248352051, -4.607548713684082, -0.6744884252548218, -6.847789764404297, -6.249607086181641, -3.5408380031585693, -3.551414728164673, -4.499545574188232, -1.0307916402816772, -5.138888359069824, -4.764323711395264, -2.9160451889038086, -6.182539939880371, -3.269768238067627, -3.3057973384857178, -5.022378921508789, -0.367783784866333, -0.6966873407363892, 0.043777868151664734, -1.5514781475067139, 3.639113426208496, 0.1308114379644394, 1.174250841140747, -5.835768222808838, 1.8844484090805054, 0.8758233785629272, -1.2574621438980103, -2.3029260635375977, -0.09220899641513824, -3.8090059757232666, -2.136592388153076, -0.597853422164917, -5.672785758972168, -6.945343971252441, -3.7060563564300537, -0.23765213787555695, -3.282029628753662, -1.9489094018936157, -1.9256080389022827, 1.783245325088501, 1.1003285646438599, -1.317067265510559, -1.2737029790878296, -2.6499292850494385, 1.3589165210723877, 2.190772533416748, 0.7804940938949585, -5.248664855957031, 2.6130850315093994, 2.122129201889038, -4.499518394470215, 0.14652787148952484, -2.239166259765625, -1.70649254322052, -3.577085256576538, 1.8928650617599487, -5.094839096069336, 1.1762343645095825, -3.3914592266082764, -7.4422221183776855, 1.7845838069915771, -0.9523507952690125, 2.7131717205047607, -2.583486318588257, -2.268190383911133, 1.174250841140747, -3.0674304962158203, -1.6125884056091309, -2.090006113052368, -4.465758323669434, 1.7533375024795532, 0.13421688973903656, 3.4449074268341064, -1.124401330947876, -5.393198490142822, -0.26716935634613037, -7.274989128112793, 1.855800747871399, -5.587558746337891, 1.0533792972564697, -3.4847071170806885, -1.043570876121521, -2.464453935623169, -2.3087565898895264, -4.154627799987793, 2.6130850315093994, -2.581679105758667, 0.2841723561286926, 1.4910329580307007, -6.166135311126709, -6.514467716217041, 0.011244164779782295, 0.2675231695175171, -1.997428297996521, -0.4874398708343506, -0.5553722381591797, -2.57759952545166, -2.7365636825561523, 1.5862618684768677, -3.7364940643310547, 3.7525522708892822, 3.7525699138641357, 0.9827994108200073, 1.3934248685836792, -0.6767866015434265, -0.2976730763912201, -1.398565411567688, 2.586822032928467, 3.2139389514923096, -1.8508185148239136, 0.11281374096870422, -1.8774077892303467, -3.0137765407562256, 1.608171820640564, -6.617786884307861, -3.0907561779022217, -0.80385422706604, -1.022937536239624, 1.887044906616211, 3.7064154148101807, 1.817298173904419, 0.5100405216217041, -7.689436435699463, -3.577085256576538, 0.41016900539398193, -6.031158447265625, 0.4171757698059082, 0.25057274103164673, 0.6846656203269958, 3.466171979904175, 1.754854679107666, -3.676290512084961, -1.1380804777145386, 1.5754563808441162, -2.2777438163757324, -6.032715797424316, -3.567284345626831, 0.3013167381286621, -0.7285943627357483, -1.226582407951355, -0.3343081474304199, -2.012921094894409, 1.6301381587982178, -2.8755910396575928, -0.9764715433120728, -0.29797089099884033, -1.3961236476898193, -3.4587042331695557, -6.4934821128845215, -2.8914124965667725, -3.4356014728546143, -0.5267653465270996, 0.0697997659444809, -0.32824474573135376, -2.3154451847076416, 0.874780535697937, -0.3433932662010193, 1.796047568321228, -0.001644148025661707, -1.1564371585845947, 0.5476102232933044, -4.327208042144775, 1.8273378610610962, -2.386092185974121, -4.428705215454102, -8.627245903015137, -3.0842952728271484, -2.44602108001709, -2.7040140628814697, -2.386092185974121, -2.627032518386841, 1.5204626321792603, 0.22317706048488617, -3.3808751106262207, 3.842539072036743, -4.098441123962402, 2.604128122329712, -2.87262225151062, -2.1094906330108643, -2.9563772678375244, -7.127052307128906, -7.8992533683776855, -5.75513219833374, -5.672785758972168, 2.786822557449341, 0.6041688919067383, 1.362284779548645, -8.454483032226562, 0.30352091789245605, 1.9182367324829102, 0.3383282423019409, -3.3636722564697266, -0.740149974822998, 0.6568702459335327, -5.557762145996094, -1.4665204286575317, -0.12120254337787628, 0.49274611473083496, -5.261083602905273, 0.1856813281774521, -2.015714406967163, -4.601639747619629, -7.673714637756348, 2.525322675704956, -3.2638885974884033, -3.240281343460083, -0.7854559421539307, -2.4707908630371094, 1.1223087310791016, -2.282115936279297, -2.9299051761627197, -8.299099922180176, -6.795781135559082, -4.026947021484375, -1.5332430601119995, -3.067052125930786, -4.141358852386475, -3.68404221534729, -5.602941989898682, -4.339722156524658, 0.6466363668441772, -0.9932703971862793, -0.8257753849029541, -6.016084671020508, -5.7117133140563965, -1.8454679250717163, -3.353776216506958, -3.0635576248168945, -6.495863437652588, -2.6094906330108643, -4.95229959487915, -5.402711868286133, -2.620716094970703, -4.164791107177734, 0.5313154458999634, -3.0200865268707275, -1.4508949518203735, -5.230973720550537, -0.8935896158218384, -3.3047845363616943, -2.471898078918457, -2.899139642715454, -5.75325870513916, -3.3398523330688477, -3.0977861881256104, -3.498520612716675, -2.836226463317871, -2.400160551071167, -1.8006609678268433, -3.393885374069214, -3.7878286838531494, -0.24620409309864044, -4.613719940185547, -2.936599016189575, -3.5853638648986816, 1.8827990293502808, -5.187404632568359, -5.5955119132995605, -4.094934463500977, 1.1730209589004517, -5.766095161437988, -2.494579553604126, -3.1478185653686523, -4.266898155212402, -2.9194188117980957, -4.936312675476074, -3.3368382453918457, -3.7241222858428955, -3.7410473823547363, -3.399120330810547, -3.048264741897583, -3.865049123764038, 2.4672422409057617, 1.5321744680404663, -4.198126316070557, -5.1469926834106445, -4.665136337280273, 0.04752121865749359, -4.013309001922607, -2.408759355545044, -2.4865622520446777, -4.398703575134277, -5.106515884399414, -1.0885951519012451, -3.9346067905426025, -2.7040140628814697, -0.3855341076850891, -2.3105974197387695, -6.564406394958496, -5.666183948516846, -7.031208038330078, -2.035323143005371, -0.920303463935852, 0.33426523208618164, -5.1571044921875, 0.23865287005901337, -1.0401464700698853, 0.04179470241069794, -2.867263078689575, -4.236989974975586, -4.467198848724365, 1.8907326459884644, -1.7223774194717407, 1.3618886470794678, -4.014636516571045, -4.2851433753967285, 0.5388451218605042, -1.6253286600112915, -4.591266632080078, -3.4042165279388428, -1.6359444856643677, -6.322856426239014, -0.7381075620651245, -0.9633220434188843, -0.7773290276527405, -3.522336721420288, -3.6356143951416016, -2.3891780376434326, -1.63382089138031, -5.109315872192383, -5.230562686920166, -5.398608207702637, -5.636722564697266, -2.4359188079833984, -4.865534782409668, -3.557332754135132, -4.0069756507873535, -0.8935896158218384, -4.18261194229126, -2.850123643875122, -5.031678199768066, -1.8439944982528687, -4.619911193847656, -3.2522945404052734, -4.815481185913086, -4.0425262451171875, -4.762903213500977, -4.1096415519714355, -1.0260664224624634, -3.7928760051727295, -6.523214340209961, -4.989601135253906, -2.318528413772583, -5.283912658691406, -3.388423442840576, -3.5129406452178955, -2.5960090160369873, -6.135910987854004, -5.03892707824707, 1.1730201244354248, -5.303591251373291, -3.9346067905426025, -4.763459205627441, -2.4819223880767822, -1.317067265510559, -4.815481185913086, -1.6984126567840576, 0.0840664952993393, -6.969272613525391, -3.4779000282287598, -4.367743968963623, -5.31809663772583, -3.985816240310669, -0.7014323472976685, -2.6783924102783203, -3.290137529373169, -1.14957857131958, -4.31884765625, -1.6253286600112915, -4.590007781982422, -2.166857957839966, -3.5853638648986816, -3.755809783935547, -0.47701194882392883, -3.1367714405059814, -4.141852855682373, -0.9185668230056763, -4.20489501953125, -3.347346544265747, -4.613719940185547, -2.91170072555542, -6.049831390380859, -2.9954349994659424, -5.159564018249512, -1.8439944982528687, -3.748046636581421, -2.8508493900299072, 0.9529449939727783, -0.969714343547821, -0.1644458919763565, -2.820396900177002, -1.7301958799362183, -1.7476365566253662, -3.7046751976013184, -6.022790908813477, -0.2976730763912201, 0.38329312205314636, 0.8425024747848511, -2.95941162109375, -4.533185958862305, -3.2210991382598877, 0.3008994162082672, -0.6707435846328735, -2.3236162662506104, -3.957533597946167, 0.0840664952993393, 1.4579949378967285, 0.6225731372833252, -5.28090763092041, -3.6958389282226562, -7.249411582946777, -3.132068634033203, -2.688319444656372, 1.6896873712539673, -5.232790946960449, -1.8660318851470947, -2.8209340572357178, -5.262838363647461, -5.035416126251221, -2.6159253120422363, -4.957042694091797, -4.72075080871582, -2.0942459106445312, -3.708071708679199, -3.16935658454895, -2.5427796840667725, -5.451043128967285, 0.023203348740935326, -4.4577741622924805, -0.8221466541290283, -3.9713399410247803, -2.9197726249694824, -2.214322566986084, 0.7633869647979736, -4.630671977996826, -1.4702188968658447, 1.8340226411819458, -4.28201961517334, -0.5989165306091309, -3.6782147884368896, -5.4837799072265625, -4.188923358917236, -3.753220796585083, 1.8340226411819458, -3.245192766189575, -3.8480424880981445, -1.5334910154342651, -4.457874298095703, -2.9160807132720947, -5.027359485626221, -1.3791919946670532, -2.635274887084961, -4.18261194229126, -2.8371047973632812, -3.473222255706787, 1.3618886470794678, -1.9388407468795776, 2.46197247505188, -4.158463954925537, -6.146407604217529, -3.898932933807373, -2.304044485092163, -4.020322322845459, -2.995272636413574, -4.996489524841309, -3.7205076217651367, -0.8048372864723206, -3.394629716873169, -4.923219203948975, -2.3993752002716064, -6.100827693939209, -4.359060287475586, 1.5858961343765259, 2.137727737426758, 0.0840664952993393, 1.1003285646438599, -3.7254931926727295, 2.774040460586548, -0.27150437235832214, 3.466171979904175, -4.39683723449707, -2.2197554111480713, 1.969236135482788, -0.9982333779335022, -2.268190383911133, -3.1570732593536377, -2.187795639038086, -3.5298266410827637, -5.487892150878906, -3.917881488800049, -3.9015684127807617, -4.73031759262085, 2.632450819015503, -5.945099830627441, -5.415676593780518, -3.8184540271759033, -2.3361189365386963, -3.7976009845733643, -1.7301958799362183, -3.7165162563323975, -3.729541778564453, 1.1134594678878784, -3.8090531826019287, 0.7953839302062988, -2.361520528793335, -4.872053623199463, -6.959604263305664, -2.5212881565093994, -5.049097061157227, -7.830600738525391, 2.0794260501861572, 1.1730209589004517, 0.499312162399292, -3.577085256576538, -0.2683531641960144, -5.25106143951416, -4.508143901824951, 0.5319380164146423, -3.372023105621338, -0.2683531641960144, -6.769381523132324, 0.6340695023536682, -5.7598137855529785, 1.493290662765503, 1.6313246488571167, -0.9189053177833557, -6.488260269165039, -2.0744478702545166, -2.0889272689819336, 2.9987432956695557, 2.722834348678589, -3.9465854167938232, -2.3361189365386963, -0.6446152329444885, -3.070892095565796, -4.279831409454346, -1.1891694068908691, 0.032560691237449646, 0.9770033955574036, -1.9760323762893677, 0.2675231695175171, -0.7121754288673401, 1.0258315801620483, -1.2670294046401978, -0.5629038214683533, -7.274988174438477, 2.9575774669647217, 1.2894423007965088, -2.0943145751953125, -2.611391067504883, 0.2675231695175171, 1.6609547138214111, 0.20120762288570404, 2.527122974395752, -2.5598320960998535, -6.199433326721191, 0.1308114379644394, -6.945343971252441, -5.027359485626221, -4.811169147491455, -5.161911964416504, -3.7671589851379395, 1.4478099346160889, 3.133526563644409, -7.850501537322998, -5.189254283905029, -1.8508185148239136, -4.013309001922607, -4.796331405639648, -7.103931427001953, -4.323767185211182, 0.9768800139427185, -1.0980886220932007, -1.8368269205093384, -1.8779963254928589, -3.622434377670288, -7.031208038330078, 2.629516124725342, -1.5070937871932983, -5.401144504547119, 3.0723025798797607, -4.018734931945801, -5.1317243576049805, -2.728109121322632, -2.583486318588257, -2.8949782848358154, -4.368873596191406, -4.4251604080200195, -2.504884958267212, -8.54644775390625, -0.9046369791030884, 0.31515711545944214, -1.7854795455932617, -3.240281343460083, -6.658267974853516, -6.030450344085693, -5.828867435455322, 1.179629921913147, 3.133526563644409, -1.195095181465149, -1.182578206062317, -2.8828375339508057, -3.117215871810913, 1.8514933586120605, -3.9726550579071045, 2.477386951446533, 2.451990842819214, -7.1120758056640625, -3.741729259490967, -5.296003341674805, -1.5518163442611694, -3.4100911617279053, -4.911004066467285, -6.6538543701171875, -4.346520900726318, 2.4506676197052, -4.5165605545043945, -1.8026437759399414, 1.641208291053772, -5.750482082366943, -7.512084007263184, -4.066684722900391, -4.129498481750488, -3.068509817123413, 1.253653645515442, -4.948591709136963, -2.7337486743927, 1.1134592294692993, -6.224800109863281, 2.236677885055542, -1.5428236722946167, -2.508915662765503, -2.805781602859497, -3.663439989089966, -0.5889273285865784, -3.5412814617156982, -3.847318649291992, 1.8514933586120605, -3.2638890743255615, 0.020772503688931465, -4.22899866104126, -0.4549766778945923, -3.084545373916626, -2.459101438522339, 0.2675231695175171, -2.6595797538757324, -0.7658137083053589, -5.620779991149902, 1.3118329048156738, -5.071294784545898, -3.622434377670288, -3.9143147468566895, -2.3613181114196777, 1.5204626321792603, -3.7976572513580322, -3.651564598083496, 3.842539072036743, -2.6499156951904297, -2.378549575805664, -2.7490274906158447, -0.304071843624115, -5.280544281005859, -3.0032460689544678, -0.26629847288131714, 1.9675523042678833, -1.209889531135559, -3.6435229778289795, -3.269429922103882, 0.8848028182983398, -1.5877199172973633, 0.42325907945632935, 1.5862618684768677, -3.765388250350952, -2.751615285873413, -5.53297233581543, -4.892796516418457, 0.5039139986038208, -0.9707606434822083, -1.5332430601119995, -2.7910749912261963, -2.220313787460327, -0.10633732378482819, 3.842539072036743, -3.854950428009033, -3.4878571033477783, -0.519101619720459, -4.515524387359619, 1.1762343645095825, -5.541041374206543, 2.646165132522583, -3.690539836883545, -5.614317893981934, -0.8461589217185974, 3.0491855144500732, 0.5920677185058594, -6.133761882781982, -5.050187110900879, -2.654893636703491, -3.7747766971588135, -5.485996246337891, -4.686620712280273, -1.7028528451919556, -3.834951162338257, -1.309978723526001, -2.214979410171509, -4.187099933624268, -3.7685611248016357, -4.154902935028076, -2.9059417247772217, -1.5247935056686401, -4.575597286224365, -3.706822395324707, -3.154306173324585, -4.7712907791137695, -6.400932312011719, -3.0867648124694824, -1.6787915229797363, -2.107093334197998, -4.257579803466797, -1.8660318851470947, -5.033553123474121, -2.9160451889038086, -4.450629711151123, -0.6707435846328735, -3.4983339309692383, -4.7402191162109375, -1.0255483388900757, -2.9966542720794678, 1.1730209589004517, -0.6358745694160461, -4.20318603515625, -3.6003270149230957, -3.0875442028045654, -5.035416126251221, -6.53831672668457, 1.2931582927703857, 1.3834844827651978, -1.2937206029891968, -0.3507236838340759, 2.814953565597534, -4.442193984985352, 0.8765506744384766, 1.4910335540771484, -5.814258575439453, 0.8854426145553589, 2.861466646194458, 2.3037142753601074, -0.4893120527267456, -3.40583872795105, -3.9131226539611816, -2.2739665508270264, -2.627032518386841, -4.1493024826049805, -4.678818702697754, 2.8584136962890625, -0.4061039090156555, -4.108701705932617, -2.7562501430511475, -3.930058240890503, -1.383617639541626, -3.1329150199890137, 1.6452500820159912, 2.044733762741089, 3.054213285446167, -1.3106929063796997, 3.3531360626220703, -2.7573482990264893, 1.0419389009475708, 3.4066078662872314, 3.5053768157958984, -0.47332680225372314, -3.854950428009033, -3.264068365097046, -1.2670294046401978, -1.0660640001296997, -4.252738952636719, 1.038394808769226, -3.0317864418029785, -5.402711868286133, 1.0988041162490845, -1.0033053159713745, 2.816650629043579, -7.850501537322998, -3.4720585346221924, 0.7742948532104492, -1.730089545249939, -6.049831390380859, -3.1346991062164307, -0.6607614159584045, -5.047033309936523, -1.027997374534607, -4.477666854858398, -4.679184913635254, -3.7060563564300537, -7.0423583984375, -8.454483032226562, 1.4849556684494019, 0.024336503818631172, 2.5714757442474365, -5.31809663772583, -1.0969629287719727, -3.3932955265045166, -0.15004397928714752, -2.7442305088043213, -2.304743528366089, -0.3825839161872864, 0.7338603734970093, 0.19680152833461761, -4.733651161193848, -5.595512390136719, -6.01584005355835, 0.6513351798057556, -5.146329402923584, -3.404158353805542, 1.2861219644546509, 0.42325955629348755, -5.358837127685547, 0.607020914554596, -2.4367456436157227, -1.9137340784072876, -5.471653461456299, -1.8858355283737183, -0.7375593185424805, 0.7997384071350098, 1.1492948532104492, -1.6250962018966675, -3.6720328330993652, -0.27303826808929443, -5.076951503753662, -4.246815204620361, -0.6475942134857178, -3.560288906097412, -0.27303826808929443, -0.8543166518211365, -4.442017555236816, 0.11535100638866425, -4.390166282653809, 1.7444826364517212, -1.8890049457550049, -5.076677322387695, -5.471653461456299, -3.7200686931610107, -5.089003562927246, -4.2869367599487305, -3.6328718662261963, -3.6102707386016846, -2.9160807132720947, -1.4948406219482422, -2.3613181114196777, -5.505444049835205, -4.18261194229126, -4.044166564941406, 0.20938502252101898, -1.4020791053771973, -4.7402191162109375, 1.9340420961380005, -5.598852157592773, -4.153897285461426, -2.1612045764923096, -4.5739970207214355, -3.702587604522705, -4.269711017608643, -4.468849182128906, -2.552328586578369, -4.989487648010254, -3.4047696590423584, -3.4810221195220947, -2.5893685817718506, -3.7254936695098877, -4.738216876983643, -3.9517180919647217, -5.823782444000244, -5.65940523147583, -1.1466847658157349, 0.04752121865749359, -1.8439942598342896, 1.1730209589004517, -4.065755844116211, 2.137727737426758, -4.129926681518555, -2.937666177749634, -3.1478185653686523, -2.3613181114196777, -3.5241785049438477, -5.035416126251221, -5.439302444458008, -4.763045310974121, -5.978899955749512, -0.7838807106018066, -3.9656169414520264, 0.24287550151348114, -3.20746111869812, -3.0218892097473145, -1.4660767316818237, -0.47452038526535034, -3.036627769470215, -6.049831390380859, -3.388423442840576, -1.077845811843872, -0.4061039090156555, -5.106515884399414, -5.578482151031494, -2.811398983001709, -4.194760322570801, -3.5194106101989746, -3.7007977962493896, -4.025574684143066, -3.399120330810547, -6.523214340209961, -4.002756118774414, -4.398703575134277, 0.11281374096870422, -2.8360066413879395, -3.6230719089508057, -4.507266044616699, -5.049097061157227, -1.2217644453048706, -3.068387746810913, -3.264887809753418, -4.366415500640869, -3.5205345153808594, -3.9029548168182373, -2.265617609024048, -0.4288528561592102, -4.025574684143066, -2.637521982192993, -0.7773290276527405, -1.932242512702942, -0.7014323472976685, -3.4859886169433594, -5.586222171783447, -1.8858355283737183, -4.114195346832275, -3.3914504051208496, -3.157097101211548, 1.5078996419906616, -4.176098823547363, -6.178960800170898, -3.227720022201538, -6.331655502319336, -2.4183740615844727, -2.196074962615967, 1.5321744680404663, -3.726438522338867, -6.041316032409668, -4.257567405700684, -6.620481967926025, 1.443441390991211, -4.004514694213867, 0.6655182242393494, -4.346951961517334, 0.032945021986961365, -3.5148627758026123, -3.9656169414520264, -2.3613181114196777, -5.013272762298584, 2.2908143997192383, -6.564406394958496, -0.7380902171134949, 0.8513752222061157, -3.239799976348877, -3.048264741897583, -0.304071843624115, -1.1582982540130615, 0.04179470241069794, 1.8907326459884644, 0.17572306096553802, -2.277833938598633, -0.8062081336975098, -4.553615570068359, -0.2647228240966797, -6.427124977111816, -5.0674519538879395, -0.4000210165977478, -1.3792163133621216, -6.050418376922607, -3.404158353805542, 0.4152444005012512, -5.393198490142822, 1.6301381587982178, -5.2069268226623535, -3.799955129623413, -2.852105140686035, -3.0601534843444824, 0.1466735452413559, -4.716701030731201, -0.4288528561592102, -3.30110502243042, -3.788407325744629, 1.7828176021575928, -2.180864095687866, 1.7017594575881958, -3.6983461380004883, -4.481015682220459, -4.029432773590088, -1.8841310739517212, -5.497751235961914, 0.48992782831192017, -2.463160514831543, 1.7711423635482788, -4.428025245666504, -5.428022861480713, -3.596940279006958, -2.0516161918640137, -1.0307916402816772, -2.317436933517456, -5.458478927612305, -7.041180610656738, 2.39639949798584, -3.3746931552886963, -1.4154161214828491, -2.7404043674468994, -1.2581039667129517, -7.839223861694336, -1.2458213567733765, -5.050187110900879, -5.031679153442383, 2.137727737426758, -3.2779953479766846, -1.0231318473815918, -4.685563087463379, -3.2419466972351074, -4.73031759262085, -3.5853638648986816, -5.487892150878906, 0.043777868151664734, -0.5316858291625977, 1.571968913078308, -5.742761611938477, 1.4580259323120117, -1.2834349870681763, 1.4006361961364746, 0.04952530562877655, -0.8935896158218384, -2.827503204345703, -3.564239740371704, -4.8754072189331055, -2.282115936279297, -2.1460225582122803, 0.7810282707214355, -3.555309295654297, 2.9635517597198486, 1.3554245233535767, -3.9720406532287598, -2.9075636863708496, -5.412802219390869, -4.795976638793945, -1.0255483388900757, -4.825128555297852, -3.406266450881958, -4.023587703704834, -1.0255483388900757, -2.581679105758667, -4.942293643951416, -0.47701194882392883, -3.3622138500213623, -2.8429858684539795, -3.4720585346221924, -2.0485358238220215, -1.3653583526611328, -4.889019966125488, -3.475128173828125, -1.8211699724197388, -6.00910758972168, -6.543511390686035, -1.4665204286575317, -2.322206497192383, -1.2953523397445679, -0.06428356468677521, -0.6009946465492249, 1.144458532333374, 0.1238165944814682, 2.044990062713623, -2.054854154586792, -4.154627799987793, -2.015714406967163, 3.3844094276428223, 3.1254220008850098, 1.266502022743225, -4.234906196594238, 2.9440195560455322, 1.4580259323120117, 2.4115679264068604, 0.9770033955574036, 0.8854426145553589, -4.783726692199707, -4.1217780113220215, -2.852105140686035, -4.064980506896973, -0.4421221613883972, -1.8505399227142334, -4.026973724365234, -2.839738607406616, 0.4707649350166321, 2.3568789958953857, -3.264068365097046, -2.0927038192749023, 1.7882294654846191, 1.9394121170043945, -2.968168258666992, -1.7673872709274292, 1.8011192083358765, 2.632450819015503, -3.1458327770233154, -5.890931606292725, -0.29397737979888916, -5.835668563842773, -3.5252368450164795, -3.816533327102661, -3.5129406452178955, -4.888878345489502, -3.0137765407562256, 1.9706650972366333, -1.8122073411941528, 2.219276189804077, 0.9782832860946655, -3.7928760051727295, -5.145366191864014, -3.4361038208007812, -0.9202881455421448, -4.564767837524414, -5.076743125915527, -4.519897937774658, -1.9391571283340454, -5.546548843383789, -1.2161720991134644, -4.7676849365234375, -5.666183948516846, -5.328791618347168, -0.9264818429946899, -1.9256080389022827, 2.3227760791778564, -3.3871986865997314, -0.4059782028198242, 0.0429987758398056, 0.9188683032989502, 2.604128122329712, 0.11317740380764008, -2.9462504386901855, -0.8591287136077881, -0.3679182529449463, -0.7133548259735107, 0.41317039728164673, -4.506408214569092, -0.3506033420562744, -3.860379695892334, -6.095693111419678, 0.670163631439209, 0.08634679019451141, -2.3002095222473145, -5.66782283782959, 3.6570003032684326, -1.7677485942840576, -2.4984710216522217, -2.9966542720794678, -4.479413986206055, -1.3393661975860596, -4.12949800491333, -1.5054391622543335, 2.7086360454559326, -0.15247078239917755, -3.558758020401001, -1.5765708684921265, -3.3368382453918457, -1.8594125509262085, -2.3633110523223877, -3.057385206222534, -3.748378276824951, -3.933851957321167, 1.7133666276931763, 0.6381239891052246, -3.147028923034668, 0.0697997659444809, -9.214964866638184, -0.4893120527267456, -6.7963457107543945, 0.43599987030029297, 1.6167750358581543, 0.5710104703903198, 2.2908143997192383, -2.9914302825927734, 2.113399028778076, 1.8911865949630737, -2.9904305934906006, 0.2721995711326599, -5.68319845199585, -0.6607613563537598, -0.8543166518211365, -0.29797089099884033, -3.9423630237579346, 3.62673020362854, 0.5307347178459167, -2.3641109466552734, 0.7604202032089233, -5.769711017608643, -0.4421221613883972, -0.15936161577701569, -3.6477696895599365, -3.489745616912842, -1.553653597831726, 2.2542803287506104, 1.513148546218872, 0.8848028182983398, -4.960492134094238, -2.606896162033081, -0.9666656255722046, 1.8920255899429321, 0.20732729136943817, 1.8595885038375854, -2.463977575302124, -3.3562097549438477, -1.1964969635009766, -1.6440757513046265, -5.428022861480713, 1.6584275960922241, 2.032362222671509, -3.7364940643310547, -3.053755044937134, -5.018684387207031, -3.7612268924713135, -5.893642425537109, -1.9264413118362427, -8.345097541809082, -1.8206514120101929, -1.3054331541061401, -2.123626470565796, -2.3002095222473145, -7.042057037353516, -0.2620137929916382, 1.261523962020874, -1.263658881187439, -1.6097666025161743, 0.5039139986038208, -0.001662625465542078, 3.9500572681427, -0.3503025770187378, 2.5271236896514893, 0.48228877782821655, -2.127648115158081, -7.127052307128906, 2.944019079208374, -3.402850866317749, -0.9756456017494202, -2.0716609954833984, 0.936017632484436, 2.4453349113464355, 0.33426523208618164, -0.6555628180503845, -7.741771697998047, -2.6265370845794678, 1.5690277814865112, 3.0322887897491455, 1.8184847831726074, 1.1781005859375, 0.3650524616241455, -0.04372777044773102, 0.949729323387146, -2.248927116394043, -2.9326043128967285, 0.9225234389305115, -7.252883434295654, -5.759814262390137, -6.043210029602051, 0.9124044179916382, 0.12438176572322845, 1.6512020826339722, -0.5989165306091309, 2.9546897411346436, 0.11535100638866425, 2.3227760791778564, 0.2721647024154663, -0.7380902171134949, -2.9806454181671143, -2.965334892272949, -1.726230502128601, -1.6001285314559937, 0.5372666716575623, -3.776301145553589, -3.057385206222534, -4.265905380249023, -2.4083337783813477, -3.5895614624023438, -4.504690170288086, -4.03987455368042, 1.8011192083358765, -0.48621925711631775, -4.08110237121582, -5.52459192276001, -1.918329119682312, -3.062157392501831, -1.2928698062896729, -4.936734199523926, -5.9573588371276855, 1.0451351404190063, -3.982830286026001, -3.9029548168182373, -0.20789070427417755, -4.229004859924316, 1.633750081062317, -5.077105522155762, -2.4516713619232178, -5.39057731628418, -5.540266990661621, -1.183188557624817, -2.500385284423828, -3.7946524620056152, -3.4878571033477783, -3.8198866844177246, -2.1191320419311523, -5.216000556945801, -3.3723433017730713, -2.174813747406006, 0.2766243815422058, -3.909330129623413, -3.265636682510376, -6.00910758972168, -4.72075080871582, -2.687858819961548, -3.7254936695098877, -3.2666068077087402, -1.209889531135559, -3.3946421146392822, -3.982830286026001, -3.6435983180999756, -6.134918212890625, -5.076743125915527, -0.27150437235832214, -1.544180154800415, -2.7270541191101074, -3.405996799468994, -5.336938381195068, -5.6116743087768555, -4.4267473220825195, -4.321511745452881, -6.377426624298096, 0.023203348740935326, -2.250559091567993, -3.6143503189086914, -1.252554178237915, -0.6358745694160461, -5.528220176696777, -3.045959234237671, -4.532098770141602, -0.04440261423587799, -4.289913654327393, -2.9315929412841797, -3.1807596683502197, -2.2189276218414307, -4.822559356689453, -1.8237156867980957, -4.04378080368042, -5.076677322387695, -1.391741156578064, -5.990786552429199, -1.0260664224624634, -4.503328323364258, -3.799955129623413, -0.4836726188659668, -4.875147342681885, -1.4037206172943115, -3.5351648330688477, -3.5513253211975098, -3.3914592266082764, -5.931399822235107, -5.168961048126221, -2.3434274196624756, -3.664155960083008, -3.403980255126953, -4.553615570068359, -5.505444049835205, -4.457773685455322, -0.8341270089149475, -4.844922065734863, -3.672502279281616, -2.0197339057922363, 1.260905385017395, -4.124573230743408, -0.7515895366668701, -4.188194751739502, -0.9370774626731873, 0.4324480891227722, -2.8864212036132812, -1.9902647733688354, 1.7924939393997192, -2.9722845554351807, -1.38276207447052, -2.964890480041504, -2.463977575302124, -7.8992533683776855, -0.7851999998092651, -1.1491214036941528, -4.766928195953369, -3.6841890811920166, 2.919660806655884, -6.8055877685546875, -1.7427191734313965, -2.714379072189331, 2.5281789302825928, 0.11432097852230072, -2.4364569187164307, -1.15507972240448, -3.048586130142212, 2.2461516857147217, -1.0031241178512573, -1.4051762819290161, -5.310453414916992, 0.3356441259384155, 1.4333988428115845, 1.3713393211364746, 2.9575774669647217, -3.0610852241516113, 2.5338592529296875, -1.4585081338882446, 0.3650524616241455, -0.29397737979888916, -1.7913845777511597, 2.816650629043579, -0.34048551321029663, -4.370614051818848, 2.6566712856292725, 3.328509569168091, 2.41001296043396, -2.396794557571411, -3.5247886180877686, 1.1599552631378174, -2.9904308319091797, -1.1427721977233887, -2.247551918029785, -1.9489092826843262, 0.19680152833461761, -5.094839096069336, -2.731354236602783, -6.215434551239014, -5.126023292541504, -2.6290979385375977, -2.9299051761627197, -7.051153182983398, -0.9413560628890991, -1.2581034898757935, -3.9104392528533936, 0.670163631439209, -3.0598318576812744, -1.043570876121521, 1.2385225296020508, 0.3634604215621948, -2.5479092597961426, -3.495542287826538, 0.20938502252101898, -1.1625590324401855, 0.4324480891227722, -5.270843505859375, -0.499894380569458, -3.393885374069214, -3.0977861881256104, -6.112192153930664, -2.470791816711426, -3.3535289764404297, -4.23155403137207, 2.137727737426758, -4.192437171936035, -5.328791618347168, -1.466840147972107, -1.6001285314559937, -6.032715797424316, -3.7200686931610107, -7.726696014404297, 1.2894423007965088, -5.127392768859863, -2.9904308319091797, -1.383617639541626, -1.9080947637557983, -0.7769551277160645, -7.673714637756348, -1.8564566373825073, 1.6754792928695679, -4.858119964599609, -1.5399547815322876, -6.3356709480285645, 1.26018226146698, 2.487769603729248, -2.508915662765503, -2.029398202896118, 3.3844094276428223, -3.3225204944610596, -0.5059570074081421, -4.4007887840271, 1.6452500820159912, -2.4650073051452637, 1.0385935306549072, -2.7886319160461426, 0.8758233785629272, -3.0435268878936768, -0.5059570074081421, -2.1068437099456787, -4.01806116104126, -0.9626178741455078, -3.5205345153808594, 3.1323444843292236, -5.485996246337891, 0.9452391266822815, -2.894275188446045, -5.0175700187683105, 1.260905146598816, -5.336938381195068, -0.8419421911239624, 1.1001452207565308, -0.9612603187561035, -4.348583221435547, 0.17067407071590424, -4.1733527183532715, -3.3622138500213623, -5.443011283874512, -3.726438522338867, -2.600208044052124, -3.7685611248016357, 3.0426201820373535, -1.526367425918579, -2.8143794536590576, -2.54125714302063, -4.7140583992004395, 0.9964244365692139, 1.8273378610610962, -1.1696748733520508, -4.552910327911377, -0.18681533634662628, -3.561572313308716, -3.472952365875244, -7.051153182983398, -3.6003270149230957, -1.600056529045105, -1.740733027458191, -1.2122042179107666, -5.561771869659424, 0.05345617234706879, -1.7646477222442627, 2.137727737426758, -0.873765230178833, -1.6787948608398438, -4.585540294647217, -5.091615676879883, -1.1466847658157349, -2.6024928092956543, -1.1156445741653442, -5.121417045593262, -4.348541736602783, 1.5321744680404663, 2.4672422409057617, -3.9726550579071045, -5.405867099761963, -3.498520612716675, -2.250558376312256, -5.076951503753662, 0.03294478356838226, -4.716701030731201, -2.8429858684539795, -4.846549987792969, -5.146133899688721, -4.151676177978516, -5.561771869659424, -2.235013246536255, -1.1966148614883423, -0.3895220458507538, -3.9895286560058594, -0.7714247703552246, -2.906195878982544, 0.04752121865749359, -3.8513505458831787, -3.3870675563812256, -4.0425262451171875, -4.610719680786133, 1.6038278341293335, -5.945099830627441, -4.26699161529541, -1.6810433864593506, -5.828867435455322, -1.6787948608398438, -2.6929025650024414, -1.4871883392333984, -4.202789783477783, -4.366979598999023, -0.12390907108783722, -4.08110237121582, -4.1243510246276855, -0.9598650932312012, -5.300891399383545, -1.2982579469680786, -3.8185036182403564, -0.8048372864723206, 0.07923047244548798, 0.3485732674598694, -6.987468719482422, -2.4648399353027344, -4.025574684143066, -2.247469663619995, -6.4906840324401855, -1.6349117755889893, 0.6414837837219238, -1.667651653289795, 1.5321744680404663, -4.46614933013916, -1.408124327659607, -4.295444011688232, -4.375030994415283, -3.4983339309692383, 0.9181020259857178, -5.904664039611816, -4.503328323364258, 1.1360808610916138, -5.745384693145752, -2.2885520458221436, -4.46614933013916, -2.412766218185425, -1.2678695917129517, -1.8841310739517212, -2.9197726249694824, -4.783726692199707, -3.4063262939453125, -3.899135112762451, -5.633520126342773, -4.476660251617432, -2.87585186958313, 1.2981061935424805, -4.475667953491211, -5.1066131591796875, -7.252883434295654, -3.2744619846343994, -1.2089753150939941, -3.2311618328094482, -2.150743007659912, -4.820056915283203, -3.17846941947937, -2.1057140827178955, -3.78314471244812, -3.4121310710906982, -6.0264739990234375, -5.788059234619141, 2.9409663677215576, -2.277833938598633, -1.819598913192749, -3.7577335834503174, -4.590007781982422, -4.387930870056152, 2.6718392372131348, -4.2851433753967285, -3.7530500888824463, -3.811713695526123, -2.8508493900299072, -3.6586036682128906, -2.0666308403015137, -5.34623908996582, -3.8671650886535645, -4.069666862487793, -1.3781540393829346, -3.737119674682617, 1.2983213663101196, -1.932242512702942, -6.059692859649658, -3.2868294715881348, 0.3157581090927124, 1.179629921913147, -2.5427794456481934, -2.9376659393310547, -5.1261305809021, -2.408759355545044, -7.668733596801758, -5.315177917480469, -3.68404221534729, -0.6830669641494751, 3.1254220008850098, -3.0243875980377197, 0.7346683740615845, -3.8671655654907227, -3.669633150100708, -5.3872528076171875, -2.32780385017395, -0.04440261423587799, -6.658267974853516, -4.533185958862305, -4.456631183624268, -2.34070086479187, -4.077688694000244, -2.8910605907440186, -4.080570220947266, -6.407588005065918, -1.7499641180038452, -3.4080135822296143, -3.132439136505127, -3.447295904159546, -3.8648712635040283, -5.393198490142822, -1.6013840436935425, -1.6349117755889893, -4.769458770751953, 0.9477280974388123, 2.4672422409057617, -3.982830286026001, -5.324018478393555, -4.1515398025512695, -2.5553884506225586, -3.713167190551758, -0.7579602003097534, -1.793106198310852, -3.4356014728546143, 3.05198335647583, -3.7927310466766357, -5.9397077560424805, -0.7851998805999756, -1.0573303699493408, -0.367783784866333, -3.8304154872894287, -1.932242751121521, -1.737393856048584, -5.550534248352051, -3.4968175888061523, -2.102034091949463, -3.372022867202759, -2.521601438522339, -4.151676177978516, 1.5690277814865112, -5.578482151031494, -3.529999017715454, -3.7719264030456543, -3.4950718879699707, -0.8997905254364014, -2.9966542720794678, 0.7346683740615845, -4.366567611694336, -1.9301917552947998, 1.6301381587982178, -5.578481674194336, 1.8635817766189575, 1.2536957263946533, -3.8671655654907227, -4.262874603271484, 3.451697587966919, -4.187099933624268, -0.8444911241531372, -3.7778613567352295, 0.07614140212535858, 1.7918846607208252, 0.035378798842430115, -0.09363867342472076, -6.777817726135254, -3.0808680057525635, 2.387139320373535, -4.20318603515625, 1.6687687635421753, -0.6779297590255737, -5.618288516998291, -3.1123924255371094, -5.230973720550537, -4.619911193847656, -2.6595797538757324, -2.9703609943389893, -4.6508469581604, -4.002756118774414, -5.767951011657715, -4.908520698547363, 1.7918846607208252, -5.595512390136719, -4.467251777648926, -5.505853652954102, -4.20489501953125, -4.555692672729492, -2.8768985271453857, -5.303371429443359, -4.558037281036377, -4.120452404022217, -0.367783784866333, -2.4220893383026123, -2.8514785766601562, -3.6484220027923584, -3.0615828037261963, -2.836226463317871, -3.1865203380584717, -3.0716845989227295, -4.375030994415283, -3.4377331733703613, -2.494579553604126, -1.3706352710723877, 0.5714155435562134, -1.1060585975646973, -0.07900996506214142, -5.524502277374268, -5.300891399383545, -2.9990859031677246, 2.9575774669647217, -3.990905523300171, -2.638232707977295, -1.2458213567733765, -3.6549792289733887, -7.23792839050293, -3.311906099319458, -5.303591251373291, 1.2861219644546509, -3.1560256481170654, -1.562670111656189, 3.3844094276428223, -3.5408380031585693, 2.216663122177124, 0.9516736268997192, -3.508859872817993, -3.9610776901245117, 1.8009445667266846, -3.5704264640808105, -6.873296737670898, -4.439816951751709, -1.7658799886703491, -1.0510519742965698, 0.3387411832809448, 1.260905146598816, 3.0426201820373535, -5.356319427490234, -6.040581703186035, -3.7883048057556152, -4.234906196594238, -1.15507972240448, -4.934634685516357, -6.170449256896973, 0.33252131938934326, -1.7761812210083008, -2.7769434452056885, -1.2825400829315186, -2.7482707500457764, 2.562291383743286, -2.2388570308685303, -6.248064041137695, -4.1096415519714355, -1.9489092826843262, -3.0594866275787354, -3.651564598083496, -7.372348785400391, -0.8341270089149475, 3.150219678878784, -3.438913583755493, -6.88345193862915, 0.49385011196136475, -0.8043994307518005, -4.475606441497803, -2.816626787185669, -2.695936441421509, -5.283961772918701, 3.842539072036743, -5.260403633117676, -0.2683531641960144, 2.7415380477905273, -1.2964504957199097, -3.166890859603882, -1.7810155153274536, -4.265905380249023, -3.7530500888824463, -6.050418376922607, 3.3897767066955566, 1.3929929733276367, -4.871408939361572, 2.190772533416748, 0.5357143878936768, -1.8273261785507202, -5.451043128967285, -3.2110769748687744, -1.8439944982528687, 1.3166459798812866, -1.2279189825057983, 0.9225234389305115, -2.408759355545044, 0.9358863234519958, -5.448265075683594, -2.371551513671875, -6.01584005355835, -1.432968258857727, -1.9192370176315308, -4.716418266296387, -3.735962152481079, -0.9516646265983582, -1.7126781940460205, -3.1897342205047607, -1.0283904075622559, 1.5754563808441162, -4.026947021484375, -7.731348037719727, -5.02150297164917, -0.48156630992889404, -0.5059570074081421, 2.653304100036621, -1.3208726644515991, 3.3844094276428223, 0.5476102232933044, 1.3326911926269531, 0.7742948532104492, -8.036937713623047, 3.7525699138641357, 1.0917176008224487, 3.328509569168091, -3.0137765407562256, -3.7944021224975586, 0.8854426145553589, -0.7121754288673401, -4.774289131164551, 1.783245325088501, -1.5826109647750854, 0.06962965428829193, 0.6636635661125183, -3.171220302581787, -1.8026443719863892, -2.3154451847076416, -1.0826598405838013, -0.8543166518211365, 3.691560983657837, -1.6440757513046265, -2.964890480041504, -1.9908838272094727, 2.056420087814331, -6.926565647125244, -1.9068108797073364, 1.3407286405563354, -3.1897342205047607, -4.285708427429199, -2.787503719329834, -3.0523104667663574, -5.695901870727539, 1.8345284461975098, 0.7810282707214355, -2.3642306327819824, -0.1531536728143692, -2.254019260406494, -4.476660251617432, -4.769458770751953, -2.341860771179199, -5.287109851837158, -0.49579960107803345, 0.7633869647979736, -1.4906963109970093, -3.4600181579589844, -1.8791249990463257, 3.814849376678467, 0.6350084543228149, -6.53831672668457, 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\n", " \n", "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# plotting the IVIS dimensionality reduction\n", "# documents = vi_client.random_documents(collection_name, 30)['documents']\n", "point_label = 'question_title'\n", "cluster_label = 'category'\n", "dim_reduction_field = 'question_reduced_'\n", "vi_client.plot_dimensionality_reduced_vectors(collection=documents, \n", " cluster_field=cluster_field, cluster_label=cluster_label,\n", " dim_reduction_field=dim_reduction_field, point_label=point_label)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 61, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "b8a2d53b0fb34843829910e87406c24e", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=50.0), HTML(value='')))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "marker": { "color": 5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "0", "text": [ "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Capturing a light beam", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Capturing a light beam", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "What exactly is computation?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "So gravity turns things round", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "Do black holes have charges?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "What exactly is computation?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Juddering under load", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "In what order are taxes applied", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "In what order are taxes applied", "abelian higgs vortices", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "How to extract path from object?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "abelian higgs vortices", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Can water be magnetized?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Crosstalk vs interference", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Earth-Moon system", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Why is covalent bonding stronger than electrostatic attraction?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "Can directed set be finite?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Photons and Relativity", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Ball structuring element representation", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Photons and Relativity", "Can water be magnetized?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "Nitration of pyrrole", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "How to change semitransparent part", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "So gravity turns things round", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "Purification of Ethanol", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Double slit experiment", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -2.4312386512756348, -2.7758312225341797, -2.3037376403808594, -2.394912004470825, -1.9130358695983887, 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array", "Simple static integer stack", "core file size with ulimit", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "up sample and down sample", "php escape sequence not working", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Simple static integer stack", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "3D array multiplication", "Lyx citation problem", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Count consecutive null rows from a joined table", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Black hole collision and the event horizon", "Ball structuring element representation", "gradle execute task after build", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "json load more items", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "magical record complex predicate", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "IEEE two column format", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "json load more items", "Single entry with multiples pages", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "hard self collision: make particles occupy space", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Show comments fields in two columns", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "3D array multiplication", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "android tableLayout column color issue", "php scripts run only after renaming", "php escape sequence not working", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Mixed number fractions class", "up sample and down sample", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Simple static integer stack", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Cubic graphs without a perfect matching and a vertex incident to three bridges", "php scripts run only after renaming", "Default header image does not display", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "mixing two asymmetrical random number generator streams", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Mixed number fractions class", "Series expansion of large expression", "Adding parent_id attribute value in model", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "Simple static integer stack" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 3.022893190383911, 2.630054473876953, 2.910205602645874, 2.840578556060791, 2.372201442718506, 3.4822916984558105, 2.409152030944824, 3.070843458175659, 3.998523473739624, 4.3417463302612305, 2.276221513748169, 2.880017042160034, 3.4822916984558105, 2.452237129211426, 2.747316598892212, 2.276221513748169, 3.4573726654052734, 4.490927219390869, 3.070843458175659, 2.805079936981201, 2.59504771232605, 2.7970480918884277, 2.872969627380371, 2.775385856628418, 2.805079936981201, 3.331554412841797, 3.3284599781036377, 2.624107599258423, 3.708071708679199, 2.3361928462982178, 2.624107599258423, 3.1583192348480225, 2.062467575073242, 2.768697738647461, 2.8424081802368164, 2.7568459510803223, 2.733285665512085, 3.070843458175659, 2.000096321105957, 2.885664224624634, 2.6669225692749023, 2.733285665512085, 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Tag Search", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "change Domain MX", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Right Drag on Mac", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "Unprotect a Word Document", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "Creating DotPlots", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "6A Current Source", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Unable to Import Data", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Unable to Import Data", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "Unclean -- Consequences", "Sort ListBox C#", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "How to Magento Debug", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "Missing Setup File", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Install old version of Wine", "Refresh Downloads list", "Continuations in Clojure", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "Unable to Import Data", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "Refresh Downloads list", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Install old version of Wine", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Around the Clock", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Lorentz Invariance of Maxwell Equations", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "Parallel Plate Capacitors", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Moving a WP Multisite to a subdirectory", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "Equal elements in SubArray", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Photons and Relativity", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "Equivalent Key Signatures", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "6A Current Source", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "Around the Clock", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "Continuations in Clojure", "Photons and Relativity", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "Mechanical Equivalent of Heat", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "Interpolated FIR filter", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Continuations in Clojure", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.9386684894561768, 1.5691585540771484, 0.8567101955413818, 1.9986311197280884, 1.402139663696289, 1.6023156642913818, 2.4230329990386963, 2.062397003173828, 2.2909083366394043, 2.6024887561798096, 1.7321245670318604, 1.8418233394622803, 2.864809989929199, 2.299107074737549, 2.096731185913086, 1.9500455856323242, 1.5760717391967773, 2.3792333602905273, 3.12019944190979, 2.1532249450683594, 1.7568800449371338, 2.027331829071045, 1.6171059608459473, 2.364650249481201, 2.0731093883514404, 1.920839548110962, 2.4249305725097656, 1.4483911991119385, 2.542890787124634, 3.157135009765625, 2.9181411266326904, 1.1623752117156982, 1.3496148586273193, 2.0153660774230957, 2.6738767623901367, 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\"serviceability\" of a car?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "Ethical Disclosure of Professional Knowledge in PhD Dissertation", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What does “bupke” mean?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Quicken 2008 Online Balance vs. Ending Balance?", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Prospects with a Computational Social Science degree", "Stocks and Bankruptcy", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "How does multitasking work", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "Modern design - What's that?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Alto singing Tenor", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Career advice – mathematics", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "How much choice should I give users?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Choosing variables for Discriminant Analysis", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Board Game Mechanics", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Results with and without interaction", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "CS paper rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Developing a dynamic language", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "How to measure a crooked room?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Is research a viable business model?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Why all the dice?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What should my credit limit be?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Results with and without interaction", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "What should my credit limit be?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How does multitasking work", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Do delegates defy OOP", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "Right Drag on Mac", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How does multitasking work", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "How much choice should I give users?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Developing a dynamic language", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Board Game Mechanics", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "jqGrid Group summary not showing total sum with paging", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.9878692626953125, -2.933699369430542, -2.1506781578063965, -3.130098342895508, -3.025238513946533, -2.0630109310150146, -2.5998246669769287, -2.13383150100708, -2.4066832065582275, -2.328390121459961, -2.99775767326355, -2.443085193634033, -2.893061399459839, -1.9606106281280518, -1.7967801094055176, -2.659266471862793, -3.038001775741577, -3.1536478996276855, -1.8750042915344238, -3.441148281097412, -2.8671274185180664, -2.4274840354919434, -2.8280727863311768, -2.6517155170440674, -2.0473382472991943, -2.759077548980713, 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0.970456600189209, 1.2203130722045898, 1.3673220872879028, 1.0858714580535889, 1.194007396697998, 0.9949259757995605, 1.6320419311523438, 0.6096408367156982, 0.7635596990585327, 1.2894765138626099, 1.5583655834197998, 0.8529903888702393, 0.6801795363426208, 1.4729024171829224, 0.8653476238250732, 0.7538617849349976, 1.0379798412322998, 1.2700037956237793, 0.7635596990585327, 0.8138761520385742, 0.21305987238883972, -0.05120992660522461, 0.15206128358840942, 1.2203130722045898, 1.3517060279846191, 0.7635596990585327, 0.6985995173454285, 0.16686144471168518, 1.0038330554962158, 0.8653476238250732, 1.0858714580535889, 1.4087320566177368, 1.4087320566177368, 2.0118825435638428, 1.039971113204956, 1.4278334379196167, 0.3853609561920166, 1.362642765045166, 0.22552239894866943, 0.17595171928405762, 0.7334781885147095, 0.5423508882522583, -0.056704968214035034, 0.9281976222991943, 0.661192774772644, 1.3770766258239746, 1.5137834548950195, 1.4212806224822998, 1.528287410736084, 0.732868492603302, 1.2894765138626099, 0.7713779211044312, 1.0858714580535889, 1.061538577079773, 1.0975885391235352, 1.1451513767242432, 1.4570695161819458, 1.2434903383255005, 0.8138761520385742, 0.5210727453231812, 1.5514979362487793, 0.09405863285064697, 1.459768295288086, 1.0002347230911255, 0.5587729811668396, 1.5583655834197998, 1.0948587656021118, 1.129243016242981, 1.3673220872879028, 1.4830409288406372, 1.244856357574463, 0.8926457166671753, 1.1866079568862915, 0.7776758670806885, 1.4168944358825684, 1.129243016242981, 2.0890321731567383, 1.0306193828582764, 1.1741607189178467, 1.0858714580535889, 0.3935508728027344, 0.8123507499694824, 0.9061634540557861, 0.6105177998542786, 1.1868740320205688, 1.3252968788146973, 1.19514000415802, 0.970456600189209, 0.4530029892921448, 0.4534740746021271, 1.0379798412322998, 1.2861318588256836, 0.7713779211044312, 0.7713779211044312, 1.2434903383255005, 1.30226469039917, 1.0038330554962158, 0.7656499147415161, 0.4593832790851593, 0.27558934688568115, 1.1435329914093018, 0.5334482789039612, 1.349869728088379, 1.039971113204956, 0.9501675367355347, 1.2467905282974243, 1.0948587656021118, 0.5423508882522583, 0.36059653759002686, 1.528287410736084, 0.6985995173454285, 1.3517060279846191, 0.21305987238883972, 1.061538577079773, 0.2895267903804779, 1.0710499286651611, 0.9389370679855347, 0.8570473194122314, 0.914986252784729, 1.4570695161819458, 1.4775499105453491, 1.0042763948440552, 0.2668789029121399, 1.1417721509933472, 0.11456957459449768, 0.9246817827224731, 0.17595171928405762, 0.37132200598716736, 1.0354361534118652, 0.4593832790851593, 0.13678541779518127, 1.8558602333068848, 1.3517060279846191, 0.5261005163192749, 1.0657316446304321, 1.5583655834197998, 1.3964895009994507, 0.15206128358840942, 0.8753995895385742, 0.9723968505859375, 0.847653865814209, 0.530228853225708, 0.9098002910614014, 0.8008766174316406, 0.15206128358840942, 1.362642765045166, 0.702067494392395, 0.8337453007698059, 1.174480676651001, 1.1018518209457397, 1.2798192501068115, 0.6083316802978516, 1.0903503894805908, 0.2967486083507538, 0.7787317037582397, 0.732868492603302, 1.1435329914093018, 0.8809688091278076, 1.0978896617889404, 0.7787317037582397, 0.8927932381629944, 0.5334482789039612, 1.5414316654205322, 1.1675219535827637, 0.47289639711380005, 0.3530901372432709, 1.2419679164886475, 1.4087320566177368, 0.4818694293498993, 0.9868605732917786, 1.5754865407943726, 0.702067494392395, 0.8274657726287842, 1.1161595582962036, 0.09405863285064697, 0.7228102684020996 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 10, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "5", "text": [ "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "What is the significance of a Basic Attack vs. any other sort of attack?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Does an illustration of Tochee from the Commonwealth Saga exist?", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "What is the the Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer rule on the statistics of composite systems?", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "How difficult is it to undertake a Humanities PhD. at Harvard (converting to the American system from Europe/UK?)", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Modern design - What's that?", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "The hobbit, how is it possible that 48 FPS is better than 24 FPS", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "What is the Goal of \"Hot Network Questions\"?", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "What are the possible cryptographic implications of Zhang's proof of the Twin Prime Conjecture?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Where is the Atiyah-Singer index theorem used in physics?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.7995882034301758, 0.7544577121734619, 0.44860363006591797, 1.7438488006591797, 1.6107182502746582, 1.9638619422912598, 1.0315337181091309, 1.5355104207992554, 1.23209810256958, 1.6864945888519287, 2.2970495223999023, 1.3094151020050049, 1.4395537376403809, 1.2290514707565308, 0.29365861415863037, 2.3501882553100586, 1.1774265766143799, 1.936331868171692, 1.1023569107055664, 1.6802525520324707, 0.8432228565216064, 2.954921245574951, 1.5655269622802734, 0.5283987522125244, 0.4766279458999634, 1.3202590942382812, 1.1511225700378418, 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lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Around the Clock", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "How to customize Windows \"Performance Monitor\"?", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Around the Clock", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "Standard small header size", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "How can I edit symlinks?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "making reusable text object", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Find orphaned users", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "How can I do some free design work?", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "What largest websites are written in php?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "App drawer on stock Android not alphabetized", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Numerical differentiation methods", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "Create and open file with one command?", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "What is my lcd density?", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "how to stop my html page resize", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "good 3d model with bones?", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "ExPex no longer available", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "Lego Color Sensor + Arduino", "What largest websites are written in php?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "attack signatures", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Decoding Matrix Encoded Surround Sound Through Convolution", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "What is my lcd density?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "Find orphaned users", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Different subnet for different device types", "Is there a good business plan template?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "How to send an email from command line?", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Notification Trigger event", "Framing section headings", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "How can I edit symlinks?", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Framing section headings", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "How to Investigate Wi-Fi Intrusion and where to look for evidence?", "Really customized themes", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "How to Magento Debug", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "IEEE two column format", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "how to stop my html page resize", "Different subnet for different device types", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "What to do after a scp failure?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "WiFi connection history", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "Drupal 7 - Node Clone Alternatives", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "indicator-notifications history", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Facebook - Music, Books, Interests.. are they all included in \"Likes\"?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "What does Arch Linux offer?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Molarity exercises", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Which color to choose for food?", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "What is kvm reboot?", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "How to start working in magento?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Techniques for creating melodies", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "Single entry with multiples pages", "Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "Testing multiplayer android", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "Apache clustering", "Best way to move live site local", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Find router on network", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "Where to put video transcripts?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "Find router on network", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "How many wounds does a Rogue Trader character start with?", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "users and usermeta table", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "Printers Available in India That Work With Ubuntu 12.04", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "Captcha-like font", "Numerical differentiation methods", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "Combining Java with SQL?", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "How do you close Skype?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "What is my lcd density?", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "How do you close Skype?", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "Column Grouping with Title in DataTables", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Can EE handle Millions of Users?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "How can I do some free design work?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Change image levels quickly", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "Combining Java with SQL?", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Using a cell text as sheet reference", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "How to start working in magento?", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Importing models from another maya project", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "Framing section headings", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Customising SharePoint 2007 Survey Pages with pagebreaks", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "IgA complement activation", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "LinkedIn / OAuth question", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "How to send an email from command line?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "how to stop my html page resize", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Examples of RESTful Web Services for Browser Games", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "Combining Java with SQL?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "XNA 2D camera just part of screen", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "Are there any disadvantages to 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"Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "tombstones and beer mugs", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -3.2239723205566406, -3.094874858856201, -3.223283290863037, -2.5792484283447266, -2.9123311042785645, -3.6239988803863525, -3.2712841033935547, -2.5231635570526123, -3.5183613300323486, -3.036525249481201, -3.183887243270874, -2.9008948802948, -3.5673251152038574, -3.344081401824951, -3.1140551567077637, -3.223376512527466, -2.7897720336914062, -3.2942700386047363, -3.1591391563415527, -2.4871022701263428, -3.2927374839782715, -2.112128973007202, -2.952462911605835, -3.0098917484283447, -3.220244884490967, -3.1814143657684326, -3.5666210651397705, -3.2210805416107178, -2.6817259788513184, -3.0142602920532227, -3.3051295280456543, -3.4248223304748535, -2.880919933319092, -3.2802653312683105, -3.3733367919921875, -2.7619166374206543, -2.8683359622955322, -3.3389999866485596, -3.1522912979125977, 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-2.6117656230926514, -3.0023956298828125, -3.3797178268432617, -3.2744057178497314, -3.237976551055908, -3.1954023838043213, -3.2325854301452637, -3.6641345024108887, -3.3668360710144043, -2.925271987915039, -3.0905680656433105, -3.465874195098877, -2.672415256500244, -3.392085552215576, -2.540534496307373, -2.385620594024658, -2.7818028926849365, -3.269307851791382, -2.18394136428833, -3.2744057178497314, -3.2983615398406982, -2.7897720336914062, -2.7971885204315186, -2.560030460357666, -3.6311821937561035, -3.4824204444885254, -2.952462911605835, -2.801251173019409, -3.6086511611938477, -2.7295875549316406, -3.2234232425689697, -2.9777374267578125, -3.1305341720581055, -3.24121356010437, -2.814000129699707, -2.761646270751953, -2.801251173019409, -3.2648842334747314, -3.4801886081695557, -3.01655912399292, -3.4405791759490967, -3.0748913288116455, -2.7192413806915283, -2.955207586288452, -3.3051295280456543, -2.8833794593811035, -2.9700374603271484, -3.134955644607544, -3.3039636611938477, -3.769111156463623, -3.447199821472168, -3.6417620182037354, -3.0626370906829834, -3.1016430854797363, -3.332582473754883, -2.4484119415283203, -3.2164416313171387, -2.7619166374206543, -2.350557327270508, -3.025749444961548, -2.6986379623413086, -2.9260640144348145, -2.9905331134796143, -2.928295850753784, -3.0626370906829834, -2.3689990043640137, -3.17960262298584, -2.9123311042785645, -3.460754156112671, -2.814000129699707, -2.296755790710449, -3.183887243270874, -3.1060760021209717, -3.2210805416107178, -3.5848333835601807, -3.302730083465576, -3.392085552215576, -3.2902140617370605, -3.025749444961548, -3.0142602920532227, -3.6321966648101807, -3.125269651412964, -3.3369460105895996, -3.2908363342285156, -3.388672351837158, -2.686023235321045, -2.99786639213562, -3.4975249767303467, -2.381807327270508, -3.0662450790405273, -2.862658739089966, -3.351536750793457, -2.5890300273895264, -2.888301372528076, -3.2492377758026123, -3.4288504123687744, -2.8199689388275146, -3.413618803024292, -3.1814143657684326, -3.2653114795684814, -2.3885669708251953, -3.1251776218414307, -2.9419522285461426, -2.8303775787353516, -2.756542444229126, -3.562255859375, -3.0621209144592285, -3.0453717708587646, -2.78463077545166, -2.7281973361968994, -3.200472831726074, -3.4405791759490967, -2.6023311614990234, -3.236957550048828, -2.584695339202881, -3.248063564300537, -3.0662450790405273, -2.5556836128234863, -2.9257495403289795, -2.7464184761047363, -3.4844279289245605, -3.3864307403564453, -2.7802183628082275, -2.7723309993743896, -2.726682186126709, -2.8303775787353516, -3.2824149131774902, -2.0911617279052734, -3.011586904525757, -3.064218521118164, -2.795179605484009, -3.2040750980377197, -3.1924877166748047, -2.491888999938965, -3.4528934955596924, -3.1981801986694336, -3.2234654426574707, -3.571303367614746, -2.4779183864593506, -3.115355968475342, -3.042875051498413, -3.2371392250061035, -3.303317070007324, -2.575305461883545, -2.844299793243408, -2.601067066192627, -3.0760462284088135, -3.2813849449157715, -2.58735990524292, -3.096252918243408, -2.6367650032043457, -3.3855133056640625, -3.1345529556274414, -2.268683433532715, -3.208730459213257, -2.934887170791626, -3.0416274070739746, -3.1981801986694336, -2.7230682373046875, -2.7598276138305664, -2.8515238761901855, -2.9419522285461426, -3.6847307682037354, -2.9084410667419434, -3.0576376914978027, -2.457571029663086, -3.3393449783325195, -3.159595251083374, -3.3111538887023926, -3.208782911300659, -2.8683359622955322, -3.214834213256836, -2.610342502593994, -3.024508237838745, -2.7391719818115234, -3.6847307682037354, -2.7894058227539062, -2.8253366947174072, -2.997080087661743, -3.422409772872925, -2.672781229019165, -3.3911142349243164, -3.2908363342285156, -2.9454426765441895, -2.3917033672332764, -2.582158088684082, -3.4426708221435547, -2.5194029808044434, -3.091721534729004, -3.460754156112671, -3.4528934955596924, -2.7222402095794678, -2.5568439960479736, -3.4104743003845215, -3.399092197418213, -3.446394205093384, -2.7295875549316406, -2.7971885204315186, -2.5929837226867676, -3.5747549533843994, -3.306057929992676, -3.2902140617370605, -3.1466479301452637, -3.306057929992676, -3.5263030529022217, -2.9700374603271484, -2.601067066192627, -3.096252918243408, -2.722914218902588, -3.336564064025879, -3.0487773418426514, -2.5777928829193115, -3.094874858856201, -3.098496198654175, -3.0672173500061035, -2.726837635040283, -3.4960055351257324, -3.3369460105895996, -2.476447582244873, -3.237976551055908, -2.5287246704101562, -3.036525249481201, -2.928302049636841, -3.13179874420166, -2.3910040855407715, -3.208730459213257, -3.2105746269226074, -3.289728879928589, -3.1120784282684326, -2.485015392303467, -2.868257522583008, -2.851033926010132, -3.0621209144592285, -3.213069200515747, -3.321518659591675, -3.13179874420166, -3.4824204444885254, -2.906177043914795, -3.17960262298584, -3.057133913040161, -2.6983258724212646, -3.200835943222046, -3.0662450790405273, -3.0142602920532227, -3.309865951538086, -3.3979310989379883, -3.0408005714416504, -2.7295875549316406, -2.6889772415161133, -3.0916545391082764, -2.9084410667419434, -2.3821029663085938, -3.0843374729156494, -2.5568439960479736, -3.204606294631958, -2.865938901901245, -3.145381450653076, -2.844299793243408, -3.1733968257904053, -3.294612169265747, -2.1382675170898438, -3.3255856037139893, -2.564593553543091, -3.287588596343994, -2.794989585876465, -3.2234232425689697, -3.3583977222442627, -2.497103452682495, -2.945526123046875, -3.769111156463623, -3.072693109512329, -2.934875011444092, -2.6802501678466797, -2.582158088684082, -3.131904125213623, -2.698331356048584, -3.4248223304748535, -3.266331434249878, -2.844299793243408, -3.0487654209136963, -3.5642623901367188, -3.302730083465576, -2.7818028926849365, -2.474417209625244, -2.9257495403289795, -3.336564064025879, -3.2492377758026123, -2.706691265106201, -3.3668360710144043, -3.5263030529022217, -2.928302049636841, -2.636690139770508, -2.618546962738037, -2.979262113571167, -3.2148635387420654, -2.9260640144348145, -2.9055187702178955, -3.3797178268432617, -3.0672173500061035, -2.7221484184265137, -2.887416124343872, -2.7391979694366455, -2.6802501678466797, -2.7723309993743896, -3.1723532676696777, -2.868257522583008, -2.678499221801758, -3.0856850147247314, -2.1382675170898438, -3.208730459213257, -3.4302752017974854, -2.8241734504699707, -3.280055522918701, -2.7222402095794678, -3.200835943222046, -3.4824204444885254, -3.0619757175445557, -3.284395933151245, -3.0916545391082764, -3.535710096359253, -3.213069200515747, -2.5792484283447266, -3.8161113262176514, -3.152639865875244, -2.7897720336914062, -2.795179605484009, -1.517982840538025, -3.1466479301452637, -3.0748913288116455, -2.929490089416504, -3.6324234008789062, -2.8231215476989746, -2.914466619491577, -2.5568439960479736, -3.2357535362243652, -3.064218521118164, -3.4288504123687744, -3.029627799987793, -2.0867788791656494, -3.3414382934570312, -2.5942201614379883, -3.4844279289245605, -3.406548023223877, -3.0605556964874268, -3.2636165618896484, -2.7192413806915283, -3.0619757175445557, -3.3733367919921875, -2.350557327270508, -2.5194084644317627, -3.540435791015625, -2.7783257961273193, -2.791454792022705, -2.8848304748535156 ], "y": [ 0.03573054075241089, 0.07196453213691711, -0.0698171854019165, 0.618720531463623, -0.24740326404571533, -0.11387524008750916, 0.6078614592552185, 0.26151132583618164, 0.7090528011322021, 0.6614847183227539, 0.6217542886734009, -0.11234819889068604, 0.06717586517333984, 0.6681509017944336, 0.5771144032478333, 0.22036200761795044, 0.6202664375305176, 0.9243133664131165, 0.633931040763855, 0.4604404866695404, 0.8760414123535156, 0.7076613306999207, 0.017857730388641357, 0.5569442510604858, 0.28480297327041626, 0.599442183971405, 0.2235165238380432, 0.2554760277271271, 0.04746702313423157, 0.32554909586906433, 0.3101729452610016, 0.6478717923164368, 0.3461681604385376, 0.9369043111801147, -0.03586500883102417, 0.4300079643726349, -0.0325046181678772, 0.2968418598175049, 0.10302186012268066, 0.06717586517333984, -0.12927281856536865, 0.6890677213668823, 0.2182978391647339, 0.16732504963874817, 0.9607105851173401, 0.34766119718551636, 0.22782719135284424, 0.05631709098815918, 0.6890677213668823, -0.3533998727798462, 0.3526034355163574, 0.22694838047027588, -0.13319984078407288, 0.9389684200286865, 0.9243133664131165, -0.16388684511184692, 0.5662835836410522, 0.47213175892829895, 0.581786572933197, 0.7617635726928711, 0.6301788687705994, 0.3955112099647522, 0.8819742202758789, 0.09601521492004395, 0.5070005655288696, 0.6106194853782654, 0.36166173219680786, 0.559737503528595, 0.7076613306999207, 0.5383689403533936, 0.3901330232620239, 0.2125861644744873, 0.3731028735637665, 0.8095369935035706, 0.09740173816680908, 0.11125004291534424, 0.6135292053222656, 0.23041462898254395, 0.17982351779937744, 0.20306488871574402, 0.6127457618713379, -0.23978173732757568, -0.25371092557907104, 0.3932350277900696, 0.3515027165412903, 0.5204880237579346, 1.1335062980651855, 0.7530679106712341, -0.0989004373550415, 0.32554909586906433, 0.9412115812301636, 0.5168061852455139, 1.082346796989441, 0.4231281280517578, 0.581786572933197, 0.2736506164073944, -0.09701108932495117, -0.15911412239074707, -0.0453629195690155, 0.667118489742279, 0.9172695875167847, 0.5589606761932373, 0.24389362335205078, 0.707208514213562, 0.06966322660446167, 0.42465972900390625, 0.6172423362731934, 0.42465972900390625, 0.6172423362731934, -0.07936421036720276, 1.1884372234344482, 1.2403994798660278, 0.6478717923164368, -0.0698171854019165, 0.7927626371383667, 0.5148919820785522, -0.05064404010772705, 0.36166173219680786, 1.0063166618347168, 0.6480426788330078, 0.21151643991470337, 0.5040514469146729, 0.32816043496131897, 0.6658646464347839, 0.1621227264404297, 0.19847682118415833, 0.6585936546325684, 0.716933012008667, 0.23959431052207947, -0.34315067529678345, 0.5070005655288696, 0.09740173816680908, -0.19681191444396973, 0.11973410844802856, 0.0116671621799469, 0.39387714862823486, 0.6138753890991211, 0.7281430959701538, 0.15482953190803528, 0.5839433670043945, 0.04746702313423157, 0.06729322671890259, 0.6880326271057129, 0.5040514469146729, 0.046231627464294434, 0.42904701828956604, -0.14718589186668396, 0.5428797006607056, 0.24080359935760498, 0.3797077238559723, -0.11387524008750916, 0.21502536535263062, 0.38008055090904236, -0.2947518229484558, 0.6078614592552185, 0.05631709098815918, 1.2469675540924072, 0.04584181308746338, 0.5211213231086731, -0.08557480573654175, 0.5668903589248657, 0.18653488159179688, 0.6304060220718384, 0.08126002550125122, 1.3209885358810425, 0.25212621688842773, 0.36092835664749146, -0.23495930433273315, 0.0116671621799469, 0.16298767924308777, 0.5589606761932373, 0.5075839757919312, 0.12997108697891235, 0.5982948541641235, -0.5863232612609863, 0.38008055090904236, 0.8111974000930786, 0.3840782642364502, 0.7143520712852478, 0.5428797006607056, 0.33737844228744507, -0.285470187664032, 0.16936802864074707, 0.2549254298210144, 0.559737503528595, 0.25825536251068115, 0.6681509017944336, 0.8095369935035706, 0.45014896988868713, 0.7932829856872559, 0.7736418843269348, 0.45643967390060425, 0.3171420693397522, 0.5193809270858765, 0.18653488159179688, 0.8943084478378296, 0.20688581466674805, 1.120535135269165, 0.3642975687980652, 0.8240436911582947, 0.6450760364532471, 0.7846539616584778, 0.13302212953567505, -0.0989004373550415, -0.12708640098571777, 0.6585936546325684, 0.9795898199081421, 0.8586139678955078, 0.4231281280517578, 0.09532445669174194, 0.07090616226196289, 0.3955112099647522, 0.16732504963874817, 1.351009726524353, 0.2968418598175049, -0.18105101585388184, 0.15932393074035645, -0.2969997525215149, 0.3149944841861725, -0.11607509851455688, 0.7090528011322021, 0.6310725212097168, -0.1375364363193512, 0.5668903589248657, 1.0067702531814575, 0.48971137404441833, -0.18718662858009338, 0.707208514213562, -0.0969429612159729, -0.24740326404571533, 0.2443855106830597, 0.8760414123535156, 0.5831277370452881, 0.2515707314014435, 0.7117128968238831, 0.6023590564727783, 0.6106194853782654, 0.3642975687980652, 0.7771684527397156, -0.015292227268218994, 1.062429666519165, 0.7631475925445557, 0.5795184969902039, 0.7564767599105835, 0.33123815059661865, 0.6450760364532471, 0.3840782642364502, 0.3105136752128601, 1.150804042816162, 0.32780957221984863, 0.3217303156852722, 0.2443855106830597, 0.5800977945327759, 0.01671212911605835, 0.7160100340843201, -0.11387524008750916, 0.41713055968284607, -0.22812187671661377, -0.23495930433273315, 0.11973410844802856, 0.15373462438583374, 0.5148919820785522, 1.1868821382522583, 0.8819742202758789, 0.7090528011322021, 0.9678518176078796, -0.06120052933692932, -0.339411199092865, 0.35658231377601624, 1.082346796989441, 0.9389684200286865, 0.6851480007171631, -0.06120052933692932, -0.0969429612159729, 0.8395729064941406, 0.5569442510604858, 0.14164337515830994, 0.48971137404441833, 0.31034910678863525, 0.14479941129684448, 0.2125861644744873, 0.811348557472229, -0.16388684511184692, 0.6115484237670898, 0.6944860816001892, 1.099435806274414, 0.41990339756011963, 0.5949314832687378, 0.4306744337081909, 0.44139808416366577, 1.120535135269165, 0.10851287841796875, -0.12790769338607788, 0.39387714862823486, 0.5800977945327759, 0.3797077238559723, 0.5156808495521545, 0.4100804328918457, 0.14768952131271362, 0.34766119718551636, 0.6202664375305176, 0.35658231377601624, 0.2182978391647339, -0.38132035732269287, -0.015292227268218994, 0.11378103494644165, -0.0453629195690155, 0.9593554735183716, 0.5727782845497131, 1.4514479637145996, 0.06693476438522339, -0.13601073622703552, 0.44431692361831665, 0.46184778213500977, -0.09689578413963318, -0.018219053745269775, 0.9980064630508423, 0.17933380603790283, 0.13302212953567505, -0.23978173732757568, -0.14761441946029663, 0.19847682118415833, 0.7846539616584778, -0.051116883754730225, 0.5315327644348145, 0.581786572933197, 0.3610495626926422, 0.7736418843269348, 0.3731028735637665, 0.9344492554664612, -0.367942750453949, 0.2969233989715576, 0.7530679106712341, 0.6138753890991211, 0.5148919820785522, 0.9256769418716431, 0.13249808549880981, 0.5193809270858765, -0.13601073622703552, 0.7809911966323853, 0.6532740592956543, 0.4208816885948181, 0.16298767924308777, 1.0482957363128662, -0.17217570543289185, 1.2403994798660278, 0.2515707314014435, 0.2969233989715576, 0.16770046949386597, 0.6202664375305176, 0.3645191490650177, 0.4175151586532593, -0.08871376514434814, -0.1375364363193512, 0.017857730388641357, 0.2931560277938843, -0.0453629195690155, 0.5104491114616394, 0.9412115812301636, 0.28063222765922546, 0.37936538457870483, 0.45014896988868713, 0.15373462438583374, 0.6270608901977539, 0.2931560277938843, 0.2779437303543091, 0.9733573794364929, 0.2549254298210144, -0.1064554750919342, 0.9438910484313965, 0.2125861644744873, 0.46184778213500977, 0.3101729452610016, -0.23495930433273315, 0.1765618622303009, 0.17411652207374573, -0.30800938606262207, 0.5163542032241821, 0.4736223518848419, 0.5112261176109314, 0.31385037302970886, -0.1917726695537567, 0.5070005655288696, 0.7888278365135193, 0.382712721824646, 0.4300079643726349, 0.6820265054702759, 0.49332451820373535, 0.046231627464294434, 0.35658231377601624, 0.47638776898384094, 0.6944860816001892, 0.31385037302970886, 0.6135292053222656, 0.8095308542251587, -0.24740326404571533, 0.08126002550125122, 0.15373462438583374, 0.3955112099647522, 0.6217542886734009, 0.11516278982162476, 0.2554760277271271, 0.7281430959701538, -0.0503309965133667, 0.4208816885948181, 0.5383689403533936, 0.49332451820373535, 0.32554909586906433, -0.11607509851455688, 0.4082401692867279, 0.2573660910129547, 0.4306744337081909, 0.6310725212097168, 0.7427859902381897, 0.5168061852455139, 0.7617635726928711, 0.3642975687980652, 0.5156808495521545, 0.4161977171897888, 0.262103408575058, 0.7556055784225464, 0.03018048405647278, -0.018219053745269775, 0.09141987562179565, 0.6440759301185608, -0.07960382103919983, 0.599442183971405, 0.14768952131271362, 0.9040777683258057, 0.19932103157043457, -0.09062838554382324, 0.23125147819519043, -0.20238298177719116, 0.4272150993347168, -0.0969429612159729, 1.2075680494308472, 0.24389362335205078, 0.17370405793190002, 1.0667028427124023, -0.1064554750919342, 0.669416069984436, 0.5982948541641235, 0.8925023078918457, 0.17222362756729126, 0.5156808495521545, 0.12484380602836609, 1.0563740730285645, 0.11378103494644165, -0.12991371750831604, 0.03468519449234009, 0.3408164978027344, 0.20006418228149414, 0.6115484237670898, 0.23125147819519043, 0.17982351779937744, -0.028391391038894653, -0.2720106244087219, 0.1848088502883911, 0.2198493778705597, 0.22694838047027588, 0.5699453353881836, 0.40947654843330383, 0.2902439832687378, 0.42201370000839233, 0.5164950489997864, 0.031636953353881836, 0.9261087775230408, 0.9748022556304932, 0.5075839757919312, 0.3901330232620239, 0.7486961483955383, 0.9180054664611816, 0.13490504026412964, 0.6287707090377808, 0.35370010137557983, -0.25371092557907104, 0.3105136752128601, 0.8190087676048279, -0.18105101585388184, -0.04532459378242493, 0.31034910678863525, -0.04130864143371582, 0.6544052362442017, 0.05421459674835205, -0.12877914309501648, 0.42201370000839233, 0.5839433670043945, 0.5949314832687378, 0.8096462488174438, -0.09062838554382324, 0.15369313955307007, 0.8395729064941406, 0.6585936546325684, 0.2535001039505005, 0.14479941129684448, 0.086020827293396, -0.06730583310127258, 0.037350237369537354, -0.0325046181678772, 0.33737844228744507, 0.9593554735183716, 0.5668903589248657, 0.9088796377182007, 0.15369313955307007, 0.4847567677497864, 0.18398180603981018, -0.2642693519592285, -0.28504323959350586, 0.22533035278320312, 1.2968087196350098, 0.4306744337081909, -0.046332597732543945, 0.21611368656158447, -0.36978086829185486, 0.032834798097610474, 0.9172695875167847, 1.1884372234344482, 0.08126002550125122, 0.2902439832687378, -0.1614765226840973, 0.22969716787338257, -0.07936421036720276, 1.082346796989441, 0.19812363386154175, 0.5104491114616394, 0.3645191490650177, 0.31414103507995605, 0.21502536535263062, -0.2133825123310089, 0.5383689403533936, 0.8943084478378296, -0.2133825123310089, -0.08090490102767944, 0.1765618622303009, 0.6287707090377808, 0.8190087676048279, 0.27070629596710205, 0.7651828527450562, 0.8613813519477844, 0.5204880237579346, 0.07196453213691711, 0.3149944841861725, 0.7736418843269348, 0.3515027165412903, 0.8111974000930786, 0.2573660910129547, 0.3526034355163574, 0.7530679106712341, -0.15255603194236755, 0.6614847183227539, 0.17360660433769226, 0.6759434342384338, 0.1979566514492035, 0.6544052362442017, -0.23978173732757568, 0.3854053020477295, 0.474598228931427, 0.811348557472229, 0.2977607846260071, 1.0683783292770386, -0.0969429612159729, 0.3228106200695038, 0.3797077238559723, 0.6759434342384338, -0.1375364363193512, 0.06966322660446167, 0.8095308542251587, 0.1228184700012207, -0.12838134169578552, 0.24080359935760498, 0.5156808495521545, 0.32554909586906433, 0.4083121418952942, 0.7927626371383667, -0.06454074382781982, 0.5104491114616394, 0.05570250749588013, 0.3248201608657837, 0.8395729064941406, 0.3058673143386841, 0.3043758273124695, 0.22969716787338257, 0.4790762662887573, 0.6719566583633423, -0.06120052933692932, 0.13490504026412964, -0.38823261857032776, 0.17933380603790283, 0.233388751745224, -0.4898114502429962, 0.7150933146476746, -0.5361140370368958, 0.4302903413772583, 0.9412115812301636, 0.343403160572052, 0.37184765934944153, 0.8586139678955078, 0.5163542032241821, 0.08462905883789062, 0.5695168375968933, 0.41453513503074646, -0.36978086829185486, 0.07346129417419434, 0.12833893299102783, 0.6478717923164368, 0.41713055968284607, 0.13490504026412964, 0.7160100340843201, 0.18770849704742432, -0.0503309965133667, -0.17217570543289185, 0.38580143451690674, 1.0563740730285645, 0.7651828527450562, -0.018219053745269775, 0.3840782642364502, 0.13249808549880981, -0.08090490102767944, 0.17360660433769226, -0.4316117465496063, 0.5040514469146729, 0.6658646464347839, 0.4860074520111084, 0.35658231377601624, 0.19554775953292847, -0.367942750453949, 0.7736418843269348, 0.42904701828956604, -0.15911412239074707, 0.39387714862823486, 0.41453513503074646, 0.20006418228149414, -0.285470187664032, 0.2977607846260071, 0.9795898199081421, 1.0717761516571045, 0.233388751745224, 0.6544052362442017, 1.062429666519165, 0.7564767599105835, -0.09701108932495117, -0.1614765226840973, 0.24080359935760498, -0.1375364363193512, 0.42855334281921387, 0.559737503528595, 0.3248201608657837, 0.8475627899169922, 0.3228106200695038, 0.618720531463623, 0.02462095022201538, 0.36166173219680786, 0.6202664375305176, 0.2198493778705597, 1.096746563911438, 0.8943084478378296, 0.9438910484313965, -0.2969997525215149, 0.8240436911582947, 0.2443855106830597, 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"Python Condensing Code", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "display tag and c choose tag", "c stack smashing detected on file managing", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "how to convert xml to database table", "Simple static integer stack", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Java read pptx file", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Login users/start session with PDO", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "The Google Time Zone API always returns Error status", "Simple static integer stack", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "android tableLayout column color issue", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "R biglm predict searching for dependent variable", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Counting vowels with consonants", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "Export error with addon", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "Default header image does not display", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Custom Alert Box Shows up Incorrectly", "How to combine 2 click function?", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Saving TinyMCE Base64 images with dragonfly", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "display tag and c choose tag", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "android tableLayout column color issue", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "find files in a folder", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Embedding Applet in JSP", ".CIO section MSP430", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "anchor tag with span inside is not clickable", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "Cordova 3.0.0 Storage API error", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Java read pptx file", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "Android checktextview now working", "Tags to Post-ID mysql query. Tag Search", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Critique Requested on PHP Pagination Class", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Series expansion of large expression", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "MVC3 Actionlink with submit", "php regular expession convert to python code", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "When is lock not needed in multithreading", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "Stop JS-event propagation on table row click", "json load more items", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Magento SendMail with attachment", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Two sets came to an intersection", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "CAML query with Five Condtion throws an Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPException", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Timer writes in log twice", "System log giving Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Iterator Implementation", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Python Condensing Code", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Counting vowels with consonants", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "json load more items", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "Counting vowels with consonants", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Simple static integer stack", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Force JPA to load database changes in background", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Simple static integer stack", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "UNIX semaphores", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Removal of the incoming sms", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "display tag and c choose tag", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Bit-bang TX problem", "UNIX semaphores", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.1950545310974121, 0.552354097366333, 0.17961955070495605, -0.04595208168029785, 0.17766332626342773, 0.581108808517456, 2.85588002204895, -0.353604793548584, 0.649806022644043, 0.9271973371505737, -0.09947729110717773, 0.7593424320220947, 0.868274450302124, 0.5152866840362549, 1.8649959564208984, 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"LinkedIn / OAuth question", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "BJT switch connections", "BJT switch connections", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "Interacting with openCPU", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "M2E setting file" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 4.304496765136719, 3.15109920501709, 4.073188304901123, 4.073188304901123, 2.214437484741211, 4.245452404022217, 2.214437484741211, 3.997732162475586, 4.617439270019531, 3.963507890701294, 3.5689539909362793, 4.701427459716797, 4.5293989181518555, 2.9086925983428955, 2.764810800552368, 5.2283711433410645, 4.073188304901123, 4.286225318908691, 4.360353469848633, 4.137818813323975, 5.2283711433410645, 4.454154968261719, 4.360353469848633, 2.528167247772217, 2.461176633834839, 3.3424060344696045, 3.963507890701294, 2.8760480880737305, 3.15109920501709, 5.2283711433410645, 4.286225318908691, 4.137818813323975, 4.137818813323975, 3.475703239440918, 3.152613878250122, 2.2932779788970947, 2.945315361022949, 4.286225318908691, 4.743720054626465, 4.810193061828613, 3.997732162475586, 4.743720054626465, 2.6361083984375 ], "y": [ -1.700174331665039, -3.0884344577789307, -3.4623475074768066, -3.4623475074768066, -2.7308597564697266, -0.7453194856643677, -2.7308597564697266, -1.4591251611709595, -2.5333096981048584, -1.949878454208374, -3.5929977893829346, -1.879940152168274, -1.9791332483291626, -3.6156818866729736, -2.393650531768799, -2.6721558570861816, -3.4623475074768066, -0.8530923128128052, -1.6162400245666504, -2.577207088470459, -2.6721558570861816, -2.5978951454162598, -1.6162400245666504, -5.464588165283203, -2.2725374698638916, -2.092280387878418, -1.949878454208374, -2.559079170227051, -3.0884344577789307, -2.6721558570861816, -0.8530923128128052, -2.577207088470459, -2.577207088470459, -3.377807140350342, -3.3806872367858887, -4.771467208862305, -1.6506595611572266, -0.8530923128128052, -2.529334545135498, -3.225588798522949, -1.4591251611709595, -2.529334545135498, -2.242204427719116 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 15, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "10", "text": [ "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "Difference between Pantone FORMULA GUIDE and DESIGNER FIELD GUIDE?", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Bit-bang TX problem", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Device including RTC EEPROM and battery?", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "MapServer MapCache WMS", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "EBS volume on AWS", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "US Customs check External hard disk", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "EBS volume on AWS", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Convert XML to PSObject", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "CMOS 4066 Question", "INSERT multiple values via join", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "WACOM Bamboo FUN Pen&Touch", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "When to Use WCF / REST", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "jQuery AJAX IE - skipped functions ajax", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "Help with SQL Trace", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Incremental backup of FILESTREAM data?", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "SASS Index in nested list", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "PHP and MySQL calendar issue", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "CMOS 4066 Question", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "TFT display write noise", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "jQuery iScroll 4 - Issues loading AJAX content to sliding panel", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "How to display JSON returned (from external REST API) in a Block? [my code attempt inside]", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "Significant error conversion", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Generating RSA-SHA1 signatures with JavaScript", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID", "SASS Index in nested list", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "combining outputs of two text file with awk to another file", "MS SQL Stored Procedure for counting Dynamic table items", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "Best CMS for review-type sites", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "NTP / SNTP and UTC Time", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "XOR Gate design problem", "fetch PDO::FETCH_ASSOC multiple checkboxes", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.8187345266342163, 1.4010868072509766, 1.480318546295166, 1.4445273876190186, 1.8187345266342163, 0.94080650806427, 1.3046377897262573, 0.7305688858032227, 0.6380164623260498, 0.8510861396789551, 1.8883206844329834, 1.236784815788269, 0.5465350151062012, 3.213538408279419, 1.0088553428649902, 1.1237391233444214, 0.820134162902832, 0.8510861396789551, 2.71464467048645, 0.40363621711730957, 0.8588302135467529, 0.4686923027038574, 2.418656826019287, 0.6199740171432495, 0.018780231475830078, 1.1237391233444214, 1.1237391233444214, 2.0492167472839355, 1.1799191236495972, 2.051785945892334, 2.71464467048645, -0.2274932861328125, 2.513676166534424, 1.7228612899780273, 0.1285700798034668, 2.107545852661133, 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Yosemite", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Possible Genotypes of 4 Alleles of Adh", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Custom theorem numbering", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Saturated Density Plots", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "XOR Gate design problem", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Understand Atmega168P Datasheet", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "BJT switch connections", "BJT switch connections", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "Populate column with number of substrings in another column", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Replace multiline string in files", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Graphic Design - Video games -- events, seminars, workshops, etc", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Saturated Density Plots", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "Significant error conversion", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "up sample and down sample", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "Custom key binding/mapping", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "Timing inside a shift register", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "Replace multiline string in files", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "Javascript looping behaviour", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "How to interpret a Current Value into a PWM signal percentage?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Using a Wiener Filter to Estimate a Transfer Function", "Converting expressions into functions", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Bike computer wheel size setup", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Can a Floating Action Button morph be reverted?", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "AdvRef pin setup", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "Custom theorem numbering", "STFT - DFT size of the bins", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "up sample and down sample", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "ArcGIS 10 Field Calculator", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "A Question about Matrix Elementary Row Operation = Scalar multiplication to a row", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Can you approximate Cardiac Output by Ohm's law?", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Implementing a NoSQL and RDBMS compatible DAO", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "how to identify IC codes?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "application/json Content-Type character set", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "Extracting useful information from free text", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Timing inside a shift register", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "linq sql where closest to number", "What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Rock Band 3 Keyboard?", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "Using coalesce on an index column", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "MSSQL Select with \"vertical\"-where", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "BJT switch connections", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Measuring Resistance of a Wire With an ADC", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "SOQL Showing null values as 0", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -2.116366147994995, -1.7740423679351807, -1.014573574066162, -2.13932466506958, -2.3724849224090576, -1.5798068046569824, 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-1.3371672630310059, -1.9361225366592407, -1.628095269203186, -2.198180913925171, -1.7667224407196045, -2.3832802772521973, -2.393205404281616, -2.248976230621338, -2.722085475921631, -1.4792640209197998, -2.371558427810669, -1.7100958824157715, -1.8242452144622803, -2.692063331604004, -1.9682602882385254, -2.119450330734253, -1.846195936203003, -1.5798068046569824, -2.6538729667663574, -1.5457534790039062, -2.059953451156616, -2.180856227874756, -2.180856227874756, -2.1071128845214844, -2.434568405151367, -0.975865364074707, -1.3556411266326904, -2.0461161136627197, -0.5033626556396484, -2.4225869178771973, -1.5083932876586914, -2.694406509399414, -1.1219642162322998, -1.6758699417114258, -2.1377575397491455, -2.386561870574951, -2.219064235687256, -2.0189061164855957, -1.9262585639953613, -1.528268575668335, -2.3839948177337646, -1.691161870956421, -1.7137069702148438, -2.085134506225586, -2.841552257537842, -1.5034921169281006, -2.064295530319214, -1.6739622354507446, -2.248976230621338, -1.9414911270141602, -2.1371421813964844, -1.536670446395874, -2.0271289348602295, -1.4071152210235596, -2.064295530319214, -1.7100958824157715, -1.2632596492767334, -1.8341000080108643, -2.794578790664673, -2.792433023452759, -1.7667224407196045, -2.354905128479004, -2.532611131668091, -2.8907649517059326, -2.119450330734253, -2.2375082969665527, -1.7667224407196045, -2.098917007446289, -0.9898569583892822, -2.559986114501953, -1.533780813217163, -3.0695481300354004, -2.1586785316467285, -2.1228606700897217, -1.8305481672286987, -2.040255069732666, -2.154367446899414, -2.0189061164855957, -1.827702522277832, -0.7147161960601807, -2.5088822841644287, -2.13932466506958, -2.1586785316467285, -1.944204568862915, -0.845588207244873, -1.8069286346435547, -1.8069286346435547 ], "y": [ 0.611248254776001, 0.0866786539554596, 0.23469758033752441, -0.29886123538017273, 0.03618490695953369, 0.040878862142562866, 1.0932964086532593, 0.654026985168457, 0.2379399538040161, -0.05253291130065918, 0.3899206519126892, 0.2463977336883545, 0.19349080324172974, 0.09963482618331909, -0.7341307401657104, 0.15487295389175415, 0.002845287322998047, -0.938730001449585, 0.912495493888855, 0.4965308904647827, -1.0794225931167603, -0.23532891273498535, -1.6305114030838013, 1.118485450744629, -0.47732052206993103, -0.032939523458480835, -0.6251640915870667, -0.02198195457458496, 1.0455724000930786, -0.7899309396743774, 0.6135512590408325, -0.31769922375679016, 0.41861212253570557, -0.9766740202903748, -0.3565828204154968, 0.4845185875892639, 0.41809940338134766, -0.6596733331680298, 0.17661583423614502, 0.14216750860214233, 0.23152801394462585, -0.35026815533638, -0.622350811958313, 0.20334774255752563, 0.43639662861824036, 0.76451575756073, -0.938730001449585, 0.03887587785720825, -0.5595183372497559, 0.26939845085144043, 0.07590574026107788, -0.23532891273498535, -0.4895519018173218, -0.0250396728515625, 0.2774588465690613, 0.40848439931869507, 0.21837478876113892, -1.3621282577514648, 0.3899206519126892, 0.5604506731033325, -0.1878141462802887, 0.3206167221069336, -1.0794225931167603, -0.42374950647354126, -0.9766740202903748, -1.343353033065796, 0.2073574662208557, 0.7070726156234741, -0.029651284217834473, -0.037392377853393555, 0.21837478876113892, -0.6251640915870667, -0.010987579822540283, -0.7681998014450073, 0.2379399538040161, -0.7899309396743774, 0.2264074981212616, -1.2845635414123535, 0.5888018012046814, -0.23933041095733643, -0.23933041095733643, -1.0850136280059814, 0.3508417010307312, -0.2580999732017517, 0.76451575756073, -1.3774311542510986, 0.20556509494781494, 0.5287317037582397, -0.6581200957298279, 0.09630537033081055, -0.5595183372497559, 0.0866786539554596, 0.529394805431366, 0.1514187455177307, 0.09963482618331909, -0.032939523458480835, 0.4786779582500458, 0.28979575634002686, -0.29886123538017273, -0.05253291130065918, 0.7726684212684631, 0.03296273946762085, 0.46865659952163696, -0.14727601408958435, -1.6305114030838013, -1.151486873626709, -1.3621282577514648, 0.20081299543380737, 1.118485450744629, 0.1227274239063263, -0.14050331711769104, -0.5468310713768005, 0.3886943459510803, -0.02254357933998108, -0.3150497376918793, -0.16699624061584473, -0.0943499207496643, 0.022518932819366455, 0.7996888756752014, -0.3593592941761017, -0.05253291130065918, -0.015559554100036621, -0.31564217805862427, 0.619400143623352, 0.2073574662208557, -0.2508602440357208, -0.38978174328804016, -0.08935490250587463, -0.32647567987442017, 0.08444702625274658, 0.4255721867084503, -0.06418359279632568, -1.3251537084579468, 0.11574989557266235, 0.7070726156234741, -0.17133966088294983, 0.0925668478012085, -0.06055784225463867, 0.2734408378601074, 0.2073574662208557, 0.20081299543380737, 0.002845287322998047, 0.7726684212684631, 0.5674401521682739, 0.607227623462677, 0.5348474979400635, 0.04006063938140869, 0.14958655834197998, -1.0794225931167603, -1.3251537084579468, -0.6251640915870667, 0.1227274239063263, 0.6647448539733887, -0.32512417435646057, -0.440353125333786, 0.619400143623352, -0.5595183372497559, -0.49216294288635254, -1.016615867614746, -0.17133966088294983, -0.2552930414676666, -0.037392377853393555, 1.3285735845565796, -0.7681998014450073, 0.3091825544834137, -0.005943655967712402, -0.7698806524276733, -0.43651917576789856, -0.49216294288635254, 0.2589370012283325, 1.118485450744629, 0.2463977336883545, -1.0810915231704712, -0.09033125638961792, -0.7698806524276733, 0.39765238761901855, 0.1253185272216797, 0.39765238761901855, -0.008853733539581299, 1.0684630870819092, -0.0943499207496643, 0.7998018264770508, -0.4380788207054138, -1.2075105905532837, -0.347572922706604, 0.6933218836784363, 0.21837478876113892, -0.18766900897026062, -0.6299965977668762, -0.9477471113204956, 1.0312241315841675, -0.5327691435813904, 0.006330311298370361, -0.4380788207054138, -0.14050331711769104, 0.013434290885925293, 0.41861212253570557, 0.49823737144470215, 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xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Line wrapping long curried function definitions in Scala with Scala IDE", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "put an html (scripted) menu in a separate file", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "How to access Event object inside javascript tag of Aspx page header content?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module", "Get raw output from web server", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Fail2ban for Windows 7?", "Java read pptx file", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "Load data from specific lines in a text file into SQL using C#", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Java read pptx file", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Reading XML in C#", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Split WP install between 2 databases?", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "Reading XML file and fetching its attributes value in Python", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Mobile 3D engine renders alpha as full-object transparency", "Combining Java with SQL?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Captcha-like font", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Does this C++ static analysis rule make sense as is?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Removing a javscript from homepage", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Add class via command line", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "Get raw output from web server", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Is a Photoshop EPS file a vector format?", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Ribbon javascript function reference", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "Moving user perspective in Blender with Python", "Sharing JavaScript model code between server and client, is this approach valid?", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Replace multiline string in files", "Opening a file on unix using c++", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Preventing Superscript from being interpreted as Power when using Ctrl+^ shortcut?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", ".xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Combining Java with SQL?", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "Add class via command line", "Photo icons have generic picture only", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "C++ return to main", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Flash 24fps vs 30fps", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Comparing gold standard csv file and extracted values csv files in Python", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Replace multiline string in files", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Reading XML in C#", "Does the Canon *.CR2/CRW format contain \"truly RAW\" data?", "Why can't my C++ compiler deduce template argument for boost function?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Making a C++ app scriptable", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "How to efficiently delete elements from vector c++", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Combining Java with SQL?", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Using PHP to dynamically create pages from a template", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "Why would you use the __LINE__ macro in C++", "Swift project using PHP web service", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "Cron not executing PHP script", "Why do some programmers categorize C, Python, C++ differently? - regarding level", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Bash script- Create usernames and passwords from txt file and store in group?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "Using a cell text as sheet reference" 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-1.5301897525787354, -1.3986629247665405, -0.8143995404243469, -1.9553983211517334, 0.7299669981002808, -0.44580066204071045, 0.06250259280204773, -3.170198440551758, -0.9352988600730896, -0.15945440530776978 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 18, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "13", "text": [ "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Using pstool with beamer", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "C - Print text from file, scroll with enter", "Slowdown in large perl array", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "Left align equation description", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "multidimensional array to database in python", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "JavaScript to paste form input in-line into body text", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Chaining deferreds", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Theming Form Fields: Alter all fields", "Convert a String[] into an object and back into a String[]?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "php escape sequence not working", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "image processing", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Cannot access non-static field", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "MVC 4 and JsonResult format", "Nginx rewrite rules", "AxesLabel broken in Version 10 for 3D plots?", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "CSS: Dropdown menu not displaying", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Reading Metadata from Instruction", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "Return value in bash script", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Return value in bash script", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Groovy execute external RTC command with quotes in the command", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Firefox flex and max-width", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "Ajax HTTP error occured. HTTP Result code: 200", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Interacting with openCPU", "Digital circuits", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Chaining deferreds", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "If statement in QML", "How can I add a director name in line with author name in beamer?", "Interacting with openCPU", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Creating DotPlots", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "SASS Index in nested list", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "Cannot access non-static field", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "Passing a string as function argument", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Javascript pass onclick on child to parent", "Opening a file on unix using c++", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "how to change my hostname?", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "Equivalent of Java 1.6 @Override for interfaces in C#", "C++ new memory allocation fragmentation", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "How to track malloc and free?", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Slowdown in large perl array", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "JavaScript: Call base function from prototyped inheritance", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "How to work with large projects", "xeCJK and paragraph indentation", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Parsing Ids from a string to create detail objects", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "How to add classes to comments?", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "Store functions in hash", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Insert a Views Block into a node in Drupal 7", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "Getting the value of a select option", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "how to change my hostname?", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "Force Dispatch to generate dispatch tables", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "get_option function", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Convert vector to delimited string", "add_action(), add_filter() before or after function", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "tree view properties in web application", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "How to pass alias through sudo", "gradle execute task after build", "How to edit error messages in devise", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "C++ queue with multiple values", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "Java regex to validate a name", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Undefined offset 1", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "C++ return to main", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Improve on an after_create callback with database queries - Ruby on Rails", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "SASS Index in nested list", "Mixed number fractions class", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "struts2+spring3: passing a variable from action to jsp (javascript code)", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "CakePHP displayField usage", "image processing", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "Using bash \"&\" operator with \";\" delineator?", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "should I declare my object global or static?", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Overriding Attributes values in Shortcode Plugins", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "Left align equation description", "Number-to-word converter", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "check if bottom reached method of scrollview", "ASP.NET MVC list with jQuery-links", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Using pstool with beamer", "Retrieving Javascript value from Page 1 to Page 2", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "php escape sequence not working", "Passing a string as function argument", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "android intentService concurrency", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", " results in broken url & wont get parsed", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Translate C code to assembly code?", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "CakePHP displayField usage", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "Browser automation using Applescript", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "Access PDF files from 'res/raw' or assets folder programmatically to parse with given methods", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Latex - How to define commands macros the save way", "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "Unix C++: get time at a different zone", "If statement in QML", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Chaining deferreds", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Mixed number fractions class", "Align Environment and Spacing", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "JavaScript Equivalent Of PHP __invoke", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "jQuery: missing ] after element list", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "C# save/retrieve an array of structures from settings file", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -0.5460014343261719, -0.8192338943481445, -0.004400014877319336, -0.48969197273254395, 0.24704647064208984, -1.4353150129318237, -0.6367833614349365, -0.08319282531738281, 0.5032365322113037, -1.0144107341766357, -0.38664746284484863, -0.8994336128234863, -0.26564598083496094, -0.878584623336792, -1.192463755607605, -0.13573837280273438, -0.41820526123046875, 0.5056452751159668, -0.7673386335372925, 0.3433818817138672, -0.878584623336792, -0.8897452354431152, -1.5899982452392578, -0.7834701538085938, 0.05771160125732422, -1.773234486579895, -1.4454727172851562, 0.03089892864227295, 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-1.2020407915115356, -0.6030889749526978, -2.149672031402588, -1.908339023590088, -1.0983660221099854, -1.6708345413208008, -1.3487902879714966, -1.5970245599746704, -0.16268271207809448, -0.6771270632743835, -1.5336377620697021, -0.592811107635498, -0.02591821551322937, -0.9385956525802612, -1.617239236831665, -0.8550528287887573, -0.5029444098472595, -1.1081138849258423, -0.6889545917510986, -0.9413452744483948, -1.470423936843872, -0.4882887601852417, -1.2297017574310303, -0.565796434879303, -0.6103388071060181, -0.8365045189857483, -1.1247408390045166, -0.9299914836883545, -0.7142256498336792, -1.265748143196106, -0.5085693597793579, -1.1247408390045166, -1.5846021175384521, -0.8935191035270691, -1.0877903699874878, -1.650556206703186, -1.7188489437103271, -1.6708345413208008, -0.7165790796279907, -2.149672031402588, -0.7027952671051025, -1.304348111152649, -2.2100229263305664, -0.9894176721572876, -1.2469477653503418, -0.6104053854942322, -1.8134530782699585, -1.4531646966934204, 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"color": 19, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "14", "text": [ "cancel(getIntent().getExtras().getInt(“notificationID”)); what is the return...?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "Windows 7 lookups on first host file entry", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "select additional columns not in dup checker query", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Resume and Pause Mechanism", "Reading File From Network Location", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "Get current Activity with Android", "Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Error in dsPIC33 Family Reference Manual Oscillator?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Changing LED color for notifications", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "magical record complex predicate", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "INSERT multiple values via join", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "How to use MouseListener event", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "SQL VIEW Unsupported Data Type", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "EBS volume on AWS", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Unable to Import Data", "Msg 1833, File 'ABC.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation", "EBS volume on AWS", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Reading XML in C#", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Unable to Import Data", "Java method called twice from C++ JNI NDK function", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "uiImageView error with SDWebImage", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "Wrapper classes for objects returned by 3rd party APIs", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Reading XML in C#", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "C# Test Assembly", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "Android setOnItemClickListener", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Trying to publish ASP.NET project, but VS can't find a particular file", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Informix Query Where Clause", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Unable to Import Data", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Converting string to NSDate", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Help with SQL Trace", "SQL OUTPUT entire row after update", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "Create connection string for MS-Access dynamically", "Converting string to NSDate", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "Dealing with non-required user input", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Weird crash using Restkit MainQueueManagedObjectContext - EXC_BAD_ACCESS", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Parsing a Text to only see specific data", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "XLConnect loadWorkbook error - POIXMLException (Java)", "Get current Activity with Android", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "How to remove the “ .0” in Decimal format and convert 1.01 to 1 in java", "Get current Activity with Android", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "SQL Server: update table from xml string", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "SQL Agent powershell context reference", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "Crystal Reports + Oracle 11g Stored Proc + ODBC Connection Error 42000", "Button Onclick EventHandler from CreateChildControls", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Is this backscatter?", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "Changing LED color for notifications", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "Lyx citation problem", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "Events management using SDL 2.0", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "iTextSharp read pdf template from hard drive and write text", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "where is the missing , before statement?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Passing data from Controller, to View, and back to Controller", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Advice on using FORMAT_MODULE_PATH", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "Recorded video Frame using AVCaptureSession", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Tight VNC Server, Ubutu 12.10 and unity desktop", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Java final variables changes at the execution time", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "why EF cant translate Int32.Pars(...?", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "PDFNet SDK Convert files on Azure storage", "ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Get REQUEST_URI and don't overwrite", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "WPF RichTextBox Image Link issue", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "No value for $TERM and no -T specified", "Path Variable Not Working", "DAO recordset effiency", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "How to divide the controller?", "SQL Server repeated error with OPENROWSET", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "OpenLayers and TInyOWS WFS won't load - 'InvalidParameterValue'", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "ListView OnItemClickListener is not listening", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Writing results directly to file", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "Show tooltip on invalid input in edit control", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.3782635927200317, 0.4724193811416626, -0.4416477680206299, 0.16716718673706055, -0.3883018493652344, 0.3022744655609131, -0.4961719512939453, -0.08071660995483398, -0.1325514316558838, 0.06814956665039062, 0.8252050876617432, 0.4724193811416626, 0.4724193811416626, 0.4724193811416626, 0.1926788091659546, -0.25737833976745605, 0.4046914577484131, -0.23315715789794922, 0.3308250904083252, -1.2205910682678223, -1.0829293727874756, -0.13450407981872559, -0.6917970180511475, -0.4095888137817383, 0.1566305160522461, -0.35556697845458984, 0.708092451095581, 0.44246983528137207, -0.2331681251525879, -0.2331681251525879, -0.25737833976745605, -1.203869104385376, -0.46741223335266113, -1.0707873106002808, 0.30573391914367676, 0.26572346687316895, -1.0610878467559814, 0.6781878471374512, -1.087467908859253, -0.17178559303283691, -0.12202167510986328, 0.043792009353637695, -0.43621325492858887, -0.5217950344085693, -1.192991018295288, -0.01051640510559082, -0.5343434810638428, 0.15883445739746094, -0.778942346572876, -0.496152400970459, 0.10552310943603516, -0.2939453125, 0.33926963806152344, 0.5976288318634033, -0.9023737907409668, -1.6131916046142578, -0.6213107109069824, 0.04252421855926514, 0.9310013055801392, -1.2875630855560303, -0.5356152057647705, 0.8464655876159668, -1.5723838806152344, -0.6918718814849854, -1.5455939769744873, 0.8252050876617432, 0.4724193811416626, 0.8108876943588257, -0.32840871810913086, -0.2707865238189697, -1.231889009475708, 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-1.0610878467559814, 0.881385326385498, -1.1038610935211182, -1.06472647190094, 0.5060062408447266, -0.5266294479370117, -0.449141263961792, -1.6450908184051514, -1.0610878467559814, 1.1346163749694824, -1.5723838806152344, -1.5188930034637451, 1.1161586046218872, 0.40949106216430664, 0.5397528409957886, -0.8400943279266357, -0.23434686660766602, 0.03486824035644531, -0.25171852111816406, -0.35643839836120605, -0.2707865238189697, -1.104721188545227, -0.26374101638793945, -0.30904364585876465, -1.781299114227295, 0.6556260585784912, 0.23583543300628662, -2.284600257873535, -0.36194825172424316, -0.21859097480773926, 0.881385326385498, 0.2709238529205322, 0.18861937522888184, -0.7843157052993774, -0.9207320213317871, 0.5976288318634033, -0.7331218719482422, -1.687061071395874, -0.30904364585876465, -0.21901345252990723, -0.6979689598083496, 0.40949106216430664, -0.9712514877319336, 1.1903750896453857, -0.7639176845550537, -0.6379444599151611, -0.17607927322387695, 0.8001707792282104, -1.1283005475997925, 0.5397528409957886, 0.4501461982727051, -0.38733649253845215, -0.6979689598083496, 0.8252050876617432, 0.27678608894348145, 0.8963286876678467, -0.82106614112854, -0.449141263961792, -0.26374101638793945, -0.21077632904052734, -0.13450407981872559, -0.9207320213317871, -0.581463098526001, 0.38017380237579346, -0.7276515960693359, 1.0248746871948242, 0.9310013055801392, 0.5633286237716675, -0.13450407981872559, -0.21804118156433105, -1.5188930034637451, 0.6544497013092041, -0.43621325492858887, -0.6993012428283691, 0.7144153118133545, -1.159125566482544, -1.2555344104766846, -2.236182451248169, -1.1283005475997925, 0.5375418663024902, -0.1995089054107666, -0.1995089054107666, -0.08071660995483398, 0.1833789348602295, 0.9020572900772095, 0.6777822971343994, -1.6131916046142578, -0.7032718658447266, -0.03601837158203125, -0.06460738182067871, -1.9410834312438965, 0.1039191484451294, -0.6040050983428955, -1.2555344104766846, -0.2331681251525879, 0.6777822971343994, -0.7611441612243652, -1.0136715173721313, -1.2955653667449951, 0.49162817001342773, 0.1926788091659546, 0.21236777305603027, -0.2331681251525879, -0.4416477680206299, -0.46741223335266113, 0.47263383865356445, 0.10552310943603516, -0.1348271369934082, 0.8108876943588257, -0.23046159744262695, 0.19369828701019287, -0.2181262969970703, 0.259657621383667, -0.17178559303283691, -0.2939453125, 0.10822367668151855, 0.33092451095581055, -0.8185704946517944, -0.8564608097076416, -0.9540605545043945, 0.5060062408447266, 0.6077245473861694, 0.30573391914367676, -0.23434686660766602, -1.8033289909362793, -0.498215913772583, -0.778942346572876, -0.1348271369934082, -0.7032718658447266, -1.0136715173721313, -0.35643839836120605, 0.33092451095581055, -0.34407520294189453, 1.319545030593872, -0.03728199005126953, -0.03728199005126953, -0.22487664222717285, 0.3782755136489868, -0.25737833976745605, -0.5266294479370117, -0.9639368057250977, 0.6487534046173096, -1.2955653667449951, -0.0796048641204834, 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-1.781299114227295, 0.7747049331665039, -1.159125566482544, -0.5391762256622314, 0.6859498023986816, -0.42059755325317383, -0.5742814540863037, 0.5274753570556641, -0.5343434810638428, -0.8261725902557373, -0.37448906898498535, -0.9889528751373291, -1.483069896697998, 0.17720258235931396, -0.778942346572876, 0.4634556770324707, 0.6799180507659912, 0.3812335729598999, 0.708092451095581, -0.8548049926757812, -0.6040050983428955, 0.708092451095581, -1.1283005475997925, 0.708092451095581, -0.32840871810913086, -1.2555344104766846, 0.5274753570556641, 0.2709238529205322, 0.6556260585784912, -1.483069896697998, -1.6798975467681885, 0.7119481563568115, -0.7331218719482422, -0.9540605545043945, -0.8365800380706787, -0.6448197364807129, -0.5742814540863037, 0.5375418663024902, -0.4122452735900879, -0.82106614112854, 0.9310013055801392, 0.8464655876159668 ], "y": [ -1.196709156036377, -1.8260056972503662, -2.184907913208008, -2.8792333602905273, -1.338297963142395, -2.6074109077453613, 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-1.9504175186157227, -1.5793946981430054, -3.1181588172912598, -3.334496021270752, -1.7006216049194336, -2.3090226650238037, -2.0885825157165527, -1.8003039360046387, -1.5094975233078003, -3.9379780292510986, -3.3916521072387695, -3.0001635551452637, -2.71464204788208, -3.4220194816589355, -2.742236614227295, -2.752652645111084, -2.450316905975342, -2.4843902587890625, -1.5793946981430054, -2.1273417472839355, -2.1695215702056885, -1.2119184732437134, -2.904270887374878, -2.281949281692505, -3.0363409519195557, -2.556215524673462, -2.1704397201538086, -1.329690933227539, -1.6157058477401733, -2.7664105892181396, -2.5357699394226074, -2.1785712242126465, -2.083972215652466, -3.0648980140686035, -1.9925453662872314, -2.724548101425171, -2.618166923522949, -1.9925453662872314, -1.8931152820587158, -1.9925453662872314, -1.7979944944381714, -2.229309558868408, -2.281949281692505, -2.548440456390381, -1.731387734413147, -1.6157058477401733, -2.2001545429229736, -2.833225727081299, -1.5683708190917969, -2.101494312286377, -2.700533151626587, -2.1418910026550293, -2.904270887374878, -2.5612385272979736, -1.516679286956787, -1.5992774963378906, -2.3160126209259033, -1.8786869049072266 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 20, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "15", "text": [ "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "3D array multiplication", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "Electric current of inductor", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "interpolation of 3D data", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Find volume of cask", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Intersection points of two circles.", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Riemann-Lebesgue equivalence for n-dimensional integration", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "A helical cycloid?", "Why was the winner of the AES competition not a Feistel cipher?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "A question on unbounded operators", "Sinks and Sources", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Reflection across the plane", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Reflection across the plane", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Reflection across the plane", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Complete induction", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Equal elements in SubArray", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Complete induction", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "interpolation of 3D data", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "3D array multiplication", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "when two associations are equal?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Law of Multiple Proportions: What is the significance of small whole numbers?", "A helical cycloid?", "Functional complete and xor", "Why is the result not 1?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "A helical cycloid?", "Confused with HoldForm in Postfix notation", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Electric current of inductor", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "A question on unbounded operators", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Why is the result not 1?", "Probability...coin toss", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Character values bounded away from zero", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Concise vector adding in Python?", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "Mutually generics", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Why is the result not 1?", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Upper Bound on Determinant of Matrix in terms of Trace", "Sinks and Sources", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Weil's Riemann Hypothesis for dummies?", "Is this function bijective?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Is this function bijective?", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "The $ABCD$ paralelograms sides are $AB,BC,CD,DA$. On these line segments there are points in the same order: $X,Y,Z,V$.", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "Find volume of cask", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "Two Field Problem", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "The Discrete Logarithm problem", "Probability...coin toss", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "How to Construct the Coproduct of Pointed Categories?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "Is there any performance difference between ++i and i++ in C#?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.8136792182922363, -1.4937078952789307, -1.5862410068511963, -2.083868980407715, -1.9105894565582275, -2.43645977973938, -2.759406805038452, -1.4976081848144531, -1.327700138092041, -1.1816632747650146, -1.4027899503707886, -0.9373335838317871, -2.00068736076355, -0.9695916175842285, 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efficiency/life?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Chicken Tikka Masala tastes a bit off", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "How can I get to view the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Triac circuit confusion", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "How to bone lamb breast", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Controlling smoke/fire emision amount", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "Water Supply pressure", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "How are potions made?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "business-class fiber to the home", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Inventor of CRT?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Triac circuit confusion", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "Splicing tiny wire inside broken mouse cable", "How to bone lamb breast", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "6A Current Source", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "How can I insulate my garage?", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "How can I fix messy hair in Animal Crossing?", "how to make frequency divider?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "Apartment in Munich", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "I am a Resident Alien for tax purposes. Can I claim exemptions from the India - US Tax Treaty (21)?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "How do I fix a puncture?", "Looking for a compound", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "US Customs check External hard disk", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "How to mount a ham?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "How can I cut fudge smooth and uniform?", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "Water Supply pressure", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "6A Current Source", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Repair wood floor damage", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Mazda Air Mass Meter - where can I buy one?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Where was the Scottish Skyfall scene filmed?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Apartment in Munich", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "business-class fiber to the home", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Is the Power-Link designed for routine usage?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Can a Canon T3 DSLR be used with my TAMRON AF TELE-MACRO 90-300mm lens?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What is the torque and sequence for a '99 Jetta Oil Pan?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "business-class fiber to the home", "Lens Cleaner Recommendations", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "How are potions made?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "How long does it take for a calf to be full grown in Harvest Moon A New Beginning?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Apartment in Munich", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "Why is Diet Coke more expensive than regular Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in Indonesia?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -2.921356201171875, -3.3689305782318115, -3.0099899768829346, -2.1168782711029053, -3.3662538528442383, -3.043501377105713, -2.8644042015075684, -2.6026177406311035, -3.3245949745178223, -3.3111042976379395, -3.484910726547241, -2.3077454566955566, -2.8628857135772705, -3.553441047668457, -2.868699789047241, -3.6359610557556152, -3.37142014503479, -2.86236834526062, -3.1950063705444336, 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0.8948987722396851, 1.1271579265594482, 1.6207672357559204, 1.1385762691497803, 0.15925097465515137, 0.500339686870575, 1.3142553567886353, 0.4580549895763397, 1.1279191970825195, 0.17464500665664673, 0.9361125230789185, 0.7631503343582153, 0.6582062840461731, 0.21780627965927124, 0.5872116088867188, 1.1151835918426514, 0.8150405287742615, 0.9726701378822327, 0.5459822416305542, 0.08257097005844116, 1.2282001972198486, 1.1066257953643799, 0.7142518162727356, 1.3439573049545288, 0.7631503343582153, 0.9660021662712097, 1.3092674016952515, 1.1297264099121094, 1.1709375381469727, 1.571545958518982, 1.5009950399398804, 0.4221249222755432, 0.7142518162727356, 0.9463348984718323, -0.0862639844417572, 0.8866127729415894, -0.35736793279647827, 1.533394455909729, 1.2282001972198486, 1.226778268814087, 0.7993768453598022, 0.08257097005844116, 1.0827929973602295, 1.3103405237197876, 0.6795049905776978, 1.0988543033599854, 0.22753936052322388, -0.0862639844417572, 0.25177985429763794, 1.2102532386779785, 0.6959855556488037, 1.1066257953643799, 1.1223251819610596, 0.7460062503814697, 1.0473767518997192, 1.1745970249176025, 1.1321513652801514, 0.4950084686279297, 0.8793708682060242, 0.48657652735710144, 1.0112487077713013, 0.504386842250824, 0.891035795211792, 0.504386842250824, 0.8206284046173096, 0.43498241901397705, 0.5656380653381348, 0.5700377821922302, 0.5637753009796143, 1.1745970249176025, 0.7715715169906616, 0.010552704334259033, 1.2479767799377441, 1.9582881927490234, 1.1119359731674194, 0.7817322015762329, 1.4496533870697021, 1.0525288581848145, 1.1279191970825195, 0.8639671206474304, 1.9494571685791016, 1.3185663223266602, 0.9295870065689087, 1.5572903156280518, 0.6959855556488037, 1.5005207061767578, 0.9476837515830994, 0.7666435241699219, 1.691297173500061, 0.401449978351593, 1.691297173500061, 1.289615511894226, 0.7627733945846558, 1.4074517488479614, 1.3439573049545288, 0.9346245527267456, 0.6628549695014954, 0.08257097005844116, 0.7715715169906616, 1.1066257953643799, 0.8563692569732666, 0.8346891403198242, 1.1279191970825195, -0.036581069231033325, 1.3107261657714844, 0.9621409177780151, 0.7472236752510071, 1.288485050201416, 0.6281555891036987, 1.2667064666748047, 0.25177985429763794, 0.6128674149513245, 1.132591724395752, 1.5005207061767578, 0.6787691116333008, -0.050214022397994995, 0.6340168714523315, 1.3092674016952515, 0.4603641927242279, 1.3089121580123901, 1.3439573049545288, 1.2898826599121094, 0.9463348984718323, 0.9577815532684326, 0.3641144633293152, 0.8740460872650146, 1.2873610258102417, 1.830316424369812, 0.4036959409713745, 0.6835952997207642, 0.8237780332565308, 1.1279191970825195, 0.7460062503814697, 1.3103405237197876, 1.3390960693359375, 0.6254950761795044, 0.5742997527122498, 0.34144797921180725, 1.1248552799224854, 0.6983177065849304, 1.2479767799377441, 0.6582062840461731, 0.5357289910316467, 0.34054481983184814, 0.8948987722396851, 0.9660021662712097, 1.691297173500061, 0.7524923086166382, 0.7677124738693237, 1.3837995529174805, 0.5459822416305542, 0.0664680004119873, 0.5656380653381348, 0.8596853017807007, 1.1321513652801514, 0.7666435241699219, 0.6992387175559998, 0.6574627161026001, 1.0980349779129028, 0.7473210096359253, 1.1504029035568237, 1.3185663223266602, 0.5656380653381348, 0.6939911842346191, 0.8264231085777283, 0.8150405287742615, 1.4418940544128418, 0.9001649022102356, 0.8460291624069214, 1.0375783443450928, 1.1513673067092896, 0.9450771808624268, 0.8740460872650146, 1.1385762691497803, 1.105341911315918, 1.5005207061767578, 0.21893620491027832, 0.6490287780761719, 0.7282125949859619, 0.9404785633087158, 0.6835952997207642, 0.9499914646148682, 1.2463117837905884, 0.401449978351593, 1.396620512008667, -0.4558764696121216, 0.15392327308654785, 1.2463117837905884, 0.1500033140182495, 0.4529200792312622, 1.1297264099121094, 1.396620512008667, 0.8206284046173096, 1.0112487077713013, 0.5836708545684814, 1.3837995529174805, 0.6383131742477417, 0.534643828868866, 0.8826345205307007, 0.401449978351593, -0.22509008646011353, 0.15582114458084106, 0.6848270893096924, 1.1151835918426514, 0.43498241901397705, 1.5076968669891357, 0.6881150007247925, 0.4511585235595703, 0.8910584449768066, 0.4341144561767578, 0.9584470987319946, 0.89300936460495, 0.7677124738693237, 0.5114133954048157, 1.291330099105835, 1.024915099143982, 0.6934081315994263, 1.2898826599121094, 0.13758891820907593, 2.2842190265655518, 0.8649512529373169, 1.9494571685791016, -0.22509008646011353, 1.1271579265594482, 0.551106333732605, 0.9504485130310059, 0.500339686870575, 0.019663512706756592, 0.6736321449279785, 0.9245315790176392, 0.7524923086166382, 1.0375783443450928, 0.9295870065689087, 1.2479767799377441, 0.7666435241699219, 0.9346245527267456, 1.3528711795806885, 1.1621352434158325, 0.0664680004119873, 1.0963387489318848, 2.2842190265655518, 1.1385762691497803, 0.9245315790176392, 1.6207672357559204, 1.1248552799224854, 1.1223251819610596, 0.8563692569732666, 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resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "DIY Floating Desk in New Build Home", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "CodeIgniter Conditional - Multiple Tables", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "C# Test Assembly", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "Can / Should I Use The Admin Session in Frontend", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Managed Package and dealing with Standard Objects?", "Change Font Weight in Math Mode", "Channel Entries & Relationships", "Sinks and Sources", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Next & Previous (Pagination in this case) Not Appearing", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "c# - Custom type Convert.ToString", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "Retirement Funds: Betterment vs Vanguard Life strategy vs Target Retirement", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "Why Have The System Builder Market Not Migrated to the BTX Form Factor from ATX yet?", "Estimating RPM to RCF in Methods from Older Papers", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "Trouble Binding Selected Items from ListBox", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "Reading File From Network Location", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Do Not Track header", "Water Supply pressure", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Displaying additional User Contact Information", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "HowTo: Add Class to Sidebar Widget List-Items", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "Informix Query Where Clause", "Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Path Variable Not Working", "Consider Global Reputation Points", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "Amazon Ec2: Problem In Setting up FTP Server", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Views - Custom Field Layout?", "Access control Service and Azure Websites Could not load System.IdentityModel.Services", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Grouping Multiple Raster Layers", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Align Environment and Spacing", "Python Condensing Code", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "Persistent Connection Attempts By Akamai Technologies", "Proportion of resources devoted to UX Design & Research vs. Software Development on a web app?", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "Not Proper Table Alignment in Bootstrap", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Find Nearest Line Segments to Point", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Two Field Problem", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Unique Existence and the Axiom of Choice", "Control Fields vs Heap \"Mock\" Fields for Branching Trigger Behavior", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "SQL Help in Access – Looking for the Absence of Data", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Opamp Voltage Doubler Unstable (After Extended Operation)", "Aldec Active-HDL - No Default Binding", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Get Product Options for each Product in the Catalog", "Water Supply pressure", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "iMessage Weird Behavior", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "The Acidity of the Hydrated Iron (III) Ion", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Three tier Validation Rule / Validation chain?", "How to change Default Screen Options in Wordpress", "Link_to Routing Issue With Nested Resources", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "Non Removable Presta Extension", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Determining The Parameters Of A Wheatstone Bridge", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Sinks and Sources", "Euclid's Algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor)", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "Send & Delete in GMail", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Magento (1.7) Bundled Product with FREE Product Option", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Python Condensing Code", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Able to Access Elements with Index Greater than Array Length", "Transform a Binary Search Tree into a Greater Sum Tree", "Making Simple IF Statements Shorter", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Do Not Track header", "Flying from NYC via Philadelphia to Halifax, I clear Immigration and Customs in Canada?", "Jewish Leap Year", "Conductivity of Aqueous Ionic Solutions as a Function of Time", "Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global", "Buying New Electronics During the 9 Days", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "How to Add Dictionary Data in SolrNet", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "Domestic Partnership Health Insurance and Tax implications", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "The Probability of Catching Criminals", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "WPF Validation Control Template overlapping", "Board Game Mechanics", "Problems Binding MouseDoubleClick via M-V-MV Design Pattern", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Tomcat \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" and JavaScript", "Regular Expression to Match String Exactly?", "Is it Possible to Use Histogram Facet or Its Curl Response in Kibana", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Board Game Mechanics", "Hard Disk Speed for Virt Laptop", "Ticketing/Project Management/Collaborative Software for Graphic Design", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Fetching All Posts (200+) in a Category - Performance Issues?", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "Quantum Mechanical Meaning of Atomic Orbitals", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Potential Impact of Pass/Fail vs. Letter Grade in Elective Courses", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", ".NET - VB - OOP - Partial Class - How to create Partial Constructors", "Modifying Local Within Function Changes Global Passed to Function in Python", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "Getting Strange Readings From a Multiplexer", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Flash Memory Failure Modes - Block Failure", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Going round in Circles..Buffering/ArcObjects/VBA", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "SQL Server. Join/Pivot/Performance help please", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "WordPress Show Single Post on Home Page with previous/ Next Button", "Asterisk for Small Business - Where to Start?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "CTE Running in Infinite Loop", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Adjoint Functors as Initial Objects of Some Category", "iOS: Change Device Volume", "100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "Getting Value Of Radio Button And Label Text Put Into Two TextField", "Margin and Padding of Tag", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.1640292406082153, 0.6443402767181396, 0.07326793670654297, -0.0008292198181152344, 0.0424877405166626, 0.8120841979980469, 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eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "business-class fiber to the home", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Force exerted on potential wall", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "Multiple Threads passing an object reference to static helper method", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "How to change semitransparent part", "How to clip by inidividual polygon shapes rather than by an aggregated shape consisting of all polygons in the shapefile.", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "I can't control the count of records returned by the linkedIn api", "On the definition of weakly compact cardinals", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Laravel eloquent how to order collection by accessor in appends array", "How is the energy/eigenvalue gap plot drawn for adiabatic quantum computation?", "Convert two collections of different objects into a single collection", "Reflection across the plane", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "does re-encrypting the same value with multiple keys reduce security", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Looking for a high temperature potentiometer", "Knots that unknot in a manifold", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "custom fields in e-mail module's contact form", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Dealing with non-required user input", "Power loss from an inductive load", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "probability of a certain event in a repeated sampling with replacement (without ordering)", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "business-class fiber to the home", "Getting the value of a select option", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "Split dataset based on the first column", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Double weapons and switching hands", "Maximum magnetic strength achievable", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "A question on unbounded operators", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "Long Haul flight with 9 month old with potential no Bassinet", "How to get the 10-5 most dominant frequency in an audio signal", "Random non-intersecting circles in the plane", "Get phones on all members in a customer group", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Understanding one-way hash functions construction", "Dynamic Programming: find the minimal route with ten nodes from a set of 100 nodes", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "A more convenient concatenation with a string literal in Rust", "Capturing a light beam", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Ideas for patenting/selling a trading strategy", "How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "Tcolorbox: force labelling to take on specific number", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "Expectation of drawing the second color from an urn", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "How to determine directions of vectors of an electromagnetic wave", "On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Multiple people interested in an Apartment", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Homework with logarithms", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Two sets came to an intersection", "A symbol for the quotient of two objects", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "Get an item in a list of taxonomy", "Eigenvalues of a transition probability matrix", "Reverse iteration from a given map iterator", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Capturing a light beam", "Maximum absolute value of polynomial coefficients", "Can't open Software Center due to a malformed line", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Throwing a ball upwards in an accelerating train", "business-class fiber to the home", "Looking for a compound", "Circuit to control a impulse solenoid valve from a movement detector", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Citation to well-known results and reference to user manuals", "Roots of this third degree polynomial", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Modified exponential distribution in R", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "SCCM - what is required to prepare an installer", "combining if conditions inside a lambda", "How svn checkout and checkin maven multimodule project", "business-class fiber to the home", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Write a python script that goes through the links on a page recursively", "Rotating vector3 by a quaternion", "Covariance and Contravariance on the same type argument", "Help understanding an egrep expression", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Sort lines based on a variable-width number at a fixed position", "Timing inside a shift register", "Demonstrating the effect of aliasing", "Using coalesce on an index column", "Determining sample size for a comparative study involving two unequal groups", "A question on unbounded operators", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "Mathematics of a leading signal for a sine wave", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Two sets came to an intersection", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Plotting two functions with dependent input function", "Energy required to break single bond vs double bond vs triple bond of a carbon atom in an organic molecule", "asynchronously loaded images in uitableview disappear on scrolling up", "Dimension of a quotient ring", "Finding residue of function", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Problem with passing control to Preference activity", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "multidimensional array to database in python", "On the singularity $r=0$ of the Schwarzschild metric", "Combined gas law in an open atmosphere", "Developing a dynamic language", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "Reflection across the plane", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "$\\theta$ term of anomaly related with topological insulators", "How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Removing the spaces between words", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Homework with logarithms", "Probability of a certain result obtaioned by throwing an octahedron", "Using multiple pricebooks in an opportunity", "Finding the smallest binary relation in a given set including a relation", "Putting the cursor back at the bash prompt after a script returns delayed output", "Find cron jobs that run between given times", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "k-center algorithm in one-dimensional space", "Timing inside a shift register", "Trigger to autopopulate a lookup field via related record", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Developing a dynamic language", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "simple algorithm to encrypt/decrypt a text file", "Converting the output of df -h into an array in Bash", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "business-class fiber to the home", "Zero point fluctuation of an harmonic oscillator", "Removal of the incoming sms", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Filter a property by the value of another property", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "inserting period after every 3 chars in a string", "About the meaning of the names of f orbitals", "How to submit errata when a coauthor disagrees", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "Multiple orders in a single list", "Understanding the frequency scale of a spectrogram", "Etiquette for closing your own questions", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "Real norms on vector spaces over finite fields" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.548039436340332, 3.496802806854248, 4.04735803604126, 3.183281898498535, 2.763518810272217, 3.5912740230560303, 2.159470796585083, 4.772786617279053, 3.9229259490966797, 3.1462602615356445, 3.4574785232543945, 4.634353160858154, 3.729722499847412, 3.5712451934814453, 4.2750163078308105, 3.381833791732788, 3.73647403717041, 3.2856404781341553, 2.8387598991394043, 3.7521533966064453, 2.8240623474121094, 3.142806053161621, 2.8251774311065674, 4.17458438873291, 1.7573795318603516, 3.1313252449035645, 3.091677188873291, 3.2219629287719727, 3.186072826385498, 3.813323974609375, 3.0245423316955566, 3.9680709838867188, 2.8251774311065674, 3.5684337615966797, 3.496802806854248, 2.5897178649902344, 2.8387598991394043, 3.7143442630767822, 3.3035881519317627, 4.2750163078308105, 2.5827698707580566, 2.106391429901123, 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HTTP Result code: 200", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", ".CIO section MSP430", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "Unreachable IP on local subnet", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Are there any way to get (75V 1A) output from 78V input", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Squid proxy: how to link inbound IPv4+port to outbound IPv6", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "1024-bit DHE vs 2048-bit RSA", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Is PC2700 ECC backwards compatible with PC2100 ECC?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "12V relay circuit, converted to 5V relay, under uC control", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "Wireless link frequency choice (900Mhz vs 5.8Ghz) for 2-3km distance", "Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)", "When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "Detect HP ML370 G5 Bad disk in RAID0", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "Apache won't allow multiple name-based virtual hosts", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Do 802.11b devices slow down other, newer networks on or near the same channel?", "WIFI USB adapter not detected", "Can an iphone/android cell phone communicate with RFID?", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "What impedances do graphics cards expect on H-Sync and V-Sync for VGA monitors?", "How TCP/IP server listens to several clients?", "Noise comparison for sensors the D800 vs the D600", "1 GHz RF bandpass filter", "Should FPS exceed ticks/second?", "How long before ASP.NET MVC becomes widely used in industry?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "SPI and clock active low or high", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "Uncommon 4 pin DC 19V power socket - what type of connection is this [picture]?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "Is encrypting a single 128 bit block with AES ECB \"safe\"", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "USB host power dc/dc converter chip", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "How to stop HTTPS requests for non-ssl-enabled virtual hosts from going to the first ssl-enabled virtualhost (Apache-SNI)", "VB.NET multi threading and system architecture", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "Real time PCR normalization algorithm", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "Is it ok to mix 2 GB and 4 GB DIMMS in an iMac (mid 2011)?", "WLAN roaming on same, or different channel", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "LED as 230V AC indicator", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "Driving 3 LEDs at 1000mA. Is this circuit / driver ok?", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "PCB design cost for 0.4mm pitch bga, 0.1mm drill hole, 4-layer routing using via-in-pad", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "25V for PMOS switch VGS?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.5815749168395996, 1.8575520515441895, 1.2336071729660034, 2.3785247802734375, 2.15984845161438, 2.8251543045043945, 0.8983180522918701, 2.202871799468994, 2.9259233474731445, 2.7069571018218994, 2.487196445465088, 1.440504550933838, 2.202871799468994, 0.974945068359375, 2.0031847953796387, 1.2336071729660034, 2.3193678855895996, 1.9995484352111816, 2.255767583847046, 1.8052070140838623, 1.5619688034057617, 1.5815749168395996, 3.0419864654541016, 1.5731371641159058, 1.7506543397903442, 2.487196445465088, 1.8217942714691162, 0.8983180522918701, 2.3785247802734375, 2.908031463623047, 3.033499002456665, 1.7805252075195312, 1.2336071729660034, 3.6074323654174805, 0.7764129638671875, 2.4052915573120117, 1.5731371641159058, 1.5508484840393066, 1.5619688034057617, 1.1223235130310059, 2.7069571018218994, 1.5740827322006226, 1.9004970788955688, 1.440504550933838, 2.78228759765625, 2.296473503112793, 1.119226336479187, 2.526658058166504, 1.5740827322006226, 1.8554812669754028, 1.7506543397903442, 1.1223235130310059, 1.823425054550171, 2.487196445465088, 2.790616750717163, 1.8554812669754028, 1.7805252075195312, 1.2336071729660034, 2.78228759765625, 1.8052070140838623, 2.619257926940918, 1.9004970788955688, 0.11400902271270752, 2.619257926940918, 0.674121618270874, 1.2511160373687744, 2.9001636505126953, 3.5527381896972656, 0.974945068359375, 2.105756998062134, 1.5230154991149902, 0.8983180522918701, 1.4872275590896606, 1.2336071729660034, 2.0370895862579346, 3.0419864654541016, 1.1831679344177246, 0.8983180522918701, 0.11400902271270752, 2.908031463623047, 1.1831679344177246, 1.3088221549987793, 2.0757369995117188, 2.296473503112793, 1.9995484352111816, 1.3088221549987793, 0.674121618270874, 2.296473503112793, 2.0031847953796387 ], "y": [ -2.0380895137786865, -2.05279541015625, -0.9845974445343018, -0.5194724202156067, -2.761730670928955, -1.2439101934432983, -0.9820499420166016, -0.9656444787979126, -1.7489808797836304, -2.1611485481262207, -0.09259206056594849, -0.48899635672569275, -0.9656444787979126, -1.3493380546569824, -0.8912020921707153, -0.9845974445343018, -0.3838147819042206, -1.9310297966003418, -0.4940100908279419, -2.3617029190063477, -1.0859216451644897, -2.0380895137786865, -0.7685808539390564, -0.9134185910224915, -0.000657498836517334, -0.09259206056594849, -0.6850003600120544, -0.9820499420166016, -0.5194724202156067, -1.3255023956298828, -1.3229849338531494, -0.18057888746261597, -0.9845974445343018, -1.0555659532546997, -1.1510130167007446, 0.09899252653121948, -0.9134185910224915, -0.8649246692657471, -1.0859216451644897, -0.9648422002792358, -2.1611485481262207, 0.4999620318412781, 0.4604358971118927, -0.48899635672569275, -0.30447933077812195, -0.8501671552658081, 1.2615172863006592, -1.0810636281967163, 0.4999620318412781, -1.2635912895202637, -0.000657498836517334, -0.9648422002792358, -0.3383297026157379, -0.09259206056594849, -1.4647191762924194, -1.2635912895202637, -0.18057888746261597, -0.9845974445343018, -0.30447933077812195, -2.3617029190063477, -0.2229769229888916, 0.4604358971118927, -1.0085320472717285, -0.2229769229888916, -1.0344476699829102, -1.4954102039337158, -0.19989992678165436, -0.41348305344581604, -1.3493380546569824, -0.8001108169555664, -1.2982158660888672, -0.9820499420166016, -1.6885104179382324, -0.9845974445343018, -2.428684711456299, -0.7685808539390564, -2.7460265159606934, -0.9820499420166016, -1.0085320472717285, -1.3255023956298828, -2.7460265159606934, 0.2694653868675232, 0.08024564385414124, -0.8501671552658081, -1.9310297966003418, 0.2694653868675232, -1.0344476699829102, -0.8501671552658081, -0.8912020921707153 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 25, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "20", "text": [ "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Monitor when the user enables/disables mobile data", "What is happening when I convert from a source color space AdobeRGB to a Canon photo paper profile?", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Adding local wireles multiplayer mode to my Android game", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "How can I remove an existing Gradient Mesh from an object in Adobe Illustrator?", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Get current Activity with Android", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "How can I access specific iOS app's directory with Objective C?", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "Get current Activity with Android", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "Mail \"Can't continue\" for a AppleScript function", "How to set Alternate Row Color in a Gridview Android?", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "Any equivalent to CCleaner for Android?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Save and Load pictures windows 8 app", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "Is there an iOS SMS Texting app that allows parent to get a record of all texting messages?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Respberry Pi fails to boot with custom kernel", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Copy file from web to Google Drive", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "using the new facebook payments reports API", "Setfacl configuration issue in Linux", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Could Apple and Microsoft allow the GPLv3 on their locked-down devices?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "How many domains can you configure on a Sun M5000 system?", "How can I better protect my LAN from Internet Hackers", "Is there a way to automatically run scripts based on conditions on PC/Mac/Linux, like Tasker for Android?", "The Kindle app on my iPhone 4s isn't downloading books", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "My Jira plugin keeps failing", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "Detecting changes to the clipboard on Android", "Get public feeds of a Facebook Page in Node.js", "Can you demonstrate in Python how to post an ad to Facebook's ads API?", "What is Google's policy about separate content on same URLs in mobile and desktop versions?", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Reliable way of detecting whether an Android app is running in 'BlueStacks'", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Is there a stable Linux distro using btrfs?", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Can't install Pantheon desktop environment", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "How to i update an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.5 offline", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Get current Activity with Android", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "Undelete comment on a Facebook Page", "How can I span wallpapers over two monitors in Mac OS X?", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "android opengl error (Application unexpectedly stopped)", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "PHP getting cover image from Google Books API", "Splitting a file using AWK on Mac OS X", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "How do I completely uninstall an app in OS X without the use of a dedicated app eg AppZapper?", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Powering circuit from PC's USB port", "GIS Software Choice for a small university research centre", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "Can I use Windows Server 2008 R2 as a workstation?", "Can't see all the font styles installed in Windows 7", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "Hide microphone button Android virtual keyboard", "Does exporting 3dsMax Student Edition meshes to an obj file remove the licensing information?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "How can I make my iPad apps retina in Xcode 5 iOS7", "Android Powerdown device after 10 minutes inactive", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "Native Browser Automation using Appium on Windows 7 Android real device: Could not find a connected Android device", "Is there a way I can share the 3.42 GB download of Windows 8.1 from Windows Store?", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "Implement signature-level security on Android services with more than one allowed signature" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.124845504760742, 1.2235969305038452, 1.8816893100738525, 2.4692792892456055, 2.699390411376953, 2.399244785308838, 1.8437241315841675, 3.3401477336883545, 2.033881902694702, 1.7983715534210205, 2.4028801918029785, 2.5493969917297363, 1.991089105606079, 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when singing?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Date format in UK vs US", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "use of verb \"accord\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "Should I Cite a Journal's Page Number, or an Article's?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "\"Caldoniafied\" In General Use in the 1980s?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Continuations in Clojure", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Loshon hara to a therapist", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "what age are you", "Good/functional but can do better", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Continuations in Clojure", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "What is meant by Engine Life Factor(ELF). Should I consider it while buying a vehicle? If so why is it not widely quoted?", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Unclean -- Consequences", "What does this variable mean?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "Energy vs. Power", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "Making new verbs from the given words", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Who invented pointers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Why do read links turn purple?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "Differences between no child vs no children", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "Continuations in Clojure", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Energy vs. Power", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Articles before almost-abstract kind of nouns", "When can an article be omitted?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "When can an article be omitted?", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Who invented pointers?", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Who invented pointers?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "Good/functional but can do better", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "Do you say certificate about or certificate of?", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Registration: Username and password or email and password" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -3.051938056945801, -2.1101279258728027, -2.753103256225586, -3.011777877807617, -2.7172439098358154, -2.996245861053467, -2.8605504035949707, -3.495791435241699, -3.104440212249756, -2.6060774326324463, -1.607229471206665, -2.9310145378112793, -2.693878173828125, -3.4069712162017822, -2.8392508029937744, -3.1468334197998047, -2.0775513648986816, -2.2590630054473877, -3.425088405609131, -3.066739559173584, -2.671461582183838, -3.425088405609131, -3.022129535675049, -2.8392508029937744, -3.200150489807129, -3.051938056945801, -2.684741497039795, 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-3.1060478687286377, -2.904317617416382, -1.697160005569458, -3.0624566078186035, -3.075216293334961, -3.0523452758789062, -2.2953948974609375, -3.163053512573242, -2.1405153274536133, -3.495791435241699, -3.1468334197998047, -3.1060478687286377, -3.495791435241699, -2.3758349418640137, -2.7818543910980225, -2.9557979106903076, -2.5287020206451416, -2.206956386566162, -3.425088405609131, -3.4399452209472656, -2.8679234981536865, -2.9557979106903076, -2.0744378566741943, -2.589115619659424, -2.934689998626709, -3.4069712162017822, -2.6874053478240967, -2.5638668537139893, -2.4047110080718994, -2.4047110080718994, -3.425088405609131, -3.5001015663146973, -3.637709140777588, -2.1510965824127197, -2.8421683311462402, -2.374269723892212, -1.8451193571090698, -2.578277111053467, -2.5638668537139893, -3.4399452209472656, -2.820824384689331, -3.570465087890625, -2.550536632537842, -2.9639792442321777, -2.4983699321746826, -1.8580255508422852, -3.1687655448913574, -2.6177783012390137, -3.495791435241699, -0.41923022270202637, -2.93947172164917, -1.7388745546340942, -2.509115219116211, -3.605896472930908, -2.820824384689331, -1.697160005569458, -2.717475175857544, -3.397942543029785, -2.5885002613067627 ], "y": [ 1.5121601819992065, 1.3966096639633179, 1.859846591949463, 0.965884804725647, 1.3134825229644775, 1.4931995868682861, 1.1835575103759766, 0.2171802520751953, 1.172586441040039, 1.5263773202896118, 1.4677484035491943, 1.3967704772949219, 1.407328724861145, 1.3213365077972412, 0.7431195378303528, 1.2536542415618896, 0.8152598738670349, 0.5512480735778809, 1.050169587135315, 0.9590085744857788, 1.3400418758392334, 1.050169587135315, 1.3886572122573853, 0.7431195378303528, 1.0890532732009888, 1.5121601819992065, 0.7444612979888916, 0.5176787972450256, 1.072204828262329, 1.0988996028900146, 0.28176772594451904, 1.3406951427459717, 1.9962329864501953, 1.7578935623168945, 1.755424976348877, 1.6784000396728516, 0.8416483402252197, 0.7444612979888916, 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1.1440846920013428, 1.034245252609253, 1.9301799535751343, 0.006352841854095459, 1.2827608585357666, 1.3891137838363647, 1.7201802730560303, 1.2217758893966675, 1.3627010583877563, 1.1374404430389404, 0.8866322636604309, 0.6860766410827637, 0.7858933806419373, 1.6071795225143433, 0.3192855417728424, 0.868547260761261, 1.7806954383850098, 0.021469175815582275, 1.5071102380752563, 0.6571948528289795, 1.770945429801941, 1.1597068309783936, 1.0669031143188477, 1.050169587135315, 1.2827608585357666, 1.050169587135315, 1.755424976348877, 0.8571407198905945, 1.9301799535751343, 0.727568507194519, 0.6152259111404419, 1.770945429801941, 1.2149178981781006, 0.965884804725647, 0.875861406326294, 0.7424256801605225, 1.3233643770217896, 1.770945429801941, 0.9590085744857788, 0.1948896050453186, 2.1969478130340576, 0.976736307144165, -0.3671451508998871, 1.6781233549118042, 1.4766048192977905, 0.5634311437606812, 1.6665045022964478, 0.8414504528045654, 1.1320866346359253, 1.6414611339569092, 0.9916920065879822, 0.7559287548065186, 0.8152598738670349, 0.7058465480804443, 1.0890532732009888, 1.6339411735534668, 0.5355262756347656, 0.8571407198905945, 1.072204828262329, 1.272256851196289, 1.050169587135315, 1.0919747352600098, 0.28176772594451904, 0.6472376585006714, 0.6853784322738647, 0.7431195378303528, 1.172586441040039, 0.4682595729827881, 1.1095826625823975, 1.770945429801941, 0.7961969971656799, 0.5355262756347656, 1.3806631565093994, 0.4682595729827881, 0.5355262756347656, 0.6152259111404419, 0.3463284969329834, 0.5587385892868042, 0.998374342918396, 0.6571948528289795, 1.859846591949463, 1.260087490081787, 0.976736307144165, 1.1710747480392456, 0.9775388836860657, 0.8571407198905945, 0.4605725109577179, 1.7578935623168945, 0.688724160194397, 1.3171608448028564, 0.9916920065879822, 0.2419188916683197, 1.770945429801941, 1.337628960609436, 1.6339411735534668, 1.477886438369751, 1.477886438369751, 1.0264643430709839, 1.2242835760116577, 1.6414611339569092, 0.23768508434295654, 0.4949515759944916, 1.2089712619781494, 1.1062376499176025, 0.9728707075119019, 1.4917473793029785, 1.5333406925201416, 0.8416483402252197, 0.7231687307357788, 1.2207493782043457, 0.7231687307357788, 0.7961969971656799, 1.6823577880859375, 0.4949515759944916, 0.7559287548065186, 1.2701618671417236, 0.7248340845108032, 1.5333406925201416, 0.6472376585006714, 1.375746250152588, 0.7424256801605225, 0.613676905632019, 1.4677484035491943, 1.6665045022964478, 1.2827608585357666, 0.3192855417728424, 1.5263773202896118, 1.3967704772949219, 0.4605725109577179, 0.9728707075119019, 0.5355262756347656, 0.7287923097610474, 1.3171608448028564, 1.6137107610702515, 1.5337144136428833, 0.8111112117767334, 0.9333786964416504, 1.0264643430709839, 1.9496896266937256, 1.3406951427459717, 1.1290180683135986, 1.050169587135315, 1.2899876832962036, 1.1725783348083496, 0.998374342918396, 1.770945429801941, 1.2700119018554688, 0.4579198658466339, 0.9281288385391235, 1.3517868518829346, 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rejected for lack of technical contribution; what does this mean, and how can I fix it?", "How do you open a port on a cisco firewall?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How can I insulate my garage?", "How much more polite does the word please make a request?", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "What can I do about this gap between a wooden board and the sink?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "Am I supposed to have no idea what's going on in the first few hours of play?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "What should I do if I submitted an article to a predatory journal?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "How can toddlers expend seemingly boundless energy when they eat so little?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "How do I tell the difference between a borrowed chord and a key change?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Is it appropriate to e-mail a researcher asking about progress on a follow-up paper?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "Why do I get the wrong result from this program to compute gross pay?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "How long does it take for backlinks to appear?", "Why use a small aperture when trying to see sensor dust?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Should a woman avoid singing in front of her husband while she is a niddah?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Where is my power going?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "What is another way to put \"mistaken about what one saw\"?", "How can I do some free design work?", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?", "How can I improve this DB query? it takes too much time", "Should I lap my valves if I have easy access?", "How do you run an installer?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Does a married women going through the conversion process need to cover her hair?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "Is it awkward to say \"Good morning\" to roommate every day?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "What's the maximum will a soldier can have per rank? How much willpower does an operative gain per rank?", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "How do I deal with a compromised server?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "Any smart way to get the interest down on our student loans?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What route do I use to refer to the path of the current user's profile? Devise", "Does the question mark mean this is a question?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How can I reliably make myself a cup of coffee in my hotel room that doesn't suck?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Is it appropriate to email an eminent researcher in your field?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "What if I have a voltage between ground neutral?", "How do I establish international copyright to my works?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?", "Word for a result/achievement so exceptional that it is impossible?", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "When can an article be omitted?", "What do you call a group of people that move a lot?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Why does not the derailleur adjustment work the same way while riding?", "How do you deal with amends from a client?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Why does hand sanitizer leave your skin feeling cool?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "How can I do some free design work?", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "Need to notify users that the form has recently been edited?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "Why does playing the piano give me a pain in the neck?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "What is done in a workshop? How does it differ from an academic conference?", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "Is it ethical to profit by having my students buy my textbook?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "How do I reference (what is the syntax I have to use) to get the data of my Profile2 custom fields?", "What do I do wrong to get hip aches after biking?", "Where is my power going?", "Why is age 3 the age at which a girl is able to have intercourse?", "How can I make particles rise softly?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "How does weight affect the game?", "How best can I discover what is up with my electrical bill?", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "Who did/do I met today on the way to work?", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "Is there a good field methods book that covers terrestrial ecology?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "How can I cook chicken in a similar way to how it was done in Biblical times?", "How can a flag be helpful without any action taken?", "Why would an incorrect password attempt take a lot longer to process than a correct one?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "When can an article be omitted?", "How can I tell when music is live and not recorded?", "What is it called when a music has two concurrent tempos", "Is there a word for something loved by the masses but whose true value is lacking?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "Why do I have house flies in my carport?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "What is a word for somebody who lies to themselves", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "How do I find the area between two polar curves?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Does this statement make any sense?", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How can I hear if something is behind or in front of me?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "Where does the Bible say to read itself?", "What do I do when a co-author takes too long to give feedback during the peer review process?", "How to change questions to indirect speech if we are asking about personal information?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "How can I look up which server an application is running on?", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "How much water should I expect to be left in a dishwasher?", "How do I deal with a clinic billing mistake that was sent to collections?", "How can you detect if the device is rooted in the app?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Why does string theory have such a huge landscape?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "Why would we need to ground an AC source?", "How do I repair a floor joist which has a hole drilled less than 2 inches from the bottom?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "How can I tell if a downloaded ISO is complete?", "What happens when we call pg_dump while users are still using the system?", "How do I find the most populous cities in the world?", "How do I create a great fantasy villain that inspires the party to rally against them?", "How can I learn how to lay out an \"evidence scene\"?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How much do holes in metal shrink when it is galvanized?", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Why is this type of hesitation considered unethical?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Failed to allocate memory - What is it trying to say?", "What to do when you are suspicious about numerical results in a submitted manuscript that you are reviewing?", "What to do about students who ask for help too often?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "How can I do some free design work?", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "What does mathematics have to do with programming?", "What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "Does this guitar tuning have a name?", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "If I amend my federal tax return before I file my state taxes, what do I do?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "What is the probability that Brian makes money on his first roll", "How can I speed up the rate at which putty dries?", "What would you call a former criminal who has been released from prison?", "How can I get my main class returned?", "Where is my power going?", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.2734227180480957, 3.632927894592285, 1.8429930210113525, 3.0347061157226562, 2.5571322441101074, 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model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Timings of Mana Costs vs Mana Payments", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "How is range measured in League of Legends?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "How did Naruto call Shikamaru and the others during Obito's fight?", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "Was Erica Albright real?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What role does this past-participle take?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "Why did OCP build Robocop?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "What happens if a player exiles Wurmcoil Engine when it dies with Mimic Vat?", "Are there any Animal Companions that are not actually Animals?", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How do you score the Mayor in an unfinished city?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Why does Rufus think De Nomolos is dead?", "Invisible Physics to Certain Objects in the BGE", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Why Do People \"Pre-empt\" With Seven Of A Suit In Bridge?", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "Why was Tyrion disgraced?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?", "Who were the gods depicted in Star Trek V?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Was the Second Doctor's \"regeneration\" actually a regeneration?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Have I Been Misplaying France in Diplomacy?", "What happens if I destroy a minipet placed in the Devotion monument in Guild Wars?", "Didn't Say Uno Before Running Out of Cards", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Hydrophobia Outside of Rabies?", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Continuous Dice rolls", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "Why did Lucifer interfere with Mammon crossing over?", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What is Cold Iron actually?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Breaking Masterwork Weapons/Armor", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "In X-Men: First Class, is Alex Summers related to Scott Summers?", "What Defines Opponent Behaviour in 'Quick Battle'?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "Why did Benjen Stark take the Black?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "How do Future Bill & Ted know Rufus' name?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Does Clark Kent have a weight problem?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Who was the \"Starship Troopers\" representative who appeared in \"The Cat Who Walks Through Walls\"?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Why didn't the First and Second Hokage's fight with full power against the Third?", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "How did Robert's visit to Claire's house help the plot?", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "Where is the Zora Queen?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "Why does Wizards of the Coast print terrible MTG cards?", "Where exactly is the London Shoreditch National Express Coach Stop?", "Difference between Across the Line and Line to Earth", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Why mriswith stayed (mostly) in Hagen Woods?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "What is the Republic City Police Force (metalbender cops) insignia?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "What is the Evangelical Christian argument against Rob Bell?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "Question: Graph Theory and Trees", "Where did Kagami Taiga live when he lived in the US?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "What is inspiration?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Meaning of ladder points", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "What is inspiration?", "Why did DC Comics change The Daily Star to The Daily Planet?", "Warp 10 Barrier?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "1990s VHS Movie Identification", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "System for Setting: Misfits", "Why did Voldemort assume that no-one knew about Room of Hidden Things?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO during ANH?", "High-Tech Dungeon Crawling in Hard Sci-Fi", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga: How do I save the game?", "How do I receive the Rannoch: Admiral Koris mission?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "How has sneaking changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder?", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Was there confirmed opposition to Willow's relationship in Buffy season 5?", "How do you decide what to get first, Forge or Twilight Council?", "Which episodes of One Piece are filler?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe?", "Why Didn't/Couldn't Kabuto Bring Orochimaru Back?", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Lost Items through the Postmaster in Destiny?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Can you use Divine Bond (Weapon) with Magic Weapon Spell?", "How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "How do I restore my wolf's health in minecraft?", "How does weight affect the game?", "Weren't there originally going to be nine Star Wars films?", "Does General Onimaru's Clockwork Soldier prevent retreats?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Does Star Trek TNG show feature technology discovered by Kirk's generation?", "Story about Big-Brother-like society where everybody wears a controlling wristwatch", "When are we first informed about Gerry Lane's profession?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Double weapons and switching hands", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "Why does Bane's henchman sacrifice himself?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Intangibility in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", "Probability exercise with apples", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Grapple + Totemic Attunement (Eagle) = Zangief's Spinning Atomic Piledriver?", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "What are Starfleet Academy required courses for officers?", "How old is Captain America when he receives the 'Super-Soldier Serum'?", "Is the Mechromancer's Little Big Trouble tree worthwhile in UVHM (72 level cap)?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", "How much did the 'The Evil Queen' rule in OUAT?", "Why didn't Palpatine publicly change his name once he became Emperor?", "How did they start sending messages to other's phone?", "What is the best place to start Warhammer 40k?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What does “yo-ho-ho” mean?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Twisted Fate: Do Wildcards (Q) apply the effects of Pick A Card (W)?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "Does reach let you threaten an opponent if there is another opponent between you?", "Is Stormguard Warrior really that good?", "What does the different coloured smoke in Once Upon a Time mean?", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Could Belief in Little Fears: Nightmare Edition cause the dark side of the moon to really be dark?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "How did the Female Titan cut Eren's titan form?", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do I opt-out of the Social Security system?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -2.2581710815429688, -3.4219789505004883, -3.44584584236145, -3.85500431060791, 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1.1624975204467773, 1.1375389099121094, 0.7189780473709106, 0.764170229434967, 0.3897518515586853, 0.43443697690963745, 0.43844249844551086, -1.0348955392837524, -0.21017149090766907, 0.5417529940605164, 0.4631018042564392, 0.9976105093955994, 0.02116835117340088, -0.06983527541160583, 0.6301194429397583, 0.5302925109863281, -0.0724588930606842, -0.7070339918136597, 0.5666746497154236, 0.3897518515586853, 1.1337441205978394, 0.8837723731994629, 0.2023909091949463, 0.3661939799785614, 1.2365248203277588, 0.7034742832183838, 0.5456829071044922, 0.7034742832183838, 0.9674409031867981, 1.1668559312820435, 0.07721906900405884, -0.20430198311805725, 1.027888298034668, 0.5093289613723755, 1.2365248203277588, -0.0270158052444458, -0.09739789366722107, 0.9674409031867981, 0.9674409031867981, 0.5666746497154236, 0.9674409031867981, -0.49885666370391846, 0.5529487729072571, 0.3661939799785614, 0.2974143326282501, 1.3368533849716187, 0.7168391346931458, 0.13204902410507202, -0.25247371196746826, 0.6854905486106873, 1.4504648447036743, 0.23665177822113037, 0.43475762009620667, 0.305215060710907, 0.7664250135421753, 0.47873061895370483, -0.7561444640159607, 0.20649486780166626, 1.0477492809295654, 0.327542245388031, 0.5722392201423645, 0.43475762009620667, 1.1328262090682983, 0.7664250135421753, -0.49885666370391846, 0.305215060710907, 0.15896660089492798, 0.5182903409004211, 0.8202396631240845, -0.3443910777568817, -0.29090172052383423, -0.5512611865997314, 1.184693455696106, 0.7122021913528442, 0.23665177822113037, 1.0477492809295654, 0.7752740383148193, 1.4504648447036743, 0.8202396631240845, -0.25256985425949097, 1.481451392173767, 0.47873061895370483, 0.7752740383148193, 0.5863990783691406, 0.718241810798645, 1.1337441205978394, -0.5567501783370972, 0.708834707736969, 1.4504648447036743, 0.6824231147766113, -0.1535302698612213, 1.1668559312820435, 0.6854905486106873, 0.718241810798645, 0.327542245388031, 1.3653476238250732, 0.6741217970848083, 0.3053266406059265, 0.7034742832183838, 0.5302925109863281, -0.8020201325416565, -0.10054942965507507, 0.7168391346931458, 0.5005552768707275, 1.5425409078598022, 0.33979159593582153, 0.36562609672546387, 1.3102003335952759, -0.28564131259918213, -0.3443910777568817, -0.30399075150489807, 1.4504648447036743, -0.06727024912834167, 0.7225604057312012, 1.1501400470733643, 1.4504648447036743, 0.5722392201423645, -0.5512611865997314, 0.05318373441696167, 1.2023067474365234, 0.21603935956954956, -0.3443910777568817, -0.23586001992225647, 0.4647153615951538, 0.20651501417160034, -0.30399075150489807, 0.5194564461708069, 0.5722392201423645, 1.1337441205978394, -0.0724588930606842, 0.8837723731994629, 0.5529487729072571, -0.0724588930606842, -0.28564131259918213, 1.1868064403533936, 0.5863990783691406, -0.45588812232017517, 0.5456829071044922, 0.31107619404792786, 1.481451392173767, 0.7034742832183838, 0.8155349493026733, 0.0429111123085022, 0.2974143326282501, 0.3897518515586853, 0.13409525156021118, 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Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "How does one build a mizbeah?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "How should one reconcile a wrong against another person?", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "What is temptation?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "What were the questions and answers the Aelfinn gave to Moiraine?", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?", "Why can't a Sefer Torah be written in Aramaic?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "What does “the man who had ‘no room for Churchill’ in the White House” mean? Is it a set phrase or just a turn of words?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "Flying and sorcery", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "What does one do when one needs to bentch gomel?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "How does our work on this earth transfer into the new earth when God returns?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "What is temptation?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "To what extent does the Law of Moses still apply?", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "Is Cyrus the Messiah?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "Ma'ayanah Shel Torah on the Festivals and 613 Mitzvot?", "Why did they choose Barabbas?", "What is the Gorel Hagra?", "How to find bible verses?", "Direction of Tefillin Winding", "The deceitful spirit sent by God", "Flying and sorcery", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "\"God is Fire\": Trying to Source an Analogy for Prayer", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "Eved Knani versus a Woman", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Why Didn't Théoden Let Merry Fight In the Battle At Minas Tirith?", "How did Adam and Eve win at Hide and Seek?", "What is the relationship between Gabriel and Noah in LDS/Mormon teaching?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Who were the the \"Prophets of Zwickau\"?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Where in the Bible does it say that sacrifice can only be done on the temple?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -3.6783816814422607, -1.3024978637695312, -2.7387499809265137, -1.9358279705047607, -2.1294188499450684, -3.5326504707336426, -2.8375813961029053, -1.1393423080444336, -2.5477631092071533, -3.6935441493988037, -2.41231107711792, -3.392019748687744, -3.285439968109131, -2.7207579612731934, -1.6871066093444824, -2.444715976715088, -2.4175679683685303, 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that you have comprehended a concept", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "custom form validation class for a module I am building", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "How was this photo taken", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "How to make the code run only on interrupt?", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "Flushing coolant after driving only with water in", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to work with large projects", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "Make app notifications ring as loudly as the phone", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Run commands on a different computer", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "How does my app know what private key to use", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "how to set default value of properties when object is constructing", "Material design - how the action moded toolbar should look like", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "should have done vs should had done (sequence of tenses)", "How to know BMW e46 AC type", "Source where you can find if a CVE has a patch or not", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "SQL agent job, why is the job history showing that a step is still running even though the job has completed", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "how to set up wired and wireless to be used by different applications", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Keypad to set a counter", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "How to increase saturation or intensity of this printed pattern", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "iMac wakes up without any noticeable reason", "how to stop my html page resize", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "how to stop my html page resize", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "TikZ: How to decorate a path with the open diamond arrow tip that \"bends\" with the path?", "Change visa card type without changing number", "add custom citation that differs in format than the rest", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "Prevent a user from viewing another user's profile based on a field value", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "how to stop my html page resize", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Quick and dirty way to run a process more than once", "Using Pi to stream all audio output from my pc to my stereo", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "A verb for transforming something into currency", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How do time limited games work on Steam", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "let you know a couple of facts OR bring couple of facts to your notice", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "How to remember 10 last read articles with timestamp in session for a user in Codeigniter?", "Can someone who works in tech industry still publish research unrelated to their main job function?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "how to lock object face a certain distance away from another object face?", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "how to display a message box for a user in Java", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Is wikipedia a valid source to use on MSE?", "guake not working", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How best to handle a popup gaining focus in the middle of the user typing?", "can't show an Image in my _form view in a nested model edit page", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "How to put a dollar symbol before every column and row number in google spreadsheet", "How to get the path of android installed application", "Making sure that you have comprehended a concept", "Help me identify this spider from my garden", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "Best beginning programming language for someone interested in IT security", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "I want to travel to the USA while working remotely for my non-US employer", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "Changing PhD topic and effect on career", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "Display a field of a node that is referenced on another node via a relationship", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "Why can't the compiler infer this type argument from usage", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "awk match how to pass 3rd argument", "I am planning on going out to Pakistan", "how to make blocks like \"redstone\" working in a minecraft-like game when the block is very far-away from your character", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "What technique/sensor can I use to recognized tagged objects thrown onto a surface?", "Making new verbs from the given words", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Can I use an SVM for labeling data as more than one class", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "Change visa card type without changing number", "#weight doesn't work on submit button", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "Keypad to set a counter", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "ros send message on startup doesn't seem to work", "Keypad to set a counter", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "Most effective way to increase programmer salary besides just doing your job?", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Verify guest order and set guest order state", "Looking for story where weather control makes snow fall once in warm climate", "How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?", "How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well", "How to verify the line starts with a number while reading variable line by line in shell", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "Caucasus: end overland trip where I started without retracing my steps", "Unable to make Zsh not to suggest a fix for an alias", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "How does my app know what private key to use", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "How to visualize a value resulted from math node?", "How to use Java to read/write data to/from the header pins?", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Do we need bleed if the Print output isn't intended to be cut (as is output)", "Email sent to store owner after a new account is created", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "Macro that follows a link and downloads the table into a new sheet", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Visual Studio profiler not finding symbols when I run it in Azure", "US Tax exemption for Independent student contractor working from India", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "Is there added value in having your own presentation layout and using it consistently?", "Explain \"you can have functions that change other functions\"", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Finding out which version PHP a remote server is running", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "Will dismissal from one graduate school affect me applying to another?", "How do you give cells in a TableView a unique reference", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "on mouse over background change in document.write", "Why does George Mcfly employ Biff to wax his car after he had previously tried to rape his wife?", "Does port forwarding a port on one computer expose other computers in the network as well?", "How to proceed when you are coordinating a project among several research groups and they do not contribute to the progress of the project" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.3476078510284424, 3.039599657058716, 2.6668097972869873, 2.5366780757904053, 2.94510555267334, 2.8211703300476074, 4.3564887046813965, 2.6908321380615234, 3.189207077026367, 3.039599657058716, 4.363664627075195, 3.6014108657836914, 2.303436756134033, 3.2987465858459473, 2.1713709831237793, 2.6281018257141113, 2.230869770050049, 2.517634868621826, 2.252768039703369, 2.6668097972869873, 3.6246941089630127, 3.1443724632263184, 3.41349196434021, 3.656583309173584, 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1.0029598474502563, 2.2345569133758545, 1.5152593851089478, 0.9129297733306885, 0.8270689249038696, 0.7279798984527588, 1.4474027156829834, 0.8270689249038696, 1.2775652408599854, 2.2345569133758545, 0.9254168272018433, 1.8005406856536865, 0.8576174974441528, 1.0760215520858765, 1.6691263914108276, 1.8760321140289307, 2.8549411296844482, 1.7473634481430054, 1.7611416578292847, 0.7279798984527588, 1.124656319618225, 1.025252342224121, 1.0097012519836426, 2.3981149196624756, 1.0268447399139404, 1.3899242877960205, 0.8059313893318176, 1.1559841632843018, 0.9129297733306885, 1.3416520357131958, 1.8980681896209717, 1.0097012519836426, 1.0097012519836426, 0.9949024319648743, 1.5804749727249146, 1.3727375268936157, 0.8189364671707153, 0.9254168272018433, 0.2045765221118927, 0.0022620558738708496, 1.473013162612915, 2.148174524307251, 2.1885623931884766, 2.178250312805176, 0.38864797353744507, 0.977684736251831, 1.1836742162704468, 2.311387300491333, 0.47070103883743286, 0.6465737819671631, 1.0205848217010498, 0.8576174974441528, 1.7611416578292847, 1.7751747369766235, 2.531320095062256 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 33, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "28", "text": [ "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "Is appending a double quote at the end of an input query a valid XSS prevention method?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "call/cc implementation?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "ifpackageloaded question", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "If statement in QML", "Removing template part when not on homepage if / else", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "Ajax file upload in codeigniter not working", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "Oracle: function only returning null", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "php mysql return wrong boolean result", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Express.js public folder content only available when logged in", "ifpackageloaded question", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "how to install .net framework? if not already installed using autorun.inf", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Java regex to validate a name", "unique in .hbm.xml file not raising exception", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "If statement in QML", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Mark: outstanding (as in: not yet known)", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Optional argument to \\item in enumitem list", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Passing a string as function argument", "Front end submit form with jquery form plugin", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Is this a bug? Angular removes object params when corresponding input is not valid", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Notification from timed-out batch query?", "get_permalink to attachment not working", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Generate mousemove event with dispatchevent?", "Inserting a blank line in vim?", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Any omitted word in this sentence?", "How to prevent empty page after \\maketitle?", "Use case of try-except-else statement", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Convert vector to delimited string", "call/cc implementation?", "Can directed set be finite?", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "How to correctly format multiline html using the .after function jQuery?", "Angular $http promise not resolving", "jQuery Validation not validating on button click", "ifpackageloaded question", "JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?", "How to use t() function with node_load in custom drupal module?", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Passing a string as function argument", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "$browser.$$checkUrlChange is undefined in a jasmine test", "Combine jQuery .addClass() on button click only to element that button is in", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "get_option function", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Left align equation description", "How to update non-property value with entity_metadata_wrapper?", "Oracle: function only returning null", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "How to call hook in template.php after login from any user in drupal 7?", "\\jobname in Gummi", "Left align equation description", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "Can std::unique_ptr be used as an argument?", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_basename", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "How do you output the filename in find command while using -exec?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.8829569816589355, 3.098876714706421, 3.426377058029175, 2.522034168243408, 4.758393287658691, 2.011051654815674, 3.85489559173584, 2.848902940750122, 2.978221893310547, 2.7445597648620605, 2.293003797531128, 3.635160446166992, 2.7500085830688477, 2.7855706214904785, 2.766237497329712, 3.946155071258545, 3.525798797607422, 2.9770801067352295, 3.9322142601013184, 2.127318859100342, 3.3296823501586914, 2.583984375, 2.224802017211914, 2.127318859100342, 4.758393287658691, 3.3296823501586914, 2.5568249225616455, 2.4342479705810547, 2.978221893310547, 2.193854331970215, 2.1156833171844482, 2.8601737022399902, 3.859121322631836, 2.5568249225616455, 2.7713658809661865, 3.946155071258545, 2.848902940750122, 3.3296823501586914, 2.688798427581787, 2.8969101905822754, 3.7575812339782715, 2.848902940750122, 3.4448318481445312, 2.848902940750122, 4.211125373840332, 2.4111647605895996, 2.848902940750122, 2.7445597648620605, 2.583984375, 2.601285457611084, 2.9770801067352295, 2.127318859100342, 2.7713658809661865, 2.8969101905822754, 2.7713658809661865, 2.8601737022399902, 2.011051654815674, 3.4349007606506348, 3.113354444503784, 2.293003797531128, 2.688798427581787, 3.1540725231170654, 3.85489559173584, 3.685384750366211, 3.2647814750671387, 2.848902940750122, 2.688798427581787, 3.803175449371338, 3.0171821117401123, 2.978221893310547, 2.8955435752868652, 2.127318859100342, 2.300869941711426, 2.966127395629883, 4.211125373840332, 2.848902940750122, 2.052855968475342, 2.435194253921509, 1.8454508781433105, 2.435194253921509, 3.4182591438293457, 2.8601737022399902, 4.89793062210083, 3.4448318481445312, 4.250558376312256, 2.6790623664855957, 2.583984375, 2.966127395629883, 2.7855706214904785, 2.052855968475342, 4.250558376312256, 3.4182591438293457, 2.567474126815796, 2.5280048847198486, 2.9417612552642822, 3.098876714706421, 2.224802017211914, 3.2647814750671387, 2.127318859100342 ], "y": [ 0.6137760877609253, 0.4890833795070648, 0.4042133688926697, 0.6771661043167114, -0.13394346833229065, 0.5854066610336304, -0.14083313941955566, 0.0515328049659729, -0.4838380515575409, 0.2571026086807251, 0.9311813712120056, -0.34280532598495483, 0.12676063179969788, 0.3328350782394409, -0.24223586916923523, -0.8737382888793945, 0.392516553401947, 0.4319177269935608, -0.06486639380455017, 0.7680053114891052, 1.3743184804916382, -1.0942989587783813, -2.063669204711914, 0.7680053114891052, -0.13394346833229065, 1.3743184804916382, -0.19727760553359985, -0.4409351348876953, -0.4838380515575409, -0.7792482972145081, 0.3616887927055359, -0.47552579641342163, -0.16239076852798462, -0.19727760553359985, 0.8924415111541748, -0.8737382888793945, 0.0515328049659729, 1.3743184804916382, -0.2918391823768616, -0.22402405738830566, -0.6444467306137085, 0.0515328049659729, 0.6492023468017578, 0.0515328049659729, -0.061237990856170654, -0.4017428457736969, 0.0515328049659729, 0.2571026086807251, -1.0942989587783813, 0.4831949472427368, 0.4319177269935608, 0.7680053114891052, 0.8924415111541748, -0.22402405738830566, 0.8924415111541748, -0.47552579641342163, 0.5854066610336304, 0.3678880035877228, 0.24207404255867004, 0.9311813712120056, -0.2918391823768616, -1.233926773071289, -0.14083313941955566, 1.1962473392486572, -1.7579271793365479, 0.0515328049659729, -0.2918391823768616, -0.6541866064071655, -0.26674285531044006, -0.4838380515575409, -1.6837776899337769, 0.7680053114891052, 0.25146645307540894, -0.0011152029037475586, -0.061237990856170654, 0.0515328049659729, -1.4215842485427856, -0.6313633918762207, -0.8179205656051636, -0.6313633918762207, 0.11970353126525879, -0.47552579641342163, -0.5218573808670044, 0.6492023468017578, -0.8720455169677734, 0.05079944431781769, -1.0942989587783813, -0.0011152029037475586, 0.3328350782394409, -1.4215842485427856, -0.8720455169677734, 0.11970353126525879, 0.7536734342575073, -0.5213054418563843, 0.48836931586265564, 0.4890833795070648, -2.063669204711914, -1.7579271793365479, 0.7680053114891052 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 34, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "29", "text": [ "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "Why is PWM used to control LEDs even when they're only used On or Off?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Mosfet to save power", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How many fans can I control?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Where is my power going?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Current passing through me from Macbook to iMac?", "How much is too much damage?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Grenade throw logic", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How long after changing a battery will it take for the Engine Check light to come on if there are other issues", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "How can I keep a macbook running when the display is closed?", "HP EVA4400 Vraid5 Virtual Disks Failure", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "How to confirm if motherboard is broken", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Where is my power going?", "Why is my fuse board buzzing when I'm using the shower?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Disabled buttons while long running task", "Get MS SQL Server to release disk space", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "VB.net Service Programming and using TCP Sockets", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "How much is too much damage?", "Sloshing Sound Under Dash", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "HDMI -> VGA idle power?", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "I want to run 20A constant current and 4.2V on a load using a variable DC power supply rated same", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "How was this photo taken", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "3.5\" FDD to SATA / USB", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "Facing Problems While Installing Java", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "2007 T5 AWD Volvo S40 key won't start the car or unlock the doors", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Blender game engine camera", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "What is the current flowing through this switch?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "Two generated tones creates a side tone - how to avoid the side tone", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Nikon D3000 Blurry Pictures. Focus Issue?", "Home Network Router Used as Gateway Develops High Latency", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "CMOS 4066 Question", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "What bulbs do I need for a Micra K11 dashboard?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Natty freezes constantly after install", "CMOS 4066 Question", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Lead Free Soldering and bad looking joints", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Building hand strength for when tapping on the guitar", "US income taxes for an Indian citizen with US-sourced income", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How Do I Fix Excess Contribution Withdrawl", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "Why does my switch need to be wired in this fashion?", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "Mechanic Troubles And A Small Watery Oil Leak", "Noise canceling headphones make strange sound when I touch my MacBook Pro", "Where is my power going?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Does the a gasoline or diesel engine appy fuel at high speeds when not pressing the pedal and more", "Create post thumbnails from images stored outside of uploads directory", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "How do I prevent Ubuntu from changing my laptop screen brightness level?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "No sound in Ubuntu except at log in", "Can I use Ubuntu to diagnose hard drive or RAM problems in Windows?", "What creates this strange flare and how to prevent it?", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Why does my bike make a noise when I pedal hard?", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Tripod Head for GigaPan Epic Pro", "Why is my MacBook Pro's screen going black for a second?", "How do I make an endless road in Unity?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "Piezo as a switch to flash an led when disturbed", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Battery Drains Every 1-3 Weeks", "How do I keep drawer knobs from loosening over time?", "Will I damage the command dial on my D5200 if I rotate it quickly?", "Group texting with Iphone users, my texts get delayed until theirs all stop", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "What could be causing this sine on 7810 output when powering BLDC fan?", "High pitched noise from Shower", "TFT display write noise", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "Does syncing more Google accounts decrease a phone's battery life?", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "How do I deal with a slow and undedicated colleague in the team?", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "Another instructor is pushing me out of the classroom right after my class ends", "Control 8V H-Bridge with microcontroller", "When turning a corner my rear wheel touches the brake pad, is this normal?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -3.4273853302001953, -2.3922111988067627, -2.0235228538513184, -2.667483329772949, -1.8083893060684204, -3.601055145263672, -2.2793214321136475, -1.9402894973754883, -2.4548141956329346, -3.12162709236145, -2.480665922164917, -2.109330892562866, -3.0319058895111084, -2.7356183528900146, -2.7554574012756348, -2.4548141956329346, -3.0073695182800293, -3.1360576152801514, -2.359707832336426, -2.5221662521362305, -2.189427375793457, -2.471059799194336, -1.9553604125976562, -2.204195022583008, 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5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "30", "text": [ "Better dropdown fieldtype to handle long lists?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Why is CuSO4 used as electrolyte while purifying copper?", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "Are there any Christian denominations that incorporate Odinism?", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "Folder compare tool?", "How do different tissue culture matrices affect background in fluorescent microscopy?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "Folder compare tool?", "Is this function bijective?", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Arriving very late at hotels in Athens", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Is it reasonable to use Javascript MVC Frameworks for closed source paid web applications?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "What is best practice for UX surveys of a mobile application?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Is this function bijective?", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "why wavelet is more suitable for image compression compared to DCT?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "What are lightbox / modal window UI best practices for viewing full-sized images in a gallery?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Are comments considered a form of documentation?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Stop image resizing in particular case - is that possible?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Reliable udp broadcast libraries?", "Magento aggregate and between collections?", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Collections of two-player free-form adventure ideas?", "Importance of dividend yield when evaluating a stock?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Is hacking back a valid security technique for companies?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Is there any significant ranking penalty for using 302 redirects to force HTTPS?", "What lightweight telephoto lens are available for Nikon bodies?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "What introductory book on Graph Theory would you recommend?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is research a viable business model?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "In-game rewards for game-related work?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How suddenly does lactose-intolerance onset?", "What's the deepest underwater tour available?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "Is my interval training routine effective for mountain bike training?", "How to dynamically override functions using Zend?", "iphone 3G data network timeout?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "Understanding how to read bevel cuts in woodworking plan?", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "Structure for nitrate ion?", "Are mutliple database calls really significant with a network call for a web API?", "good 3d model with bones?", "Differences in meaning when the verb tense changes (headlines)", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Is lots of red juice normal when making sous-vide steak?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?", "Is OTP useful in modern electronic communication?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is there a \"covariant derivative\" for conformal transformation?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Paradoxes without self-reference?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Logging layers openings?", "most basic laser diode driver?", "Should I avoid credit card use to improve our debt-to-income ratio?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Best practice for avoiding module / theme / profile name clashes?", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Is it ok to use self-signed certificates for smtp transport?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?", "Why is Nynäshamn a de facto \"port\" for Stockholm?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "What are the programming languages for GPU", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is research a viable business model?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Long term vacation on Falkland islands?", "Are estimates of regression coefficients uncorrelated?", "Folder compare tool?", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Is UX better marketing than marketing?", "How to use explicit template instantiation to reduce compilation time?", "Variance of nominal variable?", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Are low commission trading sites safe?", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "geometric margin derivation with unit vector?", "Non-trivial examples of operations.", "Should performance tests be instrumented by build tools?", "Are scientifically detached professors referred to as ‘clinical’?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Are there any commercially available crystals in the sub 32 kHz range?", "If starting fresh, is a 140 character limit for tweets/status updates in general a good limit?", "glsl demo suggestions?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Idolatry in churches allowed?", "Why does resizing PNG with alpha transparency make edges gray?", "What is the Roman Catholic view of Christian perfection or entire sanctification?", "Should I use the font encoding LY1 with the package libertine?", "Is conditional compilation a valid mock/stub strategy for unit testing?", "Why do airlines (typically?) require customers to phone for special meals, and not provide this option online?", "In assasin creed 4 can we fast travel within cities?", "Is there a comprehensive life science techniques/methods database?", "Which built-in payment methods in Magento (or extensions) offer an iframe option?", "When to use tools vs custom development?", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Is netrender only useful for multiple frames?", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "Are there any publicly available databases ( not just web apps ) of guitar chords?", "Should I put newlines before or after binary operators?", "Programmatically and efficiently create a graphical ripple effect?", "Forward slashes: are they acceptable in Commonwealth English prose?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Should a scientific paper have copyright?", "Inspiration for a unique hybrid character in 4E?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "How to enable or disable services?", "Is there a good business plan template?", "Versioning with folders and document sets?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Is work experience necessary for tenure-track positions?", "Adjustable sample size in clinical trial", "executeQuery only working for queries when mySQL commands are uppercase?", "Effects of nuclear explosions in space?", "Do dice finish resolving before yielding Tokyo?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Important non-technical course for programmers?", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "How do indirect, session-specific resource tokens increase security?", "Long-ish term trailer rentals?", "What is the best introductory Bayesian statistics textbook?", "Prevent internet access except for one server?", "Should I include high school details in Grad School Resume?", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "A concise term for staking territorial claims", "Difference in technique for cooking with non-stick and standard pans?", "Can using \"@inherits\" solve my editor templates IEnumerable headaches?", "Is there anyway to return particular elements from JFrame?", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "Question-like structure (word order) in non-question sentences", "Wiki-like tool for writing specifications and documentation", "More colloquial term for \"confidant\"", "How to enable or disable services?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 3.016327381134033, 1.5356240272521973, 1.456252098083496, 3.125908374786377, 2.8239924907684326, 1.6437454223632812, 1.6337884664535522, 1.8253870010375977, 2.0683019161224365, 2.2138755321502686, 2.766007423400879, 1.6828440427780151, 2.748596668243408, 1.799481987953186, 1.830960988998413, 0.6511600017547607, 0.6511600017547607, 2.529879570007324, 1.799481987953186, 2.9221508502960205, 1.4279013872146606, 2.483449935913086, 1.502794861793518, 1.4912995100021362, 2.539416551589966, 2.0205819606781006, 2.766007423400879, 1.6747660636901855, 2.429694890975952, 1.456252098083496, 3.125908374786377, 2.9221508502960205, 1.464470624923706, 1.6977272033691406, 2.6670429706573486, 1.837730050086975, 1.2414426803588867, 2.539416551589966, 1.5739452838897705, 1.330993890762329, 2.2916676998138428, 1.9552398920059204, 1.6437454223632812, 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Carcassonne?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "How can I debit money to Accounts Receivable in Gnucash without raising an invoice?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "How can I detect collision between a circle and a rectangle?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "printf is causing a segfault with getlogin()", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "'Request invitation' doesn't give any feedback of successfully sending", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Can an affidavit be used in Beit Din?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Does it take brute force to find a pair of plaintext and ciphertext that each follow a certain condition, given an AES encryption key?", "Complexity class of an idealised version of Bitcoin's proof-of-work (hashcash)?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Storing potato water: how long can it be refrigerated?", "A helical cycloid?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Can progressive aspects express the ongoing effect of an activity?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Are damage over time effects buffed retroactively from damage buffs?", "Is it wise (and common) to publish in a peer-reviewed journal without an impact factor to prevent impairement of one's own mean impact factor?", "Is it an absolute must that we ignore/delete all compiled files before committing?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "How to synchronize actions like jump in multiplayer?", "Running something in a cron environment?", "How soon after baking can you refrigerate freshly made fruit pies?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "A helical cycloid?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?", "better way to duplicate a layer using ogr in python?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Can I replace an old closet light with multiple electrical outlets?", "Is there a document class optimized for small screens (i.e. phone screens)", "how to resolve LM358's huge error as a current sense differential amplifier", "How can I replicate the color limitations of the NES with an HLSL pixel shader?", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "How is a transition between drywall and wood typically handled?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "How to construct a closed, filled, path made of semi-circles and attach annotations to it with TikZ?", "Alternatives of 'a snowball's chance in hell'", "Do headset and frame metals need to match, or will a steel/aluminum headset get stuck on an aluminum/steel frame?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Information to include with a fine art print?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Verifying the integrity of ciphertext using the cleartext hash?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Can water be magnetized?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Does \"surfeit\" have an adjectival counterpart?", "Why does cyclopropane give bromine water test?", "How well does Python's whitespace dependency interact with source control with regards to merging?", "Does non-synthetic 10w30 motor oil contain sulphur?", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "How can I prevent a faucet retaining nut from freezing to a steel washer?", "Can you disavow a whole domain apart from the index page?", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Are there any disadvantages to encrypting the password hash?", "Congenital blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa - does it exist?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?", "How can an Imperator Titan house a city on its shoulders when it's only 100 meters tall?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Can flexible plastics have reflective coating (vacuum metalized)?", "Why am I getting a redefinition error?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Why isn't \"Column ordering\" available in my list settings?", "Setting up a food pantry/orphanage?", "How do I force a tight globe-valve water shutoff to fully close?", "What's the common cause for trojan downloaders on linux servers?", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "Grinding sound during cold start?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "Is there a list of punctuation commands for iPad dictation?", "Can symmetry be restored in high energy scattering?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "50v capacitor in a 40v circuit", "Is copyediting good for an academic career?", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Does changing the gap between plates change the capacitor voltage?", "Any connection between akimbo, askance and atremble?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "What causes a HVAC control transformer to overheat?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "Dried apricots smell of alcohol?", "Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Is it safe to truncate a field revision table?", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "Is a password easier to brute force if it contains a repeating pattern?", "Is this strengthening of paracompactness known?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Is it code-legal to have a circuit breaker box within a storage room?", "Should users be forced to go through a walkthrough?", "Is untapping my permanents during the untap step optional?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Unity: Rolling a ball around a spherical planet with forces", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "check if a string has four consecutive letters in ascending or descending order", "How to encode factors as dummy variables when using stepPlr?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "Simulating an automotive load dump with a bank of charged capacitors?", "Is it safe to disable cache flushing on a SSD with \"power loss protection\"?", "event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?", "Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than \"infectious\"", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Will paprika taste good in my soup?", "modernCV seems to forbid any hyphenation. How can I switch that off?", "Can I substitute a stainless steel pot for the traditional iron dutch oven?", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "What brass band instruments can a cornet player feasibly cover on short notice?", "Is it necessary to know initial y velocity to solve this projectile motion problem?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "A helical cycloid?", "Does scratched Teflon coated frying pans contain carcinogens which can cause cancer?", "What's the best method to responsibly dispose of used alkaline batteries?", "Is it possible to cryptographically prove when was the last time a ciphertext was decrypted/encrypted?", "Is it copyright infringement by US copyright law if someone else modifies and uses my design?", "How can I prevent the intake vent for an on demand water heater from getting plugged?", "Which is better extrusion or assembly for creating blueprints?", "Is there a way to query Magento Database for part OR all of an unserialized string?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "How does arbitary code execution work?", "Can Spoils be trashed by Counterfeit?", "How replicas are formed in Frequency domain when a signal is sampled in Time Domain?", "How important is centring dual-pivot brakes?", "How can I detect a power outage with a microcontroller?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "What are the disadvantages of \"puncture proof\" (or puncture resistant) tires?", "Running something in a cron environment?", "Why did my sweet potato hash turn soggy when frying in a non-stick pan, and crispy in a cast iron?", "Is pretending to want to trade before playing a monopoly card objectionable?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "Should I use cement board or green board behind the walls of a neo angle shower?", "Tool for automatically generating and laying out an entity relationship diagram?", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Can the socket in my recessed light be replaced without replacing the entire framing kit?", "Is it possible to compress and obfuscate Javascript code on a fly?", "Who to involve when making user tasks/scenarios for a usability test?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Can a malfunctioning relay in an amp cause or allow a speaker to crackle when turning the vol potentiometer?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "How can adversarial game mechanics be added to a game?", "Could fish in plastic bags filled with water float like that?", "Can SG teams travel to different galaxies without extra power or an 8th chevron?", "How does sulfuric acid dehydrate sugars?", "Alternative of \"unvalidated\"", "Can a single bad letter of recommendation ruin my chances of getting admitted to grad school?", "House rules to make the cloister less of a game winning tile in Carcassonne?", "Is an old mtb with replaced gear safe to buy?", "What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?", "Downloading specific yeast genes in an automated manner?", "Why isn't jQuery selector returning an object instead of an element?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Should I always hibernate instead of shutting down?", "Would a monk with the tavern brawler feat have improvised weapons count as monk weapons?", "What is the difference between drought resistant non-succulent plants and plants that cannot be allowed to dry out?", "Replacing the thermocouple for a multimeter?", "Should you let users know if an email has been taken during registration validation?", "Is grout required when installing luxury vinyl tile flooring?", "Are there fluid tripod heads made for panning with a lightweight, compact camera?", "How can fiber optic image conduits consist of only fiber core, no cladding?", "Do metaphors tend to be an excuse for, or evidence of, imprecise thinking?", "How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?", "Is there an algorithm to generate digitally signed URL links?", "Are there any versions of LQG that claim to not violate Lorentz symmetry?", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "prevent menustrip from being selected by pressing alt", "What is a sci-fi system that would feel familiar to reluctant Pathfinder players?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Hibernate does not allow an embedded object with an int field to be null?", "Anybody knows if there is a counterpart for CTR+w , that deletes immediate words after cursor", "Is it possible to encrypt a file so that it can not be brute forced?", "why is 'child of' modifier scaling my bone?", "What level are spells cast at if a warlock multiclasses as another caster?", "Should we allow or avoid non-standard pronouns?", "Macbook Pro is unresponsive for about a minute when waking up. Is this normal?", "Will enclosing my porch keep my house warmer?", "Does the original jutsu user feel anything when a shadow clone is dispersed forcefully?", "What filter should I use to avoid overly-whitened daylight images?", "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "Should I get a reusable/washable air filter for my Kia Soul?", "Is there a cross-platform scripting language that requires no installation?", "Do inner shell electrons feel the electric field/force from an outer shell electron in an atom?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "Does a terminator have a form of self-preservation or prohibition against suicide?", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "Will a 78S12 be cooler than a 7812 when handling the same load?", "Can water be magnetized?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.1229989528656006, 1.664347767829895, 1.664347767829895, 2.115964412689209, 1.9822789430618286, 2.7566680908203125, 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1.328284740447998, 1.3619736433029175, 1.3820247650146484, 1.8882416486740112, 1.040358066558838, 1.6831374168395996, 1.1163402795791626, 2.0248188972473145, 1.2439792156219482, 2.1848196983337402, 2.3983943462371826, 0.9481232762336731, 1.2288180589675903, -0.019387245178222656, 2.396988868713379, 1.2439792156219482, 1.7454380989074707, 2.048752784729004, 1.1915032863616943, 1.2013367414474487, 1.4898637533187866, 1.4898637533187866, 1.7084163427352905, 2.9928715229034424, 1.1163402795791626, 2.156569242477417, 1.4581905603408813, 1.6135244369506836, 1.28074312210083, 1.9475736618041992, 1.7273752689361572, 1.0893375873565674, 0.993262529373169, 0.993628740310669, 1.1764864921569824, 1.5519537925720215, 1.6773362159729004, 2.408828020095825, 0.5368629097938538, 2.837752103805542, 1.6132961511611938, 1.399746060371399, 1.6773362159729004, 1.6691179275512695, 2.4318742752075195, 1.5385212898254395, 0.9021497964859009, 0.9903143644332886, 0.3750055134296417, 2.1282052993774414, 2.118995189666748, 1.9204282760620117, 2.1318397521972656, 0.3309941291809082, 1.2872692346572876, 1.9804929494857788 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 37, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "32", "text": [ "AdvRef pin setup", "Tomcat uses BASIC auth instead of FORM auth", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Mounting a PCB in an Extruded Aluminum case", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "Analytical solution to PDE", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Preventing player passivity in GUMSHOE?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Unable to grab image from usb Webcam", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "Trouble getting PythonAnywhere to scrape web for me", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Doctors working on Shabbat", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Appcache for dynamic site", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "My MacBook Air won't connect to wifi", "Double slit experiment", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "How do I change the default checkerboard blocksize in OpenCV", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Where to install SSL Cert", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Initial state in F# List.scan", "VPN server to access Samba4", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Dialog is partially shown when SoftKeyBoard is shown", "Eliyahu HaNavi and bris", "UNIX semaphores", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "SharePoint 2013 OData $filter seems broken with date functions", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Office 2007 problems", "COMP_LINE not set despite bash completion being installed", "Just finished installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.10, mouse clicking problem", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "No navigation links on 404 pages Drupal 7", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Using VBA to change Picture", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "Why does itemAt() not always find QGraphicsItem", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", "Background image along with CSS3 gradient", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "Using VBA to change Picture", "RenderTarget2D behavior in XNA", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "FragmentTabHost in VS2013 - xamarin C#", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "XSLT Sort with variable select", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "DataTreeListView shows no results", "Kendo UI grid popup now working after AJAX data", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Applescript Delay not working since switch to Yosemite", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "Refinance FHA 203k to conventional", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "How to shutdown many instances of the ExecutorService Runnables?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "Comsuming RESTful service in javascript", "Notification Trigger event", "Analytical solution to PDE", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Log4j2 not logging to console", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Non Qt console app in Qt Creator", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Adding seconds to mysql DateTime via php", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "Rotating an object in OpenGL about it's centre", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "are needsDisplayForKey/actionForKey overrides working correctly?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "How to use multiple VLOOKUP with duplicate data?", "Animation in UITableViewCell completes immediately", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Converting string to NSDate", "Powering a Futaba S3003 servo", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Alto singing Tenor", "Do delegates defy OOP", "IMovie06' Not working anymore because of Yosemite", "ListDensityPlot performance when scaling axes", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Scaling FFT output by number of points in FFT", "UNIX semaphores", "Mosfet to save power", "Patch OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 on ubuntu 12.04?", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Setting text of UITextField from caller view", "How can I get a UIWebView's UIScrollView delegate methods called from within a standard UIViewController?", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "Recursive setTimeout in javascript", "NancyFX - Return custom error response on uncaught exception", "Is 2N9013 a good replacement for 2N3904", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "Omnifaces validateMultiple component only takes UIInput values, any workaround for considering UIOutput too?", "Setting a default placeholder image WITHOUT link", "How to use local coordinates to a QGraphicsItem", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Conflicting information about the running kernel version in FreeBSD", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Vixion IRUX Tablet battery will not charge", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "ExPex no longer available", "PostGIS to GeoJSON with GDAL: how to get lat/longs?", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Convert \"Mon Aug 01 09:08:25 CDT 2011\" to a usable date/time using Excel", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "generic helper to get ObjectResult that will match any given EntityObject", "Order by collection member in Neo4j", "Medibuntu vs Fluendo", "Can the catalytic converter from a 2005 VW Beetle be used in a 2004 VW Jetta?", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "Do delegates defy OOP", "Can one follow Rabbeinu Tam time for beginning Shabbos?", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "Why does WPF toggle button pulse once unchecked", "How to hide a DIV element when I click outside", "NSLog not printing to terminal", "About redundant code when I use shortcode to output the HTML from a variable", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Array Binding simple example doesn't work", "Replacing a PERC S300", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Red flags of unpaid IT internship", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "ASP.net Website want debug to == false on IIS", "Status of TiKz with ConTeXt MkIV", "Can't verify signature in JAVA but success in .NET", "Login users/start session with PDO", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "Apache access to NTFS linked folders in linux", "How to capture Exception in nSpec", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message \"Code execution has been halted\"", "Laravel 4 translation by country", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "jQuery - Apply styling to all vertical TD in table on hover", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Inventor of CRT?", "Myrrix java.io.IOException upon ingest when following the tutorial", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Using a time to set XY chart axis scaling as in Excel 2003", "Setting initial value in a Kendo UI Cascading Combobox with server filtering", "XPATH Selecting by position returns incoherent results", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Google Apps login in wordpress", "Matching Gmail filters on BCC mail", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Pull CSV data from URL to Google Spreadsheet", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "jQueryUI Spinner widget with knockout", "Update ExtJS Panel with HTML that will render iframe", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "Insert Task controller not executing from VF page", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "VPN server to access Samba4", "ToolingAPI.cls for Apex: How to get CompilerErrors at ContainerAsyncRequest in v31+?", "I can't find a PFET protected against ESD", "Using VBA to change Picture", "How do I change the GitHub URL in Visual Studio?", "How to use MouseListener event", "Converting string to NSDate", "Is catching DocumentException a good idea?", "Command key in MacVim", "Is it possible to get a popup to ignore MenuDropAlignment in a WPF / Touch app?", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Setting up Exim to forward mail", "Bad practice to pass IQueryable to ViewModel", "MVC4 jQuery UI does not work", "Command key in MacVim", "DataTreeListView shows no results" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 3.9501326084136963, 2.313694477081299, 2.985076904296875, 2.772213935852051, 2.5155296325683594, 2.2341299057006836, 3.218574047088623, 2.9382262229919434, 2.471149444580078, 3.6491169929504395, 3.427459239959717, 2.2755086421966553, 2.458169460296631, 2.8802335262298584, 2.5155296325683594, 2.8758273124694824, 2.3565306663513184, 2.4551734924316406, 3.3542256355285645, 4.089325428009033, 3.97788667678833, 2.92765474319458, 2.00950026512146, 1.8140335083007812, 2.9675416946411133, 3.6491169929504395, 2.8690152168273926, 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"sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Laws of addition of Vectors", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "Detecting scene transitions in a video", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "Adding elements into associative array in javascript", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Saturated Density Plots", "Remove numbers in bibliography", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Calculating coordinates with postscript", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Difference between busses", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Indexing encrypted data for efficient searching", "Crosstalk vs interference", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Representation of negative integers", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "tombstones and beer mugs", "abelian higgs vortices", "Resistance of superconducting wire in parrallel with standard wire", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "difference between metadata and tooling API", "First package for typesetting commutative diagrams", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Count values in multiple columns based on ranges in first column", "Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space", "Numerical differentiation methods", "Demonstrating the insecurity of an RSA signature encoding scheme", "Deciding how to articulate Baroque semiquavers", "Counterexample: Convergence in probability does not imply convergence in sample mean", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Really customized themes", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Various flavours of infinitesimals", "Presentation of Case Sensitive fields in standard layouts", "Radio Waves reach in function of frequency", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "Crosstalk vs interference", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Electric current of inductor", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "interpolation of 3D data", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Intersection points of two circles.", "Integrating expressions with several terms and delta functions", "Questions on mass-production soldering", "Resonance stabilization and size of ligand atoms", "Digital circuits", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "finding control in winforms panel", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Difference between busses", "Wrong spacing around guillemets", "Combined ADC scaling and offset with variable input voltage ranges", "Extracting useful information from free text", "image processing", "Sum of vlookup values on multiple sheets", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Generating all keypad possibilities", "applying convolution theorem swaps quadrants", "Instrinsic definition of concave and convex polyhedron", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Ensuring successful merges in Subversion", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "sleeping SPID blocking other transactions", "Evaluating an integrals by appropriate substitution", "Need directions regarding the learning process I should follow for learning Photoshop", "Numerical differentiation methods", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Electric current of inductor", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Differences between no child vs no children", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Slow queries related to subqueries using aggregation", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Clustering algorithm and distance function for sets", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Automatic internationalization in Java", "Positioning using textpos and animated blocks", "Ideas for synchronizing records programmatically", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "Molarity exercises", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Results with and without interaction", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Converting expressions into functions", "abelian higgs vortices", "Word describing the reversal of emotions", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Changing LED color for notifications", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "Multivariate Linear Regression with continuous and discrete explanatory variable", "Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "Meaning of ladder points", "Questions about geometric distribution", "2D AABBs and resolving multiple collisions", "Optimizing wireless router speed and minimizing interference", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Gaussian blur - convolution algorithm", "Seperation of drawing and logic in games", "Algorithm for generating sorting instructions", "Javascript looping behaviour", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "Applications of recoil principle in classical physics", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Store functions in hash", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Etiquette for posting civil and informative comments", "Graphicsrow title", "Mutually generics", "Interpretation of riemannian geodesics in probability", "Increasing number of decimal places with FixedPoint", "Applying OO patterns and principles to plugin development", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Results with and without interaction", "Intersection of lists of disjoint intervals", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Practical use and applications of improper integrals", "Isomorphism between quotient groups with normal subgroups", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "interpolation of 3D data", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Vector fields whose divergence are proper maps", "Differences in student load at liberal arts colleges vs. research universities", "Question about thermodynamic conjugate quantities", "Scatterplots for subsets of multivariate data [Updated]", "Techniques for creating melodies", "Adding bold labels to two different addresses in moderncv", "intersection between two multipolygons yielding anomalous GeometryCollection object full of LineString's & Polygon's (trying to get intersect area)", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "od emulation for directories", "Specifying the keyboard layout for Chinese input", "Georeferencing uneven/irregularly gridded rasters", "Amplifier damage caused by failed power supply capacitors", "tombstones and beer mugs", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Computing best subset of predictors for linear regression", "Cross-Correlation to find the similartity of songs", "Postgres multiple columns to json", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Twisted pair cable twists and unwanted signals issue", "Tips for finding SPAM links injected into the_content", "Trouble calculating areas in QGIS using field calculator", "Identifying sequential patterns", "Saturated Density Plots", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Voltage ratings of capacitors: ceramic vs electrolytic", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry", "FIPS 140 compliance for encrypted files", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "OCR software for handwritten notes", "Effective game mechanics for handling conflicts with spirits", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "Harvesting parts from slain creatures", "indicator-notifications history", "Nested blocks and references to self", "Counting vowels with consonants", "Encoding of Umlauts while importing into R tables", "Quantum entanglement as practical method of superluminal communication", "Two different analytic curves cannot intersect in infinitely many points", "Kernel density estimation across multiple UTM zones", "Derivation of relationship between Gibbs free energy and electrochemical cell potential", "Spin matrices in Dirac equation", "Mathematics of Ritardando", "Words for meat differ from the words for the corresponding animal", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "Change face of plain text between double quotation marks in Emacs", "Responding to players paying exclusively with gold coins", "Vanishing spaces between words inside a QRcode", "sharing state between different controllers in angular", "Results with and without interaction", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Increasing voltage source frequency", "Modifying a calculated column gives different errors", "Understanding of Relays and associated circuitry" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.2100541591644287, 3.122087001800537, 2.5448827743530273, 3.6370041370391846, 1.8718273639678955, 3.1603455543518066, 3.6370041370391846, 2.321746349334717, 2.616032361984253, 2.478459358215332, 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-1.2281734943389893, -0.42606449127197266, 0.6602970361709595, 0.4480217397212982, -1.4598684310913086, 0.559060275554657, -1.2525029182434082, -1.138651728630066, 1.0307854413986206, 0.4039398431777954, 0.024970263242721558, 0.25343742966651917, -0.3292548358440399, 1.69254469871521, -0.24176684021949768, -0.01242440938949585, -0.7487055063247681, 0.27226001024246216, -1.2094764709472656 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 39, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "34", "text": [ "Custom theorem numbering", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "PDF reader that functions within asymmetrical dual monitor configuration", "android intentService concurrency", "Daydream with transparent background", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "attack signatures", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "How does multitasking work", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "Refused visit a friend visa for Belgium", "Sharepoint 2010 list schema deployment", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "Simple digital signature example with number", "Offline tiled map web app", "Freeform timing out on return page", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Export error with addon", "Understanding the static keyword", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Blender game engine camera", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Adding price-alert link to category list views", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Sneak attack advancement feat", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Delay in debt appearing on credit card statement", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Document count limit under folders", "Different subnet for different device types", "Find volume of cask", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Changing html content onclick chrome extension", "How to unbrick galaxy grand 2", "Change created order number", "Making integrals look prettier with negative spacing for publication", "Daydream with transparent background", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "Enclosure for whole house water filter", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "How does multitasking work", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Potentiometer protection circuitry", "Complete induction", "Custom theorem numbering", "problem unscheduling reports", "Chaining deferreds", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Adding static route through group policy", "Lock for extremely frequent use", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "Reverse a month name to month number conversion", "Overbrace height adjustment", "matlab fft phase response square wave", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "Find orphaned users", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Understanding the static keyword", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Iterator Implementation", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Implement scroll bar for content in samsung smart tv apps", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "Chaining deferreds", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Computer browsing not working", "Ideal location to practice soldering", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "Cannot access non-static field", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms", "build email notification sytem that send emails on sql server triggers", "Grenade throw logic", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Placing the grid along date tickmarks", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Importing models from another maya project", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Undefined offset 1", "Offline tiled map web app", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "custom email unable to send magento", "Travelling with electric violin under revised airport security rules", "Uninstalling eclipse plugin error", "Find orphaned users", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Find router on network", "Complete induction", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "Chaining deferreds", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Different subnet for different device types", "basic date comparsion for expiration checking", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "restoring bundle path to default after accidentally erasing it", "Configuring a biblatex bibliography style", "Nginx rewrite rules", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "Understanding the static keyword", "Triac circuit confusion", "hadoop complains about attempting to overwrite nonempty destination directory", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "Using deep learning for time series prediction", "Experience with direct data access components", "Date cannot be within x working days of today", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Framing section headings", "making reusable text object", "Maximum protusion length for through-hole component pins", "Custom stackoverflow settings", "pdfpages breaks display of small caps", "Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Hydraulic brakes feel loose", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "Constantly lag in opengl application", "Chop out frequencies outside human hearing range", "Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2", "Cannot access non-static field", "Experience with direct data access components", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Character values bounded away from zero", "Question about trace route", "Clicking \"Add comment\" fails review audit", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "I teleported too high on my Minecraft server", "Footnote in booktabs package", "Different water temperature in different faucets", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Standard small header size", "Adding static route through group policy", "saving new category programmatically with setPath", "Find volume of cask", "Identify my Motobécane racing bike", "Bordermatrix without brackets", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "Setting up form table checkboxes", "Redirect a subsite home link to the root site collection home page", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Error extends AccountController.php in magento", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Autogeneration column in list", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "Find router on network", "Barbarian rage and fight on defense", "Document count limit under folders", "Change image levels quickly", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "Triac circuit confusion", "Framing section headings", "Facebook Batch Request recognizing access token as user for page admin", "Repair wood floor damage", "Front wheel shudder on Cyclocross brakes", "users and usermeta table", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "Fancy tree disable checkbox selection for nodes", "How to Implement composite primary key with Hibernate Annonations", "Framing section headings", "hasoptedoutoffax field error on javascript remoting", "Text background colour cuts to shape and length of text", "Juddering under load", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "Changing background image one time on responsive background image", "Android checktextview now working", "Keep rainmeter from minimizing", "Creating Excel document is very slow", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "Convert serial port returned byte to millisecond", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "Delete un-seen mesh with Blender", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Order of footnotes with packages afterpage and footnote", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "deployment taking longer time using changesets", "Behavior when validating an expired certificate chain", "Adjustment to road bike brakes for high grade downhill", "Update table with subquery and duplicates", "How does multitasking work", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "viewForAnnotation detail disclosure changing current location as well as pins", "Update query showing old data after submitting", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Configuring a tftp server for multiple clients" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 3.457277774810791, 2.7503299713134766, 2.785322666168213, 4.1459503173828125, 2.6210267543792725, 2.9729323387145996, 2.195465326309204, 2.9415535926818848, 3.5457887649536133, 4.081131935119629, 3.0515694618225098, 3.8038034439086914, 3.5882911682128906, 2.782914638519287, 2.874422311782837, 2.669921636581421, 3.2452869415283203, 3.4232020378112793, 2.573627471923828, 2.7313241958618164, 2.407205104827881, 3.9433257579803467, 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password or email and password", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Scope and SQL query in Rails 4", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Apartment in Munich", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "prayers ascending from Western Wall", "Apartment in Munich", "Intuition / Premonition / Precognition / Instinct / Gut feeling / Hunch", "Test-Path returns differetn results in 64Bit and 32Bit powershell", "Helpless opponent & Coup de Grace", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Purification of Ethanol", "Automatic Package Restore: Unable to find version of package", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Change Background Image in Itext to watermark or alter opacity c# ASP.net", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Apache clustering", "Killed Enzymes in Yogurt", "Testing multiplayer android", "Removing a Viscous Fan without the serpentine belt (1998 Land Rover Discovery)", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Energy vs. Power", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Unit test with HttpWebClient or RestSharp", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Full height & width, fixed header, full content height with CSS", "Heathrow Customs - \"Arrivals from the EU\" exit", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "No module named 'Dajaxice'", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Earth-Moon orbiting each other after being engulfed by Red Giant", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Teletext Subtitles on Romanian Television", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "GMGridview for MonoDevelop and Android", "Free RF Simulation Software", "Change Drupal Commerce line item titles", "Tooltip pointer in ParametricPlots", "Removing oil filter from Lincoln Mark VIII", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Jasper Report group subreports using columns", "PySpark reduceByKey? to add Key/Tuple", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "Cannot shutdown Tomcat - transport Error", "Should I replace the Timing belt in 2004 Kia", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Darken gray hair in GraphicConverter?", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "Windows Store Metro APP how to adapt to screen size", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "How to get from Toronto Downtown to Pearson Airport", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Huge JSON while saving and returning entity using Hibernate", "highcharts: stop chart from trapping mouse events, or capture mouse click on the ENTIRE chart", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Subdomain or New domain for new company division - SEO", "Apartment in Munich", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "Textures appearing different in Edit and Object mode", "Browser automation using Applescript", "Can I check for a Custom Setting in an Angular ng-show directive?", "Oatmeal & Lactose Intolerance", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "iPhone app - Persistent hamburger menu vs last page visited", "GPO/Script setting screen Resolution to all domain", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Earth-Moon system", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "In TOS, how many shuttlecraft were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "MS-Access VBA Date() works on one PC but not others", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "Create heatmap with PSTricks or TikZ", "Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral", "How to set A Records and MX records correctly", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Guidelines for video format in Raspberry Pi", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Was Miss Marples lover, Captain Ainsworth, married?", "NRZ vs. Manchester pulse shaping filter (Modulator)", "Why is the 't' in Hash Table(Hashtable) in Java not capitalized", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "WordPress - Get posts in custom taxonomy category", "Implementing a custom FormsAuthenticationProvider using Owin, Katana, and Nancy", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Wordpress and Apache 2.4 installation troubles: Cannot Serve Directory", "Does Spider-Man shoot spider silk?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "Embedded devices Authentication, Integrity and Confidentiality", "Programming on Raspberry Pi device?", "Errors when importing a MySQL database", "Career advice – mathematics", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox and in MBM", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "Kyoto Cabinet / Berkeley DB : Hash table size limitations", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1", "Stern-Gerlach and Hund's second rule", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Referencing (not Bibliography) in Harvard Style using Write Latex", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Illustrator, snap to guide", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "Where is Diagnostics & Usage Data stored on iOS?", "Would this work? Using a computer SMPS as a DC-DC converter", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Date format in UK vs US", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Interaction of the Cold extraordinary ability and Grapples", "Password sending through network", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "How to increase difficulty in Dungeon World", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "Energy vs. Power", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Tic Tac Toe implementation in Objective-C", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "MacBook Pro Retina and fonts rendering", "Parse order and/or single/double quote issue with Calendar events and Google Map Info Window", "Logic problem: Atiyah-Macdonald 1.11", "Issue while deploying Spring MVC application | no matching editors or conversion strategy found", "Sefer and Tikkun L'Choleh", "Extract data from DateListPlot, limited by PlotRange", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Self-managed IRA account brokerage as an HSA?", "Fuzzy Logic in Finance", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Bottom bracket bearing Issues", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Export Resolution in Adobe Illustrator", "How to create a guest timed Wireless Pass Key", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "Differences between PS3 and Wii version of Rock Band The Beatles", "Ad layout for programs - Illustrator or InDesign", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "GIN/GiST Full Text searches through openlayers, geoserver and postgres", "Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "A Generic error occured in GDI+ in Image.Save() method", "Good backup options for Mac pre-TimeMachine", "Replicate a big, dense Windows volume over a WAN -- too big for DFS-R", "Java - Not being able to get data from Text Field", "Lychrel calculator (Project Euler 55)", "How can I superimpose LaTeX / TeX output over a PDF file?", "Make *Buffer List* always appear in horizontal split", "Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Simanim on Rosh Hashanah", "Registration: Username and password or email and password", "Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "97 Honda Civic dies in neutral" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.695493459701538, 0.16257941722869873, 1.824204683303833, 1.2734324932098389, 0.7298684120178223, 0.434285044670105, 0.22695624828338623, 0.5652685165405273, -0.5277154445648193, 1.4086358547210693, 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it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "How do I create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak?", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "When to use a runabout or a shuttle in a mission?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "How to make a strong mug of instant Coffee?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "Can I rest cement posts directly on the bedrock to build a structure for a large shed?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "Is it worth bringing a flash for a backpacking trip?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Can I connect multiple line segments to a single point using the pen tool in photoshop?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "Where do I stand from a legal perspective using Helvetica Neue in my logo?", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Do you have to move backwards with a 10 in Sorry?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "How do I remove a Facebook app request?", "How to grep words in a file?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "I want to build a portable railgun and I'm a complete rookie", "How are switches for two monitors called? Or can I use a monitor split?", "Can I extend my monitors, mouse, keyboard accross a room?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "Is it possible to withdraw USD from ATMs in Tanzania?", "Is it possible to create your own server on the Xbox 360?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "InstallHandler runs under a special ghost user. What rights does it have?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "How do I add userpoints directly to the database?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Is it better for a beginner to start with black and white photography?", "How does Yuka stealing Narumi's Alice take away his ability to love?", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "My thesis advisor is absent in my final stage of completing my Ph.D. programme", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "Should I have a queue with SMS requests to picked up by a separate process or connect directly to the API?", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How do you delete a fork on Bitbucket?", "Do I need a visa to visit Belarus if I have a Russian visa?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Can I block with my Llanowar elves and then tap it for mana immediately afterward?", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "How did Superman play the \"disappearing\" game as a kid?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How can I get elements out of an array with Template Toolkit?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Sketch3: how do you draw a fan shape?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Can a heavy key-chain damage your ignition?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How can you (anybody) find out the IP address of a single computer inside college", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Is it possible to build a CPU from content-addressable memory?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "can i make an outlined path thicker in illustrator?", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "How to divide the controller?", "Is it the same screwdriver?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "Should I be using 'sudo' in scripts that I write?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "Can a wizard choose where to place their soul piece when creating a horcrux?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "How can I get a PieChart to be colored as I wish?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "Can I use an Apple remote to control a keynote presentation?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "How to send an email from command line?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "Can anyone learn to sing?", "Android Activity - Is it common to have a lot of code in one activity class?", "How to know if I have RAID configuration on my machine?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "If you attempt to predict a Roulette wheel $n$ times, what's the probability you'll get $5$ in a row at some point?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "PhD dissertation different from master thesis; What might I be able to do about methodology?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Learning how to be a good rhythm guitarist before becoming a lead guitarist, where to start?", "How can I resend an application on Careers?", "How do you make a binary image in Photoshop?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Should I turn the text on my poster to outlines before I print?", "My visa period start on arrival, would they let me get into the plane?", "How can you update the current relative coordinate in TikZ without adding an element?", "Can I make a graph of savings in Quicken?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "How can I find out what plugins I installed for Nautilus?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "How to extract unknown packet from collision between said packet and another, known packet?", "Does one need a master's in math before taking a PhD in math in Europe?", "How to detect a virus in a network card?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How to plan for the future when installing a new roof?", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Can you use Python to search a csv for a value?", "Should a call to action float in a long page?", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Is it common to have a pressure shut off for Jet Water Pumps?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "In Mass Effect 3, I did not get a choice of game mode; is it because I imported a ME2 character?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "How to fix a Macbook Pro trackpad where the mouse pointer is randomly moving?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How should I design a table with nested categories for users?", "Can I change my loan term from 60 to 36 months?", "Do the online LaTeX compilers use a TeX daemon to speed up their compilation?", "How to find a co-working space in Lille as a tourist?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "Can I remove the labels from ICs?", "Can I connect iPad to computer so I can use iPad as a keyboard?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "If people can see through my clothes, will I be Color Coordinated?", "How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "how to change my hostname?", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "How can you buy train tickets at Oslo Airport?", "Can I use a shock pump to inflate a tube?", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Can I be prosecuted in a European country while on vacation?", "What's the best way to authenticate an user using a websocket?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "How can I export only text with a distinctive character style from InDesign to a new document?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "My server is up. Now where do I go from here?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "Can one say kiddush levana by day?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "What platform can I use to establish a users support forum?", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "How can I save messages from a particular sender in a particular folder in Gmail?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "Can I pass along all properties when for a GradleBuild task?", "Broker (AirTicket24) has changed part of flight, can i ask a full refund?", "How do I fix a puncture?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "How to allow only one product in a cart?", "How to mount a ham?", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Is there a schwa in the middle of Coleridge?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Who should pursue a Ph.D degree?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Does one need a visa to visit Antarctica?", "Sump is sealed for radon remediation and doesn't drain water. What can I do for water drainage?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "How to install jekyll?", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Catalytic converter possibly bad. How soon do I need to replace?", "How can I put page through printer without cartridge?", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "How can I change the order of suggested contacts in GMail app?", "When do I need to worry about thread-safety in an iOS application?", "How to allow users to choose different theme?", "If NASA could send a camera into a black hole, could we then see what's inside the black hole?", "How should I connect a grounding wire from a device to this box?", "How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?", "How to render a curve without creating meshes?", "Is it better to put \"Preview\" on an iFrame with a specific height or just show it in full?", "Create and open file with one command?", "How to grep words in a file?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "How to put @nickname at the comments?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "How does owning a home and paying on a mortgage fit into family savings and investment?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "What do you call a customer's customer in a specification document, use case, or scenario?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "Can I lock down custom taxonomies on a parent term level, but not a child term?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "Is possible to remote mount an image, that can boot and install itself?", "Should I have one unified design between mobile and desktop?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "How to start working in magento?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Can I use opencv 64 bit in visual studio 32 bit version in a 64 bit machine?", "how to change my hostname?", "Can you send data usefully over one wire, literally one wire?", "Is there a quick way to delete Foldered bookmarks directly from Safari bookmark bar?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "Create and open file with one command?", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "How should I take a potential PhD supervisor's age into account, when planning to follow PhD with habilitation?", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Why choose an 80-200mm over an 18-200mm lens?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "How can I model a human who gets powers from a part-time symbiote alien?", "How can I adjust tax withholding so that I don't get a large Tax Refund?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "In Android, how do I position an image on top of another to look like a badge?", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "How to get Ajax into a theme - without writing a plugin?", "What should I look for in a recording microphone for personal use?", "can I use a disk larger than 320 GB with RPi?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "How do I chose a good camera for texture hunting?", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "What to do with old connections when moving outlet to dedicated circuit?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How to display a calendar on click of a textbox with jQuery?", "What kind of metrics should I collect for a website/web app", "Do I need a transit visa for a layover in Turkey?", "Does a laptop computer charge faster when off?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Can you designate your craft, perform, or profession skill even if you have no ranks in it?", "I can get visual studio for free through school, should I?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "How should I rewire a miswired 3-way switch?", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "How to separate my rendering from game loop?", "When should a supervisor be a co-author?", "How do you get your Steam games to run on Ubuntu through Wine or something similar?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "Is there a console command to give vendors gold to help with selling?", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "Does anybody use an external battery for iPhone?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "How can I open a window on a different monitor?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "How do I set up multiple printing defaults for one printer?", "Where to create a shared media folder?", "How to get three grayscale images from a RGB photo in PS?", "How do I burn a DVD with more than 3.8 GB data?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "What's a common mechanism for emailing in the background?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "Should I tell other interviewers where else I've interviewed?", "What to keep in mind when copying a small card game?", "When using createrepo can I place rpms in multiple directories?", "Is it okay to vacuum a laptop keyboard?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Should I write a recommendation letter for a student at a previous job/institution?", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "What kind of dose can you expect from a radioactive lens?", "Just found out my internet was routing through a proxy, how screwed am I?", "Can you book hotels on a prepaid credit card worldwide?", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "How to send an email from command line?", "What size should I make the line art for a one-sheet poster?", "How do I reduce the size of mlocate database?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How to change port number in vino?", "Will a spellcaster interrupted mid-meditation or -study have any spells?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "Does every floor contain a secret room?", "How to set the ID3 Year on an mp3?", "How to make a photo background fully white?", "Would a meta-answer be a good idea?", "Can monsters make multiple attacks in a single action?", "Are DSLRs a dying breed, making now the time to switch to a mirrorless camera system?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Why do I have to explicitly add perl before the script for getops to run properly?", "How to allow someone else to send emails in my name?", "What are the uses for a roasting pan? Do I really need a roasting pan?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "Is there an app similar to Pandora for movies/television?", "Should I leave the fan switch on my thermostat set to fan rather than auto?", "How do you decide when a paladin has fallen from grace in DnD 5e?", "Can you talk on the iPhone and use Siri with Monster beats headphones?", "Can I call an extension method from inside a generic class?", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "Is it possible to print on 0.035 mm copper foil with a laser printer?", "How to measure a crooked room?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Do I need to pay income taxes for the money I earn online from a foreign website?", "How to start working in magento?", "Why do I have to update to the most recent iOS version?", "Can I use the following power supply as a constant fixed current source?", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Can a PC have more than one Default Gateway?", "How do I know if which leg is the emitter or the collector? (Transistor)", "How to make animated buttons in a menu with Cocos2d?", "How can I build a switching circuit that scales several 12v signals down to <5v?", "How do I find a vacuum leak? I'd highly prefer not to use a carb cleaner spray", "Is it possible to keep using iPhoto in parallel with Photos?", "Is it appropriate to follow up on a faculty application?", "How do I get a baby dragon pet?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How do I list all files a given grunt task depends on for a Makefile?", "Do we need a transit visa we have a 12 hour stop over and have booked a hotel, we are flying with AirIndia from Sydney to Rome return", "Does using a Power-attack while sneaking increase your chances of being detected?", "Why would one shoot a fully blurred picture?", "Do you start writing GUI class first or reverse?", "How can I organise photos on a network storage device, and what software can help me?", "How to automatically post to facebook wall?", "Can anyone learn to sing?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.565486192703247, 2.1195895671844482, 2.337594985961914, 1.324472188949585, 1.7757352590560913, 3.06742000579834, 1.8284573554992676, 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0.5246239900588989, 0.8736011981964111, 1.1420072317123413, 1.8430750370025635, 0.9936797618865967, 1.785377025604248, 1.8963173627853394, 1.0653009414672852, 2.233769178390503, 0.6484574675559998, 2.094896078109741, 1.6461808681488037, 0.6484574675559998, 1.3137998580932617, 0.8584228754043579, 0.7528630495071411, 0.21784770488739014, 1.7833774089813232, 1.4003595113754272, 1.517714262008667, 1.2962812185287476, 1.9982370138168335, 1.5459964275360107, 0.9993940591812134, 0.7928580641746521, 1.0128284692764282, 1.5965462923049927, -0.10515999794006348, -0.061231017112731934, 1.8825234174728394, 1.8560853004455566, -0.017383486032485962, 0.6833536028862, 1.3905079364776611, 1.6134748458862305, 1.3864532709121704, 0.8302322030067444, 0.8304270505905151, 0.8798055648803711, 0.5431463122367859, 2.3324203491210938, 2.1497578620910645, 1.3086791038513184, 0.8013859987258911, 1.355149745941162, 1.804653286933899, 1.4763469696044922, 2.437500476837158, 1.178780198097229, 0.22230452299118042, 1.8560853004455566, 1.7223007678985596, 0.8302322030067444, 1.4524402618408203, 1.3248895406723022, 1.4398077726364136, 0.6165463328361511, 1.4946980476379395, 2.1272451877593994, 1.3137998580932617, 1.355149745941162, 1.0614581108093262, 1.4946980476379395, -0.10515999794006348, 1.6806182861328125, 1.4650065898895264, 1.9982370138168335, 2.5184013843536377, 2.3338565826416016, 0.41181087493896484, 1.4113937616348267, 1.738885760307312, 0.3703291118144989, 0.9139609932899475, 0.7731653451919556, 0.6641877889633179, 0.8085569143295288, 1.2245091199874878, 0.14131009578704834, 1.1737377643585205, 1.5587259531021118, 1.1001538038253784, 0.8304270505905151, 2.274611473083496, 0.5431463122367859, 1.8585193157196045, 1.137305498123169, 0.9502002596855164, 2.0614166259765625, 1.0956069231033325, 1.804653286933899, 1.3618011474609375, 1.137305498123169, 1.5338819026947021, 1.8311340808868408, 1.0727300643920898, 1.522223949432373, 0.829212486743927, 1.8430750370025635, 1.446793794631958, 0.8962415456771851, 1.2856310606002808, 0.3703291118144989, 1.0316311120986938, 0.9940276145935059, 1.5587259531021118, 1.7408215999603271, 0.7930352687835693, 1.7223007678985596, 2.1834468841552734, 1.2856310606002808, 0.6484574675559998, 1.83209228515625, 0.5055427551269531, 1.2990796566009521, 1.0085687637329102, 2.196181535720825, 0.14131009578704834, 1.3225486278533936, 2.0614166259765625, 0.6301917433738708, 1.6134748458862305, 0.33369240164756775, 2.437500476837158, 1.0716056823730469, 0.5055427551269531, 1.8887083530426025, 1.6710479259490967, 1.4794635772705078, 1.4794635772705078, 0.7731653451919556, 2.270355463027954, 1.3225486278533936, 1.5158816576004028, 1.312800645828247, 1.2243036031723022, 1.178780198097229, 1.7129173278808594, 0.2998914122581482, 0.8584228754043579, 1.8560853004455566, 0.7084087133407593, 1.749241590499878, 0.8272819519042969, 1.7803317308425903, 1.3864532709121704, 1.4651267528533936, 2.558504819869995, 1.4069933891296387, 1.69303560256958, 2.437500476837158, 0.6641877889633179, 1.882437825202942, 1.2990796566009521, 0.8812596797943115, 1.5965462923049927, 1.522223949432373, 1.7833774089813232, 1.4840762615203857, 1.3864532709121704, 2.697449207305908, 1.3572049140930176, 1.907299518585205, -0.061231017112731934, 1.4968137741088867, 0.941434383392334, 2.693834066390991, 1.8554832935333252, 1.749241590499878, 1.019134283065796, 1.0170819759368896, 2.0250048637390137, 1.1181082725524902, 1.5298726558685303, 1.4474114179611206, 1.2289140224456787, 1.833749532699585, 1.2577039003372192, 0.16846343874931335, 1.972198486328125, 1.459559440612793, 1.7129173278808594, 1.0727300643920898, 1.2245091199874878, 1.4651267528533936, 2.558504819869995, 1.804653286933899, 0.21784770488739014, 1.69303560256958, 1.517714262008667, 1.522223949432373, 1.1374893188476562, 1.596688151359558, 1.0706791877746582, 1.3839335441589355, 2.1261796951293945, 0.9298109412193298, 1.833749532699585, 1.8311340808868408, 1.7408215999603271, 1.5298726558685303, 1.471290946006775, 0.33369240164756775, 1.4840762615203857, 0.763519823551178, 1.4794635772705078, 1.4398077726364136, 1.1784471273422241, 1.856203317642212, 1.5158816576004028, 0.9298109412193298, 0.9936797618865967, 1.0158367156982422, 1.1572821140289307, 2.3324203491210938, 0.5246239900588989, 1.9171295166015625, 1.4267739057540894, 1.0359874963760376 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 42, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "37", "text": [ "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "How the hypergeometric distribution sums to 1?", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "How do electrical devices suck electricity?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "When ordering lumber what percentage of waste should be expected?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "Which is the correct statement on proteins?", "What are the implications of Emmet's autonomous movement?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "Why do marshmallows poof up so huge when put in the microwave?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "When we talk about an 88/76/etc Key piano, does that include all keys or just white notes?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "How much is too much damage?", "Which color to choose for food?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Do cold blooded animals generate any heat?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "why ions and electrons are at different temperatures in plasma?", "Don't really understand the absorption law", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "Where are the fishing spots surrounded by rocks etc, and do they actually increase the chances of catching fish?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "What are my chances of getting into the Tsukiji fish auction if I arrive by 5:25?", "Why can syn-periplanar E2 elimination happen in molecules like vinyl bromides but seemingly not in other molecules?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "How to troubleshoot Canon Speedlites that are not firing at the same time?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Why didn't they change the intro in House MD from season 4 to reflect the new doctors?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do black holes have charges?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "How many times do the two given curves intersect at the origin?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "Make the compare list work without filling the log_* tables?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "when two associations are equal?", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "How do you import members from another system to Wordpress and update passwords so they'll work?", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Why would analysts recommend buying companies with negative net income?", "Do the four brothers in TMNT train in other weapons?", "How to speed up publishing papers?", "How can natural selection occur at species level whilst not occuring at the individual level?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "What is the current state of research in quantum gravity?", "Does Jesus eat food in heaven?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "Why are there mobs on my balcony?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "What were the first anime based on manga and light novels?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Does having a US drivers' license reduce car insurance versus a Dutch drivers' license in the US?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Who are the members of an early design of Luffy's crew?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "In set theories where Continuum Hypothesis is false, what are the new sets?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "How to find bible verses?", "Which of the items below are worth mentioning in my admission documents?", "What is the lesser evil, degassing too early or too late?", "What are the limits of glamered armor?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Why do we use singular verb with third person after gerund?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What are good sets of photographic portraits to use in mockups?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Can excited electrons fall back to their ground state without the emission of photons?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "How to describe the differences in skewed data with same median but statistically different distribution?", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What are the pitfalls of buying a used car after an accident?", "Into how many languages has the Bible been translated?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Does becoming martyr have an evolutionary advantage?", "How do animal perceive distances with their eyes and ears", "What are the major differences between evangelical Christianity and Mormonism?", "Why do people rewrite some libraries to many programming languages?", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "How are electromagnetic waves differentiated?", "Do volcano blast changes earth's course?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "What table tools/packages do you use?", "What is the limit on the number of INSERT statements you can paste into SSMS and run?", "How do I convert these headings into questions?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Why do different pain killers have different effects on people?", "What planets in the Romulan system survived the supernova?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "What are the components needed for this receiver?", "What are the variable costs for an information company?", "How to use the keyboard's mute button to mute only the speakers, not the headphones?", "What types of sauces would pair well with boiled pork knuckles?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "Ripening bananas artificially: What is the biological reason", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Which parts of fresh Fenugreek am I supposed to throw off before attempting to dry them out completely?", "How are potions made?", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?", "How are potions made?", "What do you do about contradictory rules of Pit?", "In what order are taxes applied", "Has Jesus ever directly said he would die as a voluntary sacrafice? If so, wasn't it double sense?", "Where can I eat dishes that feature in western countries' Chinese restaurants?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "What benefits do \"title search companies\" have over physically visiting a land records offices?", "So gravity turns things round", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Why don't wifi managers remember mac addresses for hotspots to defeat the jasager attack?", "Which products should have FCC certification and about how much does that cost?", "More dissonant chords/intervals in the bass clef when frequency proprtions are the same?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "Why do some people wrap their Tefilin around their arms 8 times?", "What are the rules of thumb for margins in web design?", "Would it be a problem if all Amazon links were converted to affiliate links?", "Word for someone who finds oil reservoirs", "How can pKas differ across similar protons of the same atom?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Why do some transformers hum less or not at all when lightly loaded?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "How do they shoot long underwater scenes (especially the even longer stylistic ones)?", "If Tumors have lots of mutations in them how is it the immune system can't detect them?", "Do electric fields generated by plane charges lose intensity over distance? If not, why?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "What are the chances of something *not* occurring?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "So gravity turns things round", "Is there any granular way to change decisions made in ME1/ME2 to see different outcomes in ME3?", "How does Christianity deal with biblical criticism related to the Old Testament?", "Best way to organize models with multiple meshes and textures?", "How do you prepare for out of memory conditions?", "How are futures contracts setup at an exchange?", "What is the real reason for the Joker's scars?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "Do real and reactive energy exist?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Dealing with digital circuits and their associated switching speed?", "Why are magnetic fields so much weaker than electric?", "How long should the hot water last during a shower?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "How does the colour of ambient lighting affect colour rendition?", "What does (heated) mean in a chemical equation?", "Would magic 'weapons' make the monk more balanced?", "Why would a sump pump cycle when pumping large amounts of water?", "Are there statistics of the more played games?", "Which color scheme to choose for applications that require long work hours?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "How should I tell Rails which of these content types to load for a given feed?", "Where did the daylight come from in the interior of Babylon 5?", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "Are human males and females more genetically different than members of other species?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Which programs are using my USB flash drive?", "What are the reasons to mix oil & coolant?", "What are the current and voltage limits when determining low vs. high voltage wiring?", "What are the relativistic effects of expanding spacetime?", "How many creatures should be in a draft deck?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How to solve this stochastic integrals?", "Should if/else statements be arranged by rareness of cases or difficulty of dealing with them?", "How much is too much damage?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Where are good photography spots in Malaysia?", "Why not have the gears inside the bottom bracket?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Why the use of resistors when pulling something up or down?", "Is the Hebrew vocabulary used in the Tanakh/(other recognized Hebrew books) the same as the what is considered Hebrew today?", "Why do the Borg have physical computer interfaces?", "How do the sensors in Star Trek receive information faster than light speed?", "How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?", "Why making additional payment to mortgage counts towards principal? Why does it matter?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "Why is the potential function defined differently in physics and calculus?", "How do I find which elements in one array aren't in another?", "Why do Football players prefer to use their family name?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "What's the deal with alignment languages?", "How much of the English language comes from each of its influences?", "How much of the universe is observable at visible wavelengths?", "Why are the ringwraiths fearful of coming in contact with water?", "Why are there so many different types of screws (phillps/flat/hex/star/etc)?", "How adding one more electron increases the ionization energy?", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "Why do we soak and squeeze gelatine?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "Should I get my guitar re-set up when changing string brands, but not gauges?", "Why are straight lines sloping in render?", "what age are you", "How common is it for cameras to have a gyroscope?", "Why don't banks give access to all your transaction activity?", "What is crusty loaf bread?", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "Are some tires safer than others?", "Where do the bodies of the dead Tributes go?", "How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?", "How do people know what they can get out of trade up contracts?", "Is it safe to eat freshwater fish raw?", "Where to find ferry flights and empty leg flights?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "After what period of time does a PhD position count towards the two possible attempts in Germany?", "Is there a way to fill your tires with nitrogen?", "Why all the dice?", "How do I join two cables outside so that they're safe and kept dry?", "Are prime lenses sharp across the whole frame while zoom lenses are soft in the corners?", "Is it a problem with radiometric dating that carbon 14 is found in materials dated to millions of years old?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "What does this sentence about toxemia and Clostridium tetani mean?", "Why is polyploidy lethal for some organisms while for others is not?", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "How to change all the blue colors of RWD theme to another color?", "What are the best tips for saving money as a university student?", "When cellphone providers give \"unlimited social networking\", how do they identify the traffic?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Why do objects fall at the same acceleration?", "How to change rotation direction of 3-phase electrical machines?", "Are there any differences in how new vs. well-established professors select students?", "Is there a limit to how fast one can harvest minerals and gas?", "How to choose between multiple math postdocs offers?", "How to easily determine the results distribution for multiple dice?", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "Why do you multiply one way and divide the other way with these trig problems?", "What kind of energy does superfluidity use?", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Can summoned creatures take items back with them?", "Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?", "In what order are taxes applied", "possible different ways to get the kanto starters and ways to get fossils in x and y", "how do i get rust stains off driveway", "Does the number of visits matters for SEO?", "What's the best way to scan in hundreds of pictures?", "What magic items are there to capture or restrain someone?", "How to 'select' menu items that also link to deeper items?", "Good travel games for two players, especially for playing on trains?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Why are papers without code but with results accepted?", "What are the benefits of owning a physical book?", "What kind of gasoline additives will help maintain the engine efficiency/life?", "How do native speakers 'guess' the pronunciation of the letters in a word they see for the first time?", "Can I use the word \"library\" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?", "I with my friends vs my friends and I", "Why don't electrons crash into the nuclei they \"orbit\"?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.335086464881897, 1.7569291591644287, 1.4109104871749878, 2.6384828090667725, 2.5273115634918213, 2.2507805824279785, 2.5311837196350098, 1.6386438608169556, 2.021430492401123, 2.57397723197937, 2.158906936645508, 2.5311837196350098, 1.7069180011749268, 1.4086694717407227, 1.5157991647720337, 1.5491293668746948, 1.943901538848877, 2.3001537322998047, 2.027825355529785, 1.747083067893982, 1.0178165435791016, 1.1178548336029053, 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1.7881861925125122, 1.7175588607788086, 1.1004860401153564, 2.144315004348755, 2.433431625366211, 1.9078004360198975, 1.8694263696670532, 2.487103223800659, 1.0580049753189087, 1.7481932640075684, 1.3515700101852417, 3.3319287300109863, 2.117417573928833, 1.2539170980453491, 1.304993987083435, 1.7747600078582764, 2.349118947982788, 2.9725847244262695, 1.2930489778518677, 2.3404271602630615, 1.8458138704299927, 2.5689187049865723, 1.7747600078582764, 1.1258536577224731, 1.2747790813446045, 0.9583277702331543, 1.8447765111923218, 2.689612865447998, 1.9612622261047363, 1.9284499883651733, 2.1408655643463135, 1.9284499883651733, 2.2220072746276855, 2.937196969985962, 1.2907686233520508, 1.5738873481750488, 0.6897123456001282, 2.357034921646118, 1.7747600078582764, 1.4620023965835571, 1.5606714487075806, 1.521273136138916, 2.0558621883392334, 2.487103223800659, 2.0472517013549805, 1.07541823387146, 2.281761407852173, 1.9028297662734985, 1.304993987083435, 1.935028076171875, 2.9761455059051514, 1.6401374340057373, 2.652261972427368, 1.7228447198867798, 3.0334973335266113, 2.7038631439208984, 1.8552021980285645, 1.354038953781128 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 43, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "38", "text": [ "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "How to change the formating of the title of a \"Listing\" from roman to arabic?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "lisp function that adds x to the nth item of a list", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "What is output impedance of a pin?", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "What's the best way to generate an NPC's face using web technologies?", "What is the purpose of iron bars in concrete?", "How to restrict movement for a length or period of time (logic bricks)?", "Using limits to prove a function is in the order of another function", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "What is the best tool for working with oracle db?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Is 1 pixel of a height map representative of 1 vertex on the mesh?", "In Photoshop, is there a way to turn a vector object into a mask and keep it editable?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "How to display large amounts of data on one page with existing tabs as navigation?", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Is there such a thing as a circuit that outputs 1 if the input is high-impedance, and 0 otherwise?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "Is there an analogue of the jordan normal form of an nilpotent linear transform of a polynomial ring?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "What is the white sauce of Domino's pasta made of?", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "Tikz: how to change the order of overlapping objects?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "what is the difference between 'em and them", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Can a card be un-cast, if the player realises it was a bad decision?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "How to ask a question according to the specific sections?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "how to make frequency divider?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Place a figure at the beginning/end of a specific page", "What is the maximum character limit for a multi-select picklist?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "Some way to identify the source of a notebook file?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "What type of lubricant should be used on PVC windows, and how often should it be applied?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "How to draw a double-ended arrow between the numerator and denominator in a frac inside a sqrt, and an arrow labeled by an otimes pointing to that?", "Is there a way to limit the range of the range pattern in awk?", "Why a Transistor is considered to be an active device?", "What is the correct way to ensure unique entries in a temporal database design?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "Display the number of bytes, words and lines in a file", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "How to highlight part of an image and blur the rest?", "What's the meaning of this sentence?", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "How to find out the \"serviceability\" of a car?", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "Is the molecule of hot water heavier than that of cold water?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "Is there a way to put a copy rotation constraint with an influence higher than 1?", "Let a and b be relatively prime integers and let k be any integer. Show that a + bk and b are also relatively prime.", "Does the

tag get more SEO value if there is no usable keyword in the URL?", "spkac: what is the purpose of the challenge string?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Can a portion of human skin cells be modified in some way to generate light?", "Can we represent this sequence as a function of n?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "What is the difference between unicast, anycast, broadcast and multicast traffic?", "Is there a way to deform a model and then have the mesh stay that way, even without an armature?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "Can a number have both a periodic an a non-periodic representation in a non-integer base?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What is the best way to paste code into a Trello card?", "What is fundamental difference between wave and its 180 flip phase?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "What is the best icon to represent the shopping cart for an e-commerce store?", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "Is the intersection of two star-shaped sets star-shaped?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "How to use the displaymath environment within a table?", "What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "The Moon is slowly moving away from the earth. Does this mean that a total solar eclipse wasn't possible at some point in earth's history?", "Why is it best to use a prime number as a mod in a hashing function?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Can we put hash tables inside a hash table?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Tables with a lot of rows - where should the delete option be?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew?", "What's the difference between a plant and an animal?", "What is an orbital boundary surface?", "Is the particular skill of singing the melody correctly necessary to be able to play the trumpet?", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "Do you keep your project code names the same in the source tree?", "How to calculate the size of the image circle at infinity focus?", "How do i measure the output voltage of lm35 with digital voltmeter?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "Why is it that the product of first N prime numbers + 1 another prime?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "What was the meaning of the tunnel scene?", "sum of the residue at all poles of the rational function p/q is 0.", "Is it possible to set borderless window mode?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "What is the price graph of Nikon cameras?", "Is it possible to have a convergent subsequence of a divergent sequence?", "nm: how to show object file of a symbol in a shared library?", "Is this formula in predicate logic a tautology?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "What is the proper way to change the section title font in LaTeX?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "What is the best way to calculate total yield on a stock portfolio?", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "what's the relation between sensor size and image quality (noise, dynamic range)?", "Is there a general term for a single note or a chord?", "SQL how to count the number of credit cards that had at least 1,5,10,20 etc transactions", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "What is the distinction between a city and a sprawl/metroplex... between downtown and a commercial district?", "Is the number 1 a unit?", "How to determine if a matrix is positive/negative definite, having complex eigenvalues?", "What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?", "What is the likelihood of ever discovering the graviton?", "How can I make a graph of a function?", "what size can be the nuts holding the front wheel?", "does every right-angled coxeter group have a right-angled artin group as a subgroup of finite index?", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Is there a name for the number of values a variable can take?", "What is the reason to use an isolation amplifier?", "which is the best way to access a shared object in a multithreading application?", "How to crop a square at the exact centre of an image in Photoshop?", "How to make a figure span on two columns in a scientific paper?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "how to plot and animate an hyperbole?", "What does a singular simplex with real coefficient mean ", "Safari - is there a way to set a preferred screen size?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?", "Is AES key length a size of the key or entropy?", "What happens to light and mass in the center of a black hole?", "What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?", "Can you estimate whether or not the sky is clear from a photographs metadata?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "What is the best way to remove pet odor from concrete?", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "How to pass an array of members of a struct as a parameter to a function?", "Is there a difference between pulling the plug and holding power for 5 seconds on a PC?", "How to show the integers have same cardinality as the natural numbers?", "What is the use of the unused Data pins of a LCD", "can a ring homomorphism map an integral domain to a non integral domain?", "Is the tree of the field a man?", "Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?", "God the Father's possession of a body of flesh and bones", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "What are the musical instruments that have the sounding range that has at least all notes on this range A#1-C5?", "Does the function which sends a right angled triangle to its area produce infinitely many numbers having hardly any prime factors?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Planet orbits: what's the difference between gravity and centripetal force?", "How to store length of time in a model with Rails?", "What would be the best way to design a real time clock for the MSP430?", "What is the difference between auto white balance and custom white balance?", "Is the ability cost of the commander part of the color identity?", "What is the purpose of active and passive voice?", "Can a smaller sensor's \"crop factor\" be used to calculate the exact increase in depth of field?", "What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?", "Is there a word specifically referring to the stand upon which a large book is displayed, opened to a page?", "Why does the potential drop across a battery and resistor equal the emf of the battery?", "What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?", "What is the difference between a telephoto lens and a zoom lens?", "How do I count the number of different child id's belonging to a parent record?", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "perl how to print out a hash with multiple keys?", "what is exactly the difference between the Selberg class and the set of Artin L-functions?", "What kind of diagram is best to represent the flow of a registration process?", "How to drill the perfect hole in a kitchen cabinet drawer for a handle?", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.543139934539795, 2.0819525718688965, 2.0207581520080566, 2.7028536796569824, 2.1909825801849365, 2.9225921630859375, 3.0039844512939453, 2.814157485961914, 1.5729233026504517, 2.9225921630859375, 1.9953312873840332, 1.4517980813980103, 1.3554801940917969, 2.234220266342163, 3.341958999633789, 2.785274028778076, 1.5280810594558716, 1.895838975906372, 1.5878292322158813, 2.6135568618774414, 2.4596707820892334, 2.45245623588562, 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Does it introduce a weakness?", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Probability...coin toss", "Show an ad (revmob) on app exit", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Correlating /var/log/* timestamps", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "How to center and fill main in html/css?", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "Adding lines to /etc/profile with puppet?", "Why IntegerPart[x/(x/2)]=1?", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "what does $this->getUrl('fastorder/index/saveOrder') refers to", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Terminal error File system read only (Solo lectura)", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner PCB thickness (<1.6 mm or 0.063'')?", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Can tab just mean \"insert tab character\"?", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "Many POST requests to /xmlrpc.php from GoogleBot taking down server?", "Why can't I manage to get post data from html form send to express.js?", "Which derailleur should I use with a Shimano 7 speed freewheel 14-34T megarange?", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "Error: \"Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”", "Android- R.java file not found", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "lxc-create hangs and finally fails", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Shalom alecha rebbi (u'mori)", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "Can I undo changes made via \"defaults write\"?", "Do we say \"shabbat shalom\" on Tisha b'Av that falls on Shabbat?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "How to color lat/lon points in given RGB data?", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "AngularUI-Bootstrap's Typeahead Can't Read `length` Property of `undefined`", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?", "Add date tickers to a matplotlib/python chart", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "Carving elements from XML (xmlstarlet,awk,perl..)", "MySQL does not work fine with UTF-8", "Ubuntu 11.04 \"The destination is read-only\" - thumbdrive - GNOME error?", "How to install jekyll?", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "Get value of a form ID python/flask", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "What to do after a scp failure?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "AES using derived keys / IVs. Does it introduce a weakness?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to get src from CDATA in RSS?", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "How do I point certain directory to /dev/null?", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "WYSIWYG TinyMCE Editor Integration", "Probability...coin toss", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "Why are these files in an ext4 volume fragmented?", "read an xml file with complex struct asp.net mvc", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "How to fix a dpkg broken by the Brother MFC-7340 deb driver", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "Reading from /dev/random does not produce any data", "Problem when installing “ia32-libs”", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Question about trace route", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Android- R.java file not found", "ip2nation - don't understand how the ip value is stored", "How to xlf-translate soy template by plovr?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "how do i fixed divs from overlapping centered, static div on browser resize?", "1/4 to 1/8 jack problem", "Simpler method to show $k(x)$ is NOT a primitive irreducible polynomial?", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Of using /usr/bin/env as Sha-bang", "www links wont redirect to a no-www 301 redirect", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "How to add a free information layer in the [top|bottom] toolbar?", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "Why does the C++ standard algorithm \"count\" return a ptrdiff_t instead of size_t?", "Private IP getting routed over Internet", "URLs with final slash trigger hotlink protection on my server", "A alternative to install pairtaghighlighter for geany 1.23.21", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "Custom key binding/mapping", "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized. what to do?", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "... finished {written/writing/to write/wrote} two compositions", "Why does SnCl2 occur despite the octet rule?", "convert text file column field with data dd.mm.yy to dd.mm.YYYY", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Conscript won't install - what to do?", "Can this be a DoS Attack?", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Can't ping host in OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN", "FindProcessParameters for Fractional Brownian Motion Returns Error", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Javascript arrays: Given array[n], get array[n*m]", "It was a pun! from the Dead parrot sketch", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "Eclipse&Maven - The import org.hibernate.boot.cannot be resolved", "Android- R.java file not found", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "Unrecognized element 'authentication'.", "What does the lpr -h command exactly mean from linux?", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "problem with bcm43xx / b43 / b43legacy blacklisted /var/log/jockey.log", "How to replace jquery attr rel with id", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "blank page shows up after adding \\usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}", "What abilities can be blocked by sivir's/nocturne's spell shield?", "Without using dowels, how do I join 2x4s edge to edge to be 1.5\" x 7\"?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.8669257164001465, 2.599378824234009, 0.7032232284545898, 1.1785340309143066, 1.2109967470169067, 2.356053113937378, 3.1491215229034424, 1.133756160736084, 1.6125696897506714, 2.2124974727630615, 0.8103569746017456, 2.495518207550049, 2.6064674854278564, 2.1684224605560303, 2.156193256378174, 1.9623217582702637, 2.0077857971191406, 1.7397539615631104, 2.495518207550049, 3.419741630554199, 1.7087002992630005, 2.315354585647583, 2.2124974727630615, 2.3331446647644043, 2.156193256378174, 1.6885809898376465, 3.2638349533081055, 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Everything Effectively Global", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "In a ContentByQueryWebPart, how to generate a link to the item's display form?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "How to scale entire document including Maths symbols?", "PostGIS is rejecting an srid code for my projection. I've found a nearly identical projection w/ a legit srid. Will it work?", "Do Lightroom lens correction profiles for Contax G lenses (e.g. 90/2.8) exist?", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "Generally speaking, how much does the Incredible Hulk weigh?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "What is the difference between the KLMN and SPDF methods of finding electronic configuration?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "How can I typeset the following symbol for beep in multimeter (code)?", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Do the preset picture styles also affect the White Balance?", "How to turn off Twitter's Suggestions for you / Who(m) to follow?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How to remember a trusted machine using two factor authentication (like Google's system)", "What preposition should be used in \"Moving something __ M meters\"?", "I'm new in developing responsive Wordpress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch?", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "What's the point in limiting the number of security groups per tenant In OpenStack?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "any FAST tex to html program?", "How do I get the text, not the name of the comboboxitem, from a combobox with C# in Windows Runtime?", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "Java 8 -- How do I calculate (milli)seconds from now using xsd:duration", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "Does store-bought Kombucha spoil? If so, how can I tell?", "Add an admin page, but don't show it on the admin menu", "Modal Popup not Closing if multiple Modals are present", "WD Black 2.5 sata drive slow on windows 8. Sector size is 4k. What gives? 40MBps write", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Why is it not dangerous to dissolve NaCl?", "Grouping by day + events spanning several days", "is this possible: Amps feed joining a Regulated V line", "Service Layer Pattern - Could we avoid the service layer on a specific case?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "What makes LSBit steganography detectable? And what would help in concealing it?", "In a Derby DBMS, How can I pad a number with zeros?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Do airlines replace cancelled short-haul flights by buses? If not, why not?", "What does “sign the final flourish” mean?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Was Rakata's \"Force-enhanced\" hyperdrive technology ever replicated (or something similar used)?", "Google Fonts loading on desktop, but not on mobile?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "What is \"perspective\" in the 3D Extrude and Bevel Options?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Can hybrid Vulcan/Humans procreate, or are they like mules?", "Double urn probability and multiple instances", "Does tagging content affect SEO?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Is changing gear to `Neutral` at all possible times a bad practice?", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Does IEEE-754 float, double and quad guarantee exact representation of -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2?", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "With estimates of mass constraints on magnetic monopoles, how likely is one to be found by the LHC(MoEDAL)?", "What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cuisine?", "How do I make a Make, Make Install, and deb file for a python program?", "Are there any good, free introductory Dungeon World adventures for a DM used to D&D?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "How do you import a Compositing Node Set-up?", "Huffy Cranbrook 26\" Ladies' Cruiser crank / pedal / chain \"pop\" sound...?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?", "Traveling into Brazil from Bolivia by land/bus", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Should the public website be inside the VPN, with its associated private website?", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Origin and meaning of \"The eagle flies at midnight\"", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "Right way to translate view Titles?", "Does every specialization of Craft you take get the class skill bonus, or just the first?", "Online broker available in Europe - to buy index funds or ETF with small investments", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Shortening the coax on UHF CB antenna caused SWR to get worse, why?", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "Why is MapReduce in CouchDB called \"incremental\"?", "Managing without Objects in C - And, why can I declare variables anywhere in a function in C?", "What to do in case of low inter-rater reliability (ICC)?", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "Are Mintakans related to Vulcans?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "Multiple-prime RSA; how many primes can I use, for a 2048-bit modulus?", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "COD Black Ops: Can opponents voice chat in free for all?", "Which is the most fundamental constant between the Planck constant $h$ and the reduced Planck constant $\\hbar$?", "Notification email on Content creation - admin approval?", "Does a Summoned Creature have a \"start of turn?\"", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "Knowing C++, how long does it take to learn Java?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "How do I connect to a remote MySQL database through an android device?", "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.BulkCopy - trying to cast varchar2 as number when it shouldn't", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "What is a good click through rate (CTR)", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Is Start & Stop technology good or bad for my car? (Alfa MiTO)", "Is the Panamatic any good?", "It was a tough question. I thought it through, though. Rules for 'ough'?", "How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "How are integers internally represented at a bit level in Java?", "m-element random sample being equally likely ...(CLRS 5.3-7)?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Adding Calendar page to another page?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How to set precision and format labeled Slider in Manipulate?", "What is the point of the super secret settings option in the video settings in minecraft 1.7?", "any FAST tex to html program?", "Prerequisities to become an MD-PhD?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "Can one meet criteria, or satisfy requirements?", "How do you create the vertical endless scrolling view in HTC WorldClock.apk, when setting the alarm?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?", "How to identify if sentence is passive Voice or Indicative sentence?", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "core file size with ulimit", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "From the 4th to the 8th of June - [date ranges]", "Nikon D3100 Won't Take Photo -- says light is too low", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "how to Remove payment method, shipping information and shipping method", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Are achievements per Steam account or per character?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Disk became full, had to force shutdown, now it doesn't boot", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Comment form json?", "The Greatest Commandment - Loving God with all our 1) heart, 2) soul, and 3) strength", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Can I set the Brick Texture Node horizontal mortar size to be equivalent to the vertical mortar size?", "Is it possible to Cap a GridFS collection?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Criteria is plural, of course, but", "how to pass value from visual force page (InputField) to controller?", "Long rest regains half hit dice - round up or down?", "Spokes keep breaking - bad hub or bad build?", "iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?", "which one have more importance to US PhD program ?TOEFL and GRE or publication records", "Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?", "Move Box2d object on touch of button?", "\"Where Amazing Happens\", is this poster slogan a grammatically correct expression?", "How do I map a key into the shift key in Windows? (see picture of Canadian French keyboard)", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Adding variables to the model one by one, or at the same time", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Shape of rotating rope (lasso problem?)", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "Apple Push Notification - all messages get sent but not all get delivered", "Relationship between user story, feature, and epic?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Selecting multiple icons in Finder using the keyboard?", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Should only the left \"Rear Fog Light\" actually light up in a pair?", "2-D Wavelet output changing when using 'figure' command in Matlab", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?", "Why some Book reference requests are closed and some are not?", "Strange things are afoot with the \"Eliminate Polygon Parts' tool", "Water : Aquatic :: Sand : xxx?", "In a C# ASP.NET view, how can I wrap numbers after a comma?", "AE: Parent Element to a point of a path?", "Psychology behind $0.99 for paid apps, but $1.00 for donation apps?", "A way to limit the number of categories with `exp:channel:categories`?", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Given Ohm's law, how can current increase if voltage increases, given fixed resistance?", "Using video ports 'backwards'", "Thermometer fluid is separated, defective?", "ListBox is selecting many items even in SelectionMode=\"Single\"", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Are there English equivalents to the Japanese saying, “There’s a god who puts you down as well as a god who picks you up”?", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "What's the highest character level in Torchlight?", "Is apt-get upgrade a dangerous command?", "What is the best way (price wise) to travel from Japan to Mexico and Venezuela, then come back?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Eclipse Phase and... the soul?", "Deploying Yesod to Heroku, can't build statically", "Shared memory: shmget fails: No space left on device -- how to increase limits?", "What's the base f-stop when counting an ideal f-stop for lens?", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "Cordova - Trying to execute a function inside a webview", "Learning the musical concepts in the book \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\"", "How to track malloc and free?", "Solubility, pressure and Henry's law", "If hydrogen bonding in water was weaker, what happens to H+ ion concentration?", "Detect user device and assign different jquery (desktop / mobile(ipad)) in js/ jquery?", "Can i transfer money via Indian bank atm to citibank account?", "Java - Is the Point class's hashCode() method any good, or should I override it and write my own?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "How to find the distance using dot product from point $A$ to the line through $B$ and $C$?", "What is the variance of a Polya Gamma distribution?", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "UIImage - should be loaded with [UIImage imageNamed:@\"\"] or not?", "Hebrew for ice - and other \"new\" words", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Workflow for managing, organizing and sharing a large number of \"photos of strangers\"?", "AD via LDAP - How can I return all ancestor groups from a query?", "Counter-warding: how to know where wards are?", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "Custom stroke caps in Illustrator?", "How to improve or get rid of an Indian English Accent?", "Do citizens of Hong Kong living in Canada - still need a visa to enter Russia for <2 weeks?", "Larger cylinder volume, but less power, how?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Comment before or after the relevant code", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?", "Layman's guide to getting started with Forex (foreign exchange trading)?", "Does 'The plot thickens' make the game easier or harder?", "What does “bupke” mean?", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.9643014669418335, 1.014110803604126, 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-0.8921393156051636, 0.43860113620758057, 0.7731730937957764, -0.9694321155548096, 0.4037119448184967, -1.331125020980835, 0.14140263199806213, 0.5020348429679871, 1.1985774040222168, 0.6140354871749878, -1.2630653381347656, -0.8827036619186401, 0.48846250772476196, 0.6495477557182312, -0.21564093232154846, -1.1677392721176147, 0.2708393335342407, 0.482147753238678, -0.18680256605148315, -0.17613063752651215, 1.3252222537994385, -0.826496958732605, -0.5921005010604858, -0.44740110635757446, -0.12411916255950928, 0.06213948130607605, 0.1725093424320221, -0.8921393156051636, -0.6571221947669983, 0.37169110774993896, 0.6457664966583252, -0.11089056730270386, 0.4037119448184967, -1.0076889991760254, 0.39497387409210205, 0.06213948130607605, 0.37182313203811646, 0.13553157448768616, 0.06213948130607605, 1.3252222537994385, 0.19440245628356934, 0.2708393335342407, -0.03709989786148071, 1.0581743717193604, -0.20342925190925598, 0.9667724967002869, 0.2612569332122803, -0.07999694347381592, 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-0.7674182653427124, -0.6834863424301147, 0.0738874077796936, 0.6457664966583252, 0.20046529173851013, 0.5794631838798523, 0.5948693752288818, -0.04348355531692505, 0.7804620265960693, -0.9212352633476257, -1.3883241415023804, 0.2560957670211792, 0.19628548622131348, -1.2906514406204224, 0.6854311227798462, 1.2768999338150024, 0.10154426097869873, -1.3883241415023804, -0.476240873336792, 0.75913405418396, -0.2233555018901825, 0.7804620265960693, -0.3592580556869507, -0.49378329515457153, -0.9045593738555908, 0.6854311227798462, -0.9637148976325989, -0.2765551805496216, -0.07999694347381592, -0.5216504335403442, 0.37169110774993896, -0.4718506932258606, -0.6685283780097961, 1.2768999338150024, -0.2233555018901825, 0.21146464347839355, -0.5216504335403442, 0.6140354871749878, 0.342345654964447, -0.17359468340873718, -0.28342345356941223, -0.48187685012817383, -0.16722360253334045, 0.16736215353012085, 0.34437766671180725, -0.8084170818328857, 1.1755861043930054, 0.39497387409210205, 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-1.1088937520980835, -0.642291784286499, 0.19589757919311523, -0.17921105027198792, -1.3133091926574707, 0.12220913171768188, 0.39497387409210205, 0.7216130495071411, -0.6678390502929688, 1.1985774040222168, -1.0164436101913452, -0.6755459904670715, 0.6854311227798462, 0.5794631838798523, 0.5173799991607666, -0.2765551805496216, -0.07999694347381592, 1.2768999338150024, 0.807415246963501, 0.75913405418396, -0.17613063752651215, -0.19940561056137085 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 46, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "41", "text": [ "Capture all queries that use hints", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Capture all queries that use hints", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "Create a table that fills a page with empty rows", "changing the general theme of math fonts", "Create a block showing the latest of a certain content type", "reference a view page with entity reference", "Creating a static C struct containing strings", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "linq to xml query with all attributes", "Add rows of textboxes with a click of a button" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 3.3957061767578125, 3.3957061767578125, 3.7068943977355957, 3.7068943977355957, 3.3957061767578125, 3.9145712852478027, 4.260199546813965, 3.4093127250671387, 4.472573280334473, 4.076888561248779, 3.4093127250671387, 3.404026985168457, 3.627711534500122, 3.305886745452881, 3.9145712852478027, 3.9145712852478027, 3.305886745452881 ], "y": [ 0.6471346020698547, 0.6471346020698547, 0.6431301832199097, 0.6431301832199097, 0.6471346020698547, -0.15436360239982605, 0.36545801162719727, 0.737119734287262, 1.6033859252929688, 2.1804251670837402, 0.737119734287262, 0.5973802804946899, -1.039175033569336, 1.076229453086853, -0.15436360239982605, -0.15436360239982605, 1.076229453086853 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 47, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "42", "text": [ "How can I upgrade my processor from X3065 to X3220?", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "It's possible change dynamically devise configuration without app restart?", "Recover Server 2008 R2 Domain Admin Password", "Laravel 4 Cashier: Don't fire webhook if initiated from laravel application", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "Capture all queries that use hints", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Integrate WordPress in Yii", "Salesforce Mobile SDK Community Registration", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Where is the Apex URL builder?", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Will existing Ubuntu installation still work on this new hardware?", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "Create Processing Instruction in BizTalk Map", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Why are the Raspian repositories so out of date?", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "Entropy Loss of KDFs", "SSD Drive - external vs Internal", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "How to tell a macmini to stop booting to Windows from a macbook pro?", "Separating out Red component image from an RGB image in opencv 2.3", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Office 2007 problems", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Syntax highlighting language hints", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Folder compare tool?", "How to get the sales order date from the REST api?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Password sending through network", "Importing data from an XLS File using ADO and Delphi", "Programming CC430F5137 using another microcontroller", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "Possible to create new Application Handler?", "Command key in MacVim", "SharePoint 2010 equivalent to SQL Profiler?", "M2E setting file", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "Best Innodb Buffer Pool Size for 8GB RAM?", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Google Universal Analytics - Campaign ID", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Why can't I clip vectors with 2 different projections?", "DirectX11 without window attached?", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "Java and JVM license", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "finding control in winforms panel", "How Can I \"Update-Package\" to a Previous Version in the Package Manager Console?", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "What's going wrong when I reproject raster in EPSG:32115 in QGIS?", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Logging layers openings?", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "How to Solve the \"Unidentified network\" in Windows 7", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Using nofollow when crosslinking my own sites", "Quicklook is broken in Lion", "Show Windows 7 logon time?", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "USB 3.0 to USB 3.0", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Replacing a PERC S300", "NIC throughput monitoring by process", "Insertion with Regex to format a date (Perl)", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "How get running squid3 with a local datase user?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Graphicsrow title", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "Is there something like Things for Windows?", "Getting rid of \"Tethering Detected\" popup on Android ICS 4.0?", "QGIS: How to get Symbols saved in GPX Files", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "Connect OpenLayers3 Client with QGIS Server", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Manipulate SearchCenter how showing the results", "Folder compare tool?", "Android- R.java file not found", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "Offline WordPress post editor/creator", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Fedora manual installation and dependencies", "How can I upload video on Youtube and pause or resume it?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "Networking Questions: Serialization and Frequent Small Packets or Fewer Large Packets", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "COP8 MCU information needed", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How do I export a Keynote Presentation to PDF while embedding the font", "Formating Text added via Data Sets in Photoshop", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Remove certain functionality from Rich Text Area field in Salesforce UI", "Android- R.java file not found", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "What is Application Pool in IIS and Asp.Net?", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "Change Product Quantity Without Edit on Magento", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "In PHP, how to detect the execution is from CLI mode or through browser ?", "Dumping Stack Overflow to a private network", "Installation Steps of Oralce Client 11.2", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Experience with direct data access components", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Removing blanks from a column in Excel", "Wix: Heat hidden files", "Is there anyway to stack or merge .hdf files in R Studio?", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "Refresh Downloads list", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "How to get the path of android installed application", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "iptables -P FORWARD DROP, good or bad?", "windows audio running but no notification bar icon", "How do you run an installer?", "Can you match a Windows XP product key to a service pack release?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "How to get the path of android installed application", "OpenSSL RAND_poll 'good enough'", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "What if a conference is not ranked but IEEE sponsored", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", "Created Custom objects on salesforce not showing up under Leads", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?", "Close all file descriptors in bash", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "When to Use WCF / REST", "How to remove Libre.fm from Rhythmbox?", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "Capture all queries that use hints", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "How to Set GPO to Update Compatibility View List in IE9", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "postgres: how to use subquery correctly?", "Change between drives in filezilla client", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "SmartArray P400 Create Logical Drive Erase Data?", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "What are good situations to use Multi-Flash / Repeating Flash feature?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "I need help! PopUp with only OK button", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "How do I auto-remove trailing whitespace in Android Studio?", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "Does MySQL Enterprise Backup work across Operating Systems?", "How many connections reads queue", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", "Folder compare tool?", "Reftex \\cite command binding", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "How to find out if my hosting's speed is good enough?", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Binary tree traversal without using recursion", "Where is Query String (URL) Filter?", "Recovering files downloaded from IE", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "How to know which edition a DotNetNuke site is", "Are programming books in other languages useful for Python?", "Keypad to set a counter", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Installing Theme for magento 1.9.0 pagayo", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Is it possible to add house numbers using the Mapbox Street Vector Tiles source in Tilemill2?", "Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to use ARM software in Raspberry?", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "How to bindkey alt+key in OSX", "Elegant way of sending e-mails with Service Broker", "JMS web application with Eclipse and WebSphere Application Server", "Java and JVM license", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "stackoverflow.com/questions is not updating", "Removing the spaces between words", "Which parts of the Eclipse Platform, if any, adhere to ISO 9241?", "SonicWall TZ 200 Network bandwidth or usage monitoring", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "How to forcibly disconnect a application listening on a port", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Unable to apply publish properties?", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Create Accounts and Contacts from single csv import", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Close Popup window in Salesforce1", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "Android Webview Strategy For Deleting Images Causing Speech-To-Text to Fail", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "PHP EDI X12 Parsing", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How to configure GRUB to load Windows 7 Install in UEFI mode", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "How do i install drivers for Lexmark Z1300 printer for ubuntu 13.10?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Reblog yourself on Tumblr", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Keypad to set a counter", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Can I limit the time a table lock is being held server side?", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "How to add special price to category products grid?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Can I safely exclude sleepimage from OS X backups", "How to change title of button A when button B is pressed?", "Exchange 2003 internal to external", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Hide \"Close Window\" option from taskbar", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Need more memory to install Nova 3 Near Orbit on Samsung Galaxy S2", "reference a view page with entity reference", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "How detect which OpenGL texture formats are natively supported?", "Using FORCE INDEX", "Esoteric Programming Languages - Acceptable or Discouraged?", "How to disable the shape toggle hotkey in Windows Chinese Input method?", "Comment form json?", "Can lists do version control on attachments?", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "Creating a Bridged Network Connection in Terminal", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "Draggable / floating Web Part Properties dialog", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "How to change port number in vino?", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "Extending Internal Link and External Link to allow selection of Images", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "Google chrome and chromium black window", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Sort Date Column in jqgrid", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "Is there any way to customize vmware's \"Easy Install\" of ubuntu?", "How do I apply my copyright information from XMP automatically with DigiKam?", "Native Exchange Email app does not synchronize folders properly", "Any disadvantages to single-supply mode?", "Do Not Track header", "Potential PHP problems with EE 1.13 or CE 1.8", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "I want a pre-configured SharePoint 2010 Environment", "Take quick notes without interrupting current activity", "Get selected value of a number model spinner", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Firefox 4 Downgrades to Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7", "Server 2008 DNS forwarders", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "EE control panel dashboard search field", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Need Quartis II CPLD tutorial for learning VHDL from ZERO", "Does Parallels Desktop support hardware virtualization for the client VM?", "Thunderbird 2.0: Inbox size is 4GB on disk: how do I reduce it?", "Creating fake (test) data", "How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Illustrator ctrl-drag to snap to path: how to make it default?", "Unprotect a Word Document", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Search predictions broken in Chrome - reinstall didn't solve the problem", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "CASTING attributes for Ordering on a Doctrine2 DQL Query", "How to disable bash drivers in windows 8.1?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "Freeform timing out on return page", "Keypad to set a counter", "Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?", "Is there an easy way to background a sudo shell?", "Can I use Self-Modification in Android?", "What Range of Source Ports do web Browsers Use to Connect", "pfSense with two WANs, routing Skype traffic over a specific WAN", "Where to install SSL Cert", "Is there any documentation about using Client ID / Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions?", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "What's the best way to pause my work in Virtualbox with Ubuntu as a guest?", "Tools to run a background process command line in windows?", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Explorer View on the Wiki Section of SharePoint", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "How to change port number in vino?", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Where can I find the source code for Dungeon Defenders?", "Read Exif data from Image on WP", "WKID matching EPSG", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Show \"Raise Notice\" and \"Raise Warning\" in QGIS", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Are questions regarding System76 hardware allowed?", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Why executing \"cmd /k\" after connecting in a ssh server using putty makes the keyboard stop working?", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?", "WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?", "What is the kernel doing when I bring a TUN/TAP interface up", "Migration Assistant fails on Ethernet Mavericks-to-Mavericks migration", "iOS7: UICollectionView appearing under UINavigationBar", "CMS Uses http and so sends password in plain text", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "IIS 7 email forwarding", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "How do I automate the handling of a problem (no network device found) in Ubuntu 10.04 w/ preseed?", "Any open source alternative to Roboform", "How can I redirect what is shown on Terminal to a file, when using the 'less' command?", "Build-time GLSL syntax validation", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "High ping on games while streaming", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Alternative Date/Time Libraries for Go", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "Connect to Microsoft Access database via Microsoft SQL Server / MySQL", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Nexus 7 is stuck in reboot loop after full discharge", "Is a VPN really secure at the VPN providers side?", "Putting Linux processes on certain CPU cores", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Defining a persistent static route on Mac OS X", "How to use AJAX.BeginForm?", "Which Windows 7 to install?", "Send & Delete in GMail", "Experience with direct data access components", "Client Object Model - How can I access a List using relativeServerUrl", "SQL Server to Hadoop Replication", "ASP.NET MVC Update part of the model", ".NET class library DLL refresh", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Force Geoserver SRID 0", "Blender - Set blending mode(Porter-Duff) for a material", "Change published date to 12 hour time", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD?", "Disable the save button until changes are made?", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Adding Data to Multiple Tables Using Single Query", "Refresh Downloads list", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "Adding Properties to User Profile and Displaying in List", "Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo", ".ibooks format on the iphone?", "How can I get my SSL certificate signed by an CA for web application that runs on localhost", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "C# + PHP in the same application?", "problem unscheduling reports", "MySQL 5.5 Replication to Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s) Magento Enterprise", "How can I fully automate the creation and configuration of a SharePoint virtual machine?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Is it possible to connect to already running session on Xubuntu 12.04 machine?", "Windows Software to Mount Volume/Partition Image File", "Change Width of Object on Screen Resize", "How to convert particles to mesh", "When to use layoutSubview in iOS", "Finding columns that do not match existing primary key", "Address Windowing Extensions Overhead", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "RDP File transfer is really slow. Any way to speed it up?", "What's the play event on a video html5 element?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "how to send a mail by telnetting through some SMTP server?", "GarageBand not starting after Snow Leopard upgrade", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "limit to number of times you can checkin/checkout a document", "Custom Logout in Sharepoint 2010", "SPI and clock active low or high", "Lyx itemize returning to last number", "Kohana (or straight PHP) OAuth2 implementation", "How to Enable Ports 25 - 28 on a Cisco Catalyst 3750", "Is ZIP archive capable of storing permissions?", "Why does Membership not show up in Mysite?", "Using VBA to change Picture", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "Using Force.com Site for Customer Portal. Can Customer Portal Login page URL be hidden/deactivated? in lieu of the Site URL", "Generate a custom Enterprise WSDL", "EditText blocked by keyboard when it is clicked", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "How do I convert date in VBA with format \"YYYYMMDD HHMMSS\"?", "Single Sign On with SubDomains", "Texas Instruments USB2ANY HPA665", "Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for delete on Mac", "Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal", "I don't have a dedicated GPU and I can't install DirectX to play NFS Most Wanted", "Search option is not visible in Chrome's Developer Tools", "Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Where did the SIP settings go to on my LG Optimus 4X?", "AntiForgeryToken versus Captcha", "Crossplatform \"jail\" for an application", "How do I turn off my Raspberry Pi?", "EXcel Web Access - web part Error", "Network database access - How do I connect to a remote database?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Problem with Google Now in Tab 2", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Command key in MacVim", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How do I copy some smart object layers to another file and keep them linked", "Sort ListBox C#", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Easiest way to persist data on a PHP page", "Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address?", "GRASS plugin absent from QGIS 2.6 OSGeo4W install", "Does Raspberry Pi 2 support RTOS?", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "od emulation for directories", "SQL: Saving MIME-Type or Extension?", "Can't connect to a win2003 pptp vpn if the cisco vpn service is running", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "Security concerns with a \"fiddle\" site?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Exit Google Chrome from terminal", "Forefront (Identity Manager/Sync Service) missing from Service Manager", "Enabling aggregate and compress CSS files caused error on site access", "Open Source Scripting Languages that work well with Microsoft SQL Server", "How can I switch from Desktop to Server without reinstalling via CD?", "Ubuntu 14.04 Dell Inspiron 15R Unable to adjust Brightness", "What package managers do popular Unix Distributions Use?", "Disable tap on current Tab (UITabBarController) iPhone App", "Performance Counters for SQL Server Related to iSCSI Disk Access", "Apps are not permitted to access the UDID", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Autogeneration column in list", "Embed .Net C# In Web Page?", "Application deployment using MDT with no access to network.", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "C#: Is it possible to have partial extension classes", "Running Linux inside Windows XP, ie no dual booting", "SharePoint 2010: Application Pages Throwing Error", "IE9 RC crashes on my Windows 7 laptop?", "Do I need Android SDK to connect my phone in USB debug mode?", "AMD processors VS Intel Processors in virtualization and SQL tasks", "Bake particle system animation and delete few particles", "Read dot matrix printer data through parallel port", "what is best way to Migrate Content from Tridion 5.3sp1 to 2011sp1", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Free RF Simulation Software", "Computer browsing not working", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "Does SQL Server 2008 R2 Express have Intellisense?", "Will installing Ubuntu using Wubi erase Windows?", "Representation of negative integers", "How can I surface TFS 2010 project associated Information with SharePoint2010", "Why does SFDC create a Lead via the LMA, but Checkout creates an Account when a payment is processed", "lion: assign buttons on a Microsoft mouse", "How do you map a virtual drive letter to a local path on Windows?", "Can I use Flatiron's resourceful in express?", "Hostname resolution in a machine with multiple running eth ports", "Setting a basic footer to a UITableView", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "High ping on games while streaming", "Is there a way to read the columns in a shapefile / layer without converting it first to an MDB file?", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "PECL extension in Ubuntu 11.10", "Eclipse Java EE Indigo 's XML formatting is suddenly screwed up", "Using VBA to change Picture", "What is Pointer-chasing and how it is related to BFS", "Can't deploy Sharepoint 2013 app", "How do I attach a GPS receiver?", "What client for DECwindows?", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Android- R.java file not found", "AirPlay on Apple TV 2 failing more often than it works", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "How to deploy webpart on production (not debugging) server?", "Auto Refresh Div Using jQuery from 5 Seconds to Zero", "High memory usage Windows Server 2008r2 on VMware", "rabbitmq set message Properties php", "Fiber Channel SAN hooked up to 2 ESXi Hosts", "Can I use a package manager of one distribution on another?", "How do I reset the software Mac OS X Update Server", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "How to read NTFS drives in Linux (RHEL 6)?", "Increasing the search query limit (Apache Solr)", "ASA: How to connect server with a external IP address already assigned?", "Do any \"pro-sumer\" grade NAS boxes use hardware RAID?", "CName for static images - will Google crawl?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Run commands on a different computer", "Can the update manager download only a single package at a time?", "Does Windows XP Mode require its separate serial/license?", "Decompiler Bytecode and Obfuscators", "Is IP restriction enough or should I SSL my web authentication?", "I Cancelled Microsoft 10 Reservation and uninstalled KB3035583 but Window 10 is still trying to install", "Can I run 64-bit VM guests on a 32-bit host?", "Looking for tool to show IP packets (and do analysis) sent/received from/to my machine (want to debug why can't mount network drive)", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "How to remove a directory and its contents using NSFileManager", "What exactly is the difference between Unreal Development Kit and Uunreal Engine 4?", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "Do Not Track header", "Wordpress 4 invalid username special charachters issue", "C compiler supported by Windows 7", "Brute force login attempt from spoofed IP's", "MonoTouch: How to save a huge PDF downloaded from an URL incrementally?", "What is the keyboard shortcut for 'Mark as read' in GMail?", "How to mount a NTFS USB harddrive to Mac OS X that was unsave removed from Windows?", "Is using PHP NuSOAP a bad idea?", "Is Mac OS X in a VirtualBox VM suitable for iOS development?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "Is it possible to jailbreak an iPad 2 (A1395) after updating to iOS 6.0.1?", "Thunderbolt Display Camera No Longer Recognized by my Macbook Pro", "How can I write HTML and send as an email?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Upload/Download File using REST or Web Services", "Can't Delete iTunes Content", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Log In / Sign Up on Splash screen?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -2.9518990516662598, -3.0416362285614014, -2.549987316131592, -3.1708076000213623, -2.584784746170044, -2.6072304248809814, -2.2982444763183594, -2.6491105556488037, -3.1568217277526855, 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-2.9538323879241943, -3.339660406112671, -3.6697981357574463, -3.1712374687194824, -2.895108222961426, -3.0849428176879883, -3.2846715450286865, -3.7135367393493652, -3.2176074981689453, -3.7135367393493652, -3.48801851272583, -2.704648494720459, -3.6697981357574463, -2.6810755729675293, -2.7601747512817383, -2.677511692047119, -2.3872721195220947, -3.0618371963500977, -3.701242685317993, -2.531341552734375, -2.4925122261047363, -2.9387662410736084, -3.198955774307251, -2.923966884613037, -3.005659580230713, -3.4065797328948975, -2.7022078037261963, -2.939992904663086, -3.181149482727051, -3.218078136444092, -3.4288856983184814, -2.8265655040740967, -3.265538215637207, -2.17913818359375, -2.7878873348236084, -2.7573535442352295, -2.5760436058044434, -2.405346632003784, -2.6075618267059326, -2.146071672439575, -3.4904990196228027, -3.0738911628723145, -3.3119120597839355, -2.812675952911377, -3.1666805744171143, -2.0998783111572266, -2.353069305419922, -1.849271297454834, -3.3028688430786133, -2.830457925796509, -2.7958502769470215, -2.507658004760742, -3.339660406112671, -2.704648494720459, -2.630603313446045, -3.6067557334899902, -2.7878873348236084, -3.5678882598876953, -3.1120338439941406, -3.301517963409424, -2.5129926204681396, -2.540769577026367, -3.366077184677124, -3.896193504333496, -2.9914135932922363, -2.832179069519043, -2.428816318511963, -2.7308287620544434, -2.5151867866516113, -3.001823902130127, -2.7958502769470215, -3.361802339553833, -3.234527111053467, -2.203038454055786, -3.414377212524414, -2.2068238258361816, -2.582578659057617, -3.387747049331665, -3.0014383792877197, -2.9029605388641357, -2.709096670150757, -2.7661595344543457, -3.464052677154541, -3.5013985633850098, -2.784989356994629, -3.335814952850342, -2.062742233276367, -2.969080686569214, -3.742274284362793, -3.271211624145508, -2.733708620071411, -2.6787948608398438, -2.7812066078186035, -3.6109414100646973, -3.4910519123077393, -3.2253730297088623, -2.3951544761657715, -2.6761693954467773, -3.1712374687194824, -2.994800567626953, -3.043079137802124, -3.1382970809936523, -2.784092903137207, -2.9885354042053223, -2.7702507972717285, -3.136261224746704, -3.4832305908203125, -2.4726672172546387, -2.7650034427642822, -2.428816318511963, -3.401390552520752, -3.0416362285614014, -3.184011697769165, -2.5968098640441895, -3.218078136444092, -3.6329023838043213, -2.7869081497192383, -3.191661834716797, -2.3876473903656006, -2.6833250522613525, -2.9914605617523193, -2.7819576263427734, -3.335814952850342, -2.428816318511963, -3.1180083751678467, -3.557260751724243, -2.4420783519744873, -3.339660406112671, -2.888803482055664, -2.8228650093078613, -2.9113235473632812, -3.5390408039093018, -2.526846408843994, -2.6088852882385254, -3.4376461505889893, -2.575767993927002, -2.0998783111572266, -3.5678882598876953, -3.167403221130371, -3.359499454498291, -3.0910491943359375, -3.1646230220794678, -2.062742233276367, -2.832179069519043, 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-3.6314845085144043, -2.507658004760742, -2.670534610748291, -2.8858232498168945, -2.534107208251953, -3.001823902130127, -2.964226722717285, -2.7905802726745605, -2.4836249351501465, -2.8816452026367188, -3.116692066192627, -2.620774269104004, -3.191661834716797, -3.4065797328948975, -3.009697914123535, -2.6321446895599365, -3.389397621154785, -3.2280654907226562, -3.6314845085144043, -3.147486448287964, -2.7080211639404297, -3.775536298751831, -3.001823902130127, -3.2427022457122803, -2.1242988109588623, -2.5199689865112305, -3.2427022457122803, -2.733708620071411, -3.1760241985321045, -2.7812066078186035, -3.0796451568603516, -2.862123966217041, -2.69415283203125, -3.091141700744629, -2.7337450981140137, -3.066328525543213, -3.095061779022217, -2.0950567722320557, -2.549987316131592, -3.826495885848999, -3.1924686431884766, -3.2943029403686523, -3.0267436504364014, -2.1242988109588623, -3.313612461090088, -2.4174344539642334, -3.4744396209716797, -3.3119120597839355, -3.1666805744171143, -2.828207015991211, -2.700110912322998, -2.784092903137207, -2.634821653366089, -3.094291925430298, -2.810729742050171, -3.062211275100708, -2.378664970397949, -2.988961696624756, -3.8177032470703125, -3.0434141159057617, -2.1898040771484375, -3.571119785308838, -3.3027162551879883, -3.265538215637207, -3.1433424949645996, -2.77828311920166, -2.625574827194214, -3.265538215637207, -2.904648780822754, -3.139523506164551, -3.1760241985321045, -2.684462547302246, -2.709096670150757, -3.0994503498077393, -2.5902435779571533, -3.6751532554626465, -3.1172029972076416, -3.6067557334899902, -2.889686346054077, -2.794581413269043, -3.1954140663146973, -3.1954140663146973, -2.965893507003784, -2.540769577026367, -3.1778759956359863, -2.549987316131592, -3.5127363204956055, -1.8212409019470215, -2.6810755729675293, -2.4654743671417236, -2.706202268600464, -2.405346632003784, -3.062211275100708, -2.651350736618042, -2.81864070892334, -3.043079137802124, -2.801872491836548, -3.250863790512085, -2.653474807739258, -2.5902435779571533, -3.557260751724243, -3.234527111053467, -3.1646230220794678, -3.464052677154541, -2.620774269104004, -2.139526605606079, -2.4873476028442383, -3.742274284362793, -2.5151867866516113, -3.5761640071868896, -3.521172523498535, -3.2851860523223877, -3.2201507091522217 ], "y": [ -0.2646139860153198, -0.914306640625, -0.7807251214981079, -0.9403469562530518, -0.28160160779953003, -0.350155770778656, -0.24870258569717407, -0.8614028692245483, -0.9990652799606323, -0.5774592161178589, -1.729310154914856, -0.5205629467964172, -0.9668635129928589, -0.49399471282958984, -0.7673192620277405, -0.9576195478439331, -0.6895819306373596, -1.4969139099121094, -0.11601805686950684, -1.5749633312225342, -1.729310154914856, -0.601660966873169, -0.31694644689559937, -0.8643425703048706, -0.36165112257003784, -0.7087253928184509, -0.256773442029953, -0.820448637008667, -0.1963968276977539, -0.22820350527763367, -0.435263067483902, 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-0.7362713813781738, -1.2708287239074707, -0.6175752282142639, -0.03279265761375427, 0.48657041788101196, -0.9785031080245972, -0.816733181476593, -1.0425028800964355, -0.8700954914093018, -0.8565714955329895, -0.18684610724449158, -0.2439573109149933, 0.6029847860336304, -0.23022788763046265, -0.4506007432937622, -0.6708474159240723, -0.38916802406311035, -0.4886876940727234, -1.3465428352355957, -1.0180590152740479, -0.010353177785873413, -1.8837385177612305, -1.5115385055541992, -1.9559818506240845, -0.45406073331832886, -0.7434601783752441, -0.34461069107055664, -1.3811619281768799, -0.7742732763290405, -0.15855899453163147, 0.09832048416137695, -1.1505056619644165, 0.16257387399673462, -0.1573435664176941, -0.44955694675445557, -0.04264196753501892, 0.02180922031402588, -0.45630818605422974, -0.11619564890861511, -0.6370970606803894, -1.3465428352355957, -0.7287073135375977, -0.6164839863777161, -0.9410351514816284, -0.142554372549057, 0.1497068703174591, -0.36165112257003784, -0.49363887310028076, -0.32955873012542725, -0.8893728256225586, -1.2898591756820679, -0.6606652736663818, -0.11345204710960388, -0.4029502272605896, -0.44955694675445557, -0.31779640913009644, -0.9068727493286133, -0.5580101013183594, -0.7340449094772339, -1.1166166067123413, -0.5280261039733887, -0.6287447214126587, 0.10825031995773315, -0.11463114619255066, -0.37348923087120056, -0.40063560009002686, -0.7120685577392578, -0.3421243727207184, -0.4213172495365143, -0.538547158241272, -0.4738070070743561, -0.7010052800178528, -0.7714270353317261, -1.1633708477020264, -0.26798126101493835, -0.8181241750717163, -0.5708122849464417, -1.8441781997680664, -0.4559888541698456, -0.9576195478439331, -0.5756016373634338, -0.38801634311676025, -0.3157600462436676, -0.787190318107605, -0.830195963382721, -1.4329485893249512, -0.5125346779823303, -0.3880111277103424, -0.5205629467964172, -4.7326087951660156e-05, -0.49238771200180054, -0.44754546880722046, -0.7989493608474731, -1.2898591756820679, -0.15977153182029724, -0.914306640625, -1.543210744857788, -0.9873099327087402, -0.23022788763046265, -0.5297538042068481, -0.15547940135002136, -0.22820350527763367, -0.5728260278701782, -1.507077693939209, -0.7417178153991699, -0.2338886857032776, -0.538547158241272, -1.2898591756820679, -0.5659521818161011, -0.7324818968772888, -0.5370464324951172, 0.02180922031402588, -0.5148297548294067, -0.38004809617996216, 0.13852456212043762, -0.6668351292610168, -0.7666341662406921, -1.0708281993865967, -1.2780022621154785, -0.16273754835128784, -0.15855899453163147, -0.7287073135375977, 0.07612103223800659, -0.29162636399269104, -0.6235900521278381, -0.5611969232559204, -0.4738070070743561, -0.8893728256225586, -0.49618127942085266, -1.4486801624298096, -1.5442322492599487, -0.32624998688697815, -1.306511640548706, -0.1594659388065338, -0.16643014550209045, -0.7883649468421936, -0.13875970244407654, -0.49238771200180054, -0.6389896273612976, -0.24782931804656982, -1.4896576404571533, -0.9527223110198975, -1.9176660776138306, -0.28513485193252563, -1.0591833591461182, -0.3279218077659607, -0.6801447868347168, -0.4199916124343872, 0.48657041788101196, -0.49619489908218384, -0.33131927251815796, -0.06904345750808716, -1.2920236587524414, -0.4474787414073944, -0.32738712430000305, -0.33131927251815796, -0.9576195478439331, -0.34176698327064514, -0.3001285195350647, 0.04611155390739441, -0.5989902019500732, -0.32624998688697815, -1.471459150314331, -1.0794661045074463, -0.7294247150421143, -0.7807251214981079, -0.42907583713531494, -1.315928339958191, -0.9570260643959045, -0.1492527425289154, -0.7352081537246704, -0.6394246816635132, -0.7714270353317261, -0.7883649468421936, -0.7011696100234985, -0.18684610724449158, -0.03279265761375427, -0.9544532299041748, -0.538547158241272, -0.4727940559387207, -0.8614028692245483, -1.157354474067688, -0.4559888541698456, -1.4576332569122314, -0.3764370083808899, -1.9176660776138306, -1.184248924255371, -0.060916364192962646, 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-0.9480609893798828, -1.0956709384918213, -0.4426852762699127, -0.7355678081512451, -0.7352081537246704, -0.2553303837776184, -1.1994190216064453, -1.0794661045074463, -1.471459150314331, -0.8901189565658569, -0.23707035183906555, -1.2920236587524414, -0.5981776118278503, -0.1492527425289154, -0.07021775841712952, -0.23707035183906555, -1.1608779430389404, -1.3719606399536133, -1.2310982942581177, -0.7955081462860107, -0.9527223110198975, -1.0512216091156006, -0.7498551607131958, -0.2202809751033783, -0.77197265625, -0.8676657676696777, -1.1505056619644165, -0.49619489908218384, -0.32624998688697815, -0.9544532299041748, -1.1319935321807861, -0.035917818546295166, -0.24592584371566772, -0.36165112257003784, -1.6530647277832031, -0.45630818605422974, 0.3564899265766144, -0.16890794038772583, -1.2976555824279785, -0.04264196753501892, -0.2117914855480194, -1.3253283500671387, -0.9281688928604126, -0.4029502272605896, -0.4053588807582855, -1.4527891874313354, -0.8657727241516113, -0.16643014550209045, -0.3127429485321045, -0.3627789616584778, -0.22820350527763367, -0.8565714955329895, -0.07021775841712952, -1.0072135925292969, -0.5440821051597595, -0.8290309906005859, -1.2976555824279785, -1.4320451021194458, -0.6394246816635132, -0.9591469168663025, -0.4029502272605896, -0.9668635129928589, -0.6185885667800903, -1.243434190750122, -0.9668635129928589, -0.26798126101493835, -0.8006711006164551, -0.5708122849464417, -0.4688713848590851, -1.016780138015747, -0.7139236927032471, -0.8438236117362976, -0.7430348992347717, 0.3187737464904785, -0.2195729911327362, -0.18680495023727417, -0.7807251214981079, -0.5595303773880005, -1.068154215812683, -0.14541083574295044, -0.6895819306373596, -0.6185885667800903, -0.08422267436981201, -0.9217010140419006, -0.5120198130607605, -0.34461069107055664, -0.7742732763290405, -0.9570260643959045, -0.2655501663684845, -0.5125346779823303, -0.06904345750808716, -0.5989902019500732, -0.33132603764533997, -0.8495688438415527, 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-0.7120685577392578, -0.3627789616584778, -0.77197265625, -0.7050453424453735, -0.7714270353317261, -0.11345204710960388, -2.2396812438964844, -0.24380278587341309, -0.16771388053894043, -1.0629305839538574 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 48, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "43", "text": [ "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "How to do this indices example?", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Analytical solution to PDE", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "Interpolated FIR filter", "3 images side by side", "Intuition Behind a Decimal Representation with Catalan Numbers", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "How can I eliminate a function in a system of PDEs, Maple-style?", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "The Rademacher functions for counting binary digits", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Table heading multicolumn problem", "Homework with logarithms", "Result about Lebesgue measurable subset of $\\mathbb{R}^2$ and horizontal/vertical slices", "Lebesgue measure of any line in $\\mathbb{R^2}$.", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Scalar product of coherent states ", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "The graph has an Euler tour iff in-degree($v$)=out-degree($v$)", "Homework with logarithms", "user-defined parentheses command breaking across lines", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "Confusion about the Kronecker delta symbol", "Upper bound for the norm of inverse Fourier tansform", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Making a checkered background for a page", "How can locators be added to the points on a 3D grid?", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "Adding slides to previous section - Beamer", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "More than 2 resistors in parallel", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "ifpackageloaded question", "Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial", "What do $0^n$ and $1^n$ mean in cryptography?", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Presentation of discrete upper triangular group", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "Proving square root of a square is the same as absolute value", "uniformly continuous functions and measures", "Can $(\\log\\log m)/(\\log\\log n)$ be rational?", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "ifpackageloaded question", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "How to delete duplicate solutions of this system of equations?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Equitably distributed curve on a sphere", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Why are two eigen-state-kets with different eigenvalues orthogonal?", "Force exerted on potential wall", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "How to fix the order in which text appears in an axis label (V7)", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "Questions about geometric distribution", "How to show $a$ is an element of every maximal ideal of ring $R$ iff $1-ab$ is a unit for all $b \\in R$?", "Tuples in LaTeX", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Invariance of dynamical system under a transformation", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Using logical operators on loops results in contradiction", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Making a checkered background for a page", "Negatively curved metrics minimizing the length of a homotopy class of simple closed curves", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "ifpackageloaded question", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Cyclic group of order $6$ defined by generators $a^2=b^3=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab=e$.", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Prove that any real function defined on a real open interval has at most countably many simple discontinuities.", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "If $a$ is a quadratic residue of odd prime $p$, then is it the case that $a^{-1}$ is also a quadratic residue?", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "If $f(x) \\in F[x]$ is a polynomial solvable by radicals, does this imply that its Galois group is solvable when $F$ has characteristic $p > 0$?", "Calculating pH of diprotic and amphoteric solutions", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "Unwanted vertical space before tabular on title page", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Inverse fourier transform of exponentially decaying function in the frequency domain", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Highlight a column in equation or math environment", "Change in Wavelength of a Photon Relation to Energy (specifically Compton Effect)", "Matrix Manipulation Question", "KL divergence between two univariate Gaussians", "Why is the limit of this root the absolute value", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "The figure below shows the graph of a function $f(x)$. How many solutions does the equation $f(f(x)) = 15$ have?", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type", "Understanding the definition of the order of an entire function", "Are these adjoint functors to/from the category of monoids with semigroup homomorphisms?", "Understanding a \\@for loop", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Using conditionals to set tag parameters", "Hexagon with exscribed triangle", "Correct use of arguments pattern in pgfkeys/append after command in tikz?", "Formal proof that $\\mathbb{R}^{2}\\setminus (\\mathbb{Q}\\times \\mathbb{Q}) \\subset \\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is connected.", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "Using sketch to find exact value of trigonometric expression", "Analytical solution to PDE", "Align tikzpicture to body text with node as reference", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Bound of norm of the operator $T(f)=fg$ on $L^p$ space", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "Maximal ideals of commutative unital C* algebra using Gelfand-Naimark theorem", "Using \\item within \\newcommand", "Is there a non-trivial topological group structure of $\\mathbb{Z}$?", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "Change of basis in non-linear Schrodinger equation", "Calculate integral for arbitrary parameter n in infinite square well problem", "How to split very long equation in two pages?", "Rate-limiting in transition state theory", "Orthogonal complement $V^\\bot$ of the vector space $V=\\langle(1,0,2),(3,-1,0)\\rangle$ and $V\\cap V^\\bot$", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "Unusual Differential Equation", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group", "Solving a two point boundary problem for a piecewise system of equations", "Finding residue of function", "How to specify the multicolumn width in table header?", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "Group isomorphisms and a possible trivial statement?", "Is this morphism the normalization of P^1 in this curve", "Integrate a division of polynomials", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Unusual Differential Equation", "How to prove that $f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n\\sin(x)}$ does not converge uniformly on $[0, \\pi/2]$?", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Footnote in booktabs package", "What is the cardinality of the family of unlabelled bipartite graphs on n vertices?", "Overbrace height adjustment", "A Question on Auto-Adjoint functors", "Derivative of Continuous and Differentiable Piecewise function is indeterminate", "LaTeX command for double lower index summation", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "Prove $[A,B^n] = nB^{n-1}[A,B]$", "Solving the recurrence relation $T(n)=4T\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{3}\\right)+ \\log^2n$", "How do you prove $S=-\\sum p\\ln p$?", "Linearity of push forward $F_*$", "Expectation values of $(x,y,z)$ in the $|n\\ell m\\rangle$ state of hydrogen?", "How prove this equation $\\alpha=\\aleph_{0}\\alpha$", "Prove that a primitive root of $p^2$ is also a primitive root of $p^n$ for $n>1$.", "If $f : [-a,a] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{IR}$ is Scott continuous, why are $f^-$ and $f^+$ measurable?", "Why does this sequence converges to $\\pi$?", "Maximal ideal in $\\mathbb{Q}[x,y]$", "If $f: \\mathbb Q\\to \\mathbb Q$ is a homomorphism, prove that $f(x)=0$ for all $x\\in\\mathbb Q$ or $f(x)=x$ for all $x$ in $\\mathbb Q$.", "Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 0.20583808422088623, -1.1629245281219482, 0.035871267318725586, -0.5333812236785889, 2.9952445030212402, 0.6490234136581421, 0.16365408897399902, 1.9771242141723633, 0.24467933177947998, 2.339407205581665, -0.07819676399230957, 1.3217791318893433, -0.1047966480255127, 0.5297346115112305, 1.9320027828216553, 0.306620717048645, 0.02268195152282715, 0.12878203392028809, 0.28528523445129395, 0.515082836151123, 1.6483690738677979, 0.9205482006072998, 1.5876126289367676, 0.016722679138183594, -0.010711193084716797, -0.8567807674407959, 0.08865034580230713, -0.04027140140533447, 0.9022492170333862, 1.9178401231765747, 1.9320027828216553, -0.20923566818237305, -0.4628872871398926, 2.047131061553955, 3.0356414318084717, 1.92488431930542, 2.5437302589416504, 0.9022492170333862, 0.5311257839202881, 1.212230920791626, 1.6609365940093994, 0.9406719207763672, -0.1450648307800293, 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-1.531820297241211, -0.7432275414466858, -1.310356616973877, -0.6186490058898926, -0.9685900211334229, -2.9716689586639404, -0.8699557781219482, -1.6542844772338867, -3.1017019748687744, -1.459977626800537, -1.4922186136245728, -1.7122722864151, -0.8280800580978394, -3.2268991470336914, -1.8976006507873535, -0.9685900211334229, -1.7525930404663086, -1.1533894538879395, -2.0860915184020996, -0.8280800580978394, -1.799431562423706, -0.24392607808113098, -2.209817409515381, -1.7122722864151, -1.1956429481506348 ] }, { "marker": { "color": 49, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers", "name": "44", "text": [ "Understanding the static keyword", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "Changes made to XSLTListViewWebPart in SharePoint Designer not showing on page", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Wildcard subdomain directory names", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "Best way to create custom building's map for iOS", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "php scripts run only after renaming", "How do I set IntelliJ to place xml tags on separate lines when formatting xml files?", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "Best action to call add_rewrite_rule", "Views Taxonomy Term Argument With Multiple Terms", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "The places from my Google Maps do not show up in Google Maps Search", "apache error and access logs are missing, what could be the cause and how can I recreate them?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "How to find the files in magento directory", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "Why so many classes declared as abstract even it contain all defined methods?", "How To Manually Redirect URLs To a New Blog", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Codeigniter login page missing", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How does OpenDNS work?", "Delete causes StaleStateException", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "Check if page has breadcrumbs from template", "jQuery UI Datepicker getDate returns today's date on invalid date", "Are there any significant disadvantages of forwarding a naked domain to the www. homepage always?", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "E_COMPILE_ERROR when enabling Magento compilation", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Offline tiled map web app", "Copying Files in a Folder To Individual Folders", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Extending Magento API with customer login", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "Woocommerce: change user role after completing order", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Google stopped indexing my site. Is there a substitute for a XML sitemap?", "How to view the detailed debug log of the change set validation in production", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "jQuery cascading dropdowns and Word", "To access button from another class which is in another page", "netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "Upgrade to 12.04 Failed due to held back packages", "General error 1651 after a mysql migration", "Add class via command line", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "App is unable to write to the registry, even though the user has administrative privileges", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "How can I modify strings that are passed to cout?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "if(pictureBox.Image == null) in WPF", "How can I keep Mail.app's archive from becoming too big?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "Remove Page Title from Static Frontpage", "Add targeting when posting to a page using Facebook API", "PHP - how to output a MySQL average store rating in a loop", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Rename table in sqlite", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "guake not working", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "in hibernate4.1.9 buildsessionfactory method is deprecated so why serviceRegistry is paased to buildsessionFactory", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "Link directly to a tab in adminhtml tab widget", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "display error message under payment method if \"COD \" is not available", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "tar -c Error Messages and Source Files?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Exception when Importing .csv file from CLI", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "How to find the files in magento directory", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "How to enable or disable services?", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Apache ErrorDocument directive not working", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "Nested blocks and references to self", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Correct check for any admin page with editor", "Adding new menu item to QGIS Desktop app", "Pair variables on Custom Field Type", "Can't connect to postgresql on local machine using IP + pgadmin", "Directory.GetFiles string gives an error", "Adding static route through group policy", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "CLR SQL Assembly: Get the Bytestream?", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Use multiselect false property with checkboxCellTemplate", "magento creates two customer sessions with one browser for the same guest?", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Why upvotes and downvotes are not visible in sites other than stackoverflow.com", "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome 39 and 40 but works in chrome 36.Help fix in chrome 39", "CSS Div Footer When Resize The Browser", "Windows Server 2003 SP2 - JRNL_WRAP_ERROR (Sysvol)", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Unable to shut down laptop after Logging Out of Ubuntu 12.04", "Understanding the static keyword", "Get raw output from web server", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Artifacts in render, but not in preview?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "Get term weight in node object for ordering with EntityFieldQuery", "Is Microsoft's fopen commit mode flag broken on Windows 7?", "Converting Qt compliant C++ to ui XML(QtDesigner) format:", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Cron not executing PHP script", "How to properly override a method with unknown number of arguments?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Site creation can't continue because of a configuration issue with the parent site", "Access admin for sub directory website", "Displaying images in draft mode for books", "OSX ssh-agent: no password pasting, and problem with PKCS#8?", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Restoring from BackUp Exec to 2003 Recovery Storage Group", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "How can I alter an existing Primary Key on SQL Azure?", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "ASA5520 stops sending to splunk syslog", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Loadkeys gives permission denied for normal user", "Bash script doesn't catch SIGINT while in read loop", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "Difference between busses", "AppleScript - \"Close tabs to right of current tab\" in Safari 7", "How to define enum in swagger.io?", "How to restore function attributes to default", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Understanding the static keyword", "How to enable or disable services?", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "Need help clearing the schema cache", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "android magento - customer login(authentication) using SOAP API", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Is it possible to create a non-ecommerce site using Magento", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Reading own metadata within a Qt plugin class", "Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?", "How to install the gedit markdown-preview plugin on 14.04?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "How to update an SQL column using a known perm link while appending a value from another column within the same table?", "IPython Qt Console doesn't have a title in GNOME app switcher", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Basic steps to develop python API in Unix environment", "change the pop up message text after we click on \"shipping method\"", "Create Valid XML from XSD Loaded at Runtime (without xsd.exe)", "Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update", "Finding Facebook profile ID from an image URL", "Postfix or exim: Automated/Programmatic and forwarded email setup", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error", "Running something in a cron environment?", "Getting libraries to load with newer jQuery using jqmulti", "Raspbian kernel source compilation configuration", "linux server still recognizes the old domain after changing it to new one", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "How to configure ssh tunneling with Putty between two RHEL servers?", "How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "Running something in a cron environment?", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "How to upgrade to Android 2.2 [Samsung GT i5800]?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Not able to access stored procedure from my application", "jQuery plugin naming convention (for the function)", "Batik - put SVG on top of image", "Solspace Calendar ICS for single event", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Call external javascript in the default administration page in Django", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Trigger IP ban based on request of given file?", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "Session Fixation - Setting path to root without /", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "numpy.array boolean to binary?", "Running ArcPy script from ArcObjects?", "Kernel compilation and free space", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Difference between busses", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Daydream with transparent background", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "passing data from javascript to php using Jquery", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Change created order number", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Offline tiled map web app", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "What's the first physics textbook for undergraduate self-learner?", "Sending Via PIC18F97J60 EUSART", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Declaring a globally-visible array in CodeIgniter for routing", "How to use part of a file name as a link within a word document", "Pictures don't show in IE6 after Windows XP updates", "change Domain MX", "php scripts run only after renaming", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "form save progress indication", "Keyword not supported in SQL Server CE connection string", "WPF: disable bindings update on detach", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Compile .tex file to a pdf on os X", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Privacy of Gmail for business?", "Can I expect my e-mail to be routed securely?", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Reliably detect caller domain over cURL request?", "Can my protected tweet be seen by the recipient who doesn't follow me?", "The process cannot access the file - after disposing InputStream", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Codeigniter login page missing", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Adapt fatFS library to PIC32", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Other ways to increment a variable in JavaScript", "How to grep words in a file?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Recieve datatable from code behind to Javascript two demintion array?", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Adding static route through group policy", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "call/cc implementation?", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Display pop-up message or hide custom button if field is blank", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "What is the most secure way to do OCSP signing without creating validation loops?", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Linux : how to redirect stdout & stderr to logger?", "Jsoup can't read xml return file", "How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect?", "Will this work? hex edited a file and changed inet_aton to inet_pton", "Quartz cron expression of 0/0", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory() with read only files?", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "native-activity sample project won't compile if I change file exteension to .cpp", "How do I fix my Base URLs so I can access my Magento site?", "Sharepoint 2013 Restrict user to access _layout pages", "SQL Server 2000 - 'Performance: Deadlock'", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Database table structure for storing SSO information for FB or Google+", "Git: How can I merge changes made between two tags to another branch?", "Setup ntp client with embedded device", "Proper place to put shell prompt(PS1) when use sh/bash/zsh together", "How to wipe RAM on shutdown (prevent Cold Boot Attacks)?", "Will a site URL with repeating keywords get penalized by search engines?", "VPN server to access Samba4", "How to accept email *only* from white-listed addresses in Gmail?", "How to specify which resources to protect with Spring Security OAuth2 provider configuration", "LINQ with Group, Join and Where Easy in SQL not in LINQ?", "c# - how to validate sharepoint list column against ValidationFormula programmatically", "Call a chain of WebRequest.BeginGetResponse in sync'ed fashion", "Conversant, CNAME, Cookies, and PCI complaince", "Add class via command line", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "How do I make my camera follow my cube?", "Update UIProgressView on UITableViewCell", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Illegal assignment from LIST to SET", "Apache Every subdomain points to same directory", "How to upload to WebDAV using a web browser?", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Switch language and redirect to specific CMS page", "How do I make the country field unrequired?", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "ignore lines grep", "Show UILabel with complete text or hide it", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "Discontinuity at the edge of Chebychev window", "Replace my recurring task scheduler with some existing product", "How to grep words in a file?", "call/cc implementation?", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "I can't get MySQL56 service to start after i stopped it", "How to fix \"g.aoColumns[a.aaSorting[f][0]] is undefined\" errors after updating dataTables and ColReorder plugins?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "C++: Access embedded resource from dll", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "ASP.NET membership/ automatically log existing user on", "Turn On Off GPS in ICS", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Install old version of Wine", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "Set natbib options after loading natbib package", "Document count limit under folders", "grails run-app throws NoClassDefFoundError for domain class", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "How do you include a user's default image in a Drupal 7 view that lists people?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "What does the Result property of a windows message mean and when and how to use it?", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "How is encapsulation used for safety?", "Custom Request Handlers/Components with Solr-4.x", "Get Custom Web template name programmatically , Sharepoint 2013", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "DNS/MX issues arising when migrating Heroku app to Dream Host hosted domain", "Facebook Connect Changed My User ID and Deleted Some Badges", "Windows 2008 service creation permission", "Security of running openpgp.js in a browser with the private key in HTML5 localStorage", "can we override start field with custom fields in event object", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "WordPress Internal @ Mentions", "dismissViewControllerAnimated completion method not working", "Is there a iOS Configuration Profile Key for \"Find My iPhone?\"", "Robots.txt disallowing URLs", "VPN server to access Samba4", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "How do I figure out my Google OpenID URL?", "Combining two fields in SELECT statement", "How to access beans from the applicationContext.xml in my service layer.", "Color diff should be the default view on pending edit review pages", "/var/lib for holding served data, why?", "WiFi antenna 1T1R mode", "Can search engine robots read file with permission 640?", "Looking for advanced GeoServer tutorials", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Can't get CE_Lossless to work", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "A desktop e-mail client for multiple accounts", "yum hangs on installing a specific package", "qemu-img: error while reading sector 327680: Invalid argument", "Killing child thread from parent thread in java", "What's the point in adding alt-text to an image?", "Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders", "Manually adding 's' to 'http'", "File version number of .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "Getting the sha1 of a desired commit from a remote repository", "Find out my user's group name without a terminal", "Eclipse can't find javaw.exe. Already changed eclipse.ini", "How can I login to a website from terminal?", "hide javascript/jquery scripts from html page?", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "Remove hostednetwork password", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Standards/recommendations for Drush make files included in contrib modules", "Eclipse C++ formatter puts new line before method identifiers", "How to execute a custom script when Internet reconnects?", "Convert linked html files into a pdf file?", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Index \"server_name\" not exist", "How to avoid being asked passphrase each time I push to Bitbucket", "Populate a JSON into a table in real time with JQUERY", "How do I make image-based tiled background for UIView so that it doesn't scale?", "Why do I have double slash here?", "cowsay not working?", "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 12.10?", "Get IP network range after reverse DNS?", "Meteor renderList intercept? client side", "Visual Studio keeps changing resx files", "ASP.NET Entity Framework Filter results by currrent user", "Interface options for specifying language prettify", "which files should be added to Souce Control (Service Reference)", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Permissions changing on few files under /etc/", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Access/Pass variable between windows form and DataSet TableAdapter SQL where clause", "ASIFormDataRequest inside requestFinished method", "Getting field data from a Bento database using Applescript", "Replacing one character of a string in python", "Daydream with transparent background", "Google Static Map Authorisation with Key not working", "Adding merchants/sellers to magento site", "Missing Setup File", "How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "Setfattr always returns operation not supported", "execute a batch file on remote machine", "Cron not executing PHP script", "How can I enable HttpOnly cookies in EE", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "Google maps marker show only icon", "Ubuntu dual boot OS crashed my computer. Now my computer won't boot. Please Help", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "Appcache for dynamic site", "Get raw output from web server", "Linux: limits.conf values are not honored", "Can I use debdelta to install/update single package?", "How could I launch the sequence of git commands from java application?", "wpa_supplicant: connect to WLAN in the background (during boot)", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "Recover Console Text Output after Using fbi App to display image on /dev/fb0", "Document count limit under folders", "Serial connection between Raspberry Pi and Roomba", "Add authors as footnote in lncs", "diffrent theme for admin without use theme appearance config", "How to enable or disable services?", "rsync partial LVM volume to Remote Directory", "How to quick select all rows in iOS5 UITableView", "Administer block permission let the user to see admin theme name", "What should I do with comments that need to be edited?", "Install old version of Wine", "Fiona - Preffered method for defining a schema", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "How do I add to $page_top in html.tpl.php?", "How do I make certain areas editable?", "What is difference between SPContext.Current.Web.URL and SPContext.Current.Site when using SPSite object?", "Securely Connecting to SQL Azure", "Key-agreement protocol in a REST API", "Size of dynamic array or loop through it without knowing size", "What's a better method, using Large Array vs SQL Joins?", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "JQuery - Select exact class structure", "StackOverflow code snippet horizontal scrolling broken WebKit", "Using formatted code inside spoiler block?", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Proxy.pac myIpAddress() returns local address and not ethernet adapters", "ArcMap 10.1 How to make mass (in bulk) update by attribute value", "Bootstrap datepicker default date", "Show comments fields in two columns", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "How to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside the same existing OS in laptop?", "how can i use regex to get a certain string of a file", "Server compromised - How do I find out what is sending mail", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "Symfony 2 and Twig custom error page", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?", "Error in final launch sequence Failed for OpenOCD (Olimex) for ARM (STM32fxx)", "How to enable or disable services?", "Office 365 SharePoint v1.0 API Authorization Issue", "Is it necessary to run own DNS server?", "How to install social engineering toolkit?", "Can grep return true/false or are there alternative methods", "Combine multiple unix commands into one output", "How can I find out which server OS a particular site is running?", "Strategy for hosting 700+ domains names, each with a static HTML site", "Please help me in changing layout of all products page", "I need to remove a question with sensitive data?", "form save progress indication", "Is my session-less authentication system secure?", "Hyperlink + Javascript = One click?", "My site thinks it's a new install", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "WinJs: How to navigate to another start page programatically?", "How should I create sitemap of a site which goes live with thousands of pages?", "Weird jquery 302 error in Firebug", "Can IEnumerable be an alternative to Params[]?", "Redirect all requests to index.php except subdomains", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "How do I create a simple yet complex business layer?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ -1.974238395690918, -1.2927985191345215, -2.1099483966827393, -1.8741412162780762, -1.5554630756378174, 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-2.568260669708252, -1.806901216506958, -1.346345067024231, -2.386962652206421, -1.974238395690918, -2.4875378608703613, -1.649125576019287, -2.205592632293701, -2.2089788913726807, -2.6876447200775146, -1.8762121200561523, -1.6669161319732666, -2.210867404937744, -2.348205327987671, -2.4277095794677734, -2.19651460647583, -1.9554100036621094, -0.2580571174621582, -1.7081258296966553, -2.680872917175293, -1.8464024066925049, -1.8843783140182495, -0.5973196029663086, -1.8805029392242432, -2.02172589302063, -2.1585912704467773, -1.968254804611206, -1.6423215866088867, -1.8684184551239014, -1.98734712600708, -2.2533693313598633, -2.0766289234161377, -1.7917566299438477, -1.7208061218261719, -1.4625117778778076, -0.7574958801269531, -1.7381198406219482, -2.6876447200775146, -2.113159418106079, -2.310819149017334, -2.6171553134918213, -1.7721388339996338, -1.8854303359985352, -1.5955560207366943, -1.6755154132843018, -1.440544605255127, -1.5636241436004639, -1.974238395690918, -2.047252655029297, -1.9888873100280762, -2.1094138622283936, -2.608682870864868, -1.1240859031677246, -2.360109329223633, -1.756629467010498, -1.7008469104766846, -1.0503802299499512, -0.842644214630127, -2.309417247772217, -2.203562021255493, -1.9554100036621094, -1.824699878692627, -2.4053008556365967, -0.9080513715744019, -1.9554100036621094, -2.1481497287750244, -1.0273940563201904, -2.2346112728118896, -2.2533693313598633, -2.029792070388794, -2.3796956539154053, -1.2375543117523193, -1.5153276920318604, -1.6958832740783691, -2.091919422149658, -1.6895357370376587, -2.1585912704467773, -1.4307994842529297, -0.8257002830505371, -2.128957748413086, -0.5973196029663086, -1.8843783140182495, -1.6698939800262451, -2.2244086265563965, -2.028385639190674, -1.216451644897461, -1.451333999633789, -1.8400013446807861, -1.3164453506469727, -2.4667296409606934, -1.9554100036621094, -2.128957748413086, -0.9273958206176758, -1.327246069908142, -2.2089788913726807, -1.684616208076477, -0.9200706481933594, -2.1031906604766846, -1.8857150077819824, -1.471243143081665, -2.6610267162323, -1.8811743259429932, -2.0067806243896484, -1.7381198406219482, -2.2834970951080322, -1.1805758476257324, -1.840609073638916, -1.3335199356079102, -2.300488233566284, -1.6303904056549072, -2.044844150543213, -2.0056774616241455, -2.029792070388794, -2.333709478378296, -1.9352970123291016, -1.7409207820892334, -2.6171553134918213, -1.6451773643493652, -2.161465644836426, -2.1610584259033203, -1.068275809288025, -1.311537742614746, -1.5955560207366943, -2.504267930984497, -0.8708815574645996, -1.848264217376709, -1.4373536109924316, -2.22334885597229, -1.3801777362823486, -1.3685922622680664, -1.3164453506469727, -1.4567053318023682, -2.0026793479919434, -1.387618064880371, -2.3578696250915527, -2.3961284160614014, -2.337059497833252, -2.744093418121338, -2.40045166015625, -1.7892735004425049, -1.4387199878692627, -2.681023597717285, -2.0048062801361084, -1.5756680965423584, -2.099428176879883, -1.840609073638916, -2.537865161895752, -2.2364046573638916, -1.8741412162780762, -2.1203556060791016, -2.2364046573638916, -2.3796956539154053, -2.5162529945373535, -2.2549190521240234, -2.168944835662842, -2.073438882827759, -1.758232593536377, -2.3409996032714844, -2.047807455062866, -1.4401578903198242, -1.649261474609375, -1.2167298793792725, -2.300488233566284, -2.086374521255493, -1.5918023586273193, -1.7700958251953125, -1.317866325378418, -1.8129096031188965, -1.7425048351287842, -2.02172589302063, -2.0384137630462646, -2.1002845764160156, -1.9649059772491455, -1.2301363945007324, -1.210087537765503, -1.7030127048492432, -1.6830120086669922, -2.22334885597229, -2.287437915802002, -1.5918023586273193, -2.313264846801758, -2.063868999481201, -2.3833963871002197, -2.3758699893951416, -1.8859457969665527, -1.4717247486114502, -0.9273958206176758, -1.3778951168060303, -2.3400487899780273, -2.278567314147949, -1.7409207820892334, -1.5525519847869873, -1.6747875213623047, -2.124889850616455, -0.7105510234832764, -2.099428176879883, -1.9554100036621094, -2.113159418106079, -1.8051025867462158, -1.6830120086669922, -2.0908517837524414, -1.5414104461669922, -1.4164366722106934, -2.044844150543213, -1.3682241439819336, -2.0026793479919434, -2.4668991565704346, -2.305650472640991, -2.2834970951080322, -0.5262928009033203, -1.6216957569122314, -2.5851147174835205, -1.398127794265747, -1.6404716968536377, -2.0517020225524902, -1.1155571937561035, -2.116126298904419, -2.351260185241699, -2.6261181831359863, -2.0122716426849365, -2.226497173309326, -2.300488233566284, -0.7932107448577881, -2.0067806243896484, -2.2418084144592285, -2.547510862350464, -1.9888873100280762, -0.8196735382080078, -1.9904627799987793, -1.346345067024231, -1.2866952419281006, -1.9398446083068848, -1.5636241436004639, -2.044844150543213, -2.557058572769165, -2.0067806243896484, -1.6451773643493652, -1.5601906776428223, -1.734635829925537, -2.0736489295959473, -2.0384137630462646, -2.3833963871002197, -1.3178374767303467, -2.2959158420562744, -1.598264217376709, -2.183950901031494, -1.98734712600708, -2.4441776275634766, -1.6229591369628906, -2.2489418983459473, -1.610610008239746, -2.2659382820129395, -1.6552066802978516, -2.3513481616973877, -1.3682241439819336, -1.840609073638916, -1.8879828453063965, -1.2563893795013428, -2.528779983520508, -2.1481497287750244, -1.507993459701538, -1.440544605255127, -1.2263197898864746, -1.317866325378418, -2.132361650466919, -1.1744189262390137, -1.4977569580078125, -1.7528178691864014, -1.7784404754638672, -1.7917566299438477, -0.4542233943939209, -1.487224817276001, -2.6610267162323, -1.5492160320281982, -2.001361846923828, -2.512502670288086, -2.2893195152282715, -2.5184905529022217, -1.7208061218261719, -2.512502670288086, -1.3516082763671875, -2.5851147174835205, -1.10899019241333, -2.3758699893951416, -2.366753101348877, -2.2089788913726807, -2.226497173309326, -1.8977015018463135, -1.9299852848052979, -1.6069080829620361, -2.056724786758423, -2.044844150543213, -1.068275809288025, -2.2659382820129395, -1.3335199356079102, -0.3143036365509033, -1.7004382610321045, -2.183950901031494, -2.278567314147949, -0.009885191917419434, -1.3778951168060303, -2.3400487899780273, -1.4717247486114502, -2.047807455062866, -2.2619245052337646, -2.360109329223633, -2.0410056114196777, -2.5162529945373535, -1.9714832305908203, -2.776481866836548, -1.9554100036621094, -2.230318546295166, -2.4209084510803223, -1.595001220703125, -1.2167298793792725, -1.7202746868133545, -1.911417007446289, -1.21942138671875, -1.8129096031188965, -2.528779983520508, -0.5839371681213379, -1.7892735004425049, -1.6229591369628906, -1.645338535308838, -1.9533271789550781, -1.7409207820892334, -1.7425048351287842, -2.1203556060791016, -1.6165661811828613, -2.230318546295166, -1.6325407028198242, -0.19671893119812012, -2.1094138622283936, -2.286202907562256, -2.1094138622283936, -1.5530424118041992, -1.9274723529815674, -0.461256742477417, -1.8436477184295654, -2.161465644836426, -1.684616208076477, -2.5445621013641357, -1.869889497756958, -0.8801672458648682, -1.649261474609375, -2.2179956436157227, -1.3961973190307617, -1.210087537765503, -2.4277095794677734, -1.758232593536377, -2.0198326110839844, -2.0984318256378174, -1.728384256362915, -1.9904627799987793, -2.43636417388916, -2.032376766204834, -2.4875378608703613, -1.2352335453033447, -1.8583266735076904, -2.6876447200775146, -1.8144097328186035, -2.6065263748168945, -1.7081944942474365, -1.829372763633728, -1.8879828453063965, -1.595001220703125, -2.37298583984375, -1.3350894451141357, -2.047252655029297, -1.7081944942474365, -1.9088480472564697, -2.1610584259033203, -2.592090129852295, -2.3513481616973877, -1.3157589435577393, -2.4708433151245117, -1.6423215866088867, -1.8705763816833496, -1.649125576019287, -2.5372557640075684, -2.0198326110839844, -2.2659382820129395, -1.4401578903198242, -1.346345067024231, -2.310819149017334, -0.9937536716461182, -2.167470932006836, -1.7700958251953125, -1.6964502334594727, -1.7655904293060303, -1.8684184551239014, -2.432270050048828, -2.2244086265563965, -1.464454174041748, -1.5918023586273193, -1.9789891242980957, -0.9644119739532471, -1.2927985191345215, -1.0691142082214355, -2.1002845764160156, -2.047252655029297, -0.8708815574645996, -0.7526700496673584, -2.063868999481201, -1.507993459701538, -1.8741412162780762, -2.3758699893951416, -1.8894977569580078, -2.10699462890625, -2.6804380416870117, -2.681023597717285, -1.3685922622680664, -1.0273940563201904, -1.8707534074783325, -1.7784404754638672, -2.6974775791168213, -1.4229397773742676, -1.6330127716064453, -2.2601616382598877, -0.5805487632751465, -2.2893195152282715, -1.649261474609375, -1.0691142082214355 ], "y": [ 0.6507766246795654, -1.0715875625610352, -0.38183632493019104, -0.265403687953949, -0.8904903531074524, -1.096073865890503, -1.308324933052063, -0.23585310578346252, -0.18430384993553162, -0.5809288024902344, -0.8033755421638489, -0.6039893627166748, -0.26543405652046204, -0.7280705571174622, -0.7753742933273315, 0.4669512212276459, -0.5781828761100769, -0.2677679657936096, -0.48012298345565796, -0.7721514105796814, -1.4895787239074707, -0.3767120838165283, -0.26780885457992554, 0.5738053321838379, -1.7014062404632568, -0.9736874103546143, -0.5135629773139954, 0.2446897029876709, -0.45131176710128784, -0.7298843860626221, -0.5135758519172668, -0.361176460981369, 0.034270137548446655, -0.5969147682189941, 0.37967872619628906, 0.12501290440559387, -0.1349036991596222, 0.23565447330474854, -0.25332513451576233, -1.1095298528671265, -0.1858636736869812, 0.6467044353485107, 0.158524751663208, 0.34078213572502136, -1.4141840934753418, -0.08909696340560913, 0.07930761575698853, 0.20608481764793396, 0.37967872619628906, -0.8927726745605469, -0.4085865020751953, -0.06282207369804382, -0.811730146408081, -0.4373285174369812, -0.8965442180633545, 0.14198535680770874, -0.625343918800354, -0.43788760900497437, -0.11504766345024109, -1.1015610694885254, -0.5227180123329163, -0.6350741386413574, -0.42653679847717285, 0.5040783286094666, -1.580180048942566, -0.2246711552143097, -0.4331704378128052, 0.03200855851173401, -0.7863437533378601, -1.2945022583007812, -1.38630211353302, 0.11092358827590942, -0.053300708532333374, -1.7014062404632568, 0.1963065266609192, -0.841839075088501, -0.9477682113647461, -0.9742156267166138, -1.580180048942566, -0.8276407718658447, -0.9083923101425171, 0.052810847759246826, -1.0826027393341064, -0.6024085283279419, -0.5612456202507019, -0.8757236003875732, -1.1688954830169678, -0.6269129514694214, -1.3089327812194824, -0.7863437533378601, -0.4646869897842407, -1.303385615348816, -1.0278956890106201, -0.3425440788269043, -0.8904903531074524, -0.5934454798698425, -0.4081116318702698, -0.29031234979629517, -1.519012212753296, 0.07468241453170776, -0.6391510963439941, 0.07930761575698853, -0.27649953961372375, -0.38251447677612305, 0.03154170513153076, -0.9209647178649902, -1.0978636741638184, -0.26968321204185486, -0.6678181886672974, -0.10339504480361938, -0.9221529364585876, -0.38423627614974976, -1.0927585363388062, -0.4810689091682434, -0.9156853556632996, -1.3496198654174805, -0.43788760900497437, -1.3106963634490967, -0.45131176710128784, -0.19421419501304626, 0.2547700107097626, -0.9332064390182495, -1.7030494213104248, -0.2346922755241394, -1.200615644454956, -0.5960742235183716, -2.257369041442871, -0.5735924243927002, -1.3941385746002197, -0.9890452027320862, -0.34473276138305664, -0.885461688041687, -1.4688029289245605, -0.991056501865387, -0.9332064390182495, -1.4895787239074707, -1.3051835298538208, -0.08815190196037292, 0.5592494010925293, -0.28801554441452026, -0.92763352394104, -0.04819592833518982, -0.6058907508850098, 0.3989589512348175, 0.01028984785079956, -1.3362826108932495, -0.7672728300094604, -0.27649953961372375, -1.200615644454956, -1.1688954830169678, -0.7410321831703186, -0.32270827889442444, -0.6678181886672974, 0.6507766246795654, -0.7225432395935059, -1.7579808235168457, 0.30747872591018677, -0.7814117670059204, -1.6095393896102905, -1.2368143796920776, -0.38491755723953247, -1.2653651237487793, -0.4081116318702698, -0.928316056728363, -0.3621366322040558, -0.32427677512168884, -0.3291604518890381, 0.5995225310325623, -0.32057636976242065, -0.04819592833518982, -1.8752409219741821, -0.035699307918548584, -0.7907293438911438, -0.4983908534049988, 0.12501290440559387, -1.8337385654449463, -0.7100871205329895, -0.7241445183753967, -1.7549264430999756, -0.6241761445999146, -0.11838263273239136, -0.08865046501159668, -1.096073865890503, -1.432077407836914, -0.3869042694568634, 0.0020502209663391113, -1.6095393896102905, -2.0473074913024902, 0.09854984283447266, -0.24007028341293335, -0.47635191679000854, -0.3767120838165283, -1.278672695159912, -0.8033755421638489, -1.3941385746002197, -1.141861915588379, 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Nissan Frontier?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "What should my credit limit be?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "What is kvm reboot?", "Should I block bots from my site and why?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "Why are PSTN lines not encrypted?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "What went down in 1666 before Shabtai Tz'vi's apostasy?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "How do I grep for foo && !bar?", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "How can I improve this SMPS design?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "What exactly is computation?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "Will this wall wart supply enough power?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "What is my lcd density?", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "Password hashes should run md5 thousands of time: really?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How to combine 2 click function?", "Why are my recovered images only 160x120 pixels?", "What is inspiration?", "Why doesn't my MacBook recognize the original HD any longer?", "How do I delete nodes older than X days?", "What does this variable mean?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Where did the SHAKEs come from in SHA3?", "How do I ward properly in DotA 2?", "How do I change the MySQL database directory?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "Does War Stomp exhaust me before I am the defender?", "Who invented pointers?", "How is this site different from Stack Overflow?", "Why is Misato Tachibana always shooting Koujirou Sasahara?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "Is my old bike safe?", "Where can I read more about Leshys?", "Get an IFRAME element by name does not work anymore?", "What is temptation?", "How do I save as .osm in QGIS?", "How does critical strike chance stack?", "What's the difference in ships in Wipeout HD?", "cowsay not working?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "Should I remove transients from the wp_options table?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "How do you close Skype?", "How many connections reads queue", "What exactly is computation?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "Why do I have double slash here?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "What largest websites are written in php?", "Why do direct limits preserve exactness?", "How do I find wiper refills for my 2008 Nissan Frontier?", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "How should I store leftover rice noodles?", "Why is my CV 145% complete?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "What version of flash uses Actionscript 3?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "How to undo card archive on Trello?", "Where would one find thermal heat sink cases?", "How do I install mupen64plus?", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "Why won't osm2po setup table correctly?", "How does OpenDNS work?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "What order do multiclass characters spend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "Why is RSS distributed chi square times n-p?", "How can I edit symlinks?", "When should I use archaic and obsolete words?", "How valuable is studying cognitive psychology for UX?", "When suggestion is rejected in Improve/Edit, why are reviewer's stats not displayed?", "How many fans can I control?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "How much choice should I give users?", "How does postgrey handle changing FQDNs?", "why do hosting co charge so much just for RAM?", "How do I set serial special characters?", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "how to identify IC codes?", "Why don't spinning tops fall over?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "Who invented pointers?", "Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "Why ducklings are yellow?", "What is temptation?", "How to do this indices example?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "Odd sound after tire rotation?", "Why the sudden popularity of .io domains?", "Do unordered lists respond to CSS transition?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "What client for DECwindows?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "How can I stop a running MySQL query?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "Which whois is the most frequently updated?", "How does COUNT behave when cross joins are involved in mysql?", "How do I counter support Zyra?", "How can I draw these pictures with TikZ?", "What is temptation?", "When is a mail relay needed?", "How do I remove window sill / apron overhang?", "What does the Customer is_active flag do?", "When are Unity scripts actually disabled?", "How can I check USB drive contents safely?", "How often do I need to change my oil in a VW TDI?", "Is this backscatter?", "What does chain worn indicators 75% mean?", "Why do read links turn purple?", "What do percentages mean on a BF3 server description?", "What should my credit limit be?", "How do I stop Windows from moving desktop Icons?", "How do you close Skype?", "Why do so many people have group O blood?", "Why does my 24VDC fan draw much less current than labeled?", "Would Esther really have kept silent?", "Why was this grammar & formatting edit rejected?", "What is my lcd density?", "Where to put video transcripts?", "What largest websites are written in php?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "Who counters Jayce top lane besides Yorick?", "How can you identify duplicate CSS rules?", "Do tzitzit have to be white?", "Is SourceSafe really safe?", "should I declare my object global or static?", "How can I set Spotlight metadata to files?", "Who invented pointers?", "How do I increase sudo password remember timeout?", "Isn’t the FAQ label obsolete by now?", "How much choice should I give users?", "How do I build lengthwise multi-platform stations?", "Why is a precoder necessary for DQPSK and what does it accomplish?", "How can I edit symlinks?", "When is a mail relay needed?", "Do I need csrf tokens after login?", "What is kvm reboot?", "How should hands that are EXTREMELY strong in one suit (10+ cards) be bid?", "How often will my Comcast IP address change?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.711068868637085, 2.8693864345550537, 2.0395405292510986, 2.9904422760009766, 1.9396764039993286, 2.3566813468933105, 2.8693864345550537, 2.7890429496765137, 2.072789192199707, 2.383873462677002, 2.87131929397583, 2.509756088256836, 4.332612991333008, 3.0938591957092285, 1.9447617530822754, 1.4889187812805176, 2.5428805351257324, 0.7921779155731201, 2.7123818397521973, 1.4633817672729492, 2.1194305419921875, 1.6954197883605957, 2.484218120574951, 2.258286476135254, 2.3582746982574463, 1.2941091060638428, 1.0348197221755981, 2.1696414947509766, 1.7404366731643677, 2.206815481185913, 2.6456260681152344, 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emision amount", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "Number Slider for exposed filter using Drupal 6", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "1999 Ford pickup starter whining", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "D.C power supplies, regulated linear power supply question", "Entering US via car/land border on 90 day ESTA, exiting after 90 days via air/plane, re-entering via land to begin another 90 days", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Probability density function with conditional distribution and correlation", "3 images side by side", "2005 Chevy Cobalt won't start, sounds like a machine gun", "Possessive form (of) with compound nouns", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "A deferred capital gains tax similar to the real estate 1031 Exchange but for securities reinvestment?", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "Why is the last line of text separated in MS Visio shapes", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Creating fake (test) data", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit", "scrbook margin - ratio between top and bottom is wrong", "Superscript citations without brackets with the `revtex4-1` document class", "Mercedes SLK (R170) convertible top/trunk release", "Set leading of paint / fontmetrics in android", "How to show breadcrumbs for taxonomy terms in Drupal 7", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "Can the evap canister valve be ordered and replaced separately for a 2001 Toyota Camry", "adobe illustrator - linework and paintbucket on different layers", "Plot has red 'film', no error message", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "Drywall - final joint compound coat", "Volume scatter shader causes black spots", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "Biscuit, dowel or simple braces for making unit top with inset lid and slim sides?", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Diff between backups: see permissions, group and owner and sym link differences", "Magento & fputcsv strange empty row at beginning of file", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Wordpress and isotope filtering", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Core Plot ios animate scatter plot from plain, straight line to plot with actual data", "Clearest water beach close to Athens (Greece)", "Netbook screen display is garbled (has black/white & horizontal line patterns, screen freezes, and/or wrong display position)", "Consistent /dev names for USB hard drive and card reader", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Bulk exporting/archiving collections in Lightroom", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Prolog, working with capital letter", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Using jdbc-user-service inside user-service-ref", "Flask-SQLAlchemy many-to-many ordered relationship in hybrid_property", "Puddle under passenger side of car/ A/C blowing hot air", "Show, sort , and limit by products based on subcategory on category page", "Burst and other multiple bullets attack", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "Silicone caulk for shower and tub?", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Different tyre width (front and back)", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "How to select multiple non-sequential lines in Vim", "Functional complete and xor", "How to practise jazz drumming with only a snare", "Using pstool with beamer", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Angularjs show selected option from ng-repeat value", "Probability exercise with apples", "Running a get link serverside, with php", "Coolant still in expansion tank after draining from engine and radiator -- BMW E46 (2003 330i)", "High pitched noise from Shower", "Thousands of backlinks from Meetup.com", "Daily and weekly backup strategies", "Sharing files with a dd-wrt router", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Custom fields: dropdown values depending on other custom field value", "Array of Fibonacci values; Value of high index turns array value into negative", "php regular expession convert to python code", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "Please advise on check gauges light on and battery gauge reads zero", "Spice definition of resistor/capacitor", "display tag and c choose tag", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Number-to-word converter", "Improper shutdown, now 3 flashes on boot", "-ic -ous nomenclature", "Suppress 'file truncated' messages when using tail", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Firefox flex and max-width", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Paying for mortgage points vs investing that money", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Solve for time, given distance and acceleration", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "FlotChart - Showing the distribution on hourly basis regardless of timestamp", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "Parse date, time and nanoseconds as datetime objects using pandas", "Can I wire 2 ceiling fans, 5 ceiling spot lights, and 3 closet lights on a singe 15 amp circuit?", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Drawing (R)-1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane", "Silent, extremely portable instrument to learn music", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "php regular expession convert to python code", "Internal Frame Listeners doesn't work with singleton enum function", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "more fun with inside-table spacing --- setspace", "dynamic call of functions and generator function (python)", "display tag and c choose tag", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "Period of swinging incomplete hula-hoop", "Nuclear fusion - Hydrogen isotopes", "Formatting p value in scientific notation to conventional", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Highcharts - Cannot set x-axes categories in column charts with negative values", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "Creating Sharing Rules on run-time(While opportunity is being saved/edit) using apex code", "multiple keys via HKDF - whats better, one or two applications of HKDF-extract", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "conditional probability - 2 different tests done", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "beamer + lstlistings + overlay -> wrong numbering in caption", "rm -f files starting with a digit", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Photoshop/Illustrator: generate vector graphic from bitmap", "Flying and sorcery", "Resize shape with text in Word 2010", "Internal links to end with a trailing slash", "Mystery cards in Magic 2015 card list", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Problem in blitting a clean, crisp sprite", "Factory panic alarm going off after changing battery [97 Toyota Camry]", "What is the difference between different types of disc brake pads", "Using pstool with beamer", "awk - Group by and sum column values", "Tilde on unix:hpux and / or solaris", "Correctly debugging switching (DC-DC) boost converter with Oscilloscope", "Tikz: Text along top and bottom of arrow path", "Difficulties with re-using a variable", "Centering on the decimal separator, figure font selection", "ZenCart admin manager assignment - trying to allow multiple admins", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "Gmail's filter for SPAM folder and/or keywords in multiple fields", "New to circuits, confused about where reset happens with SR flip-flop", "Errors when attempting to install a sharepoint 2010 feature", "2 servers, high availability and faster response", "Silverlight: Returning value from synchronous method using Rx", "Why is the pixel count of RAW images from the Panasonic LX5 slightly larger than the generated JPEGs?", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Removing unwanted color from B&W image (aperture)", "jQuery - Adding a hyphen inside string", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "Solution disappearance responsive navigation after open/close", "Exporting (bullet) collision shapes", "Highlight Search (hls) matches of multiple search terms with different colors", "Regulator to window glass connection on Toyota Yaris", "Force garbage collection/compaction with malloc()", "Pollen filter, air heater and dust in the air ventilation", "drive 3 phase induction motor with only DC (not pwm) thru each phase", "display tag and c choose tag", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Rice gets burnt and watery", "Kosher salt vs. Table salt for rib eye steak", "ignore lines grep", "Sharepoint 2010. Add custom background and frame for content editor webpart", "Protractor test vs long-polling", "Supposedly separate NSArray being contaminated by editing a copy", "jquery conflict with videobox and custom code", "Scrabble variation: use double and triple word scores (but not double/triple letter scores) twice?", "Buck converter with op-amp, inductor issues when load changes", "keywords and description for front-page of drupal 7 site", "Changing color and header of beamer with CambridgeUS", "Electric guitar trapezoid inlay protruding from fretboard", "async & await - poll for alternatives", "How remove works for ArrayList while iterating using for-each loop?", "Variable scope in while-read-loop on Solaris", "Fast multi-tag search plus result ordering and paging?", "Very simple particle filters algorithm (sequential monte carlo method) implementation", "Stopping a DC motor using an H-bridge: forward+backward vs. 'brake'", "iPhone dock connector problems, with and without accessories", "can´t save new field in magento(1.9) customer registration checkout form", "Copy visual mode selection below selection in vi", "Advice on an inexpensive but very hardy/tough point-and-shoot camera", "failure daemon and changing pid number", "Laptop Battery does not show true charging level", "Quantity based discount for single product in Expresso Store", "Similar phrases meaning 'give kudos'", "Birthday paradox: meaning of random", "'Bokeh' effect with autofocus switched off in manual mode (Nikon-D90)", "How to make extra crispy and crunchy breading like KFC?", "Skip duplicated files on copy", "How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?", "How to calculate mean and standard deviation in R given confidence interval and a normal or gamma distribution?", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "False positive Apache version in scanner results on Centos", "Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms", "Low beam headlights don't work, High beam headlights do", "Nitration of pyrrole", "'Insufficient space on the device'", "Kernel compilation and free space", "Parallel circuit and Ohms law", "Department sites having multiple projects and different files", "Sodium Bisulfate vs Sodium Bisulfite", "How to reduce vehicle swaying (body sway)", "Set proxy in nightwatch.js", "Using a ski helmet for winter biking" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 1.8364150524139404, 1.2777667045593262, 2.159345865249634, 2.1009864807128906, 1.4585206508636475, 2.006998300552368, 0.4996321201324463, 2.0824124813079834, 1.6419377326965332, 2.070056915283203, 1.2121250629425049, 2.032782554626465, 1.3142030239105225, 1.5816832780838013, 2.323540687561035, 2.2500617504119873, 2.095010280609131, 1.4642062187194824, 1.4449899196624756, 1.7049806118011475, 2.2610573768615723, 2.575888156890869, 2.032782554626465, 1.2139610052108765, 0.8840681314468384, 1.4292712211608887, 1.464400291442871, 1.6722652912139893, 1.5081162452697754, 1.0928140878677368, 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of multiple moving arcs", "How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Keeping values in textboxes permanently until changed by user in a sharepoint webpart", "Nexus 4 does not wake up from Sleep randomly", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "How to add additional photos to a status update", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Simple way to delete users account?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "How to bone lamb breast", "Simple way to delete users account?", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "linq sql where closest to number", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "Remove all files in directory except last 20", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "How to extend field in news letter in magento", "How to merge unversioned code into Git repository?", "Trying to recreate graphic from image as a vector", "Forwarding mail to different mail system in Postfix", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Is it possible to setup a web tab in Salesforce which will go to this KB without needing to login using username and password?", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "how to map users and group with sshfs", "Timer writes in log twice", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "One random post from multiple custom post types", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "strtotime calculates wrong when moving over to linux (webhost) from windows (localhost)", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Looping through posts per category gives same posts for each category", "Changing package names before building in Bamboo", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "Android Switch Widget: Setting android:track causes thumb and track to not show up", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "Connection resets while trying to read from Socket", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "How to extract path from object?", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "Google maps marker show only icon", "How to get the posts published in last two days using WP_Query?", "Too many compound paths in illustrator.. need to merge and delete from an object", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "How to pass alias through sudo", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Magento: Display custom product price in product listing, view page and also set same price after adding product to cart", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "Need help with a subsets problem", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "Modify function to display max windows height minus 20%", "How to find the files in magento directory", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Perform Insert operation when two tables are related by foreign key?", "Hanging boot and cannot boot to disk", "How can I disable a region at with the context module at all pages but the (home page)", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "tree view properties in web application", "Getting access denied on the destination drive partition. after using xcopy", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Can i customize add/edit page for list in sharepoint?", "Powerpoint vba to change text gradient?", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "How to stop SQL server restore from overwriting database?", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "How to convert particles to mesh", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "proguard exception while creating apk in ecllipse in android", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How to compare two different images, send the difference via tcp then merge the difference with image on client?", "where to put .sty and .cls file for project", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "How to bone lamb breast", "Remove digit mark from float and convert to integer", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "What is the fastest way to merge similar uv islands", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Have to set multiple displays on every start", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Best way to move live site local", "How to upload one file repository to Gist, preserving history?", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How to generate 4 unique digit each time form 1 to 12", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "How to keep the same style of a OSM map converted to SHP file", "Random Forest to estimate land use in past with Landsat", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "Internal URL or menu callback to use node/entity content without html/page wrapping", "Beamer handout: Problem when creating border around frames", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "How to specify stream/project in ClearCase snapshot view load rules?", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "Autohotkey: task to copy from browser and paste on text editor", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "How to remove color cast from HSV information", "uniquely rename each of many files using perl", "Adding existing user to existing group and providing permissions", "How to extract name/data from database and use it as my folder name which is created dynamically in asp.net c# using server.MapPath()?", "How to convert particles to mesh", "How to expire cache part using rake task in rails3?", ".htaccess remove index.php sort of works, but not the first time after browser cache is cleared", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Possible to remove p tags from a table cell in Wygwam", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "bash script to sort out duplicates in text file", "Powershell script to find permissions for a specific user", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Persistent session cookies: remember session even after closing the browser", "High ping on games while streaming", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "regex to match xml tags not containing other tags", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "How to drain power with pins for led matrix on atmega32 instead of using a led driver", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "How to fill a shape in photoshop and avoid white lines", "Output workflows associated to all lists in a web application", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "Get list of all files by mask in terminal", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "How to make login with userid or mobile number using php mysql", "Convert the_geom to text and then transform", "Duplicate resource type 3 name 1 when adding an application icon", "content to display by month in archive always shows current month rather then the month selected?", "how to calculate intersection time and place of multiple moving arcs", "How to change background/foreground color on \"all\" existing terminals", "Return value in bash script", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "How to edit error messages in devise", "How to find the files in magento directory", "How to echo/print attribute set name on frontend catalog page", "keybinding in xterm to shift one line up using shift+up", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "Howto bin series of float values into histogram in Python?", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "How to search map address in custom post type?", "Redhat: non-root user needs to copy files to a NFS share", "how to retrieve data from database correctly in java", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall", "How to restore function attributes to default", "Return value in bash script", "pre hung doors to fit into old frame", "Display only the latest post from multiple categories", "Resize a table imported from another TeX file", "How to make Drupal upload pasted links to .doc files from the internet", "Adding custom icon and marker data together using Mapbox", "Regex findall on a function definition. Want to match args but not function", "Windows 7 batch search for email addresses", "How to load a properties file in java without calling laod method separately", "Implement tomcat in java to deploy war", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "How to have remote standby PostgreSQL server in different location (AWS)?", "Moving data to shared group in already launched app", "Hyper-V virtual machine can't be migrated to a specific host in the cluster", "Preventing a specific CSS file from getting loaded in Yii", "What is the best way to modify entry data when submitting and updating entries", "Getting information from database and giving it to javascript", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Good/functional but can do better", "SQL server moved, now can't use as linked server", "Rename table in sqlite", "Log out user to change home dir and then re login - Linux", "Easiest way to create a binary variable", "How to transfer personal auto lease to business auto lease?", "Need help using vba to fill in blanks left by excel pivot table when using %difference from previous row", "Get latitude/longitude of friend's current_location using Graph FQL", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?", "How and when does SQL Agent update next_run_date/next_run_time values?", "How to find element count from child to parent with jquery?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "How to save viewstate in php (magento)", "How to create a local webapp userscript", "How to split a string between two character into sub groups in R", "optimal way to remove unwanted js and css files from page", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "Add product and coupon to cart together", "Using regular expressions to find img tags without an alt attribute", "Cant retrieve PHP arrays outside the assigning loop", "Permissions required to alter a database file", "how can I create data table component by Polymer", "Send email when publish new post in certain categories", "How to change font color in one column of attribute table in Composer reports?", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "How do I prevent unwanted routing errors in production", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Bash - use loop to make backup script more efficient", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "Trigger to create new event after insert/update creating dupes", "Do Cron_schedule table collects log cleaning status too?", "Background-attachment: fixed is not working in iPad", "How to compile and install programs from source", "Jquery dropdown with image doesn't show", "Redirecting users to referrer page after logging in using custom login form", "Spring security - Access to a controller method based on an attribute", "Writing results directly to file", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Best way to migrate text field to taxonomy reference field", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "Migrate to new server 2008 file server but keep old server name (under domain AD)", "Images give 404 after changing default domain", "Tooltip : Mapping list of Tooltip values to list of functions while plotting", "Change top's sorting back to CPU", "Angular service containing http get call not working with ng-repeat", "How are pixels actually shown on display", "iOS fetching from managed object context before saved", "two-way connection between SharePoint list and wiki page?", "How to move questions from stackoverflow to dba", "How to check image is loaded completely or not using JavaScript in Facebook", "Is it possible to use \"authorized_keys\" to ssh into Cisco ASA 5510", "How to create 2 or more than 2 button in Android", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "accessing .xls file and saving in folder for ubuntu", "Where to store uploaded images from perspective of security", "How to modify source port in mount application linux", "How to display zero value as blank cell in mac numbers 3.1", "How to prevent the \"Too awesome to use\" syndrome", "How to get a store email addres in php", "Safari 7 get stuck when loading webfont (woff) from cache", "Finding out how host names are resolved", "Good/functional but can do better", "How to implement Many to many relationship for USERS TABLE in ruby on rails without using any extra table?", "how to combine two objects using path finder in illustrator?", "Need a software backup solution with specific features", "Need help with a subsets problem", "Render displaying frame 1 of cloth simulation instead of baked result visible in the 3D view", "create a list (or any variable) dynamically, add data to each list and later compare them in C#", "Only showing the_date and the_excerpt for first entry in get_posts", "High ping on games while streaming", "Brakeman: model attribute used in file name warnings", "Displaying articles created by user in profile page using views", "AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal", "Java access to protected member in subclass in different package, using object reference of parent type", "UIView should catch tap event but pass on moving events", "cURL is unable to use client certificate , in local server", "How to export a single huge table from SQL Server?", "iTunes reject app for date of birth", "weird positioning problem while rotating image in Javascript", "Listview doesn't display data when I run on real device(API 8) but displays when i run on emulater(API 16)", "How to get angle bewteen two vectors in range -1 to 1 without using arc cosine?", "How can I bypass double quotes in a attribute based xss attack", "2 divs both 100% next to each other", "How to create properly tree-hierarchy", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "Can only access one of the router's web portal and the Internet", "Setting up a storage server to replace Dropbox", "How to remove a column from the Posts page", "How to restore a site from a backup done with Backup and Migrate module using Drush", "How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page", "How to retrieve datetime from database in Drupal?", "Loading and unloading \"chunks\" of tiles in a 2d tile engine with 2d camera", "Rails not rendering a partial on webpage", "How to export PNG to be compatible with all browsers", "Faceted search - Filters than can be applied to only one type of content", "android using async http connection to get image bitmap", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "Low pass filter to maintain edge information", "Mechanic says not to use top three/bottom two gears or the chain will throw", "Several attempts at cranking required to start car", "local AJAX-call to remote site works in Safari but not in other browsers", "Bash reserved words vs. built-in commands, and formatting the output of the time command", "How to retrieve files inside folder in document library using javascript", "how to get specific value from json file in java", "How to count the array from specific JSON object value?", "How to get a store email addres in php", "migrating a document library from sharepoint 2010 to sharepoint 2013 without using 3rd party tools", "find files in a folder", "how to convert xml to database table", "Drupal redirects to old url after moving to new server", "Rails undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class When trying to render simple_form in a view", "How to delete application data on install and reinstall" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 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in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "use of verb \"accord\"", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "\"How big of a problem\" vs. \"how big a problem\"", "What does \"flattens\" mean in this context?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Why is the result not 1?", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Is it possible to \"add cold\" or to \"add heat\" to systems?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "What caused \"silver eye\" instead of red eye, and what can I do about it?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Is \"learnable\" a valid English word?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Is this 'there' a deictic or does it mean 'at that point'?", "What is the feminine equivalent of \"guy\"?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "What is the difference between 'inclination' and its varieties; that is 'tendency - propensity - disposition - inclination - proclivity'?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Antonym of \"crepuscular\"?", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "Is \"Pick up those blocks\" grammatically incorrect?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "Is there any word for \"small hand written note/letter\" in English?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "How do you pronounce \"but\"?", "Is it right to say \"Viewpoints made easy\"?", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "Why is the result not 1?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "When using the acronym package and the smaller option, how to avoid the tiny 's' in the plural acronym?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "What's the meaning of \"guest spot\" in \"We have a guest spot on the Tonight Show\"?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "\"Hundreds of applicants\" vs \"hundreds of resumes\"", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "Why is the result not 1?", "What is the proper substitute for \"Batmanning\"?", "How to use \"sous vide\" in a sentence", "\"going to\" vs \"will\"", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "What is the use of \"~\" mark in the Perl regular expression?", "\"All right, Johhny, it's time you ..........to bed.\"", "both \"will\" \"would\" in one sentence", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "Should it be an \"unlike\" or \"dislike\" button on Facebook?", "Why isn't my if/elseif/else working correctly here?", "Can an untapped creature \"become untapped?\"", "what does to oneself mean in some sentence?", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "How do you say x in x language? What's the English/Spanish word for x?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "How should a Christian respond to \"Does this dress me look fat?\"?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What is a layman's alternative to the IT word \"datetime\"?", "Is there an \"Appending \\let\"?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Superlatives with \"the\"", "What is the exact word used for this unusual \"interval\" of sorts?", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "What does 'liberal to' mean here?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Word for the opposite of \"hypochondriasis\"", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "Word to describe \"a person who is only wishful to help others and cares little about themself\"?", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "What does \"deal\" and \"take \" person mean?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Word-order and meaning - which is correct for this notice?", "\"Become acquainted\", \"be connected\" with the connotation of \"take the initiative\"", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "Is \"ages\" used only in British English?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "What does \"pie\" mean in the following sentence?", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "\"discuss certain matter\" is there any mistake in this sentence?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Past perfect sentence in \"I would have killed the snake if I had hit him...\"", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Is \"my going\" correct, or should I use something else?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Best practice for getting \"If not foo\" conditionals", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "What role is a \"Heavy\" supposed to fill?", "Does following \"musical forms\" suppress \"creativity\"?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "\"Find ten apples and oranges\" Do I find 10 or 20?", "What's the correct pronunciation of \"epitome\": \"Epi-tome\" or \"Epi-tuh-mi\"?", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "Can someone explain the phrase \"All is fair in love and war\"?", "How can I remove an element whose ID starts with \"A\" and ends with \"Z\"?", "when to use \"of\" and when not?", "What conditions may cause \"The content on this page has either been modified by another user...\"?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "Meaning of 'on' in \"We feasted that evening as 'on' nectar and ambrosia\"", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "use of verb \"accord\"", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "What is the difference between \"Mongolian Grill\" and \"Hibachi\"?", "What does 'being' mean at the first of a sentence?", "Is \"either you or [third-person]\" followed by a singular verb or a plural verb?", "I am not sure whether to put a comma after \"so\", which is at the beginning of a sentence", "Can the term \"jack/jerk off\" be used for female masturbation?", "Which definition is more used for \"determine\"?", "Set your journey to the wellness.. \"set\" used as \"begin\" , goes right here?", "Meaning and best case usage of 'Out of the blue'", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Is there a single word that means \"self flagellation\" or \"self punishment\"?", "Christian description of \"self-love\" (from Matthew 22)", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "Sorting the output of \"find\"?", "\"Take offense\" usage", "Should I say \"another ones\" or \"another one's\"", "What is the difference between \"section\" and \"part\"?", "\"I wanted you to know that ...\" is it mean or offensive", "What's the name of the characteristic of being \"open hearted\"?", "Is there a word for \"rule by criminals\"?", "'Trying to help someone, but the other party doesn't appreciate it'", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "\"Files\" can't be resized", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "What does the inspector mean by \"Hot and Neutral are not separated\"?", "Difference in \"capable\" and \"able\"", "Which words may start with \"al-\"?", "One word adjective which means \"that can't be given up\"", "Is it a sin to do \"works\" for the sake of \"rewards\" in heaven?", "What might cause \"junk after document element\" error?", "Is there a difference between \"brainstorming\" and \"mindstorming\"?", "Is potential energy and \"work done\" the same thing?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Usage of \"might\" and \"would\" to indicate doubt", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "What does \"You tell him!\" mean?", "When 'business' means a 'company', how do I use the word?", "Is the following usage of \"matter-of-factly\" correct?", "Are there /ɔ/ and /ʌ/ sounds in informal American English?", "Does adding a comma before \"or\" change the meaning of a phrase?", "When enumerating motivations, is it correct to write firstly, secondly, ..., or first, second, ...?", "Using \"it's\" vs. using \"it is\" at the end of a sentence", "\"wouldn't\" vs. \"won't\" & \"couldn't\" vs \"can't\"", "Do Americans pronounce \"Ellen\" and \"Alan\" in the same way?", "What's wrong with using \"Adoshem\" for the name of G-d when singing?", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "How to remove \"Have no fear, help is near!\" from 404 error page?", "Variations in the pronunciation of \"the\"", "Does \"so far, so good\" carry a negative connotation?", "what does \"predict\", \"milestone\" and \"tie into\" mean here?", "What is an adjective for \"requires a lot of work\"?", "where is the missing , before statement?", "How do I know I'm running within \"go test\"", "What is a \"strictly positive distribution\"?", "\"Obama is in town this weekend\" or \"Obama will be in town this weekend\"", "Proper word for \"understood\"", "What exactly is 'anti-aliased image generation'?", "Which part of the sentence can decide the meaning of \"for\"?", "What is meant by the expression \"living in darkness\"?", "What to call \"Cancel\" when \"Cancel\" is already the default action?", "What is a *slightly* less extreme equivalent to being \"fluent\" in a language?", "Do Jews view Scripture as the \"word of God\"?", "What is the difference, if any, between 'art', 'the arts', and 'Art'?", "Is there words that mean \"meet the criteria\"?", "What does \"to become controversial\" mean?", "C# & VS error: \"make sure that the maximum index on a list is less than the list size\"", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?", "Polite alternatives to \"as soon as possible\"", "\"you will\" vs \"will you\"", "Should an adverb go before or after a verb?", "\"Hirable\" or \"hireable\"", "\" not all code paths return a value\" when return enum type", "Which is the older sense of the word \"linguist\"?", "What's the difference in meaning between \"emigrate\" and \"immigrate\"?" ], "type": "scatter", "x": [ 2.0844411849975586, 3.148697853088379, 2.400974988937378, 2.2857892513275146, 3.148697853088379, 2.2169246673583984, 1.817446231842041, 1.1751744747161865, 1.422774076461792, 2.2516396045684814, 1.3732953071594238, 2.3303027153015137, 0.7740722894668579, 2.927361488342285, 3.3383255004882812, 2.3594655990600586, 1.8262572288513184, 1.1581382751464844, 1.5150506496429443, 1.261780023574829, 0.1690046787261963, 1.6031675338745117, 2.2885303497314453, 0.9107060432434082, 1.2098252773284912, 2.2296552658081055, 1.8691240549087524, 2.294419288635254, 1.6281673908233643, 0.5585963726043701, 2.2682175636291504, 1.5084426403045654, 1.992304801940918, 2.369288921356201, 2.2169246673583984, 1.3363865613937378, 2.2169246673583984, 1.1581382751464844, 2.2169246673583984, 2.2298977375030518, 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In addition - we allow users to compare multiple vectors at the same time easily!" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "documents = vi_client.random_documents(collection_name, 30)['documents']" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Using With Single Vector" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 69, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "name": "question_vector_", "orientation": "h", "type": "bar", "x": [ 0.6938691369437981, 0.712230453510121, 0.7170477947581689, 0.7484762147002305, 0.7586918484846019, 0.7709117492518014, 0.7748178292306391, 0.7910651604214004, 0.7951652539636912, 0.7955191413920032, 0.7959471041429305, 0.7998393780205075, 0.806897820009659, 0.809509839870059, 0.8136720972035922, 0.8139103784142762, 0.8153082229309127, 0.8160983733249637, 0.8237726690877931, 0.8290769553450886, 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lube enough for chain maintenance?", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "up sample and down sample", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" ] } ], "layout": { "barmode": "group", "template": { "data": { "bar": [ { "error_x": { "color": "#2a3f5f" }, "error_y": { "color": "#2a3f5f" }, "marker": { "line": { "color": "#E5ECF6", "width": 0.5 } }, "type": "bar" } ], "barpolar": [ { "marker": { "line": { "color": "#E5ECF6", "width": 0.5 } }, "type": "barpolar" } ], "carpet": [ { "aaxis": { "endlinecolor": "#2a3f5f", "gridcolor": "white", 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\n", " \n", " \n", "
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We believe these are important when comparing vectors and we have placed a lot of effort to ensure that they are as eligible as possible so that you can compare as much as possible." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 165, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "name": "question_vector_", "orientation": "v", "text": [ "Java read pptx file", "Graphicsrow title", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" ], "type": "bar", "x": [ "Java read 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"How can I create a recurring task in Google Tasks?", "Does Thailand have islands like those in \"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason\"?", "Can the word \"facet\" be used in a sentence like this one?", "Can the Mage Wars Warlock be played without any Demon cards?", "How to add a website to Safari Top Sites manually?", "Bug in my C code to reverse words in a string", "How do you grapple in Dead Rising 3?", "Verify $_POST script will work correctly", "Does Improved Familiar feat apply to Urban Companions?", "Create an \"All Posts\" or \"Archives\" Page with WordPress 3.0?", "Is it usual for finished PhD students to send out physical copies of their thesis to unknown persons?", "Can I restrict a vhost to only a local IP?", "Driving electric cars through large pools of water", "Was Toad's slime attack meant to do more than kill Jean Grey in X1?", "Dropbox Webhooks API", "Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?", "relation between eigenvectors of $A$ and $A^TA$?", 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" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "documents = vi_client.random_documents(collection_name, 30)['documents']\n", "fig = vi_client.plot_2d_cosine_similarity(documents=documents, anchor_documents=documents[:2],\n", " vector_fields=['question_vector_'], label='question_title', text_label_font_size=12)\n", "fig.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Radar Plots\n", "\n", "Radar plots allow you to compare better across different vector spaces and categories. This can be useful when comparing embeddings across in multi-label scenarios. 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" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "docs = vi_client.create_sample_documents(3)\n", "vi_client.plot_radar_across_documents(docs, anchor_documents=docs[0:2],\n", " vector_field='color_vector_', label_field='country')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "We can often use these plots to compare similarities. You can use the function below to compare vectors easier with radar plots. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 25, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import plotly.graph_objects as go" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "\n", "isinstance(fig, )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "fig = vi_client.plot_radar_across_vector_fields(docs, anchor_document=docs[0], \n", " vector_fields=['color_vector_', 'color_2_vector_'], label_field='country')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Editing Plots\n", "\n", "One of the key design principles about Vi is the ability of the user to be able to edit the plots as required and to have high customisability. That is why they will always be returned as objects rather than simple plots!\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 119, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Bar({\n", " 'marker': {'color': 'purple'},\n", " 'name': 'question_vector_',\n", " 'orientation': 'h',\n", " 'x': [0.6938691369437981, 0.712230453510121, 0.7170477947581689,\n", " 0.7484762147002305, 0.7586918484846019, 0.7709117492518014,\n", " 0.7748178292306391, 0.7910651604214004, 0.7951652539636912,\n", " 0.7955191413920032, 0.7959471041429305, 0.7998393780205075,\n", " 0.806897820009659, 0.809509839870059, 0.8136720972035922,\n", " 0.8139103784142762, 0.8153082229309127, 0.8160983733249637,\n", " 0.8237726690877931, 0.8290769553450886, 0.8316916003613232,\n", " 0.8321987203719963, 0.8353326492919724, 0.8425234676807904,\n", " 0.8444238944578158, 0.8480631595000561, 0.8584559421842285,\n", " 0.8608480966542127, 0.8709205216599254, 1.0],\n", " 'y': [AdvRef pin setup, Java read pptx file, Framing section headings,\n", " Graphicsrow title, Overbrace height adjustment, Engine Code P1312 on 2001\n", " Saab 9-3, Culinary uses for juniper extract?, Google maps marker show\n", " only icon, What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?,\n", " Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?, I am or was a\n", " religious jew and purposely ate non kosher, How long does PhD Application\n", " Process take in the UK?, What is my lcd density?, Arrow tip for curved\n", " arrow in xymatrix, How to stop shell script if curl failed, How to find\n", " inter-country buses in Europe?, How do I fill a textbox with text if it\n", " is empty?, What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?,\n", " What's wrong with my launchctl config?, Is a self cleaning lube enough\n", " for chain maintenance?, What feats should a human rogue take to be\n", " stealthy?, Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix,\n", " up sample and down sample, User @include url Precedence over Script\n", " @include url, c# parsing json: error reading json object, Looking up for\n", " an item in a list and different table styles in iOS, How to allow line\n", " breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?, How was the sword of Gryffindor\n", " pulled from the hat a second time?, IRS2003 half bridge driver, Without a\n", " map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?]\n", "})" ] }, "execution_count": 119, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "fig.data[0].update({'marker': {'color': 'purple'}})" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 120, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "marker": { "color": "purple" }, "name": "question_vector_", "orientation": "h", "type": "bar", "x": [ 0.6938691369437981, 0.712230453510121, 0.7170477947581689, 0.7484762147002305, 0.7586918484846019, 0.7709117492518014, 0.7748178292306391, 0.7910651604214004, 0.7951652539636912, 0.7955191413920032, 0.7959471041429305, 0.7998393780205075, 0.806897820009659, 0.809509839870059, 0.8136720972035922, 0.8139103784142762, 0.8153082229309127, 0.8160983733249637, 0.8237726690877931, 0.8290769553450886, 0.8316916003613232, 0.8321987203719963, 0.8353326492919724, 0.8425234676807904, 0.8444238944578158, 0.8480631595000561, 0.8584559421842285, 0.8608480966542127, 0.8709205216599254, 1 ], "y": [ "AdvRef pin setup", "Java read pptx file", "Framing section headings", "Graphicsrow title", "Overbrace height adjustment", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Google maps marker show only icon", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "What is my lcd density?", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "up sample and down sample", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" ] }, { "name": "question_vector_2", "orientation": "h", "type": "bar", "x": [ -0.013236190465428566, -0.005353469723937909, 0.010871740298599719, 0.0519887402323973, 0.06700388691409764, 0.07389266753412016, 0.0792649962155565, 0.08253031782457887, 0.08751784113131644, 0.10383303330584592, 0.11853208025399076, 0.12359849085846042, 0.12782948876916733, 0.1292060575458669, 0.13338797778797407, 0.13915574315222579, 0.14386937324871196, 0.16249144651860759, 0.16526876127755086, 0.17723131601528685, 0.1812000185365541, 0.19598799462676308, 0.1985249661053794, 0.2022844030015788, 0.20509420867162342, 0.20587221556615576, 0.2234913985689524, 0.2315552825672741, 0.4023304902754352, 1 ], "y": [ "c# parsing json: error reading json object", "Engine Code P1312 on 2001 Saab 9-3", "How to stop shell script if curl failed", "How do I fill a textbox with text if it is empty?", "Java read pptx file", "How long does PhD Application Process take in the UK?", "Can I disable the default calendar app notifications?", "I am or was a religious jew and purposely ate non kosher", "User @include url Precedence over Script @include url", "Culinary uses for juniper extract?", "Display relative date just for today, with \"today\" as prefix", "What are the symmetries of a principal homogeneous bundle?", "Overbrace height adjustment", "How was the sword of Gryffindor pulled from the hat a second time?", "What does biting off the Pitum have to do with Pregnancy?", "Is a self cleaning lube enough for chain maintenance?", "Arrow tip for curved arrow in xymatrix", "What's wrong with my launchctl config?", "up sample and down sample", "IRS2003 half bridge driver", "Framing section headings", "AdvRef pin setup", "How to allow line breaks after forward slashes in ConTeXt?", "Google maps marker show only icon", "Graphicsrow title", "How to find inter-country buses in Europe?", "Looking up for an item in a list and different table styles in iOS", "What is my lcd density?", "What feats should a human rogue take to be stealthy?", "Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" ] } ], "layout": { 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"white" }, "zaxis": { "backgroundcolor": "#E5ECF6", "gridcolor": "white", "gridwidth": 2, "linecolor": "white", "showbackground": true, "ticks": "", "zerolinecolor": "white" } }, "shapedefaults": { "line": { "color": "#2a3f5f" } }, "ternary": { "aaxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" }, "baxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" }, "bgcolor": "#E5ECF6", "caxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" } }, "title": { "x": 0.05 }, "xaxis": { "automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": { "standoff": 15 }, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2 }, "yaxis": { "automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": { "standoff": 15 }, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2 } } }, "title": { "text": "Comparing with Without a map or miniatures, how to best determine line-of-sight, etc?" } } }, "text/html": [ "
\n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", " \n", "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "fig.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Comparing Tables\n", "\n", "When comparing vector search results, it may sometimes be difficult to compare the search results. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# !pip install datasets" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 51, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from datasets import list_datasets, load_dataset, list_metrics, load_metric\n", "\n", "# Load a dataset and print the first examples in the training set\n", "squad_dataset = load_dataset('squad', )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# !pip install vectorhub\n", "# !pip install vectorhub[encoders-text-tfhub-windows]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from vectorhub.auto_encoder import *\n", "bert_enc = AutoEncoder.from_model('text/bert')\n", "albert_enc = AutoEncoder.from_model('text/albert')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 21, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Rename / set name to the object\n", "vi_client.set_name(bert_enc, 'bert')\n", "vi_client.set_name(albert_enc, 'albert')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "docs = []\n", "for d in range(100):\n", " doc = squad_dataset['train'][d]\n", " doc.update({'_id': d})\n", " docs.append(doc)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 26, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "9621cc509453419f8661dd0ff9c80420", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=6.0), HTML(value='')))" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'inserted_successfully': 100, 'failed': 0, 'failed_document_ids': []}" ] }, "execution_count": 26, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "collection_name = 'nlp_quickstart_2'\n", "vi_client.insert_documents(collection_name, docs, \n", " models={'question': [bert_enc, albert_enc]})" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 49, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 300)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 50, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Using a random document for now. Please specify a document.\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st...This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st...
1Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend \"Venite Ad Me Omnes\". Next to the Main Building...This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st...
2Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend \"Venite Ad Me Omnes\". Next to the Main Building...As of 2012[update] research continued in many fields. The university president, John Jenkins, described his hope that Notre Dame would become \"one of the pre–eminent research institutions in the world\" in his inaugural address. The university has many multi-disciplinary institutes devoted to res...
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " question_bert_vector_ \\\n", "0 This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st... \n", "1 Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend \"Venite Ad Me Omnes\". Next to the Main Building... \n", "2 Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend \"Venite Ad Me Omnes\". Next to the Main Building... \n", "\n", " question_albert_vector_ \n", "0 This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st... \n", "1 This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the st... \n", "2 As of 2012[update] research continued in many fields. The university president, John Jenkins, described his hope that Notre Dame would become \"one of the pre–eminent research institutions in the world\" in his inaugural address. The university has many multi-disciplinary institutes devoted to res... " ] }, "execution_count": 50, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "vi_client.compare_vector_search_results(\n", " collection_name,\n", " vector_fields=['question_bert_vector_', 'question_albert_vector_'],\n", " label='context',\n", " num_rows=3\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "References\n", "\n", " @inproceedings{\n", " author = {Piero Molino, Yang Wang, Jiwei Zhang},\n", " booktitle = {ACL},\n", " title = {Parallax: Visualizing and Understanding the Semantics of Embedding Spaces via Algebraic Formulae},\n", " year = {2019},\n", " }" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.5" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }